"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

12 March 2008

12 March - click here: BBS Radio - link

wcbstv.com - THE END IS NEAR
cbs4.com - Proposed Law Looks to Wipe Out Problem
'Sniff squad' to rate landfill odors - Yahoo! News
Parents may be jailed over vaccinations - Yahoo! News
Austin American-Statesman | Window on Washington
David Mamet: Why I Am No Longer a 'Brain-Dead Liberal' by David Mamet
Man Pummeled With Baseball Bat Over $1 Bill In Random Attack - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Merkel's speech stirs passions in Israel - Yahoo! News
Kevorkian plans congressional run - Yahoo! News
Well ash just ridiculous, buddy
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Flu fears over Hong Kong deaths
My Way News - Obama Wins Mississippi Democratic Race
Re-vote picture clouds - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Caucus win gives Obama more Texas delegates than Clinton « - Blogs from CNN.com
Clinton's Pennsylvania Plan - WSJ.com
$390K House To Be Raffled Thursday - Baltimore News Story - WBAL Baltimore
Hillary's race against time
Tight US immigration forces outsourcing: Bill Gates
Woman Tries to Bring Skeleton on Plane
Google could be superseded, says web inventor - Times Online
Spitzer Aides Say Governor Will Resign This Morning - New York Times
Spitzer Got Tripped Up Laws He Enforced
My Way News - Prostitution Advances in a Wired World
My Way News - Obama Says Ferraro Dividing Democrats
Why the US has really gone broke
Tiny Brain-Like Computer Created
Central Command Chief Resigns
Derivatives Have Become the World’s Biggest Black Market
VIDEO: Press Secretary Ordered Not To Discuss Dollar
VIDEO: Ex-DEA Head Admits CIA Imported Cocaine
Gulf War syndrome firmly linked to chemical exposure
DHS: Five Years Too Many
Southern Poverty Law Center Once Again Using Smearing Tactics to Stifle Debate Based on Facts
Building NAFTA's CANAMEX Supercorridor
“Merchant of Death,” Viktor Bout Arrested
Virtual Fence at Arizona Border Doesn’t Work
The Raw Story | Lawyer questions whether Spitzer was set up, noting political prosecutions
Judge says Cheney might have to testify : Updates : The Rocky Mountain News
Dissenting Views Made Fallon's Fall Inevitable - by Gareth Porter
ABC News: Top U.S. Commander in Middle East Resigns
GAO Comptroller: ‘Significant’ Amount Of U.S. Funds For Iraq Funneled To Sunni And Shiite Militias
An admiral takes on the White House
Dow's best day in 5-1/2 years
6 Signs the U.S. May Be Headed for War in Iran - News Desk (usnews.com)
UK top cop who led CIA probe found dead
Fed Action Helps Fannie & Freddie
9/11 Questioned In European Parliament
Rare Night Shuttle Launch On 03/11/08
No Drug Standards In Bottled Water
Corn Biofuels To Expand Gulf Dead Zone
Man Jailed For Posessing Al-Qaeda Manual
Anti-Real ID Rebellion Spreads To California
Anonymous Internet Posting To Be Illegal?
Ex-DEA Head Admits CIA Imports Cocaine
No Link Between Saddam and Al-Qaeda
Video: Ron Paul On CNN 03/10/08
Transportation experts warn of warming - Climate Change- msnbc.com
globeandmail.com: Sprott sees gold doubling
Time on Her Side: Obama Maintains Lead, but Clinton Might Have the Edge
A Fight to the Death between Two Democrats - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Spitzer's Media Enablers - WSJ.com
Black Scholes Pricing Model - National Business News - Portfolio.com
Admiral William Fox Fallon - US Central Command - Fallon's Military Strategies - Esquire
Obama's Constitution
Wife Lessons
David Mamet: Why I Am No Longer a 'Brain-Dead Liberal' by David Mamet
Disgraced in New York - The Boston Globe
The Pentagon vs. Petraeus - WSJ.com
Protection for home schooling | csmonitor.com
Obama defeats Clinton in Mississippi primary | clarionledger.com | The Clarion-Ledger
Democrats' Quest For Mail-In Revote Hits Major Hurdle
Pennsylvania isn't a lock for HRC — yet - David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Air Force Tanker Deal
Overworking the Primary Data
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Is Obama Or Clinton The Better General Election Candidate?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Left's War on Military Recruiters
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Triumph of OPEC
Spitzer's Resignation Statement
Maggie Williams' Letter to David Plouffe
Obama on CNN After Winning Mississippi
Panel Discusses Adm. Fallon's Retirement
Mitt Romney's First Post-Campaign Interview
President Bush at the NRB Convention
Obama on "Good Morning America"
Huckabee on "The O'Reilly Factor"
Obama Interviews after Winning Mississippi
Geraldine Ferraro on FOX News
Upside-Down Mortgages and Sinking Home Prices by Gary North
Iraq Is Not Vietnam by Jim Cox
School’s Open – Hide All the Children! by Bill Huff
No Patience for Democracy by Mike Zigler
Dollars and Sense by William S. Lind
The State Versus the Living Dharma by Jeff Knaebel
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics by George Giles
What the Romans did for the housing market - Times Online
Homeschooling Today : Sowing Liberty by Ron Paul
The 100 most beautiful cars of all time: Beauties and beasts - Telegraph
How the fortune cookie crumbles | Salon Life
Tehran police chief caught with 6 prostitutes - Israel News, Ynetnews
FOXNews.com - CDC: At Least 1 in 4 Teenage Girls Has Sexually Transmitted Disease - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News
FOXNews.com - New York Governor Eliot Spitzer Resigns Effective Monday Amid Links to Prostitution Ring - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
Spitzer Linked To Hooker Probe - March 10, 2008
FBI Watched Spitzer Before February Incident - washingtonpost.com
Air Force changed tanker contract to aid rival, Boeing says
California Regents Sue Animal Activists - washingtonpost.com
In developer's trial, e-mail note cites an Obama role - International Herald Tribune
Pet food scare in USA had a precursor - USATODAY.com
Accused of sexual harassment for recommending 'Marketing of Evil' as required university reading
Lawsuit alleges he also led police raid on worship band
Lt. Gov. David Paterson to take over office Monday
Among powerbrokers that regularly paid for high-priced service
Possible charges against governor have not been decided
'Who is running the state, for the love of God?'
Messages left on Democrat's answering machine
Legal team warns of possible fines, parenting classes, loss of custody
Search for 'Yiddish,' get suggestion of gas used in death camps
Convert serving balance of grandmother's term
Bioethicist: 'People do not have a right to endanger their kids'
More than 3 million according to 1st study in age group
1st female VP candidate said senator winning because he's black male
Accuses historic VP candidate of 'slice and dice politics'
Takes roughly 90 percent of black vote, but only about 1/3 of white vote
Brings attention to Dem's involvement in discussions on health plan
Says proposals to use pressure tactics could undermine trade relationships
Case of brother, sister who have 4 children together
Group 'descended from Joseph' struggled to 'return home'
'German was the last language my [grandparents] heard before they were murdered'
Top Boeing officials challenge deal with European competitor
'We thought the amount of force used was outrageous'
Anheuser-Busch joins rival Guiness in push for recognition of March 17
Judge sides with CAIR against Michael Savage
Actress Dawn Wells arrested for marijuana inside her car
Paper claims: Illegal aliens slip as hot voter issue
Fellow Democrat says he didn't want 'unnecessary floor fight'
Senator wannabe: 'I will be honest, it was pre-loosened'
'It puts a huge amount of stress, particularly on disadvantaged children'
'I think they're going to be in big trouble with the state'
Officials blame it on employee error, but critics say it happened at other facilities
'We believe that voters in California want clean, straightforward protection'
Mission to help her little sister live more normal life
'I was yelling for somebody to help, and fortunately he was right there'
Owner: 'If anything turns people off, they shouldn't come in here'
'Cici is a conversation piece ... So we tell them about breast-cancer awareness'
Yes, they're back, but number, danger of parasites often overstated
Locals live in fear after several sightings
5 others already allow capital punishent of such sex offenders
Suspect snagged after assault on police cruiser taped
'More people are changing in a liberal direction than in a conservative direction'
'What's next? A stand selling sunscreen? Then hats and then condoms?'
Activists say carmaker meets conditions as sales plunged 8% per month since '05
'An amazing opportunity to rid myself of jewelry that no longer suits my taste'
'I have never had any doubt about his lack of character and integrity'
'Our mission is to raise wisdom in a generation that lacks wisdom'
Investors cheered by central banks' efforts to ease credit crunch
'This will not turn the economy around or fix all the problems'
'Housing correction continues to pose the biggest downside risk'
Dave Ramsey: Don't buy a toy – pay off debt or invest the money
Relief unlikely because of brisk demand in emerging markets
'If they ever go up to $3.50, that would be the point where I'd feel angry'
Appliance may have faulty heating element that poses fire hazard
'There's been no innovation to separate the junk letters from the real ones'
Largely explained by increased oil costs
Despite objections from rivals, privacy advocates
Concern long-haul scheduled flights between Europe, Japan
Nickelodeon's Universe is just beginning
Ben Shapiro: When did hiring a hooker become 'nothing' in eye of the public?
Walter E. Williams: Corn-based fuel is boondoggle shafting American consumers
Exclusive: Joseph Farah spotlights Ferraro truthfulness about Obama candidacy
Exclusive: William J Murray was less than thrilled with senator's recent CNP speech
Exclusive: Jill Stanek hails lawmakers who have stymied 'pro-deathers' in party
Sandy Froman and Ken Blackwell explain significance of high court's Heller case
Nat Hentoff: Nazis were afforded critical element 'combatants' are not – due process
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky apologizes to lawyers for past disdain ... sort of
Exclusive: Joel Hesch tells of church-based hospital bilking taxpayers out of millions
Exclusive: Maralyn Lois Polak expresses angst over pill-pushing doctors, fading bodies
Joel Bleifuss wishes conservative charge that Barack's a socialist were true
David Jacobs argues against move by ethnic Albanians
Mike Lester shows who is harmed by hooker habit
Pat Buchanan hits McCain for pushing 'free trade' at expense of American jobs
Thomas Sowell combats lefties pushing 'alternatives to incarceration'
SITE:Global Incident Map Displaying Terrorist Acts, Suspicious Activity, and General Terrorism News
Campaign Warns Of "Economic Disaster" If Climate Policies Are Followed
Dollar Declines on Speculation Fed Rescue Package Won't Succeed
Is Salvia The Next Marijuana?
Possible Break in UNC Student Slaying
Obama increases lead in delegate count
White House Denies Friction With Fallon
Mich. mayor lashes out during annual address
50 Inmates Injured in Riot at Federal Detention Center
Assisted suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian plans to run for Congress ...
Worker dies after fall at Great America
EXCLUSIVE: Mitt Romney Sits Down With Sean
Home schooling takes a hit in Calif. - USATODAY.com
Illegal Immigrant Left in Cell 4 Days
Iowa Town Offers Bounty on Stray Cats
The Associated Press: Ashcroft: No Conflict on Monitoring Deal
Bush says Iraq invasion ‘will forever be the right decision’
DC Anti-Union Group Offers 'Worst' Teachers $10G to Quit
Critics Hope to Teach Unions a Lesson
Woman Charged With Stealing $17G of VFW Bingo Money
China rejects US attack on human rights
China Attacks US Rights Criticisms
Ruling in Philly Deal Favors HUD Chief
How Children of Scandal Cope
Study contradicts image of sleep-starved America
Hamas Leader Sets Terms for Ceasefire With Israel
Hamas lays out truce conditions
Tibetan exiles vow to march on Chinese border
Al Qaeda probed over Lahore blasts
Mother appeals to prime minister
Upper House Rejects BOJ Chief Nomination
Ex-Thai Premier Enters Not Guilty Plea on Corruption Charges
Surgeon held on Australia deaths
Organization of Islamic Conference to Address Darfur
Afghan bomber targets Nato
Mugabe Approves Pay Hike to Zimbabwe's Civil Servants Ahead of ...
Medhi Kazemi, 19, Fears He Will Be Hanged If He Is Sent Back Home
Serbia must keep on Djindjic's path- France, Sweden
British Defense Secretary in Iraq on Unannounced Trip
Mugabe boosts workers' pay
East Timor President Makes First Remarks Since Assassination Attempt
Croatian general brought peace, defence says
Brown mulls UK oath of allegiance plan
Mixed Reaction to Idea of British Pledge
Continental could be charged in SST crash
Putin: Off With Bribe-Takers' Hands
Taiwan's opposition party to boycott controversial referendum
The primary vs. general election fallacy
Ferraro says comment wasn't racist
Obama Says Ferraro Dividing Democrats
Obama's Mississippi Win Blunts Clinton's Recent Gains (Update3)
Commentary: Florida, Michigan don't deserve revote
Pa. and Beyond: Democrats Do the Math
Clinton: Discarding the IA playbook
Second Muslim elected to Congress
Spitzer, Hamilton, Kennedy Share World's Oldest Yen (Update1)
Spitzer fallout
Candidates debate Iraq five years after invasion
2008 Senate Races: Who Has Coattails?
Obama Coasts to Victory in Miss. Primary
McCain Scolds Obama, Clinton Over NAFTA
Small crowds suit McCain, for now
Clinton wins most of Coast
Obama's Luck
Hillary Clinton hits Barack Obama over energy policy
Political Perceptions: Obama’s Mississippi Win Examined
recovery a priority in Mississippi
State's undecided superdelegates bide time
Obama Campaigning in Bucks County
A battle for the Democratic endorsement in Philly
Clinton stresses experience in visit to Harrisburg
What Are Obama's "Unknown" Unknowns?, The New Republic: A Question Only The Ludicrous Democratic Nomination Process Could Force Us To Ponder - CBS News
Obama's dilemma: whether, and how, to strike back