"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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03 February 2008

Sunday -3 Feb.

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Senate Action on Stimulus Plan Will Not Delay Tax Rebates
Earl Butz, Ex-US Agriculture Secretary, Dies at 98 (Update2)
Texas Baby Murder Suspect Arrested in Pennsylvania
Md. Boy, 15, Charged With Killing Family
Train stuck in snowy Sierra back en route; passengers rankled
Facing off over Marine Corps 3 war opponents chain selves to door ...
Figures suggest new increase in US Army suicides
Rice, Polish Counterpart, Report Progress on Missile Defense
Rights Report: Democracies Not Holding Authoritarian Offenders ...
Man says exorcism led to wife's death
Hollywood studios, writers reach breakthrough
Chad Rebels Say They Seized Eastern Town
Sri Lanka Suicide Bombing Kills 10
Kenya opposition urges peacekeepers
Earthquakes Kill At Least 28 in Rwanda, DRC
ANALYSIS-US strike on Qaeda leader seen as limited success
Three Pakistani Policemen Killed in Raid on Militant Hideaway
Turnout High in Serbia's Presidential Election
Israel concerned about security after Gaza border breach
Iraqis Bury Dozens of Bombings Victims
Space ships and castles clog Rio as Carnival rolls
The beat on the street is samba in Brazil's Carnival
Israeli Defense Minister Withdraws Threat to Topple Government
Report: NATO adds pressure on Germany to deploy troops in Afghanistan
Insecticide Found on Chinese Dumplings
Salvage bid as ferry lands on beach
Campaigning starts in Russian presidential election
'Coup plotter' Mann extradited from Zimbabwe, says lawyer
Obama raises a record $32 million for January
Clinton, Obama in close Super Tuesday races
Romney Leading McCain in Maine Republican Presidential Caucus
Bill Clinton's Legacy
Clinton, Obama Try Unconventional on Stops in the West and Midwest
Obama Endorsed by Anti-War Group
McCain and Romney battle for conservatives
Romney: Election Is About “Heart And Soul” Of GOP
Clinton, Obama in dead heat ahead of big vote | Reuters
Democrats Flood States With Ads as Tuesday Nears - New York Times
McCain: "I Assume That I Will Get the Nomination" - From The Road
Romney Wins Maine Caucuses
Israelis told to prepare 'rocket rooms' for war
Poland Says It Has Agreed to US Shield
Virginia Beach police seize photos from Abercrombie store | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com
Beach police seize Abercrombie & Fitch ads | TOP STORIES | WVEC.com | News for Hampton Roads, Virginia
rogress Toward Ending Writers’ Strike - New York Times
Yahoo says it needs time to mull Microsoft offer | Reuters
US state weighing gun lessons for schoolchildren
Obama Is Racing Against the Clock
y Way News - Obama Says He'd Be Better Against McCain
Our recomendations
Immigration Battle Divides Ariz. GOP
Evening News 24 - Talking CCTV cameras tell off yobs
wcbstv.com - Sen. John Kerry's Sister Mugged In NYC
Internet gene tests provoke alarm | Science | The Observer
My Way News - Super Tuesday Results Could Take a While
My Way News - Candidates Making Super Tuesday Push
Flawed Cindy McCain has a grudge list - Times Online
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - McCain: Super Tuesday may end the GOP race « - Blogs from CNN.com
Breitbart.tv » Boxer Kills Pedophile After Finding Him Sexually Assaulting 8-Year-Old Son
Butz, Former Agriculture Secretary, Dies
FOXNews.com - World Bank Using U.S. Funds To Boost Iranian Industry, Gas Sectors - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
Bush's billionaire friend sold £100m of shares just days before scandal broke | the Daily Mail
Art Raises Specter of Family's Nazi Past
Will Media Expose Global Warming Con Job?
BERKELEY / Facing off over Marine Corps / 3 war opponents chain selves to door of recruiting station, and right-wing blogosphere goes ballistic
Al-Qaeda affiliate claims responsibility for Mauritania attack on Israeli em... - Israel News, Ynetnews
riters' strike deal could come within week: report | U.S. | Reuters
Revealed: Chávez role in cocaine trail to Europe | World | The Observer
Police bugged Muslim MP Sadiq Khan - Times Online
Love is ... not sending a Valentine this year, claim green campaigners | the Daily Mail
Tough laws in other states drive many immigrants to Texas | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Welcome to Communist California
Let's Get Congress to Fix Illegal Immigration Now!
Top Scientist Says IPCC Should Clear Up Climate Change Confusion
Support the Abolition of the Federal Reserve System!
South Carolina Senate Passes Resolution Calling for Federal Constitutional Convention
A Sound Economy Begins Without the Fed
Ask Not What J.F.K. Can Do for Obama - New York Times
A conservative's case for McCain - The Boston Globe
Mitt Romney's last stand - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
One Last Thing: Be seated, take notes - it's the super-duper midterm | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/03/2008
There Will Be Blood - New York Times
Crackup? Not So Fast. | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Delegate distribution challenges math acumen
Back-Room Choices - New York Times
Peter Wehner - Why Republicans Like Obama - washingtonpost.com
What These Eyes Have Seen | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
"Let's Grow Up, Conservatives"
IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Recession? Not Yet
Recession? Not Yet
Listening to the Jobs Report - New York Times
ReviewJournal.com - Opinion - EDITORIAL: Al-Qaida sets new standard in evil
Europe should put a brake on Beijing's excesses | Leaders | The Observer
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Forty Years of the Tet Offensive
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Investors We Need Not Fear
Obama's Saturday Rallies
Romney's Sunday Media
Music Video Promotes Obama
Obama: "Year"
Clinton: "Arkansas"
Michelle Obama on AC360
Clinton: "Bobby" and "Dignity"
Coulter Likes Clinton Over McCain; Colmes Proclaims His Work is Done
Santorum Explains Why He's For Romney
McCain: "True Conservative"
Where Edwards' Voters Could Go
What the Focus Groups Thought
Obama's Debate Highlights
Clinton's Debate Highlights
Bill Clinton Confronts "Inside Job" Heckler
The Luntz GOP Focus Group
ABC News Looks into Clinton's Wal-Mart Ties
Talking to the GOP Candidates
Schwarzenegger Endorses McCain
Huckabee: Romney Reaches Political Puberty at Age 60
Romney: "Experience Matters"
Obama: "Stock"
Clinton: "Hartford Courant" and "Times"
Romney: "Mitt Asks for Your Vote" Web Ad
Nightline Joins Clinton on the Trail
Charges 'complete misunderstanding' of role as governor, significance of court's opinion
Mitt has more than double McCain's votes, Ron Paul in 3rd place
'It can give those Republicans who oppose McCain hope they still have a chance'
McCain: 'I assume that I will get the nomination of the party'
John's wife admits stealing painkillers from medical charity she ran
No problem: 'My position has been very similar to John McCain's'
Says his candidate 'doesn't go on television and have crying fits'
Obamacans: 'There's a long and fine tradition of crossover voters'
'I looked at it last night and today and decided ... this would be a great time'
Huckabee accepted suits, clothes, airplane trips, sporting tickets, country club memberships
Says branding Mitt conservative requires 'extraordinary amount of imagination'
Breached border brought stockpiles of rockets, arms, explosives
Police haul away giant photographs deemed inappropriate at mall
66-year-old Margaret suffers cut on head during robbery
At least 21 killed, 200 seriously injured, authorities say
'You are going to see this decision quoted by cities across the country'
'They're really tightening the screws. There have been a lot coming – it could be 100 a day'
'A lot of people want to know what law enforcement is doing about it'
FBI: Top defense advisers linked to radical Muslim Brotherhood
Plans under consideration to install 'Star War's defense
Town hall turnout overflows facility – roads choked, no place to park
'She's committed no crime and doesn't deserve to have this imposed on her'
Anti-abortion campaign against Planned Parenthood contractor names new 'collaborators'
Comics world rattled – disgruntled fans say superheroes shouldn't need guns
'La Raza' targets guests who call illegals 'invaders,' blame them for problems
Parents citing religious beliefs vow to take case to U.S. Supreme Court
Parents challenge curriculum targeting children as young as 4th grade
'Any transgender, on plain reading of statute, could obtain entry to female locker room'
Allegedly offered at least 2 teens money in exchange for photographing them in sex acts
'It was never my intention to bring any negative exposure to our city'
New evidence supports premise that Earth produces endless supply
Environmental groups, tribal governments attempting to block oil, natural-gas development
Country 2nd only to Russia in amount of available proven reserves
'The next war will see a massive use of ballistic weapons against the whole ... territory'
Extra welfare for polygamists even though bigamy is crime
Loophole allows lawyers to hire uncertified scientists to give evidence
72-year-old woman arrested in attempt to get 'refund' for botched doo
1 charged with aggravated assault – gun fight in middle of suburban street
Despite admission, videotape, eyewitnesses, prosecutor rules 'insufficient evidence'
2 of Ireland's senior clergymen fighting for contol of documents on pedophile priests
Praises former critics Perkins, Land: 'I appreciate the words that they have been using'
'2nd wife,' addiction to pain killers, age difference put pair under microscope
Magazine editor, former presidential candidate was former Giuliani backer
Former president focusing on supporting wife instead of challenging Obama
Fish and Wildlife spokesman: 'I think, just overall, we felt it was wrong'
'Just not willing to overturn precedents precipitously'
Used biotechnology to switch off gene behind enzyme that makes us cry
Former police sergeant had $5 million bounty on his head
'Whenever there's uncertainty with a substance of this potency, ... need to prevent injuries'
Say some people with virus can have unprotected contact with non-infected partners
Liposuction now 2nd-most common procedure for guys after surgery to reshape nose
Forced to resign post in '76 after telling obscene joke derogatory to blacks
There's plenty you can do to slow effects of aging, keep your thinking, memory sharp
Debut of $2,500 vehicle 1 reason Americans will pay more at pump
Exclusive: Bruce Wilson looks at uncanny similarities between McCain run, Kansas senator's 1996 debacle
Kathleen Parker laughs at women's libbers irate with Ted Kennedy for shunning Hillary
Star Parker notes Obama's wisdom of running as an American, not a black
Exclusive: Ernest Istook hits pols for doling out cash to tax cheats under stimulus plan
Exclusive: Henry Lamb warns of plan to grab control of every puddle across the nation
Exclusive: Ellis Washington rips Detroit's Kilpatrick and concubine over lies in court
Exclusive: Pat Boone hails Floridians serving our troops with thousands of 'goodie' bags
Jonathan Falwell predicts church as next target of diversity craze
Dave Lindorff calls on Congress to stand up to 'W' with impeachment action
Man on the street finds clueless Minnesotans who have no idea about primary day
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan rips city council for branding military as 'uninvited intruders'
Kerry Howley warns of holey databanks vulnerable to bullies
Fake Conservative Coulter To Vote For Fake Liberal Hillary
Colbert Report: 'Classic' Ron Paul Calls It Again on Ending Iraq War
Ron Paul Tax Adviser
Morgan Stanley Strategist: Buy Remote Land, Stored Food & Guns
Cheney’s Dark Side of American Justice
New World Order: Unimaginable Intentional Human Suffering
Another McCain Lie: American Casualties Are Coming Down in Iraq
Ohio Sheriff’s Deputy Sued Over Strip Search of Woman
Pentagon: Internet needs to be dealt with as if an enemy “weapons system”
Paul Comes in Third in Maine Caucus
Ron Paul is Popular with Young Voters
Ministry Gives New York Police State a Huge Infusion of Cash
Tony Blair: Make Me President of the EU
Social Services Paid Bonuses to Steal Babies
Anderson Cooper’s CIA Past
Internet Outage: Planning for War?
Professor Demonstrates How to Hack the Vote
Middle East Internet Blackouts Spur Geopolitical Suspicions
Demise Of Al-Qaeda Leader Championed For Second Time
Statement of Ron Paul on H.R. 5104, the Protect America Act
Ron Paul: Secretive elite controls America
Why Are Ron Paul Supporters So Angry?
Paul’s Message Thrills Seattle Fans
Terry Jeffrey Defends Ron Paul
London Mayor: Tax “CO2-Emitting” SUVs £25 Per Day
Mos Def: 9/11 an Inside Job
We Are Change Seattle Confronts Madeline Albright
America’s Teetering Banking System
9/11 Fairy Tale Commission Stage Managed by Neocons
John McCain is Dr. Strangelove
Robots ready for Super Bowl kickoff
Israel Told To Prepare Rocket Rooms For War
Fed’s rate cuts may kill US dollar soon
Russia sends bombers, fighters to Atlantic, Arctic
IMF: Global Governance: New Players, New Rules
Behavior-Based Internet Advertising: Who Is Watching You?
Domestic Spying Program Could Aid Terrorists, Experts Say
VIDEO: Olbermann: Bush push for telco immunity 'textbook example of fascism'
A China base in Iran?
Iraq not using oil cash to rebuild
Weaponizing the Climate: Geoengineering's Military Potential
Homeland Security's 'Cyber Storm' War Game
Report: Military not ready for US attack
Ahmadinejad: Global Government is Mankind's Gravest Need
Russia to rearrange troops due to U.S. missile shield
Election power of the Israel lobby
Have you got a crazy idea? DARPA may have a job for you
New law would allow secret bank rescues
Neocon Plan to Snoop Online Activity
Scientists discover way to reverse loss of memory
Paul Draws Big Denver Crowd
Ron Paul Comes In Third In Maine
China's Inflation Hits American Price Tags
Another Report OnTalking CCTV Cameras
Pentagon Panel: U.S. Must Sell Good News
Anti-Terror Patrols Due On NYC Subways
NYC Subways Adding Dogs & Armed Officers
Zimbabwe Inflation At Over 26,000%
Video: Ron Paul @ MTV Forum
Iran Oil Bourse To Deal Blow To USD
Ron Paul's Big Chance For Modest Splash
DNA Breakthrough Could Extend Human Life
Video: Fox Exposes Voting Machine Flaws
U.S. Loses Its Status As World Economic Power
Federal Reserve Stealing Iraqi Oil Revenues
Global Governance: New Players, New Rules - Finance & Development, December 2007
U.S. Methodist Church renews drive for divestment from Israel
Egypt closes Rafah border - Jerusalem Post
Barak: I'm staying in the coalition - Ynet
Deadly quakes hit Rwanda, Congo. At least 21 killed, 200 seriously injured, authorities say - AP
Hamas considering economic disengagement from Israel - Ynet
Russian Jews concerned over wave of anti-Semitic incidents - Haaretz
Blair: Middle East peace agreement is possible by end of 2008 - Haaretz
Hamas wants to disconnect from Israel, forge economic link with Egypt - Jerusalem Post
Rebels surround president's palace in Chad capital - Reuters
Judge lets gay couples register in Oregon - AP
U.S. nuclear power plants to get more Russia uranium - Reuters
World Bank Using U.S. Funds To Boost Iranian Industry, Gas Sectors - Fox
Third undersea Internet cable damaged in Mideast - AP
Down syndrome bombers kill 91 in Iraq - J'lem Post
Hillary's volunteers rally California voters - Reuters
Kennedy revels in limelight on trail for Obama - MSNBC
Romney ahead as Maine caucus returns counted - J'lem Post
Romney Cedes Northeast to McCain - NewsMax
Israelis Told to Prepare 'Rocket Rooms' in Case of Future War - Breitbart
US Jews in Clinton's pocket? - Ynet
Bill Clinton's Kazakh connection - Washington Times
Why the Olmert gang must go - Caroline B. Glick
Chickens Are Home to Roost - Lessons Learned in Wall Street's Follies - George H. Lesser
The Fall of the House of Clinton - Cal Thomas