"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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02 February 2008

Sat-2/2 -**Click here: Ron Paul link*

Third undersea Internet cable damaged in Mideast: Indian firm
Israelis told to prepare 'rocket rooms' for war
Poland Says It Has Agreed to US Shield
Women 'tricked into suicide blasts'
Mentally Retarded Women Used in Bombings
Sarkozy marries model girlfriend | The Sun |HomePage|News
My Way News - Obama Says He'd Be Better Against McCain
Immigration Battle Divides Ariz. GOP
Waiting for Gore
Evening News 24 - Talking CCTV cameras tell off yobs
FT.com / In depth - Race to become $1bn president
WorldNetDaily: Islamist 'Trojan horse' in Pentagon, say experts
Japan orders mass recall of Chinese meat products - International Herald Tribune
Al Qaeda use two Down's syndrome women to blow up 73 people in Baghdad markets | the Daily Mail
Islamic Group Organizes '10,000 Letters for Gaza' -- 02/01/2008
FOXNews.com - U.S. Senator Wants to Revoke Funding From City of Berkeley, Calif., for Vote to Boot Marines - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
Turkey must lift headscarf ban for EU: formin - Yahoo! News
BBC NEWS | Europe | Poland 'agrees' to host US shield
Oklahoma senator follows Newsom's Muni money
Report: Military Not Ready for US Attack - Las Vegas Sun
Elderly Nun Gets Jail Time in Sex Case
Porn Charge for Child Welfare Official
N.Y. court declares out-of-state gay marriages valid | U.S. | Reuters
Judge lets gay couples register in Ore. - Life- msnbc.com
FT.com / Asia-Pacific / China - Google faces lawsuit for blocking name
Dutch soldiers 'at risk' over anti-Koran film - Telegraph
Welcome to Communist California
Top Scientist Says IPCC Should Clear Up Climate Change Confusion
Let's Get Congress to Fix Illegal Immigration Now!
Support the Abolition of the Federal Reserve System!
South Carolina Senate Passes Resolution Calling for Federal Constitutional Convention
A Sound Economy Begins Without the Fed
Fake Conservative Coulter To Vote For Fake Liberal Hillary
Colbert Report: 'Classic' Ron Paul Calls It Again on Ending Iraq War
Ron Paul Tax Adviser
Morgan Stanley Strategist: Buy Remote Land, Stored Food & Guns
U.S. loses jobs for first time in 4-1/2 years
Chomsky: US acts like Nazi Germany
How social services are paid bonuses to snatch babies for adoption
U.S. Air Force Eyes New Surveillance System
Hillary Gets Question On Bush/Clinton Dynasty
Ron Paul---On Legal AND Illegal Immigration
DARPA’s iXo Artificial Intelligence Control Grid
Olbermann: Bush push for telco immunity 'textbook example of fascism'
Over one million Iraqis killed by war
Israel 'planning another Lebanon war'
Don't Believe the Hype -- There's Much More to Autism Than Genetics
Artificial letters added to life's alphabet
Return of 'sus' laws as police are given powers to stop and search without giving reason
Edward Bernays: How to Brainwash a Nation
Thousands Of Childrens DNA Held On Police Database
Coulter: Hillary is “Our Girl”
Professor Demonstrates How to Hack the Vote
Tony Blair: Make Me President of the EU
Social Services Paid Bonuses to Steal Babies
Anderson Cooper’s CIA Past
Statement of Ron Paul on H.R. 5104, the Protect America Act
Ron Paul: Secretive elite controls America
Why Are Ron Paul Supporters So Angry?
Paul’s Message Thrills Seattle Fans
Terry Jeffrey Defends Ron Paul
London Mayor: Tax “CO2-Emitting” SUVs £25 Per Day
Mos Def: 9/11 an Inside Job
We Are Change Seattle Confronts Madeline Albright
America’s Teetering Banking System
9/11 Fairy Tale Commission Stage Managed by Neocons
John McCain is Dr. Strangelove
Demise Of Al-Qaeda Leader Championed For Second Time
Mississippi legislators Seek To Ban Fats
IMF: Global Governance: New Players, New Rules
DNA Breakthrough Could Give Humans Lifespans Lasting Hundreds of Years
Behavior-Based Internet Advertising: Who Is Watching You?
Middle East Internet Blackouts Spur Geopolitical Suspicions
Domestic Spying Program Could Aid Terrorists, Experts Say
A China base in Iran?
Iraq not using oil cash to rebuild
Weaponizing the Climate: Geoengineering's Military Potential
Homeland Security's 'Cyber Storm' War Game
Ahmadinejad: Global Government is Mankind's Gravest Need
Russia to rearrange troops due to U.S. missile shield
Bush Anti-Terrorist Eavesdropping Spurs Criminal Investigations
Election power of the Israel lobby
U.S. loses its status as economic world power
Have you got a crazy idea? DARPA may have a job for you
New law would allow secret bank rescues
Bill Clinton: Economy Must Slow Down to Fight Global Warming
Neocon Plan to Snoop Online Activity
Scientists discover way to reverse loss of memory
Bush Waves Ban On Permanent Iraq Bases
The Great Credit Unwind of 2008
Pioneering Blackwater Protesters Given Secret Trial and Criminal Conviction
Shape-Shifting Robots in Action
WorldNetDaily: Half of gold in central banks gone?
Army Seeks Fountain of Youth in Body's Powerhouses
Iran Oil Bourse To Deal Blow To USD
Bush To Seek $515B For Pentagon In 09
Ron Paul's Big Chance For Modest Splash
Proposal To Ban Restaurants Serving Fat People
DNA Breakthrough Could Extend Human Life
Video: Fox Exposes Voting Machine Flaws
Federal Reserve Stealing Iraqi Oil Revenues
Third Loss Of Internet/Phone Line In Three Days
Cause Of Internet Cable Cut Unknown
Paul: Secretive Elite Control America
9/11 Commission Used Testimony From Torture
Protect America From Protect America Act
Vermont Committee Approves Hemp Bill
Bilderberger Perry Endorses McCain
Bush Telecom Immunity Example Of Fascism
I'll be president of Europe if you give me the power - Blair | The Guardian | Guardian Unlimited
Global Governance: New Players, New Rules - Finance & Development, December 2007
Mukasey's radical worldview is now the norm
Last glimpse inside ancient enigma
Why is Marijuana Illegal?
Deadly Hubris- by Justin Raimondo
The Long Fuse to the Iraq War
The New Crime of Thinking by Gary D. Barnett
The Ron Paul Nightmare by Rick Fisk
An Open Letter to Rush Limbaugh: The Enemy of My Enemy by Allan Davis
The 'State' Awakening by William L. Anderson
Blessed Are the Peacemakers by Mike Reith
What Will You Do With Your Gold? by Gary North
I'd Call Mary-Kate Olsen First, Too by J.H. Huebert
Obama Is Racing Against the Clock - washingtonpost.com
McCain Makes Headway With Conservative Wing - WSJ.com
Opinion: It's a shame one of them has to win - OCRegister.com
The Spat: Comment: The New Yorker
Decline of the Angry Left - WSJ.com
Lowering the Volume - New York Times
Why I'm Backing Obama
William Jefferson Faubus
Presidential candidates lack military experience - MSNBC TV- msnbc.com
SOCIAL STUDIES: Export Security, Not Democracy (02/01/2008)
Why Washington's 'stimulus' package isn't likely to help - MarketWatch
Child-Man in the Promised Land by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Winter 2008
Political Stimulus - washingtonpost.com
The new Party of Pork
Who Was Hillary Clinton? - WSJ.com
The autism void: Too little knowledge can be a dangerous thing | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Opinion: Editorials
Huckabee may tip South away from Romney - The Boston Globe
Oprah Winfrey's back in game
Romney Maps a Strategy for Survival - New York Times
Decline in U.S. Jobs Could Prove Costly to GOP Nominee - washingtonpost.com
Financing the Common Good | The American Prospect
The Massachusetts Trap - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
Clinton in Trouble in Connecticut? - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Thomas Sowell Delivers Inconvenient Truths
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Bush Against Romney
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Parties Switch Places
Clinton: "Arkansas"
Michelle Obama on AC360
Posted by RCP Staff | Send to a Friend | Email Author | Permalink
Coulter Likes Clinton Over McCain; Colmes Proclaims His Work is Done
Santorum Explains Why He's For Romney
McCain: "True Conservative"
Where Edwards' Voters Could Go
What the Focus Groups Thought
Obama's Debate Highlights
Clinton's Debate Highlights
Bill Clinton Confronts "Inside Job" Heckler
The Luntz GOP Focus Group
ABC News Looks into Clinton's Wal-Mart Ties
Talking to the GOP Candidates
Schwarzenegger Endorses McCain
Huckabee: Romney Reaches Political Puberty at Age 60
Romney: "Experience Matters"
Obama: "Stock"
Clinton: "Hartford Courant" and "Times"
Romney: "Mitt Asks for Your Vote" Web Ad
Nightline Joins Clinton on the Trail
Dick Morris on the Campaign Dropouts
Clinton: "Freefall" & "Can Do"
Kilpatrick Apologizes to Detroit
Groups Says Romney Won Debate
Panel on the Clintons and the Establishment
Conservatives Upset with John McCain
Brooks and Shields on the Last Week of the Campaign
Interview with Michelle Obama
The California Democratic Debate
The California GOP Debate
WorldNetDaily: Sex-ed course includes field trip to buy condoms
FBI: Top defense advisers linked to radical Muslim Brotherhood
Wiretapping 'an awesome risk' if system hacked, penetrated from inside
Authorities arrested woman when she entered U.S. last month
'Any transgender, on plain reading of statute, could obtain entry to female locker room'
World Bank using millions of dollars in American funds to aid Tehran
Symbolic measure on city ballot would require approval of Congress
Anti-abortion campaign against Planned Parenthood contractor names new 'collaborators'
'She's committed no crime and doesn't deserve to have this imposed on her'
'La Raza' targets guests who call illegals 'invaders,' blame them for problems
Bill would cut $2.1 million in federal funding to city, give it to leathernecks
Parents citing religious beliefs vow to take case to U.S. Supreme Court
Videotapes of debates, speeches, reveal conflicting positions in '04, '08
Online group has 3.2 million members – could help with foot soldiers on Super Tuesday
TV talker appearing at California event to close Clinton gap with women voters
Clinton adviser apologizes for remark made during campaign conference call
State's nonbinding GOP process 1st step toward electing 18 delegates
78% view candidates citing Scripture when explaining political positions as positive
Suspect's attorney: 'We have been down this road before'
Under police protection after saying parts of UK now 'no-go areas' for non-Muslims
Witnesses say assault carried out by group of men shouting 'God is Great!' in Arabic
New evidence supports premise that Earth produces endless supply
Egyptian court bans convert to Christianity from changing ID card
2 previous breaks affected 3/4 of international communications between region, Europe
Man who make mockery of greedy fat-cats hailed as hero, featured on T-shirts
Says she has no control over her electric powers – 'I'm always draining the batteries in remote controls'
White House hopefuls Clinton, McCain have most fundraisers linked to other countries
Republican front-runner releases ad touting commitment to right's principles
Senate withdraws OK of penalty for downloading Internet report on women's rights
Says 'negative cultural practices and stereotypes' discriminate against women
Web posts spark probe by authorities, free speech debate
Gunmen haul away metal spikes soldiers place at sections of Rafah crossing
'They will have a nice county, and we shall have our country and we shall live in peace'
Explosions set off by remote control, women may have been unaware of their mission
Russia opposed to project – claims it would seriously destabilize global security
Some lawmakers scrambling to drop perks that have lured tens of thousands to state
'Blade' actor found guilty on 3 misdemeanors – faces up to 3 years in prison
Testifies against group's leader in kidnap-torture plot
Pair say reporter released their names on air before they were charged as adults
Fellow Marines dispute war injury, pot license
Vows to attack controversial religion's websites, turn its adherents against it
Father put in control of pop star's welfare day after admission to psychiatric hospital
Ground-breaking new study finds mid-life crisis is bona fide affliction
'We not exploiting these people. In some cases, we saved their lives'
Pair pictured for 1st time without customary disguises on family outing in Las Vegas
Bone cultivated from 65-year-old patient's fatty tissue, grown inside his abdomen
Study: 3 to 6 tainted swipes at salsa bowl transfer 10,000 bacteria from eater's mouth
NASA beaming Beatles tune into deep space in hope of close encounter
Workers rescue smaller fish from mouth of attacker
Seal discovered in Jerusalem misidentified – still bears name of family in Bible
World of information technology not immune from reaches of hoaxsters
Aggressive moves to cut interest rates intended to stave off financial meltdown
Prices set to jump 50% as demand for power in emerging economies jumps
'We will only implement new projects if economic conditions are right again'
Sizable advance on Wall Street after investors set aside anxiety over job news
Nervous employers cut 17,000 jobs in January
Government minister's suggestions for coping with electricity crisis met with jeers
Bank's action to 'bring matters to a head' affects 160,000 customers
Proposal sends share price up 60%
'There are 150 million people here within a 3-hour flight from Moscow'
'Fraud Sciences' can tell if purchaser is real or scammer
'Manned Cloud' will be capable of circling globe in 10 days
'Try telling someone, 'I have this idea. We're going to put pancakes in a can'
'All I want is to go back to my country and to return to my work'
Exclusive: Bruce Wilson looks at uncanny similarities between McCain run, Kansas senator's 1996 debacle
Kathleen Parker laughs at women's libbers irate with Ted Kennedy for shunning Hillary
Star Parker notes Obama's wisdom of running as an American, not a black
Exclusive: Ernest Istook hits pols for doling out cash to tax cheats under stimulus plan
Exclusive: Henry Lamb warns of plan to grab control of every puddle across the nation
Exclusive: Ellis Washington rips Detroit's Kilpatrick and concubine over lies in court
Exclusive: Pat Boone hails Floridians serving our troops with thousands of 'goodie' bags
Jonathan Falwell predicts church as next target of diversity craze
'It was like blinders came off my eyes after I read this'
Exclusive: Greg Laurie analyzes emptiness in star QB Tom Brady's life
Dave Lindorff calls on Congress to stand up to 'W' with impeachment action
Man on the street finds clueless Minnesotans who have no idea about primary day
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan rips city council for branding military as 'uninvited intruders'
Kerry Howley warns of holey databanks vulnerable to bullies
Candidates gear up for Super Tuesday
Clinton, Obama, McCain, Romney and Huckabee Make Mad Dash for ...
Super Surrogate Weekend: Candidates Unleash Supporters Across Country
The Obama show comes to Boise
From the campaign trail: McCain looks ahead to November
Hillary raises money in SF
NJ Absentee Voters Get 2nd Chance
Presidential hopefuls join AP, MTV, MySpace to talk youth issues
Passenger Train Stuck in Sierra Nevada
2.7 million-gallon sewage spill in Richardson Bay
Clinton closes Baptist meeting with call for unity
New Baptist Covenant: Unity.
No call yet for pause in Iraq drawdown-US military
Thousands Attend Mormon Church President's Salt Lake Funeral
NY court declares out-of-state gay marriages valid
Old Photo Helps Solve Drowning Mystery
Small-plane crash kills 6 in North Carolina
Roadblock for Justice nominee
Another voice: AG concludes end justifies the means | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Rice, Polish Counterpart, Report Progress on Missile Defense
Search launched for Japanese trans-Pacific balloonist
Norcross bank customers scammed
Dutch youth admits role in death of Natalee Holloway - Feature
US groundhog sees six more winter weeks
Chad: Rebels Enter Capital
Iraqis Bury Dozens of Bombings Victims
Violence follows Kenya peace plan
20 killed, 50 injured in explosion in Sri Lanka (2nd Roundup)
Hamas to Work with Egypt to Seal Border with Gaza Strip
Polls show small gains for Olmert in wake of war report
Campaigning starts in Russian presidential election
China to help Japan probe dumpling poisoning
Is Italy's Interim Government Stillborn?
Anti-whalers get heroes welcome in Melbourne
How the Media Pick the Candidates
Global Linguistic Citizenship for All
Real ID and Reality
Arms & The Manpower
Soros Backs Corporate Democrats
Democratic Presidential Nomination Could Hinge on Divided Latino Vote
Taxi to the Dark Side: Oscar-Nominated Documentary Film Explores U.S. Abuses in "War on Terror"
Democracy Now! | Pakistani Opposition Leader Imran Khan on Musharraf, Bhutto, and How the U.S. Has Undermined Pakistani Democracy
Democracy Now! | Edwards's Campaign Manager Bonior Explains Sudden Departure from Presidential Race
Democracy Now! | Ralph Nader Launches Presidential Exploratory Committee to Mull '08 Run
NY Times reported "various Democratic officials" have accused Bill Clinton of "racial" remarks, but did not report denial by campaign and others
NBC's Mitchell reported on Clinton's NY meeting with Kazakh official, not that he reportedly rejected Kazakh proposal
Wash. Times left out Obama statements that undermine its claim that "Obama '04 at Odds with Obama '08"
Savage on possibility of Obama nomination: "Think John F. Kennedy Jr. ... and the airplane. Think the Mena airport"
Mitchell falsely claimed Clinton "really misstated her vote on the Levin amendment"
Attacking Edwards, O'Reilly baselessly suggested New Orleans homeless encampment doesn't exist
Scarborough: Because of Media Matters , "we decided to call Giuliani 'America's Mayor' about 48 times"
NY Times failed to note Giustra reportedly involved in Kazakhstan mining deals more than a decade ago
Echoing Drudge and ABC's Tapper, Fox News' Hill falsely asserted Clinton said "we need to slow" economy to fight global warming
Media once again uncritically report McCain's criticism of Romney's negative ads without mentioning McCain's numerous ads attacking Romney
Wash. Times op-ed falsely suggested PAA expiration would forbid U.S. to "monitor communications for counter-terror purposes"
On Glenn Beck , Minuteman's Gilchrist compared La Raza to the KKK, smeared ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center
CNN's Bash noted McCain said he'd oppose his own immigration bill -- but not his remark days earlier that as