"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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29 February 2008

leap year -29th Feb

Obama has small lead in Texas, close in Ohio | Reuters
Poll: McCain and Obama lead in Texas | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Obama aide: Clinton will ‘fail' Tuesday - Mike Allen and Ben Smith - Politico.com
State Democrats say Clinton camp may sue | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Students Hauled After Big Fight in Miami
For Obama, a Taste of What a Long Battle Would Hold - New York Times
The Swamp: Michelle Obama: name Hussein is 'the fear bomb'
Man Critical After Ricin Find in Vegas
Las Vegas Now | Police Investigate Las Vegas Ricin Scare
Ricin found in Las Vegas hotel, no terror link: FBI
White House Aide Accused of Plagiarism
Fund Nominates 4 for N.Y. Times Board
Maine teen says he starved during stay with host family in Egypt - The Boston Globe
Political Radar: Clinton Hauls in $35 Mill; Obama Camp Says They'll Do Better
Clinton: Playing Field for Her as Candidate Not Even Because of Her Gender
More Americans turning to Web for news | Technology | Internet | Reuters
Breitbart.tv » Oops! McCain Makes the Slip Conservatives Feared All Along
Economy Skids to Near Halt: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
FT.com / World - London’s edge over New York eroded
Staying to Help in Iraq
Hillary: "We've Got Two Wars. We've Got To End One, We've Got To Win The Other."
XM and Sirius extend merger deadline by 2 months | Technology | Reuters
Cage fighting slugs its way on to prime-time TV | Sports | Reuters
What a nightmare: Americans get too little sleep | Health | Reuters
My Way News - Clinton Raises $35 Million in 1 Month
Michelle Obama: "Don't Go Into Corporate America"
My Way News - Bush: US Is Not Headed Into Recession
FT.com / World - Concerns over Obama’s shift to left
McCain: Obama Represents Politics of the Past
The Georgetown Voice | Howard Dean talks politics in ICC - February 28, 2008
Sizing up Medvedev, the next Russian president - International Herald Tribune
Boy George denies chaining escort to wall - Times Online
My Way News - Pelosi Wants Bush Aides Investigated
My Way News - Ag Official Charged With Starving Horses
ABC News: Lucky Soldier Wins $1 Million
Matt Drudge: world's most powerful journalist - Telegraph
Beijing airport's new mega-terminal opens
US says military hotline with China likely within weeks
Body of Top Model Katoucha Found
One in 100 US adults behind bars: study
Employee's suit: Company used waterboarding to motivate workers - Salt Lake Tribune
Prince Harry coming home from Afghanistan | Prince Harry fights Taliban with British forces in Afghanistan's Helmand Province | The Sun |HomePage|News
Harry 'doesn't like England,' lashes British media
Media's embargo on "Harry's war" sparks debate - Yahoo! News UK
Profit-Taking Pulls Oil Back From $103: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Gasoline could hit $4 as crude breaks records | Reuters
Dollar Falls Again, Euro Zone Divided: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Gold price hits record 976.32 dollars per ounce in London
Prince Harry's Seeing Combat, And British Media Kept Quiet
Harry pulls out of Afghanistan as Taliban threatens to take revenge for 'Royal aggression' | the Daily Mail
FOXNews.com - Israel Warns of Unleashing 'Holocaust' in Gaza if Rocket Attacks Continue - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Clinton Fans Form 527 To Tackle Gender, Race - February 28, 2008 - The New York Sun
Former S.F. Supervisor Matt Gonzalez to run with Nader
Pakistani military 'misspent up to 70% of American aid' | World news | The Guardian
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Taleban 'run 10% of Afghanistan'
2 doctors probed over Heath Ledger's prescription painkillers
Tennessee GOP Pulls ‘Hussein,’ Obama Photo From Fiery ‘Anti-Semite’ Release - America’s Election HQ
Wind farms threatening whooping cranes, feds warn | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Unchecked aliens cram flight schools
FOXNews.com - Cops: Georgia Man Kills Motorcyclist Who Was Following Teen Daughters - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
FOXNews.com - 6 Arrested in Sweden, Norway on Suspicion of Terror Activity - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Bush May Take Foreign Money for Presidential Library - New York Times
Latest Troubles Put Detroit Mayor’s Job at Risk - New York Times
Facing Default, Some Walk Out on New Homes - New York Times
Terrorist suspects must stay in Britain in case they are tortured at home, say human rights judges | the Daily Mail
Chemical Ali to be executed within 30 days | World news | guardian.co.uk
Meet one of San Fransicko's celebrities
Turkey withdraws troops from northern Iraq - washingtonpost.com
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran 'targeting' women activists
Museum exhibit in Brooklyn on police shootings draws fire from police union
Highway Tolls To Fight Global Warming
Limbaugh Urges Republican To Vote For Hillary
Vets Break Silence On War Crimes
Dow Sinks 300 Points
Police Reject Candidate For Being Too Smart
Fed Announces March Auctions
Stocks Decline Amid Economic Worries
Oil Hits Inflation Adjusted High
U.S. Economy: Spending Eroded By Inflation
Ron Paul On End Of USD Hegemony
Gold Price Hits Record In London
Treasury Secretary Wants To Dump Pennies
Another Day Another Crisis For The Dollar
Public Crotch Grabbing Made Illegal In Italy
Bill's NAFTA Legacy Haunts Hillary
Video: Ron Paul On Fox Business 2/28/08
Iraq War May Cost U.S. USD 7 Trillion
Afghanistan Mission Close To Failing
Wisconsin No Gun List
Welcome To The North American Army
Harvard Scholars To Explore Net Safety
U.S. Sending Warships To Mediterranean
Immigrant Smuggling Ring Busted In LA
Fear Being Used To Pass Warrantless Spying
Cop Plants Drugs And Attacks Suspect W/ Dog
Graphic Images From Abu Ghraib
Bush & Bernanke Lie About Economic Crisis
Solider Has Himself Shot To Avoid Iraq Return
UN: Eat Insects To Beat World Hunger
Oil Could Reach $300 A Barrel
Lawyer Says Bin Laden Didn't Cause 9/11
Silver Now Outperforming Gold
Soaring Euro Threatens European Jobs Exodus
Bernanke: U.S. Not Facing 1970s-Style Stagflation
Bush Defends NAFTA Demands Colombia Vote
The NWO Always Knew We Would Resist
USD Falls To Record, Jobless Claims Rise
U.S. Citizens Will Need Permission To Travel
Bush Calls Spy Bill An Urgent Priority
Bush: U.S. Is Not Headed Into Recession
Record High Ratio Of Americans In Prison
Dollar Plumbs To New Lows
German Court Allows Limited Net Surveillance
Gold Futures Rise To Record High
Economy Slows To Near Crawl
Abu Dhabi Shifting Economic Balance
China May Scrap One-Child Policy
Virtual Border Fence To Be Delayed
Ron Paul: Fed Policy Destroying Middle Class
Living Neural Networks Could Drive War Machines
Carlyle To Invest $4 Billion In Asian Companies
The U.S. Dollar Is Being Destroyed
Bernanke Acknowledges Economic Trouble
Government To Lift Fannie & Freddie Limits
Fed Chief Signals Another Rate Cut
Half Of World To Live In Cities By End Of 2008
Meeting On NAU/EU Merger Confirmed
N. American Army created without OK by Congress
Robot wars 'will be a reality within 10 years' - Telegraph
The Raw Story | Journalist designated an enemy combatant
Two Britons take DNA database battle to court of human rights | the Daily Mail
USDA Shuts Down Congressional Audit
VIDEO: Ron Paul Interview on FOX Business Channel 02/28/2008
Israeli War Minister Threatens Palestinian Holocaust
Cop caught on camera planting drugs on suspect and attacking him with K9
Community Faces $10 Mil. Lawsuit For Alleged Police Brutality | WKRN.COM
Childhood ProQuad Vaccine Linked To Convulsions
Soon U.S. Citizens Must Ask for Government Permission to Fly or Travel
Washington gets a new colony in the Balkans
Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What?
Abu Dhabi investment fund shifting balance of power in financial world
Ron Paul: Bernanke Deliberately Destroying Dollar
Antidepressant drugs don't work – official study
9/11 Redux: 'Thousands of Aliens' in U.S. Flight Schools Illegally
Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling
Bernanke: Growth, inflation (Stagflation) concerns
Automated killer robots 'threat to humanity': expert
Universal Health Care: A 100 Year Plan
Confidence Down, Inflation Up
Panic Wheat Buying Across The U.S.
FDIC to add staff as bank failures loom
Russia Quietly Prepares to Switch Some Oil Trading from Dollars to Rubles
REAL ID: Hybrid Licenses Catch On In Washington State
Top Professor: Autonomous Killer Robots In The Field
Bill Clinton: The Decline Of An Elitist Puppet
Alleged Hijacker Booked On Post-9/11 Flights-- Astounding FBI documents contradict 9/11
UPDATE 4-Gold powers to record on oil, eyes $1,000
The Fake State of Kosovo
The Raw Story | Turkey declines to pledge quick Iraq exit, US mounts pressure
The Raw Story | Report: 1 in every 100 Americans behind bars
China denies arrests over Beijing Olympics - Telegraph
Britain Backs China on Olympics - washingtonpost.com
TED 2008: How Good People Turn Evil, From Stanford to Abu Ghraib
Tamiflu's Effects On Your Brain
Confessions of a Gitmo Guard
Walter Cronkite: Americans Will Have to Give Up Sovereignty for World Government
International team to study effect of 2010 Games surveillance
Hackers develop Google-based scanning tool
9/11 Truth: What's Being Covered Up?
Bill Clinton Says 9/11 "Hecklers" Are Afraid of the Truth
Lawyer Says Bin Laden Did Not Orchestrate 9/11 During Terror Trial
The Hegelianism of the 2008 Election
Bush defends NAFTA and presses for Colombia vote | Politics | Reuters
The New World Order Always Knew We Would Resist
Poll makes McCain president - US Election - smh.com.au
'Why anti-depressants have become the alcopops of mental health,' says former depressive | the Daily Mail
Official Conspiracy Theory Called "dogma of political correctness"
The Clinton Body-Count
You think you are free?
Corporate Lobbyists Drive McCain’s Campaign
Corporate Fascism’s Greatest Ally
Welcome to Prison Nation
Blame Clinton For NAFTA
‘DC Madam’ Trial Scheduled for April 7
McCain, Obama Trade Fairy Tales Over al-Qaida in Iraq
Terror Watch List a Case of “Absurd Bloating”
End of Nations: EU Takeover and the Lisbon Treaty
Bomber John
Critics: Ruling major concession after years of government denials
Family calls slogan offensive, euphemism for other F-word
Network claims aide assured official that anti-NAFTA talk not serious
Longtime friend Tony Rezko faces bribery, extortion charges
Wife used it as leverage when they discussed White House run
What is Reuters suggesting about Democratic candidate?
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
Police told Christians they had no speech rights in public park
Justices say gents should wait until they're in privacy of own home
Government argued her father adopted Islam, making her Muslim
SEC charges 3 in Ponzi-like scheme
For his role in 1980s scorched-earth campaign against Kurds
Among people 7 hospitalized, vial discovered in motel room
Book translated into 18 languages, made into feature film
Targeting deeper as Israel fails to halt deadly onslaught
Olmert weighs allowing NATO to protect Israel
Abortion provider says 'yes' when 'donor' wants to reduce minorities
'It wasn't something I was comfortable with'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah sees senator's 'dark soul' in his regret about helping Schiavo
Emergency plans to extract prince drawn up after news embargo lifted
'I got determination like no other person, I got these kids'
'As far as I'm concerned, she is the bravest woman in Scotland'
'It was Alice in Wonderland does The Twilight Zone,' father says
'Tragic? Yes. Sad? Definitely. Homicide? No, no'
U.S. retooling high-tech barrier after 28-mile pilot project fails
'Figures reflect the full scale of the human cost of C. difficile infection'
'The question is, are they a good guy or a bad guy, and I don't have the answer'
Crisis comes after 2 successive years of disastrous harvests
AIG, Dell underscore difficult economic situation
Who'da thunk? Guns best crime deterrent after all
'Bottles and things flying around. I did not know what to dodge 1st'
'If I forbid it or attempt to ban her from seeing him, I risk losing my precious child'
Urges feds to halt demolition of low-income housing in New Orleans
After local officials can't decide 'who's responsible for it'
'The attitude is to do the studies, to consider it responsibly'
Leading geologist claims reports of huge gaps greatly exaggerated
Man used samurai sword to decapitate spouse, chased down boy on 11th birthday
'I don't even know why anyone would do this except ignorance'
'It was frustrating watching someone smash your property'
Stunned mom: 'I did not even realize that my child had slipped from the hole'
Venezuelan president purchasing '3 or 4 times' more arms than he needs
Get retirement benefits in addition to full-time paychecks due to loophole
'He was a physical man, that he danced, that he stamped his feet when he played'
'My response is that there's a body of teaching there that's difficult to reverse'
Officials refuse to remove reference to Almighty
Principal says comments 'reprehensible and totally unacceptable'
Teacher, 27, accused of sending pornographic material to student, 15
Most comprehensive account on Internet of women predators on campus
'What's so utterly fake and insidious about reality television itself'
Then kicks puddles onto detention deputy's pants, shoes
'At night, we're on the Internet, we may be watching TV'
Chassis of Pontiacs, Mercedes-Benz, Toyotas turned into credible phonies
Peeved cook admits to unseemly act in reaction to customer
'Flour has doubled and the cost of everything is going up'
'We'll see the effects of this pro-growth package'
To make sure people don't miss out if they're eligible to receive tax-rebate check
Slumps in housing, credit inhibit spending, investment
'A seminal moment. It's not a fad that will die out when the economy picks up'
'When you lose your home or address, you lose your ability to contact other people'
Exclusive: Joel Hesch tells of cigarette importer cheating on taxes to tune of $7 million
Dave Ramsey responds to questions on debt, bankruptcy filing
Comment: In 10 years, today's prices may look like a bargain
Legendary Steelers' announcer, creator of iconic symbol, Myron Cope dead at 79
Companies like Verizon, AT&T face dozens of suits for improper participation
Termination date for electronic marriage deal is Saturday
'If it's not working, we can always repeal this'
'Sweet and evanescent Hershey-bar taste accompanies caramel and cocoa well'
Kraft, Kellogg, P&G aim to find out in Australia study
Swiss company creates bullet-shaped cross between car, motorbike
'Typically a disconnect switch failing would not cause ... widespread problems'
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan asserts candidate belongs among weak Europeans, not Americans
David Limbaugh sees media turning on both candidates
Exclusive: Jack Cashill points out Barack's extreme position on abortion
Bill Press condemns 5th run by activist, blames him for 'evil' of Bush presidency
Exclusive: Joseph Farah spotlights old nemesis, radio talker indicted for child porn
Exclusive: Ilana Mercer shows how China's becoming freer while Washington restricts
Pat Buchanan wonders where America's can-do attitude is for securing border
Phyllis Schlafly cites recent cases where local laws were upheld in court
Exclusive: William Federer contrasts 2 founders' words, actions, teachings
Jacob Heilbrunn claims movement leader despised neocons, evangelicals
Exclusive: Reader tells of neurological reactions 2-year-old daughter suffered
Exclusive: Jane Chastain tells why she says no to Girl Scouts' fundraiser
Steven Emerson charges TV network 'carried water for the radical Islamist'
How Dangerous Is the Internet for Children? - New York Times
Some hateful, radical ministers -- white evangelicals -- are acceptable - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Pro Libertate: Felonious Hugging
'Casablanca' star lives in the shadow of his character | csmonitor.com
A Taste of Honey
Babies faces 'make us want to care for them' - Telegraph
Scientists figure out secret of Maya’s blue paint - LiveScience- msnbc.com
Cannibalism May Have Wiped Out Neanderthals
Snakes make three-course meal of Australian family's pets - Times Online
Remarkable, versatile fennel | csmonitor.com
Secrets of the Bird's Nest
The Laissez-Faire Radical: A Quest for the Historical Mises by Murray N. Rothbard
President Bush's News Conference
Panel Looks at Politics and the Economy
Dick Morris on the Clinton/Obama Race
Senator Dodd on "The Situation Room"
Clinton Economic Summit in Zanesville, Ohio
Hillary Clinton on the "NewsHour"
Panel on McCain & Obama Fighting over Iraq
Karl Rove & Frank Luntz on "Hannity & Colmes"
Ben Bernanke to the House Financial Services Comm.
Hard to Be Happy in Camp Hillary - US News and World Report
Postcards From Ohio
Guns, butter and the war - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Welcome to the Quagmire
Four Wrong Reasons for Pessimism - Forbes.com
Eunomia » Obama’s Weaker Support With Democrats
Comment is free: Out of the running
Michelle’s Struggle
Why Is Obama's Middle Name Taboo? - TIME
NATIONAL JOURNAL: A Party Transformed (02/29/2008)
Luke Skywalker v Darth Vader | Gerard Baker - Times Online
Grande Un-Americano
'Hope' is politics, not real Iran, Iraq policy :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley
Obamanomics | Hope and fear | Economist.com
Trade Tirade
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Last 'Yes, We Can' Candidate
Proxy War
RealClearPolitics - Articles - In Defense of Lobbying
Can Clinton's Campaign Be Saved In Ohio?, CBSNews.com Reports: Senator Is In Tough Fight In State Crucial To Her White House Run - CBS News
illary at twilight
Vladimir Putin's poodle may yet bite - Telegraph
Our view on free trade: Bashing NAFTA misses real reason for factory job losses - Opinion - USATODAY.com
Lapses in FISA judgment - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Mano a mano with Cuba -- chicagotribune.com
MIKE'S MISSION - New York Post
State's Democratic Party braces for lawsuit
McCain seeks to woo conservative base in Texas appearances | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Latest News
HRC announces best fundraising month yet - Ben Smith - Politico.com
Obama accuses McCain of flawed economics, pledges relief | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Politics: Top Stories
The Daily 2008 - Late Edition - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
McCain On Hagee Endorsement
RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - What's So Bad about the Super Delegates?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Life Athwart History
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Enduring Power of Ethnic Nationalism
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Boehner's New Approach To Troublemakers
Obama: "Gulf"
Clinton: "Children"
Canadian TV Follows Up on Obama Story
Obama on "Ellen", Clinton on "Late Show"
McCain's Ohio Robocalls
Economics Editor Looks at Obama's Policy Proposal
Inside Obama HQ
Clinton on "Mad Money"
Shrum Piles on Penn Criticism
McCain's "Dispirited" and "Liberal" Comments
Clinton: "Fighter" and "Dos Veces"
Huckabee Rally in Waco
An Appreciation of William F. Buckley
Huckabee: "Stand Up"
Obama Tells Canada that Trade Message is Just Rhetoric?
William F. Buckley Remembered
Bill Clinton Campaigns in Houston
Clinton "Unethusiastic" About NAFTA
Obama in Duncanville, Texas
Obama's Defense Policies - Part 2
20% Say McCain is Too Old, 13% Say Obama Too Young
Charlie Rose Panel on Europe and the Next U.S. President
Obama: "Voices"
McCain Criticizes Obama on Iraq
Obama: "Plan" & "Oportunidad"
Obama's Inevitability and the Candidates' Strengths
McCain in Cincinnati
Huckabee in Ohio
Clinton: "Level"
Cunningham Discusses His Obama Comments
Obama's Defense Policies
Russian TV Reports on Hillary's Flub, Takes Onion Seriously
Obama's Debate Highlights
Bush Pressures Congress on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Sabotaging Border Security From Within
Is Inflation Leading to Panic?
Small and Midsize U.S. Banks Beginning to Struggle in Credit Crisis
Heads I Win, Tails I Break Even
Energy News: Highway Diesel At Highest Price In History
Every clause has a gold lining
FT.com / World - Water fears lead Saudis to end grain output
A long road from Kosovo to Kurdistan
Hepatitis C fear for thousands in Nevada - Infectious diseases- msnbc.com
Student suspended 10 days for taking vitamins
Kurd-Arab Kirkuk Clash Is `Ticking Time Bomb,' UN Mediator Says
The Emerging Third World U.S.
Is the Gold Bull Market Unstoppable? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Forecasting & Analysis Free Website
Chuck Baldwin -- Moneychangers Destroying America--And Christians Don't See It
'World Wide Computer' is on horizon - USATODAY.com
Ron Paul - Bernanke Deliberately Destroying Dollar
Paul's Brilliant Opening Statement To Bernanke
ABC News Reports On Wheat Shortage
Taxi to the Dark Side - CommonDreams.org
The New-Age Of Nightmares Part II - The New World Nobility
Israel prepares for assault on Gaza | Jerusalem Post
Why I Don't Support The Ron Paul Freedom March
Philip Emeagwali - Fake Computer 'Genius' Exposed
Merrill to shut down subprime lending unit-CNBC | Markets | Markets News | Reuters
An Invention Called 'The Jewish People'
The Associated Press: Obama Says He's Quit Smoking
Britain's last 'witch' may be pardoned - Telegraph
Seize the day: The magic and mystery of leap years - This Britain, UK - Independent.co.uk
Bill's Nafta legacy haunts Hillary Clinton - Telegraph
051 - A Comprehensive History Of 911
Jesus Christ, Slave Of Allah?
Another Fake Hate Crime - Twenty year old Holocau$t survivor admits to swastika false flag
Almost 50,000 Concentration Camps For EU Dissidents
The Obama Craze: Count Me Out
Three police officers lynched in Bolivia | Reuters
Exxon Suxx - McCain Duxx
Obama: I'm a 'stalwart friend' of Israel, its security is 'sacrosanct' - Haaretz - Israel News
U.S. border virtual fence to be delayed: report | Reuters
AFP: Ahmadinejad under fire for 'coarse slogans' after Israel attack
Groups blast FDA approval of food from cloned animals
cientific Evidence Proves Significant Anti-Cancer Effect of Milk Thistle
SPACE.com -- New Moon Map Is Best Ever
McCain Lobbyist's Plane Flew Saudi Royals After 9/11
Adverse Effects of Wheat & Other Grains
Feed the world? We are fighting a losing battle, UN admits | Environment | The Guardian
CaliforniaUnveils Green Energy Legislation - Science - redOrbit
Ask the pilot, Patrick Smith, Are the airlines being bashed unfairly for their eco-unfriendliness? | Salon Technology
FT.com / Markets / US - Stocks slide as investors scramble for safety
The United Nations Contributed to the Establishment of a Mafia-State in Kosovo
How to Work Less and Get More Accomplished
Gates: Turkey Violated Iraq's Sovereignty
Surge of Energy - Editing Almost Complete! « Nicholascgdakin’s Weblog
Another right bites the Dust! | Capitol Hill Blue
Clinton hits Obama with ad questioning experience | Politics | Reuters