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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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28 February 2008

28th Feb

(click above: bank implode.com)
Prince Harry fights Taliban | Harry has been fighting with British forces in Afghanistan's Helmand Province | The Sun |HomePage|News
Prince Harry Fighting In Afghanistan For Past 10 Weeks |Sky News|UK News
Prince Harry interview: serving in Afghanistan - Times Online
Prince Harry has been secretly fighting Taliban in Afghanistan for 10 weeks, admits MoD | the Daily Mail
'Virtual Fence' Along Border To Be Delayed
Cash-Rich, Publicity-Shy, Abu Dhabi Fund Draws Scrutiny - New York Times
Raising the Roof » Properties Blog » International Herald Tribune » Blog Archive » In Las Vegas, Dubai World’s New Investment Sets Sales Record
Obama victory will prolong US racial divide, says British equality chief - Times Online
Obama's enemies pounce on picture | The Australian
Clinton Campaign Pours Resources Into Two Crucial Primaries
The Georgetown Voice | Howard Dean talks politics in ICC - February 28, 2008
Clinton adds a half delegate - Yahoo! News
Geldof and Bush: Diary From the Road - TIME
Clinton raises $35 million in February - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
McCain’s Canal Zone Birth Prompts Queries About Whether That Rules Him Out - New York Times
China may scrap one-child policy, official says | World | Reuters
Pollution turns Chinese river system red - Yahoo! News
Use of Google for Data Triggers Fears: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Iran 'number one world power': Ahmadinejad
Loss of wind causes Texas power grid emergency | U.S. | Reuters
My Way News - Civil Rights Leader Switches to Obama
Sizing up Medvedev, the next Russian president - International Herald Tribune
Oil hits a high; some in U.S. see $4 gas by spring - International Herald Tribune
Maine teen says he starved during stay with host family in Egypt - The Boston Globe
'Bird boy' found in Russia | The Sun |HomePage|News
Jagger a 'power freak', fellow Stone Richards says
My Way News - Police Reviewing Alleged Spears Drugging
FOXNews.com - Cops: Georgia Man Kills Motorcyclist Who Was Following Teen Daughters - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Abbas: Hamas allowed al-Qaeda operatives into Gaza - Israel News, Ynetnews
CFP: Bomb Gaza. Win the War.
SelwynDuke.com: Conservatism is Dead; Long Live Conservatism?
Inmate suing for sex change says prison stopped treatments - CNN.com
FOXNews.com - Marines Call New Body Armor Heavy, Impractical - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Saudi professor faces lashes for having coffee with female 'student' - Times Online
McCain Says 100-Year Remark Distorted
Lawmakers to push for U.S. apology for slavery - USATODAY.com
Agency rescinds New College's accreditation
Serbia Withdrew Police, Intelligence Chief Says - washingtonpost.com
Unchecked aliens cram flight schools
Bernanke Says Sagging Growth Is Chief Concern: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Web surpasses TV, papers as top news source - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Democrats Rile Canada, Mexico - February 28, 2008 - The New York Sun
Muslim medics refuse to roll up their sleeves in hygiene crackdown - because it's against their religion | the Daily Mail
Christian couple told: 'You can't foster if you think it's wrong to be gay' | the Daily Mail
Dollar Plumbs To New Lows
German Court Allows Limited Net Surveillance
Gold Futures Rise To Record High
Economy Slows To Near Crawl
Abu Dhabi Shifting Economic Balance
Ron Paul: Fed Policy Destroying Middle Class
Living Neural Networks Could Drive War Machines
Armed-Intruder Drill Terrifies University Class
Carlyle To Invest $4 Billion In Asian Companies
U.S. & Czech Republic Working On Radar System
U.S. Official: Karzai Controls 30% Of Afghanistan
U.S. Discussing Anti-Missile Shield With India
1000's Of Aliens In U.S. Flight Schools Illegally
Iraqi Hospitals Unable To Cope With Bombings
GOP Halts Effort To Retrieve E-Mails
The U.S. Dollar Is Being Destroyed
Government To Lift Fannie & Freddie Limits
Air Force Blocks Access to Many Blogs | Danger Room from Wired.com
Soon U.S. Citizens Must Ask for Government Permission to Fly or Travel
Washington gets a new colony in the Balkans
Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What?
Abu Dhabi investment fund shifting balance of power in financial world
Ron Paul: Bernanke Deliberately Destroying Dollar
Antidepressant drugs don't work – official study
9/11 Redux: 'Thousands of Aliens' in U.S. Flight Schools Illegally
Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling
Up to 70% of US aid to Pakistan 'misspent'
Sabotaging Border Security From Within
Is Inflation Leading to Panic?
Utah Senate Takes Action Against Illegal Immigration
Real Inconvenient Truths.... About Abortion
Student suspended 10 days for taking vitamins
Review ordered after unborn incorrectly diagnosed as blind, deaf
Abortion provider says 'yes' when 'donor' wants to reduce minorities
Taxpayers support teen website promoting pornography, promiscuity
Group enlists theme 'a person's a person, no matter how small'
'It wasn't something I was comfortable with'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah sees senator's 'dark soul' in his regret about helping Schiavo
U.S. drones targeting members of bin Laden's network
Olmert weighs allowing NATO to protect Israel
Gunmen who received amnesty were on their way to carry out attacks
Palestinians in Gaza target coastal town
Despite congressional mandate for CFLs by 2012, U.S. EPA says they shouldn't be used everywhere
Exclusive: Joseph Farah invites readers to join campaign combating Congress
President makes case at news conference
New York mayor writes in op-ed he won't heed calls for candidacy
Senator's American parents were stationed in Panama Canal Zone
'I have some news. Al-Qaida is in Iraq. It's called 'al-Qaida in Iraq'
John Lewis: 'It is my duty ... to express the will of the people'
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
Balking at rules in UK such as rolling up sleeves to scrub
But only real solution to consumer dangers is to improve quality
New militias arise to offset Lebanese terrorist group's power
Ernest Istook to pen weekly column as observer of his former colleagues
National Review founder, seminal thinker in modern conservative movement
'He created modern conservatism as an intellectual and then a political movement'
'It stands athwart history, yelling Stop'
Movement icon talks about his life, work, ideas
Exclusive: David Kupelian explains the growing fascination with all things 'magick'
Christian couple forced to abandon kids because of anti-homosexual stance
Never consulted with field agents who use system before it was installed
Purpose is to show U.S. immigration laws are unfair
'Tip of the iceberg of what workers experience daily at the hands of racists'
Former FAA inspector: Enforcement of post-9/11 laws 'basically nonexistent'
2 Jewish families sued over pervasiveness of Christian prayer on campus
Student 'may form the local transmission backbone of the next pandemic'
Leading geologist claims reports of huge gaps greatly exaggerated
Director: 'I didn't want to have a Wild West show out there'
Claims government unfairly singled him out for censure because of anti-invasion stance
'2 incredibly beautiful black men and twins. It's unprecedented'
Cops say man's remark caused canine to become 'overloaded'
To stop thieves from kidnapping parts, demanding ransom money
200-year-old bodies found in monastery believed to be 2 nuns
'It's a really dramatic increase. It's the volume that is unusual'
Total amount of purloined merchandise valued at more than $5,000
'My breasts have shrunk, genitals have regained previous size and function'
'You can't overestimate the sentimental value of things like photographs'
'Marriage' gives me divorcee's rights, ex says
Dutch lawmaker has warned of 'tsunami of Islamization' in Netherlands
'My response is that there's a body of teaching there that's difficult to reverse'
Officials refuse to remove reference to Almighty
Girl, 9, told she'd be taken to prison if money found in her belongings
Show lures men to house in belief they're about to have sex with underage children
$1,000 for 'best song' to protest U.S. troop presence in Central Asian republic
'It's a very small thing, but it's my corner of the universe'
Cartographer thought he was calling continent 'after the ship's captain who discovered it'
'Recalls should not be viewed as an indication of complacency'
Slumps in housing, credit inhibit spending, investment
'A seminal moment. It's not a fad that will die out when the economy picks up'
Bernanke warns Congress nation in for period of sluggish business growth
'If not, let us know and we'll make it right'
'The economic situation has become distinctly less favorable'
Dave Ramsey responds to questions on debt, bankruptcy filing
67% of defective products came from this foreign nation
Pushing activity down to slowest pace in nearly 13 years
Companies like Verizon, AT&T face dozens of suits for improper participation
Termination date for electronic marriage deal is Saturday
Top 48 analysts cite reasons for $1,000 per ounce prices
Michigan tops ignominious list, see where else is not promising
Perhaps most dissected shareholder letter in corporate U.S. comes Friday
Tries to redefine term in $10 million push
Advertising watchdog ruled it exaggerated hazelnut spread's nutritional value
Kraft, Kellogg, P&G aim to find out in Australia study
In testimony Bernanke says central bank to remain vigilant
'Everyone can invest in new artists on an economically attractive basis'
Rain, Rain, Go Away - Jeffrey A. Tucker - Mises Institute
Majority of Israelis want to negotiate with Hamas - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
The economy is tanking. So why is Wal-Mart thriving? - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine
Pupils set suicide notes as classwork - Times Online
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Sea reptile is biggest on record
Dying in computer games 'makes you happy' - Telegraph
Secrets of the Bird's Nest
Gun Control Claims More Victims by Benedict D. LaRosa
Stop Fed Intervention by Ron Paul
Too Much Monkey Business by Gary North
William Buckley’s Permanent Thing by Christopher Westley
Hillary Clinton on the "NewsHour"
Panel on McCain & Obama Fighting over Iraq
Karl Rove & Frank Luntz on "Hannity & Colmes"
Ben Bernanke to the House Financial Services Comm.
The Ohio Democratic Debate
Our 50-50 political world - Opinion - USATODAY.com
Mona Charen - A Profoundly Consequential Life - washingtonpost.com
Contemplating the Former Brilliance of Bill Buckley
I’m Not Running for President, but ... - New York Times
Remembrances of Mr. Buckley
Up From Liberalism - WSJ.com
William F. Buckley Jr. - washingtonpost.com
A Bad Scenario
Obama Rebuffs Challenges on His Israel Stance - washingtonpost.com
Fall Preview? McCain Hits Obama Again
GOP Gov Up In Dem VT
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Who's the Better Closer?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - McCain in A Glass House
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Somali Dress is Just the Beginning
Bill Clinton: The Bitter Half - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Is the Terror Threat Overrated?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The World in 2009
RealClearPolitics - Articles - White Men Seen All Wrong
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Political Tectonics in Texas Should Worry GOP
RealClearPolitics - Articles - 'Experience' Issue Won't Beat Obama -- McCain Needs 'Vision'
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary's Close-Up
Obama Tells Canada that Trade Message is Just Rhetoric?
William F. Buckley Remembered
Bill Clinton Campaigns in Houston
Clinton "Unethusiastic" About NAFTA
Obama in Duncanville, Texas
Obama's Defense Policies - Part 2
20% Say McCain is Too Old, 13% Say Obama Too Young
Charlie Rose Panel on Europe and the Next U.S. President
Obama: "Voices"
McCain Criticizes Obama on Iraq
Obama: "Plan" & "Oportunidad"
Obama's Inevitability and the Candidates' Strengths
McCain in Cincinnati
Huckabee in Ohio
Clinton: "Level"
Obama's Defense Policies
Russian TV Reports on Hillary's Flub, Takes Onion Seriously
Obama's Debate Highlights
Clinton and Obama Discuss Health Care
Clinton & Obama Discuss Each Other's Worthiness
Cunningham Discusses His Obama Comments
ABC News Reports On Wheat Shortage
Interview Proves Bush Planned Iraq War Before 911
Former Prosecutor to Testify for Detainee - New York Times
Protesting Power - War, Resistance And Law
Absurd Cop Video Warns Of 7 Signs Of Terrorism
How to grow fantastic vegan food indoors
Groups blast FDA approval of food from cloned animals
A Neverending Story - Cosmologists Find The Nothing!!
Scientific Evidence Proves Significant Anti-Cancer Effect of Milk Thistle
toledoblade.com -- Obama blasts McCain at OSU rally
SPACE.com -- New Moon Map Is Best Ever
Turkey says no timetable for Iraq pullout | International | Reuters
RIA Novosti - Russia - Russia to deploy 11 new Topol-M ICBMs in 2008
McCain Lobbyist's Plane Flew Saudi Royals After 9/11
Zionism - The Killing Isn't Over Yet
Robot wars 'will be a reality within 10 years' - Telegraph
Barack Obama - The Devil's Spawn
Asia Times Online :: Asian News, Business and Economy.
McCain's Mental Competance Questioned
Bush will press for action on surveillance bill
Bush: US Is Not Headed Into Recession
McCain: Obama Represents Iraq, Trade Politics of the Past
Obama Criticizes Bush, McCain on Economy
All eyes on Bloomberg's pick for president
Bloomberg passes on White House run
Nelson: 'I can't remember anything'
Nelson admitted buying black mask, according to evidence in murder ...
Conservative pundit William F. Buckley Jr. dead at 82
WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY JR.: 1925-2008 Architect of American conservatism
Record-High Ratio of Americans in Prison
A 'Surge' Isn't Right for Afghanistan
Taleban 'run 10% of Afghanistan'
Peterson's Children to Testify at Grand Jury
Ex-Cop Drew Peterson Maintains Innocence in Wife's Disappearance
3 Killed in Calif. Small Plane Crash
Detroit Mayor: I'm Not Resigning
Support for Bruno despite loss in 48th District
Vallejo may file for bankruptcy
8 Wounded in Los Angeles Street Shooting
Site of fatal NIU shootings to be demolished - CNN.com
Worst-performing districts in state ranked for 1st time
Why Denny-Sealth Matters to Us All
Livery driver brings abandoned baby girl to Queens firehouse
Police Have Suspect in Ark. Shooting
Kenya's Rival Politicians Sign Deal
Kenya signs power-sharing pact
Violence Escalates Along Gaza Border
Gaza rocketeers confound Israel
Britain says Prince Harry deployed in Afghanistan
Gates to Turkey: Halt Incursion in Iraq
Bush calls for quick end to Turkish N.Iraq operation
For Thailand's Thaksin, a warm yet wary welcome
Thailand ex-PM returns to face corruption charges
Russia election: Send us your questions
Russian Presidential Candidate Medvedev Not a Professional Politician
Russian election: Medvedev set to become president in Sunday vote
After Pakistan vote, US eyes options
Allies back Pakistan's President Musharraf, but some call for ...
Hostage Betancourt chained up by Colombia rebels
French President Urges FARC to Free Hostage Betancourt
Freed Hostages Push for More Releases
Fact Check: Obama Denies Report on Trade
Much Ado about NAFTA
Canada TV: Obama Deceived Debate Viewers on NAFTA Plans
UTube Video Exposing White South African Students Sparks Race Protests
S Africa video was 'play-acting'
UFS students apologise
Bush rejects idea of negotiating with Raul Castro
Cubans Eye US Presidential Election
German president urges Raul Castro to seize 'chance for changes ...
Hill may return to Beijing for North Korea talks
US Nuclear Envoy Wraps Up Talks in China
Missile fired on Pakistan militants
Missile kills 8 in remote Pakistan
Africa: France to Review, Publish Military Agreements
In photos: 'South Africa French President Sarkozy Visit'
Sarkozy calls for African help to curb migration
Denmark to oppose debt relief for Sudan over Prophet Muhammad ...
Muslim anger mounts over cartoons, movie
Sudan protests at Danish cartoons
Singapore Apologizes for Terror Escape
Singapore: Terror suspect fled toilet
Sweden and Norway Hold 6 on Terror-Related Charges
Norway, Sweden Arrest 6 on Suspicion of Financing Terrorist ...
Jersey police make significant finds at house
'Significant' find in Jersey home
Gates in India to Expand Security Ties
Nepal seals deal to end protests, a boost for poll
Government, ethnic parties reach agreement to end crippling strike
Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Is the Gold Bull Market Unstoppable? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Forecasting & Analysis Free Website
Metals - Gold scales fresh highs as dollar plunges to new depths UPDATE - News Wires - CNBC.com
Debit Cards: Bank Of America Won't Let You Access Your Money
Chuck Baldwin -- Moneychangers Destroying America--And Christians Don't See It
Student Killed by Kassam: Roni Yihye, 47, Father of Four - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Arutz Sheva
Obama's women reveal his secret
'World Wide Computer' is on horizon - USATODAY.com
Seed vault in Arctic is mankind's 'insurance policy': project leader
Researcher claims vast network of prehistoric civilization discovered near Lake Titicaca
NASA's "New Worlds Observer" Will be Able to Spot Oceans, Continents and Clouds on Small Rocky Planets | The Daily Galaxy: News from Planet Earth & Beyond
The real Indiana Jones: Intrepid British don Tudor Parfitt's mission to find the Lord Ark | the Daily Mail
Pyramid Architect's Final Resting Place?
Darth Higgs: Scientists Looking for the Force Finally Put CERN's Large Hadron Collider to Good USe
7,000-year-old city found in Egypt Faiyum Oasis
Ann Coulter remembers courageous lines uttered by iconic National Review chief
Exclusive: Mary Jo Anderson sees Barack as personal messiah for godless leftists
Exclusive: Ernest Istook drubs the left for portraying middle class as oppressed
Exclusive: Jane Chastain tells why she says no to Girl Scouts' fundraiser
Exclusive: Tristan Emmanuel relishes fact Americans are increasingly ignoring elites
Exclusive: Jack Cashill shows how films ignore covert ops involving Clinton, Gore
Exclusive: Craige McMillan shows how regulation has driven jobs out of U.S.
Exclusive: Ellis Washington chides black residents for electing liberal tribalists
Larry Elder explains title of his new book, 'Stupid Black Men'
Rebecca Hagelin offers alternative to vacuous waiting-room magazines
William Hartung worries about Nader drawing votes from Democratic nominee
Exclusive: Readers whack psychiatry, tell horrors of mercury poisoning
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
Exclusive: Jill Stanek uses 'pro-choice' arguments against 'animal rights wingnuts'
Rich Lowry defends NAFTA against Democrat barbs