"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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16 February 2008

16 FEB

Top Government Accountability Officer Quit

Phoenix Police to Check Arrestees' Immigrant Status - New York Times
Democrats Look to Avoid Convention Rift - New York Times
Superdelegates get campaign cash - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence - Boston.com
White men hold superdelegate power balance - Josephine Hearn - Politico.com
George H.W. Bush to endorse McCain - Mike Allen - Politico.com
McCain says early withdrawal from Iraq would mean 'genocide'
Qaeda defeated in Baghdad: Iraqi PM
My Way News - Obama Picks Up Another Labor Endorsement
Missile Defense Future May Turn on Success of Mission to Destroy Satellite - New York Times
My Way News - Bush Says Congress Putting US in Danger
Democrats defy Bush on spy program and immunity | Politics | Reuters
wcbstv.com - Bloomberg Rips Government Over Failing Economy
World Tribune —Is the party over in China? Massive unemployment looms
NBA Great Charles Barkley Calls Conservatives 'Fake Christians'
Migrant-smuggling ring dealt serious blow
Hate Crime Charges Against Teen Who Shot 'Feminine' Boy -- 02/15/2008
U.S. spy charges called 'groundless' - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
FOXNews.com - Purported Al Qaeda Video Shows Prisoners Burned Alive - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Newsmax.com - Key Witness in Haditha Case to Testify
Some voters say sexism less offensive than racism - CNN.com
New front in Berkeley-Marines war: U.S. Senate
Baby detained, dies in Honolulu airport - Life- msnbc.com
Mao offered women to U.S. - USATODAY.com
Bush Says Congress Putting U.S. In Danger
Bush Position On Torture & Spying Is Fascism
Korean Firm Bids To Clone Dead Pets
U.S. Hiring Contractors to Train Tribal Militiamen
WSJ: Citigroup Stops Withdrawals from Hedge Fund
Blackwater Schooling Taiwan's Secret Police
East Timor Braces for Potential Crisis Following Assassination Attempt on President Jose Ramos-Horta
On Tenth Anniversary of V-Day, Vagina Monologues Playwright Eve Ensler Focuses on Violence Against Women in New Orleans and Gulf South
SEIU Members Face Off in Dispute Over Leadership, Direction of One of Nation's Largest Unions
Heparin Blood Thinner Drug Linked to Sudden Deaths; Cheap Ingredients Imported from Chinese Chemical Factory
Subprime Losses Already Outweigh The Great Depression :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Forecasting & Analysis Free Website
Vicente Fox Seeks Interdependent North America and Emerging World Government
Is Keith Olbermann ready to start asking real questions?
Skeptical Global Warming Scientists To Challenge "Consensus"
Bush Spy Bill Stance Called Fear-Mongering
Rice Lies To Wexler About Making False Statements Before The Iraq War
Reuters: Depression risk might force U.S. Gov't & Federal Reserve to buy assets
Bernanke Says Economic Outlook Is Worse
Debt crisis spreads to US municipalities
'Diana death-crash mirrored MI6 plot to assassinate top Balkan leader', admits former spy
Mao Proposed Sending 10 Million Chinese Women to US as a 'Population Bomb' in Meeting with Kissinger
Fox News' Carl Cameron Confronted Over 'Fake' Debates
Admit it: You don't know where the !@#$% Tajikistan is Greg Palast
ABC News: 7 Killed As Car Hits Md. Drag-Race Crowd
ABC News: Astronauts prepare for Wednesday's shuttle return
ABC News: Bush pushes for deal to end Kenya crisis
ABC News: Satellite Shootdown Won't Affect Station
ABC News: Attacks in Baghdad fall 80 percent: Iraq military
ABC News: Bomb kills 37 on last day of Pakistan vote campaign
ABC News: Iran plays down Paris meeting it attended with USA
ABC News: Tenn. DA's Body Won't Be Exhumed in Case
ABC News: Fossett Remembered for Daredevil Spirit
ABC News: Scientists Closely Examine FEMA Trailers
ABC News: Gunman's Friendly Exterior Masked Past
ABC News: Texas Diocese Settles Priest Abuse Suit
50,000 First Responders Needs Donations, Dignity and True Respect
Patriotic Performance Measurement
We Are Change Confronts NAU Minion Vicente Fox
University Police: Illinois Campus Shooter On "Medication"
Larry McDonald on the New World Order
A Valentine from the Ministry of Love
Marvel Comics: Vehicle For The New World Order
Bernanke Says Economic Outlook Is Worse
EU Children to Surrender Fingerprints at Borders
Bloomberg: U.S. Resembles Third World Nation
Be Careful What You Vote For, You Just Might Get It
Tom the Tinker Few and Far Between
House Lets Surveillance Law Expire — For Now
A Hard Look at NATO is Long Overdue
Specter of Congressional Insanity
Can't Fight City Hall? Call In An Air Strike
Jihadis throw a wild bash over the Protect America Act
Titan's Organic Hydrocarbons Dwarf Earth's Oil Reserves | Wired Science from Wired.com
On War It's Not
Independent Kosovo? Why not Vermont?
Baliunas Says Global Warming Related To Sun
Fierce-eyed dinosaur that was a hard case with a head for combat - Times Online
The 50 best love songs of the '80s - Telegraph
Gallery: Scientists Scan Striking Nanoscale Images
Recovering the Actual Constitution by Kevin R. C. Gutzman
Playing the Odds by David Calderwood
An Introduction to Macroeconomics by Gary North
The Conspiracy Theory of History Revisited by Murray N. Rothbard
Top shrink concludes liberals are nuts!
Saturn moon has more hydrocarbons than all of Earth's known reserves
Expert warns senator vulnerable to campaign manager's lobbying
Democrat sponsors act OK'd by Senate panel that would cost 0.7% of gross national product
Former president to make announcement in Houston Monday
Reacting to 'no soul' comment, says 'head of state should have a head'
'Logical result of advice is fewer marriages, more sexual experimentation'
Communist leader joked with Kissinger but feared comments would anger public
'This is one of the great developments of the 19th century towards democracy'
'We don't need any of these missionary institutions'
Islamic Jihad commander among at least 7 who die by explosion
Mossad locates, eliminates Hezbollah terrorist
Charges security breach allowed Western elements to kill Mughniyeh
Now facing jail for leaving accident scene
Woman seen 'tromping' vegetation where path appeared
Egyptian court makes converts from Islam show 'previous Muslim identity' on ID cards
Charges of 'Vatican interference' over call to refuse 'vulgar and destructive' scenes
Bombs near police station leave 1 dead – no immediate claims of responsibility
Cholesterol-lowering drug – 'We have found a way to make it take off its armor'
Investigation follows 4 deaths, hundreds of 'reactions'
Cops: Former NIU student who gunned down 5, killed self, called 'somewhat erratic'
No. 1: 'He didn't fit the profile'
Clues preserved in rocks once awash with water suggest environment both acidic, briny
Chained in bathroom, basement since she was 10 – raped, gave birth to 2 children
Families dispute official death toll from chemical-tainted medications
Police: He 'had a difficult time locating his license in his purse'
Tiny colony of EU-protected species stood in way of new classrooms
'Work is constant, shops are reopening, and people are coming back to their homes'
Signals U.S. defenses can be used to counter China's strategic space weapons
'A mockery of freedom of speech and to me it doesn't matter what religion you have'
People blindly follow 1 or 2 who seem to 'know the way'
Food diary helped: 'I was amazed by how many calories I was eating'
Undiagnosed rare blood condition left his body unable to recover
Agency panel considering approval of oral medicine for diarrhea virus
'We want to tell the public that this is not a tolerated behavior by a police officer'
Victim dragged from house naked before officers shot Rottweiler
Allegedly took 2 celebrity magazines, 2 packets of batteries at L.A. airport
Scottish prosecutor considering action for unregistered coat of arms
Requested by wife as step toward resolving legal status of his estate
Man survived muggings, accidents, punctures to pedal 18,000 miles in 192 days
Press Conf. with Presidents Bush and Yayi
Panel Discusses Superdelegate Defectionss
Shields & Brooks Discuss the Campaign, and Clemens
Jack Kemp on "Hannity & Colmes"
Clinton camp begins 11th hour effort - David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
Opinion: Obama the Muzak Messiahof the pseudo-revolution | obama, barack, america, new, first - OCRegister.com
Can Obama become too hip for his own good? - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine
The Dirtiest Trick - TIME
The Mittification of McCain - New York Times
Finding Their Faith - TIME
The McCain Economic "Team"
The Meme Prisoner
The Neocons and Iraq - WSJ.com
In Pakistan, Islam Needs Democracy - New York Times
Bradley A. Smith and Steve Simpson - Unfettered Speech, Now - washingtonpost.com
Reason Magazine - Whatever Happened to Tax Cuts?
Hearts of Darkness by Michael Knox Beran, City Journal Winter 2008
Mr. Obama's Waffle - washingtonpost.com
KSM, the Victim - WSJ.com
The Spy Is Falling
Florida, Michigan Delegates Shouldn't Decide Race, Pelosi Says
McCain to hammer Obama on financing - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
Democrats' Attacks On Business Heat Up - WSJ.com
The Associated Press: Bush Family Swinging Behind McCain
RealClearPolitics - Articles - For U.S. Foreign Policy, Self-Interest Is Morality
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Democrats and the Politics of Identity
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary's "McGovern" Problem
McCain in Oshkosh
"But Neither Do Negative Attacks"
Clinton: "Deserves" & "Rebuild"
McCain on "Larry King Live"
Michelle Obama Talks to Katie Couric
Matthews Calls Clinton Press Shop "Kneecappers"
Huckabee on "Hannity & Colmes"
Romney Endorses McCain
House GOP Walks Out
Obama: "Debate"
McCain Hearts Bush
Both Races on the Day After
The Day After the Potomac Primaries
Obama: "Enough"
Clinton: "Giving Voice to our Soldiers"
Obama at the GM Plant in Janesville
Huckabee in Wisconsin
House GOP Leadership Endorses McCain
Clinton: "Debate"
Obama Rally in Madison, Wisconsin
Huckabee Vows to Carry On
McCain's Potomac Primary Speech
Clinton's El Paso Rally
Gilchrest, Wynn Lose House Seats
Huckabee Discusses Tuesday's Results
Clinton, Obama address Houston hot topics
Kindness, Then Sharp Words, From Clinton
McCain: Obama Should Take Public Funding
Service employees' union officially endorses Obama
Obama comes out swinging against Clinton in Wisconsin
DNC has no firm strategy to end standoff
Easy Answers Elude Mich., Fla. Delegates
Major service workers union backs Obama
Huckabee ignoring GOP's hints to quit presidential race
Chelsea Clinton takes campaign stage, laments lack of personal space
Bill Clinton: Choose Record Not Speeches
Boston Rocker Tells Huckabee to Lay Off
Bush Family Swinging Behind McCain
Who should be McCain's running mate?
Huckabee Keeps Fighting
Republicans facing the great divide?
Clinton, Obama Ratchet Up Attacks
Clinton Ohio surrogates blast Obama
Bill Clinton stumps for Hillary at five East Texas stops
What Would You Ask the Candidates?
Republicans Focus on McCain Atop Ticket
Chelsea Clinton rallies for her mother in Obama's home state
Obama Seeks Win on Hawaiian Home Turf
Clinton sharpens attack in presidential race
Seven killed at US drag car race
'Friendly' Gunman Had A Disturbed Past
Clinton Makes 11th-Hour Bid to Compete in Wisconsin
Bush Chides Congress Over Spy Law Lapse
A Look at Bush's Trip to Africa
US Makes Case About Satellite To Foreign Envoys
Attempt to shoot down spy satellite to cost up to $60 million
Deputy Arrested in Wheelchair Dump Video
Ex-Ohio Cop Convicted of Lover's Death
Government Accountability Chief Resigns
Congressional watchdog Walker to resign
Mourners Remember Slain SWAT Officer
US Lawmakers to Observe Pakistani Voting
US meets Iranian official to discuss "terror" funds
Border Fence Would Slice Through Private Land
US Border Fence Sparks Property Rights Dispute
Suicide Blast at Campaign Rally in Pakistan Kills 37
Kosovo's PM in independence nod
EU Gives Final Approval to Kosovo Police Mission
Syria Denies Joint Iran Investigation
Lebanese official: Hezbollah has appointed successor to slain ...
Danish Muslims in cartoon protest
Thousands Mourn Slain Lawmaker in Kenya
Explosion Kills Top Palestinian Militant, 7 Others in Gaza
Gaza blast victims laid to rest
East Timor Hunts President's Attackers
Aborigines Plan to Sue Australia
Sarkozy Holocaust plan sparks anger
About 20000 rally in Georgia against president
Georgian billionaire will be taken home for burial
Three-Way Presidential Race Takes Shape For Zimbabwe March Ballot
Vladimir Putin slams Hillary, and 'nose-picking' critics
Thousands protest against Philippines' Arroyo
Bush starts Africa trip with call for Kenya deal
Sudan: Privately-Owned Press Caught Up in a Proxy War
Chad declares state of emergency
Sri Lanka says jets attack northern rebel base
Sri Lanka's air force bombs Tamil Tiger rebel base in the north ...
UN troops 'trapped' in Eritrea
VOA News - Top Burmese Rebel Leader Killed
13 Police Officers Dead in Maoist Rebel Attack in Eastern India
Militant attacks in India leave 15 dead
Canada sends ex-SS guard to Italy
Canada Extradites Nazi to Italy
Stocks slip for 2nd session as investors eye weak manufacturing, consumer sentiment reports
Says storm clouds over economy won't clear until home prices bottom out
Fed's strategy of preemptive easing starkly at odds with European wait-and-see policy
Slowing economy remains at foremost of investors' minds
Fear about potential supply disruptions overseas continues to drive market
'These are the worst of times,' would-be worker says in Spanish
Paying for education tougher this year as smaller lenders tighten standards, raise rates
Illinois shooting may be boost to fast-growing crisis-notification companies
Dems say it will help, GOP says it will hurt ... 30% don't understand term
Sufferers of various diseases flock to China for treatment, hope
Potential to squeeze higher offer resides overseas in Asia's surging Internet market
Challenging Target: Slowing U.S. economy may have revived world's largest retailer
Company often asks SEC for permission to not disclose trading strategy
Automaker betting buyers will want 1 that gets job done at sensible cost
Exclusive: Joseph Farah notes how thrilled American Stalinists are with Barack Obama
Charles Krauthammer looks at candidate's ability to mesmerize with rhetoric
Exclusive: Tom Kuiper shares about latest financial skullduggery in Clinton camp
Exclusive: Pat Boone urges readers to pray for God's 'lymphocytes' to cleanse culture
Star Parker: GOP unity could coalesce if right partner is chosen
Exclusive: Henry Lamb lauds Arizona pols for reining in Public/Private Partnerships
Exclusive: Ellis Washington takes on Oliver Wendell Holmes over law and morality
Exclusive: Greg Laurie stresses fact God chooses common people to do great things
Jonah Goldberg isn't weeping about KSM thinking he was drowning, in view of 9/11
Tim Wildmon asserts believers in Bible 'are becoming societal lepers'
Tony Campolo describes movement of 'progressive evangelicals'
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey compares cloning, other science to 'hybrids' from Genesis 6
Steve Chapman cheers New Mexico system that requires sobriety to start your car