"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

15 February 2008

15th Feb *This is a Ron Paul link*

  • Top Government Accountability Officer Quits

  • Putin vs. Clinton - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
  • American Research Group
  • BBC NEWS | Americas | Large blast hits Mexican capital
  • ABC News: Illinois Shooter Had Plan, Bought 4 Guns
  • Daily Herald | Elk Grove man identified as gunman in NIU killings
  • ABC News: Who Was the Illinois School Shooter?
  • Another Massacre At A "Gun Free Zone" College Campus | KXNet.com North Dakota News
  • Obama Supports Individual Gun Rights
  • Oil prices approach 100 dollars per barrel
  • McCain Scolds Obama on Campaign Funds
  • McCain says early withdrawal from Iraq would mean 'genocide'
  • Qaeda defeated in Baghdad: Iraqi PM
  • US satellite to enter atmosphere around March 6: US diplomat
  • US to Try to Shoot Down Spy Satellite
  • Rocker Tells Huckabee to Lay Off Song
  • Pope to Visit White House
  • Magnitude 5 Earthquake Strikes Lebanon
  • L.A. Times Editor Post Goes to Web Site Chief
  • The Times to Cut 100 News Jobs - New York Times
  • Report says Monica Conyers made threat
  • BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | First order for pet dog cloning
  • Korean firm bids to clone dead pets | Science | guardian.co.uk
  • World Tribune —Is the party over in China? Massive unemployment looms
  • wcbstv.com - Bloomberg Rips Government Over Failing Economy
  • Bush sees no deal on spy program before Africa trip | Politics | Reuters
  • U.S. says 82 youths have died in choking game | U.S. | Reuters
  • U.S. vows to pay for damage caused by satellite | Science | Reuters
  • George H.W. Bush to endorse McCain - Mike Allen - Politico.com
  • White men hold superdelegate power balance - Josephine Hearn - Politico.com
  • Italian bishops condemned for urging actors to shun sex scenes - Times Online
  • abc7news.com: An inside look at the online chats of KGO Radio talk show host, Bernie Ward 2/15/08
  • Slave To "Research" - February 15, 2008
  • Impeachment fizzle: Boulder lacks votes to take on Bush : County News : Boulder Daily Camera
  • U.S. Officials Say Broken Satellite Will Be Shot Down - New York Times
  • Metro home sales up by 15%
  • wcbstv.com - MySpace 'Friend Request' Violates Protection Order
  • National overview - 2008 Primary Results- msnbc.com
  • ABC News: Clinton's Support Fractures Amid Obama Surge
  • Madame Speaker Superly Weighs In
  • Black Leader, a Clinton Ally, Tilts to Obama - New York Times
  • Confidence or Derangement?
  • Nicaraguan leader calls Obama's campaign 'revolutionary' - International Herald Tribune
  • Superdelegates get campaign cash - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence - Boston.com
  • Arab Ministers Move To Censor Satellite TV
  • Olbermann: Bush Invasion Of Privacy Is Terrorism
  • Top Government Accountability Officer Quits
  • FEMA Slammed For Toxic Trailers
  • NIU Shooter Was On Unknown Medication
  • Israel A Haven For Pedophiles?
  • Bush: London Bombs Justify Torture
  • Bush Sees No Deal On Spy Program
  • NY Times To Lay Off 100 Newsroom Staff
  • Police To Get Real-Time Spy Satellite Data
  • Bush To Veto Torture Ban
  • Bush Criticizes Congress On Terror Bill
  • U.S. Resembles Third World Nation
  • Banks Begging For Government Bail Out
  • Video: Americans Are Not Stupid?
  • Mao Proposed Sending 10M Women To U.S.
  • CDC: FEMA Trailers Have Toxic Air
  • U.S. Intel Links Iran With Nuke Bomb Bid
  • Obama's Global Tax Up For Senate Vote
  • McCain Is A Liar He Is A Pro-Torture Candidate
  • Congress Votes To Outlaw CIA Torture
  • Satellite shoot-down shows missile muscle
  • Crowds 'pick leaders to follow' - Telegraph
  • The Denver Post - McCain: Step up drug war
  • Child fingerprint checks at European borders - Telegraph
  • WSJ: Citigroup Stops Withdrawals from Hedge Fund
  • Blackwater Schooling Taiwan's Secret Police
  • New Bill To Allow Police Misconduct Be Hidden From Public
  • Monsanto U: Agribusiness's Takeover of Public Schools
  • The Final Frontier: Washington Prepares for Arms Race in Space
  • Los Alamos: 19 Nuke Violations, 57 Classified Info Breaches in Five Years
  • Saudis told Britain it could 'face another 7/7' if BAE arms deal probe continued
  • VIDEO: Author Of Real ID Act Confronted
  • EU Official Wants Satellite Surveillence Grid
  • FEMA: Trains To Take You To The Concentration Camps
  • Welcome to Cyberwar Country, USA
  • Diplomats advised to compare 9/11 cases to Nazi war crime trials
  • Arrested, caged and DNA tested - for using MP3
  • Children To Be Put In Database For Life
  • Lockheed Secures Contract to Expand Biometric Database
  • Global inflation climbs to historic levels
  • Venezuela Halts Oil Sales To Exxon Mobil
  • Did terrorists cause the housing mess?
  • BBC NEWS | UK | Five students win terror appeal
  • Business spies for FBI eyes
  • Police to be given real-time access to spy satellite data.
  • SAF Files Amicus Brief in D.C. Gun Ban Case Before Supreme Court
  • My Way News - Bush Says Congress Putting US in Danger
  • FOXNews.com - Purported Al Qaeda Video Shows Prisoners Burned Alive - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
  • NIU gunman identified -- chicagotribune.com
  • New front in Berkeley-Marines war: U.S. Senate
  • Some voters say sexism less offensive than racism - CNN.com
  • 80-year-old John Wayne fan puts attacker in hospital | Latest News | WFAA.com
  • Push to permit guns on campus - USATODAY.com
  • Serbia braces for new nation - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
  • x-Ohio Cop Convicted of Lover's Death
  • Suit Could Unleash Surge of Money in 2008 Presidential Race - February 15, 2008 - The New York Sun
  • Migrant-smuggling ring dealt serious blow
  • Hate Crime Charges Against Teen Who Shot 'Feminine' Boy -- 02/15/2008
  • U.S. spy charges called 'groundless' - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
  • Black superdelegates reconsider backing Clinton | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
  • Mao offered women to U.S. - USATODAY.com
  • Baby detained, dies in Honolulu airport - Life- msnbc.com
  • 50,000 First Responders Needs Donations, Dignity and True Respect
  • Is Keith Olbermann ready to start asking real questions?
  • Skeptical Global Warming Scientists To Challenge "Consensus"
  • Bush Spy Bill Stance Called Fear-Mongering
  • Bloomberg: U.S.Resembling A 'Third-World Country'
  • Rice Lies To Wexler About Making False Statements Before The Iraq War
  • Patriotic Performance Measurement
  • Bernanke open to further rate cuts
  • Debt crisis spreads to US municipalities
  • Defeat a "real possibility" in Afghanistan: Ashdown
  • Perino On Permanent Bases: It Depends On How You Define ‘Permanent’
  • War Veterans Make Up Half of Suicides At Home
  • Mayor Compares Threat of Global Warming to Terrorism
  • 'Diana death-crash mirrored MI6 plot to assassinate top Balkan leader', admits former spy
  • Chairman Mao Proposed Sending 10 Million Chinese Women to US in Kissinger Meeting
  • 9/11 Timeline Obtains Major New FBI Document
  • WeAreChange interviews Jim LaPenna, 9/11 First Responder
  • Pilot wrongly accused of training September 11 hijackers CAN claim complensation
  • Kelso: 9/11 True Believer
  • US may shoot down spy sat to safeguard tech secrets
  • House Rejects Extension for FISA
  • Fox News' Carl Cameron Confronted Over 'Fake Debates'
  • Is the Presidential Candidate of Your Choice Ready to Save a Sinking Ship?
  • Giuliani deep 'in the hole' over campaign debts
  • Mr Big Stick in Latin America: Meet John McCain
  • Ron Paul's Texas Opponent
  • Challenger gives Ron Paul a run for his money in congressional contest
  • Mexico President Says U.S. Should Not Close Its Doors To Migrants
  • The White House wants a $1.4 billion stimulus/national security package…for Mexico
  • Planning Underway for an EU-USA Common Market
  • cbs2chicago.com - 6 Dead In N. Illinois University Massacre
  • Depression risk might force U.S. to buy assets | Reuters
  • Buffett's bond insurer gambit no burst of altruism | Reuters
  • Bernanke Warns of Worsening Economy: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
  • Ambac Financial rejects Buffett's bond insurer bailout - International Herald Tribune
  • Prosecutors Say Ex-A.I.G. Executives Created a Fraud - New York Times
  • 911 First Responders....
  • TIME Multimedia | 9/11 : Still Killing
  • The Clinton Chronicles (VIDEO)
  • A Valentine from the Ministry of Love
    Marvel Comics: Vehicle For The New World Order
    Bernanke Says Economic Outlook Is Worse
    EU Children to Surrender Fingerprints at Borders
    Corporate Media vs. 9/11 Truth
    Larry McDonald on the New World Order
    Bloomberg: U.S. Resembles Third World Nation
    Be Careful What You Vote For, You Just Might Get It
    University Police: Illinois Campus Shooter On “Medication”
    Tom the Tinker Few and Far Between
    McCain's risky strategy | Salon.com
    Is Hillary Due for a Comeback? - Michael Barone (usnews.com)
    Obama sounds good, but words aren't enough -- Newsday.com
    Fresh Start Conservatism - New York Times
    Hillary can still save her bacon | Gerard Baker - Times Online
    A fitting death for terrorist Imad Mughniyeh - Telegraph
    The Democrats' audacity of hope - USATODAY.com
    Mediator, Mobilizer, Or Both?
    ABC News: For the First Time, Petraeus Is Cautiously Optimistic
    Government Showdown
    Obama's voice, Edwards's message - The Boston Globe
    A Crisis of Faith - New York Times
    Ronald Reagan Would Back McCain - HUMAN EVENTS
    The Model for McCain?
    Mike McConnell - A Key Gap In Fighting Terrorism - washingtonpost.com
    Hollywood’s geopolitics lesson for China
    The Denver Post - Theater of the ridiculous
    Marry Him!
    Rezkobama - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
    The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
    Attack on Northern Illinois -- chicagotribune.com
    Vladimir Putin's long farewell to Russia - Telegraph
    Bush of Africa - February 15, 2008 - The New York Sun
    Obama's Ties Might Fuel `Republican Attack Machine'
    Romney Releases His Delegates, Backs McCain - washingtonpost.com
    The Columbus Dispatch : Clinton at OSU: "The people of Ohio get me."
    RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - Wisconsin Democratic Primary
    RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation
    RealClearPolitics - Articles - No Incumbent is Safe
    RealClearPolitics - Articles - How 'Inevitable' Got Outmaneuvered
    RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama's Gloomy Big-Government Vision
    RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama Casts His Spell
    RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - Texas Democratic Primary
    RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - Ohio Democratic Primary
    RealClearPolitics - Articles - Democracy on the Line Next Week in Pakistan
    John McCain on "Larry King Live"
    Axelrod & Wolfson Discuss the Campaign
    Huckabee, Sharpton on "Hannity & Colmes"
    Roundtable on the FISA Debate in the House
    Clinton: "Deserves"
    McCain on "Larry King Live"
    Michelle Obama Talks to Katie Couric
    Matthews Calls Clinton Press Shop "Kneecappers"
    Huckabee on "Hannity & Colmes"
    Romney Endorses McCain
    House GOP Walks Out
    Obama: "Debate"
    McCain Hearts Bush
    Both Races on the Day After
    The Day After the Potomac Primaries
    Obama: "Enough"
    Clinton: "Giving Voice to our Soldiers"
    Obama at the GM Plant in Janesville
    Huckabee in Wisconsin
    House GOP Leadership Endorses McCain
    Clinton: "Debate"
    Obama Rally in Madison, Wisconsin
    Huckabee Vows to Carry On
    McCain's Potomac Primary Speech
    Clinton's El Paso Rally
    Gilchrest, Wynn Lose House Seats
    Huckabee Discusses Tuesday's Results
    Clinton: "Lifetime"
    Frank Luntz's Focus Group
    House Rejects Spy Bill Extension, Setting Stage for Adoption of Telco Amnesty and Wider Spy Powers | Threat Level from Wired.com
    Specter of Congressional Insanity | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
    Can't Fight City Hall? Call In An Air Strike | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom