"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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02 January 2008


Letterman Returns And Fans Couldn't Be Happier
Deadline Hollywood Daily
My Way News - Letterman, Leno Return Wednesday Night
My Way News - Candidates Struggle to Iowa Finish Line
FT.com / MARKETS / Commodities - Gold’s advance leads way for oil and platinum
My Way News - Southern Farmers Fret As Cold Sets In
My Way News - Priest Charged With Lying About Mob Ties
Expert predicts sex with robots by 2050 | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Most Americans “Very Satisfied” With Their Personal Lives
Cell phone users tie up traffic: study - Yahoo! Canada News
France warns against excessive mobile phone use - Yahoo! News
wcbstv.com - Companies Rewarding Workers' Healthy Habits
Clock ticks down for candidates in Iowa - International Herald Tribune
Iowa Caucus Predictions: Romney, Obama Win; Clinton Third - HUMAN EVENTS
Hillary Clinton's campaign offering teen baby-sitters for Iowa caucusgoers
Lieberman says no ambition to be VP with McCain - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Romney Takes Swipe at Clinton WH Years
Yale Daily News - In campus-wide poll, Obama eclipses former Eli Clinton
As Huckabee Pulls Ad, Rollins, For Once, Must Pull a Punch
My Way News - Criminal Probe Opened Over CIA Tapes
Oil Futures Rise to $100 a Barrel: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
FT.com / Markets / US - Wall St start to new year worst in 25 years
FT.com / MARKETS / Commodities - Dollar fear sparks rush to oil and gold
Armed Man Arrested At Clinton's Iowa Office - News Story - WNBC | New York
Paul Rivals Clinton, Raising Almost $20 Million for Campaign
FBI to use digital billboard alerts to catch criminals | Media | Guardian Unlimited
'Sudden jihad syndrome' poses domestic risk - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Two men sought, a third jailed in case of indicted UA law student and beauty queen | www.tucsoncitizen.com ®
PipelineNews.org - The RIGHT News...RIGHT Now
Just the facts on SB 777 - North County Times / The Californian - On Notice - Murder rate remains among nation's highest- NOLA.com
DEBKAfile - Barak: Palestinian killers of Ahijam Amihai and David Rubin last Friday should rot in prison for the rest of their days
Cars torched in 'calm' NYE in France | NEWS.com.au
The State of Jihad: 2007 - The Long War Journal
TheHill.com - Lantos will not seek reelection
Military use of unmanned aircraft soars - Yahoo! News
A New DNA Test Can ID a Suspect's Race, But Police Won't Touch It
World Tribune — Lev Navrozov: The insanity of genius: Would Einstein be turned away by today's intelligentsia?
Ambulance service receives emergency call every 8 seconds as Binge Britain welcomes in 2008 | the Daily Mail
From "Michael Savage.ComAll the candidates children
Former Ministry of Homeland Security Functionary Becomes VP of Raytheon
PPP: Laser Beam Technology Killed Bhutto
Oil Hits $100 a Barrel “Tipping Point”
Cocaine “Vaccine” May Be Pushed As Inoculation
Big Brother, Big Business
Bush 9/11 Whitewash Commission: CIA Obstructed Investigation
Huckabee, Britney, and Foreign Policy
Seeds of Destruction, The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
Bhutto Had Evidence of Pakistan ISI Plot to Rig Elections
Surveillance Art
The Ministry of Homeland Security and Stalin’s NKVD
The Gray Lady Gives Bill Kristol and New Lease on Life
U.S. and Britain: “Endemic Surveillance Societies”
Spying Incorporated
Bogus Neocon Terror War Costs $6,000 Per Second
Huckabee Lies About His Iran NIE Cluelessness, Botches Timeline Again
Top American Fascism News: Keeping Track of the Fascists
Rudy Giuliani will Convert America into a Police State
Now We are Human Commodities
GIS, GPS, and Geoslavery
Style, Substance and the Dems' Big 3
Romney, Obama Will Win Iowa; Clinton 3rd
Hillary's Obstacle in Iowa
Huckabee's Power of Personality
McCain & Giuliani: There Can Be Only One
Edwards' Final Push
GOP Funk: Money, Enthusiasm Lacking
Stonewalled by the C.I.A
Where is Common Sense on Immigration?
Bhutto's Real Legacy
Epochal Battle Set for '08
What We Want in a President
Ron Paul and The New Deaniacs
4,000 Sacrificed to Vindicate 3,000
The World Wants America Back
The Dimensions of the Housing Bubble
Remember: Issue Ads Represent Free Speech
No Way to Run the World's Greatest Democracy
Preparing for the Worst In Kenya
Fatal Distraction: Typing and Driving
Huckabee and Consultant Form An Uneasy Alliance
For Republicans, Contest's Hallmark Is Immigration
Edge in Iowa Hard to Find Among Key Groups
Candidates Urge Voter Turnout In Iowa
Huckabee On "Hannity & Colmes"
The Huckabee Ad That Wasn't
Edwards In "The Situation Room"
Predictions For Iowa
Observers Discuss The Latest Numbers
Obama's Two Minute Message
Giuliani Calls For Surge In Afghanistan
Clinton's Two Minute Message
Rollins Explains Pulling The Negative Ad
Dodd On "Morning Joe"
Giuliani: "Ready"
Thompson On Fox News Live
Obama Backer Goes For Richardson, Edwards
McCain: "Foreign Policy Alert" Web Ad
Huckabee's Morning Media
Edwards: "Wave Of Change"
Clinton Questioned By Vieira On "Today"
Romney: "Roundhouse Kick"
Last Night's Latest From Iowa
Inside The Register's Poll
Giuliani's Year In Review
Romney: "Asian Tiger"
Dodd's "Caucus For Results" Rally
Chuck Norris Attacks Romney
Obama's New Year's Appearances
Romney: "Full Spectrum Conservative"
McCain: "Experience" Web Ad
Dodd's New Year's Message
Edwards: "Bishop"
Romney: "Vote For Tomorrow"
Ron Paul Will Finish 3rd in Iowa: Latest Zogby Poll
Obama Girl Has a 'Crush' on Army Recruits
4 Presidential Candidates Top Judicial Watch's 2007 Most Corrupt Politicians
Bloomberg Grouping Bipartisan 'Unity' Government for 3rd Party Run?
Gold and oil challenging record levels
Wall Street set for cautious start to 2008
Peak oil theories
Thousands Exposed to Poison by Government's Aerial Spraying
Houston scientists see hope in cocaine vaccine
Pakistan backtracks on claim sunroof killed Bhutto
Iowa Caucus Run-Up Finds Paul Reading, Giuliani Taking a Break
FOX News Corp Stock Taking a Beating for Slighting Ron Paul
Ron Paul Supporters Could Cause Millions of Losses for Fox News
Ron Paul: I Don't Want To Run The Economy. I Don't Know How To.
Ron Paul Praised by American Cops
Kean & Hamilton: Stonewalled by the C.I.A.
9/11 Commission Report: Second Edition