"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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02 January 2008

2 Jan. '08

Click above: Ron Paul link

Charges that if FEC rejects, agency will have 'aided and abetted' in felony
For Democrats, Republicans, race in Iowa too close to call
Unprecedented swell of cash flooding state for tomorrow's caucuses
Police say he pulled out weapon but made no direct threats
Describes President Pervez Musharraf as 'candidate' who would be 'on the ballot'
'There is a segment that is hotly anti-immigrant, and they're very engaged'
Mike flanked by actor Chuck Norris, who continues to deliver star power
N.H. GOP negotiating with network to include other candidates
'Most Americans know the forces of terrorism will not rest'
'They have way too much – way too much – say'
Most active West Bank militant group in security team for Middle East visit
Says Israel might have no choice but to share city with Palestinians
Due to violence following assassination of Benazir Bhutto
Fears of deepening ethnic conflict in one of Africa's most stable democracies
Sidewalk adviser knocked unconscious, police let suspect flee
Vietnam veterans angered by spray-painting attributed to violent Hispanic street gang
Has been told only Islamics can use word for God
'Fewer than half of Chinese Christians own God's Word; demand overwhelming'
Driver: 'I don't think this is the place or the time to do so'
Amount you pay cashier has risen in '07 at more than twice '06 rate
London health plan hopes to save billions of pounds
So he could 'release the demons that were inside of her'
Feds release new information they hope will jog someone's memory
Murder counts in politically inspired prosecution dropped
Video of gunfire emerges amid allegations Musharraf covering up murder
Appears to swipe at efforts to grant legal recognition to same-sex, unwed couples
British woman was jailed in Sudan for calling her classroom bear Muhammad
Part of disarmament-for-aid deal struck with U.S., regional powers
'No grain of suspicion of an organized terrorist action'
30-year-old woman now hospitalized in San Francisco Bay area
Uneven snoozing damages body's ability to regulate blood-sugar levels
'It's a means of talking about the issue'
Britain billed as 'endemic surveillance society'
Man allegedly fondles woman who repeatedly objected, tried to get away
Sharapova: 'Unless you get a factsheet or facts they will remain rumors'
Column of smoke rises more than 3,100 feet into air
'I was shaking the whole time. I didn't stop shaking until 3 a.m. the next morning'
Sophia knocks Emma from No. 1 girls' spot, Aiden takes crown for boys
Guys trying to copy loaded .357-caliber Magnum as pattern
'I think God is trying to tell us something, like a message from heaven'
Do-it-yourselfers drive diesel vehicles that also burn vegetable oil
Tories 'should be party of NHS'
Man shot dead by police is named
Virtual bodies aid surgery skills
Satellite TV costs soar in Burma
'Laughs' not exclusive to humans
Bomber strikes Iraq Sunni militia
Swoop on Austria child porn rings
Colombia tests 'hostage' boy DNA
Growth in UK manufacturing slows
Algerian suicide bomb kills three
Iranian arrest over Putin 'plot'
Malaysia MP quits over sex DVDs
Thais mourn the king's sister
Hamas militants die in Gaza raid
Fatal flat fire now 'suspicious'
Sudan condemns US diplomat attack
Brunstrom drugs views 'dangerous'
Deadly bus bombing hits Colombo
Pakistan sets new election date
Kenya diplomatic push for peace
Eco-homes in forest planned
NHS 'now four different systems'
Nasa attacked on air safety study
Tiger attack survivors: We were ignored
Poll: McCain ties Romney in New Hampshire
Sources: Bhutto had vote-rigging report for U.S.
Bloody violence grips Kenya
Funeral for Iraq bomb victim bombed, killing 36
Dad accused of killing pregnant daughter
Autopsy: Mall shooter had Valium in system
Another Huckabee ad, another Christian symbol
2 U.S. Navy sailors found dead in Ghana
Cops: Snowblower shortage may tempt thieves
Undecideds hold key to Iowa victory
Study: Whites more likely to get narcotics in ER
FBI releases new info on skyjacker D.B. Cooper
Millions offered for low-tech TV upgrades
Ancient Pandas Competed With Giant Apes for Bamboo
Pacific Salmon Invading Atlantic, Threatening Penguins
Antarctica's Adelie Penguins Extinct in a Decade?
"Doomsday" Vault Will End Crop Extinction, Expert Says
Antarctica May Contain "Oasis of Life"
Top 10 Dinosaur and Fossil Finds of 2007
Candidates soldier on in New Hampshire blizzard
Explosion hits Serb bank in Kosovo
Israel warns Palestinians on security
Hurdles remain as Beijing Olympics near
Female suicide bomber kills 10 in Iraq
Olmert hints Jerusalem division is inevitable
Obama and Clinton tied in Iowa; Edwards close
Why American sommeliers are better than French ones.
My dog's amazing gift with hospice patients.
Should we buy Michael Pollan's nutritional Darwinism?
Your facial features in a government database.
Political and ethnic violence engulf Kenya and kill at least 250 people.
Baltimore records most homicides since 1999
Attorney: S.F. Zoo took 30 minutes to call 911
Fast-food worker finds, returns $185,000
Mental toll of war hitting female servicemembers
31 states introducing new laws
NASA criticized for handling of airline data
Disabled freighter carrying 24 people adrift in Bering Sea
U.S. Senate candidate camps out in tower for publicity
Two die from shot possibly fired to celebrate new year
New Orleans on track to top nation's homicides list - again
NYC subway hero reflects on year in the spotlight
Students to probe Chandra Levy, Natalee Holloway cases
Newlyweds hold reception at zoo where tiger attacked
Death penalty case vaulted to high court by new defender
Q&A: Michael Bloomberg on Free Wi-Fi, Crime and Higher Office
Jan. 2, 1860: 'Gentlemen, I Give You the Planet Vulcan'
CES Preview: Huge LCDs, Wireless Dominate Home Entertainment
A New DNA Test Can ID a Suspect's Race, But Police Won't Touch It
CES Preview: Home and Portable Audio To Gain Wireless Features
Bus crash in Texas kills 1; dozens hurt (AP)
U.S. stock futures signal higher open (AP)
Feds share coupons to help TV transition (AP)
Researchers work on cocaine vaccine (AP)
Snake saved after eating golf balls (AP)
Death toll in Iraq bombing rises to 36 (AP)
UK seen giving green light to new nuclear plants (Reuters)
19 killed as Afghan violence continues (AP)
Clinton to ask Iowans for their vote (AP)
ANALYSIS: Rebels leave Chavez hanging (AP)
Pakistan elections delay called a ploy (AP)
Tens of thousands flee Kenya violence as toll tops 300 (AFP)
Israeli embassy evacuated in Australian capital (Reuters)
Kenya's Kibaki accuses rival of "ethnic cleansing" (Reuters)
AU head goes to Kenya following violence (AP)
Military use of unmanned aircraft soars (AP)
FBI makes new bid to find 1971 skyjacker (AP)
Purdue students sniff manure for science (AP)
Woman in burning truck keeps driving (AP)
Man, 75, hurt while riding pet buffalo (AP)
James Brown's children challenge will (AP)
GOP funk: Money, enthusiasm lagging
Should Hillary Clinton have skipped Iowa?
'Texas Ranger' Norris goes negative
Poll: Romney, McCain tied in New Hampshire
Thompson becomes more aggressive in Iowa
Edwards woos other candidates' supporters
Attack ad decision cost Huck $150k
Huckabee shifts focus from faith to record
Edwards hunts all night for caucus supporters
For TV news celebrity-watchers: A list of who’s in town
Dem camps doubt some poll figures
Edwards pushes on, minus "Main Street Express"
Lawmaker says he wants to outlaw payday lenders
Wherever black votes are, campaigns will go
Defiantly, 'other candidates' campaign onward
DNC numbers factor in a class equation
Obama backs Denver teacher pay plan
What - and who - is at play
Iowa focus paid off for Kerry
Rivals make last pitches in Iowa
Amid family displays, Giuliani goes solo
Independents May Boost Obama In Iowa
Make Primaries Secondary In 2008
Candidates Hit Home Stretch In Iowa
In Iowa, Dems Vary On Style, Not Substance
Iowa & New Hampshire Guard Their Power
As Huckabee Pulls Ad, Rollins, For Once, Must Pull a Punch
Expert predicts sex with robots for those under 35 | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Gold Rises to Highest Since January 1980 on Inflation Concerns
2008: The year a new superpower is born - Independent Online Edition > Asia
Some China firms avoid U.S. technology transfer licenses - International Herald Tribune
My Way News - Fla. Citrus Growers Brace for Cold Snap
Reuters AlertNet - 53 people trapped after Chile volcano eruption
Hillary Clinton's campaign offering teen baby-sitters for Iowa caucusgoers
Obama buoyed in Iowa; urges supporters to vote | U.S. | Reuters
Salt Lake Tribune - Despite apology, Huckabee's Web site hosts comments critical of Romney's Mormonism
Online support grows for 'hot' Bhutto son
Bilawal Zardari | Benazir Bhutto | Warning that son is target now | The Sun |HomePage|News
Edwards Calls for Pullout of Troops Training Iraqis - New York Times
Iowa caucuses discourage participation by many voters - International Herald Tribune
BBC NEWS | Americas | The 'Nobody Knows' US election
Clinton's defining moment
TV cuts candidates from debates, angering Paul backers - CNN.com
Saudis Confirm Detention of Blogger - New York Times
The State of Jihad: 2007 - The Long War Journal
ABC News: New TB Scare: CDC Seeks Exposed Fliers
Just the facts on SB 777
Suspect Leaps Off Bridge With Police Dog
Calif. School Targets Mexican Students
Assassinated because she was a woman | The Australian
Jihadists in Jails Win Leverage Over Their Keepers - New York Times
JBS President McManus Spreads Word in Freedom Movement
Global Cooling?
Top 10 Inconvenient Truths of 2007
Politics1 - 2008 U.S. Presidential Election
Opensecrets.org--Money in politics data
Campaigns Feeling Effects of Iowa Poll
The Final Spectacle
Nader Endorses Edwards, Lambasts Clinton
John Edwards, The Crusader
Huckabee Takes the Stage
Drug Use and the Candidates
In 2008, a 100 Percent Chance of Alarm
Not an Annus Horribilus for Americans
IA & NH: An Odd Couple w/Big Influence
Eight Possibilities Heading into '08
Rotate Regional Primaries
Will Bloomberg Do It?
Crisis in Kenya
New Iowa Poll: Obama Widens Lead Over Clinton
Huckabee Unveils Ad Only To Disavow It
Candidates Unveil New Messages, Ads in Scramble to Reach Voters
Nader Throws Support to Edwards
Debates: Who's In, Who's Out, Who's Mad
Thousands Switch Parties: Is There A Primary Reason?
Epochal Battle Set for '08
Romney Disputes IA's Importance
'08 is Round Two For McCain & Edwards
Thompson is Only Trustworthy Conservative
What We Want in a President
Ron Paul and The New Deaniacs
Parties Trading Places
Going Negative: Issues Are Not The Issue
4,000 Sacrificed to Vindicate 3,000
Terror on the Run
The World Wants America Back
The Dimensions of the Housing Bubble
A Downturn But Not a Disaster
So Much Economic Good News & So Little Cheer
The Bush Legacy: Conservative Courts
Remember: Issue Ads Represent Free Speech
No Way to Run the World's Greatest Democracy
Preparing for the Worst In Kenya
Fatal Distraction: Typing and Driving
Huckabee and Consultant Form An Uneasy Alliance
For Republicans, Contest's Hallmark Is Immigration
Edge in Iowa Hard to Find Among Key Groups
Candidates Urge Voter Turnout In Iowa
Huckabee On "Hannity & Colmes"
The Huckabee Ad That Wasn't
Edwards In "The Situation Room"
Predictions For Iowa
Observers Discuss The Latest Numbers
Economic Scene: Democrats: More Than Health Care
Clinton'sTwo Minute Message
Last Night's Latest From Iowa
Inside The Register's Poll
Giuliani's Year In Review
Romney: "Asian Tiger"
Dodd's "Caucus For Results" Rally
Chuck Norris Attacks Romney
Obama's New Year's Appearances
Romney: "Full Spectrum Conservative"
McCain: "Experience" Web Ad
Dodd's New Year's Message
Edwards: "Bishop"
Romney: "Vote For Tomorrow"
Ralph Nader Is For Edwards
Biden's Web Video To Voters
Edwards On "American Morning"
Obama: "One Voice"
Romney Spokesperson On "Your World"
Obama Goes "Eye To Eye"
Polls Show Close Race
Huckabee's Negative Ad
Does Thompson Want It?
Clinton: "Countdown"
A Conversation with Sally Bedell Smith
Huckabee: "Tax Cuts" and "Our Values"
Exclusive: Joseph Farah urges, 'Let's not tie the hands of future Jack Bauers'
Dennis Prager defends actor against misleading headlines, stories posted on Web
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky poses conundrums about turkey, the Olympics, peaceniks
Exclusive: Joel Hesch reports on federal program dispensing cash to citizen sleuths
Exclusive: Maralyn Lois Polak's flooded kitchen teaches lesson about prudence
Exclusive: Selwyn Duke slams 'public accommodation' rules inhibiting places' uniqueness
Katrina vanden Heuvel argues we need more partisanship, not less
Paul Driessen tells of billionaire preventing poor in Romania from saving village via mining
John Tierney takes to task those who exploit available weather events for their agenda
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving highlights Nobel winner's reluctance to face 400 scientists
Daniel Pipes tells of Arabs who would fight to stay out of PA
CIA-ISI Created “Qaeda Network” Blamed for Pakistan Troubles
BBC Censored Benazir Bhutto's Reports that Bin Laden Had Been Murdered
The Ministry of Homeland Security and Stalin’s NKVD
Bush 9/11 Whitewash Commission: CIA Obstructed Investigation
Huckabee, Britney, and Foreign Policy
Nader Shills for One-Worlder Edwards
The Gray Lady Gives Bill Kristol and New Lease on Life
Spying Incorporated
Bogus Neocon Terror War Costs $6,000 Per Second
Huckabee Lies About His Iran NIE Cluelessness, Botches Timeline Again
Satire: Toxic Toys
Forget Pakistan
GIS, GPS, and Geoslavery
Top Economist Says America Could Plunge into Recession
McCain Wrangler Lindsey Graham Worried About Ron Paul in Iowa
“Mushroom Cloud” Fred Thompson’s Message to America
Police in Thought Pursuit
Top American Fascism News: Keeping Track of the Fascists
Rudy Giuliani will Convert America into a Police State
Now We are Human Commodities
How to Lose Your Job on Your Own Time
Obama Admits: “They Don’t Poll Ron Paul”
Ron Paul Air Corps Makes Its Debut
U.S. and Britain: “Endemic Surveillance Societies”
United Nations Propaganda Comic Book Designed to Brainwash Kids
CFR Favored Bhutto
Mexico to Microchip Central American Migrants
Woman claims severe emotional distress after order to stop nursing in restaurant
China flexing frightening economic muscle on international markets
'Ensures that we are protecting our national security'
High gas prices, housing slump, weakening economy discourage shoppers
Prospective homeowners waiting until 'market's hit bottom'
Dave Ramsey answers query about paying off debt by selling house
David Letterman will have writers, but Jay Leno won't
New name will focus on action programming, just don't call it 'reality'
Rules would allow some stations to make 'phased transition' off analog
Intended to boost libido of women who have lost interest in sex
Cute-cat products for men will include watches, T-shirts, bags
To See the Unseen
Ex-Trot Awareness Week
Becoming Cary Grant
The Municipal Joe Lieberman
Ron Paul Can Win Iowa
A Bull in China
To See the Unseen
An Open Letter to the Black Community
Government Criminals
Ten Things That Will Change Your Future
Another Victim for the US Cage System?
The Failing Empire
How a Moneybomb Happens
Prisoner Flees After Md. Hospital Shooting
FBI Bug Mars Philly Mayor's Legacy
Cops: Dad Killed 3 Over Woman's Marriage
Slain Diplomat Was Devoted to Africa
Cops Say Foiled Kiss-And-Escape Plot
New Year, New Unions for Gay Couples
Interstate Reopens After Avalanche Fears
Supreme Leader: Elections, scene of campaign to demonstrate people's wisdom
Cabinet has worked out budget plan, president says
Larijani: No obstacle in resumption of full ties with Egypt
Cultural center not dissolved but merged: Mashaei
Iran has to play more active role in globalization: Mashaei
Iran warns Argentina to take legal action with ICJ
Sri Lanka 'pulls out of ceasefire with Tamil rebels'
9/11 commission leaders blast CIA on interrogation tapes
Iran makes arrest over Putin assassination rumour: report
Iowa greets first US election eve of 2008
Efforts to pull Kenya back from brink as death toll mounts
Three boats with 126 migrants reach Spain's Canary Islands
Cyprus and Malta ease into the euro
Fire hits London cancer hospital
Israel downplays Egyptian 'claws'
Report: McCartney had heart surgery
Kenyan post-election arson kills 50
Bhutto death probe may get outside help
The love-hate view of the Iowa caucus
U.S. home prices likely to fall 10 percent
Olmert, Bush to discuss Iranian nukes
Writers to picket late-night shows
GM begins new century with foreign focus
Germans protest data mining law
U.S. Web sites aiding identity thieves
Oil tops $97 on expected stockpiles drop
Huckabee ad targets Iowa's Christian bloc
Iraq denies arrests of Iranians
Cincinnati Post prints last paper
Coping with helplessness best done alone
Bush Administration Promises "Sprint to the Finish" in 2008
Small Business Plays a Big Role in Innovation
Huckabee Has No Idea How Disowned Ad Got Out
McCain Tours Friendly New Hampshire
Police Investigate Shots Fired at Maryland Hospital
Deadly bus crash in Texas; One dead, 50 injured
Aircraft Crashes Record Office Says 2007 One Of Safest Years To Fly
FBI Dusts Off Famous Case of DB Cooper Skyjacking
Police searching for father suspected of killing teen girls
US Military Flying More Surveillance, Attack Sorties With Unmanned ...
Gay NH couples celebrate, gain status in civil unions
New law for New Year
Chief justice: Give judges a raise
Tribal bonds color Kenyan politics
Israel: West Bank Roadblocks Will Remain
String of suicide bombings in Iraq
Rebels suspected as blast in Sri Lanka kills 4
Colombia hostage deal fiasco bad news for captives
Farc hostage rescue fails
Syria Halts Contacts With France on Lebanon
Syria retaliates, says it ends talks with France about Lebanese ...
Villagers flee volcano eruption in Chile
Pope Calls for Protection of Family on World Day of Peace
Up to 25 militants dead in Pakistan
Campaign for release of Saudi blogger
The Associated Press: Cops: Dad Killed 3 Over Woman's Marriage
Freighter runs aground in Channel
Size 20 Underwear Used as Fire Blanket Saves Home
Australia to Review Controversial Citizenship Tests
Death Toll in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Falls in 2007
Indian troops die in raid on camp
Jihadis raid CRPF camp in UP, kill 8
Tempus analysis: Off the rails