"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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23 January 2008

Wed-23rd/ (click here: Ron Paul Radio)

Media-Outpost:Ron Paul

How to Sink America by Tom Engelhardt and Chalmers Johnson
Modern Political Science Is a Farce by Mark R. Crovelli
Covering Up the Coverage - The American Media’s Complicit Failure to Investigate and Report on the Sibel Edmonds Case by Daniel Ellsberg
Locking a Nation Into Permanent Childhood by Vin Suprynowicz
Global Recession Takes Air Out of Gold Market by Bill Bonner
Active volcano under ice | The Australian
Mr. Jefferson Comes Home
McCain and the Militarist Mentality- by Justin Raimondo
InsideCatholic.com - The Trouble With Child Labor Laws
Don't Blame Subprime Lenders! - Mises Institute
Favorite Myths of Stockbrokers by Gary North
Will the Economic Crash Wake People Up?
Calls for NATO to Adopt Pre-emptive Policy Against Nukes
"Roe" of Roe v. Wade to Endorse Ron Paul
NH Election Update: Diebold Gave Clinton, Edwards 7.5% Over Hand Count in Nashua
Pre-emptive nuclear strike a key option, Nato told
Bush to abandon supply-side economics?
Hopes of global rate cut sparks FTSE revival after early morning slump
Pentagon Report On ‘Real Toll’ Of Iraq War: 1 In 5 Vets Are Affected By ‘Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries’
Mubarak: Palestinians allowed into Egypt on my orders | Jerusalem Post
My Way News - Tens of Thousands Flee Gaza for Egypt
Stocks Decline but Come Off Early Lows: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Fulton to pay students in after-school program | ajc.com
Patriots' Brady not seriously hurt - The Boston Globe
Striking writers, studios head for renewed talks - Yahoo! Singapore News
China breaks real-time porn Web site | Technology | Internet | Reuters
Teen sex advice podcast gains popularity - Yahoo! News
100,000-year-old human skull found
Ahmadinejad to make landmark visit to Iraq: ministry | International | Reuters
Just when you thought the Clintons and Barack Obama couldn't get any nastier
Obama's Clinton Education - WSJ.com
Hillary-Obama feud alarms party officials - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Amy Winehouse | Dad speaks to The Sun | Video gives hope | The Sun |HomePage|Showbiz|Bizarre
Book a space now on out of this world tourist flight| News | This is London
Over 2000 complain of fever, govt says ‘it means nothing’
Tests find hazardous levels of mercury in tuna sushi in New York - International Herald Tribune
My Way News - Some Huckabee Aides Forgoing Paychecks
Romney pins Republican campaign hopes on business experience - International Herald Tribune
Political Radar: Clinton: "Si Se Pueda is Right"
'Internet suicide cult' rips apart town as SEVEN young people hang themselves| News | This is London
Globalists Want a Tax on Television and Video Games
Back in the U.S.S.R.: KGB Theme Park
Paul Campaign Buoyed by Nevada Finish
Ron Paul’s Economic Program
Wishing Ron Well
New Yorkers for Ron Paul
Zuckerman/Crowley squirm after Ron Paul clip on McLaughlin
Free At Last Money Bomb: Jan 20 Midnight - Jan 21 Midnight
Nolan Chart Libertarian Attacks Alex Jones and the Truthers
The CIA Eyes the Internet
Chinese Site Proffers Ron Paul War Room Video Malware
Freedom of Speech and H.R. 1955 pt. 2
Rule 48
IMF warns of serious meltdown
“This Is Going to Be Worse Than Anybody Thinks”
The Financial Tsunami: The Financial Foundations of the American Century
Soros Predicts Worst Recession in 50 Years
Emergency: Global Financial Markets Collapsing
Market drops on recession fear
Bank of America net sinks 95 percent
Republicans: FISA authority in Constitution
The Next Banking Crisis on the Way
Iraq Vets Group: War Crimes Encouraged
Black Monday Wipes Out £60 Billion, Biggest Crash Since 9/11
Brown Prepares to Sell UK Out to Globalist EU
Gordon Brown and U.N. to Create New World Order
Clinton Now Looking Beyond S.C. - washingtonpost.com
Two Against One - New York Times
How Obama can escape his ghetto. - By Mickey Kaus - Slate Magazine
Ben Bernanke’s Big Gamble | Newsweek Tech and Business | Newsweek.com
FT.com / Comment & analysis / Comment - The worst market crisis in 60 years
Hillary Had a Reactionary Role Model, Too | The New York Observer
Fed establishes another baleful landmark - Times Online
Panic at Davos! - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine
he Fed Weighs In - New York Times
The markets: Irrational panic - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
The State | 01/23/2008 | Obama most likely Democrat to unify America
Exit Thompson, stage left - BostonHerald.com
Candidates Turn Attention to Gyrating Markets and Weakened Economy - New York Times
TheHill.com - Sen. McCain starts urgent dash for cash
Wallets Open Up on Wall Street - WSJ.com
Automated message slams Lewis for backing Clinton | ajc.com
Thompson bows out after weeks of rumors - Jonathan Martin and Mike Allen - Politico.com
obert B. Reich, The politics of an economic nightmare | Salon.com
Hillary and Say's Law - WSJ.com
Is McCain Inevitable?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Campaign's Ups and Downs
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Now or Never for Obama
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Real Conservative Republican?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Freer World is a Better World
Investors remain nervous about state of economy
'I feel much better knowing they were doing what they loved'
Gunmen blast border wall, 350,000 Palestinians flood Arab neighbor
While Israeli minister hints at higher probability of action by Jewish state
'Next time someone says blah, stuff this stunning book in their face'
Discussing latest Mideast developments
UK intel examining whether hackers tampered with airliner's electronics
After senior calls her home to ask why classes not canceled due to snow
'He was just taking off and to lose his life at such a young age is a tragic loss'
David Kupelian on why so many famous entertainers self-destruct
Ron Paul fans join pro-life activists to shout down Rudy
Campaign faces financial difficulties as Florida vote approaches
Former senator finished far behind in early primaries
WorldNetDaily - A Free Press for a Free People
Police suspect items were stolen to be used in 'black magic rite'
Bernie Ward claims he was exchanging photos for book research
Police take just 195 seconds to detain 'peaceful' Christian leader
Feds could take legal action to remove fish from market
WorldNetDaily: WND acquires World Ahead Media
WorldNetDaily: ESPN anchorwoman: 'F--- Jesus'
Ex-cop, suspect in wife's disappearance says no shortage of ladies willing to take her place
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn tries to cool feud with Obama
'He understands the importance of civil liberties for all, including the unborn'
Online game offers chance to target presidential contenders
'This was about providing women with the opportunity to exercise their choice'
'I saw what appears to be a naked alien running around'
'They're thinking about ways to get the drop on us'
'I'm a decent, nice person that ... thinks our borders should be protected and our laws upheld'
Also precludes people who are legal, but not permanent U.S. residents
USA300 strain of MRSA extraordinarily contagious, robust
Ex-N.Y. prosecutor pleads not guilty to statutory rape, endangering children
Boy's parent files complaint of battery by teacher
Most comprehensive account on Internet of female predators on campus
'I outran the kid. He had no cardiovascular system'
Some problem homes getting 90 or more visits per year
Police fear bizarre craze fueled by chat on social-networking sites
Brothers open Jedi 'church' in Wales
Police: 'We think it is probably one of the most heroic acts we've seen'
'He's acutely aware that he did the right thing'
Kitty survives packing, X-rays, 4-hour flight
Sea creature develops interesting friendship with toy
Man claimed he found H.G. Wells' infamous time machine
U.S. Media Ignores FBI Nuclear Scandal and Now Coverup
President Will Not Block Earmarks
An Attempt to Eliminate the Electoral Effect
Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.
What Really Happened in the Taiwan Strait?
Lawyers Embrace Climate Change Practice
Paul Get Rid Of Income Tax To Save Economy
EU & U.S. Still Hoping For Global Trade Deal
Paul Raises Nearly $2M On MLK Day
Fed Rate Cut Seen As Once In A Generation
Global Financial Markets Collapsing
Biometrics Used To Identify Terrorists
Google Funds Web-DNA Test
Animals Suffer From Cloning Warns EU
Bank of America Profits Down 95%
No Child Left Behind Failing
Bush Establishes Financial Propaganda Council
Stocks Plunge Despite Fed Rate Cut
Fed Cuts Interest Rates 75 Basis Points
Paul Blames Federal Reserve For Economy
Abu Dhabi To Build Zero Carbon City
Asian Markets Continue Slide
The Coming Global Depression
Universities Overproduce PHD's
9/11 Families & Firefighters Protest Rudy
Wall Street Executives Claim $33B In Bonuses
Israel Launches Advanced Spy Satellite
Elite To Attend World Economic Forum
CIA Says Hackers Have Cut Power Grid
Airports To Inspect ID Card With Blacklights
Video: MyFox Interview With Ron Paul
Maryland Switches Voting Systems
Study Bush Made False Statements Before War
Fed May Cut Rates Again Next Week
Russian Scientist: Earth Facing Ice Age
FISA 2.0 Called 'Atrocious' Privacy Violation
orld's Largest Bond Insurers Collapsing!
World Tribune — Soldiers' GPS uniforms would prevent friendly fire incidents
Israel Eyes Thinking Machines to Fight 'Doomsday' Missile Strikes (Updated) | Danger Room from Wired.com
EU treaty 'will shift power to Europe' - Telegraph
FBI denies file exposing nuclear secrets theft - Times Online
Roundtable Discusses Economic Turmoil
Jerry Brown, Newt Gingrich on "Hannity & Colmes"
White House Press Briefing
Barack Obama's Economic Speech
Edwards on "The Late Show"
The Latest From Gallup: Little Room for an Independent
Romney's Morning Media
Obama's Morning Media
Giuliani: "Some" Web Ad
McCain: "Protect"
Clinton: "Serious"
Media Laugh at Romney's "Who Let the Dogs Out" Comment
Romney Reacts to Thompson Exit
Clinton: "Falling Through" and "Warned"
FL. AG Calls McCain "Out of Touch"
Hillary Clinton's Economic Comments
Clinton Attacks Obama's Record on Single Payer Health Care
Gingrich on "The O'Reilly Factor"
Edwards: "What Happened"
Candidates on Who MLK Jr. Would Endorse
Huckabee in Atlanta
King Day at the Dome
Edwards' Post-Debate Interview
Romney: "Conservative Change"
Tense Exchange Between Clinton & Obama
Clinton's Debate Highlights
Edwards' Debate Highlights
Obama's Debate Highlights
Bill Clinton Nods Off at Church Service
Market rebounds after Emergency Fed rate cut
Calls reduction 'appropriate and helpful'
'We've got the most vibrant economy in the world. It will bounce back'
'Homeowners find themselves owing more on a property than market value'
Reid wants deal through Congress, on president's desk within 3 to 4 weeks
Exclusive: Joel Hesch tells of employees who turned in firm making gear for soldiers
'It is likely that, globally, supermarkets will charge more'
'If the economy slows down, some places are going to use less energy'
'Alternative technologies have to come 1st'
Marks 2nd failure to raise ticket prices in as many weeks
'We think the company is certainly headed in the right direction'
'We certainly are not pleased with our performance'
'This spectrum is probably the last spectrum for the foreseeable future'
Dave Ramsey talks nest-egg amounts, health insurance, pre-paid tuition
In effort to increase its profitability, prop up deflated stock price
Includes surviving spouses, parents of children riding on school bus
'It's an uphill battle and we'll keep fighting'
$912,800 is 71 percent cut from $3.1 million president got in 2006
'We hope to continue to expand our global footprint'
Internet campaigners try without success to get Kellogg to reconsider
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky asks why we don't just feed Islamic terrorists pork intravenously
Walter E. Williams wallops Bush for plan that would destroy 'basic contract rights'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah spotlights latest secret event where higher-ups plan our future
Exclusive: Aaron Klein asserts candidates who slam war bolster enemy's morale
Ben Shapiro: Barack's outburst against Hillary shattered his optimistic aura
Exclusive: Judge Roy Moore targets candidates who don't understand God's jurisdiction
Exclusive: Selwyn Duke asks, why can't whites, blacks kid around about racial traits?
Exclusive: Maralyn Lois Polak shares story of cabin saved from California blaze
Jill Filipovic offers 10 reasons for Americans to fight for abortion rights
Jamie Glazov interviews Steve Schippert on strengthening alliance
Exclusive: Andrew Longman has good laugh at Congress after doing science on new law
Vin Suprynowicz curses 19th century advent of public education
Exclusive: Hamas 'spent months cutting through Gaza wall in secret operation' - Times Online
Rise of Chávez Sends Venezuelans to Florida - New York Times
British mosques are more extreme than ours in Baghdad, warns Iraq's deputy PM | the Daily Mail
onor killings: When the ancient and the modern collide
What Money Can Buy: Influence - New York Times
Justices rule against Muslim inmate - Politics- msnbc.com
Muslim inmate loses court case over lost Quran
Jump seen in assaults on U.S. border agents
CFP: ‘Medieval Environmentalists’ attack CO2 in their efforts to derail civilization
Bernie Ward fired from KGO radio
Van Gogh Redux? Another Anti-Koran Film Stirs Up Holland - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Truth Takes Hard Knocks at Dem Debate
RPT-UPDATE 2-Romney hones economic message in White House race
La. GOP releases unofficial delegate results
Clinton visits Az, vows to end subsidies for oil companies
Giuliani Tries to Avoid Florida `Epitaph' by Pitching Tax Cuts
Norman Schwarzkopf Endorses McCain
Schwarzkopf to endorse McCain
Thompson Ends Race, Immediate Endorsement Unlikely
A Look At The 2008 Presidential Race
Obama Calls Out Bill Clinton
Some Huckabee Aides Forgoing Paychecks
John Edwards Outlines Economic Plan
Democrats battle it out in debate
No clear party front-runners emerge
The Clintons Double-Team Obama
Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war
Study: Bush, others 'methodically propagated' false info before ...
McCain counts on fellow vets' vote in Florida
Texas rated No. 1 in Army recruiting, but 'quality' down
In Padilla case, no life sentence
Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt Abruptly Decides Not to Seek 2nd Term
Va. Senate Committee Votes Unanimously to Repeal Abusive-Driver Fees
FBI Joins Search for Missing Nevada Woman
How candidates stand on abortion rights
Ron Paul gets Roe nod
Missing US Marine Spotted in Mexico
DA's office defends actions in Medina case
Schools chief opts for low-cost reforms
Child molester dies in Vacaville facility
Teen Lovers Talk About Life on the Lam
Big Dig settlement expected soon: paper
'World's Greatest Dad' Mug Presented as Evidence in Trial of ...
Ex-Cop Drew Peterson: Eligible Bachelor?
Funeral to be held today for John Stroger
Friends Share Memories Of John Stroger At Wake
Palestinians Enter Egypt as Hamas Breaches Gaza Fence (Update3)
US blames Hamas for Gaza exodus
Kenya bourse investors pin hopes on Annan efforts
Russia Says New Iran Resolution Not Punitive
Italian PM fights for survival in confidence votes
Bomb in Iraq's Mosul kills seven, wounds 70
Congo's Nkunda rebels sign peace pact with govt
Rwanda: Kivu Peace As Seen in American Crystal Ball
Pakistan sends reinforcements to Waziristan
Militants fire rockets at Pakistan military camp, one soldier dead
Police officers talk about planned protest
An extremely orderly protest
Zimbabwe protesters tear-gassed
Zimbabwean Opposition Leader Arrested; Judge Upholds Ban on ...
Report: 5 million killed in Congo conflict
War in Congo kills 45,000 people each month | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
Manley says NATO must step up
Diana crash survivor testifies
Bodyguard crash survivor denies Diana murder cover-up
Communist may pull out of Russia election: report
Wife of Thailand's Ousted PM Says Husband Will Return in May
Web cult blamed for seven suicides
Web worries after suicide spate
Musharraf: No Chance of Militants Taking Power in Pakistan
Backing Musharraf hurting US: Pakistan's Khan
'I was not sane when I threw son off balcony', says father
Sobbing father takes the stand
UN Reports Children's Lives Are Improving
Child mortality toll dips below 10 million - UNICEF
French rap media over exhaustive Sarkozy coverage
Greenpeace hopeful of stopping Japan whaling