"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

24 January 2008



More Russian nuclear fuel delivered to Iran
Hamas 'spent months cutting through Gaza wall in secret operation' - Times Online
Rise of Chávez Sends Venezuelans to Florida - New York Times
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Mystery image of 'life on Mars'
Dutch to ban burqas in schools and government offices: media - Yahoo!7 News
Children starve as Zimbabwe's grain goes to make luxury dog food - Scotsman.com News
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Afghan 'blasphemy' death sentence
SF Man Pleads Not Guilty To Grace Cathedral Fire Plot - News Archive Story - KNTV | San Francisco
Today in Investor's Business Daily stock analysis and business news
BBC NEWS | UK | Education | Three Little Pigs 'too offensive'
Van Gogh Redux? Another Anti-Koran Film Stirs Up Holland - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
World Tribune — Soldiers' GPS uniforms would prevent friendly fire incidents
Papers Paint New Portrait of Iraq's Foreign Insurgents
AP Reports 'Bush Lied' Study Funded by Ultra-leftist George Soros | NewsBusters.org
Honor killings: When the ancient and the modern collide
Bush Cancels Event After Ledger's Death
Obama accused of 'hit job' in toxic White House race - Yahoo! News
Some in Party Bristle At Clintons' Attacks
My Way News - AP Interview: Hill Defends Bill on Stump
Michelle Obama defends husband's voting record, experience
Clinton will 'say anything and do nothing': Obama
My Way News - Bill Clinton: Race, Gender Key in S.C.
.S. turns to horses to secure borders | Reuters
FOX Sports on MSN - USA - Beckham leaves massive global 'footprint'
limate change 'significantly worse' than feared: Al Gore
Technology will revive US economy: Bill Gates
U.S. in role of wounded giant at Davos - International Herald Tribune
The worst market crisis in 60 years
utch Braced For 'Koran Insult' Backlash
Cash carrot for obese people to lose pounds - Times Online
Davos Bill risks tarnishing his global brand
YouTube - Ed Schultz: Bill Clinton is Lying
Uncommitted Pro-Lifers' Dominate Louisiana Caucus, With McCain, Paul Top Candidate Delgates
Forget 1987, This Could Be 1929 All Over Again
Globalist Program to Brainwash School Kids in Texas
Colin Powell Confronted on Depleted Uranium
Peak Oil Video Game
Financial Meltdown: Is This The Big One?
The NY Post’s ‘Obscene’ Gesture to 9/11 Truth
Kissinger Blames Global Recession on U.S. Protectionism
Farewell to Old Economic Nostrums
The “Brutal World”
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Ron Paul On Cavuto
Cheney Wants Surveillance Law Expanded
1945 Human Experiment Predicts Current Fluoride Ill Effects
The Coming Global Depression
Nolan Chart Libertarian Attacks Alex Jones and the Truthers
The CIA Eyes the Internet
The Global Economy’s ‘Lame Duck’
The Money Masters: How International Bankers Gained Control of America
Imagine the Surprise at Davos
Globalists Want a Tax on Television and Video Games
Soros Predicts Worst Recession in 50 Years
Emergency: Global Financial Markets Collapsing
Market drops on recession fear
Republicans: FISA authority in Constitution
The Next Banking Crisis on the Way
There Is No “War on Terror”
Olbermann: It’s the Economy, Stupid
British Woman Prosecuted for Selling Vegetables Only by Pounds and Ounces
Bush Establishes Financial Propaganda Council
Freedom of Speech and H.R. 1955 pt. 2
The Financial Tsunami: The Financial Foundations of the American Century
Paul blames Federal Reserve for economy’s woes
Paul Campaign Buoyed by Nevada Finish
Ron Paul’s Economic Program
Zuckerman/Crowley squirm after Ron Paul clip on McLaughlin
New York Times Censors Ron Paul
What Referendum? British MPs Confronted on Yielding to EU
Norman Podhoretz: Stopping Iran
Palestinians blow up border wall, flood into Egypt
Inside Info on Dragon Skin Scandal
Sovereign Deed RED ALERT RED ALERT RED ALERT | Ron Paul War Room
Back in the U.S.S.R.: KGB Theme Park
Kramer Calls For Investigation Of Fed
Housing prices to free fall in 2008 - Merrill
Let Market Crash Now Or Face Financial Train Wreck
Bank of England Governor hints at rate cut as global markets bounce back
NATO must fire first shot at nukes
Will the Economic Crash Wake People Up?
Engineering Evolution: The Alchemy of Eugenics
American Education Fails Because It Isn’t Education
Ron Paul Speaks Out Against Dangerous Vaccines
Ron Paul continues to best Giuliani
North-American Monetary Integration: Here Comes the Amero
EU global warming rules will cost every British taxpayer £120 per year
More immigrants are heading to Britain after EU extended border-free zone
NY POST: PURE OBSCENITY - Lunatics Take Over Ground Zero
9/11 Contradictions: When Did Cheney Enter the Underground Bunker?
Firefighter: Giuliani 'ran like a coward on 9/11'
Body Fragments Found at Ground Zero Site Kept Secret
Wal-Mart Is Dead Serious About RFID - CIO.com - Business Technology Leadership
Yes, They're Watching Every Move
CDC: Too few adults get their vaccines - Yahoo! News
orldNetDaily: Homeschoolers flee to Iran seeking educational freedom
Political TV hosts fed up with PC Islam will devour cookie with face of prophet
Dismissed for national school award because it 'raises cultural issues'
Distributed website article questioning why Muslim women cannot have multiple husbands
Actor lets Madame Tussaud's make statue – depictions of all living creatures forbidden
Politician-filmmaker delays release of short movie attacking Quran
Cash for families, business tax cuts to boost economy
Gunmen blast border wall, 350,000 Palestinians flood Arab neighbor
Political pressure by Tehran delayed blast off from Indian site 4 months
Bush spokeswoman promises: 'We'll see what they come up with'
'Next time someone says blah, stuff this stunning book in their face'
Sources report 1-week suspension day after group publicized protest
'Guests viewing this film may experience side effects associated with motion sickness'
Takes an army: 'I'm just the guy who gets the accolade at the end of the year'
1st online news site to own book-publishing division
Former president disparages Obama, journalists
'He may be running for president, but with these numbers he wouldn't be elected governor'
Claim then-mayor had warning about towers falling 45 minutes beforehand, lied about radios
Calls him 'ally in trying to stem the flow of illegals across our border'
Offered Rolling Stone pardon for 1975 reckless driving in Arkansas
Gulf War commander says senator has 'courageous leadership our country sorely needs'
'There will be some Democrats who don't appreciate it'
Claims Hillary says there's more about Obama and 'slum landlord' than public knows
'They trust [women's] right to make a personal decision based on their moral beliefs'
Federal appeals court also tells state to provide transportation to clinics
Film reveals vitriol, hatred directed at pro-life activists
'Administration should reflect right to keep and bear arms'
County decides anti-sex cameras too expensive
'Punishment shows mindless application of sensitivity doctrine'
Child development experts say parents, schools, poverty to blame
Principal: 'I think this incentive is going to work'
Angry dad: 'We went probably a month and never saw one stick of homework'
Newspaper report contradicts courtroom denials of Detroit's Kilpatrick
China academic: 'If there is a tremendous slowdown ... then we must be worried about it'
Congressional leaders, White House meet into night on emergency stimulus package
Wants a new Canadian dollar pegged to U.S. currency
Robert Pastor's global program dismantled, on sabbatical working with 'The Elders'
Tensions escalate after British diplomats, staff interrogated in Russia
'I didn't see how Ugur was killed ... I just heard him cry out 'Jesus!''
Discover what the martial artists and the military don't want you to find out
'I feel much better knowing they were doing what they loved'
Societe Generale to seek new capital, swindle among history's biggest
Rivers, lakes supplying power plants with cooling water are drying up
Chertoff: 'Committed to bringing the people who did this to justice'
Officer run down while laying spike strips to stop 2 vehicles fleeing toward Mexico
Violating tenants, landlords can be fined $500 a day, city's new ordinance says
Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington don't check legal status
Consulate will provide lawyers, legal experts for those with employment problems
Takes jab at Mexican government's 2005 booklet to help border crossers sneak into U.S.
'1 time a man stuck his hand up my skirt. They grab your butt ... It's gross'
Calls Arizona senator 'the worst one I can think of'
Repeats criticisms of Obama, says media focusing too much on his attacks rather than issues
Said story on black women torn between Obama, Clinton simplifies individuals by gender, race
'It would be good if the candidates showed up, let us see their faces'
'Our soldiers have seen the effects of the enemy's intimidation of local citizens'
Traveler evidently remembered having weapon, returned to airport checkpoint
'The core of the problem is simple – we eat too much and we do too little exercise'
Thousands of lives saved in new strategy to subvert Islamic threat
'[Officers] must be civilized, they must explain their actions and be reasonable'
European Commission head threatens carbon tariffs on imports unless deal signed
Production, jobs will be moved abroad if restrictions imposed
'We've been trying not to call special attention so that it becomes highly politicized'
Case raises ethical, moral questions about common autopsy practice
Hospital staff took 19 hours to find missing body, which had been crushed, disfigured
'Very strange that there have been so many ... and that they all seem to know one another'
Woman's life savings of more than $800,000 gone, woman virtually impoverished
2 men allegedly stole, killed, butchered, ate couple's beloved dog
Assistant state attorney says action protected under Florida's 'Castle Doctrine'
'We did not want anyone to think we were trying to link into that story in any way'
1 case of mixing medicine, alcohol caused 'perceived impairment' day before blast off
Hot ordinance had been on display for 2 years
'The fire department told me that when they see this, 9 out of 10 times the kid's dead'
The Wayback Machine and Ron Paul by David R. Henderson
A Ron Paul Advertising Strategy by Mark Thornton and Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
New Jersey: Crossroads of the Revolution by Max Raskin
The Army Won’t Make a Man Out of You by Justine Nicholas
Open Letter to (European) Greens in Behalf of Ron Paul by Carlo Stagnaro
How Did Western Civilization Get a Monopoly on 'Moral Conscience' When It Has No Morality? by Paul Craig Roberts
The Danse Macabre of US-Style Democracy by John Pilger
James Freedman: Ron Paul: No To Mandatory Immunization - Off The Bus on The Huffington Post
The Prison-Industrial Complex
Speak up, we can’t hear you at the front - Times Online
Pro Libertate: Pick-Pockets, Leg-Breakers, and Bigots: One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others
My statement before the judge | National Catholic Reporter Conversation Cafe
Mitt Romney on "Hannity & Colmes"
RealClearPolitics: Transcripts & Speeches
Panel on Who is the Candidate of the Right?
Rudy Giuliani on "Larry King Live"
January 23rd White House Press Briefing
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Race for President: The Finalists Emerge
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Who Said Freddy's Dead?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Kerry Goes Down with His Swift Boat, Again
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Business as Usual GOP
RealClearPolitics - Articles - To Avoid Further Losses, Republicans Need 'Re-Branding'
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Moral Economy
It’s the Partisan Economy, Stupid — The American, A Magazine of Ideas
Partisan Retreat
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Rudy's Big Gamble
The Resurrection of John McCain - TIME
Hillary goes negative
Resurgent Russia poses rising challenge for U.S. - Opinion - USATODAY.com
Action In The North Atlantic
The State | 01/24/2008 | Clinton radio ad angers Obama allies
It's time to save the housing sector - The Boston Globe
The Giuliani Tax Cut - WSJ.com
Bill Clinton Accuses Obama Camp of Stirring Race Issue - New York Times
TheHill.com - President will lay out four themes
The State | 01/24/2008 | John Edwards campaign | Close to do or die
America Needs France’s Atomic Anne - New York Times
Resurgent Russia poses rising challenge for U.S. - Opinion - USATODAY.com
There You Go Again - washingtonpost.com
Romney's Wallet Keeps Him in the Race - WSJ.com
Ann Coulter: 'John McCain is Bob Dole minus the charm, conservatism and youth'
Robert Tracinski: A vote for John is a vote for Republican Party suicide
Exclusive: Joseph Farah shows how Clinton scandals harm those Hillary claims to value
Exclusive: Jane Chastain blasts voters for relying on appearance when choosing prez
Exclusive: Jack Cashill notes Richard Clarke's cover-up job on TWA Flight 800
Larry Elder cites study showing lefties have more disdain for opponents than conservatives
Exclusive: Craige McMillan answers: Perversion of natural order, religious defamation
Exclusive: Tristan Emmanuel explains his prescription for mega-church phenomenon
Rebecca Hagelin drubs those offering no-responsibility solutions to teen sex
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith asserts economy will fix itself if D.C., Fed stay out of it
Lou Dobbs ridicules Bush for stimulus bill, says past policies have caused meltdown
Marjorie Cohn cheers fact 1/3 of Judiciary Committee Dems want to see veep ousted
Exclusive: Joel Barbee draws Barack Obama in similar position as John Kerry
Walter E. Williams wallops Bush for plan that would destroy 'basic contract rights'
Philip Giraldi spotlights translator's accusations of international skullduggery
Concentration Camp Locations
YouTube - Henry Kissinger Interview With Becky Quick 1-23-2008
YouTube - A Soldiers Revolution
YouTube - Grandma Gets Arrested at McDonald's
Schultz Says Bill Clinton is Lying
McCain Endorses Romney.. in 2002
Edwards: "Native Son Movie" Web Ad
Anti-Giuliani Firefighter Rally
Posted by RCP Staff | Send to a Friend | Email Author | Permalink
Another Refutation of the Obama Smears
McCain: "Democrats' Worst Nightmare"
Giuliani in "The Situation Room"
John Edwards' Free Media
The Latest on the GOP Race
John Edwards Won S.C. Debate
Bill Clinton Upset Again
Obama Refutes Smears
Ann Romney on "Your World"
Edwards on "The Late Show"
The Latest From Gallup: Little Room for an Independent
Romney's Morning Media
Obama's Morning Media
McCain: "Protect"
Clinton: "Serious"
Giuliani: "Some" Web Ad
Media Laugh at Romney's "Who Let the Dogs Out" Comment
Romney Reacts to Thompson Exit
Clinton: "Falling Through" and "Warned"
FL. AG Calls McCain "Out of Touch"
Ron Paul Comes In 2nd In Louisiana
Bono Meets Pentagon Chief
GOP Joins Forces In Lousiana To Derail Paul
The U.S. Financial Crisis In Iraq
Obama Campaign Issues Formal Complaint
Bernanke In Hot Seat As Turmoil Spikes
Video: Ron Paul On MSNBC 1/23/08
AT&T Still Looking At Internet Filtering
Gordon Brown Calls For New World Order
$696B Military Spending Bill Goes To Bush
Firefighter: Rudy Ran Like Coward On 9/11
Bush & White House Told 935 Lies Since 9/11
Italian Paper Says NH Primary Vote Rigged
Huckabee Campaign Is Broke
Gazans Knock Down Border Flee To Egypt
Bin Laden Not Pakistan's Priority
Students Paid $8 An Hour To Learn
Lawyers Embrace Climate Change Practice
Hazardous Mercury Levels Found In NYC Tuna
Paul Get Rid Of Income Tax To Save Economy
Study Bush Made False Statements Before War
EU & U.S. Still Hoping For Global Trade Deal
World's Largest Bond Insurers Collapsing!
FISA 2.0 Called 'Atrocious' Privacy Violation
Soros: Central Banks Have Lost Control
EU global warming crackdown will cost every family £730 a year | the Daily Mail
Revealed: 'Invisible man' rogue trader behind £3.7 BILLION bank fraud | the Daily Mail
Soros: End of Dollar Reserve
VIDEO: Colin Powell Confronted on Depleted Uranium
FEMA: Emergency response plans restore local authority
Advance Nanotech Adds Homeland Security Expert to Its Board of Directors
Rummy Resurfaces, Calls for U.S. Propaganda Agency
US rates 'heading for 2.5% by the spring'
Serbia deal tightens Russia's grip on European energy
Stocks down at end of rocky ride
Pre-emptive nuclear strike a key option, Nato told
Israel may have to take military action against Iran: Bolton
The New Kings of Wall Street - BusinessWeek
IMF warns of serious meltdown
France's Societe Generale seeks capital after one of biggest swindles in history
Dow's wild ride: Down 323 points in earlier trading, ends day with 300-point advance
Debate distinctly gloomy, flurry of downbeat forecasts, references to recession
Must soon 'constrain expenditure' to avoid violating EU's Stability and Growth Pact
'At least the Fed is cutting rates. ... There is the risk outright recession'
Billionaire famous for 'breaking' Bank of England in '90s says UK headed for recession
'2 engines of growth': Says China, not U.S., now nation's biggest trading partner
'When your house goes down, you ask: 'Who might have led me astray here?''
Confesses he back-dated stock options, falsified SEC filings
But Steve Jobs gained $14.6 million on paper by exercising stock options about to expire
Dave Ramsey talks nest-egg amounts, health insurance, pre-paid tuition
Virgin Galactic to start test flights later this year
Same type of aircraft crash-landed at London's Heathrow last week
Upscale chain giving customers choice between recycled paper, reusable sacks
'We are constantly looking for new ways to connect with the customer'
Men, women required to queue up separately to pay for groceries
Bill Clinton's confrontation and new adverts mark tight race
Thieves break in at Romney's Boston headquarters
Giuliani fights political fall in Florida
Cheney: Telecoms deserve immunity for NSA aid
Cheney says standing ovation tempts him to run
EPA expected to lose Calif emissions suit: documents
Reno Family Pleads for Help in Search
US military: Taliban spring offensive unlikely in Afghanistan
Experts Urge US, NATO, Regional Cooperation on Afghanistan
Air Force was near UFO sighting
Texas: UFO sightings were military jets
Virginia Student's Snow-Day Plea Triggers Online Furor
Report: Mayor, Staffer Sent Steamy Txts
NY Business Leaders Blast State Budget
Bloomberg pans economic stimulus package
Copper probe nets 140 suspects
Surprise! You're under arrest
IU closes fraternity for hazing
Illinois state trooper could face charges in deadly crash
The Associated Press: Police Trooper May Face Homicide Charge
Four gaming propositions narrowly ahead, poll finds
Democrats' immigration plan targets employers
Ambulance Service Suspended in 23 Counties
Palestinians stream out of Gaza, seeking supplies
Italy's Prodi makes last plea for Senate support
Italian Prime Minister Faces Showdown With Hostile Senate
UK's Brown appoints new minister after resignation
Purnell named as Hain successor
Musharraf: Pakistan Parliamentary Elections Must Be Free, Fair
Musharraf says judge Pakistan on economy, stability
Kenyan president, rival, to hold talks
Kenya rivals at mediation meeting
Crash kills 20 after air safety meeting
Polish military plane crash kills 20
Ex-S.Lanka Tiger awaits UK ID fraud sentence
Sri Lanka unveils peace plan; analysts lukewarm
Greek PM Begins Historic Visit to Turkey
Pakistani forces battle militants, dozens killed
Why Waziristan matters?
Congo rebels sign deal to end eastern conflict
Congo peace accord offers hope, but pitfalls remain
Toll from Wednesday blast in Iraq's Mosul 36-police
Mosul Police Chief Killed
Diana bodyguard 'under pressure'
Fayed bodyguard felt pressured over crash recall
Renewed impetus to sanction Iran
Russia: New UN resolution on Iran drops harsh sanctions
Crash of popular Boeing 777 scrutinized
Crashed BA jet's engines were still running, says report
UN Human Rights Council rebukes Israel on Gaza
Human Rights Council slams Israel over Gaza; EU abstains
Zimbabwe Police Beat Demonstrators on Way to Legal Rally
Castro thought illness 'was end'
Cuba's Castro Thought He Was Dying
Russian ex-premier says expects to be candidate
Putin critic facing election ban
Media revels in Sarkozy Taj visit
Sarkozy arrives tomorrow; N-coop, defence pact on agenda
Raids foiled Barcelona bomb plot, says judge
VOA News - Mosul Police Chief Killed in Suicide Blast in Northern Iraq
Rendell Endorses Hillary
Health changes matter more to US Democrats - study
Report: Dems Likely to Boost Health Care
Touch-screen voting machines draw mistrust nationwide | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Super Tuesday Won't Decide Nominations
McCain Works to Spread His Success Southward
Truth Takes Hard Knocks at Dem Debate
Is Obama Too Uplifting?
Poll says California already belongs to Clinton
Editing Hillary’s Story
Bill Gates Issues Call For Kinder Capitalism - WSJ.com
Rogue Trader Costs Bank Billions
At Davos, Mothra versus Godzilla
IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Capitalism Lives!
Market Bloodbath Highlights Cracks in Capitalism: Mark Gilbert
Asia's economies | Next stop Asia? | Economist.com
What's Next for the Banks? - WSJ.com
Betting against the BoA - Countrywide deal - Jan. 23, 2008
The Fed did not panic : December 2007 : Ambrose Evans-Pritchard : Business : Telegraph Blogs
Why Today’s Rate Cut Isn’t Enough
Forbes.com: Digital Rules By Rich Karlgaard
Save the Dollar, Already!
Video - CNBC.com NYSE Market Wrap-
FT.com / Davos 2008
Video - CNBC.com - Coke's CEO on the Global Economy
Bloomberg News Video
RealClearMarkets - Articles - Did Steve Moore Spark Tuesday's Stock Recovery?
RealClearMarkets - Articles - Money, and How Congress Perceives It
RealClearMarkets - Articles - Tax the Rich, Starve the Poor
Ron Paul Can Win: BIG