"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

20 January 2008


Click above : Ron Paul radio
President Bush Arming Fellow Tyrants Globally
Dozens of Africans Drown Off Yemen Coast
Turks Commemorate Killing of Journalist
Nuclear Revival Rekindles Waste Concerns
Split decisions set up GOP fight for Florida
Romney, Edwards use shows to spin losses
Nevada tussle signals rancor for Dems
How Clinton hit pay dirt
CACI Wins Award, Teams Up with the Ministry of Homeland Security
Chinese Site Proffers Ron Paul War Room Video Malware
Ministry’s Snoop Wing: the National Applications Office
Bush’s Voodoo Stimulus Package: $250 Rebate for Every Taxpayer
SC voting machines not set to zero before voting started
The Financial Tsunami: The Financial Foundations of the American Century
Tasering the Country Into Submission, We Are a Police State
The Day Canada Declared Itself a Fascist State
Arizona Budget Predicated on Shaking Down Drivers
Mexico Ready to Interfere in U.S. Elections
Scientific Technique and the Concentration of Power
Nanny State Wants a Mr. Goodbar Database
World Not Running Out of Oil
MSNBC Report on the Inevitability of Real ID
CFR: The ‘Historical Anomaly’ of the Dollar
Transcript of 9/11 Presentation Before Japanese Parliament
Inflation is Becoming a Worldwide Phenomenon
What Really Happened in the Taiwan Strait?
Bernanke Advocates Quick Fix to Aid Economy
Oppose Government Surveillance of All Internet Activity!
My Way News - McCain Feels He's Got Staying Power
Mobile phone radiation wrecks your sleep - Independent Online Edition > Science & Tech
Lights go out at Sundance Film Fest
'Borat' star wins Ala. case over movie - Yahoo! News
States try to pull plug on 'robo-calls'
Robocall trashes "Barack Hussein Obama" - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
McCain Visits Defense Plant, Skips Movie
Chris & Keith Continue To Laugh At GOP Speeches
My Way News - Clinton Celebrates Nevada Showing
My Way News - Clinton, McCain Move Ahead - for Now
Women turn on ‘traitor’ Oprah Winfrey for backing Barack Obama - Times Online
Giuliani on Attack in Fla.
Fierce Spending in Early Stages Saps Campaigns - New York Times
Leading Democrats To Bill Clinton: Pipe Down | Newsweek Periscope | Newsweek.com
My Way News - Romney Celebrates Win in Nevada
AFP: 10 years on, Hillary Clinton reveals anguish over Lewinsky saga
ABC News : Chris & Keith Continue To Laugh At GOP Speeches
Bloomberg Has Harsh Words for Washington
FBI denies file exposing nuclear secrets theft - Times Online
Gallery: Spy Gear and Police Tech at Homeland Security Conference
The Fram Oil Filter Candidate by Hal Cranmer
The War for Middle Earth by Steven LaTulippe
Ron Pauls Summer Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots Will Go Home on September 5. The Hard Corps Will Stay. Phase 2 Will Begin.
Class War and Wal-Mart - Mises Institute
The Hormuz Hoax- by Justin Raimondo
Mondoweiss: Huckabee: Palestinians Should Go Live in Arab Countries
Solving a Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside a Cookie - New York Times
The Political and Economic Agenda for a Real Gold Standard by Ron Paul
Feeling Good? Take a Ride on the Taser! by Christopher Manion
UFO seekers flock to mystery lights in Texas - Telegraph
VIDEO: Ron Paul Compared To Terrorist On MSNBC
Pentagon Explores 'Human Fear' Chemicals
CNN: Mexico Set to Interfere in U.S. Elections
Union attacks Carlyle's move on Booz Allen Hamilton
Institutionalized Spying on Americans
Pentagon Robotic GIs Make Debut
Police 'covered up Diana's secret assassination fears for six years'
Alex Jones Interviews Benjamin Fulford 1-11-08
Find the FEMA Concentration Camp Near You
Our News is Controlled Propaganda
Reasons Why Ron Paul Opposes a National ID Card
Air Force Plots $75 Million Microwave Weapon Push
Officer run down while laying spike strips to stop 2 vehicles fleeing toward Mexico
Cartels swipe rugged Ford F-250s, F-350s in Texas for smuggling drugs, humans
'They were somewhat careful not to destroy things like pictures in frames'
Husky-voiced star also had roles in Hitchcock's 'The Birds,' 'The Miracle Worker'
Character actor best known for playing Alice's boyfriend on sitcom
Thompson to make up mind about future plans after consulting with mother in hospital
'Tower of Jello': Decides to sit out primary over friendship with Giuliani
Barrage of negative messages in response to talk show host's support of Obama
Clinton backed out of agreement to appear on cover – feared appearing 'too feminine'
'We thought we'd do much better in Nevada, but the numbers weren't there'
Schwarzenegger: 'We have an independent here, we have a Democrat here, a Republican'
Study: Young adults believing in higher powerother than God at greater risk for depression
Pair accused of using witchcraft, drugs to lure teenage girl into sex
'Christians ... think they must be worshipping Satan or sacrificing babies'
Reviving ancient practice, congregations are exposing sinners, shunning unrepentant
Exclusive: David Kupelian explores secret world of genuine faith
Parents group wants halt in 'violations of state law'
Dispute centers on Wisconsin's treatment of student organization
Senior Muslims seek legal authority for Islamic rulings given in UK
Pictures caused mass demonstrations across Muslim world
Authorities brace for new release said to show Quran being torn up
'When someone has timers at home you ... think violent acts are being planned'
Gun owners warn White House arguments endanger Second Amendment
Reader finds news site blocked as 'inappropriate'
Gunmen granted amnesty by Israeli leader plotting wave of violence
Says IDF so weak in 2006 conflict, many dead soldiers left behind
Life for middle class could get substantially worse under Palestinian rule
Military chief says Moscow would use atomic weapons to protect itself, allies
Allegedly details dealings of corrupt officials with network stealing atomic data
It's not the end of the world – you can survive!
Teenager is 1st suspect detained over assassination of former PM
Russert: Giuliani will get support in FL from "people who still have memories of September 11th"
Matthews to Giuliani: "I've been one of the troubadours for you out there in terms of your prospects"
Russert suggests irony in women identifying with "self-avowed feminist" who showed emotion
Alter falsely asserted Clinton's "chief strategist" "raised" Obama's drug use
Matthews suggested his Clinton comment was an aberration, but he's been making similar remarks for years
O'Reilly inconsistent on role of government in addressing vets' homelessness
CBS and CNN reports on Confederate flag issue ignored McCain's "act of cowardice"
Ignoring Obama's statement on Trumpet award, Hannity suggested that Obama "associated" himself with Farrakhan
Wash . Post misreports Bill Clinton's Swift Boat comments ... again
Joe Scarborough: "It's outrageous that Chris Matthews has to apologize" for Hillary Clinton comments
Media again ignore McCain's skipped vote while highlighting ad attacking Clinton over earmark for "Woodstock Concert Museum"
Fox's Gallagher on 1930s MI labor movement: "organization by way of strikes, votes, violence"
Wash. Times reprinted portions of Investor's Business Daily attack on Obama's faith
Dobbs claimed as "fact" baseless assertion that half of Culinary Workers Union "are illegal aliens"; CNN's Crowley did not challenge
Goldberg on MSNBC: "Hillary Clinton is essentially like the agricultural minister from the Soviet Politburo"
Investor's Business Daily earned runner-up in Olbermann's "Worst Person" for "blatantly untrue, wildly racist" Obama editorial
CNN's King falsely suggested McCain opposed flying of Confederate flag during 2000 SC primary
Novak repeated false assertion that Bill Clinton "referred to Obama's candidacy as 'a fairy tale' "
MSNBC's Robach, Witt aired McCain ad attacking "Woodstock Concert Museum" earmark, but didn't note his missed vote
Limbaugh reacts to Media Matters item on his use of word "spade"
Boston Globe joined NY Times in falsely suggesting that Hagel and Clinton took different positions on Iraq war resolution
Fineman falsely asserted Obama "admitted he can't manage his way out of a paper bag" during Las Vegas debate
Russert misrepresented Dems' Iraq statements to suggest shift in "emphasis" from previous debate
Wash. Times falsely claims: "Hillary likens Obama to 'pathetic' Bush"
CNN's Foreman falsely suggested Rangel's attack on Obama over race issue "still being flung"
Buchanan: "Sí, se puede" is "the cause of the illegal immigration movement and the amnesty movement"
O'Reilly said he's "still looking" for the homeless veterans Edwards (and the VA) say are "out there"
Following NY Times , The Hill misquoted Clinton's civil rights comments
Limbaugh twice used word "spade" during discussion of Obama
Carlson: "many black churches are basically political organizations"
Matthews falsely asserted the Clinton campaign made "three mentions of Obama's cocaine use"
On MSNBC, Corke and Cillizza falsely claimed NV paper quoted Obama admitting he lacks "experience" to "run a bureaucracy" and "be a CEO"
AP article latest to mischaracterize Clinton comment on civil rights
Newsweek mischaracterized Bill Clinton to claim he "called Obama's appeal a 'fairy tale' "
CNN's Snow falsely suggested McCain wants to preserve only Bush's middle-class tax cuts
Gibson misquoted Clinton on civil rights
Upcoming debate moderator Russert added to record of distortions on Sunday's Meet the Press
The Nation's Hayes on Matthews: "He's ascended to the level of kind of icon of the frustration that people have with the media"
Monica Crowley compares Clinton to "Glenn Close at the end of Fatal Attraction ": "You think she's dead and then she sits bolt-upright in the bathtub"
Savage on Media Matters : "They're the brownshirts of our time"
Gibson on Matthews' "mind-blowing" comment: "You listen to this and you tell me who the sexist is"
Kurtz misrepresented Obama's 2004 remark on Iraq war stance
Matthews: "I personally don't see how" Clinton "loses at all running as the woman candidate"
Media outlets continued to mislead on the Clintons' "fairy tale" and civil rights quotes
Russert falsely claimed to show "exactly what President Clinton said," aired truncated quotes from both Clintons
Why did Wash. Post claim that Clinton said people "in college towns" "don't need a president"?
Fox News' Powers: Media Matters' criticism of Matthews "very fair"
Nuclear Waste Disposal Varies
Hezbollah Decries Bush's Mideast Trip
Chavez Warns Banks on Farm Lending
Canada to Rewrite Manual US Criticized
Kenya Opposition Calls New Rallies -- Newsday.com
Belarus Editor Jailed for Islam Cartoon
British PM Says China Should Eye London
US Urges Vigilance After Lebanon Blast
Strong Quake Shakes Eastern Indonesia
Israelis, Palestinians, Set New Talks
Paul McCartney Makes Room for the New
Officer: Iraq Groups Supported by Iran
Two Europeans Win Nobel Prize in Physics
China: No Date for NKorea Nuclear Talks
Romney Statement
Debate Over Getting Rebates to the Poor
Nevada Residents Caucus Around the State
Women Key for Clinton in Nevada
Women Back Clinton, Mormons Romney in NV
Analysis: New Tone in Democratic Race
Analysis: McCain, Huckabee Seek Momentum
White House Missing CIA, Iraq E-Mails
FDA Approves HIV Drug Etravirine
Romney Extends Delegate Lead
Study Finds Postal Service Gets No Edge
Supreme Court Denies Kucinich Bid
Paulson, Lazear Comments on Economy
Bush to Make Smaller Security Fund Cuts
Tax Rebates Could Boost Economy Quickly
Bloomberg meets with Perot's ballot access expert
New Generation Of Homeless Vets
Digg Co-Host Visited Bohemian Grove
SC Primary Plagued By Bad Voting Machines
Foreigners Buy Stake In USA At Record Pace
Nevada and SC Hold Presidential Contests
Charity Accused Of Ripping Off Vets
MSNBC On Paul's 2nd Place NV Finish
GOP Caucus Complaints Emerge
Honeybees May Be Wiped Out In 10 Years
Accident victim sliced in two at waist gets back on his 'feet'
Training manual had warned diplomats prisoners risked abuse
At least 10 workers have been killed while working on stadium but officials deny fatalities
Travelers returning to U.S. by sea or land will need documents
Say man acted in 'depraved, unconscionable and reckless manner'
1/2 of women are 25 or older – most already have child
'I pray that they'll look at it a little more than being offended by it'
'If we look at the data objectively, we are spending too much'
Case against character's creator Sacha Baron Cohen thrown out
2 key parts of brain work together to help humans plan, follow routes in familiar city
Sea creature said to have lived 375 million years ago praised as having bridged gap
Mayor who cared for neighbor's dog indicted after refusing to return pet to owners
Martial arts expert chases 24-year-old man 6 blocks, detains him for police
Police release images they hope will help in search for woman's suspected killer
Man busted after cocaine rocks found between his buttocks
'I could have kissed his cheek if I'd stood on my tippy toes'
'There is not a pole big enough around here for me to kill him with a pole'
Farmer, schoolteacher wife lived simply for 57 years before dying in auto accident
Charities, their patrons get healthy share of Pennsylvania hunters' bounty
Despite health risk, court rules he can't be forced to keep himself clean
'It's becoming a treatment of next resort instead of a treatment of last resort'
Huckabee's S.C. Speech
Edwards Campaigns in Atlanta
Thompson's S.C. Speech
McCain's S.C. Victory Speech
Clinton, Romney Victory Speeches
Anti-Obama Robo-Call
Giuliani's Primary Day Media
Edwards Campaigns in Oklahoma City
Huckabee on "Fox and Friends"
Romney on "The Tonight Show"
Giuliani on the Space Coast
Obama Highlights Differences at Nevada Rally
Previews of Saturday's Contests
Huckabee on "Hannity & Colmes"
Hillary Never Doubted Bill's Love
Obama: "Mother"
Romney Web Video Stresses Electability
Thompson on "American Morning"
Lee Bandy's South Carolina Prediction
The Latest From Gallup
McCain: "Trust Huckabee" Web Ad
Mehlman on GOP Politics After Michigan
Huckabee's Morning Media
Edwards' Renounces Obama's Reagan Comments
Giuliani: "It Matters"
The State | 01/20/2008 | McCain, S.C. find common ground
The battle for Nevada | Salon News
On Yesterday's Results
Obama needs to add substance to message - The Boston Globe
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Waiting for Straight Talk
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Nevada Win Puts Clinton Back in Driver's Seat
Conservative Populism
In The Shadow of Bush | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Growing Aversion to Abortion
Zakaria: We’re Fighting The Wrong War | Newsweek Voices - Fareed Zakaria | Newsweek.com
Iran’s Small Boats Are a Big Problem - New York Times
Choosing a president | The San Diego Union-Tribune
Twin Disasters
This Time, McCain Defused Conservative Attacks - washingtonpost.com
No Quick Knockouts as Races Move to New Terrain - New York Times
Running on empty
The economy: Calm down ... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Special Operations Command's 'Trans-Regional Web Initiative'
Anti-Terror Plan To Control Entire Web
AUDIO: CFR: The ‘Historical Anomaly’ of the Dollar
The militarisation of space: Disharmony in the spheres
Noble Resolve 2008
Paul Interviewed By Russia Today
Soldier Quits Military To Join Ron Paul Revolution
New Generation Of Homeless Vets
Ron Paul Bags Second In Nevada
Ron Paul Compared To Terrorist On MSNBC
Mexico Funding Pro Amnesty Ads
Database Of Domestic Offenders Proposed
Montana Governor Forments Real ID Rebellion
Recession Beyond The Economy
Nevada GOP Dismisses Paul Complaint
NORTHCOM To Run Computer Disaster Drill
Military: 75% Of Baghdad Secure
Former FBI Informant Given Life For Terrorism
Dubious GOP Link With Diebold
US Army proto-Dalek combat robots enter testing | The Register
CFR Analyzes Historical Anomaly Of The USD
Manager: 'Everything's legit ... they can't do anything about it'
'The wrong ruling would have unleashed a tsunami of damaging side effects'
SEC team behind stock-options cases think abuses have been corrected
AARP, Partnership for Public Service promote private, public sector jobs
Business plummets after restaurant chain bans tobacco
Profits of 100%-300% likely. FREE report & CD
Some of those that are printed have been recast, researchers say
Heists up by more than 1/3: 'Bankers aren't just going to hope robbers won't come'
Government efforts to revive industry will stall without 'miracle' solution
Cargo ship to test giant 'parachute' to see if energy use reduced
Industry's scientists say bedtime use can lead to headaches, confusion, depression
Restructuring would divide retailer into units to run real estate, Craftsman, Diehard brands
Warns he'll seize private lenders who fail to meet government lending requirements
IMF predicts good news, but growth depends on security
Reports say auditor discoveries result in 177 managers being fired
'My daughter is almost 1-year-old and is driving me nuts'
Dave Ramsey tackles reader questions on parenting, saving for Junior's college
Renewed clashes break out in Kenyan slum over election
Pro-Western and nationalist face off in Serbia vote
From Iraq to Utah, a chain of death
Economists debate the quickest cure for U.S. ills
Bold UN rule fails to halt Darfur killing
In Nevada, Obama's message of 'new politics' failed to deliver
A McCain triumph in S.C., in Nevada, a muddle
McCain defeats Huckabee in S.C.
Clinton, Romney win in Nevada
Actress Pleshette dies at 70
Fierce spending saps campaigns
McCain and Clinton look to next battle
McCain says will do well in Florida
U.S. says Iran still training Iraqi militias
Lights go out in Gaza as power plant shuts down
Gaza City plunged into darkness
Serbians vote for head of state
Cubans vote for new parliament
French WW1 veteran dies at 110
BA pilot 'feared all would die'
Gaza plunged into darkness as Israel blocks fuel
Oil canals' role in La. land losses debated
LinkedIn founder sees gold in connections
States consider privatizing lotteries
Health observers expect policy battles
McCain Defeats Huckabee, Wins S.C. Primary
The Power Of Oratory
Sketches Released Of Maddie Kidnap Suspect
Clinton Wins Nevada Democratic Caucuses
Gov't Identifies Agent Killed At Border
Analysis: Obama's Age Gap: Is It Race?
U.S.: Fewer Iran-made bombs in Iraq
Suharto shows signs of recovery
Thousands rally to pope’s side
Power cuts plague Zimbabwe, Zambia
Cuba searchs for new beginning
Protesting mothers blame Mafia as toxic rubbish spills over Naples
'Nazi' claim as Germans rebel over smoking ban
Briton shot dead in Kenya dream home
Ex-child soldier's literary bestseller is 'factually flawed'
U.S. military: Fewer attacks from Iranian bombs
Lebanon delays presidential vote
Hezbollah claims to have Israeli bodies
Pakistan arrests 2 in Bhutto assassination plot
Power transition could follow Cuban vote
McCain edges Huckabee in South Carolina primary
Teen suspect arrested in Bhutto assassination
Kenya's opposition calls for more anti-government rallies
Security tight as millions of Iraqis mark Shia ritual
US election focus turns to south
Zimbabwe cities hit by power cuts
Three killed in Kenya clashes with opposition defiant
Mortars fired as new Somali PM arrives in Mogadishu
Lebanon vote delayed as mediator sees "closed door"
Georgia and Russia pledge better ties at inauguration
Pakistan forces press attack on militant stronghold
Calm At Iraqi Ritual But Attacks Elsewhere
U.S. To Saudis: Please Pump More Oil!
Canada To Remove U.S. From Torture List
14 Terror Suspects Arrested In Spain
Pakistan Arrests 15-Yr-Old In Bhutto Plot
4 men arrested in killing of 2 moms, 2 children
Teen swimmers' photos put on gay sites
Museum road show preserves black history
Sword-toting gunman nabbed close to Capitol
Nigerian oil rebels ask for Clooney's help
Border agent hit, killed by suspect's car
U.S. Sends Wounded Troops Back To Iraq
EPA Denies Docs On Calif. Emissions Law
3rd Suspect Nabbed In Deaths Of 2 Ga. Cops
Va. Panel Rejects Closing Gun Law Loophole
Next wave of homeless vets emerges
D.A.: Personal problems led to slaying
Economists debate the quickest cure for U.S. ills
Overseas investors buy U.S. holdings at a record pace
Sears to reorganize into units
Analysts: Only time will cure ailing market
Paulson predicts quick stimulus plan
Bush, Bernanke agree economic stimulus is needed
Bernanke appears open to economic stimulus package
SunPower? Like Icarus, you could crash and burn
How do you make a lump sum of your life's savings last?
Risk of a recession 'remains low'
Boeing, Gulf Air finalize Dreamliner deal
China is not decoupling from U.S. economy: central banker
Siemens to get SEC graft case data in months: paper
Mystery man's annual visit to Poe grave (AP)
Barge hits sunken replica warship in the Mississippi, halts traffic
Cops: Ind. robber mistakenly shoots self in groin
More snakes on a plane
Web plagiarism a serious problem: UK teachers
Army offers to pay as stray rocket hits house
Burglar finds corpse and calls police
In London, cabbies as advertisers
Google starts living up to a pledge
Cosmic Log: UFO viewing tips
FCC will test Internet over TV airwaves
CIA: Hackers demanding cash disrupted power
NASA moon rocket may shake too much
Practice of geotagging photos grows with devices
European probe aims for Mercury
Worshipping Online? Hymnal Goes Digital
EPA Refuses to Turn Over All Greenhouse Gas Documents
Antidepressant studies unpublished
Decline in generic drugs draws EU scrutiny and raids
EU ethics panel opposes animal cloning for food
Spacecraft swings past Mercury
Who's getting abortions? Not who you'd think
FDA clears new HIV drug
Cultural differences alter the brain
Gene combo may hike prostate cancer risk
Prostate exam fees not sexist, human rights tribunal rules
Virus linked to development of deadly skin cancer: study
Immune therapy 'cuts heart risk'
Medical plants 'face extinction'
Genes Stacked Against Weight Loss?
Chronic Fatigue, Stress Hormone Linked
Senior Saudi prince offers Israel peace vision
CBN's Jerusalem Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell Interviews Bill Koenig on President Bush's Mideast Trip [Webcast]
President Bush’s Middle East Trip: News and commentary from the trip and the difficult 48 hours following his return - Bill Koenig
Dichter: We must stop attacks from Gaza at all cost - Ynet
Serbs vote in watershed presidential election - Reuters
Cambodian police block Farrow's Darfur rally - Hollywood actress prevented from laying wreath at 'Killing Fields' museum - AP
U.S. Nuke Deal With India Less Certain After State Department No. 3's Departure - Fox
Upper Midwest Locked In Deep Freeze: Air Temperature May Hit 25 Below Overnight In Northwest Wisconsin; 14 Below in Minnesota, Minus 3 In Chicago - CBS 2 Chicago
Abbas says Hamas trying to 'destroy dream of statehood' - Ynet
UN warns of humanitarian crisis as Israel seals Gaza crossings - Haaretz
Turkish, Syrian presidents call for peace in the Middle East - Jerusalem Post
Nasrallah to Beirut crowd: We've got body parts of Israeli soldiers - Haaretz
Afghan, NATO Troops Kill, Wound Two Dozen Insurgents - Reuters
Report: Venture funding reaches 6-year peak - USA Today
Iraqi troops battle Shiite cult in southern Iraq - 46 killed, 30 detained as worshippers prepare for major holiday - AP
National firearms ban 'reasonable'? - Gun owners warn arguments endanger Second Amendment - WND
Angry Egypt cancels talks with EU Officials - Reuters
World stocks slip again despite stimulus plan - Reuters
Russia's chief of staff: We could use nuclear weapons in preventive attacks - Jerusalem Post
Usama bin Laden's Son Says He Wants to Be 'Ambassador for Peace' Between Muslims and the West - Fox
Spanish Minister: 14 Terror Suspects Arrested May Have Planned Barcelona Attack - Fox
Report: Number of U.S. Abortions Drop to Lowest Levels in 30 Years - Fox
George Clooney Named UN Peace Envoy - NewsMax
Clinton tops Obama in Nev.; Romney takes GOP contest - USA Today
An Oil Quandary: Costly Fuel Means Costly Calories - Keith Bradsher
Prepare to Be Stimulated - Official Washington rallies around a stimulus package - Irwin M. Stelzer
Western blindness - Diana West
Exclusive: Joseph Farah refuses to follow peers, crown Mitt as heir apparent to GOP nomination
Exclusive: Pat Boone contends America needs an experienced, qualified male to lead
Exclusive: Kathleen Willey reveals why Clinton's victims are captives in their homes
Jonathan Falwell: America needs pastors to speak up, address moral issues of the day
Star Parker: Blacks have one-third of pregnancy terminations, foolishly vote for Dems
Exclusive: Ellis Washington asks why African Americans vote for libs, bitterly protest
Exclusive: Howard and Raymond Richman argue in favor of Huckabee-supported plan
Jackie Mason: 'Stop giving him a free pass while he's defrauding America'
My mission is to save representative government, freedom, national sovereignty
Exclusive: Greg Laurie tells believers to climb out of the foxhole, step up to the battle
Exclusive: Henry Lamb mows over enviro-wackos who enforce 'wilderness' restrictions
John W. Whitehead: Your bargain could be coming at someone else's expense
Exclusive: Joseph Farah asks, 'Isn't it time to make anal sex taboo, again?'
Bryan Fischer: ACLU calls homosexual solicitation lawful, protected speech