"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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19 January 2008

Sat./ * click here : Ron Paul Radio *

My Way News - Nevada, SC Hold Presidential Contests
Man Carrying Loaded Shotgun, Sword on Street Is Arrested
Armed Man Arrested Near US Capitol
No explosives in World Bank buildings - Yahoo! News
U.S. says Iraq forces could control provinces this year | Reuters
Heathrow BA 777 Plane Crash Pilot Praises His Team |Sky News|UK News
'I feared Heathrow crash-landing would end in catastrophe,' says hero pilot Coward | the Daily Mail
Stubblefield Charged With Perjury
Obama's Wife Flubs Nevada, Recovers
States try to pull plug on 'robo-calls'
wcbstv.com - Another Near Collision Rattles Newark Liberty
Mystery Disease Gives Sensation Of 'Bugs Eating Skin' - Health News Story - WKMG Orlando
My Way News - Campaigns Scramble for Votes in Nevada
AFP: 10 years on, Hillary Clinton reveals anguish over Lewinsky saga
MyFox Colorado | Man Apologizes for Political Joke
Chris Matthews Backs Off 'Nasty' Remark on Clinton - washingtonpost.com
Bill Clinton, Stumping and Simmering - New York Times
Vatican slams California firm's cloning experiments
Ethical storm as scientist becomes first man to clone HIMSELF | the Daily Mail
China set to lead world on the web - Telegraph
FOXNews.com - Transgender Woman Sues Catholic Hospital for Refusing Breast Augmentation Surgery - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Hezbollah chief scoffs at Israel at rare public appearance - Yahoo! Singapore News
Dognapping Texas mayor indicted / She's charged with hiding evidence after Puddles found at sister's
Bush wants fast tax aid to boost economy - Yahoo! News
Dutch news - Muslim Councillor Tells Rotterdammer: 'Shut Up, Minority'
US Abortions at Lowest Rate Since 1974
Top U.S. diplomat Nicholas Burns to retire - Yahoo! News
Mt. Rainier courts illegal aliens - Examiner.com
Illegal worker got asylum tribunal job - Times Online
Canada puts US and Israel on 'torture list'
CIA launches hunt for international computer hackers threatening to hold cities ransom by shutting off power | the Daily Mail
Mohammed cartoon publisher jailed - Europe- msnbc.com
Canadian Qaeda bomb plotter gets life in U.S. prison - Yahoo! News
WorldNetDaily: Film could spark new wave of Muslim riots
WorldNetDaily: District lessons teach 'erotic' sex techniques
WorldNetDaily: National firearms ban 'reasonable'?
Gun owners warn White House opinion paves way for 'reasonable' firearm ban
Authorities brace for new release said to show Quran being torn up
Claim they were threatened by his protest tying organization to Hamas
Dispute centers on Wisconsin's treatment of student organization
Reader finds news site blocked as 'inappropriate'
Gunmen granted amnesty by Israeli leader plotting wave of violence
Today's primary is key for McCain, Huckabee, Thompson
'It's fair to say that the Republicans were the party of ideas for a pretty long chunk of time'
Package valued at nearly $250 billion – includes major cut in corporate tax rate
Campaign accuses homosexual-rights groups of trying to pick fight
Exclusive: Pat Boone contends America needs an experienced, qualified male to lead
Washington Post: Past battles, controversies continue to shadow ex-president
1st Homeland Security secretary: 'There's just no doubt in my mind'
'It is of utmost importance that consumers make their own energy decisions'
Announcing 'The Sky's Not Falling' video/essay competition
Former lawman allegedly collected tolls from smaller drug gangs crossing group's turf
Salvadoran told police sex with 12-year-old was consensual, but victim disagreed
3 million filed applications trying to beat fee hikes meant to speed up process
Had been ordered to leave U.S. by immigration judge, but failed to comply with order
'Who's going to buy this right-of-way, and what's going to happen to our lives?'
Landmark study of over 800 fields concludes annual decline only 4.5% – 1/2 rate believed
Experts suggest getting kids involved in recycling program, planting garden
Prices for some staples have risen by as much as 60% in past year
7 Americans killed in 1989 terrorist attack on French airliner
CIA: Lights turned out in multiple cities overseas in extortion attack
Labor union's commercials says Hillary doesn't respect Hispanics
Ads blasting pair will reach 60% to 65% of all Republican primary voters
'We don't treat them real well ... but they're doing their job'
Trained at al-Qaida camp – believes he can mediate between Muslims, West
Applies for visa to live with Brit wife, have child, become activist for peace
Robot used to survey 'items of concern' in D.C. – no injuries reported
2 1/2-year-old dies after man tosses him 30 feet into traffic
Removed her, children's clothes, stepped into traffic
7-year-old weighed only 36 pounds when she was allegedly killed by stepfather
Attorney for stepfather charged in brutal killing uses find to shift blame to mom
Murder weapon sent to crime lab for testing – woman's baby was a girl
New Year's Day sexual assault left 13-, 14-year-old unconscious by canal
Despite her pleading, no protection order issued over holidays
Man who violated no-gambling probation won't have to forfeit his winnings
31-year-old facing 12 years for acts with child under 14
Revelation in Heisman Trophy winner's upcoming book surprises man who coached him
Pitcher's attorney: 'We look forward to sitting down with the committee staff'
Scientology video praises sect's efforts to treat emergency personnel
'We are not wishing it, but ... it's easily one of the biggest stories in a long time'
Mom 'read to them almost every day from the time they were just tiny'
Trio drank vodka, smoked marijuana, stood on railing yelling, waving at big cat
Pair caught after posting video on MySpace of stalking, attempting to hook sea cow
Charged with breaching public peace, hurting religious sentiments, damaging statues
'PETA Files' exposes web of violence, vandalism, viciousness
People die – not nearly enough vehicles to go around, officials say
CIA says Pakistan tribal head behind assassination - The Boston Globe
Charity Accused Of Ripping Off Vets
Nevada and SC Hold Presidential Contests
Ron Paul Compared To Terrorist On MSNBC
Mexico Funding Pro Amnesty Ads
NORTHCOM To Run Computer Disaster Drill
Military: 75% Of Baghdad Secure
Paul Campaign Calls For NV Caucus Delay
Dubious GOP Link With Diebold
Former FBI Informant Given Life For Terrorism
CIA Blames Extremist For Bhutto Killing
Marshall Plan For Climate Change
473 Days Of No White House E-Mail
ACLU Files Suit To Block Paper Ballots
Man Tasered To Death For Non Compliance
Euro Future For UK?
Today Segment On National ID Card
Anti-Terror Plan To Control Entire Web
Democrat Introduces Paper Ballot Legislation
Tax Rebates Urged To Rescue Economy
Opium Fields Spread Across Iraq
US Army proto-Dalek combat robots enter testing | The Register
Recession Beyond The Economy
Nevada GOP Dismisses Paul Complaint
Database Of Domestic Offenders Proposed
Montana Governor Forments Real ID Rebellion
GM: Fuel Requirements Will Add 6K Per Car
CFR Analyzes Historical Anomaly Of The USD
Go Pack Go?
What Really Happened in the Taiwan Strait?
Bernanke Advocates Quick Fix to Aid Economy
"For Me It Would Be Torture"
Oppose Government Surveillance of All Internet Activity!
Government’s Proposed Cyber Security Policy Would Police All Internet Activity
Huckabee, Strategists on "Hannity & Colmes
Panel Previews Races and Stimulus Package
President Bush's Stimulus Package
Shields & Brooks Look at Critical Campaign Saturday
Huckabee in "The Situation Room"
Waiting for Reagan
LITTWIN: A GOP primary in which every end is loose : Columns & Blogs : The Rocky Mountain News
The Democratic Divide | Newsweek Voices - Eleanor Clift | Newsweek.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Mostly Decent Politics
How the White House may be won -- in the West
Bizarro Goldwater?
Edwards's populist roll of the dice - The Boston Globe
Close contest could make Edwards kingmaker - Ben Smith - Politico.com
The Wages of Sensitivity
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Bipartisan Stimulation
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Charge It, America!
The Daily 2008 - NV, SC Edition
Sun-Times Dumps Story on Obama - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
The Immigrant Vote - New York Times
Obama and the Gipper - WSJ.com
Dark knight -- baltimoresun.com
The State | 01/19/2008 | Wintry weather adds wrinkle at 11th hour
MyrtleBeachOnline.com | 01/19/2008 | Voting efforts push to the end
McCain and Huckabee Avoid Sparring in Final South Carolina Push - New York Times
TheHill.com - Clinton camp goes after Obama’s Reagan comments
Obama Highlights Differences at Nevada Rally
Previews of Saturday's Contests
Huckabee on "Hannity & Colmes"
Obama: "Mother"
Romney Web Video Stresses Electability
Thompson on "American Morning"
Lee Bandy's South Carolina Prediction
The Latest From Gallup
McCain: "Trust Huckabee" Web Ad
Mehlman on GOP Politics After Michigan
Huckabee's Morning Media
Edwards' Renounces Obama's Reagan Comments
Giuliani: "It Matters"
Lieberman's Visit to Boca Raton
Obama's Nevada Radio Ads
McCain: "Character in Spades" Web Ad
Extended "Nightly" Interview with Clinton
Romney's Testy Exchange with AP Reporter
"What About John Edwards?"
Edwards: "One Winner"
WCSC Interview with Thompson
Confused Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur
Matthews Apologizes for Clinton Comments
Clinton: "Voices" for the Feb. 5 States
Giuliani: "Quotes"
Feel-Good Economics - WSJ.com
Silence not golden for sovereign funds
Prepare to Be Stimulated
3 Things You Need to Know About Washington's Stimulus Plans - US News and World Report
Countrywide May Be Bank of America's One Good Deal: David Pauly
Sovereign-wealth funds | Asset-backed insecurity | Economist.com
Free trade fears on the rise
Panic Is Driving Today's Stock Market (Ahead of the Curve) | SmartMoney.com
Oil Demand, the Climate and the Energy Ladder - New York Times
global banking industry - What’s in store for global banking - Economic Studies - Productivity & Performance - The McKinsey Quarterly
Inequality and Growth: Challenges to the Old Orthodoxy - Economic Letter, Jan. 2008 - FRB Dallas
Fig Leaves or Fat Guys in Speedos?
The Political and Economic Agenda for a Real Gold Standard by Ron Paul
Feeling Good? Take a Ride on the Taser! by Christopher Manion
The Fram Oil Filter Candidate by Hal Cranmer
The War for Middle Earth by Steven LaTulippe
The Deflation Time Bomb by Mike Whitney
Ron Pauls Summer Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots Will Go Home on September 5. The Hard Corps Will Stay. Phase 2 Will Begin.
Class War and Wal-Mart - Mises Institute
The Hormuz Hoax- by Justin Raimondo
Mondoweiss: Huckabee: Palestinians Should Go Live in Arab Countries
Gallery: Spy Gear and Police Tech at Homeland Security Conference
Solving a Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside a Cookie - New York Times
UFO seekers flock to mystery lights in Texas - Telegraph
Scientific Study Finds Fluoride Horror Stories Factual
Military Industrial Complex Biometric Surveillance Control Grid Revealing Itself
Police 'covered up Diana's secret assassination fears for six years'
Find the FEMA Concentration Camp Near You
Our News is Controlled Propaganda
Lego Animation: Ron Paul vs. the FED
MSNBC Hack Describes Ron Paul As “The Al Qaeda Wing Of The Republican Party”
MSNBC Report on the Inevitability of Real ID
Huge Diebold Disparities Uncovered In New Hampshire Recount
Digg Caught Red-Handed Censoring Ron Paul Stories
Snoop Chief: Mohamed Atta Took Us by Surprise
The Day Canada Declared Itself a Fascist State
Arizona Budget Predicated on Shaking Down Drivers
Mexico Ready to Interfere in U.S. Elections
CFR: The ‘Historical Anomaly’ of the Dollar
Brit Home Sec. Control Freak Wants to Censor the Web
Forget Helicopter Ben: Bush and Congress Set to Drop Thermonuclear Confetti Bombs
Transcript of 9/11 Presentation Before Japanese Parliament
Institutionalized Spying on Americans
Stallone: We Are Told Lies to Pacify Us
More Propaganda Catapulted: Al Qaeda’s Top Cyber Terrorist Arrested in London
Doctor Alleges Plan To Microchip Babies
Nanny State Wants a Mr. Goodbar Database
World Not Running Out of Oil
George Galloway vs. David Frum
Inflation is Becoming a Worldwide Phenomenon
“Lefty” Blogger’s Warning About the Domestic Terrorism Act
U.K. to Urge Blocking of Web Sites That Promote Terrorist Acts
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars: Expanding NAFTA
Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove Depicted Classified Plans
Smurfs Take on White Al-Qaeda
Hal Turner: FBI Agent Provocateur?
Indexes end with weekly losses of at least 4% – Dow off 507 points in week
'The lower end of the high-end market has evaporated'
Choices, incentives multiply as condos turn to apartments
Dave Ramsey tackles reader questions on parenting, saving for Junior's college
Hundreds of dollars coming your way, but check isn't in mail ... yet
Florida regulators barred insurer from issuing any new policies in state
SEC sought public input after yanking online search that flags 'bad' firms
New tracking methodology makes long-term comparison of month-to-month results difficult
Once-popular software program is Exhibit A in antitrust suit against Microsoft
Clothing, housewares retailer to start garden centers under Terrain brand
Say video, music too sexually graphic, aerobic dancing too provocative
Chase is latest bank to announce surcharge hike for noncustomers
Exclusive: Joseph Farah refuses to follow peers, crown Mitt as heir apparent to GOP nomination
Daryl Cagle illustrates Republican 'top-tier' candidates' scuffle to be No. 1
Exclusive: Kathleen Willey reveals why Clinton's victims are captives in their homes
Jonathan Falwell: America needs pastors to speak up, address moral issues of the day
Star Parker: Blacks have one-third of pregnancy terminations, foolishly vote for Dems
Exclusive: Ellis Washington asks why African Americans vote for libs, bitterly protest
Exclusive: Howard and Raymond Richman argue in favor of Huckabee-supported plan
Jackie Mason: 'Stop giving him a free pass while he's defrauding America'
My mission is to save representative government, freedom, national sovereignty
Exclusive: Greg Laurie tells believers to climb out of the foxhole, step up to the battle
Exclusive: Henry Lamb mows over enviro-wackos who enforce 'wilderness' restrictions
John W. Whitehead: Your bargain could be coming at someone else's expense
Exclusive: Joseph Farah asks, 'Isn't it time to make anal sex taboo, again?'
Exclusive: Readers weigh in on Spanish ballots, observers of history, socialism, Hillary
Bryan Fischer: ACLU calls homosexual solicitation lawful, protected speech