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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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25 December 2007


No let-up for Christmas for U.S. troops in Iraq | Reuters
Toyota sees bright future as world number one
US braces for baby boom retirement wave
Crisis may make 1929 look a 'walk in the park' - Telegraph
Crowds begin returning to Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas - International Herald Tribune
On Christmas, Pope Urges End to Wars
Archbishop of Canterbury warns greed could wreck the Earth
Questions and Answers About Americans’ Religion
Raul Castro says Fidel ready for new bid - Yahoo! News
BBC NEWS | Health | Cannabis smoke 'has more toxins'
Asylum returners take cash and stay - Telegraph
OpinionJournal - Extra
U.S. officials see waste in billions sent to Pakistan - International Herald Tribune
Israeli scholar believes Christ's birth was in Galilee town with same name
At Midnight Christmas Mass, Benedict urges people to make time for God
Exclusive: Joseph Farah proves 'first global tax precipitated Savior's first coming'
Terrorists' shows unimpeded from Judaism's holiest site
Birthplace of Jesus hijacked by Muslims
Joined by Lance Armstrong, others, actor follows Bob Hope's footsteps
Deal gives synagogue privileges for $1 a year
Toilet paper rationing, wide-stance senator, beauty pageant meltdown only beginning
But Mitt rips newspaper for supporting driver's licenses for illegals
Some won't vote for Obama for fear he could be killed
13 brutal murders in last 18 months bear signs of underworld executions
'Veterans Disarmament Act on way to president'
'International community should be concerned about increased persecution' in China
62% of Americans in latest poll say they're members of 'church or synagogue'
Indian groups accuse missions of exploiting tribal poverty, ignorance
Government orders Catholic newspaper to cease using name of Islamic god
Say 50,000 terminations a year in Israel may delay coming of messiah
Evangelical buying power growing, firms answer call of almighty dollar
Mail carrier refuses to deliver after 3 attacks by vicious cat
Conflict could lead to death of between 16 to 28 million civilians
Tehran rejects any preconditions for talks with U.S.
Insists discussions between ambassadors, not lower-level functionaries
'I hate to say this, but I don’t think Rudy wants it badly enough'
'I deserve 1 wiggle now and then'
Lawman recognized suspect on 'America's Most Wanted' as fellow churchgoer
'I really didn't ask for this and it is nice for someone to think of us'
California Highway Patrol officer arrested, narcotics recovered
Pianist played with some of biggest names, including Ella Fitzgerald, Count Basie
'Everything is fitting now that the nativity scene is complete'
'One thing led to another and result was some decorations prohibited'
Christian attorneys fight back in Oklahoma City case
Attorneys reviewing charges of violating mandatory ed law
Report called global warming worries 'entirely without merit'
Basing policy on carbon dioxide levels 'potentially disastrous economic folly'
But opponents believe Bush will find other ways to keep program rolling
Electronic donation becomes easy option for parishioners
Exclusive: Mychal Massie vehemently urges Bush to grant Christmas pardons to border patrol agents
Exclusive: Joseph Farah proves 'first global tax precipitated Savior's first coming'
Patrick J. Buchanan: The absurd choice of 'you' as Person of the Year is now over
Exclusive: Joe Kovacs remembers lovesick 'astronut,' beauty pageant meltdown
Exclusive: Janet Folger urges readers to forget about holiday trappings, consider Jesus
Jewish commentator asks 'Why can't people celebrate the birth of their Savior?'
Gary McCoy illustrates trend replacing jolly, fat man with foreign customer service
Laura Ingraham: Explosives rip through soldiers' flesh, bones, shatter countless dreams
Dave Ramsey deals with questions about cash vs. credit, time-share maintenance fees
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving shares disastrous ending of botched trip 'Round the Horn'
Daniel Pipes: Obama learned about Islam for two hours each week in religion class
Andrew Sullivan: Its a potential Watergate, but crime isn't a two-bit domestic burglary
Exclusive: Chuck Norris announces best holiday message from a candidate this season
Joe Kaufman: How far has Saudi prince's influence over programs been able to reach?
'The English are more actively looking in Manhattan than American buyers'
BizNetDaily - Business News
'The difference between a soft economy and a recession is confidence'
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard argues things rapidly spiraling out of control
World's largest brokerage faces steep losses amid global credit turmoil
Activists, self-marketers 'reverse shoplift' by inserting messages onto store shelves
Disputes Democrat assertions new rule will lead to wave of mergers, fewer choices
Weakening U.S. currency harms overseas markets
British currency also drifts lower against U.S. dollar
Superbugs, supercute sanitizing supplies spur cleaning craze
'The message can be seen in the background, loud and clear'
Pushing team over $100 million mark since penalty introduced in 2003
Office staff being asked to sign 'love contracts'
Many flock to see some of most endangered sites before they disappear
Buyers can expect to pay premium at dealerships when new rules kick-in
Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser (MTHEL) Israel - USA
YouTube - MTHEL - Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser
HAARP Home Page
HAARP.net - The Military's Pandora's Box by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning
YouTube - HAARP
The Economics of the Nativity
Who Reads Online Articles on Christmas?
Happy Non-Military Christmas
Hey, Economists
The Abortion Conundrum
In Defense of Ebenezer Scrooge
The Housing Bubble
The Greatest Gift of All
The Hate Brigade
Frescoes From Pompeii
I Love Plum Pudding
A Christmas Carol
NORTHCOM: Constitution Not Important
China clinic gives 'web addicts' shock treatment
History Channel Admits WTC Tower Fell At Freefall Speed
FBI’s Biometric Snoop Grid ‘Can Follow You Forever’
American Conservative Cover Portrays Rudy Giuliani as Fascist
New York’s Total Snoop Grid Moving Forward
Pew: Nearly Fifty Percent of Americans Buy Into Neocon Mass Murder Campaign
Ministry of Homeland Security Developing X-Ray Snoop Device
Oil Baron Al Gore Disses Climate Change Skeptics
DHS Finalizing Plans for Domestic Spy Satellite Program
NSA Gets Real Time Access to Your Email
Brit Historian Compares Queen Elizabeth to Joseph Goebbels
Radio host gunned down in Christmas Eve
TSA is as unpopular as the IRS
Borg Look and Feel “Wearable Computers”
Little Manchurian Candidates
The “North American Consciousness” and “European Identity”
FBI Steals Millions of Dollars Worth of Gold from Individuals on Deposit with Liberty Dollar, Plans Auction
Evidence of NSA Hacking Your Computer
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Freedom!
Fake Christians: NAFTA Highway Is Holy
Staring into the Abyss: The Collapse of the Modern Day Banking System
Converting Airports to Gestapo Zones Does Not Make Flying Safer
Funny Money Crisis: It’s Beginning to Look Like 1929 Redux
Secret Air War in Afghanistan
Ministry of Homeland Security Program Indoctrinates the “9/11 Generation”
Former Italian President: 9/11 Op Run by CIA and Mossad
Santa Delivers 37,000+ Copies of Constitution to Bush
Enter The Modification Matrix
What Is Fascism?
Ad for implanted RFID chip
Fascist Apologist Kristol Attacks Ron Paul
Video: Bill Kristol Attacks Ron Paul
Austrailia To Enforce Web Ratings System
Commuters can tap into traffic cameras (phillyBurbs.com) | Consumer News
Fake Christian Churches Ask For Carbon Tax
Producers Favor Tracking Cloned Animals
Rudy: Impossible To Have Working Radios
Smoking Ban Complaints Lead To More Fines
Passport Law Delayed Until 2009
Homeland Security Interfering With Farmers
Kissinger Endorses McCain
Japanese Defense Gets Ready For Alien Attack
Ron Paul Says He Would Eliminate Income Tax
As Primaries Begin FEC Will Shutdown
Chocolate Makers Considered Price Fixing
CBN Report On The Ron Paul Revolution
Chertoff Attacks Bill of Rights
Experts: Influx Of Megacities By 2025
Election Software Lost In Transit
Lab Closer To Building Artificial Brain
World Trade Organization
World Health Organization
World Bank
World Affairs Council
U.S. Northern Command
U.S. Strategic Command
Security and Prosperity Partnership
United Nations
International Monetary Fund
Department Of Homeland Enslavement
Federal Reserve
European Council On Foreign Relations
European Union
African Union
Council On Foreign Relations
European Central Bank
Bank For International Settlements
Center For Strategic International Studies
North Atlantic Treaty Organization - Official Homepage
Israeli Nukes
AFP: Moving Forward
9-11 Widow
Cryer Inspires
Pockets Full of Perks
The World's Largest Banks Are Now Trapped by Gary North
Inside the CIA's notorious "black sites" | Salon News
Bush backs Turkish strikes on Kurdish rebels | NEWS.com.au
BBC NEWS | Europe | Iraq Kurds warn Turkey over raids
Giuliani Snuck 2,000 Boxes of Records Out of New York's City Hall
U.S. Officials See Waste in Billions Sent to Pakistan - New York Times
On Liberty/pdf
Greg Palast | Good and Evil at the Center of the Earth: A Quechua Christmas Carol
Plan Would Let Seniors Work to Pay Taxes
Egypt Rejects Accusations of Lax Border
Many Questions in Stacy Peterson Case
Cards From Heaven Have Dead Man Talking
Hindu Leader Begins 3rd Term in Gujarat
Mass Held at Ground Zero One Last Time
No Joke: Clowns Spread the Gospel
Army Looks to SC Nuke Site for Training
3 Californians Missing in Panama
Lawyer: I Had 'No Reason' to Kill Wife
Clinton Pledges Support to Veterans
Reid Says GOP Stymied Democratic Efforts
Petraeus Not Interested in Presidency
Two Bombs Hit Iraqi Cities, Killing At Least 26
Scoop: Dozens Missing In Nepal After Bridge Collapse
ZNet |Electoral Politics | Dick Cheney's Fondest Pipe Dream, Revisited
Year in review: Quiet year for tech on Capitol Hill | CNET News.com
ZNet |Ecuador | Good and Evil at the Center of the Earth:
ZNet |Mainstream Media | Manufacturing Threats
ZNet |Iran | The Gates of Hell: how Gates and Bush insist on own version of 'reality' on Iran
US Special Envoy to Sudan Resigns
AlterNet: Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace: It's a Wonderful Life and Sub-Prime 2007
Your Stuff's Backstory: If It Isn't Grown, It Must Be Mined
Patrick Cockburn: Conscience and Empire
FBI to collect biometric information on Britons - Telegraph
DefenseLink News Article: MRAP Deliveries Top Year-End Goal
Presidential Message to the Men and Women of the United States Armed Forces
DefenseLink News Article: Defense Secretary Sends Holiday Message
DefenseLink News Article: Petraeus: Violence Down in Iraq; Al Qaeda Still a Threat
China says NKorea likely to miss year-end deadline
Three nations discuss NKorea energy aid: ministry
Ahmadinejad defies world on nuclear, slams critics at home
Russia warns of 'measures' against US missile shield
Iran's first home-built nuclear plant ready in 9 years: MP
Taiwan nuclear power plant could run for extra 20 years: regulator
France talks up ties with India ahead of Sarkozy visit
Seoul urges NKorea to "have the courage to tell truth" on uranium
Russia FM in Libya for nuclear talks
NASA Delays Mars Scout Mission To 2013
Koreas, China to meet on NKorea energy aid: officials
Modernized GPS Satellite Built By Lockheed Martin Launched From Cape Canaveral
Lockheed Martin Receives 849 Million Dollar Contract For Trident II D5 Missile
Boeing Sets Up UK Defense Subsidiary
Public Citizen: Latest WTO Internet Gambling Ruling Favors Antigua, Shows Effects of Harmful, Overreaching Trade Agreements on Domestic Policy
Sierra Club: EPA Seeking to Exempt Factory Farms from Reporting Hazardous Air Pollution
ACLU Asks Full Spy Court to Reconsider Refusal to Release Legal Rulings
Council of Canadians: CRTC Foreign Ownership Decision Puts Canadian Media at Risk
National Parks Conservation Association Says Big Cypress National Preserve Is Threatened By Damaging Off-Road Vehicle Use
Friends of The Earth: EPA Finds Cruise Ship Discharges Are Highly Polluted
Draft Cruise Ship Discharge Assessment Report | Cruise Ship Discharges | U.S. EPA
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER): Congress Directs EPA to Re-Open Its Libraries
Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation: Administration Misleading on Claims of Significant Reductions in US Nuclear Weapons
CIA Chief to Drag White House Into Torture Cover-Up Storm - CommonDreams.org
Cheney Accused of Blocking Californian Bid to Cut Car Fumes - CommonDreams.org
Psychologists Should Play No Role in Interrogations - CommonDreams.org
State of the Unions - CommonDreams.org
Democrats Need to Jettison Lieberman As a Troublesome Traitor - CommonDreams.org
The Israel Lobby Revisited - CommonDreams.org
Tax LunacyAmerica’s tax system may be complex. But Mike Huckabee’s plan to institute a flat tax is sheer madness - CommonDreams.org
Bush’s Class Warfare - CommonDreams.org
GOP: God’s Own Party? - CommonDreams.org
Big Oil’s Profit and Plunder - CommonDreams.org
Al Jazeera English - News - Iraqi Fighters Display New Weapons
LobeLog.com » Blog Archive » Monroe Doctrine Under Siege by Iranians
America Freedom to Fascism
Important dates in the history of the Big Dig
With one year to go, Bush's legacy a mixed bag
Fierce winds prompt red flag warning
Report: Crackdown Limited on Employers of Illegal Workers
(AP) Clinton campaign says 2 felons on Tennessee committee a mistake
South Side church choir director killed
Toby Keith's family wins suit in father's death
Fire on Christmas Eve displaces Keizer families
Off-duty Chicago cop may face DUI charges in Dan Ryan crash
Bully pulpit? More like bullying pulpit
Fire levels historic Balltown restaurant
Baby Jesus statue stolen
Man killed in crash following shooting
Thailand's Deposed PM Ready to Return Home
Nepal Bridge Collapses, 15 Killed
Turkey Claims Success Against Kurdish Rebels
Suicide attacks kill 33 people north of Baghdad
Pope Urges Leaders to End Conflicts
Death toll in Egypt building collapse rises to 11
Opposition holds poll advantage in tight Kenya vote
Mauritania searching for gunmen who killed 4 French tourists
Christmas: A day of prayer, reconciliation, and a little hope
Modi begins new term in Gujarat
Christians celebrate Christ's birth
Panama searches for missing plane, 3 American passengers
Afghanistan expels top officials
Armed Struggle Will Continue in Kashmir: Hizbul
14 sailors missing in S. Korean waters
India, China Conclude Joint Military Exercises
US officials say Pak used terror funds for arms to counter India
Church of Scientology Buys One Griswold - CoStar Group
GOP Contest Heats Up in New Hampshire
Romney's Nomination Strategy in Peril
Huckabee Runs as GOP Rebel
Huck's Campaign Makes This Evangelical Queasy
Can Anyone Win This Thing?
Subverting Bush at Langley
America's Fear of Global Treaties Must Stop
Our Misery is Gore Crowd's Happiness
The Plight of Bethlehem
The Stable Door is Open. Anyone Can Come in
On This Night, a Comforting Message
Paul on MTP
Obama on FTN
Rudy on This Week
Ditch the Christmas Scramble and Give Memories
RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls
Let the Fed Clean House
Heads in the Sand on Iraq Progress
During Recess, Democrats Push Back
Victorious Dems' Big Ideas Yielded Small Results
In District 22 Race, Candidates' Roots at Issue
Jews, Muslims in U.S. seek paths to harmony: Leaders of two minority faiths hope improving relations set global example - MSNBC
Turkey Says 200 Rebel Kurd Have Been Targets Hit in Irag in last 10 days - AP
Abbas tells Bethlehem pilgrims Palestinian independence near - Ha'aretz
Homicide Truck Bomber Kills 22 in Iraqi Housing Complex - Fox
MK Sneh: More funds needed to counter Iranian threat - Ynet
'Israel would win nuclear war' Study compiled by US Center for Strategic and Int'l Studies - Ynet
Livni: Syria feels peace must wait for next U.S. president - Haaretz
Dollar's Fall Is Felt Around The Globe: Weakening U.S. Currency Harms Overseas Markets - Washington Post
Report: New round of Israel-PA talks to focus on East Jerusalem building plans - Ynet
Dollar's fall is felt around the globe; Weakening U.S. currency harms overseas markets - MSNBC
Iraqi officials say that Iran wants ambassadorial talks with US Over Iraq - Ynet
Settlement dispute stalls Israeli- Palestinian talks; Negotiators in talks on Monday did not Address Substantive Issues because of construction near Jerusalem - Reuters
South Korea's chief nuclear envoy calls on North Korea to come clean on nuclear project - Boston Globe
Bush sees 3-way fight against PKK Kurdish separatists - CNN
Western sources: Deal for Shalit's release may be finalized soon; officials in Jerusalem deny reports - Ynet
Aliya to Israel drops to 20-year low - Jerusalem Post
IDF Advocate General rules cluster bomb use in war was legal - Ha'aretz
Israel prepares to broaden definition of Palestinian prisoners who can be freed; MK Lieberman: Move will lead to more kidnappings - Ynet
Steinitz slams Livni over Egypt- Hamas border smuggling video - J'lem Post
Media's two-faced Christmas coverage - Aaron Klein
NY Times ' Dowd echoed Healy's misleading account of Clinton interview
Matthews: Clinton campaign's "goal is to smother the young senator [Obama] in his crib"
On CNN, Donahue claimed Penn repeated "drug issue ... over and over and over" -- but Matthews first asked about drugs
"LATEST NEWS" item on FoxNews.com front page linked not to news story, but to Republican blog post
CBS Evening News hasn't covered alleged gang rape by KBR-Halliburton employees
CNN's Blitzer to Giuliani: "You can give me your honest answers, as you always do"
On Hannity & Colmes, Tammy Bruce purported to explain "Rodham family values"
Print media uncritically reported Bush's criticism of Congress' "last minute" appropriations
Media Matters - NY Post editorial omitted that Clinton Foundation growth reportedly connected to expanded philanthropy work
Des Moines Register reported on Romney's "defense" of wiretaps on "suspected terrorists" without mentioning central issue
NY Times reported on Saudi donations to Clinton foundation, ignored Sen. Clinton's criticisms of Saudi government
Politico characterized Obama as "aloof" during NH event, but the only voter quoted in story praised him
Hannity on Obama's pastor: "It seems like he's supporting a segregated church"
Beck: Environmentalists "took the wolves out of Yellowstone Park," "absolutely hate people"
Fox's McNaught omitted reported U.S. role in Turkey's northern Iraq air strikes
Beck: Environmentalists "took the wolves out of Yellowstone Park," "absolutely hate people"
CNN's Malveaux: Sen. Clinton's "Come on" translates to telling Bill, "Stop sucking the air out of my campaign"
NY Times cropped Bill Clinton quote regarding whether foundation donors would try to influence a Hillary Clinton administration

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