"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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25 December 2007

25 Dec. - News

For the first time in years, a cheerful Christmas in Bethlehem - International Herald Tribune
Pope says find time for God at Christmas | Reuters
My Way News - Pope Ushers in Christmas at Mass
My Way News - FCC Chief Defends Media Ownership Plan
My Way News - Ariz. City Cops Ask Citizenship Proof
Illegal immigrants self deport as woes mount | Reuters
Foreign Buyers Snap Up 2nd Homes in US
Aliya to Israel drops to 20-year low | Jerusalem Post
US institute: Israel could survive nuclear war | Jerusalem Post
Subdued GOP activity in Iowa reflects uncertainty - USATODAY.com
My Way News - Paul Defends Asking for Special Projects
Ron Paul won't rule out third-party run - Daniel W. Reilly - Politico.com
Early odds in U.S. presidential race - International Herald Tribune
Huckabee campaigning for 23% sales tax - Los Angeles Times
Elect me and oil prices instantly drop, says Hillary Clinton in Iowa
Britain set to release secret UFO files - UPI.com
Iran to seek bids for 19 atomic power plants: MP | Reuters
Control of S. F.'s Board of Supervisors up for grabs in 2008
BBC NEWS | Health | Cannabis smoke 'has more toxins'
Deaf demand right to designer deaf children - Times Online
Asylum returners take cash and stay - Telegraph
FT.com / Companies / Financial services - Saudis plan huge sovereign wealth fund
U.S. officials see waste in billions sent to Pakistan - International Herald Tribune
Media's two-faced Christmas coverage - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews
Hoover Planned Mass Jailing in 1950 - New York Times
4 French Tourists Killed in Mauritania
NORTHCOM: Constitution Not Important
Many questions, few answers in Stacy Peterson disappearance
Ron Paul takes on Repubs from Lincoln to Bush
Endorsing Ron Paul , and Why Progressive Dems Should Like and ...
Paul ad says he'll defend freedom
Ron Paul Dismantles the Establishment
Bill Kristol attacks Ron Paul and misrepresents his view on World ...
Academics Join to Endorse Congressman Paul
Why a Liberal Progressive Can AND SHOULD Support Ron Paul
Paul Power
Ron Paul Plugs America: From Freedom to Fascism
A Ron Paul Christmas Celebration?
Ron Paul , Imperial Japan, and the (Il)Legitimacy of American Expansion
More Ron Paul Smears from The Atlantic.
Is Big Media Ignoring Ron Paul ? And Why?
Freedom to Ron Paul
Ron Paul : Crank Isolationist or Just Plain Crank?
Ron Paul : From Dr. No to campaign sensation
Dirty-Trick Artists Smear Ron Paul
Mainstream Media Got it Wrong: Ron Paul Had First Christmas Ad!
Centralist, Pro-War Objectvists on Paul
Russert Questions Ron Paul Sharply
The War Machine Is Worried About Ron Paul
Another Ron Paul Hit Piece In The Key Of Gee--
Who does not like Ron Paul ? hard to find
Ron Paul's "Family Values"
Tim Russert's Body Language
Ron Paul's Writings : Do Tax Cuts Cost the Government Money?
Running For President... Not God
Mittachusetts, Snow, and Ron Paul
Christian, Are You To Blame For The Evil In America?
A new revolution
$6M deal reached in fatal Big Dig collapse
How Clinton Lost Her Invincibility
In shifting race, Edwards aims for the gut
Chest-Thumping Politics
Stolen baby Jesus returned to Brazoria nativity scene
Republican Giuliani says he does not have cancer
Suspect Shot at Georgia Mall
Former Miss. Lt. Gov. Evelyn Gandy Dies
Hollywood church burns to ground
Gusty winds blamed for thousands of outages in LA area
Power returns at Ford Airport
Resort lodge complex destroyed by Christmas Eve fire
Officer accused of taking pounds of cocaine from CHP custody
Manager Saves His Customer's Life By Donating Kidney
Guard units come home for holiday before heading to Iraq
Mistakes were made: Clinton revises Tennessee Steering Committee
Clinton's Tennessee Committee Includes 2 Felons
Officials: Blood supply dangerously low, donations needed soon -- Newsday.com
Prominent Denver couple and their daughter killed in Wyo. crash
The Impact of the 110th Congress on US Foreign Policy
With one year to go, Bush's legacy a mixed bag
Thaksin vows to return from exile
Christians mass across globe
Pilgrims to Bethlehem Are Heartened by Even Relative Calm
OSCE Condemns Uzbekistan Presidential Poll
Split in Palestinian Leadership Causes Hardships in Gaza
Mideast Negotiators Deadlocked Over Settlement and Security
Settlement dispute stalls Mideast talks
At Least 5 Killed in Egyptian Building Collapse
Pakistan's hushed media is criticized
Modi well-placed to realise dreams of Golden Gujarat
Campaign Ends Ahead of Kenya�s Election
US Doubts Kurds� Claims of New Attack by Turkey
Bush sees 3-way fight against PKK
More Flights Cancelled Though London Fog Clears
NYT accuses Pakistan of diverting terrorism funds
US aid 'diverted' in Pakistan
End of Nepal monarchy - or trouble?
4 French Tourists Killed In Mauritania
Sri Lankan military: 13 rebels killed in artillery fire, gunbattles
Mosque besieged in Kashmir
Armed Groups to Meet in DRC Peace Summit
WorldNetDaily: Ski town's flame too hot for global warming cops
Israeli scholar believes Christ's birth was in Galilee town with same name
At Midnight Christmas Mass, Benedict urges people to make time for God
Exclusive: Joseph Farah proves 'first global tax precipitated Savior's first coming'
Terrorists' shows unimpeded from Judaism's holiest site
Birthplace of Jesus hijacked by Muslims
Joined by Lance Armstrong, others, actor follows Bob Hope's footsteps
Deal gives synagogue privileges for $1 a year
Patrick J. Buchanan: The absurd choice of 'you' as Person of the Year is now over
Toilet paper rationing, wide-stance senator, beauty pageant meltdown only beginning
But Mitt rips newspaper for supporting driver's licenses for illegals
Some won't vote for Obama for fear he could be killed
13 brutal murders in last 18 months bear signs of underworld executions
'Veterans Disarmament Act on way to president'
'International community should be concerned about increased persecution' in China
Indian groups accuse missions of exploiting tribal poverty, ignorance
Government orders Catholic newspaper to cease using name of Islamic god
Say 50,000 terminations a year in Israel may delay coming of messiah
Evangelical buying power growing, firms answer call of almighty dollar
Mail carrier refuses to deliver after 3 attacks by vicious cat
Conflict could lead to death of between 16 to 28 million civilians
Tehran rejects any preconditions for talks with U.S.
Insists discussions between ambassadors, not lower-level functionaries
'I hate to say this, but I don�t think Rudy wants it badly enough'
'I deserve 1 wiggle now and then'
Lawman recognized suspect on 'America's Most Wanted' as fellow churchgoer
'I really didn't ask for this and it is nice for someone to think of us'
California Highway Patrol officer arrested, narcotics recovered
'No one speaks a word of English these days'
Pianist played with some of biggest names, including Ella Fitzgerald, Count Basie
'Everything is fitting now that the nativity scene is complete'
'One thing led to another and result was some decorations prohibited'
Christian attorneys fight back in Oklahoma City case
Attorneys reviewing charges of violating mandatory ed law
Report called global warming worries 'entirely without merit'
Basing policy on carbon dioxide levels 'potentially disastrous economic folly'
But opponents believe Bush will find other ways to keep program rolling
Electronic donation becomes easy option for parishioners
Chicago Choir Conductor Found Slain
Man Crashes Into Army Secretary's Home
Reports: Italy Seeks Dirty War Suspects
Report: New Orleans Pop. Nears 300,000
Marine DI Punished for Brig Interview
Nepal to Abolish Monarchy
Police: Former Pastor Kills Man, Self
Crack-Vs.-Powder Disparity Is Questioned
Mormon Temple Lifts Spirits in Idaho
Parents Don't Realize Kids Are Fat
A Cuban Is at Home in Two Worlds
Israel Upholds Use of Cluster Bombs
Will First-Time Caucus Goers Show Up?
Food Pantries Take Health Care to Needy
CIA Says It Cooperated With 9/11 Panel
Last-Minute Buyers Give Retailers Relief
Oil Prices Rise on Supply Concerns
Merrill to Get $6.2B Cash Infusion
Analysis: Gov't Tries to Contain Crisis
Petraeus Not Interested in Presidency
Clinton Pledges Support to Veterans
Obama Says He'll Make Toys Safer
House Democrats Propose Ethics Changes
GAO: Airport Screeners Miss Bomb Parts
Gonzales' Resignation Text
US Tasked to Scan Millions of Containers
Migrant Cash Is World Economic Giant
Biographical information on Rudy Giuliani
AP IMPACT: Disagreement on Giuliani claim of mayoral transparency
The racist history the Democratic Party wants you to forget.

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