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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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28 December 2007


Pakistan Readies Bhutto Funeral; Democracy Imperiled
Red alert in Pakistan
Ten dead in Pakistan rioting; police on highest "red alert" level
Video Thousands weep as Bhutto buried -
Video - Scenes from the bombing
VIDEO - The Latest Developments In Pakistan After The Death Of Benazir Bhutto
Main suspects are warlords and security forces - Times Online
Al-Qaeda leads suspect list in Bhutto killing - Yahoo! India News
Thousands weep as Bhutto buried | Special Coverage | Reuters
Tears for Bhutto mingle with anger against Musharraf | Special Coverage | Reuters
Two dozen dead in Bhutto protests | Special Coverage | Reuters
Al Qaeda leads suspect list in Bhutto killing | Special Coverage | Reuters
Brown urges Musharraf to hold to democratic course | Special Coverage | Reuters
India orders high state of vigil on Pakistan border | Special Coverage | Reuters
Blast kills three at Pakistan election meeting: police | Special Coverage | Reuters
Pakistan still on for January 8 elections: PM | Special Coverage | Reuters
Violent protesters in Pakistan province can be shot | Special Coverage | Reuters
US Census Press Releases
The Associated Press: IRS: Late Tax Fix Delays Refunds
China finds U.S. firms eager allies on security - International Herald Tribune
FBI Mug Shots to Hit Digital Billboards | World Latest | Guardian Unlimited
Candidates seek leverage in tight race - International Herald Tribune
The Swamp: Huckabee's muzzle control problem
Political Radar: Huckabee: U.S. Should Monitor Pakistanis Coming Into Country
What price Oprah? - CAUSE CÉLÈBRE - Los Angeles Times - calendarlive.com
Gore Milks Cash Cow, Sego May Run Again: What France Is Reading
Antarctic base staff evacuated after Christmas brawl | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
New York Times Retracts Ron Paul Racist Smear
War Costs $15 Billion Per Month, GOP Senator Says
Murdoch & Other Bush Associates Further Consolidating U.S. Media Holdings
WorldNetDaily: 'In God We Trust' moving to face of $1 coins
'Gross negligence, to say the least, the way her security was provided'
Al-Qaida reportedly takes responsibility for killing 'most precious American asset'
Supporters across Pakistan protest assassination
E-mail 2 months before death cited denial of request for more security
Startling security failure came just weeks after 1st assassination attempt
Islamist militants Bhutto as westernised heretic, American stooge
Mobs in streets shout, 'Long live Bhutto,' 'Musharraf is a dog'
'This is a war, a clash of civilizations,' says Republican presidential candidate
'She knew that her return to Pakistan ... put her life at risk'
Benazir Bhutto - Killed by the real Pakistan.
Angry Street Protests Erupt in Pakistan after Assassination
Bhutto murder 'could spark civil war'
Bhutto was 1st woman leader of Muslim nation in modern times
Cash coming from Americans 'not looking for government to take care of them'
Candidates attend Des Moines talk-radio row ahead of caucus vote
Believes relations with Tehran deteriorated following Bush's 'axis of evil' speech
Anti-tax group, Hispanic activists speaking out against Republican hopeful
$22,000 messages ask, 'Where do the presidential candidates stand on illegal guns?' guns?'
Only Huckabee, Thompson respond to inquiry from conservative group
'We don't have to settle for an imitation of the real thing'
Patrick J. Buchanan: Parties will engage in sustained barrage attacks with vicious ads
Dr. Jack Wheeler: Real story from a man who pushed for Soviet defeat in Afghanistan
Official's bodyguard killed after opening fire on Israeli troops
Most active West Bank militant group in security team for Middle East visit
'We cannot let other religions use it, because it will confuse people'
'Fewer than 1/2 of Chinese Christians own God's Word – demand overwhelming'
'It is clear local, state officials are unable to protect minority'
'Why would I want my house safe for these people? It's crazy.'
Teens who 'trashed war memorial' file complaint with police over confrontation
Anti-discrimination legislation has campuses suggest males take up female pursuits
Critics see harm – officials cite court rulings, Virginia Tech
Say reason is to protect victims of identity theft from false charges
Database will include details on everyone who applies for visa to enter U.S.
Dead teen's father: 'Why, why wasn't this protected right? I want some answers'
'Right now, I am going through shock. It's hard to believe. I want it to be a dream'
Giant cat had been shot 5 times – in chest, head, heart
Spokeswoman: Office very busy on Saturday – 'I really don't see what the fuss is about'
Senate probe shines investigative light on televangelists preaching prosperity
Gun-rights group trying to locate gun owners for federal lawsuit against mayor, police
Records suggest officials cooperating with developer to condemn business as 'nuisance'
Signal leads police to 18-year-old woman who confesses to taking nativity figure
7 injured in unholy melee as Armenian, Greek Orthodox clerics fight over space
'Anyone giving this drug to a girl is telling her, 'I think you are a slag''
Scarring around organ might be stopped by blocking vital protein which helps it form
Outside sex prohibited for employees who have spouse at home
Angry people tied up phone lines with repeated, automated calls
Daughter, boyfriend charged in Christmas eve deaths – money dispute the motive?
Girl had diamond engagement ring when pair captured at bus station
'These cases are expensive ... but it's something you have to do'
'If the father chooses to fight it, ... it could become a case like Terri Schiavo'
Project proposed for 'unlimited carbon-free power' beamed down from satellite
Psychologist claims to have developed technique that helps people keep their pledges
Reintroduces 'sheep-pig to UK after disappearance 37 years ago
Bone-bladed devices improved efficiency of travel 10%, says scientist
Government says royalties for reproductions of artifacts needed to maintain sites
Albert Speer, urban planner, keeps low profile because of father's Nazi past
Exclusive: Joseph Farah eagerly endorses proven leader who always 'gets job done'
Exclusive: Readers tackle Taser abuse, child martyrs, death of Christianity, Bush, Paul
Patrick J. Buchanan: Parties will engage in sustained barrage attacks with vicious ads
Ann Coulter: Candidate's is lying, has closed head injury, or is complete ignoramus
Dr. Jack Wheeler: Real story from a man who pushed for Soviet defeat in Afghanistan
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan asserts America isn't doing Iraq a 'favor' by fighting war
John Bussey analyzes how Bhutto's assassination will impact U.S. policy
Exclusive: Joe Kovacs remembers lovesick 'astronut,' beauty pageant meltdown
Exclusive: Ilana Mercer's no-holds-barred interview with Paul Gottfried continues
David Limbaugh: Book compellingly debunks mythical challenges to Christianity
Phyllis Schlafly: While careers requiring college vanish, gov't becomes ideal employer
David Lindorff: Huge swaths of conservative America will face biblical deluge soon
Cal Thomas: You don't have to be religious to qualify as a fundamentalist
Rich Lowry: They're the ones with strong party support, so the devil's bargain begins
Spokeswoman: Office very busy on Saturday – 'I really don't see what the fuss is about'
'Couple of quarters before the current credit crisis is fully digested by the markets'
'Housing shock is about half-way over, I think we still have a big correction ahead of us'
Conversion craze ends: 'Supply and demand are still being realigned'
4th-quarter appreciation reaches 2.6%, against inflationary headwinds
Employers can ax those eligible for Medicare, U.S. says
Reluctant savers may be scared straight by these data
Possible February delay due to late fix to alternative minimum tax, agency says
'The fact that he touched him, period, is means for termination'
'Just bury me in a cardboard box' gets new, green meaning
168 takeoffs nixed after snow storms hit Colorado
Soaring prices: 'The markets are so volatile, no one knows what they're going to do'
Sophisticated technologies needed to nix circulation of counterfeit currencies
Audio-equipment maker wants certain imported noise-canceling devices banned
'This is the Rolls-Royce. It's the most expensive airmail stamp in the world'
'The nostalgia, that's what we're looking for'
Deal brings together 2 companies founded in 19th century
Million tons of electronic wastes broken apart, melted down, washed in acid, recycled
Dave Ramsey deals with questions about cash vs. credit, time-share maintenance fees
Survey: Before Votes, Clinton Leads Delegate Chase
Candidates go into overdrive, one week before Iowa caucuses
US Presidential Contenders Enter Final Week Before Iowa Vote
Expect Iran to Exploit Bhutto's Death, Expert Says
Zoo Director Says Tiger Wall Was Low
Carnation slaying suspects: a history of arguments, paranoia
Cops: Pair admitted Carnation killings; bail denied
Authorities Search River for Missing Illinois Woman
Many voters think deficit fix will require higher taxes
Napa County shutting down 41 little-used polling places
Cox: Illegal immigrants can't get licenses
No licenses for illegal immigrants
NY man freed on bail 17 years after convicted of killing parents
Alexandria House Fire Claims Two Children
I-65 sniper sentenced to 42 years
Zachariah Blanton could be free before he turns 40
State sees small population gain
Company shut down after bus involved in fatal crash
FMCSA Declares Tornado Bus Imminent Hazard To Public Safety
Affidavit gives new details of 'Baby Grace' case
Commissioners OK new budget
Decorated vet of bloody WWII battle honored by NY National Guard
Former Texas home of Bushes burned by arsonist
Fire damages elder Bush's former Odessa home
Boise Firefighters Return to Find Firehouse on Fire
Tater-tot fire fries Idaho firehouse
US issues alert for stolen beef due to possible E. coli
Vote Counting Under Way in Kenyan Presidential Elections
French convicted of kidnap in Chad set to fly home
Japan pledges to help China curb pollution
A Christian-Hindu Clash in India
Sri Lanka says kills 35 Tamil Tigers, rebels deny it
Venezuela's Chavez aims for Colombia hostage triumph
Olmert seeks to tighten grip on WBank building
Benazir Bhutto remarks to Voice of America Reporter
Pro-Thaksin party inches closer to forming government
Nepal parliament votes to end monarchy
Poll respondents back UK monarchy
Messy Kosovo breakaway stokes fear of partition
Australian terror detainee Hicks to be released
Solomons fugitive deported to Australia to face child sex charges
Interview: Iraqi Kurds' man at the UN
Egypt's Mubarak says Israel faked smuggling evidence
US Urges North Korea to Keep Nuclear Commitments
Mead: Bush's Foreign Policy Record
Candidate wanted, no experience needed
The Benazir Bhutto I Knew
She Was Modern, Liberal and Unafraid
Bhutto Was Not What She Seemed To Be
Will Populism Call the Shots in 2008?
Conservative Health Care Reform
Obama, Clinton Even in Iowa & NH
Edwards Reaches New Heights in Iowa
Our Moment Is Now
Obama and The Burden of Liberalism
A Primer on Momentum, Part 1
Straight Talk & War Stories Boost McCain
Romney Fights His Own Past Words
GOP Race Twists & Turns
Republicans Battle for Iowa Bronze
Huckabee Speaks Without Speechifying
Rallying the Middle Class
Why Charlie Wilson's War Couldn't Happen Today
Why Not Biden?
Assassination Steals Key to U.S. strategy for Pakistan
The Nightmare Scenario in Pakistan
Losing in the West, the Jihadis Hit Pakistan
Russia is in Need of Firm Handling
McCain and Giuliani Point to Pakistan
Obama Aide Ties Pakistan to Iraq War
Guiliani, Huckabee Battle in Florida
Cashing In From the Outside
"Our Moment Is Now"
Giuliani, Romney, Thompson On "Hannity & Colmes"
Edwards, Giuliani, Obama On "Larry King Live"
Security & The U.S. Election After Bhutto
Ron Paul In "The Situation Room"
The Void Left Behind
Romney: "Future"
McCain Explains His Rising Popularity
Dodd On "Countdown"
Romney Talks About Bhutto On "H&C"
Responses To The Bhutto Assassination
Clinton: "Stand By You"
Richardson: "A Way Out"
Edwards: "Time For Truth"
Edwards Tours New Hampshire
Huckabee Kills Pheasants, Makes Political Jokes
Giuliani: "Freedom"
Undecideds Look At Obama
Thompson: "Substance"
Huckabee's Hunt
Clinton: "Stakes"
McCain: "Never Surrender"
Alliance For A New America's Edwards Ad
Edwards: "Power"
Huckabee In "The Situation Room"
The Dodd Family Christmas
Paul On "Meet The Press"
Huckabee On "Face The Nation"
Obama On "Face The Nation"
Old Media Crater, LRC Soars
Remembering Robert Heinlein
Deflation Nightmare
Open Letter to Ron Paul
My Stuffy Nose
Ron Paul the Internationalist
Wodehouse Saved My Life
President Paul
Bliss in a Box
Good for the Iranians
Alexander Graham Theft?
The Longest Living British Monarch
The Great Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Hoax Exposed
Bank Predicts Ron Paul Win, U.S. Depression
Philly Blogger Pokes Fun at Possibility of Paul Assassination
Daily Kos and Huffington Post Connive to Slander Ron Paul as Racist
Panel Prepares to Target Bogus “Homegrown Terror”
Operation FALCON: Police State America in Real Time
US Police Slogan: Go Out, Cause PTSD
Bhutto: Hold Musharraf “Responsible” for Her Assassination
The Great Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Hoax Exposed
Did Pakistan’s ISI Kill Benazir Bhutto?
American Intifada, or Democratic-Revolution?
Your Private E-mail Messages and You
Hollywood to Frame Iran for Lockerbie
Are You Scheduled for Political-Termination? HR 1955 & S.1959
Global Homeland Security Spending Expected to Triple to $ 178 Billion by 2015

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