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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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28 December 2007

28th Dec.


Pakistan accuses al Qaeda of killing Bhutto
Bhutto buried, government accuses al Qaeda
More than 30 dead in Bhutto protests | Special Coverage | Reuters
Tears for Bhutto mingle with anger against Musharraf
India orders "high state of vigil" on Pakistan border
Pope calls Bhutto death "brutal terrorist attack"
Pentagon says Pakistan nuclear arsenal secure
HarperCollins rushing Bhutto-written book
FACTBOX: Pakistan's nuclear arsenal
Al-Qaida blamed for Bhutto assassination - Yahoo! News
Benazir Bhutto Pakistan Opposition Leader Assassination Puts Elections In Doubt |Sky News|World News
Pakistan: Bhutto Died of Skull Fracture
Row breaks out over Benazir Bhutto's death - Telegraph
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Bhutto buried amid mass mourning
Pentagon says Pakistan nuclear arsenal secure | Politics | Reuters
Clinton demands international Bhutto probe
Bhutto attack video emerges | The Sun |HomePage|News
ABC News: Edwards Criticizes Rivals in Closing Arguments
ABC News: Topless Woman Lured Perverts for Police
US Census Press Releases
Snorting a Brain Chemical Could Replace Sleep
China finds U.S. firms eager allies on security - International Herald Tribune
FBI Mug Shots to Hit Digital Billboards | World Latest | Guardian Unlimited
Political Radar: Obama's Cup of Tea
TheHill.com - Clinton blocks out two minutes Jan. 2 for ‘closing argument’
Political Radar: Huckabee: U.S. Should Monitor Pakistanis Coming Into Country
OpinionJournal - Peggy Noonan
Home Sales Plunge, Feed Recession Fears: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Yuan at new high vs dollar, ends above mid-point - Yahoo! Malaysia News
Beijing air pollution 'as bad as it can get,' official says
Smoking Ban Hits French Cafe Culture: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Surge Success Results From Buying Sunni Support
Would Abolishing Public Education Be A Good Thing For America?
Japanese Government to Censor Internet
Bhutto Assassination Video Trojan Surfaces
Shameless Selectee Huckabee Exploits Bhutto Assassination
The Great Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Hoax Exposed
“Global Democracy,” Neocon Style
“Enhanced” RFID Driver’s License Soon Available in Washington
Bank Predicts Ron Paul Win, U.S. Depression
Philly Blogger Pokes Fun at Possibility of Paul Assassination
Daily Kos and Huffington Post Connive to Slander Ron Paul as Racist
Did Pakistan’s ISI Kill Benazir Bhutto?
Al-CIA-Duh Claims Responsibility for Murder of Benazir Bhutto
American Intifada, or Democratic-Revolution?
Your Private E-mail Messages and You
Hollywood to Frame Iran for Lockerbie
Teenager Arrested for Aiming Laser Pointer at Jetliner, Bus, Police Helicopter
Code Pink’s Benjamin Gets in FBI’s Face Over “Criminal Database”
Gas Prices Ready to Go Through the Roof
Housing Bust Worst Since 1929
Panel Prepares to Target Bogus “Homegrown Terror”
Operation FALCON: Police State America in Real Time
US Police Slogan: Go Out, Cause PTSD
Wage Slavery for Elderly Taxpayers in Posh Westchester County, New York
Are You Scheduled for Political-Termination? HR 1955 & S.1959
Global Homeland Security Spending Expected to Triple to $ 178 Billion by 2015
Paul: Israel Demanding U.S. Invade Iran
Pentagon Strives for “Maximum Control of the Entire Electro-Magnetic Spectrum”
Airport profilers: They’re watching your expressions
Irrational Fear: Terrorists to Attack College Stadiums Next
Brzezinski and Charlie Wilson’s War
Middle Eastern Governments Censor, Surveil the Internet
Thomas Kean: ‘No Question’ CIA Attempted ‘To Impede Our Investigation’
War Costs $15 Billion Per Month, GOP Senator Says
Murdoch & Other Bush Associates Further Consolidating U.S. Media Holdings
Dollar Strategists Predict End of Bear Market in 2008
Paul: Hawks Control GOP
Turkey praises US help as jets bomb northern Iraq
Pakistan in Turmoil after Benazir Bhutto's Assassination
Greg Palast Reports on the Battle Between Indigenous Ecuadorians and the U.S. Oil Giant Chevron
Hundreds of Thousands Attend Funeral of Bhutto
International Community Condemns Assassination of Bhutto
Bhutto: Hold Musharraf Responsible For My Death
Obama Campaign Links Iraq War to Bhutto’s Death
Democracy Now! | Radio and TV News
Democracy Now! Radio and TV News
U.S. Death Toll in Iraq Tops 3,900
When an Assassin Succeeds
A Look at McCain's Secret Anti-Romney Ad
Edwards Reaches New Heights in Iowa
Giuliani's New Hampshire Problem
The Coming Spin War Over Iowa's Results
Republicans Battle for Iowa Bronze
Can Fred Thompson Turn It Around?
Asia in 2008: Its Rise Is a Global Good
The Transgendered Are The Next Victims
The Benazir Bhutto I Knew
She Was Modern, Liberal and Unafraid
Bhutto Was Not What She Seemed To Be
Will Populism Call the Shots in 2008?
Conservative Health Care Reform
Romney Fights His Own Past Words
The Chaotic GOP Race
Five Lessons From The Bhutto Assasination
Benazir Bhutto: 1953 - 2007
Why Not Biden?
Assassination Steals Key to U.S. Strategy for Pakistan
The Nightmare Scenario in Pakistan
Losing in the West, the Jihadis Hit Pakistan
Farm Bill: Modernize U.S. Crop Subsidy System
McCain and Giuliani Point to Pakistan
Guiliani, Huckabee Battle in Florida
John Edwards On "Political Capital"
Giuliani, Romney, Thompson On "Hannity & Colmes"
Edwards, Giuliani, Obama On "Larry King Live"
Security & The U.S. Election After Bhutto
"Our Moment Is Now"
Obama: "Unify"
Thompson Asks For Money
Clinton Calls For Intl. Investigation
Biden On Pakistan
Huckabee's New Ads
Clinton: "President"
Romney: "Ready"
Obama's Movement
McCain Responds To Romney
Romney On "Today"
Biden: "Office"
Last Night's "Hannity & Colmes"
Edwards: "Born For" & "Native Son"
McCain: "Endorsed"
Romney: "Future"
The Latest From Huck & Chuck
Bush to veto massive defense bill
Iowans passionate about politics ahead of caucus
Tiger victims to be released Saturday
Carnation victims remembered as close family
Many voters think deficit fix will require higher taxes
Authorities Search River for Missing Illinois Woman
Historic Low in NYC, Chicago Homicides
Go Fish program to bring big ramp to Lanier
Hawaii Superferry cancels for 3rd day
Man Convicted in Parents' Death Set Free
Fla. Senator's Theft Conviction Tossed
One woman dead, another wounded in SoCal stabbing
Man stopped with Taser after Brunswick incident
Prosecutor Calls Oregon Woman Found Passed Out in Pizza Parlor ...
3 Greensboro Officers Suspended Following Allegations of Assault
Health Tip: What's an A1c Test?
Mothers of war wounded upend lives when feared call comes
Experts Say Bhutto Assassination Could Embolden Extremists
Kenya's "kingmaker" nears the crown
New charges threaten Zuma's presidency chances
Pakistan blames Qaeda link as Bhutto is buried
Condemnation, Concern Follow Bhutto Assassination
CHRONOLOGY-Six convicted aid workers flown from Chad
Venezuela Readies Colombian Hostage Operation
Fukuda, Wen Pledge to Resolve East China Sea Dispute (Update3)
Parliament Vote Ends Nepal's Monarchy
Focus of US Presidential Race Shifts to Foreign Policy
Sri Lankan Army: Troops Kill 25 Tamil Rebels
Bhutto’s Mixed Legacy in India
Olmert seeks to tighten grip on WBank building
A Christian-Hindu Clash in India
Remembering Benazir Bhutto
New Attack in Mauritania Raises Fears of Terrorism
Blair arrives in ancient Egyptian city of Luxor for vacation
Row over Sarkozy's borrowed jet
What next after Thai election?
David Hicks, Australian convicted of supporting terrorism, to be freed
Australian terror detainee Hicks to be released
WorldNetDaily: Christmas shocking: Girl gets porn-filled MP3 player
Chief: 'It was a tremendous effort, they were really brave boys who killed her'
'Gross negligence, to say the least, the way her security was provided'
Al-Qaida reportedly takes responsibility for killing 'most precious American asset'
Supporters across Pakistan protest assassination
E-mail 2 months before death cited denial of request for more security
Startling security failure came just weeks after 1st assassination attempt
Islamist militants Bhutto as westernised heretic, American stooge
Mobs in streets shout, 'Long live Bhutto,' 'Musharraf is a dog'
'This is a war, a clash of civilizations,' says Republican presidential candidate
'She knew that her return to Pakistan ... put her life at risk'
Bhutto was 1st woman leader of Muslim nation in modern times
Cash coming from Americans 'not looking for government to take care of them'
Candidates attend Des Moines talk-radio row ahead of caucus vote
Policy doesn't sit well with some Iowans who come see her speak
Takes rival to task for stances on immigration, taxes
Believes relations with Tehran deteriorated following Bush's 'axis of evil' speech
Anti-tax group, Hispanic activists speaking out against Republican hopeful
$22,000 messages ask, 'Where do the presidential candidates stand on illegal guns?' guns?'
Only Huckabee, Thompson respond to inquiry from conservative group
'We don't have to settle for an imitation of the real thing'
Patrick J. Buchanan: Parties will engage in sustained barrage attacks with vicious ads
New law orders 'hidden' edge motto put in prominent place
Nasal spray includes key brain hormone that reverses effects of deprivation
Health officials say dairy likely source of bacterial illness
Official's bodyguard killed after opening fire on Israeli troops
Most active West Bank militant group in security team for Middle East visit
Managed to fire at assailants, killing 1, before they died
Detonated in middle of busy market in predominantly Shiite area
Says it would derail Iraq's efforts to rebuild country
'We cannot let other religions use it, because it will confuse people'
'Fewer than 1/2 of Chinese Christians own God's Word – demand overwhelming'
'It is clear local, state officials are unable to protect minority'
'Why would I want my house safe for these people? It's crazy.'
'My arrest and conviction was a nightmare, and this is a dream come true'
Teens who 'trashed war memorial' file complaint with police over confrontation
Anti-discrimination legislation has campuses suggest males take up female pursuits
Critics see harm – officials cite court rulings, Virginia Tech
Say reason is to protect victims of identity theft from false charges
Database will include details on everyone who applies for visa to enter U.S.
Dead teen's father: 'Why, why wasn't this protected right? I want some answers'
'Right now, I am going through shock. It's hard to believe. I want it to be a dream'
Giant cat had been shot 5 times – in chest, head, heart
Sales of new homes at lowest level in more than 12 years
Lowest level in more than 12 years
Spokeswoman: Office very busy on Saturday – 'I really don't see what the fuss is about'
Senate probe shines investigative light on televangelists preaching prosperity
Gun-rights group trying to locate gun owners for federal lawsuit against mayor, police
Records suggest officials cooperating with developer to condemn business as 'nuisance'
'Anyone giving this drug to a girl is telling her, 'I think you are a slag''
Scarring around organ might be stopped by blocking vital protein which helps it form
Outside sex prohibited for employees who have spouse at home
Angry people tied up phone lines with repeated, automated calls
Daughter, boyfriend charged in Christmas eve deaths – money dispute the motive?
Girl had diamond engagement ring when pair captured at bus station
'These cases are expensive ... but it's something you have to do'
'If the father chooses to fight it, ... it could become a case like Terri Schiavo'
Project proposed for 'unlimited carbon-free power' beamed down from satellite
Psychologist claims to have developed technique that helps people keep their pledges
Reintroduces 'sheep-pig to UK after disappearance 37 years ago
Bone-bladed devices improved efficiency of travel 10%, says scientist
Government says royalties for reproductions of artifacts needed to maintain sites
Albert Speer, urban planner, keeps low profile because of father's Nazi past
Bolton denies he is a Huckabee adviser
Dems protest Bush's veto of defense bill
Private money goes to pro-Edwards 527
Pickering pulls out of Senate consideration
Bhutto death makes McCain man of the moment
Stem cell, contraception groups paid Huck
Huckabee claims cash gusher
Obama mixes it up over Pakistan
Small farm advocates question Clinton’s choice of rural co-chair
Thompson calls on Huckabee to explain Pakistan comment
Ann Romney share’s Mitt’s softer side
McCain ’hopeful’ but trying to lower expectations in Iowa
Obama emphasizes his ability to effect change in Iowa push
Seeing new possibilities in Iowa, McCain boosts his effort
Romney says qualified advisers are key to a sound foreign policy
Terror debate could alter dynamics of primaries
"FairTax" Boosts Huckabee, Despite Critics
Looking For Mr. Right
Bush To Veto Defense Policy Bill
Judge: Jewish Man's Estate Owns Artwork
Tiger attack: Victim's brother doesn't believe he would taunt beast
Scientists fleeing border, smugglers
Unreported: The State Dept. role in the Pakistan disaster
Pakistan's police shoot rioters and 23 die as Bhutto lies buried next to her father | the Daily Mail
Too much religion on campaign trail?
U.S. brokered Bhutto’s return to Pakistan - Washington Post- msnbc.com
Pakistan says al-Qaeda and Taliban behind Bhutto killing - Ynet
Officials: Al Qaeda Claims Responsibility for Bhutto Killing - CNN
Jordan rebuffs Hamas bid to revive ties - Jerusalem Post
Hikers killed in West Bank shooting were soldiers on leave - Ynet
Security Officials Questioning Competence of Bhutto Guards - WND
IAF missile strike kills senior Islamic Jihad member - Ynet
Who killed Benazir Bhutto? The main suspects - Times-UK
Abbas, Olmert Fail to Resolve Jerusalem Settlement Dispute at Summit - Fox
"Failed State Pakistan" Raises Nuclear Threat - Reuters
U.S. concerned over welfare of 'prisoners of conscience' in Iran - Jerusalem Post
Bhutto's killing sparks chaos in Pakistan - AP
Group: Bin Laden to release Iraq message - USA Today
Winter storm disrupts holiday travel - More than 400 flights canceled at O'Hare due to Midwest weather - AP
Poll: Economy, health care pass Iraq as top issues - USA Today
NASA: Fuel Gauge Problem Could Push Back Atlantis Launch Again - Fox
U.S. Scrambles to Deal With Bhutto's Death, Repercussions on Efforts in Pakistan - Fox
Some U.S. candidates warn: The real danger is Pakistan, not Iran - Haaretz
Nepal votes to end centuries-old monarchy - King will be removed after assembly elections scheduled for mid-April '08 - AP
Waves of U.S. foreclosures pound shores worldwide - Washington Times
Russia denies planning to supply Iran with advanced missile systems - Ynet
U.S. population to hit 303.15 mln on Jan 1: census - Reuters
PACs love, loathe Hillary in Iowa - Washington Times
Barack Obama backs Israel remaining a Jewish state - Haaretz
Poll: Bush, Hillary Clinton Most Admired - NewsMax
Foreign Ministry plans to drop Syria from 'radical axis' list - Haaretz
Gen. David Petraeus, Man of the Year - Time Magazine Got it Wrong - William Kristol
Salvaging U.S. Diplomacy Amid Division - Helene Cooper and Steven Lee Myers
Pakistan's Perilous Path - Washington Times
Paying Islam For Our Western Guilt - Diana West
Strategery - How Republicans prevailed on the Hill - Whitney Blake
At The Foggy Bottom of The Iraq Story - Michael Ledeen
The GAO on Cuba - Washington Times

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