"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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27 December 2007

27th Dec

Bhutto: "She has been Martyred"
Pakistan: Explosion At Benazir Bhutto Rally |Sky News|House Ads
Bhutto dies in suicide attack | The Sun |HomePage|News
Former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto killed in suicide attack | the Daily Mail
Pakistan police tear gas protesters after Bhutto's assassination
Pakistan's Bhutto slain by suicide attacker | Special Coverage | Reuters
FACTBOX: Facts on Pakistan's ex-PM Benazir Bhutto | Special Coverage | Reuters
Who killed Benazir Bhutto? The main suspects - Times Online
Benazir Bhutto assassinated at political rally in Pakistan - Times Online
Former premier Benazir Bhutto assassinated in Pakistan
Pakistan's Bhutto Assassinated in Attack at Rally
Sky News Output: Benazir Bhutto Killed In Suicide Attack:VIDEO
TIMELINE: Bhutto assassinated in Pakistan | Special Coverage | Reuters
UK urges restraint after Bhutto killing | Special Coverage | Reuters
India calls Bhutto death terrible blow to democracy | Special Coverage | Reuters
U.N. council to consult on Bhutto killing | Special Coverage | Reuters
U.S. condemns attack on Pakistan's Bhutto | Special Coverage | Reuters
Pakistan's Bhutto assassinated in gun, bomb attack | Special Coverage | Reuters
Bush to make statement on Pakistan: White House | Special Coverage | Reuters
My Way News - Human Role Not Ruled Out in Tiger Attack
Las Vegas proves immune to jittery U.S. economy, but not casinos elsewhere - International Herald Tribune
Priests brawl at Bethlehem birthplace of Jesus
Victims' daughter arrested in Christmas Eve killings | Top Stories | KING5.com | News for Seattle, Washington
Citi, Merrill, JPMorgan face larger writeoffs: Goldman | Reuters
US concerned by Russian sale of air defense systems to Iran
Candidates rush into final stretch in Iowa - International Herald Tribune
My Way News - Jabs Sharpen in Final Week Before Voting
First Lady in Waiting: Politics & Power: vanityfair.com
An Obama surge? - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Center for Media and Public Affairs
Bush signs $555 billion spending bill - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Gas could be $3.75 a gallon by spring -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com
Global Warming Will Save America from the Right...Eventually | BaltimoreChronicle.com
Septic tank snares D.M. man | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
Classic acts rule over concert sales - Entertainment News, Music News, Media - Variety
WorldNetDaily: Rules say homes must be safe for robbers
Pakistani opposition leader dies with 20 others at rally
Bush briefed while on holiday retreat in Texas
Bhutto was first woman leader of Muslim nation in modern times
Suicide bomb, gunfire lead to death
Most active West Bank militant group in security team for Middle East visit
New law to discriminate against wedded inmates
Hamas kids program features discussion of martyrdom
Calls immigration of 40 to Israel a 'misinformation campaign'
Re-established operation offers 'arrest' medallions to generate support
Officers zap couple at mall after anonymous 9-1-1 call
'Don't suffer from post traumatic stress disorder, go out and cause it'
20 hosts gather in Iowa to focus on candidates' border positions
Money coming from backer of Swift Boat ads
'Maybe it will show that I certainly understand the culture of being outdoors'
Candidate on 'slippery ground': 'The more [he] speaks, the less believable he becomes'
'There is no woman on the horizon that ought to be president next year'
Former Gov. Romney leads Republican rivals
Homosexual advocates claim hurt feelings, demand penalties
'Possible fleet-wide airworthiness problems' keep 450 planes on ground
Las Vegas congresswoman acknowledges troop 'surge' has paid off
Suspect in Christmas Eve slayings is daughter of victims, police say
Parents went to Haiti for holiday – infant in crib with crumbs, roaches crawling all over
'Just weeks away': 225,000 troops have massed on either side of tense buffer zone
Plane has padded rooms, specially designed seats so 'passengers' can be strapped down
12 months of 'absurd extremes' in 'political correctness' calendar
Atheist group: 'We want a court ruling that they can't do it again'
'Let us all play a role in establishing justice and love in the world'
State-of-art S-300 vastly improves ability to protect atomic-development facilities
6 French aid workers found guilty of trying to kidnap 103 children they thought orphans
61 buried covered in collapse following torrential rains, flooding
Nearly quarter million people in 13 countries died in 2004 disaster triggered by earthquake
'Antibiotics are becoming ineffective at fighting pathogens'
Spoonful of honey works better than cough medicine for children, research shows
Code violations: Civil War reenactments, concerts, motocross events, topless photo sessions
'Awful and disgusting lie': Actor says statement 'misinterpreted'
Facebook entry results in 3 boys suspensions, lawsuit over 'parody'
Case of 10-year-old sparked national outrage at authorities
'He was so drunk that I beat the [expletive] out of him'
'Superman Returns'' Jon Peters allegedly fired woman who refused to terminate pregnancy
'We don't know at this point if somebody let the tiger out or it climbed out'
Student raised $52,000 after reading about hardships of country's youth
'It looks like it's not even our house. It looks so pretty'
Claim: Aggressive lawyers, corrupt patent examiner credited for invention ripoff
'It was the worst Christmas Eve I've ever had'
'You think it's impossible, but we're going to show you that nothing is impossible'
More people hiring ritual circumciser for 'spiritual and meaningful' experience
Santa not so nice to retailers this year, but stores could make big haul over next 7 days
Internet retailer announces best holiday season ever – 5.4 million items in single day
'When 1 of these items comes back, you take a big hit on it'
'I've never hurt myself, but I want to hurt somebody else while I'm doing it'
Scientists concerned chemicals may mimic hormones
'Too many interruptions ... too much lost time ... too much of a good thing'
'For some people, this could be the difference between being forced out of town,' says official
Leading index of 10 major cities fell 6.7% in October – markets remain 'grim'
Conversion craze ends: 'Supply and demand are still being realigned'
Major indexes up at end of lackluster session as bond insurer MBIA gets cash boost
'This is allowing us to make the tougher choices'
Income-distribution plan thought to help country quadruple per capita GDP
Foreign manufacturers, Western companies, strive to put 'year of recall' in past
Government promises greater reliance on renewable energy ... some day
Project proposed for 'unlimited carbon-free power' beamed down from satellite
'You are making nice money. But the trade-off is also big'
Deaths, cost overruns cast pall on nation's most complex highway project
Federal court says district judge made mistake when he dismissed lawsuit
Swift ascent amid accelerating U.S. mortgage market crisis, high gasoline prices
'Continuation of how the Web ... has enabled smaller businesses and individuals to compete'
Grandpa Barron Hilton plans to donate 97% of his fortune to charity
Dave Ramsey deals with questions about cash vs. credit, time-share maintenance fees
Ann Coulter: Candidate's desperation to be liked prompts retraction of support for sodomy ruling
Exclusive: Joseph Farah exposes candidate's pork projects costing hundreds of millions
J.B. Williams: Welcome to a new low in foolhardy fear-mongering
Exclusive: Jack Cashill uncovers trail of deception in Richard Clarke's record
Richard Baehr: If Clinton wins nomination, she'll choose military running mate
Ben Shapiro: Electing 'peacetime' leader is grave mistake with infinite ramifications
Rebecca Hagelin: Gov't officials determined to push warped social agenda on rest of us
Larry Elder shares clever letter to jolly old Saint Nick from witty third-grade admirer
Exclusive: Joe Kovacs humorously recalls craziest, funniest news stories of 2007
Christopher Hayes: It would be a stirring story but for 1 detail – there's no such thing
Robert Haddick: Will U.S. extend power into territory, affairs of other nation-states?
Walter E. Williams: Disturbing silence is not simply a double standard, it's dangerous
Exclusive: Readers address being dumped from Bush's Christmas list, cop Tasing
Recent data show American job-creation machine is slowing down, inflation is surging
Ron Paul and the Economics of Slavery
The Truth About Music Lessons
Hey, Libertarians
We're All Prisoners Now
Never Forget These
Why Can't the US Have Cheap Broadband?
Progressives for Paul
The Ecototalitarian State
Real Conservatives Don't Start Wars
Bush Foiled Again
Stalin Banned P.G. Wodehouse
Ron Paul: Real Conservatives End Wars
Aldous Huxley Suggested Mind Control to Make Insane Blissful
Ron Paul Moves Up Six Points in Iowa Poll by American Research Group
Home prices post record annual drop
Britain in secret talks with the Taliban
Population, Religion and Sex Education
Ending America's Domestic Quagmire: No-Knock, You're Dead
US Police Slogan: Go Out, Cause PTSD
Wage Slavery for Elderly Taxpayers in Posh Westchester County, New York
FBI’s Biometric Snoop Grid ‘Can Follow You Forever’
American Conservative Cover Portrays Rudy Giuliani as Fascist
Your Private E-mail Messages and You
Hollywood to Frame Iran for Lockerbie
Are You Scheduled for Political-Termination? HR 1955 & S.1959
Global Homeland Security Spending Expected to Triple to $ 178 Billion by 2015
Paul: Israel Demanding U.S. Invade Iran
Pentagon Strives for “Maximum Control of the Entire Electro-Magnetic Spectrum”
FBI Steals Family’s Life Savings
Gas Prices Ready to Go Through the Roof
Housing Bust Worst Since 1929
Airport profilers: They’re watching your expressions
Irrational Fear: Terrorists to Attack College Stadiums Next
Brzezinski and Charlie Wilson’s War
Thomas Kean: ‘No Question’ CIA Attempted ‘To Impede Our Investigation’
Democrats and Republicans: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Iran behind flood of weapons to Taliban, MacKay charges
Afghanistan: What's Worth Dying For
FOXNews.com - Russia Selling Iran Sophisticated New Air Defense System - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Mofaz: No More Anti-Arab Discrimination at Airport - News Briefs - Arutz Sheva
The U.N. Insignia Emerges as a Global Target for Al-Qaeda Attacks - washingtonpost.com
Iraqi cabinet approves draft general pardon law - Yahoo! News
Hotel magnate to leave $2.3 billion, bulk of fortune, to charity
Free trade and Federalism
Abuse of Power Case Settled — But Who Really Pays?
Congress Passes New and Tighter Gun-check Legislation
Fake Christians: NAFTA Highway Is Holy
Bank's Face Financial Turmoil
Social Networking Points To Internet's Future
Chemtrails Bring White Christmas To Dallas
Panel Would Target Homegrown Terror
Credit Loss Could Hit $1 Trillion
China Arrests Farmers Urging Land Privitization
Middle East Governments Censor Internet
Spending On Security To Triple By 2015
Man Arrested After He Fought Off Burglars
October Home Prices Post Record Decline
Paul: Iran Attack On Israel Illusion
Zimbabwe Woe As Banks Stay Shut
Parents Defend School's Use Of Shock Therapy
U.S. Durable Goods Orders Gain Less Than Forecast
French Aid Workers Get 8 Years Hard Labor - New York Times
State of the World 2008
Iowa Poll: Ron Paul in Dead Heat With Giuliani
There Is No Gibberish And Other Reverse Speech Fallacies
Union Leader - NH Presidential Primary
Republicans see McCain surge in wide open race | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Some Russians Fear U.S. Foreign Policy Targets Them: Angus Reid Global Monitor
Political Pulse | The Associated Press-Yahoo! News Poll on Yahoo! News
WorldNetDaily: Christmas shopping horror: Man, wife blasted by Taser
Google Change Triggers Uproar - Technology - RedOrbit
NASA Watching Food Crops from Space
New Plastic Can Heal Itself
New York Times Retracts Ron Paul Racist Smear
FBI to put criminals, security issues up in digital billboard lights
Intel agencies keeping declassified spending info out of public view
Panel Prepares to Target Bogus “Homegrown Terror”
The Pentagon's Electronic Warfare Program
China's New Oil World Order
Operation FALCON: Police State America in Real Time
Police: Couple arrested in slayings of six
Text of Bush comment on Bhutto
Analysis: Edwards, McCain positioned to shake up race
Huckabee Adopts New Tone on Immigration
Lou Dobbs to the Rescue?
Huckabee Questioned Over Follow-Through on 2005 Immigration Order
Drew Peterson's neighbors get 'creepy' notes
Stacy's neighbor finds map of cemetery in her front yard
State’s 49 Deck-Truss Bridges Are Safe Enough, Report Finds
Not everyone happy with NH civil unions
RPT-Arizona nuclear plant normal after small fire
2007 in race with 1954 as Atlanta's driest year
Lawyers: Judge Put Pressure on NY Jury
DC to Fund Needle-Exchange Programs
California Woman Mauled, Killed by Pack of Pit Bulls
Man wounded when gunman fires in busy Old Town Pasadena
Judge Rules In Favor Of Shelby County Kwanzaa Celebration
Monday is deadline to register, switch parties in primary
’07 deadly year for US cops
Ohio among slowest growing states
Slain Bhutto's supporters take anger to the streets
2008 US Hopefuls React To Bhutto Death
Bhutto's death heightens concern for Pakistan's democracy
Kenya votes in close poll hurt by rigging claims
Two senior diplomats expelled from Afghanistan
What's Next for the French Aid Workers?
Thaksin faces arrest if he returns
Operation to free Colombian hostages may take days
Over 120 feared dead in Indonesia landslides, floods
Olmert, Abbas Meet in Jerusalem to Advance Peace Talks
Crash survivor reunited with parents
Sri Lankan Air Strike Against Tamil Rebels
EU door still open to Serbia
Sri Lankan Minister Held Hostage After Storming Television Station
Dozens still missing after Nepal bridge collapse
S. Korean Official Says North Will Miss Key Nuclear Deadlines
Israeli strike in Gaza Strip kills three
Police enforce curfew after India religious riots
Georgian Opposition TV Station Suspends Broadcasts
Two Major Prosecutions May Loom in South Africa in 2008
South Africa: NPA Holiday Let-Off for Zuma, Selebi
Abbas, Olmert Fail to Resolve Jerusalem Settlement Dispute at Summit - Fox
Palestinian President Abbas to Demand Israeli Settlement Freeze - Fox
Abbas: Israel Hampering Peace efforts - Ynet
PA: IDF troops arrests two Islamic Jihad commanders in W. Bank - Haaretz
'Mubarak presented Barak with plan to withdraw from Golan' - Jerusalem Post
Palestinian report: Israel to free 200 prisoners for Schalit - Jerusalem Post
Russia to Supply Iran With New Air Defense System - Ynet
U.S, Russia Condemn Assassination of Benizar Bhutto - J'lem Post
Expelled EU And U.N. Officials Leave Afghanistan - Reuters
U.S. captures 2 over abduction of troops in Iraq - MSNBC
U.S. Congressman: Syria wrong if it thinks Democrat would give it better deal - Haaretz
Despite Aid, Malnutrition in Darfur Rises - NY Times
Grounded F-15s have U.S. searching for cover - Defense patrols are thinner after breakup of jet forced down 450 others - U.S. News
Iraq: U.S. Targets Mahdi Splinter Group - AP
U.S. Gamble on Sheiks is Paying Off, --- so Far - USA Today
Cal Thomas:Al Gore 'Global Warming's' Messiah Figure: The Hot Air Cult
Rapidly, Buffett Secures A Deal For 4.5 Billion - NY Times
Evangelicals Fund Jews Departing Iran - Washington Times
Israeli Arabs - Struggling to be Heard - Ynet
MK Sneh: More funds needed to counter Iranian threat - Ynet
At The Foggy Bottom of The Iraq Story - Michael Ledeen
Migrant Activists Manage Few Wins - Stephen Dinan
The Benefits of 'Palestinian' Economic Collapse - Daniel Pipes
Strategery - How Republicans prevailed on the Hill - Whitney Blake
The Party's Over For The Last of His Kind - Jonathan Tobin
Ready, set, go: Events that will shape the race for president - Susan Page
The GAO on Cuba - Washington Times
Where is the Conservative Coalition? - Tony Blankley
Democracy Now! | Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benezir Bhutto Assassinated
Democracy Now! | Greg Palast Reports on the Battle Between Indigenous Ecuadorians and the U.S. Oil Giant Chevron
Democracy Now! | "Today’s Decision Would Make George Orwell Proud" -- FCC Commissioner Michael Copps on the FCC's Vote to Rewrite the Nation's Media Ownership Rules
Democracy Now! | Forgotten Crises: The Top Ten Most Underreported Humanitarian Stories of 2007
Democracy Now! | Shooting Back: The Israeli Human Rights Group B'Tselem Gives Palestinians Video Cameras to Document Life Under Occupation.
Hindus, Christians Clash Again in India
Pakistanis in US React to Assassination
Report: S.F. Tiger May Have Been Taunted
Countries Condemn Bhutto Killing
Terri Irwin Launching Whale Research
Benazir Bhutto Chronology
Bhutto Stressed Her Belief `in Freedom'
Bullets Cut Short Bhutto's Epic Life
US Backs Afghan Reconciliation Talks
Bette Davis Stars in 2008 Postage Stamps
Victims Pulled From Indonesia Landslides
Priests Scuffle Inside Bethlehem Church
Roadside Bomb Kills Officers in Algiers
US Police Fatalities Spike in 2007
Explaining Congressional Mail
Leaders in Mass Mailings
Mail From Congress Isn't Cheap
Giuliani Focuses on Sept. 11 in New Ad
Durable-Goods Orders Edge Up
Stocks Off After Bhutto Death, Weak Data
Oil Rises on Inventory Declines
Boeing 787 Orders Reach 790
Poll: Huckabee Largely Unfamiliar
Analysis: Romney Using Retail Politics
Mint Reveals Presidents on Dollar Coins
Obama Embraces Tearful Veteran
Edwards Says He Sounds Like a President
Clinton, Huckabee Ahead in Oklahoma Poll
Poll: Bush, Hillary Clinton Most Admired
McCain Acknowledges Steep Hill in Iowa
Many Iowa Conservatives Still Undecided
Clinton Ad Serves As Campaign Closer
Clintonism and the Clintons
The Final Push
The Romney Backlash
Mitt's New Hampshire Lead and McCain's Bubble
Joe Biden: A Serious Man, Not Taken Seriously
Is Bob Kerrey Hillary's VP?
On the Verge of Success in Fallujah
The Terrorists' Tet
Should the Gov't Regulate What We Eat?
US Election Contest Enters Main Game
The Challenge to Beijingoism
Reagan's War, Not Charlie Wilson's
How to Reform School Curriculum
Iowa Races Entering the Home Stretch
Courting Students, And Hoping They'll Cast Votes
Huckabee's Illegal-Alien Record Hit
In Race's Final Days, Clinton Will Emphasize Experience
Democratic 'Also-Rans' Not Giving Up
Sooner or Later, Candidates Will Surely Look Lost
Barack Obama Still Faces Doubts
McCain Could Be Last Man Standing
Dems Emphasize Change, Experience
RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls
Torn Between Cynics & Straightshooters
A Tough Juggling Act for Clinton
Who is the Most Electable?
Big Winner: None of the Above
Edwards' Message is Surging in Iowa
The Bills Came Due in 2007
Democratic Congress Achieved Little
The Surge is the Top Story of 2007
An Inconvenient Truth for '08
Stem Cells and the President
The Plan to Help Struggling Homeowners
McDonald's in the Snack Wrap Era
Kissinger on Dealing with a Resurgent Russia
China's Rise & the Future of the West
5 Moments That Changed the Dem Race
Romney's Immigration Chutzpah
Rudy Goes Nat'l
Daily 08
Russia is in Need of Firm Handling
Middle East Bog
The Partisan Divide on Taxes
Notable Deaths of 2007
Obama Ups The Ante In Iowa
For McCain, It Could Be State of Resurgence
Edwards Campaign May Have Expected Union Group Plan
Romney Touts Conservative Credentials
Panel On Campaign's Final Days In Iowa
Strategists On Iowa With Eight Days To Go
Duncan Hunter In "The Situation Room"
Panel Checks Its List Twice
Huckabee In "The Situation Room"
Romney Responds To Bhutto Assassination
Richardson: "A Way Out"
Edwards: "Time For Truth"
Edwards Tours New Hampshire
Huckabee Kills Pheasants, Makes Political Jokes
Giuliani: "Freedom"
Undecideds Look At Obama
Thompson: "Substance"
Huckabee's Hunt
Clinton: "Stakes"
McCain: "Never Surrender"
Alliance For A New America's Edwards Ad
Edwards: "Power"
Huckabee In "The Situation Room"
The Dodd Family Christmas
Paul On "Meet The Press"
Huckabee On "Face The Nation"
Obama On "Face The Nation"
Giuliani On "This Week"
Novak On Baptists & Huckabee
Obama's Financial Plans
Rockin With Huckabee
Obama: "Enough"
Politico Wrong On Giuliani Story?
Ron Paul YouTube Channel
The Church of Keynes
The Spectrum Swindle
Protectionism and My Stuffy Nose
Christmas and Consumption
The Corporate Form, Limited Liability, and the State
12/19/2007 11:23:20 AM: Ron Paul - Mises and Austrian Economics: A Personal View

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