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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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26 December 2007


Barack Obama still faces doubts
Sooner or Later, Candidates Will Surely Look Lost - washingtonpost.com
Dem voters no longer fight battle of Iraq
My Way News - Tiger Escapes S.F. Zoo Cage and Kills 1
S.F. Zoo Investigating Tiger's Escape - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Bush's very good year - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Thomas Sowell on 2008 on National Review Online
Wife found dead under family's Christmas tree - Times Online
Blame abounds for housing bust - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
My Way News - Plan Would Let Seniors Work to Pay Taxes
Aldous Huxley Suggested Mind Control to Make Insane Blissful
Pentagon Strives for “Maximum Control of the Entire Electro-Magnetic Spectrum”
Wage Slavery for Elderly Taxpayers in Posh Westchester County, New York
Thomas Kean: ‘No Question’ CIA Attempted ‘To Impede Our Investigation’
FBI’s Biometric Snoop Grid ‘Can Follow You Forever’
American Conservative Cover Portrays Rudy Giuliani as Fascist
Pew: Nearly Fifty Percent of Americans Buy Into Neocon Mass Murder Campaign
NORTHCOM: Constitution Not Important
Chertoff Attacks Bill of Rights
FBI Steals Family’s Life Savings
Radio host gunned down in Christmas Eve
TSA is as unpopular as the IRS
Little Manchurian Candidates
The “North American Consciousness” and “European Identity”
Evidence of NSA Hacking Your Computer
Democrats and Republicans: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Secret Air War in Afghanistan
Ministry of Homeland Security Program Indoctrinates the “9/11 Generation”
Enter The Modification Matrix
Fingering Bush as a War Criminal
Why the Smearbund Hates Ron Paul
The Economics of Ron Paul
The Dashing Finns
A Cheap Porsche
Royal YouTube
Another Milestone on the Road to Serfdom
Bactrian Gold
Sketches by Scott and Shackleton
An Incandescent Flame
Don't Treat Bush and Cheney Like Criminals
American Beauty
Ready, Set, Go: Events That Will Shape the Race
Clinton's Résumé Factor: Those 8 Years as First Lady
Obama and Huckabee 'Take It Easy'
Progressives Should Forget the Middle Ground
Whither the Conservative Coalition?
Romney Symbolizes GOP's Problems
How Will Huckabee's Populism Play?
Why Hil's Suddenly Being Soft
McCain Enjoys a Revival
The End of Free Trade
Putin's Cold War
A Chance to Rein In North Korea
Only Suckers Pay Bills
A Nation of Dim Bulbs
Politics? We'll Take Good Cheer
Hope: The Enabling Virtue
2007: Ready, Fire, Aim
Daily 08
US Election Contest Enters Main Game
The Challenge to Beijingoism
Reagan's War, Not Charlie Wilson's
How to Reform School Curriculum
Mitt, Huckabee Present Stark Choice for Iowans
Courting Students, And Hoping They'll Cast Votes
Huckabee's Illegal-Alien Record Hit
Panel Checks Its List Twice
Huckabee In "The Situation Room"
Panel Looks At The Holiday Ads
General Petraeus On "Fox News Sunday"
Ron Paul On "Meet The Press"
Huckabee In "The Situation Room"
The Dodd Family Christmas
NY Times ' Dowd echoed Healy's misleading account of Clinton interview
Democracy Now! | "Today’s Decision Would Make George Orwell Proud" -- FCC Commissioner Michael Copps on the FCC's Vote to Rewrite the Nation's Media Ownership Rules
Democracy Now! | Shooting Back: The Israeli Human Rights Group B'Tselem Gives Palestinians Video Cameras to Document Life Under Occupation.
Investigators probe killer tiger's escape at zoo
How Will Huckabee's Populism Play?
Missing northwest suburban woman's car found in Wheeling
Dinner in 40 Minutes
Keeping Kwanzaa
A big moment swept away by the Delaware
Bushes Head to Crawford for New Year
More Flight Cancellations For Skybus
Charges Filed in Death of Underage Drinker
Postal 'Santa' Delivers On Christmas Day
In South Carolina, primary day comes twice
San Diego police shoots man suspected of stealing patrol car
Rash of Shootings, Some Fatal, from Brooklyn to the Bronx
With one year to go, Bush's legacy a mixed bag
Police: Suicide follows crash into Geren home
Victims Identified in Double Homicide
Chicago police search for missing 69-year-old woman
Landslides leave up to 81 dead or missing in Indonesia
Turkish planes hit Iraqi Kurdish villages
Thaksin Hints At Homecoming
US teen is only survivor of Panama crash
Hundreds Feared Dead in Nepal After Bridge Collapses
Karzai in Pakistan to talk terror
Sea clash 'kills 40 Tamil rebels'
Tsunami Recovery Faces Challenges After Three Years
Afghanistan expels Briton for Taliban talks
Egypt hits back at Israeli charges over Gaza
Hindu Mobs in Orissa Torch Churches on Christmas
Mauritania investigates al Qaeda link in killings
40 Iranian Jews Immigrate to Israel in Secret Operation
Suicide bomb targets Sunnis allied to US
Olmert and Abbas to meet to try to salvage talks
Two Foreign Aid Workers Seized in Northern Somalia
S. Korean rescuers find wreckage believed to be missing ship
South Korea's President to Approve Fraud Investigation of Successor
Calif. Court: Malls Can't Bar Protesters - Examiner.com
Calif. Court: Malls Can't Bar Protesters, SAN FRANCISCO
WorldNetDaily: Why Bush removed me from Christmas list
Homosexual advocates claim hurt feelings, demand penalties
Non-Muslim worship forbidden while Hamas broadcasts from Judaism's holiest site
Suffered multiple gunshot wounds, death ruled homicide
Retiree slays wife, leaves her body under tree along with presents
'I guess I'm not sure who else I really like'
So involved in decision making, president's staff called her 'Supreme Court'
One dead after village worship centers ransacked, burned
One-man sessions keep lawmakers 'in session' during holidays
Putin has used windfall oil revenues to modernize Moscow's military arsenals
Positioning system expected to cover globe by end of 2009
Every town hall in UK ordered to send out surveys demanding personal info
Soldiers dig for survivors after torrential rain
Faulty GPS system leads Jew into hostile territory
Secret Intelligence Service staged discussions with senior insurgents
'I would never be able to wear a skullcap in the streets there'
Siberian cat already mauled zookeeper last year
'To have something like that left in its place was not nice, to say the least'
Church gave $1,000 for bench, but government didn't like name on it
Israeli scholar believes Christ's birth was in Galilee town with same name
62% of Americans in latest poll say they're members of 'church or synagogue'
12-year-old friend survives disaster, now being treated
Mayor targets downtown attraction for extinction
'More or less in line with reduced expectations'
Friends of deceased guy receive season's greetings from beyond
'We're celebrating our First Amendment rights of freedom of expression'
Turbulent conditions lead to merry rescue
5th-grader suffering from lupus sells art to help poor: 'That's what Jesus wants'
Canadian customs officials bust couriers with $850,000 worth of cocaine in holy books
Deal gives synagogue privileges for $1 a year
Separate attacks shatter more than week of relative calm
'Not every mystery gets solved. This is not TV, it's real life'
'I swore to him many times that I was faithful to him but he did not believe'
Plate of patties thrown at woman's head after 2 days of bickering
Man refused to stop, allegedly became violent
Was allegedly demonstrating how he'd kill someone else with it
'Would have a Muslim flavor and could become a Muslim ghetto'
'People shouldn't have to sell their house'
'For a while we thought we weren't going to make it'
'The boat is still in almost the same environment as it has been over the centuries'
'We have a devastating parasitic disease burden ... right under our nose'
'It just seemed like after 15 years we would never be parents'
Companies finding markets overseas for niche items
'If you look around, particularly in New York, it seems like everyone's a billionaire'
Biggest financial shake-up in decade to regain lost business from London
Dave Ramsey deals with questions about cash vs. credit, time-share maintenance fees
'An already terrible situation looks to be getting worse'
'It's something that is so basic, so cost effective and so overwhelmingly life changing'
'America is facing a demographic juggernaut'
'We feel like they are farther apart than they were a year ago'
As of Jan. 1, people will be able to set aside up to $5,000 each calendar year
Exclusive: Judge Roy Moore reminds America that God gave us religious liberty
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky dubs Muslims 'people who consider freedom a naughty word'
Exclusive: Mordechai Nisan proves Islamic regime smiles wryly at West's generosity
Exclusive: Aaron Klein blasts distortion of dire situation for Christians
Walter E. Williams: Disturbing silence is not simply a double standard, it's dangerous
Exclusive: Maralyn Lois Polak cheers 'divinely inspired' union's fix for power struggle
Exclusive: Joe Kovacs remembers lovesick 'astronut,' beauty pageant meltdown
Exclusive: Joel Hesch exposes plot to cheat California out of commodity royalties
Selwyn Duke: 'No doubt' he would be president today if the world were a colder place
David Lightman: He spent years registered as unaffiliated with a party, voted for liberal
Nancy Morgan: Old women are associated with rocking chairs, grandkids, not politics
William Kristol: Time ludicrously chose to make Russia's ex-KGB agent its cover boy
Patrick J. Buchanan: The absurd choice of 'you' as Person of the Year is now over
Harold Meyerson: Christmas calibrated to expose Republicans' rank, fetid hypocrisy
Adam B. Schaeffer: All parents want for Christmas is a new school

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