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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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18 December 2007


Daddy Bush Makes Skull and Bones Pilgrimage
More Hiring and Advertising Ahead for Paul Campaign as the Donations Pour In
Forbes: Bloomberg to Spend Big Bucks to Derail Ron Paul
Bill Clinton: George H.W. Bush will help President Hillary
Dodd ready to mount filibuster to block telecom immunity
Overpowered: How Rashid Rauf Got Away
Disarming of the Population and the Tyranny of Gun Control
Ron Paul's Base Could Give Him Post-Primary Influence, Experts Say
Joe Scarborough interviews Ron Paul 12/18
Ron Paul on CNN American Morning
Ron Paul on Fox & Friends 12-18-07
What Ron Paul Will Do With His Cash Haul
David Paul cheers on brother from Ottawa Co. home
100,000 young Britons pushed into unemployment by immigrants
Bloomberg: America must resist protectionism
Surprise Over Government Criminality in the Corporate Media Echo Chamber
Non-News Highlighted Over Paul’s Historic Success
Neo-Libs Label Record Breaking Ron Paul Money Bomb “Abject Failure”
Iraq Vet War Critics Detained at Fort Bragg
Another Dissident Writer Arrested in the Great Slave Gulag of China
Ministry of Homeland Security at the Local Mall
Brit Cops Taser Innocent Man in the Head
Police Brutality Cases on Rise since 9/11
Bubba Clinton and Poppy Bush, Emissaries of Mass Murder and Misery
The War on Drugs: Why You Might Be Next
California Assembly approves plan to overhaul health care system
Republicans Blast 'Misguided' Omnibus Spending Bill -- 12/18/2007
AP Blaming US Border Agents for Illegals/Drug Dealer's Violence | NewsBusters.org
'Turkish troops invade Iraq in bid to flush out Kurdish rebels' | the Daily Mail
OpinionJournal - Global View
'Megan's Law' killer escapes death under N.J. execution ban - CNN.com
TheHill.com - An earmark Christmas
Ground Zero memorial delayed 2 years - USATODAY.com
Bribery, bid-rigging found in U.N. peacekeeping contracts | The San Diego Union-Tribune
Anne Applebaum - A Stanton For the Saudis - washingtonpost.com
WorldNetDaily: 'Mosque' uncovered on college campus
Moderate beer intake may cut Alzheimer's risk: study
Romney Calls for Employment Verification System that Already Exists -- 12/18/2007
Republicans Blast 'Misguided' Omnibus Spending Bill -- 12/18/2007
Americans Urged to Take A Walk on the 'Hog Wild' Side -- 12/18/2007
Ron Paul's Base Could Give Him Post-Primary Influence, Experts Say -- 12/18/2007
Bush Signs Peru Free Trade Deal -- 12/18/2007
Saudi Clerics' Warning on Inflation May Be A Swipe at the US Dollar -- 12/18/2007
Men Jailed in Sudan for Selling Book on Mohammed's Child-Bride -- 12/18/2007
Israel Firm on Har Homa, But Won't 'Grow' West Bank Settlements -- 12/18/2007
Argentina, Venezuela Slam US Over Cash-in-Suitcase Case -- 12/17/2007
Clinton Brushes Off Latest Polls
Ahmadinejad Makes Pilgrimage to Mecca
Mexico City Policy Left Intact in Budget Bill
Court Hearing Monday in Quest for Hillary Clinton's White House Diaries
World Doesn't Grasp 'Severity' of Iranian Threat, Israeli Envoy Says
'60 Minutes' Story on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Draws Praise, Fire
My Way News - US Military Not Told of Turkey Bomb Plan
Single-family housing starts hit 16-year low | News | Reuters
Wheat Rises in Chicago on Supply Concerns; Corn, Soybeans Fall
FCC eases ownership of paper, TV - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Gov't official: No 'smoking gun' on Iran | Jerusalem Post
Officials: Turkey Withdraws From Iraq
Monkeys surprisingly proficient at mental arithmetic: study
Reid rejects notion that GOP is winning Hill battles - The Crypt's Blog - Politico.com
wcbstv.com - Medical Gift Cards A Hot Commodity This X-Mas
My Way News - Congress to Hold Hearings on Steroid Use
New phone device allows you to 'speak' through your ear
The Columbus Dispatch : Students struggle as immigrants do
CNN.com - CNN Political Ticker Elder Bush nixes Clinton trip idea «
Hillary leads in the 'anti-' vote - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
My Way News - Huckabee Stands by Christmas Ad
YouTube - Ron Paul on Fox & Friends 12-18-07
My Way News - Romney Gets Tearful Recalling War Toll
Photo puts Romney at Planned Parenthood event - BostonHerald.com
Teenagers fighting for lives after hair tongs explode in their bedroom| News | This is London
Don't Rule Out Surges by Edwards, Thompson
Advice for the Republican Field
Obama's Foreign-Policy Problem
No Experience & Faux Experience
McCain Gets a Second Shot
Edwards Makes the Electability Case
In Support of Giuliani on the Economy
The Conservative Origins of the Mortgage Meltdown
The Democratic Legislative Rout
The Obama-Clinton Issue
Clinton's Difficulties Deeper Than Strategy
Voters Signal a Hunger for Change
America's Next Top Democrat
Why Huckabee Might Be Helping Mitt
Romney Can't 'Solve' His Mormon Problem
Why Giuliani Needs a Miracle
Iowa's Undemocratic Caucuses
Does Gore Know What He's Talking About?
Bush's Certitude Will Haunt America
It's Not a Time to Backslide in Iraq
The Wahhabi Woman Problem
Stop Scaring Us, Senator Feinstein
A Buyer's Christmas
Academic Intimidation
Five Events That Have Defined 2007
Why TR Claimed the Seas
Daily '08
Why McCain is Making a Primary Comeback
Congress Oinks Its Way to a Spending Bill
The Mayor Wants Inside Your Refrigerator
Knock, Knock: Hillary Goes Door to Door
In N.H., the Swing Voter Is Vanishing
McCain Senses Momentum Is Starting to Help Him
Clinton Debuts Softer Strategy
Giuliani Begins Retreat From New Hampshire
Rudy Giuliani On "Hannity & Colmes"
Panel On Clinton's Troubles; Religion's Role
John McCain On "The Glenn & Helen Show"
Huckabee & Norris On "Larry King Live"
McCain & Lieberman In "The Situation Room"
Iowa's First Lady Endorses Edwards
Clinton: "Guard"
Huckabee On "Larry King"
Paul's Morning Media
Gallup: Nationally, Front-Runners Maintain Leads
Dodd & The FISA Bill
Romney Almost Has A Dean Moment
Lieberman On "Hardball"
Giuliani On "Hannity & Colmes"
Romney on The O'Reilly Factor
Obama: "Candor"
Romney: "Choice: Judgment"
Huckabee: "What Really Matters"
Clinton: "Great Things"
Thompson On "Fox And Friends"
McCain: "Best Prepared"
Hillary Clinton on the Today Show
Richardson: "Not Leaving"
Clinton's Morning Media
Lieberman Endorses McCain
Paul's 30 Minute Iowa Special
Former GOP Guv Of Iowa On GOP Candidates
Romney On "Meet The Press"
Thompson On "Face The Nation"
Edwards' Sunday Morning Media

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