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18 December 2007



The Obama-Clinton Issue
Clinton's Difficulties Deeper Than Strategy
Why Giuliani Needs a Miracle
America's Next Top Democrat
Why Huckabee Might Be Helping Mitt
Romney Can't 'Solve' His Mormon Problem
For Romney, a Course Set Long Ago
Does Gore Know What He's Talking About?
Iowa's Undemocratic Caucuses
Bush's Certitude Will Haunt America
It's Not a Time to Backslide in Iraq
The Wahhabi Woman Problem
Stop Scaring Us, Senator Feinstein
A Buyer's Christmas
Academic Intimidation
Five Events That Have Defined 2007
Why TR Claimed the Seas
Why McCain is Making a Primary Comeback
Congress Oinks Its Way to a Spending Bill
The Mayor Wants Inside Your Refrigerator
Knock, Knock: Hillary Goes Door to Door
In N.H., the Swing Voter Is Vanishing
Clinton Debuts Softer Strategy
Giuliani Begins Retreat From New Hampshire
Giuliani On "Hannity & Colmes"
Romney On "O'Reilly"
Romney: "Choice: Judgment"
Huckabee: "What Really Matters"
Obama: "Candor"
Thompson On "Fox And Friends"
McCain: "Best Prepared"
Clinton: "Great Things"
Hillary Clinton on the Today Show
Richardson: "Not Leaving"
Clinton's Morning Media
Lieberman Endorses McCain
Paul's 30 Minute Iowa Special
Former GOP Guv Of Iowa On GOP Candidates
Romney On "Meet The Press"
Thompson On "Face The Nation"
Edwards' Sunday Morning Media
Giuliani's Introduction And Full Speech
Ed Rollins On Lou Dobbs
Bill Clinton On Charlie Rose
Huckabee & Norris On O'Reilly
Edwards: "Fight"
Ron Paul on Mad Money with Jim Cramer
John Edwards On "Morning Joe"
Dems consider ousting Byrd as appropriations chair
Anti-war Webb was talk of Senate from Day 1
Lawmakers still getting free trips overseas
Primary parties
GOP lawmakers give NRCC $3 million
Liberals lose bigtime in budget battle
Secret Service Agents Pressure 9/11 Truther to Stop Confronting Clinton
Ron Paul Surpasses Fund Raising Record Held by John Kerry
Texas Readies Police State Tech for Possible Hurricane Evacuees
We Are Change Seattle Question Tom Brokaw
How the Government Will Toll Existing Roads
AT&T engineer says Bush Administration sought to implement domestic spying within two weeks of taking office
World food price rises set to hit consumers
Elizabeth Kucinich on The Fed, 2nd Amendment, War in Iraq and More
The Population Bomb Part 1: How to Control the AMERICAN Population by Paul Ehrlich
How to Control the WORLD Population by Paul Ehrlich: The Population Bomb Part 2: Knowledge Driven Revolution
The Population Bomb Part 3: Population, Religion and Sex Education (December 24)
The Population Bomb Part 4: Those Involved in Population Control (December 31)
The Population Bomb Part 5: The Apocalypse, From Paul Ehrlich to Al Gore (January 7)
London plot suspect escapes in Pakistan
Report: Ohio voting machines have 'critical flaws,' could undermine ’08 election
EU and US reach deal on online gambling
Despite Boycott, Rice Touts Iraqi Progress
House Approves Domestic Spending
Thousands In Okla., Kansas Still In Dark
Huckabee: Merry Christmas and I Approve This Message
Hopefuls take opposite approach in Iowa ads
California Moves Toward Universal Health Care
Long Island Couple Guilty in Slave Case
Water War To End In 2008
Peterson Loses Bid To Retrieve Seized Possessions
Corzine Signs Bill Ending Executions, Then Commutes Sentences of 8
SF PUC chief Susan Leal struck by car outside City Hall
US General Hails Security Improvements in Iraq
Lawyer in Pornography Case Is Spared Jail
Staten Island community mourns boy killed in blaze
Green Bay mayor declares moratorium on holiday displays
Reiser earned judo black belt, teacher testifies
How serial killer stumped cops for decades
Plea to bring killer to justice in Mo. rests with Ill. governor
Detroit girl shot and wounded after throwing herself over her mom
Stolen treasures to be star draw
Former PM Sharif ruled out of Pakistani elections
Fidel Castro letter: I won't 'cling to office' - CNN.com
Bush supports Iran getting Russia's nuclear fuel
South Korea president front-runner denies graft link
Muslim pilgrims prepare for peak of haj east of Mecca
Israeli airstrikes kill Islamic Jihad militants
Putin agrees to become Medvedev's prime minister
Billions pledged for Palestinians
Pakistani police held over escape of British suspect
Tymoshenko elected as Ukraine's PM
Sarkozy's supermodel romance raises eyebrows
Japan successfully tests anti-missile system
Rice visits hot spot in northern Iraq
Despite Boycott, Rice Touts Iraqi Progress
At Least 15 Afghan Guards Killed in Taliban Ambush
Authorities Seek Prankster Who Sent Rude Santa Letters
ALERT: Oppose Amnesty for Telecom Companies
Brain Injured “Minimally Conscious” are Awakening
YouTube - What really matters.
CNN.com - CNN Political Ticker Bill Clinton: George H.W. Bush will help President Hillary «
Housing Construction Hits 16-Year Low: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Gov't official: No 'smoking gun' on Iran | Jerusalem Post
Iran indicates it is building another nuclear plant - International Herald Tribune
My Way News - Turkish Army Sends Soldiers Into Iraq
Spending bill shrinks border fence - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Floods of tears as climate change 'hard man' breaks down at summit | the Daily Mail
Cell Phone Spending Surpasses Land Lines: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
KCBS - SF Considers a Tax on Sugary Drinks
Disgraced cloning scientist seeks comeback: officials
Hillary leads in the 'anti-' vote - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
My Way News - Romney Gets Tearful Recalling War Toll
ON DEADLINE: Clinton '92 Vs. Obama '08 - Yahoo! News
Stealth fighter McCain plots 2008 comeback - Yahoo! News
My Way News - McCain Basks in Ex-Dem Lieberman Support
Easy Money, Easy Lies
Rule By Judges
Is Ron Paul Pro-Life?
Secession Is the Answer
What To Tell Tim Russert
Can Ron Paul Be Trusted?
Enabler of the Police State
Ron Paul on the Unmentionable
Don't Trust Your Kids to Today's Public Schools?
How Scientific Is Modern Medicine?
Wealth, Not Looks
Sleepy on the Road
Video: Tea Party Coverage On MSNBC
Judge: White House Visitors Public Information
Russian general says Pentagon is seeking direct confrontation with Moscow - International Herald Tribune
Many See China Rivaling U.S. By 2020
Turkish Strike On Kurds Made With U.S. Knowledge
Chocolatetown meltdown | Philadelphia Inquirer | 12/16/2007
Non-News Highlighted Over Paul's Historic Success
U.S. Military Lost 12K Weapons In Iraq
License Plate Scanners To Keep Shoppers Safe
UN: Global Food Supply Running Short
Video: Cafferty File On Ron Paul $6M Day
Fox News NYC Evacuated
Wide Spy Powers Set To Pass In Senate
Border Patrol Fires Tear Gas Into Mexico
Greenspan Urges U.S. To Help In Subprime Mess
Hedge Mogul Larry Lepard to Buy Ads Across New Hampshire for Ron Paul - Free Market News Network
Bloomberg Really Aims at Ron Paul - Free Market News Network
U.S. Helps Turkey Hit Rebel Kurds In Iraq - washingtonpost.com
House Approves Domestic Spending - washingtonpost.com
Investing | Africa - Reuters.com
Daily Kos: FISA Semi-victory
Gold Rises on Dollar Outlook; Platinum Extends Gains to Record
McCain tries to turn a corner in N.H. - Los Angeles Times
US Trade Deficit Declines 5.5 Percent: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
WorldNetDaily: Bill guts border fence requirement
WorldNetDaily: Revealed: 'Gay' plans to target 2-year-olds
Superintendent says issue 'really is about students' rights'
Facility at tax-supported institution offers brochure calling Jews, Christians enemies
Gilchrist discovers candidate favors giving status to illegals within days
Says father to aid in fixing damage done to America's reputation by his son
Many predict 'America's mayor' won't be Republican nominee
17-year-old dismissed from his job as camp counselor in 1998
'What really matters is the celebration of the birth of Christ and being with our family'
Rush Limbaugh: Does looks-obsessed culture want to stare at an aging woman?
$7.4 billion in pledges conditioned on PA reform program
But Israel bans Jews, Christians from ascending site on same day
If Pentagon presses ahead with plans for missile-defense shield
Part of system that can outperform any shield system likely to be deployed
But not clear how much construction done at Darkhovein
Discipline challenged by dozens of pregnancies at U.S. base in Afghanistan
New Jersey's action blasted as 'disgraceful and obscene'
'He made a small miscalculation and it cost him his life'
'I had finally got the Holy Grail of Christmas presents'
U.S. attorney: Mortgage fraud 'has become a real and daily threat'
Children also more afraid of monsters, being in dark
Woman yells: 'I don't give a f--- who you are, I'm a f---ing TV reporter'
Mom fatally stomped over takeout food
'This did not happen in the 1800s. This happened in the 21st century'
1st time Fidel has spoken of his possible retirement
Model Carla Bruni goes public with romance with French president
Judge rules White House logs can't be kept secret
Counteroffensive draws complaints innocent families caught in crossfire
'I'd rather come here and spend money at home'
'I went to the pearly gates ... and they didn't like the way my hair looked'
Sex with teen girl results in 5-year ban from public performance
Woman's sentence to 200 lashes caused international outcry
About 5 times as large as typical sewer rodent
'We expect our clergy to uphold the highest moral and ethical standards'
'I couldn't take the pain away. I couldn't make him better. But I can do this'
'This seems to be a case of superstition'
'The human genome ... provides a road map to a history of our ancestors'
Dog-rental service blasted by critics
Dave Ramsey deals with questions about pre-paid funerals, property tax liens
President admits 'there's definitely some storm clouds and concern'
Slowdown worrisome because women make vast majority of purchases
Strong demand globally could result in grain shortage in U.S. next year
'Tonight' show, 'Late Night' will air without writers supplying jokes
Positions maker of Newport, Kent, True brands to compete with rivals
As it shifts strategy, Internet company cuts some charitable ties to D.C.
FDA asks GlaxoSmithKline further questions about cervical remedy
Research in Motion chooses Dallas Cowboys' home of Irving, Texas
Overestimated by some 40 percent based on most current levels
David Limbaugh sees 'betrayal' of Bush as guv's 'Howard Dean scream' moment
Pat Buchanan: Clinton trick regarding Obama and drugs hurts both victim, perpetrator
Andrew Sullivan hails candidate as best choice for Republican voters
Exclusive: Janet Folger likes Huck but says every candidate deserves careful scrutiny
Exclusive: Mychal Massie searches high and low for folks in tune with true meaning
Exclusive: Joseph Farah marvels at Christ's courage to become powerless, helpless baby
Dennis Prager debates N.Y. Times columnist about Europe's rejection of religion
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving highlights reasons denomination is splintering
Exclusive: Joyanna Adams sees cheating and lying as America's new pastime
Aaron Goldstein spotlights lack of corroboration in charges against famous hurler
Exclusive: Chuck Norris debates whether Christ expects us to fight or 'turn other cheek'
Andrea Peyser tells of man who purposely started with nothing, prospered within year
PM: PA negotiators, Abbas out of sync | Jerusalem Post
BBC NEWS | Business | Wheat breaks through $10 a bushel
BBC NEWS | Special Reports | UN warns on soaring food prices
U.S. Joins Rebuke of Israel - Washington Times
Qassams, mortars hit western Negev in retaliation for Gaza strike - Ynet
Vice Premier suggests swapping land with PA to keep settlements - Haaretz
Abbas welcomes idea of international force in territories | Jerusalem Post
Quartet Concerned About Har Homa - Ynet
Experts warn major Israel quakes fast approaching - AFP
Remaining Jews in Russia and Ukraine are 'proud to be Jewish' - Haaretz
91,000 in Okla. still without power - USA Today
Border Patrol Agents Fire Tear Gas Over Border at Mexican Attackers - Fox
Bill guts border fence requirement - Would eliminate 854-mile barrier approved by Congress - WND
Turkish Troops Cross into Iraq - CNN
U.S. hails Iraq plan to unite security ranks - USA Today
Secretary of State Rice Makes Surprise Visit to Oil Rich Northern Iraqi City - Fox
Iran receives nuclear fuel in blow to U.S. - NY Times
Japan Successfully Intercepts Missile in Space from Ship - Fox
China And India's Economic Muscle Shrinks - NewsMax
Iran is Making A Greater Push Into Nicaragua - Fox
More than 100,000 homes and businesses still without power in Oklahoma, Kansas - CNN
Castro Hints He Will Not Hold Onto Power - Reuters
McCain senses momentum starting to help him - MSNBC
Mike Huckabee in new ad: Merry Christmas and I approve this ad - Fox
White House told to detail Christian leader visits - Reuters
Bush's phone immunity bill wins Senate vote - Reuters
South Korea chooses Israeli-made unmanned surveillance plane - Haaretz
Barak pledges to spend NIS 320 million on reinforcing south - Haaretz
NIE In The Sky? - James G. Zumwalt
Faith on the hustings - Religion continues to play important role in American life and politics - Ryan Messmore
Palestinian Authority's tax payer-funded open spigot must be closed now - Daniel Pipes
"Oprah and Friends" to teach course on New Age Christ - Warren Smith
Portrayal of America in Arab press: Hypocrisy reigns - Joel Brinkley
Jihadist Indoctrination in the Schools - Nir Boms
Violence Quelled, Baghdad on Spot - Jon Ward
December 18: The Light of Truth - Charles Stanley
December 18: Watch For God - Streams in the Desert
December 18: The Test of Loyalty - Oswald Chambers
Nave's Topical Bible
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
MyBST - Interactive Bible Study - Christianity.com
Iraq Vet War Critics Detained at Fort Bragg
Another Dissident Writer Arrested in the Great Slave Gulag of China
Ministry of Homeland Security at the Local Mall
Ministry of Homeland Security Abuses Icelandic Woman
Forbes Says Bloomberg to Spend Big Bucks to Derail Ron Paul
Brit Cops Taser Innocent Man in the Head
Police Brutality Cases on Rise since 9/11
Bubba Clinton and Poppy Bush, Emissaries of Mass Murder and Misery
The War on Drugs: Why You Might Be Next
Saudi Arabia's king pardons gang-rape victim - Telegraph
Four Bolivian regions declare autonomy from government - CNN.com
China's economy smaller in new measure, still number two: study - Yahoo! News
French FM: Int'l donors pledge $7.4 billion to boost PA economy - Haaretz - Israel News
Clinton Library Got Funds From Abroad
'Freed terrorists behind U.N. bomb' - CNN.com
WorldNetDaily: 'Mosque' uncovered on college campus
Wash. Post 's Balz asserted Giuliani "[a]t odds" with GOP "on abortion, guns and gays," despite moving to the right on those issues
Russert did not challenge Romney's misleading statements about stem cell research
Wash. Post ignored own reporting in repeating Freeh allegation
Overlooking shifts and flip-flops, Des Moines Register endorsed McCain for "st[icking] to his beliefs" on tax cuts and immigration
Matthews asked about Clinton endorsers' "willingness" "to become castratos in the eunuch chorus"
Tapper noted criticism of Kerrey for using Obama's middle name, but not own unprompted usage
CNN's Schneider misidentified Lieberman as a Democrat
Matthews, repeatedly using "cocaine," falsely asserted Clinton strategist "raised drugs"
Ignoring key bill, Wash. Post' s Milbank attempted to refute Obama's statement that he "expanded health care in Illinois"
MSNBC's Hall referred to McCain and Lieberman as "maverick[s]"
Wash. Post ignored own reporting in repeating Freeh allegation
Blitzer calls Clinton a "flip-flopper" over coffee preferences
Joe Klein: Earlier in the year, Clinton spoke "from ... her diaphragm. Now she's speaking much more quickly again and through her nose"
MSNBC's O'Donnell claimed Penn "on his own brought up cocaine" -- but Matthews started conversation
Savage makes degrading comments about House Speaker, other prominent Dem women
CNN's Keilar claimed Congress "stalled" on SCHIP without noting presidential vetoes
O'Reilly: Helen Thomas "is consistently anti-American in her point of view"
Wash. Post 's Givhan suggested political motivation for Obama's choice of tie colors
O'Reilly response to assertion that Tim Robbins made "valid" points: so did Nazi official Von Ribbentrop
Savage referred to residents of New Hampshire as "drunks" and "yokels"
Al Jazeera English - News - Israeli Raids Target Islamic Jihad
Al Jazeera English - News - Turkish Troops Enter Northern Iraq
Democracy Now! | BROADCAST EXCLUSIVE: Yemeni Man Imprisoned at CIA "Black Sites" Tells His Story of Kidnapping and Torture
Democracy Now! | Spending Bill Includes $24 Billion Loan Guarantees for Nuclear Industry
Democracy Now! | FCC Chair Kevin Martin Refuses to Delay Vote on Proposed Rewrite of Media Ownership Rules
Obama, Kerry Threaten FCC Funding Over Ownership Vote
Wall Street Subprime Mortgage Protest
Bill Moyers Journal: FCC and Media Consolidation
Harry Reid’s Betrayal on FISA | The Progressive
Is Bill Richardson Radioactive? | The Progressive
Mike Huckabee's Message to Iowa | The Progressive
Rudy Giggliani | The Progressive
Video: Van Hollen tells Rove to retract his lies about Iraq vote | The Progressive
Romney and Obama on Medical Marijuana | The Progressive
Romney ad becomes parody of itself | The Progressive
CBS News Investigates Shocking Rate Of Veteran Suicides | The Progressive
Noam Chomsky on 911 conspiracy | The Progressive
State Department forcing employees to go to Iraq | The Progressive
Garry Kasparov explains political nature of oil | The Progressive
ONN - Poll: Most Important Issue for 2008 Voters | The Progressive
Bibliomania - Free Online Literature and Study Guides
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YouTube - Quantum Factor Featuring Dr. Joe Dispenza (What The Bleep?)
YouTube - Eckhart Tolle, not reacting to content, www.soundstrue.com
YouTube - Interview with Lynne McTaggart
YouTube - Fred Kofman - Being, Consciousness, Bliss
Dr Wayne Dyer's 'Power Of Intention' presented at a pre-recorded live seminar
Free Energy - Zero - Point Energy Extraction from the Quantum Vacuu...
YouTube - Dr Quantum - Double Slit Experiment
Free Energy - Zero-Point Energy Extraction from the Quantum Vacuum
News Dissector Blog
Viral Video | The Progressive
Noam Chomsky on 911 conspiracy | The Progressive
My Damn Channel
VideoKarma - best online videos and internet movie clips
YouTube - Spontaneous DNA, The Rapture, and The Rise to Fourth Density
YouTube - The Holographic Universe
YouTube - The Om
YouTube - Reincarnation Past Life Dream - thanks to Eckankar
YouTube - The Divine Matrix 20 Keys to Conscious Creation!
YouTube - Turning Point of the Sacred Circle
YouTube - Elegant Shapes... a Journey into the Geometry of Spirit
YouTube - William Henry: Stargates and Ascension
YouTube - Life in the Universe (#1): Just on Earth, or Everywhere?

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