"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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13 December 2007

13th Dec. - Thursday


FOXNews.com - U.S.: Fort Dix Attack Plot Suspects Promoting Terror in Jail - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Engineer indicted on spying - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
SAN FRANCISCO / Board approves year extension for high schools' JROTC program / Classes allowed to count for physical education credit
Bomb kills Lebanese general tipped for army chief - Yahoo! News
'Iran tested new missile during summit' | Jerusalem Post
FOXNews.com - Did U.N. Program Secretly Funnel Money to North Korea? - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Fundamentally Freund: Condi hangs a 'No Jews Allowed' sign | Jerusalem Post
WorldNetDaily: Stripped bare: 'Gay' school plot unveiled
Code Pink to take aim at Democrats in 2008 - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
The Pope condemns the climate change prophets of doom | the Daily Mail
A Gitmo trial beats judgment at Nuremberg - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Exposing the "Flying Imams" - Middle East Quarterly
IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Hugo's Crude Politics
Worcester Telegram & Gazette News
Goal.com - Inter Milan - Fenerbahce To Ask Uefa For Three Points From Inter Match
AKI - Adnkronos international Iran: Man faces death by stoning for adultery
US immigration agency's outreach to local police draws praise, worry - The Boston Globe
My Way News - Wholesale Prices, Retail Sales Jump
Subpoenas for Al Sharpton's aides
My Way News - Mitchell Report May Name All-Stars, MVPs
In Italy, a winter of discontent - International Herald Tribune
Central banks pumping billions into world financial system - International Herald Tribune
Fed Move Doesn't Allay Wall Street Fears: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Bank of America Sees Bigger Writedowns: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Gordon Brown | Prime Minister | Signs EU treaty today giving up migrant control | The Sun |HomePage|News|EU Referendum
BBC NEWS | Europe | EU leaders sign landmark treaty
Sweden: Cabaret Star Liza Minnelli Collapses On Stage |Sky News|World News
Democrats Blaming Each Other For Failures
Intraparty Feuds Dog Democrats, Stall Congress
Democrats Bow to Bush's Demands in House Spending Bill
Dems cave on spending
Our view on war in Iraq: Surge's success holds chance to seize the moment in Iraq - Opinion - USATODAY.com
My Way News - Gore: US Blocking Climate Talks Progress
My Way News - Clinton Adviser: Obama Drug Use Concern
Clinton insiders question top aide's approach -- Newsday.com
Huck camp backtracks on Mormon question - Michael Calderone - Politico.com
Huckabee, like Reagan, wouldn't be an 'easy kill' -- Newsday.com
Camille Paglia on the Obamas, George W. Bush, Gennifer Flowers, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin | Salon.com
My Way News - Woman Misdiagnosed With HIV Gets $2.5 M
The GOP Race: None of the Above - TIME
Bush again vetoes kids health bill / He still opposes cigarette tax hike, middle-class focus
Newsmax.com - Huckabee Gets Minuteman Head's Backing
PETA coats homeless in discarded fur
Ike Turner dies in San Diego at age 76 - Yahoo! News
ABC News: Bush Candidly Discusses Quitting Whiskey
Mike Huckabee - Presidential Election of 2008 - Elections - Evangelical Movement - Religion - Politics - Republican Party - New York Times
Another Sexually Charged House Page Scandal - The Sleuth
The Raw Story | CIA destroyed tapes despite court order
Bush Pardons 29, but Not Libby - washingtonpost.com
Mortgage crisis perplexes even shrewd investor Warren Buffett
Lock of Lennon's Hair Sells for $48,000
Kucinich Left Out Of Iowa Presidential Debate - Horserace
TheStar.com | GTA | Muslim teen was abused, friends say
Human evolution speeding up, scientists say | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Last debates could have 'seismic impact' | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
Experts: Arctic Melt is Accelerating - TIME
Naked News
The Associated Press: Gonzales Named Lawyer of the Year
AlterNet: Destruction of CIA Tapes Can't Hide Barbaric U.S. Torture Methods
AlterNet: Major Blow Struck Against Racist U.S. Crack Sentencing Rules
AlterNet: Ecuador to Evict U.S., Offer Air Base to China
AlterNet: Tila Tequila’s Bi-Sexual Dating Show Is More Than Just Trashy Fun
AlterNet: Why the Democrats Could Lose in 2008
AlterNet: Environment: Read Al Gore’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
AlterNet: Military Recruiters Try to Be Hip; Kids Roll Eyes
AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: U.S. Commits, Lies About Domestic Human Rights Violations
Will Iraq's Great Awakening Lead to a Nightmare?
Huckabee Hides His Full Gospel?
Learn to Speak Intel
The Perfect Storm of Campaign 2008
Corporate Enemy No. 1: State Attorneys General
MotherJones Blog: Mitt Romney's Big Speech: Love all Religions (Except Islam)
Trade Update: NAFTA Accountability, Colombia Push Is On | Campaign for America's Future
ABC News: Rice Insists Iran, North Korea Still Evil
Senator Says Wal-Mart Sells Products From Sweatshops - New York Times
The Raw Story | MSNBC: 'How Bush became a government unto himself'
The Raw Story | Thompson rebuffs 'hand shows' on climate change during GOP debate
Reuters AlertNet - UN's Ban condemns Lebanon bombing, urges calm
The Raw Story | YouTube inspires man to stop thief
Paper Trail | Print Article | Newsweek.com
ZNet |Electoral Politics | The Conspiracy Continues-The Democrats and War Funding
Are Americans Really ‘Better Than That?’ - CommonDreams.org
Repealing the 20th Century | The American Prospect
Upside Down World - Plan Condor: Crimes Without Borders in Latin America
The cartoon Bush doesn't want you to see (MoveOn)
Morgan Stanley issues full US recession alert - Telegraph
YouTube - Boston Tea Party World Record Attempt for Ron Paul
Common Infant Vaccine Recalled - Forbes.com
Part 1- PBS Caging Story
Part 2- PBS Caging Story
Part 1- Palast on the Randi Rhodes show on Bush's Vultures
Part 2- Palast on the Randi Rhodes show on Vultures
Vulture Battle
Clinton Campaign Insiders Question Top Aide's Approach: Report
Where Bloomberg Fits in Election - WSJ.com
Offstage gibes overshadow GOP debate
With Campaign Underway, Obama Now Must Show More Than Potential - washingtonpost.com
A Determined Voice Lost in the Wilderness Greg Palast
National Review's Weird Endorsement of Mitt Romney
Forced IDs
Vaccine Politics
Neocon Groups Don't Represent American Jews
An Open Letter to Apathetic Americans
Only Ron Paul
A Dino To Rival T-Rex
Iran Mass Murder Is Off the Table
It' s a Secular Office in a Secular Government
The Retro Record Player
An Open Letter to Democrats
An Open Letter to Advocates of Individual Freedom
Are You a Patriot or a Loyalist?
An Open Letter to the Antiwar Left
A Man for All Reasons
Thank you, Bush and Cheney
An Open Letter to Republicans
Harmless As Doves - Christian Pacifism & Anarchism
God's role in politics
Who can beat Hillary?
Truthdig - Reports - Waterboarding Our Democracy
Truthdig - Reports - The 401(k) Myth
Truthdig - Reports - From Oil Wars to Water Wars
Truthdig - Reports - Disappointment Doesn’t Have to Be Normal
Ron Paul "Obliterates Field" In National Presidential Caucus
Greenspan: subprime "accident waiting to happen"
Have Bilderberg Kingmakers Selected Perry for Giuliani Running Mate?
Iran Invasion On Hold
Only Fascism Can Liberate America!
From crib to grave you are watched
Ron Paul Scrubbed From Glenn Beck Poll
Ron Paul Support Climbing in Presidential Race
FDR: They Call It a New Order... It Is Not New and It Is Not Order
Naomi Wolf - "There hasen't been a real investigation of 9/11."
Computer Hackers Will Always Be Ahead Of The Law | Guns Lot
Ron Paul Warns Middle Class Being “Wiped Out” In Final Debate
Neocons Revise WMD Entry on Wikipedia Propaganda Portal
DARPA’s Control Freak Technology
Elite Depopulation Agenda Gains Ground
Thompson Slams Romney on $50 Abortions
Look: A Nation Video Surveilled
Pope Condemns Climate Change Prophets of Doom
How Bush Became the Signing Statement Dictator
Mutant Cold Virus Can Be Deadly
U.S. Intelligence Personnel Tap Indonesian Phones
Few Privy to FISA Court Rulings
U.N.’s Ban Ki-moon is a Carbon Criminal
Gary Webb’s Enduring Legacy
McDonalds and Bailiffs Team Up to Fleece Fast Food Eaters
Top 100 Contractors In Iraq And Afghanistan
WorldNetDaily: Hamas-sympathizing juror behind terror mistrial
9 House members praise Islamic faith, won't recognize Christian observance
Shouting match of seasonal greetings turns violent on NYC subway
'What she did was a felony. This is the birth of Christ we're celebrating here'
Uses own money for display after group launches protest in neighboring town
Traditional values challenged in unusual alliance to combat disease
Exclusive: Joseph Farah blasts pastor for giving 'aid and comfort to a diabolical enemy'
But Ramos, Compean abandoned in presidential pardons
ICE agent had revealed heroin-to-trespass plea bargain
Budget amendment 'threatens' border security plan
Congress unified on bill to halt Bush administration program
Woman accuses official of using sex to impede official investigation
Cops crack down on dad watching baby while mom sidewalk-counseled at abortion clinic
Lawyer compares vacant property to lost puppy that needs care
Judgment day as Mitchell prepares to announce results of long investigation
Rushed back to U.S. from Sweden for medical treatment
Terror leader boasts as city official steps down in wake of massive rocket attack
Hamas Television program seeks liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque
Country's former president tells WND he sees growing trend of persecution
Writers' action impacting television programs
GOP frontrunners all believe climate change serious threat
Mormon church weighs in on Huckabee suggestion
Antiwar group: 'We felt betrayed by the very people we helped to put into office'
'The feeling is that [Bill] is a power behind the throne'
'Once polls showed them losing out ... they have chosen to go negative'
Not responsibility of federal government to run our lives
'I like singing carols along with everybody else'
'Infuse LGBTQ curriculum into history, social science, and literature classes'
Law protects people with 'gender identity issues' in public accommodations
Well-off baby boomers likely to favor comfortable lifestyles over leaving money to heirs
Tim Tebow: 'I am fortunate, fortunate for a lot of things. God truly blessed me'
Pontiff suggests fears over man-made emissions melting ice caps are scare-mongering
Measure would have imposed same scrutiny given to professionals
'I do think there is a powerful movement to undermine a fundamental truth about biology'
Revolver with 5 hollow point bullets found in elementary parking lot
'Maybe this will warn people ... You'll end up in pink underwear on the chain gang'
Accused child rapist threatens to kill judge, judge's family using anthrax
Man convicted of 32 sexual charges against 10 male students
Man faces 7 years if convicted for molesting 6-year-old girl
Give up your weapons, come over to us, jihad leaders urge
Scientists believe silica-rich soils could support microbial life as on Earth
Student determines 13th root of 200-digit random number in just 70.2 seconds
Notoriously private Oscar-winner acknowledges lesbian partner in public for 1st time
If men are abundant, this will influence market value of their desired traits
Differences from men in lower backs, hip joints allow them to adjust center of gravity
Best known as half of R&B duo with ex-wife Tina
Refuses to part with liquor before boarding, sickened with alcohol poisoning
'When we woke up we found her completely paralyzed, so we rushed her to the vet'
Images show fish leaping into pipe 3 feet above water level
New devices will map presence of oil, liquid magma or water underground
Forecasts: Well-off baby boomers likely to favor comfortable lifestyles over leaving money to heirs
Biggest rise in 34 years propelled by gasoline
Central bankers around world pulling out stops to thaw credit markets
Local governments charge cash tied up in investments rated so low, value questionable
Says Wall Street believed own PR: 'It worked wonderfully until it didn't work at all'
Investors unconvinced by Fed plan to work with central banks to alleviate credit crisis
Increasing food, oil prices lift consumer price index 6.9% from same period last year
Projected to rebound to over $3.40 per gallon next spring as driving season begins
Formation under 2-mile thick salt layer has stocks rising on 'reserves excitement'
Federal judge gives California OK to regulate greenhouse gases from vehicles
Beijing to allow more U.S. health inspectors into plants, require annual inspections
Lawsuit-abuse watchdog says silly warnings reflect how broken civil justice system is
'Tens of millions of consumers could be adversely affected'
Sterilization problem: Contamination found Pennsylvania plant where medicine produced
Wares packaged, made to look like candy to appeal to younger kids
Safety watchdog: 'The track record on existing reactors leaves much to be desired'
Several Fortune 500 companies begin pitching family-friendly benefits to men
Toys have sold out at Wal-Mart, not many left at Target.com, either
Exclusive: Tristan Emmanuel sees East in role of re-discipling Western secularists
Ann Coulter wallops author, calls Al Gore 'vaguely gay, morbidly obese'
Exclusive: Craige McMillan wants affirmative-action program for conservatives in media
Rebecca Hagelin exposes life-threatening, judgment-free advice given to our kids
Larry Elder: 'No one put a gun to either lenders' or borrowers' heads'
Exclusive: Jack Cashill reports on tryst of Republican turned Dem who ousted pro-lifer
NRO editors: We always select 'the most conservative viable candidate'
Ad parody: Mike's not 'a crook or a weirdo or a Mormon!'
Ruth Conniff hammers Republicans participating in final GOP pre-primary debate
Don Feder compares trio's tough immigration talk to previous actions on issue
Walter E. Williams: Problems in black community can only be solved by blacks
Randall Hoven, small-government conservative, argues for universal health coverage
In Iowa, A Scrambling Lesson For Clinton
Al Gore lays blame for Bali stalemate on US
Peterson's missing Blue Containers
Green Line trolley rear-ends another downtown
Clinton Adviser: Obama Drug Use Concern
Thompson scores debate points
Huckabee apologizes to Romney
A push to track suicides among recent veterans
Federal Judge Upholds Law on Emissions in California
Storm heading East after crippling Midwest
Peterson says wife shot gun
Drew: Stacy 'sexied up' for pastor
CHP seizes more than 800 pot plants after crash, traffic stop
Pot growth widespread, investigation reveals
Vote unlikely to shut out Blackwater
Blackwater To Build Rural Calif. Training Camp
A concise overview of school aid issue
S. Florida faces tighter water rules
Tax boost predicted in face of state's largest deficit since '91
Probing the CIA Tapes — Carefully
Durbin seeks interrogation tape disclosure
Congress to Probe Iraq Rape Allegations
Halliburton Employee Finally Gets Attention for Rape Case
Car-ferry shutdown riles Port Townsend merchants
Demolition of Public Housing Starts
Mother of Mall Shooter Apologizes
Von Maur Shooter's Mother Says She Sensed Something Wasn't Right
Biochemist Kills Husband By Stuffing Him, Alive, in Vat of Acid
Wife Guilty Of Husband Timothy Schuster's Acid Vat Murder
EU leaders sign key reform treaty
Assassination pulls Lebanese army into power game
Kasparov says dropping Russian presidential bid
Brown demands Moscow reverse British Council ban
Car bombs kill 41 in Iraq's south
Top US Officials in Iraq Condemn Car Bombings in Amarah
Challenges to Musharraf Presidency Expected to Resume
Sirens, displays mark Chinese commemoration of 'Nanking Massacre'
Afghans say hundreds of Taliban killed in Musa Qala
Afghan, NATO Forces Kill More than 50 Taliban in South
Fear of New War as Clashes Erupt on Congo’s Edge
Stepmother: Princess Diana was obsessed with accidents
Di Probe: Big Day For Conspiracy Believers
Sanctions against Iran necessary, UK says
Peace talks stumble early
Final Days in the Battle for South Africa's Ruling Party Presidency
Solomons PM Ousted in No-Confidence Vote
Zimbabwe: Don't Exploit People - President
No violence during election, Mugabe tells supporters
Mulroney denies key Schreiber allegations
Italy Struggles Under Truck Strike
Australian police rule out sweep after child rape horror
Ten blighted lives: the sad road to a shocking gang rape
Malaysia arrests ethnic Indians

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