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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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13 December 2007

13 Dec.

Subpoenas for Al Sharpton's aides
Clinton Adviser Out After Obama Comment
wcbstv.com - Angry Sharpton Denounces Federal Investigation
Another Alleged Bus Beating In Baltimore - WBAL Radio - wbal.com
Another Bus Attack Reported - Baltimore News Story - WBAL Baltimore
Argentina calls U.S. cash probe a dirty trick | International | Reuters
Pelosi: Republicans `like' Iraq War
Senate Judiciary approves contempt resolutions against Rove, Bolten - The Crypt's Blog - Politico.com
Intraparty Feuds Dog Democrats, Stall Congress
Democrats Bow to Bush's Demands in House Spending Bill
Dems cave on spending
Our view on war in Iraq: Surge's success holds chance to seize the moment in Iraq - Opinion - USATODAY.com
My Way News - Gore: US Blocking Climate Talks Progress
Gore wrong on US being climate change obstacle: US
All 11 hottest years were in last 13: UK Met Office | Environment | Reuters
Gordon Brown | Prime Minister | Signs EU treaty today giving up migrant control | The Sun |HomePage|News|EU Referendum
BBC NEWS | Europe | EU leaders sign landmark treaty
The Page - by Mark Halperin - TIME
clinton Adviser: Obama Drug Use Concern
Clinton insiders question top aide's approach -- Newsday.com
HillaryClinton.com - Video
Huckabee Hides His Full Gospel?
Shield needed against Iran missile threat: U.S. | Reuters
Military Soft On Don't Ask, Don't Tell?, 60 Minutes: Is Military More Tolerant Of Gay Members In Wartime? - CBS News
Democrats Blaming Each Other For Failures
WorldNetDaily: Dems: Amen to Ramadan, but forget about Christmas
C.I.A. Agents Sense Shifting Support for Methods - New York Times
IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Would Democrats Waterboard Atta?
Engineer indicted on spying - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
WorldNetDaily: Hamas-sympathizing juror behind terror mistrial
globeandmail.com: Arab world opens door to Western classics
North Korea may have aided Hezbollah: U.S. report | Reuters
Olympia’s protest bill: $112,168 - South Sound - The Olympian - Olympia, Washington
Subpoenas for Al Sharpton's aides
U.S. Says Venezuela Tried to Give $800,000 to Argentine - washingtonpost.com
AKI - Adnkronos international Iran: Man faces death by stoning for adultery
Lack of pardon for agents ripped - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Congress Must Be Held Accountable for Solving the Illegal Immigration Crisis
Remembering John Jay, One of Our Founding Fathers
Online Video Commentary on the "Holiday" Season
Asking the Wrong Questions About the Federal Reserve
Rove touted Russert question on Clinton library docs based on falsehood
NBC's Gregory, Lauer didn't challenge Romney's claims on religious test
Savage: "90 percent of the people on the Nobel Committee are into child pornography and molestation, according to the latest scientific studies"
Wash. Post claimed "congressional approval ratings ... a notch below Bush's," but Post poll says Dems above Bush
O'Reilly: "I think that Obama needs to answer some questions about his point of view, not only on the USA, but on a lot of things"
Imus: "Why don't you like Huckabee? Because you're gay, or what?"
Olbermann named Hannity, Wash. Post 's Ignatius in "Worst Person" segments
Wash. Post 's Milbank compares Edwards' haircuts to undocumented workers at Romney's home while "he's complaining about illegal immigrants"
Rove touted Russert question on Clinton library docs based on falsehood
Scarborough: "[I]t seems to me you have your Holocaust deniers ... then you have your Giuliani deniers"
Limbaugh misrepresented Bill Moyers, said "I'm pretty sure he's lost his mind"
Dick Morris misrepresented facts of DuMond case in purporting to explain Huckabee's focus
CNN's Sesno asserted Iran is "still proceeding" with highly enriched uranium processing -- not according to NIE
Couric did not challenge Romney's claim that "[n]o religious test should ever be required for qualification for office"
Despite numerous errors and flaws, Sally Bedell Smith book on Clintons largely escaped factual scrutiny
O'Reilly claims Buffett "being deceptive" on issue of tax disparity between him and his secretary -- but he's been clear
O'Reilly named "Worst Person" "runner-up" for claim that two illegal immigrants are dead because of "Houston's sanctuary city policies"
O'Reilly suggested celebrities' support for Edwards is akin to that of serial killers Dahmer and Gacy
CNN compared Gore to Jerry Lewis; Miles O'Brien said Gore "may be the Nutty Professor"
Boehlert: What's Howard Kurtz's agenda at the Wash. Post ?
Media Matters - Politico called Clinton's Sunday-show laugh "calculated" and a "cackle," but Giuliani's laugh "good-natured[]"
In "Front-runners" profile of Edwards, four Wash. Post pieces mentioned expensive haircuts
Dershowitz review of O'Reilly Kids book concluded "it should be placed ... with the joke books"
Democrats talk up change in last debate before Iowa caucuses - CNN.com
Status Quo Debate a Victory for Obama
Thompson Re-Emerges, but Odds Are Against Him
Should Dems Love White Guys, or Dump Them?
Huckabee, Like Reagan, Wouldn't Be 'Easy Kill'
Huckabee's Boom May Be Ready to Bust
George Bush, Mr. Relevant
Dems Blaming Each Other for Failures
Don't Underestimate Immigration in '08
Immigration: Not Really A Third Rail
Dialogue with Iran is Not the Answer
In Iowa, a Scrambling Lesson for Clinton
No Firewall in NH for Hillary
Thompson Registers in GOP Debate
Awful Debate Was a Waste of Time
Hillary's Slush-Fund Attack
Is Huckabee the New Jimmy Carter?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Oprah Factor: A Big Boost for Obama
Where Bloomberg Fits in Election
How Immigration is Reshaping Politics
Misreading the Iran Report
Fixing the CIA Mess
When Waterboarding Works
CIA Agents Sense Shifting Support for Methods
Powerful Awakening Shakes Iraqi Politics
The End of Globalization?
Lou Dobbs Winning Would Be a Disaster
An Armed Hero
Surge's Success Holds Chance in Iraq
Algeria Warning
Do-Nothing Congress
Why Harvard Costs So Much
Final Debate Before Iowa Shows Uncertainty at Top of GOP Field
Salvos Intensify in Clinton-Obama Tiff
HRC Troubles May Pose Problem For Giuliani
Edwards Banks on Veteran Caucusgoers to Pull Off Iowa
Huckabee On "Money & Politics"
The Des Moines Register GOP Debate
Mitt Romney On Hannity & Colmes
Roundtable on the GOP Debate
Mike Huckabee And His Apology
Immigration reshapes politics everywhere
Judiciary approves contempt resolutions
Foreign buyers court Congress
HRC's personal apology
Decked out in the halls of Congress
Huck camp backtracks on Mormon question
Dems cave on budget; conservatives still wary
Liveblog: Iowa Democratic debate
Democrats say in final pre-Iowa debate: Tax the wealthiest Americans
Giuliani urges GOP to address climate issues
Actor Robbins, unionists raise voices for Edwards
I know I can win, Richardson says
Basu: Does Huckabee sound too liberal to rally GOP?
Domestic Issues Highlight Dems' Debate
Democrats Hold Final Iowa Debate
Analysis: Iowa Polls Drove Huckabee Surge
McConnell faces one less challenger
Young activists furious with Clinton, Dodd
Restrained candidates stay polite
Clinton enters debate with race wide open
Broad Energy Bill Stalls in Senate
Contempt Vote in Panel for Bush Aides
Farm Subsidy Reform Fails Again
Latinos hurt by immigration debate: study
Study: Immigration Debate Has Latinos Feeling Vulnerable
Corman Announces Feds Rejection of PA Application to toll I-80
Election-rule questions tie up school vote results
Gregoire seeks $100 million for new ferries
Probing the CIA Tapes — Carefully
CIA Chief Cites Agency Lapse on Tapes
Oberweis gets Hastert nod, one less foe in congressional bid
Hastert: Oberweis should be my successor
Protesters marching to HUD offices
CTA workers to walk off job- for one day
US Army Creates Office Of Gaming
Green Line trolley rear-ends another downtown
NJ Expected to Repeal Death Penalty
Rule grounding pilots at age 60 may be overturned
Federal Judge Upholds Law on Emissions in California
Is America the Villain in Bali?
Lebanon seeks UN help in probing general's killing
Lebanese Army Investigates Slaying of Top General
Gordon Brown signs Britain up to EU treaty
Russia's Kasparov Abandons Presidential Bid
Nothing a 'Done Deal' In Russian Politics
EU nations poised to go it alone over Kosovo
Poverty in the streets of Algiers, breeding ground for terrorism
China Commemorates 70 Years Since the Nanjing Massacre
US, NATO Troop Levels in Afghanistan
Afghans say hundreds of Taliban killed in Musa Qala
Blair sees Gazans backing Abbas over peace push
Israel Urged to Ease Palestine Controls
CORRECTION: Brown demands Moscow reverse British Council ban
How Iran's president is being undercut
Diana’s confidante reveals she has link to intelligence service
Diana wrote Philip: 'Dearest Pa'
Duke of Edinburgh's 'caring' letters revealed at Diana inquest
New rocket attack in Israeli town
Red Cross Issues Call for Relief in Gaza
After Clashes, Fear of War on Congo’s Edge
CHRONOLOGY-Key dates in Zimbabwe's crisis
Mistrial for six in Miami terrorism-conspiracy case
Jurors deadlock in 6 of 7 defendants in Sears Tower plot
Train blast kills five in Assam
Solomons PM Ousted in No-Confidence Vote
Argentina Calls US Charges in Probe a `Dirty Trick' (Update2)
Democratic '08 hopes vow to rescue economy
Clinton apologizes to Obama

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