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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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14 November 2007


Judith Regan Sues Murdoch Empire - November 13, 2007
Giuliani-Kerik Angle in Suit by Ex-Publisher - New York Times
NY governor drops immigrant license plan | Reuters
No need for more oil now, OPEC tells U.S - Yahoo! News
U.S. Sets Record in Sexual Disease Cases
My Way News - Scientists Claim to Clone Monkey Embryos
Outbreak of lethal bird flu confirmed in Britain
Old golfers accused of hogging the holes| News | This is London
Magnitude 7.7 - ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
Major Earthquake Strikes Chile
Strike Hobbles French Traffic
BBC NEWS | Europe | Does French 'people power' rule OK?
Pump price to jump 20 cents next 2-3 weeks: government - Yahoo! News
UN official warns of ignoring warming - Yahoo! News
Buffett backs U.S. estate tax and decries wealth gap | Reuters
FT.com / In depth - Brussels to investigate Google ad deal
Soldier who took overdose on eve of Iraq trip 'feared having to shoot children' | the Daily Mail
CORRECTIVE: Paris Hilton Story
NY Governor Drops Immigrant License Plan
S.F. supervisors approve ID cards for residents
Musharraf Tells Sky News He Has Considered Resigning |Sky News|House Ads
Pakistan Leader to Quit Army This Month
Camille Paglia on Hillary Clinton, Norman Mailer, Ellen Degeneres and more | Salon.com
Clinton to test her luck in Vegas
McCain Answered Woman Who Rapped Clinton
CBS Poll: Mike Huckabee Surging In Iowa, Romney Leads, Ex-Arkansas Governor In Second With 21 P
Tancredo Ad Invokes Terror, Immigrants
DEBKAfile - Rice: Israelis must be prepared for "difficult and painful sacrifices" now that they have a negotiating partner in President Abbas
Google says will not censor racist, anti-Semitic content - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews
Gays should be hanged, says Iranian minister - Times Online
UC Berkeley protester says he broke wrist, ankle in fall from tree
Admitted pedophile heading back to Calif. | KATU.com - Portland, Oregon | Local & Regional
Woman who falsely cried rape EIGHT times is spared jail | the Daily Mail
Do or die - Military News, news from Iraq, photos, reports from the war - Military Times
Get Kids Vaccinated Or Else, Parents Told - washingtonpost.com
China defends databases on foreign journalists | International | Reuters
Bomb kills 3 outside Philippine Congress - Yahoo! News
Prosecutors: Illegal immigrant worked for FBI, CIA, stole info
CNSNews.com Letters to the Editor
Geopolitics at $100 a Barrel
Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda on Energy Policy
A Crucial 50 Days for the Dem Candidates
Powder Room Politics
Queen Hillary's Disruptive Court
Rudy in Trouble Without Iowa Win
What Makes John Edwards Run?
The Insanity of Bush Hatred
Musharraf's Electoral Farce
My Aunt Is Not Pakistan's Saviour
No Easy Answers to al-Qaeda Threat
GOP Finds Solid Ground on Iraq War
Veterans Day 2007: Victory in Iraq?
We Took Our Eye Off the Real Threat
Send the State Department to War
Unholster the 2nd Amendment
Don't Look to Government to Cool Down the Planet
Dueling Strategies in the Republican Campaign
Where's That Energy Bill?
Clinton Tries to Have It Both Ways on Trade
Lessons From Denmark's Election
Spitzer in Free Fall
GOP Primary Story Stars a Democratic Antagonist
Clinton Pours Cash into S.C.
Grassley Plans No Caucus Endorsement
Bush Strategist Looks Back in Sadness
Endgame Gears Up for Amazon Assault
Wiesenthal Center Presents 9/11 Sites with Jihadist Sites in Terrorism Hearing
Opinion Polls Skewed To Marginalize Ron Paul
Hillary Refers to Being President "Again"
Russian Military Chief Calls America "Evil"
Genesis Communications Network News
Did CIA hand over Pearl murder suspect to be tortured nearly to death?
Sean Hannity Exposed as Fox Yellow Journalist
Giuliani Gave David Rockefeller U.N. Award
Deputy Director of National Intelligence: Kiss the Fourth Goodbye
Currency Controls Return as Central Banks Fight Gains
America’s Reddest States Raise Most Donors for Ron Paul
Ron Paul: For You
Chicago Traders Cheer Ron Paul On As He Tears Into Bernanke
Simon Wiesenthal Center presents 9/11 sites alongside radical Jihadist sites to House Hearing on “Terrorism and the Internet”
Glenn Beck Deems Ron Paul “Domestic Threat”
CHANGE Confronts Sean Hannity
Guantánamo Bay Manual Leaked on the Web?
Fox: the Soft Porn News Network
Student Confesses: Clinton Aide Fed Her Climate Change Question
“Drug War” Puts Blackwater Back in the Running
$100 Oil May Mean Recession as U.S. Economy Hits ‘Danger Zone’
Bush Talks “Strong Dollar” as the Economy Goes to Hell in a Hand-basket
One Man’s Recession
The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush
EU Bureaucrats Move to Censor and Filter the Internet
David Horowitz: One Dimensional Former Marxist Gone Neocon
Power, Passion, and Neoliberalism
High Cost of Paying for a Hoax
ELECTION NOTEBOOK Huckabee hugs Romney in Iowa poll
Huckabee, Romney fight over illegal immigration
Things Get Uglier In Pakistan
France Grinds to Halt Over Transportation Strike
Mukasey: 'We do law, but the result is justice'
A Selective History of Giuliani's NYC
Giuliani is launching his first television ad.
US researchers clone a monkey, get stem cells
From the moon to the Earth--in HD
No "Dark Side of the Moon" and Other Science Party Poopers
Report: Blackwater Killings Unjustified
Wisconsin Prison in Lockdown After Inmate Takes Employee Hostage
Spitzer: ‘The Issue Does Not Disappear’
Peete sentenced to four years in prison
New Polls Show Tightening Race in Iowa for Both Parties
Bush vetoes spending bill, tells Congress to cut the pork
Values of blacks and whites are converging, survey finds
Man in AC Showboat standoff to appear in court
Ill. Cop Under Fire Proclaims Innocence
Police Commissioner Defends Shooting
Ex-FBI, CIA Worker Admits Taking Classified Information
Pilot says Cosco Busan's captain directed vessel into bridge
Anti-war protesters complain to Olympia officials
Navy told to reduce sonar effects on marine life
Russia may deploy missiles in Belarus: general
Body of Alabama senator's grandson found
Key bishop voices alarm over Iraq
Imran Khan Arrested for First Time Under Emergency (Update5)
UN envoy "disturbed" by Myanmar arrest in visit
Former Muslim rebel may have been target in Philippines bombing
Chadians Protest French Intervention in Kidnap Saga
Up to 10 dead as Pakistani army attacks militants
Labour crunch is top task for Danish PM-lobby
Britain Plans New Security Measures
Emergency Rule in Georgia to Be Lifted
Turkish Aircraft Attack Abandoned Iraqi Villages
Hamas widens Gaza crackdown with new press restrictions
Premiers from divided Korea talk peace and money
Three Khmer Rouge charged with UK deminer murder
Climate summary fuels worry
Russian PM takes charge of oil spill clean-up
Australian Election Campaign Enters Final Stages
Iran ex-atom official "gave information" to UK
Sixth body found after house fire
WorldNetDaily: New! WND apparel – made in the USA!
Government demands answers, but official confirms penalties not applied
Jurist rules in favor of colleague, snatches $1 million parcel
Simulation unites federal, local agencies to respond to terror attack
But argues feds 'lost control' of borders, left states with consequences
Largest U.S. city to issue municipal pieces of identification
Temblor reported 37 miles deep, damage unknown
But new poll shows vast majority oppose evacuating strategic territory
Christians fear 'we'll become casualties of retaliation, escalating violence'
WND Jerusalem chief to debrief on Middle East, terror war
U.S. No. 2 diplomat sent to urge Musharraf to rescind emergency rule
YouTube flags content as possibly inappropriate for people under 18
Poll shows Arkansan surging in early presidential state
Actor pens fundraising e-mail on behalf of Arkansas Republican
'He's not afraid to stand up for a Creator and against secularist beliefs'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah tells of book exposing the Clintons' 'criminal syndicate'
Company confirms it will be selling 'Christmas' decorations
Colorado proposal would use loophole Blackmun created in 'Roe'
WorldNetDaily: Brazil reports massive oil discovery
Billions spent to counter Chinese satellite attacks
Chertoff oversees naturalization ceremony in Saddam's old theater
Says News Corp. official wanted her to lie to protect Giuliani
Physician specializes in research of sexually transmitted diseases
16-year-old breaks into building, strips, defecates on floor
Threatens to spread STDs they were originally meant to prevent
'He's a big guy. I don't even know how he could fit through there'
Attempt to atone for stoning 2 other canines to death
But still being paid year after removed from classroom
Mitt spending more than $85,000 a day on campaign commercials
Student details how she was fed question for Hillary
Young woman describes planted question scenario in detail
Benazir Bhutto rules out power-sharing in Pakistan
Lebanese national searched for intel on relatives tied to Hezbollah
Never made comments about helping drunken elephants in India
'Hopefully we will not see this turn into a trend'
Major policy shift only days into tenure of new attorney general
Spouse is Alzheimer's patient who had been suicidal
Boy was playing with matches, but no evidence of intent
Says Simpson gave order to draw weapon before men entered room
Man tries to elude police in pond, gets attacked by reptile
Mentally ill boy could be heard yelling, 'I've got a gun!' in 9-1-1 call
To raise money for her husband's presidential library

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