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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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13 November 2007

13 Nov.

CNN.com - CNN Political Ticker Student given question to ask Clinton: I wasn’t only one «
BBC NEWS UK Suffolk bird flu is H5N1 strain
Tests confirm infected Norfolk turkeys have deadly H5N1 flu strain News This is London
Four-month-old babies attending gym classes the Daily Mail
Pump price to jump 20 cents next 2-3 weeks: government U.S. Reuters
Russia, India to join in moon mission
wcbstv.com - Great Grandmother Strip-Searched At N.Y. Casino
wcbstv.com - NYC Taxpayers May Soon Be Funding 'Pigeon Czar'
Mayor Supports Pigeon Feeding Ban - November 13, 2007 - The New York Sun
Troubled young pupils may turn out well, too, studies say - International Herald Tribune
Many Europeans choose Internet over TV - Yahoo! News
Ga. governor prays for rain amid drought - Yahoo! News
wcbstv.com - Sign Of Times: NJ School Cameras Fed Live To Cops
Don't try hiding behind privacy -- Newsday.com
Democrats remain stalled on Iraq debate - Jim VandeHei and John F. Harris - Politico.com
Iraq, Afghan War Costs Are $1.6 Trillion
UN official warns of ignoring warming - Yahoo! News
China Mobile sets up on Mount Everest - Yahoo! News
Miami condo at ground zero in mortgage fraud Reuters
Wall Street Climbs Back Over 13,000 Mark: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Murdoch: WSJ.com Expected to Be Free: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
cbs2chicago.com - 4 Organ Recipients Infected With HIV
Monkeys rampage in Indian capital
In land of the Monkey God, a primate menaces Reuters
Saudi Prince Buying 'Flying Palace' Jet
In book, FBI agent says Saddam Hussein cried at last meeting
James Hibberd - Strikers Gain Fan Support - TVWeek - Blogs
CNN.com - CNN Political Ticker Romney spending $85K a day on TV ads «
My Way News - Singer Charged With False Imprisonment
Boy George is charged after 'chaining male escort to a wall' the Daily Mail
My Way News - Bhutto Calls on Musharraf to Resign
Bhutto Placed Under House Arrest Again
Star-Telegram.com: 11/12/2007 Man cited for porn on wheels
McCain & The Character Factor
Clinton's Strategy For Crushing the Media
Giuliani's Lead is Weaker Than It Looks
The Can't-Win Democratic Congress
As Iraq Improves, Coverage Dries Up
What Musharraf Could Not Abide
What's It Like to Be Pakistan's Leader?
Hit the Brakes on License Plan
Immigrant Issue Can't Save GOP
Pay-Go Is Good Politics
The Rich Aren't Made of Money
For Read on '08 Races, Look at Class of '06
Crusades Versus Caution
Repairing a Crack in the System
The Problem with Modern Memorials
The Unpredictability of the Iowa Caucuses
McCain's Moment?
What it Takes
Daily 08
Refuting the Populists on 'Income Inequality'
Clinton Records Under Wraps
The Court and Guns
The Challenge of Gordon Brown's Global Vision
'08 Clock Ticks for Congress
Anti-War Voters Lash Out at Dems They Helped Put in Office
Anti-abortion Group Will Back Fred Thompson
McCain Disavows Group Trying to Help His Campaign
BBC To Apologize For 9/11 Truth Hit Piece?
Sean Hannity Exposed as Fox Yellow Journalist
Deputy Director of National Intelligence: Kiss the Fourth Goodbye
Giuliani Gave David Rockefeller UN Award, Mentioning CFR, Bilderberg 'Contributions'
Even a weakened dollar still rules
Genesis Communications Network
CFR's Benn Steil: National Currency Is Obsolete
Currency Controls Return as Central Banks Fight Gains
Suspect in Pearl's killing dies after interrogation: report
CHEMTRAILS: Is U.S. Gov't. Secretly Testing Americans 'Again'?
TruthNews.us » homepage
Simon Wiesenthal Center presents 9/11 sites alongside radical Jihadist sites to House Hearing on “Terrorism and the Internet”
CHANGE Confronts Sean Hannity
Student Confesses: Clinton Aide Fed Her Climate Change Question
“Drug War” Puts Blackwater Back in the Running
$100 Oil May Mean Recession as U.S. Economy Hits ‘Danger Zone’
Bush To Give Keynote Address Honoring Federalist Society’s 25th Anniversary
Roadside bombs found in Iraqi policeman’s house
Constitutional amendment would aim to prevent White House political dynasty
One Man’s Recession
The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush
The Last Dead Bull on Wall Street
Dollar Crisis: None dare call it ‘conspiracy’
New Jersey Cops Turn Schools into Real Time Video Panopticon
Ministry Of Truth Helpfully Redefines Privacy
Georgian Police Use Sound Weapons on Demonstrators
U.S. Intelligence Official: Privacy Is a Soviet Style Bureaucracy That Knows Everything About You
Deputy Director of National Intelligence: Kiss the Fourth Goodbye
2.3 million US Soldiers vs 11.7 million Iranian Soldiers = DRAFT
Bolton Smears ElBaradei As Iran Apologist, Says ‘Even A Stopped Clock Is Right Twice A Day’
Israel: Syria Insane, Wants to Attack Dimona Nuclear Facility
U.S. Tortures “Insurgents” in Iraq to Get Incriminating “Evidence” Against Iran
Broken Supply Channel Sent Weapons for Iraq Astray
Fox News: We’re Not Doing Enough to Kill Iranians
Democrat says ‘king’ Bush no longer honors right that dates to Middle Ages
Are Americans completely incapable of getting mad as hell?
Cops: The State’s Totalitarian Enforcers
The Judeo-Christian Conflict: Zionism vs. Jesus
For Oakland 13-year-old, real life scarier than any circus stunt
UC Berkeley protester says he broke wrist, ankle in fall from tree
Hilton Tries to Help Drunken Elephants
Journalism professor ousted as columnist for plagiarism
'Radical Islam' should jolt voters, evangelicals say - USATODAY.com
CQ Politics Angry Hispanic Democrats Confront House Leaders
WorldNetDaily: Gunmen storm high-security nuclear facility
How a Business Flop Became Political Force - WSJ.com
Iran police unveil 'vice list'
Negativity on Islam 'fuels tension' UK Latest Guardian Unlimited
Pajamas Media: Al-Dura and the "Public Secret" of Middle East Journalism
Islamic Car Coming Down the Pike? -- 11/12/2007
Global Warming Plot Thickens: Gore Joins Venture Capital Group NewsBusters.org
Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs
Muslim sheik met with Rice, senators, 'very glad' for 'access' to policy-makers
Exclusive: Joseph Farah sees upcoming summit as more appeasement of terrorists
Justice hires staff strictly on merit, calls gender quotas 'dehumanizing'
Chertoff oversees naturalization ceremony in Saddam's old theater
U.S. engaging in 5-year 'game-play' exercise for terrorism, major disasters
'No one is being charged unless more evidence becomes available'
Rules out serving under him after placed under house arrest again
Explosion kills driver, injures at least 7 people, including lawmakers
Developer confirms role, legislator raps ex-governor for using taxpayer funds for illegals
'I wasn't the only one at the event who was a plant'
Proposes worldwide ban on companies developing Tehran's oil, gas fields
Top climate official uses phrase 'criminally irresponsible'
Police won't budge: 'It would be irresponsible on our part to change or alter that'
Bill Clinton archenemy Dick Scaife now admires him
Once point man in 'vast right-wing conspiracy,' Scaife opposes Iraq war
Readers cutting through secularization of holiday with statement of faith
City concludes distribution effort is not 'grocery store'
'This is the biggest threat to free speech in a generation and that's not hyperbole'
Poll taken after House leaders dumped Kucinich bill to avoid embarrassment
'They lured him in the garage where they prepared a space to kill him'
Case involves dozens of sexual encounters, including intercourse
'They had started studio to support themselves'
'I expect we'll see clear signs of it in 6 months with a dramatic slowdown'
'At some point it will be a buying opportunity but we're not there yet'
Online brokerage loses more than half its market value
Up to 40% statewide lack enough coverage for home-replacement costs
'This could become a watershed moment'
In hopes of keeping up with rivals in 'business intelligence' software
Ex-vice president joins Silicon Valley venture-capital firm
'It's light, it's small, it comes in colors'
Feds seek cuts in rates companies may charge programmers to lease access
Carriers add more flights to accommodate expected increase
Will etch designs by contemporary artists on back of Zune media players
'It got hold of my son's leg and was carrying him away'
'1 officer has 17 eyes in multiple locations. It's amazing'
Bush administration lawyers argued strongly against move
'Policy does not allow any writer to appropriate someone else's words as his own'
'Football is an emotional game, and I let my emotions get the best of me'
18-year-old girl was paddled for violating dress code
'I'd make sure it's appropriate for my students to look at'
40-year-old from private prep school allegedly assaulted boy
Ex-president says Hillary can handle criticism
Banners fall as Clinton finishes news conference
Hillary: 'I think the bases are not weighted enough'
Had just cracked open Bible at 3:30 a.m. when lights went out
Police call him hero in helping find deputy's suspected killer
Moral crackdown includes makeup, un-Islamic dress, decadent movies
Pontiff also to lead public Mass at Yankee Stadium, speak at U.N.
State court rejects argument she needed pistol for personal protection
$15 offense turns into $250 ordeal for refusing to sign ticket
'People of New York are sick and tired of dodging pigeons and their droppings'
'It isn't something we flaunt, yet it isn't something we covet'
'How do you cope with the shock of going to bed without a care in the world?'
'Christianity has more of a place in the culture here than in some other region'
1/3 of women who meet someone via Web have relations at initial meeting
'Once it knows your name, it will put it in every space it should go'
Nearly completes 12-month maturation, ready to eat by Christmas
Some experts say risks outweigh benefits
Exclusive: Joseph Farah predicts upcoming summit will mean more appeasement of Palestinian terrorists
Exclusive: Janet Folger rebuts Thompson's states-rights rhetoric on marriage, abortion
Exclusive: Mychal Massie blasts Pelosi for having nothing to show for time in leadership
David Limbaugh rips Dems for continuing defeatism despite good news from Iraq
Pat Buchanan sees Pentagon brass helping to stay Bush action against Iran
Dennis Prager: Profanity-laced quotes in anniversary issue show rejection of civilization
Exclusive: Tom Flannery points out peculiarities about recent campus God debate
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving says man who flew A-bomb run in Japan possibly save his life
Exclusive: Noel Williams uses his name to combat rash of 'Christmas phobia'
David Antoon tells of son declining appointment due to 'Christian supremacist views'
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson inspired by passionate speech of non-citizen patriot
Jacob Laksin shares story of student dissident working for regime change
Exxon CEO blames tight supply and dollar for high oil Reuters
FT.com / World - Saudi oil minister rejects Opec raise
Riding the train of dreams across India
Bhutto rules out serving under Musharraf
Fresh inflation spells trouble for China
For Edwards, a man on the run, time is no ally in race
Vice chancellor of Germany steps down
EU takes a stand on aircraft emissions
Ban on fuel sought after S.F. Bay spill
Simpson hearing set to resume in Vegas
Diabetes strikes younger and younger
Lawmaker among 2 killed in Philippines blast
For Edwards, time is no ally in Iowa
Sentences for crack offenses studied
Body Of Illinois Cop's 3rd Wife Exhumed
Senate Scrutiny Of "Light" Cigarette Label
NYC Cops Kill Teen Holding Hairbrush
Airport Death Doctor: Police Blew It
Bush vetoes labor bill
Democrats say hidden costs double war price: report
Assassination suspected in Philippine Congress blast
Hamas cracks down on Fatah after Gaza bloodshed
Hidden costs 'raise US war price'
Spain royal sex cartoonists fined
Fatah members rounded up
Soldiers killed in Cameroon raid
UK bird flu is H5N1 strain
Blast hits Philippine legislature; 2 dead
Iraq, Afghan war costs total $1.6T
Putin: Election win would be show of trust
Ahmadinejad steps up rhetoric
Double standards
Study shows growing race gap in US incomes
French unions' pension protest set to bring Paris to a halt
Winds slow Russian oil spill cleanup
Officials: Contractor slays Iraqi driver
U.S. says Georgia to lift emergency rule in 3 days
Nigeria says 19 Cameroon troops killed in Bakassi
Airline websites 'are misleading'
Nato chided over Afghan inmates
Turks Hit Abandoned Iraqi Villages
Russia Confronts "Ecological Catastrophe"
Life Gets Better In Baghdad
Teens charged with thrill killing
U.S. pulling 3,000 troops from Iraq's Diyala province
Kanye West's mother dies in L.A. after surgery
Target seeks label move for treated meat: report
Lawmaker Calls Black Activist "Buckwheat"
Middle-Class Black Kids Fall Into Poverty
Anonymous Donor Gives $100M To Erie, Pa.
Saudi billionaire buys Airbus superjumbo
Bioenergy group criticizes U.S., European approach to biofuels
Japan on rebound, but worried about U.S. slowdown
Goldman CEO sees no big write-down as firm shorts mortgages
Tuesday's biggest gaining and declining stocks
Treasury bonds rally as investors return from holiday
Energy shares retreat from early gains as oil falls
Updates, advisories and surprises
Home Depot profit drops 27% in `tough environment'
Stocks lifted by robust Wal-Mart earnings
Wal-Mart profit tops forecasts
Home Depot earnings hit by housing market
Oil prices fall after cut in demand forecast
Small business optimism sours on Fed rate cut
Crude oil prices stay depressed, drop about $1 a barrel
Dow climbs back over 13,000 mark
Countrywide loans half of Oct. 2006's, up 4% from Sept.
Credit market chiefs lose power as Citi combines groups
Quicken Loans brings HQ and 4,000 jobs to Detroit
Bank of America sees $3 billion loss on CDOs
Nasdaq gains 2 percent
Ex-auto retail sales growth slows in October
Petrol prices push up inflation
Surveyors see house price falls
First-time home costs 'up again'
State pension 'worst in Europe'
Man in India marries dog as atonement (AP)
Wis. officer accidentally Tasers himself (AP)
Parents, school resolve hugging dispute (AP)
Best to use tools when loosening lug nut (AP)
Snake bite No. 44 'definitely the worst' (AP)
Even erotic food has to follow the rules
One dead, one injured in pet rescue
Former pilots, officials call for UFO probe
Chocolate began as beer-like brew 3,100 years ago?
Olmert meets with settler's Yesha Council heads
China says sanctions will not help Iran dispute, but urges Tehran to adopt flexible stance - Yet
Abbas to Peres: Israel can live in sea of peace - Ynet
Barak: Annapolis parley must be based on premise of Jewish Israel - J'lem Post
Hamas rounds up 400 Fatah members after Gaza rally turns deadly - Ynet
Hurricane Force Winds Cut Power to Thousands in Pacific Northwest - Fox
Explosion at Philippine House of Representatives Kills 2, Injures 9, Including Lawmakers - Fox
Beijing profiles Olympic press corps - Washington Times
Britain: Tests confirm infected Norfolk turkeys have deadly H5N1 flu strain - Evening Standard
Turkish gunships attack Iraqi villages - AP
Georgia's Governor to Join Prayer For Rain on Capitol Steps - CNN
'Mr. Suicide Bomb' goes to Washington - Rice, U.S. lawmakers met with Muslim sheikh who says Jesus, Moses 'prophets for Islam' - WND
Drivers' price at the pump could rise by 20 cents - USA Today
U.S. Military Begins Reversing Iraq Troop Surge - Fox
Bhutto Says Pakistan's Musharraf Must Step Down as President, Army Chief - Fox
Saudi Prince Buying $300 Million 'Flying Palace' Jet - Fox
ANALYSIS: Hamas losing grip on Gaza, Fatah gaining support - Haaretz
Bishops barred from Western Wall - Jerusalem Post
1,500 new classrooms needed in east Jerusalem - J'lem Post
The Democrats' Surge Problem - William Kristol
Washington Protects the Terror Masters - Daniel Pipes
Asymmetric cyber threat - James A. Lyons Jr.
Islam and the nation-state - Caroline B. Glick
Fred Thompson's Abortion Evolution
Fred Thompson keeps nose to Iowa grind
FCC chief proposes to relax media ownership ban
From Danger's realm come Android's makers
Long march comes up short
Hamas-Fatah rivalry turns deadly in Gaza
Hamas Cracks Down on Fatah in Gaza Strip
Massive effort to clear oil spill
Giuliani camp still has eye on later races
Rudy Giuliani advisers focus on later, delegate-rich states
Ship may have strayed from course before spill, records show
Officials explore oil spill safeguards
The Pope's US Trip: Avoiding Boston?
Pope will bypass Boston in US visit
FCC Chief Suggests Change To Cross-Ownership Rule
Wal-Mart Rings Up Gains
Transport Strikes Could Derail Sarkozy
Student said she was not the only one told what to ask
New details on Clinton's planted question
The Race to Be the Un-Hillary
Clinton camp accuses Edwards of acting like Bush
US Supreme Court ignores gun cases
Another day, another Bush veto, another battle
White House Ordered to Preserve E-Mail
Judge Orders White House To Lay Off The Delete Key
A Sharp Drop for Spitzer in Siena Poll
Texans are the least vain, according to their license plates
Cardinal George to lead US bishops
Intelligence Official Reveals Ideas About Privacy
Nun, 79, declines to fight sex case
Lexington Teacher Hires Big-Name Attorney
Armitage says he was 'foolish' to leak CIA agent's name
DIA security lines longest in nation
Investigation Reveals Flaws In Airport Security
Hamas-Fatah rivalry turns deadly in Gaza
Turk warplanes target Iraq village
Turkey Will Attack PKK in Iraq `Soon,' Lawmaker Says (Update2)
Israeli president addresses Turkish Parliament
Friction looms as Merkel's vice chancellor resigns
Somalia: Govt Shuts Down to More Mogadishu Radio Stations
Somali forces shut two more radio stations
Britain 'will lead' against Iran, Brown says
Nobel scientist states case
Canada dollar up with risk appetite, bonds mixed
Yen rising 'too fast' - Japanese PM
Report: Detainees subject to torture
Amnesty Urges NATO to End Afghan Detainee Transfers
French FM Meets with Lebanese Politicians on Presidential Deadlock
Last of the liberals to leave Russian parliament
Indulgent Putin watches as India returns to its first love
Smallest species joins other bears on red list
Experts Concerned Over The Possible Extinction Of Sun Bears
Royal insult echoes persecution of Christ, says Venezuelan leader
Spain Downplays Row With Chavez
Myanmar Should Agree on Change Timetable, UN Says (Update1)

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