"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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22 November 2007

Thanksgiving Eve


EndgamE (video) - Blueprint For Global Enslavement
FreedomWorks » Blog Archive » Food and Oil
FreedomWorks » Blog Archive » Ron Paul’s thrift
Oil greasing dollar's skid - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Thompson, Romney Praise Stem Cell Research, Others Mum -- 11/21/2007
The Patriot Post - Opinions - Protecting incumbents
FreedomWorks » Blog Archive » The Center for American Progress’s Misleading Ad Campaign
FreedomWorks » Blog Archive » Why Free Trade Helps Workers
The New Fire in Fred’s Belly
Ron Paul Candidate for President 2008 Economic Issues -- FreedomWorks.org
Dennis Kucinich Candidate for President 2008 Economic Issues -- FreedomWorks.org
Duncan Hunter Candidate for President 2008 Economic Issues -- FreedomWorks.org
Mike Huckabee Candidate for President 2008 Economic Issues -- FreedomWorks.org
Joe Biden Candidate for President 2008 Economic Issues -- FreedomWorks.org
Defeat Socialized Medicine Scheme in California! -- FreedomWorks.org
Amid Numerous Problems, Americans Still Have Much to be Thankful For
Stem Cell Research Makes an Important Advance Using Adult Cells
Huckabee's September Speech Posted on CFR's Website
Star Witness Against Ramos and Compean Arrested at the Border
UN’s Global Warming Partisans To Meet in Bali
More Scary Propaganda From the UN on Global Warming
Mike Huckabee Challenges Fred Thompson's Stand on National Human Life Amendment
The Presidency and the Future
BLOCKBUSTER REVELATIONS: The Hidden Key to the Terrorist Attacks
Israel: Jews to be uprooted at Abraham's resting place: Planned evacuation part of deals for upcoming Annapolis summit = WND
Israel props up Abbas ahead of summit - National Post
Iran a force driving the US, Israel, the Palestinians and their Arab backers to seek a deal now - AP
'Syrian facility was likely nuclear bomb plant, not reactor' - Jerusalem Post
European Powers Push For Tougher Sanctions against Iran - Deutsche-Welle
Happy in their personal lives, Americans worry about country - AP
Third-quarter home sales fall in 46 states; overall price dips - USA Today
Russian president Putin lashes out at West - AP
Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm issues an order that bars discrimination against state workers based on their "gender identity or expression - AP
Stocks Fall Ahead of Thanksgiving Amid Worries About the Mortgage Market, Record-High Oil - AP
Russian opposition election candidate shot - Reuters
Justices Will Decide if Handgun Kept at Home Is Individual Right - NY Times
Iran says it expects end to UN Security Council involvement in its nuclear file - IHT
Clashes between al-Qaida, rival Sunnis erupt in Baghdad - AP
Is U.S. gov't infested with terrorist moles? - WND
Bush calls Middle East leaders ahead of conference - Reuters
Huckabee Challenges Romney for Lead in Iowa, Hauls in $1 Million by Midnight Deadline - Fox
US will try to close Israeli - Palestinian peace deal by 2009 - Jerusalem Post
More than 40 nations invited to Annapolis - Ynet
Senate Democrats play recess hardball - Washington Times
Rove on Hillary: "Hard and Brittle" - NewsMax
Yisrael Beiteinu may quit Olmert gov't if he starts talks after summit - Haaretz
Lupolianski unveils east Jerusalem development plan - Jerusalem Post
Stern says draft dodging is spreading - J'lem Post
US asks Israel to stop importing pistachio from Iran - Ynet
U.K. radical left wing sees one-state solution to Israel- Palestinian conflict - Haaretz
Sharansky: Dividing Jerusalem 'crisis' - J'lem Post
ANALYSIS-Bush, like Clinton, makes twilight Mideast push - Reuters
In Iraq, Signs of Hope And Peril - David Ignatius
Kosovo and Israel - Joseph Farah
The New Face of Global Mormonism - Mary Jordan
Integrity, Accountability and the Grassley Investigation: Six charismatic ministries are under the microscope as a U.S. Senate committee scrutinizes their spending practices. Is this from the devil—or God? - J. Lee Grady, Charisma
The Pakistan Problem and the wrong solution - Bill Roggio
How can Washington and Jerusalem be so irresponsible? - Caroline B. Glick
19-Year Old Saudi Rape Victim Ordered to Undergo 200 Lashes - Fox
Tackling the gun debate head-on - Washington Times
Terror in the Skies - Linda Chavez
November 23: Reasons for Giving Thanks - Charles Stanley
November 22: He Worketh - Streams in the Desert
November 23: Distraction of Antipathy - Oswald Chambers
November 22: Joyously Giving Thanks Charles Stanley
November 22: Shallow and Profound - Oswald Chambers
Full Text of the Original Thanksgiving Proclamation
1863 Lincoln Presidential Proclamation - ChristianAnswers.Net
Neo-Conmen? Stage of Fools -- Part 2 - HUMAN EVENTS
U.N. Further Weakens Human Rights Council
The European Union as Humpty Dumpty - HUMAN EVENTS
Liberal Tourism on the Rise - HUMAN EVENTS
Hillary On The U.S. Economy: What Does She Really Think? - HUMAN EVENTS
The Salvation Army or the Hispanic Caucus? - HUMAN EVENTS
Reasons for Thanks: 19 Terror Plots Foiled Since 9-11 - HUMAN EVENTS

Do Us a Favor This Thanksgiving: Stuff It - HUMAN EVENTS
Romney's 4 Wedge Issues - HUMAN EVENTS
NYT: Suicide Manual for Dems - HUMAN EVENTS
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen: After the wedding: Grasping the keys to a great marriage
'I Did Not Kill Meredith'
Mitt: Killer Release Was Mistake
New Holiday Tradition: Turkey, Football and a Trip to the Mall
Iran heeding transparency plan, more needed
Egypt finds explosives likely destined for Gaza
Saudi dangles prospect of going to Annapolis
Jordan king appoints new PM following elections
Taleban make contact for Afghan peace: Karzai
Curfew lifted as army patrols riot-torn Kolkata
Pakistani opposition facing tough boycott choice
UK’s top cop survives no-confidence vote
Saudi, Libya top sources of Iraq foreign fighters
Airbus says 6 hurt in depressurisation incident
UAE cuts rates as markets test Gulf pegs to dollar
Dollar hit by US growth concerns, stocks steady
Colombia cancels Chavez-Farc talks
Ex-KGB man vows to fight accusers
Bangladeshi resilience tested
The shackles of shabu
Against the flow
Interview: Naim Qassem
Arab leaders hold mini-summit
US and Turkey discuss PKK measures
Iran 'agrees' to US talks on Iraq
Iraq arrests foreign contractors
Iraqi photographer faces US charge
Pakistan ousted from Commonwealth
Georgian President to step down to run for a second term in presidential elections
Italian Prime Minister arrives in Moscow
Russia’s gold and hard currency reserves hit a new high level
US investment banks boosts the reliability ratings of Russian company shares
Test of a new ion rocket engine completed in Moscow
Russia qualified for Euro 2008
Ukraine: Government bans work at mines
Death toll following a methane explosion in a mine in eastern Ukraine rises to 88
Police in Cambodia arrested the Khmer Rouge's former head of state
High BP may lead to disabilities
Antidepressant may prolong life
Magnetic pulses can treat depression
Climate change led to wars, famine
Honey, I doomed the universe!
Diabetic? Blame your faulty genes
Pope to induct Indian as cardinal
Fat hormone may add to longevity
Former aide confirms: Bush lied
'We're on the wrong course'
What is normal?
Some debate advice
Not touching the bases
Even pro-defense Dems want out of Iraq
Hillary mocks Barack
Dodger caught after 12 years
Hamas man sues Shin Bet
'Fewer rape victims file complaints with police'
Syria to snub summit because of Iran, MP says
Germany won't reopen reparations agreement
Holocaust hero accused of swindling
'Syrian radar destroyed before strike'
Arab states debate improving Israel ties
'Leaders under suspicion should resign'
'Vigilante cops' now being protected
IDF official: 'Gaza sanctions not working'
IDF troops kill Palestinian near Gaza fence
Israel's most 'moderate' Arab
Teachers following Olmert to Annapolis
Cell with PM's Office phone number left in MK's stolen car
Police officers indicted for attempting hit on known criminal
PA government weak, but seeks peace, says Olmert
Poland Puts Holocaust Survivor In Charge of German Relations...
Central Europe Online - Media Monitoring Service by EIN News
UN Security Council Urges Bosnia to Actively Seek EU Admission...
Bosnian Serbs Want Secession If Kosovo Goes, Poll Finds...
Bosnian Serbs Will Not Follow Kosovo's Independence Claims, Official Says...
Russia Backs Traditional Ally Serbia Over Kosovo...
Czech Farms, Cooperatives Could Suffer Major Loss in Subsidies Under CAP Reform...
NATO mass destruction weapons center opens in Czech town
Gypsy family members jailed - National - smh.com.au
20 shots to stop savage dogs - National - smh.com.au
'Porno-prof' suspended from school - World - smh.com.au
State finds enough suckers for Iraq posts | Capitol Hill Blue
Contractors get rich off U.S. wars | Capitol Hill Blue
Hate crimes on the rise | Capitol Hill Blue
'Spectacular Trial' Is Seen in Case of Liberty Dollar
Alleged Latin Kings member stuns court
A plan to attack Iran swiftly and from above-(a bit more then dusty standing plans)
New stem cell labs now in question, After defeat of more funding, Corzine weighs options
TSA chief promises to protect screeners who blow the whistle
Secret Service agent is fined, scolded for $30K fraud
UK fat patients claim discrimination (overweight patients are denied surgery)
One in six New Yorkers hungry, says advocacy group (Hillary's New York)
Into the arms of God
Sharif plans 2nd return try to Pakistan
Giuliani seeks votes one plate at a time
Huckabee rides evangelical wave in Iowa
Rice: Peace in one year; Peres: Can't be done
Alternative Israeli peace plan gaining supporters
Republican candidates distance themselves from Annapolis
American Jews to demand Abbas change Fatah charter
Palestinians demand Israel stop building in Jerusalem, too
Honor killings of Palestinian women on

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