"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

22 November 2007

Thanksgiving Day - 22 NOV.

CLICK ABOVE : Ron Paul Link

  • Smooth Sailing So Far for Many Travelers
  • Police Arrest Suspects in Holloway Case
  • Stocks Fall Amid Economic Jitters: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
  • FT.com / World - US reports ‘phenomenal’ drop in Iraq violence
  • Petition condemns Iran for disorder in S.Iraq | Politics | Reuters
  • NBC's David Gregory Falsely States Libby 'Went to Jail' | NewsBusters.org
  • WorldNetDaily: Is U.S. gov't infested with terrorist moles?
  • Painting Found in Trash Sells for $1M
  • FOXNews.com - Pro-Chavez Venezuelan Lawmaker Slaps TV Host Repeatedly During Live Broadcast - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
  • Newsmax.com - Venezuelans Struggle to Find Food
  • Flying imams score points in suit vs. US Airways
  • As order slides, Palestinian women face honor killings - Yahoo! News
  • Mugabe grabs platinum and diamonds - Times Online
  • Too fat to work - Times Online
  • U.S. asked to investigate Muslim bakery's alleged housing scam
  • The Mega-Bunker of Baghdad: Politics & Power: vanityfair.com
  • 'Martyrdom' Detonator Video Details Revealed In Case
  • Afghan boy dancers sexually abused by former warlords - Yahoo! News
  • BBC NEWS | South Asia | Army deployed after Calcutta riot
  • Petition condemns Iran for "disorder" in S.Iraq - Yahoo! News
  • DEBKAfile - DEBKAfile Reports: Overriding IDF and Shin Bet objections, Olmert approves arming Palestinian West Bank forces with 50 Russian APCs, 1000 rifles and 2 million bullets
  • DEBKAfile - DEBKAfile Exclusive: Al Qaeda marks the forthcoming Middle East conference with new threats to the US and Israel
  • DEBKAfile - DEBKAfile Exclusive: Iran and Syria veto all six candidates for Lebanese president to provoke escalation in Beirut and scuttle Washington’s Middle East conference
  • DEBKAfile - Mubarak says he will visit Israel only after the Palestinian problem is resolved
  • DEBKAfile - Iran Much Closer to Nuclear Bomb than West Admits
  • DEBKAfile - Iran Much Closer to Nuclear Bomb than West Admits
  • DEBKAfile - Bush to Go Public on Iran’s Secret Nuclear Arms Activities
  • DEBKAfile - Hamas Is Producing a New Generation of Palestinian Extra-Power, Extra-Range Missiles in Gaza and West Bank
  • DEBKAfile - US Gulf Forces Drill Tactics to Avert Hormuz Closure
  • DEBKAfile - Clear Evidence Implicates Assad Personally in North Korean Nuclear Deal
  • DEBKAfile - Bush and Rice at Odds on Annapolis and Israel Attack on Syria
  • McCartney's estranged wife berates rich - Yahoo! News
  • My Way News - Parade's the Thing for Shuttered Show
  • cbs2chicago.com - Congressman Accuses Police Of Racial Profiling
  • My Way News - Suspects Arrested in Aruba-Holloway Case
  • Stocks Fall Amid Economic Jitters: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
  • FT.com / Markets - Fears of slowdown in US hit markets
  • FT.com / World - US reports ‘phenomenal’ drop in Iraq violence
  • My Way News - Mo. City Outlaws Internet Harassment
  • China's 'arsenal' spurs warnings - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
  • Boy George faces trial for 'chaining up male escort'
  • Participants Gather Before Macy's Parade
  • My Way News - Retailers Focus More on Thanksgiving Day
  • My Way News - Midnight Shopping Gains Popularity
  • CBS strike could put debate in disarray - Jeffrey Ressner and Michael Calderone - Politico.com
  • Snarls, smears and innuendo as attack dogs get ready for the fray - Times Online
  • Candidates Hope Not to Wear Out Holiday Welcome in Iowa - washingtonpost.com
  • FT.com / In depth - Putin accuses west and opponents of plot
  • BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Discs 'are in government offices'
  • Police step in as staff reveal other CDs have gone astray - Times Online
  • China opens Hong Kong to U.S. carrier | U.S. | Reuters
  • Site: Dietary supplements, Nutraceuticals, Functional foods, Health ingredients, Herbals
  • Zogby Analyst: Ron Paul Timing 'Almost Perfect'
  • ABC News: Ron Paul Makes Them All Look Like Politicians
  • Supremes to Decide if Second Amendment Means What It Says
  • Fox's Gibson: NASCAR Likes Rudy In Spite of Gun Control, Abortion Because He "Kicks Butt"
  • Gates: Iran military option still open
  • Is Wi-Fi causing autism?
  • Economic Expert Says Global Crash Imminent
  • Now passengers need ID to travel within Britain
  • The Facebook betrayal - users revolt over advertising sell-out
  • BBC NEWS | Europe | Dozens dead in Ukraine mine blast
  • BBC NEWS | South Asia | Aid battle for Bangladesh victims
  • George Bush in 2000 said we shouldn’t tell people in other countries what to do « The Political Inquirer
  • American elites and their fascist terrorists are beginning to realize that the internet is their ultimate enemy
  • China bans US carrier to enter port
  • Liberal Party Pro-Terrorism Leaflet Scandal Grows And Grows As Federal Election Dawns
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Joel Skousen on the Corporate Media and Ron Paul (video)
  • Liberal Party Pro-Terrorism Leaflet Scandal Grows And Grows As Federal Election Dawns
  • Foreign Fighters in Iraq Are Tied to Allies of U.S.
  • They've got your number: State's hunger for personal data raises security fears
  • Dollar is America's Achilles' heel
  • Recession fears spike among U.S. voters: poll
  • Dodd calls for investigation into Bush role in Plame affair
  • Chavez says Bush belongs in asylum for WW3 comment
  • World credit crunch could bite harder, warn experts
  • S. 1959 Must be stopped
  • Taliban controls 54% of Afghanistan
  • U.S. Electronic Surveillance Monitored Israeli Attack on Syria, Reports AVIATION WEEK
  • Posthumous book claims Ford knew of CIA coverup in Kennedy assassination
  • Putin slams foreign governments for sponsoring opposition
  • Ron Paul on GQ Man of the Year List, CNN
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » What JFK Conspiracy Bashers Get Wrong
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » What JFK Conspiracy Bashers Get Wrong
  • 9/13/2001: How Could 9/11 Hijackers Obtain Secret Service Codes?
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Ron Paul Addresses Media Campaign to Vilify His Supporters on Alex Jones’ Radio Show
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Shocked in Death, Shocked in Life: More than a Taser Story
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Blackwater
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Is the GOP Ready to Nominate a Politician Mired in Organized Crime?
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Glenn Beck Gets a Lesson in Currency from Bernard Von Nothaus
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » The Krongards, 9/11, and Blackwater/Iraq
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Who runs the world and why you need to know immediately
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Bush Speaks the Truth
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Supremes to Decide if Second Amendment Means What It Says
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Banker expects half of all mortgages written in ’05-’06 to default
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » The Dollar may recover, but the world will be different
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Vote for Rudy is a Vote for War?
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Ari Fleischer’s Freedom’s Watch Involved In ‘Marketing Sessions’ To ‘Sell’ Iran War
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Meet the New al-Qaeda, Same as the Old al-Qaeda
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » The End of America? Naomi Wolf Thinks It Could Happen
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Doctor Get Us Out
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Ron Paul: Torture is Terror
  • TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Ron Paul: War for Profit
  • Life Under an Emperor
  • The Coming Political Earthquake
  • The True Cost of Taxing and Spending
  • The Lupercal Is Found
  • An Open Letter About Open Letters
  • Joe Klein, Police Statist
  • Government Gratuity Grabbing
  • Guns and Frogs
  • How I Failed To Explain Capitalism to My Daughter
  • Hospitality
  • A Leftist Joins the Revolution
  • Long Before Jaws
  • Saudi Arabia ready to ditch the dollar to protect value of riyal - Times Online
  • LewRockwell.com Blog: Another Amazing Ron Paul YouTube
  • Townhall.com::Debating Debates::By Rich Tucker
  • Reason Magazine - Americans: Sheep to the Constitutional Slaughter?
  • If my bra is a threat to national security, we're in big trouble
  • Media Lens Message Board: chomsky on ron paul
  • LewRockwell.com Blog: Equality Before the Law?
  • LewRockwell.com Blog: The Real Rudy
  • Townhall.com::The ACLU and Its Allies: Standing in Need of Prayer::By Jared Lorence
  • Townhall.com::A Hard Look At The Fair Tax::By Hank Adler
  • Give Thanks -- It's Good for You
  • Blessed Be Our Challenges
  • When Thanksgiving Proclamations Mattered
  • How GOP Can Show That It Cares
  • What Iowa Slippage Means for Hillary
  • Giuliani and 'Strict Constructionists'
  • Restore Constitution, Standing in World
  • With Iraq Improving, Will Neocons Return?
  • Musharraf and the Con Game
  • What Should We Call the Enemy?
  • Where Has Bush Got with Jaw-Jaw?
  • McCain-Feingold's Wealth of Hypocrisy
  • Obama, Drugs and Everyone Else
  • Three More Years of Goldilocks?
  • J.F.K.'s Death, Re-Framed
  • A Tradition with an American Twist
  • And the Fair Land
  • A Stem-Cell Revolution
  • Looking Back and Ahead
  • Republican Faithful Await a Savior in Iowa
  • For Edwards, a Relationship That Never Quite Fit
  • Stem-cell Findings May Affect '08 Vote
  • Obama Unveils $18B Education Plan
  • The Journey Home Making A New Life In The Old Country
  • Immigrant Paperwork Backs Up At DHS
  • U.S. Aircraft Carrier Denied Access To Hong Kong (Reuters)
  • Foreign Fighters In Iraq Are Tied To Allies Of U.S.
  • Clinton Emerges as Leading Turkey in Poll
  • Soldiers Wounded in Iraq to Keep Enlistment Bonuses
  • NYTimes Jewish Racial Bias: Editor Says Reports Can Not be Objective
  • Rush Limbaugh: The Real Story of Thanksgiving
  • Court Decision Clears Way for Musharraf
  • French Rail Workers Voting to Return to Work
  • An E-Book Reader That Just May Catch On
  • UN Nuclear Agency Wants More From Iran
  • FACTBOX: Facts about US Secretary of State Rice
  • Rice Defends Mideast Peace Talks
  • Asean, EU Leaders Vow To Speed Up Trade Deal
  • Happy Thanksgiving! China Allows US Ship To Dock
  • Davis: I was ticketed for driving while black
  • Georgia Justices Overturn a Curb on Sex Offenders
  • Police chief wins confidence vote
  • London's Metropolitan Police Authority Backs Police Chief Blair
  • Jailed robber sends powder-filled letters to News, Rev. Al ...
  • NY inmate sends powder-laced letters
  • Somalia Nominates New Prime Minister
  • FACTBOX-New Somali PM nominee Nur Hassan Hussein
  • VOA News - UN Nuclear Chief Says Iran Must Clarify Details About Nuclear Program
  • Mohamed ElBaradei spoke to IAEA's 35-member board, which began two-day meeting in Vienna to discuss Iran's nuclear ambitions
  • Australia's Howard struggles in his last election
  • France's Chirac Under Investigation
  • Egypt talks with Abbas ahead of peace talks
  • Israel will let Gaza export some produce
  • Suspect denies Italy 'sex killing'
  • New Suspect in Murder of British Coed Won't Fight Extradition
  • Data Leak in Britain Affects 25 Million
  • Saudi rape victim's lawyer: Case may change judicial system
  • Exclusive: Saudi Rape Victim Tells Her Story
  • Jellyfish attack wipes out N.Ireland salmon farm
  • Killer jellyfish destroy Ulster's only salmon farm
  • Piling the pressure on Musharraf
  • Commonwealth foreign ministers to vote on suspending Pakistan
  • Russia poll forecast suggests 4 party parliament
  • Putin lashes out at West and domestic critics at election rally
  • Howard election campaign hit by dirty tricks scandal
  • Tip-off that led to Howard's nightmare
  • China reverses decision to bar USS Kitty Hawk
  • Senegal's Capital Returns to Uneasy Calm Following Riots
  • 29 killed as Sunnis, Shiites battle al Qaeda in Iraq
  • Suspected al-Qaida Militants Clash with Iraqi Forces North, South ...
  • Remember Source Of Our Blessings
  • Thanksgiving has roots in politics
  • jfk's death 44 years later and the big 'what if?'
  • Retired doctor recalls events that changed the country
  • Judge spares Vitter from testifying in escort case
  • "Judge Cancels Vitter's Testimony in DC Madam Case"
  • Council Halts Cesar Chavez Blvd. Debate
  • In a strategy shift, Clinton begins counterpunching
  • Is Obama's Iowa Surge for Real?
  • Grateful Milton farmers to give trees to military families
  • Romney launches new radio ad featuring Sen. Judd Gregg
  • Was Romney behind the anti-Romney calls?
  • Third Mayor in Six Weeks for Atlantic City
  • Car may be tied to three attacks
  • Police seek car believed used in attacks
  • Rough weekend ahead: 4 ferries yanked
  • BMV won't need SSN for driver's license renewal
  • Cessna's pilot, 2 passengers walk away from crash near AC
  • Gorup threatens recall over San Jose's 'Saigon Business District'
  • Danes should vote on EU opt-outs, including euro - PM
  • New Danish government plans to cut personal taxes, raise green taxes
  • China making "progress" on toy safety
  • Air France-KLM Helped By Hedging
  • Samsung to Expand LCD Panel Capacity
  • Retailers' Thanksgiving Offers Won't Avert Web Sales Slowdown
  • Daimler hurt by dollar but sees no US recession
  • Gap’s Profit Up 26% on Cost Cuts, but Sales Were Weak
  • European Companies Unhappy With China's Business Climate
  • Ericsson says unaware of other class action suits
  • Strike strands bus riders
  • Brief Pace bus strike ends -- for now
  • World Business Briefing Britain: Glaxo to Acquire Reliant
  • Nursing Home Operator in Connecticut Files for Bankruptcy
  • Best And Worst US Housing Markets
  • Area sees decline in price, sales
  • Cracks, corrosion forced aging-ferry withdrawals
  • Economic Forecast Index Sees Weakness Into 2008
  • FCC oks $417 million in grants for rural health networks
  • Christmas Comes Early To Abercrombie & Fitch
  • Scientists Bypass Need for Embryo to Get Stem Cells
  • States Assess Breakthrough On Stem Cells
  • Brazil moving closer to curbing AIDS - officials
  • UN Agency Denies Inflating Cases of HIV Deliberately
  • Revlimid Improves Survival For Multiple Myeloma Patients
  • Pedometer users walk farther, get healthier, researchers say
  • FDA Investigating Reports Linking Chantix to Suicidal Thoughts
  • Prosecutor: Fired worker ran up $230k health bill over 8 years
  • Most firms comply with health law
  • Nassau to Look Into Infections Tied to Doctor
  • FDA Seizes Cosmetic That Can Blind
  • Re-examine the MRSA threat
  • Drug-resistant staph back in the news
  • Schools' 'last resort' needs a shot of sense Adrienne T. Washington
  • More Women under 45 Dying of Heart Disease
  • Considering plastic surgery? Check credentials
  • 5 tips for picking a good plastic surgeon
  • Medicaid cuts
  • Economy changed plan for Medicaid
  • RPT-Removing tonsils may not be best for kids-study
  • Tonsillectomy Not Entirely a Good Idea for Both Children and
  • Pfizer Legal Win Might Block
  • Deficiency of sunlight exposure may raise endometrial cancer risk
  • Chemical in Marijuana Fights Breast Cancer
  • Taking the fat out of Thanksgiving
  • Holiday Bird: Guidelines for preparation are always good
  • Turkey day questions answered
  • Bank Refunds Money After Fraudulent Donations Made to Ron Paul
  • News Recommendation Site Launches "Digg The Candidates:" Ron Paul ...
  • hundreds attend paul's rally at u. nevada reno
  • Who's Afraid of Ron Paul ?
  • The Ron Paul Factor
  • Paul finds support in libertarian Nevada
  • Libertarians Break With Paul
  • Ron Paul Bad for Libertarianism?
  • The Ron Paul Revolution?
  • Next Ron Paul Donation-Day Date Pushed Forward?
  • Rep. Ron Paul does it his way
  • Ron Paul ‘Live Free’ in NH Raises Volunteers, Some Grumbling
  • I'm Thankful For Ron Paul
  • Ron Paul makes a new midnight ride for revolution
  • Ron Paul in Carson City: Foreign policy key to repairing nation
  • Mitt Romney Who? As Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul Excel in Polls
  • Ron Paul Makes Thanksgiving Eve Appearance With Alex Jones
  • Ron Paul steam rolling toward the GOP nomination?
  • Ron Paul ’s “Crazy” Supporters and Other Nonsense
  • The Political Earthquake
  • Presidential Candidate US Representative Ron Paul to Speak on ...
  • Ron Paul Betting On New Hampshire, Nevada?
  • ron paul "dark horse of the year," claims gq
  • ben bernanke saves thanksgiving from ron paul
  • Huckabee Rising
  • Iraq Money Down the Rat Hole
  • ron paul and mitt romney: why is japan killing the whales?
  • If you think Paul is scary, take a look at Huckabee
  • US Candidates Hit Digg, Fail To "Get" The Social News Site
  • The Web 2.0 Campaign for the White House
  • Hasan El-Hasan: Palestine in US Presidential Elections
  • Kucinich talks tough at UNH
  • New Polls Throw Current Front-Runner Status Into Question
  • Five Things Mike Huckabee Doesn't Want You to Know About Him
  • Thanks for the best GOP line-up ever
  • US Presidential Candidates Debate Pakistan, War
  • LETTER: Ron Paul stands for constitutional liberty
  • Ron Paul Strongest Contender to Beat Hillary
  • Stephanopoulos Tricks Fred Thompson
  • 2008 Hopefuls & Heads Of State
  • Hillary the Republican President Revisited
  • ANALYSIS: Huckabee Hounds Romney in Iowa
  • Money is everything in American politics
  • Big Brother: House passes the "Violent Radicalization and ...
  • The Moderate Voice » Domestic and international news analysis, irreverent comments, original reporting, and popular culture features from across the political spectrum.
  • 'Commodities bull run will continue'
  • First Woman, First Black, First Latino, or First Honest President?
  • It's very debatable that these are legitimate debates
  • As If The Republican Presidential Field Weren’t Entertaining ...
  • CNN Stands for Clinton News Network
  • WorldNetDaily: Thanks for the best GOP line-up ever
  • In wake of teen's suicide after online love-hate hoax by friend's parents
  • Weapons stolen from precinct: 'Most egregious betrayal of the badge imaginable'
  • Planned evacuation part of deals for upcoming Annapolis summit
  • Terror group leader: 'We thank Olmert for this gift to the American tool'
  • Seagate disks were programmed to upload passwords secretly to Beijing websites
  • Surviving in Haditha: Secret side of military life press never reports
  • Court ruling blocks institutions from profiting from foreclosures
  • Alan Greenspan: 'Progress has come to a halt'
  • 'This is a better way for us to celebrate this traditional holiday'
  • Event features 3 new balloons, but contract dispute impacts some floats
  • Intelligence official: 'FBI might as well put out a sign – Double agents wanted'
  • Border Patrol advocate says U.S. attorney protected drug smuggler
  • 'They told him they were going to give him money for Christmas for his kids'
  • Accomplices include landlords, rental agents, taxi drivers, used-car dealerships
  • Detectives escorted Kennedy's accused killer through chaotic hours
  • 'He's not going to be very funny in this movie. It was supposed to be a secret'
  • 'Like 98% of the principles are identical to the principles of the Bible'
  • Calls conclusion group about to interfere with crew 'dubious' based on facts
  • Says memorials to fallen police officers 'communicate a secular message'
  • Rejected by Supreme Court on technical grounds but finds new plaintiffs
  • Bilderberg author who first exposed plot in 1996 sees EU replication as imminent
  • Underdog says caucus momentum will propel campaign to party nomination
  • 'The 1 thing is the survival of the United States of America'
  • 1st-in-nation comes 5 days after Iowa's leadoff caucuses in early nomination season
  • 'Target' reveals details of 'smear campaign' led by Hillary Clinton
  • Men previously detained in American teen's disappearance back in custody
  • 20-year-old succumbs to meningitis
  • 'The sea was red': 100,000 fish killed, $2 million loss
  • Say having kids about maintaining genetic legacy at expense of planet
  • Bakery empire suspected of stealing millions with welfare schemes
  • Woman who refused request on show for reconciliation, marriage found with throat slit
  • 'He was really skinny. He looked like one of those kids you see on TV'
  • 'I'm not doing to go into the gory details, but it does go into the category of bestiality'
  • Challenges teen who had allegedly threatened to kill his daughter
  • Suspect walked into business wearing mask, lifted his shirt to reveal firearm
  • 'Charges were proven' against woman for having been in car with man not her relative
  • Backlog may keep some from casting votes for president
  • Did legislative leaders of both parties pay $3.6 million in secret bonuses to staffers?
  • Program limits burning on days when particulate matter forecasted to be high
  • 'There is no demonstrated efficacy or effectiveness for that protocol'
  • Accuses him of behaving immorally towards political rivals, being dangerous for country
  • Military-committee member calls 'Redacted' shameful in its view of American soldiers
  • Slimy pools another result of mortgage mess
  • Collisions between large rocky objects occur in very few solar systems, study suggests
  • Mini air-conditioning unit provides constant cool wind stream to control moisture
  • Palace 'disapproved' of princess' private life
  • Appointing own successor seen as way to circumvent China picking reincarnated leader
  • Live broadcast of leader's critic interrupted by attack
  • 'If there's a lesson from the last few years, it's that these same people will resurface'
  • Home swept off foundation, ground shook for miles around
  • Infants as young as 6 months show evidence of making 'friend or foe' decisions
  • Britney, Tiffany out. Celtic names, like Logan, in
  • 'The sea was red': 100,000 fish killed, $2 million loss
  • Higher delinquency rates for October, September compared with recent years
  • Agree to maintain initial, lower interest rate for some borrowers scheduled for jump
  • Court ruling blocks institutions from profiting from foreclosures
  • Alan Greenspan: 'Progress has come to a halt'
  • Analyst fears economy headed for serious downturn
  • Weaker yields translates into less money ahead for many retirees
  • Analyst says focus on growth: 'Hand wringing about inflation is misplaced'
  • Falling home prices have diminished sense of financial security
  • Listen to Swiss America's daily financial audio report 'The Golden Minute'
  • 'Weakness of the U.S. dollar ... is a sword of Damocles hanging over our heads'
  • Corn acreage could shrink next year at expense of soybeans
  • Country has 'attractively priced' stocks, healthy debt ratios, solid manufacturing prowess
  • Says managers allowed serious problems to go unchecked, retaliated when she resisted
  • Total of 507,900 pieces involved in action by Consumer Product Safety Commission
  • Retailer comes under fire for refusal to offer domestic partner benefits
  • Privacy violated? Marketing program shares news of users' online purchases
  • Violated counterfeiting laws by showcasing trademarked pink upholstered dashboard
  • Exclusive: Tristan Emmanuel asserts mixing of religion, state causes unbelievers to squirm
  • Exclusive: Joseph Farah asks readers to join him in praying for America
  • Exclusive: Jane Chastain says TV and the mall have pushed aside gratitude
  • Exclusive: Greg Laurie urges readers to bolster faith by expressing gratitude for blessings
  • Exclusive: Jack Cashill compares candidates to forgettable choices in previous years
  • Larry Elder jousts with college-age friend over high cost of health care
  • Ann Coulter rips paper for claiming 'some polls' say Americans favor 'path to citizenship'
  • Robert Knight hits paper for portrayal in which 'aggressor and victim are co-belligerents'
  • Exclusive: Olivia St. John asks why GLBT crowd wants access to school locker rooms
  • Exclusive: Marylou Barry points out 4 ways Japanese pilots differed from jihadists
  • Bill Moyers tells of his dad's undying love for President Roosevelt
  • Michael Cecire blasts governments that use public funds to try to effect growth
  • Wesley J. Smith describes how W's resoluteness on stem cells led to latest breakthrough
  • Ex-adviser says split with Bush hurts, liberates / Matthew Dowd helped push president's agenda, which he now holds in contempt
  • Paris Hilton Impressed by Shanghai Style
  • Canada's third Taser death sparks 8th concurrent probe
  • My Way News - Mo. City Outlaws Internet Harassment
  • China's 'arsenal' spurs warnings - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
  • Hollywood giants sue Chinese Internet site: report | U.S. | Reuters
  • Texas Court: Fetus Death Can Be Murder
  • FT.com / In depth - Putin accuses west and opponents of plot
  • 5 Die As Bus Explodes in Russia
  • Bush Stalwart in Australia Facing Stiff Opposition
  • Lebanon’s Leaders Unable to Agree as Deadline Nears
  • New Hampshire retains first primary
  • As He Gains in Polls, Huckabee Critics Step Up Attacks
  • Firefighters on standby in Ventura County
  • Thanksgiving history lessons
  • US immigration delays risk votes
  • Holloway's Father To Search For Body
  • Dutch man could face extradition to Aruba in Holloway case
  • Iran Issues Warning Against Attack on Nuclear Facilities
  • Colombian mediation failure hurts talkative Chavez
  • Venezuela Disappointed Over Cancellation of Chavez Mediation in ...
  • 'No DNA on Meredith suspect shoes'
  • Suspect 'had sex with Meredith'
  • Somali President Reveals Choice for Prime Minister
  • British Queen Arrives in Uganda for Commonwealth Summit
  • Thousands evacuated as Philippines braces for typhoon: officials
  • Qaeda kill 10 in Baghdad
  • Mbeki confident of solution to Zimbabwe crisis
  • Four killed in bombing of bus in northern Caucasus - Europe
  • NYT: Suicide Manual For Dems
  • More illegal immigrants taking domestic jobs
  • Presidential candidates need to be pressed on illegal immigration
  • San Francisco Approves ID Cards for Illegal Immigrants
  • Tancredo runs against illegal immigration in long-shot campaign
  • One candidate making sense on immigration
  • Larson Takes On Illegal Immigration Issue
  • Giuliani, Romney share their records on immigation
  • Latino influx shakes up Iowa's political picture
  • immigration civics lesson lamar smith
  • Immigrant smugglers relying on seemingly legitimate businesses
  • Thompson calls US border porous, perilous
  • Thompson: Open borders threaten US sovereignty
  • Analysis: Clinton hits ‘boys‘ in debate
  • Ron Paul Bad for Libertarianism?
  • Wolf Blitzer is No Tim Russert
  • a political thanksgiving
  • global immigration
  • Has Fred Thompson’s Ship Sailed Without Him
  • Wyoming’s Senator Barrasso Leads on Immigration
  • Agriculture industry, workers worried
  • Spitzer's license U-turn leaves boro divided
  • Western Union Empire Moves Migrant Cash Home
  • Ten Things To Be Grateful
  • Media Myths About Free Trade Cause Many To Forget Benefits
  • Time to crack down on sanctuaries
  • The candidates: Mike Huckabee Faith, Hope and populism
  • Decision 2008: Campaign going well
  • letters from plano, allen, mckinney
  • say grace, pass the bones
  • Immigrant Paperwork Backs Up At DHS
  • Sarko stands firm
  • The Nation's Mayors to Bring Urban Agenda to Iowa
  • Comments on this Story
  • Time for a change
  • No comments: