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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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07 November 2008


Netanyahu offers new peace vision
'Impeach Obama' Groups Already Pop Up
'Rahmbo' Takes DC - 'A Fiercely Principled Jew'
'Syria will restrain Hezbollah and Hamas if Obama shifts U.S. policy' - Haaretz
2 seek to become New Zealand's prime minister
5 Qassam rockets hit south - Ynet
A heartfelt toast to Obama - Wesley Pruden
AAA FEATURED SITE ....ukristo.com -
Across Economy, News Just Gets Worse
Afghan Investigators Say Wedding Party Raids Killed 65
Ahmadinejad to Obama ; Restore Palestinian rights - Ynet
Air Force Aims to 'Rewrite Laws of Cyberspace' Danger Room - Wired.com
American power and the Obama presidency
Anonymous attacks, claims follow Palin home
arabia Dream of reality (Part II) - Pravda.Ru
arabia Dream of reality - Pravda.Ru
Army Working on Science’s Outer Limits
Barack Obama's Flickr page shows family as their lives changed forever
barak Israel not ruling out any option in stopping Iran threat - Jerusalem Post
Barky & The Strategy Of Manufactured Crisis
Barky's Alinsky legacy
Barky's Payback To AIPAC Rahm Emanuel
BBC Rome correspondent
Blamin’ Palin What Are They Thinking - Andrea Tantaros
Board Game Had Full Illuminati Agenda In 1995
Body of Baby Boy Washes Up From Canal After Interstate Crash
Bollyn - The Zionist Israeli Who'll Make Obama Dance
Change! - Barky Tabs Volker, Buffett, Rubin, & Schmidt
China tells rich states to change
Chinese Hack Into White House Network
Clashes mar Chinese Taiwan visit
Cleaning Up US Army-TRADOC’s Human Terrain System - Pravda.Ru
Closing the God Gap - Did Obama's religious outreach pay off - Mark D. Tooley
Creationism Should Be Taught As Science - Teachers
Debbie Schlussel - It's Jesse Jr., Senator Jackson If You're Nasty.. Don't Say I Didn't Warn You
Debbie Schlussel - Thanks, Obama Voters, For Suddenly Reading the Paper
Debbie Schlussel - The Obama Caste System Began With Last Night's Victory Speech
Debbie Schlussel - America Elects the Vibe Magazine President . . . With Some Help From Little Beirut
Debbie Schlussel - An Orthodox Jewish Reader Laments American Jewry's Suicide Move For Obama
Debbie Schlussel - Chutzpah Writ Large.. Hilarious Comeback Attempt of the Day
Debbie Schlussel - Congrats, America!..With Obama Rout, We're the New Europe
Debbie Schlussel - It's Bad, But All is Not Lost.. We'll Be Back--Depression is For Liberals
Debbie Schlussel - Sadness .. John McCain Concedes, While Detroit FOX News Affiliate Cuts Away to Video of Obama Supporters' Gyrations
Debbie Schlussel - Sore Winners .. You Stay Classy, Obamaniacs
Debbie Schlussel - The Two Big Stories-Questions Now.. Rev. Wrightand ONauguration, Bush Pardons
Debbie Schlussel - To Clarify - The Jews Did Not Elect Obama - 63 Milln-Plus Americans Did - Many Jews Lament Obama Win
Debbie Schlussel - USA Today Agrees.. Ineffective, Ignorant Faux-Conservative Airhead Hasselbeck Makes View Debates Lopsided
Debbie Schlussel - We Interrupt This Post-Election Commiseration With an Important Story
Debbie Schlussel - Your Day in Deep Celeb Political Analysis and Obnoxious Gloating
Debbie Schlussel- A Wash For Illegal Aliens- ICE Princess Leaves, Replaced by Immigration's Costanza.. Blackface Expert Leaked Obama Aunt Zeituni Immigration Status
Debbie Schlussel- Hilarious.. Obama Makes Predictably Absurd Appointment (First of Many)
Debbie Schlussel- Michael Moore Likely Guest in Obama White House - The Emanuel Connection
Debbie Schlussel- Quote of the Day.. Chips-On-Their-Shoulders Still Affixed to Gazillionaire Black Celeb Obama Fans- no.1 Movie Star in U.S. Claims America Rejects Blacks
Debbie Schlussel- Rahm and Ari.. More on the Emanuel Bros
Divided Republicans risk disarray
Ed Norton, HBO and the making of President Obama
Emanuel - Son Of A Zionist Terrorist
Emanuel - Son Of Israeli Emigrants
Emanuel's War Plan
Employers Shed 240,000 Jobs in October; Unemployment Rate Hits 6.5% - Fox
European MPs set sail on Gaza peace ship
Father, Forgive Me, I Won't Fight For Your Israel
Fears of a Dem crackdown lead to boom in gun sales
First Lady Elect Michelle Obama Shocks with Narciso Dress
First, Best 'Change' Is Bush Eviction
Ford announces it has burned up $7.7B; more jobs to be cut - USA Today
Forget JFK - Obama Could Be Next Carter
Fox News goes rogue on Palin
France unveils secret images of aliens and their spaceships (photo) - Pravda.Ru
Government black boxes will 'collect every email'
Great October Revolution Day fades away for many Russians - Pravda.Ru
Greatest News Ever Heard -- Christ Has Risen From the Dead!- Billy Graham
Gun Sales Up On Fear Obama Is Gun-Grabber
Hamas says unlikely to attend Cairo unity meeting - Ynet
Health Insurers Prime for New Business With Democratic Rule
Home sweet ; White House Obamas ready for big move
How to Deal with Your Feelings for Barack Obama
How To Survive Coming US Dollar Collapse
IDF concludes far-reaching exercise in North - Ynet
Iran says EU's Solana wants more nuclear talks
Israel sets new rules on Lebanon targets - Jerusalem Post
Jury weighs Brian Nichols’ fate
Kennedy to Move on Health When Obama Gives Go-Ahead
Kidd - Comrade Barky Not The Next US President
King Showbama Cometh
Latest Mkt Pitch - Energy From Mushrooms
Lieberman in talks about caucusing with Senate GOP
Lieberman to remain in chairmanship role for now - Fox
Livni's Obama strategy - Caroline B. Glick
Main St Sucked Into GMAC Junk Bonds
medvedev Change for America, change for Russia - Pravda.Ru
Moderates to blame for GOP losses, conservative leader says
More Dirt on Sarah Palin's Fancy Duds
More Obama Love Around the World Japan, Kenya, Chicago - BlackBook
N. Korea says it's 'ready to deal with' Obama - AP
New king vows to shield Bhutan in globalised world
No apology for Obama suntan remark; Berlusconi
No charges for Spitzer The Business Review
Obama Accepts Congratulations From 9 World Leaders - Fox
Obama girls about to go into the fishbowl
Obama in the Middle Eastern eye
Obama may have a grudge against Russia - Pravda.Ru
Obama Pick for Chief of Staff Criticized as Partisan Voice -Wall Street Journal
Obama Security Threats Press Secret Service
Obama Tabs Zionist War Hawk As Chief Of Staff
Obama to Play Himself in HBO Biopic - BlackBook
Obama Victory Alters the Tenor of Iraqi Politics - NY Times
Obama's 'Hate Bill' Steals God-Given Freedom
Obama's 'Zionist' Chief Of Staff
Obama's win means future elections must be fought online
Obama's win ushers in new group - USA Today
Obama, McCain Campaigns Computers Hacked
Obama’s Other Jobs Program
Obama’s top aide comes with Hollywood connection
Officials; Suspected U.S. Missile Strike Kills 13 in Pakistan - Fox
Otzi, the prehistoric 'iceman,' probably has no modern descendants - Los Angeles Times
Outrageous - Bottled Water 38 Pollutants, 10 Brands
Palin camp tries to squelch talk of infighting
Palin Postelection Interview Requests Pile Up - Fox
Pastor Says Race Remains a Big Issue
Pawn Shops For Beverly Hills Down & Out
Poker With Nuclear Missiles
Police arrest McDonald’s pedophiles in Moscow - Pravda.Ru
Prince Charles Of Arabia
Project Runway Alums Dress Up Michelle Obama - BlackBook
Protests in Georgia, but Government Still in Control
Putin Could Return As Russian Prez Next Year
Rahm Emanuel A Security Risk (Is Water Wet)
Record Afghan Opium Harvest
Remembering Ukraine's Unknown Holocaust
Rendell vows to remain Pa. governor through 2010
Rev. Wright says the media used him
Rice after meeting Abbas; Annapolis is vital and vibrant
Road to the White House in numbers - Pravda.Ru
Russian Bases In Abkhazia, S Ossetia In 2009
Russian politicians being cautiously optimistic about new American phenomenon - Pravda.Ru
Sarah Palin ; Gay Icon - BlackBook
School collapses in Haiti with students inside
Shell secures 25-year access to Iraq's oil, gas - UPI
Shimon Peres To Be Knighted By The Queen...
site --- Bible Voice Broadcasting - Broadcasting the Good News the world over
site --- biblegateway.com A searchable online Bible in over 100 versions and 50 languages.
site --- Israelson Ministries International
site --- Jesus Life and Ministry - Bible School Courses - Home
site --- Jewish Voice Ministries International -
site --- Messianic Messages
site --- Olive Tree Ministries - prophetic signs, current issues, and the Messianic Jewish movement.
site --- Prophecy Central
site --- Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
site --- Welcome to Moriel Ministries - Ministry of James Jacob Prasch & Friends
site --- Welcome to Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
site --- World of the Bible Ministries with Dr. Randall Price Archaeology, Middle East events, Biblical Prophecy
site --- World Religions - 4Truth.net
site ---- Online Parallel Bible - Weaving God's Word into the Web
site ---- Online Bible - Search Bible Study Tools - Gateway to Resources
SPACE.com -- Plan to Send Hot Air Balloon to Saturn's Moon Titan
States Consider Billions in Spending, Job Cuts - NewsMax
That is America - Pravda.Ru
The Great Fear of the Unknown - USATODAY.com
UK UFO Photographed Emitting Beams Of Red Light
UN Chief Says DRC Fighting is Spreading
Unknown Structures Tugging at Universe, Study Says
US Decides One Nuclear Dump Is Enough
video - Nader - Obama An Uncle Sam Or Uncle Tom
v=Gg8dEyGSH1k" ADD_DATE="1226086658" LAST_VISIT="1226086658" LAST_MODIFIED="1226086658">video - Rabbi Blasts Zionist Occupation Of Palestine
Web helps Obama with transition
Why Do We Forget Things - Scientific American
Wiesenthal Museum To Go On Old Muslim Cemetery
Will Obama Use Hate Laws To Stop Islam Critics
Wooden Ties One Step Closer to Phallic Transference - BlackBook
YouTube - Clinton White House Chief of staff John Podesta on UFOs
Yushchenko Congratulates 'His High Excellency' Barky