"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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07 November 2008

Fri-7th -Click Here for WingTV audio archives

'SCAMMER' IS A $100M GAL - New York Post
A Lesson for the LP by Geoffrey Pike
A Short History of Mises Institute Publishing by Jeffrey A. Tucker
After Obama win, goodbye to Cuban embargo Bernd Debusmann Reuters
BBC NEWS Science & Environment Golf secret not all in the wrists
Bets placed on Obama's Secretary of State
Brooklyn Marine sergeant & wife tortured, slain in Calif.; 4 of his men are arrested
Colo. battle over affirmative action still close - Examiner.com
Dina Wein Reis, Suzanne Carrico, Sarah Golden, Chaya Cooper, Sheryl Raport, And Steve Manenti Indicted In Consumer Product Manufacturers Fraud – www.BackgroundNow.com Blog
Exit poll Black voters back Calif. marriage ban
FOXNews.com - Several Gay Marriage Ban Protesters Arrested in Clashes With Police in California - Local News News Articles National News US News
Gore’s Sustainable Fascism by William L. Anderson
Jindal rises in GOP's next generation- NOLA.com
Magnesium Survival Mineral for a Stress-Filled World by Bill Sardi
Male hormone patch increases libido in women Reuters
Man with 'largest collection of infants and babies' porn gets 10 years -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com
Markets Need Time, Not More Poison by Bob Murphy
Michael Calderone's Blog Rep. Lewis 'a nonviolent revolution' - Politico.com
Michael Crichton, author of Jurassic Park, dies of cancer - Times Online
Novus Ordo Seclorum by Becky Akers
Obama Win Will Not Change Rigged Economy
Obama's Chief of Staff Pick a Freddie Mac Alum - Will Media Notice
Obama's former pastor to speak in Milford - The Connecticut Post Online
Rahm Emanuel A profile of Barack Obama's enforcer - Telegraph
Rahm Emanuel Pit bull politician - October 2, 2006
RAND Corporation 'Reorganizing U.S. Domestic Intelligence'
Ron Paul on Rachel Maddow Show
S.F. voters surprisingly conservative on issues
The Lew Rockwell Show - 63. Why Austrian Economics Matters More Than Ever
The Reformer's Rubbish Archaeologists Unveil Secrets of Luther's Life - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Was McCain's Campaign the Worst Ever Newsweek Politics Campaign 2008 Newsweek.com
World Exclusive E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video
World's Largest Truck Goes Robotic Discovery News
Chinese hack into White House network
Exclusive; Ilana Mercer talks to Tom DiLorenzo about new book exposing Founding Father
Exclusive; James Cantrell battles long-held notion U.S. is 'indivisible'
Where's Europe's Obama
'Aliens Cause Global Warming'
'Burn their f---ing churches, then tax charred timbers'
'Dark side of the Internet must be stopped from eclipsing its immense potential for good'
'Devil-Like Talent' Austrian Journalist Slammed For Racist Obama Rant
'Have you ever seen a victory speech where there was no one else on stage'
'He is prone to buying the Arabs' favors with Israeli currency'
'He likes to argue, and he certainly doesn't mind smart, opinionated people around him'
'He seems like someone of the people, so I believe him'
'I want my money today! It's my money. I want it right now!'
'I will get in a long line of supporters ... for this president'
'If I had a nickel for every bag,' sez Mayor Bloomberg
'Impeach Obama' Groups Already Pop Up
'In a difficult market we're doing better than we ever did'
'In the meantime, I will continue to speak out for equality for all of us'
'It stretches credulity that these are not directed by government-related organizations'
'It's the old adage Markets fall faster than they rise'
'Otherwise, the fire lit by Bush will spread across the world and destroy it into dust'
'Quite frankly, there is more varietytoday than we've had in recent years'
'Rahmbo' Takes DC - 'A Fiercely Principled Jew'
'Smears' against Democrat allegedly energized followers of Islam
'Something that we haven't really seen, this level of this rapid and significant pullback'
'Soul Men' , False Notes
'Staggering the number of major incidents which have occurred in this time frame'
'The black candidate caused much amazement with his nomination in the face of strong adversaries'
'There's a need for the old John McCain, a leader who worked in a bipartisan way'
'Today the election is over and I'm unleashed!'
'Under Jewish law and their faith, there is no such thing as brain death'
'We can predict with 85% accuracy ... without bothering to see what party you’re in'
'We're a long way from the end of the economic challenges'
1. A New New Deal - Obama's Agenda Get America Back on Track - TIME
106 year old honored by Obama 'ain't got time to die' - CNN.com
20 Resilient Responses In Troubled Times - pdf
2008 Voter Turnout Same as 2004
24 Hours on Wall Street With Obama
A Butler Well Served by This Election - washingtonpost.com
A Change the World Should Believe In
A hands-on preview of Windows 7
A Mandate For Spreading The Wealth
A Masterclass in Democracy
A Real Realignment
A Role for John McCain
A Sweeping Rejection of President Bush
Abercrombie & Fitch Names Ad Veteran Ramsden As Financial Chief
Across Economy, News Just Gets Worse
Advisers, scholars to promote controversial Shariah funding
After Obama's win, a noose is hung in Texas
Ahead of the Bell ;Canceled obesity drugs
Al Gore group urges Obama to create U.S. power grid - Reuters
Al Sharpton, Dust Off Your Résumé
Alan Colmes’ Liberaland » Italian PM Berlusconi Obama Is “Young, Handsome And Even Tanned”
Alan Colmes’ Liberaland » Palin; A Small, Bitter Person Is Making False Allegations
Alan Colmes’ Liberaland » Robert Gibbs To Be White House Press Secretary
Alan Colmes’ Liberaland » Joe Lieberman Once Vowed To Help Elect A Democratic President In 2008
Alan Colmes’ Liberaland » Joe The Plumber Doesn’t View Welfare As Wealth Redistribution
Alan Colmes’ Liberaland » Suddenly It’s Cool To Be American Again
Alien mother hires previously deported human smuggler to bring boy to U.S.
All time high of 70% support for Democrat kept McCain from White House
Among Democrats’ Leadership Questions What to Do With Lieberman
Announcement indicates Obama plans swift launch of aggressive agenda
Apple Beats RIM, Microsoft To Become No. 2 Smartphone Provider
Asia's New Silk Road
At the White House, an Obama Party
AT&T chief lays out futuristic vision for the iPhone
AT&T to test monthly cap on broadband
audio -Nov 6, 2008 - Mark Levin Show
Autism gene linked to childhood language disorder
Autism link to wet climates has researchers baffled
Banks Start to Fight Over Bailout Funds
Barack Obama; The Kingfish Reborn
Barky & The Strategy Of Manufactured Crisis
Barky's Alinsky legacy
Barky's Payback To AIPAC Rahm Emanuel
BBC Rome correspondent
Beck on why wingnuts voted for McCain; 'I mean, he's old. Maybe we get Sarah Palin in the first term'
Beijing 'will have more leverage to drive a hard bargain with U.S.'
Berlusconi apparently joking about America's 1st black president
Bill Press is overjoyed at 'having a president who doesn't mangle the English language'
Billy Graham at 90 , The man is frail, the legacy strong
Black man saw history from shadows as White House butler
Blunt steps down to make way for Cantor
Board Game Had Full Illuminati Agenda In 1995
Boehner; 'It's time for the losing to stop. And my commitment to you is that it will'
Bollyn - Zionist Israeli Who'll Make Obama Dance
Borgata Hotel Casino lays off 400
Brain Scans Show Bullies Enjoy Others' Pain
Brett Joshpe; Dutch filmmaker charged with offending Islam wouldn't have voted Obama
Bring On the ‘Reality- Based Community
Bring your laptop, leave your dictionary
British journalist covering Barack Obama caught on camera in drunk, plagiarism rant - Times Online
Brits Planned Genocide of Irish—in 1972
Brody - Players
Budget relies greatly on capital gains taxes, which have dropped precipitously
Bush Agenda Push In Final Days In Office
Bush, Obama to discuss Iraq, economy Monday
C&L's Bipartisan Campaign with Michelle Malkin ; 'Send a Message to Sarah Palin'
Cameras located in D.C., Chicago and San Francisco
Campaign Ethics Pledge Could Complicate Obama's Hiring
Can Brown Be Obama's Tony Blair
Cartels ambush two officers with grenades, guns
Catholics and Muslims Pledge to Improve Links
Center-Right Nation Watch - Brokaw, Hemmer, Rove, Buchanan Edition - OurFuture.org
Change! - Barky Tabs Volker, Buffett, Rubin, & Schmidt
Change.Gov that you can believe in
Chavez takes over biggest gold mine in Venezuela; minister
China urges Obama-led US to be careful on Taiwan
Chris Matthews leg tingle goes to his head
Civil Rights Battle Goes On
Clashes mar Chinese Taiwan visit
Clintonite Emanuel accepts Chief of Staff slot
Coin Toss Decides Goodridge, Minn. Mayor's Race
Combat Brigade Is Cut 6 Weeks Early in Iraq - washingtonpost.com
Consumer bankruptcies in October top 100,000 - USATODAY.com
Craigslist Agrees to Curb Sex Ads
Craigslist Cracks Down On Prostitution Ads
Creative Fixes For U.S. Finances
Critical 3-day period in September cast candidates' differences in sharp relief
Cross Burned On Lawn Of N.J. Obama Supporter
Curb Your Enthusiasm, Dems
David Limbaugh urges conservative to reject calls to cooperate with Obama's agenda
Day One Obama faces Cold War threat, a warning from Israel... and an armed guard to go to the gym
Day One
Death toll in NW Pakistan suicide attack rises to 22 officials
Defeated host of liberal ballot measures, voted to keep JROTC in public schools
Democrats in Congress wary of overreaching
Democrats jockeying for top Obama Cabinet posts
Democrats Prepared to Act Fast on Car Aid, Regulation
Democrats say McCain can help mediate standoffs
Demonstrations caused LAPD to declare tactical alert
Did John McCain want to win
Did Lehman Kill McCain
Dire State Of Economy Shown In BoE Shock Mov
Dismissal of Suit Against Obama Proves Nothing
Disney Shares Fall After Iger Says Theme-Park Bookings Decline
Do We Get the Government We Deserve
Do You Need an Obama to Believe
Drug 'tricks body to lose weight'
duckworth; Service in Washington would be an honor
Eastern Congo's Quagmire
Eatery has drawn complaints over promotions using Hitler, Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin
Economy takes toll on health care system – more people unable to pay their bills
Economy to be focus as Obama, Biden to meet press
Editorials Address Supreme Court Case on Pre-Emption
Election monitors pronounce US vote democratic
Election Night TV 2008, Technology for Technology's Sake
Election triggers upsurge in military-like firearms sales
Emanuel - Son Of A Zionist Terrorist
Emanuel - Son Of Israeli Emigrants
Emanuel To Be Obama's Chief of Staff
Emanuel To Bring 'Tough' Approach To WH
Emanuel's War Plan
Enemies Could See Opening for Peace, or Violence, With Obama ...
Epic Fail of the Joe The Plumber Strategy
EU voices strong concern over Russian missiles - International Herald Tribune
Europe Can Make Russia Behave
Europe's Mania for a Black US President
Exclusive; Hal Lindsey highlights unreported case of pirates dying after commandeering boat
Exclusive; Joseph Farah offers things that can be done today to take America back
Exclusive; Ted Baehr says Christians need to expand marketing target beyond Internet
Exclusive; Erik Rush sees Obama as expert purveyor of 'male bovine fecal matter'
Exclusive; Melanie Morgan tells blue-bloods to go play golf, seeks a Reagan for 2012
FBI Looks Into a Threat to Reveal Patient Data
FDIC Is Another Government Lender at Risk
Fears Obama May Not Make It To White House
Feature films coming to YouTube
Fed lending program not encouraging yet - Nov. 5, 2008
Federal agent ,'You have a problem way bigger than what you understand'
Feds Charge Ex-Intel Employee with Taking $1 Billion in Trade Secrets
Fighting Cancer Through Your Genes
Financial Crisis Will Shape Czech Presidency
First Full-Year Slump Since 1940s Says IMF
FLASHBACK - How Chicago's profane, ruthless, savvy operative remade Democrats in his image
Folic acid and B vitamins are OK, but they're not cancer fighters
Following The Trail Of Toxic E-Waste
Forget About Saving the Globe
Forget JFK - Obama Could Be Next Carter
Former engineer still on payroll while having taken new job at rival AMD
Former FBI agent convicted of leaking information to mob that led to gambling exec's death
Former N.Y. governor cleared of wrongdoing as 'Client #9' – Ashley Dupree 'pleased'
Fort Lauderdale man gets ticket after repeatedly honking horn for Obama
Fox does `House' moving, sets `American Idol' date
Fox launches Friday sci-fi block
Friday Line , Republican Governors on the Rise
Full-Length Films Bound for YouTube
Future of Alaska Sen. Stevens hangs by a thread
Gay activists jarred by California marriage defeat
Geffen on Obama 'He'll be an inspiring president' The Big Picture
Georgia rally pressures president
Global Economic Recession, Country By Country
Google leader sees green in 'white space'
Google, Xerox CEOs on Obama economic team
GOP Defeat and the 'New Tone'
GOP in dire straits - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
GOP in tatters, looks to regroup
governor 'We'll see what happens then'
Governor calls victory 'extraordinary accomplishment' that will be great for country
Graham's family says his mind is sharp and he's in good physical shape
Great Expectations of Barack Obama
Gun shop owner; 'The only other day we can compare it to is 9-11, when sales were astronomical'
Hackers cracked McCain and Obama networks
Hamas threatens to boycott Palestinian talks
Hands Across The Aisle
Hard Landing In China
Hardball ;Decision '08 Biggest Losers Video Cafe
Hawaii tourism board to pay disgraced ex-CEO $290K
Head injury ADHD link made
Health Care System Needs Fixing, Obama Says
Hello, World! America's Back.
Hero of 1993 church attack appearing in Texas
Honda Reveals New Assisted Walking Device
Hope and Change or Duck and Cover
Hotels now advertise high-tech seats, the way wireless Internet is touted in U.S.
House aide, Waxman seeks Dingell's committee job
House GOP Prepares for Combat as Blunt Quits Post
How McCain Lost ;Message, Funding Woes
How Obama Turned Indiana Blue
How Should Holocaust Deniers Be Dealt With
How to End the Recession
How To Get Your Hand Bitten
How To Survive Coming US Dollar Collapse
How Will Obama Deploy His Internet Army
IMF Urges Radical Action In Global recession
India's believers may face bloodbath after another Hindu activist is shot
Informant says he talked up NJ plot to gain trust
Injuries link to ADHD diagnosis
Insulin syringes recalled
Intention ,'To use me as a weapon of mass destruction, to tear down that man's integrity
Internal Battles Divided McCain and Palin Camps
Internet Generation Unsuitable As Jurors
internet radio site - Republic Broadcasting Network
Investigation shows 37 Afghan civilians killed in US airstrike
Investigator estimated oldest of children in images was no more than 6
Iowawk on this Historic 'Inspirational Disaster'
Iran - Obama's Win Proves Bush's Failure
Iran says EU's Solana wants more nuclear talks
Iran, Hamas welcome Obama presidency
Iranian group recruits young 'martyrs' to fight 'global arrogance'
Iranian leader expresses high hopes for Democrat's presidency
Is Oprah Trying to Turn 'Red' States 'Blue'
Is the Sun Changing
It's Cool to Be American Again
It's Time for Bretton Woods II
Italy's Berlusconi calls Obama handsome & tanned, then defends gaffe
Jerusalem's Serious Mayoral Candidate
Joe the Plumber is a welfare queen too...
John King; Obama Needs To Worry About Being Too Liberal
John Podesta, Shepherd of a Government in Exile
JP Morgan Market Manipulation Handiwork
Judge Says Four Years In Prison for Former IRS Employee Is Fair
Jurassic Park author Michael Crichton dies at 66
Kashmir lockdown targets separatist rally
Kidd - Comrade Barky Not The Next US President
King Showbama Cometh
Kiss the Ring
Labour Party Wins In Scotland
Labour wins key by-election in Scotland
Larry King Live; Bill Maher Weighs In On The Presidential Election
Larry Summers For Treasury Secretary
Las Vegas Sands Plunges on Default, Bankruptcy Risk
Led charge for Contract with America, Republican take-over of House, Senate in 1994
Lendman - The Wages Of Sin
Let Battle Commence
Let the Republican bloodbath begin
Lieberman begs Reid not to oust him from Chairmanship
Lieberman's Future Undecided After Meeting With Reid
Long-term unemployment payments hit 25-year high
Loyal to the End Evangelicals Stay the Course
Made frequent appearances on morning shows and A-list cable news programs
Malaysia's top blogger released from detention
Man will judge machine;scanner accuracy big in Senate race
Man's lack of remorse results in longer sentence
Manned Mission To Mars Boost
Martin, Page Push White Spaces
Massive Zionist Slush Fund Used To Influence Presidential Election
Matthews; 'I want to do everything I can to make this thing work, this new presidency work'
Matthews; My Job Is To Make Obama Presidency a Success NewsBusters.org
McCain starts mapping out a new role in the Senate
Medvedev urges vigilance as investigators probe suicide blast
Medvedev's State Of The Nation Address
Meet Obama's Real Opposition
Melissa Etheridge No Same-Sex Marriage No Taxes!
Microsoft Signs Wireless Pact With Telstra
Migraine Might Lower Breast Cancer Risk
Minorities, single women, young whites back Obama
Moderates to blame for GOP losses, conservative leader says
More Dirt on Sarah Palin's Fancy Duds
More votes cast in '08 presidential race than '04
Motorola Loses Top Spot to Samsung in US Mobile-Phone Market
My Way News - Reid looking to remove Lieberman as committee head
My Way News - States consider billions in cuts as deficits widen
My Way News - Thousands in Los Angeles protest gay-marriage ban
Nader On Obama's Subservience To AIPAC
Nano Cosmetic Creams Safety Warning
Nation's unemployment rate jumps to a 14-year high of 6.5%
New Apple leader sets stage for the future of the iPod
New Congress turns much more Democratic
New Documentary Exposes Dark Side of NAFTA Superhighway
New king vows to shield Bhutan in globalised world
New President Has a Mandate to Redistribute
New threat Deep global rate cuts showpolicymakers fear drop in price levels
newsflash More Than 60% See President-Elect Obama As Liberal - OurFuture.org
Next generation of leaders will have to steer GOP back to its conservative roots
Nixonland Uber Allis, Interruptus, or Finis - OurFuture.org
No longer simply appear in shows – 'Television is sooo not dead'
No Mideast Peace Foreseeable
Norman Solomon hopes for 'strong government action on behalf of economic fairness'
Number continuing to draw unemployment jumped 122,000 to 3.84 million in late October
NYC raises red-carpet fees, fines in budget crunch
Obama 'Hate Crimes' Bill Robs Right to Free Speech, Thought
Obama and the Dawn of the Fourth Republic
Obama considers stars for Cabinet - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Obama Convenes Economic Advisers
Obama Demands Iraq War Changes
Obama faces challenges in bringing change to Washington
Obama in the Middle Eastern eye
Obama isn't black
Obama Made Gains Among Younger Evangelical Voters, Data Show
Obama meeting with economic advisers, reporters
Obama Mines Clinton Staff to Fill First Staff Jobs
Obama Must Keep Promise to Unify Country
Obama Needs a Strong Foreign Policy
Obama Ran a Capitalist Campaign
Obama results show gains in key religious voters
Obama Security Threats Press Secret Service
Obama Supporters, Now That It's Over...
Obama Tabs Zionist War Hawk As Chief Of Staff
Obama the 'Gun-Snatcher'
Obama the Figurehead
Obama to meet economic advisers
Obama to meet with economic team
Obama Transition Details Now Live on Change.gov
Obama transition rolls on with chief of staff pick
Obama Voters Favor Compromise on Offshore Drilling, Poll Finds
Obama Win Means Hope for Gun Grabbers
Obama's 'Hate Bill' Steals God-Given Freedom
Obama's 'Zionist' Chief Of Staff
Obama's Auntie Vanishes From Boston Slum
Obama's Biggest Decision
Obama's Choice for Treasury
Obama's First Test
Obama's Foreign Policy Picks
Obama's Global Grand Bargain
Obama's Russia Test
Obama's Savvy Choice
Obama's search for a CTO
Obama's victory leaves Ill. Senate seat in limbo
Obama's win means future elections must be fought online
Obama's World
Obama, Assembling Team, Turns to the Economy
Obama, McCain campaigns' computers hacked for policy data
Obama-themed malware on the rise
Obama’s Transition Economic Advisory Board
Obama’s “Suntan”
Officer accused of violating illegal aliens' civil rights
Official leading peace talks claims Israeltrying to 'invent' historical Jerusalem link
Old classmates set up fan club for boy known as 'Barry'
On Concerns Over Gun Control, Gun Sales Are Up
One Person Burned in Explosion at Texas Vodka Distillery
Only 2nd time since 1900 state has backed presidential loser
Open Left - The Pluralist Coalition Manifests
Opening a Door in Tehran
Opportunities of an Obama Presidency
Oprah introduces the shoulder she cried on
Organism naturally produces hydrocarbon similar to diesel used in cars, trucks
Outrageous - Bottled Water 38 Pollutants, 10 Brands
Oxford compiles list of top ten irritating phrases - Telegraph
Pain May Be Pleasurable for Some Bullies
Pakistan; At Least 13 Killed in Suspected US Missile Attack
Palestinian rhythms of resistance
Palin Did NOT Know Africa a Continent
Palin gone, anything but forgotten
Palin To Run For Ted Stevens' Senate Seat
Panasonic to Enter Talks to Buy Sanyo
Partisan split ; Republicans, 84%, Democrats, 24%
Party Chairmen Differ on Election
Pat Buchanan; GOP candidate missed the boatby not supporting moral-issue ballot initiatives
Pelosi Backs Including Tax Cut in US Stimulus Plan
Pelosi Favors Two-Step Stimulus, Seeks Permanent Tax Cut in 2009
Pending Sales of Existing Homes in US Fell 4.6%
Pennsylvania, other states reach deal with Craigslist on sex ads
Peter Jones on ancient finance
Pig organs ‘available to patients in a decade’ - Times Online
Planned job cuts highest in 5 years - Nov. 5, 2008
Podcast Downloads coming in iPhone OS 2.2–from Apple
Police find rest of victim in black bag in nearby plaza
Polish minister missile defense in Czech hands
Pope slams human organ trade, warns on transplants
Power Struggle May Open Rift Among House Dems
President-Elect Faces Difficult Choice at Treasury
President-Elect Obama's First CIA Briefing
President-elect's headquarters declare, 'To God be the glory' for victory
Problem with selling now is that you're too late – time to sell was 12 months ago
Progressivism's Achilles Heel
Prop. 8 protesters target Mormon temple in Westwood
Proposals could put him in presidency until 2021
Proposition 8 Hypocrisy
Putin er...Medvedev orders missiles deployed in Europe
Questions answered about buying truck with cash, renting to a friend, the Stupid Tax
Rahm Emanuel ;Pit Bull Politician
Rahm Emanuel accepts chief of staff post
Rahm Pick Shows Obama Wants to Win
Ralph Nader wonders if Obama will be an Uncle Tom.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 Congressional Final Results
RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 Presidential Final Results
Reassuring investors about Obama Administration economic policies
Reinventing the GOP
Religion, faith and ethics
Report cites Frank's proposal to cut military 25%
Report says hackers infiltrated Obama, McCain campaign computers
Reporter Blackstone found no Prop 8 backers for story
Republicans still in denial as wilderness years stretch ahead
Rich nations should ditch 'unsustainable' lifestyles China's Wen
Robert Edmondson 'Testified Against The Jews'
Roy Blunt steps down as GOP Whip
Rubin Not Interested In Treasury Position
Russia president tells police to crush crisis unrest - Reuters News
Russia to Obama Move to the Back of the Bus
Russia, US Play Poker with Missiles
Salmonella Outbreak Tied to Dry Dog Food Continues
SanDisk Develops Faster SSD Technology
Sarah Palin's exit interview ;'An economic woeful time in this nation' beat her ticket
Sarkozy keeps the new president on line for 30 minutes
Sarkozy Turns SWF Idea Upside Down
Saudis on Strike
Schwarzenegger calls for immediate tax increases, budget cuts
Scientists Identify Gene Linked to Speech Impairment in Children
Senator Sarah
Shot fired at Ohio university; no one hurt
SITE - www.lighthouseproductionsllc.com
Solar Particle Activity Has Virtually Flat-Lined
Some computers are too important to be networked
Some want fundamental rethinking of party's message
Son; Billy Graham's work with presidents is ending
Southern Africa Gears up for Zimbabwe Summit
Spitzer Won't Be Charged in Prostitution Case
Sprint posts loss as more users leave
State's Republican congressional, legislative delegations virtually unchanged
Stop the insanity CNN's 'hologram' was horrendous
Stores say gun-control fears spur firearms sales
Student suspended in 2002 for holding up banner while standing across from high school
Sudden Death Risk Highest 30 Days After Heart Attack
Suddenly, it may be cool to be an American again
Taxpayers May Foot Bill for Mortgage Execs' Legal Bills
Tears to Remember
Telecom veterans join Obama transition team
Tells 3.1 million online volunteers, 'I'll be in touch soon about what comes next'
Testimony continues in Fort Dix trial
Testosterone patch may kick-start sex drive in women
Text Messaging Big Winner on Election-Night
The American Eagle Needs Two Wings to Soar
The Campaign Autopsy
The Chosen - Jews In The 111th US Congress
The Daily Show , Obama Victory Coverage
The disappearing male
The Long Emergency
The Mandate is for Moderation
The moment surfer takes on 41-foot monster wave... and lives to tell the tale
The New Team Timothy Geithner
The Obama site that hasn’t been hacked
The RNC Chair Fight Begins
The Sitting Presidents
The Sudden & Convenient Death of Joerg Haider
The Supreme Court takes on the seven dirty words
The Vote, A Victory for Social Media
The World Looks to Obama – Part II
Threat Claims Theft of Data On Patients
Time for change in New Zealand
Time for McCain to Step Up to the Plate Again
Told Americans to follow the example of Europe
Tomorrow's Politics of Inequality Today!
Transcripts ... Gen. Tommy Franks on Obama's Challenges
Transcripts ... Interview with Colin Powell
Transcripts ... McCain's Concession Speech
Transcripts ... Obama's Victory Speech
Transcripts ... Panel on the Future of Bipartisanship
Transcripts ... President Bush on Obama's Victory
Transcripts ... President Bush on the Presidential Transition
Transcripts ... Shields & Brooks on What's Ahead for Obama
Trashing Palin
Treasury Secretary Short List ; Tim Geithner
Tuesday Was a Banner Day for Unions
Turnout High, But Not a Record
TX Edu Official - Obama A Terror Sympathizer
U.S. Carmakers Said to Seek $50 Billion in U.S. Loans
U.S. carriers may face higher labor costs with new president
UK Banks ORDERED To Pass On Rate Cut
UN Chief Says DRC Fighting is Spreading
Under Myers' leadership, ICE undertook more aggressive workplace enforcement of laws
United cancels hike in fee for bags
US Engages Russia on Arms and Missile Defense
Venezuela welcomes Democrat as head of 'most powerful nation in the world'
video - IDF Beasts Tormenting Bound Palestinian
video - Inside Job
video - Nader - Obama An Uncle Sam Or Uncle Tom
video -- Emanuel on Being Obama's Chief of Staff
video -- Bush Administration Talks Transition
video -- Coleman-Franken Race Headed for a Recount
video -- Gallup Breaks Down the Election
video -- Lieberman Speaks to Reid, Reporters
video -- Matthews Says He Wants to Make This New Presidency Work
video -- McCain's Concession Speech
video -- Minnesota Recount Process Could Take Weeks
video -- Obama's Victory Speech
video -- Pelosi on the Democrats' Election Victories
video -- President Bush on Obama's Victory
video -- Secretaries of State on Obama's Win
VIDEO CLIPS - TSG TV Video Clips From The Smoking Gun
Wall Street Bounces Back in Early Trading
Washington in 5 Minutes
Watchdog fears new administration won't enforce FCC indecency code
Watching Obama from Tehran
We Can Rebuild the GOP
What happened to free expression
What I Saw at the Obama Revolution
What's Next for Affirmative Action
Who Is Rahm Emanuel
Who Laughs Last Recount in Coleman-Franken Race
Why Obama's Green Jobs Plan Won't Work
Why Peter Thiel Knew Banks Were Troubled
Why Rahm
Wiesenthal Museum To Go On Old Muslim Cemetery
Will Obama Adjust Iraq Timetable
Will Obama Have a Honeymoon
Will Obama Use Hate Laws To Stop Islam Critics
Will Obama's Race Trump His Politics
Will Senate Dems Cut Lieberman Loose
Will USA Be Getting a Chief Technology Officer in 2009
WING TV Archives
With Bush Still In Charge, The Right Will Blame Obama
Women with strong grip put themselves in even better position than men
World Leaders Spell Out Demands To Obama
World's Youngest King Admits He Doubted Ability to Reign
You never see the tiny creatures backed up and idling along a scent trail
YouTube - Black teacher belittles soldiers child for supporting McCain
YouTube to stream full major motion pictures