"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
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Lennon Marx

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ABC News Chase Bank Hoax Threat Letters Sent from Amarillo, Texas
Al-Qaida-linked Web site backs McCain as president
Are the Polls Accurate - WSJ.com
BoycottNYT The New York Times Smears Cindy McCain
Breitbart.tv » Ayers Declares ‘Very Open’ Marxist Leanings Week Before Event With Obama
Chi. homeless shelters get training on gay issues -- chicagotribune.com (2)
Chi. homeless shelters get training on gay issues -- chicagotribune.com
Do five simple things a day to stay sane, say scientists - Times Online
FOXNews.com - Video Game Yanked for Being Offensive to Muslims - Science News Science & Technology Technology News
Freddie Mac Money Trail Catches Up With McCain Newsweek Periscope Newsweek.com (2)
Freddie Mac Money Trail Catches Up With McCain Newsweek Periscope Newsweek.com
FT.com - In depth - McCain faces uphill struggle
Gay NYPD Lt. accused of sexual harrassment; he claims 'jock itch'
Get Ready for the New New Deal - WSJ.com (2)
Get Ready for the New New Deal - WSJ.com
Iran, Russia, Qatar move on gas cartel Iran news Jerusalem Post
Lauer to Obama How Will You 'Manage Expectations' of Being 'Messiah' NewsBusters.org (2)
Lauer to Obama How Will You 'Manage Expectations' of Being 'Messiah' NewsBusters.org
Liberalism Is Insanity Spread the Wealth, Thinking Caused Economic Meltdown (2)
Liberalism Is Insanity Spread the Wealth, Thinking Caused Economic Meltdown
Marriage Referendum Leads 52% to 43% Among Likely California Voters (2)
Marriage Referendum Leads 52% to 43% Among Likely California Voters
Mohamed al Fayed denies child sex assault allegations - Times Online
Mohamed Fayed schoolgirl sex assault quiz The Sun News
My Way News - McCain targets liberals in sharpened stump speech
My Way News - Police TV anchor perhaps victim of random attack
My Way News - Tough prime-time weeks for NBC, Fox
Newsmax.com – Dead Goldfish Registered to Vote in Illinois (2)
Newsmax.com – Dead Goldfish Registered to Vote in Illinois
Newsmax.com – U.S. Headed for Capitalism-Socialism Hybrid (2)
Newsmax.com – U.S. Headed for Capitalism-Socialism Hybrid
Obama campaign selling Chicago election night coverage packages to news outlets - Lynn Sweet
Palin breaks with McCain on gay marriage amendment (2)
Palin breaks with McCain on gay marriage amendment
Political Radar Obama Tweaks Tax Plan to Rebut McCain
Powder-laced letters sent to banks in 9 cities - Yahoo! News
Protester in SF attempts to handcuff Karl Rove - Yahoo! News
RNC shells out $150K for Palin fashion - Jeanne Cummings - Politico.com
Shame on McCain and Palin for using an old code word for black Midwest Voices
So long, suckers. Millionaire hedge fund boss thanks 'idiot' traders and retires at 37 Business The Guardian
South African killers now work on behalf of their victim - Los Angeles Times
The Associated Press Ex-border agents on run for 2 years held in Mexico
The Jawa Report Muslims of the Americas Cop Killer Gets Life in Prison
Top Iran officials recommend preemptive strike against Israel - Haaretz - Israel News
Trickle-Up Poverty (2)
Trickle-Up Poverty
wcbstv.com - Hempstead High On Guard Following 2 Days Of Brawls
WXOW News 19 La Crosse, WI – News, Weather and Sports Coleman campaign Senator's garage vandalized
YouTube - Libnut Tries to Arrest Karl Rove
Report U.S. Navy Warship On Fire In Persian Gulf
How The Illuminati Controls Politics
Bill Ayers' Scary Plans for Public Schools - Townhall.com
Talking Points Memo Barack's Grandmother
'I think there are a lot of very rich people out there whom we can tax'
Alex Jones On International Press TV Discussing The Economic Implosion
Biden Predicts “International Crisis” Within First 6 Months Of Obama Presidency
Brzezinski Powell decision tears GOP ticket
David Gergen explains ‘esoteric’ New World Order in confrontation
Ed Brown Gassed, Tortured In Deprivation Tank
Globalists Exploit Financial Meltdown In Move Towards One World Currency
IMF Badmouths The Dollar In Open Attack On American Middle Class
Interpol Details Plans For Global Biometric Facial Scan Database
Obama, Ayers and ACORN Peas in a Pod
Say, did you know Republicans are racists....
The New York Times Smears Cindy McCain
$150 Million Man
'A 357 Magnum is certainly a useful deterrent'
'America is not the problem, America is the solution'
'Anytime we become vulnerable, our risk of a terrorist attacks increases'
'Barack does not share our traditional values of defending innocent life'
'Be realistic and accept that around a third of young people are sexually active before 16'
'Honestly, they'd be crazy not to do it'
'I think I may have detected a little pattern with Sen. Obama. It's pretty simple really'
'I think there are a lot of very rich people out there whom we can tax'
'If OPEC does cut production, prices could return to the upside over the next 3 to 6 months'
'If Sarah Palin had said this it would be above the fold in most newspapers today'
'In general, the weather this summer was the worst I have seen in at least 20 years'
'Keating 5' Facts
'McCain's a warrior and he believes in guerrilla warfare out there on the campaign trail'
'Neighboring friendly countries need to support each other'
'Our sales in the United States remained sluggish'
'Please remove her from any and all future mailings and contacts'
'Possible that it is something other than robbery'
'She said any event she can take her kids to is an event she tries to attend'
'The states where we are spending our time are really the critical ones'
'There's a whole big pack of folks in the middle that are going to be looking at trade-offs'
'They know themselves that they are doing good work and telling the truth'
'Things go in cycles. Even when things are at their worst, there's still an upturn'
'This is definitely a hate crime'
'We cannot speculate on the motives of the people involved'
'We have a very good chance of beating the 64% turnout in the 1960 election'
'We have been receiving documents and we are sharing them with the U.S. attorney's office'
'We've argued between whether or not it is wrong in every circumstance'
'What seems to be happening is that we are getting relief on price'
17 dead in bomb blast in northeast India police
1st time Alaska governor to give sworn testimony in case
2 Plainclothes Officers Shot in Queens Subway Station - NYTimes.com
21 pawned guns, 1 big arrest
24-year-old admits he sought power outlet to juice up his handset
2nd Stimulus May Throw Caution to the Wind
3 other senior executives will be given positions at Bank of America
41 States Report Increased Monthly Job Losses
58-year-old woman accosted on stage attempting 'citizen's arrest for treason'
A Blueprint For Bretton Woods II
A Bosnian Powder Keg
A Conversation with Judith Orloff, M.D.
A Conversation with Robert Arnott
A Critical Stage in Iraq
A Done Deal
A little insight into the real Bill Ayers -- GazetteXtra
A Long Patrol with New Pals
A small step toward dark matter Discover Magazine
A Taste for Blood
AAA SITE - Seeking Truth News - Updated Daily
ABC News Exclusive Inside Account of U.S. Eavesdropping on Americans
AC-DC Lands a Double Axel on 'Black Ice' - washingtonpost.com
Afghan Journalism Student Gets 20 Yrs
Afghan student gets 20 years instead of death for blasphemy
African free trade zone is agreed
Agreement with Muslims pledged to protect terrorists, throttle Christians, impose Shariah
Al-Qaeda Hails Financial Crisis
Al-Qaida-linked Web site backs McCain as president
Albright Agrees with Biden Obama Will Face Unexpected Test
Allegations of 'widespread, systematic voter registration fraud'
America's Other Deficit Leadership
American Thinker Obama and Dohrn and Ayers
American Thinker Al Qaeda and the Election
American Thinker Will an angry electorate hand the election to Obama
American Thinker 'The most important thing you can do to get elected is have street money!'
American Thinker A Harvard Trial Lawyer for McCain
American Thinker AP Sarah's Kids Traveled With Her!
American Thinker Barack O'Bonaparte, Man of Destiny
American Thinker Deconstructing the Liberal Media's Funny Bone
American Thinker Don't Forget the Undecided Voters
American Thinker Evidence Mounts Ayers Co-Wrote Obama's Dreams
American Thinker Good news Police prepare for unrest on election night
American Thinker Hedge Funds, Politics, and the Market Crash
American Thinker Is ACORN Setting Up a Nutty Defense
American Thinker Media Polls Pimping for Obama
American Thinker Obama and the Jews
American Thinker Obama's campaign built on lies
American Thinker Planetary President Obama
American Thinker Responsibility for Fannie-Freddie
American Thinker Something Wrong with this Picture
American Thinker Stealing the Presidency An Obama-ACORN Primer
American Thinker The Buying of the Presidency 2008
American Thinker Two Top Ten Lists
American Thinker Fidel Castro Endorses Obama -- Again
American Thinker It's a question of judgment, not patriotism
American Thinker Judging Who is Smart
American Thinker McCain trims ad buys in 5 states
American Thinker McCain's War Story
American Thinker Obama's Big Lie in the Last Debate
American Thinker Obama's Culture of Death and the Catholic Vote
American Thinker Palin's People Power
American Thinker The Joe-the-Plumber vote is bigger than you think
American Thinker The Last Two Years
American Thinker The Said-Khalidi-Obama Connection
American Thinker The Second Coming of Jimmy Carter
American Thinker When Racism Distorts A Journalist's Logic
American Thinker How Obama Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the R-Bomb
AmEx Profit Falls - Cardholders Struggle
An Introduction to Intuition
And Now...The Manchurian Microchip
Angry north Indians torch train to protest attacks
Another Communist in Obama’s Orb
Another McCarthyite Republican - Rep. Robin Hayes....
Apple, Psystar Go To Mediation In Copyright Dispute
Archbishop criticizes Obama, Catholic allies
Are the Polls Accurate
Are You an Intuitive Empath
Argentina To Nationalise Private Pensions
Argentine Bonds, Stocks Sink as Takeover Fuels Default Concerns
Arguing Against an Obama Presidency
As state senator, presidential candidate praised work of former leader of Weather Underground
At issue is turning over some online advertising space for rival to sell
At least 10% of its workforce during next 2 months to cope with crumbling economy
Ayers Is No Education 'Reformer' - WSJ.com
Baby Boomer Examiner Obama-Ayers Where's the beef
bachmann 'I made a misstatement'
Barack Obama Buying, Criming, and Lying His Way Through a Presidential Election is NOT “change we can believe in” Haemet
Barack Obama's upcoming TV special provides fodder for John McCain
Barkey's Support Of Unrepentant Terrorist
Barky Will Seek Advice Of Clinton, Bush 41 ('Change'!)
Barky's Forced Socialst Army Of World Servers
Barney Frank 'It is as important a set of economic decisions ... since the Depression'
Battle Of The Lawrences O'Donnell Presses Eagleburger On The Experience Point Crooks and Liars
Be In Your Body
Behind the Panic Financial Warfare over Future of Global Bank Power
Ben Shapiro offers test to identify those with that certain air of superiority
Biden Challenges McCain To Stop Scurrilous Robocalls
Biden Takes Prophecy Show To The Emerald City
Big Brother Database Threatens Freedom
Big Donors Drive Obama's Money Edge
Bill Ayers & Joe the Plumber - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Bill Ayers declares 'very open' leanings week before event with Obama
Billionaire funds Catholic groups making Barack seem anti-abortion
Billionaires Forced to Bail Out
Bishop says they 'get more into the soul than simply reading an ancient book'
BlackBerry Bold gets official Nov. 4 release date and pricing
Blackwater Sends Warship To Gulf Of Aden
Boosting ties, Japan offers India record loan for railway
Boris Johnson's Silly Endorsement of Obama
Breitbart.tv » Ayers Declares ‘Very Open’ Marxist Leanings Week Before Event With Obama
Bride-to-be runs over fiance's foot with car, then bites him
Britain’s Prime Minister Argues for Global Governance
Bush Guilty Of First Degree Murder
Bush Has Made Mideast A Better Place Says Condi
Bush raises $1 million for Senate Republicans
Bush's Grand Illusion
But British government 'hushes' embarrassing findings of study
Calls Obama 'representative of the radical left'
Campaign doesn't respond to claims in lawsuit over birth certificate
Can't Fight The Aura of Mr. Smooth
Canada Needs More Hockey, Please
Canadian Election A Warning To Americans
Canceled parties, slashed budgets, layoffs spreading
Catholic groups launches pro-Obama web site
Central Banks Scramble To Buy Dollars
Chef responds by punching man in face, breaking 1 of his teeth
Chicago Says There Is Too Much Ado About Bill Ayers - TIME
China Not a Campaign Issue for US
Chinese Melamine Poison Spreads Around World
Claims dirty tricks including phone being bugged, called for jury duty
Claims his community 'belongs to the Palestinian national cause'
Colin Powell Warns Of Coming Crisis “We Don’t Even Know About Right Now”
Collection of drawings, writings by Renaissance master free of biological onslaught
College students, alumni not laughing after letter turns fundraising into joke
Columbo Questions Obama
Communists for Obama Stalinist tactics used to silence critics
Company would likely shed brands, merge agency accounts
Corporate results raising worries about deep, protracted recession
Countdown Special Comment Gov. Palin, Are You Smarter Than A Third Grader Crooks and Liars
Creative Protesting FOXNews.com
Dan Calabrese - What Bill Ayers saw in Barack Obama ayers, obama, barack Appeal-Democrat
DARPA building search engine for video surveillance footage
DARPA Contract Description Hints at Advanced Video Spying - washingtonpost.com
David Rockefeller urges worldwide population control measures
Death in the Skies Discover Magazine
Debbie Schlussel I Warned You About Judge Abu Porno - ACORN-Esque Bush Judge Enables Voter Fraud, Ineligible Voters
Debbie Schlussel - Bush to Nominate PORN ADDICT, TERROR SYMPATHIZER, RACIST to Court of Appeals
Debbie Schlussel - Cooking the Islamophobia Books - Religion of Filing False Police Reports & Making Up Phony Attacks
Debbie Schlussel - Liberal Colin Powell Was Advising Barack Obama Since June 2007
Debbie Schlussel - New Nation of Islam, Farrakhan are Same Ole Same Ole
Debbie Schlussel - So a Liberal Black Guy Endorses a Liberal Black Guy
Debt Slavery Is Real Reason Behind The 'Bailout'
Decade worth of messages, interviews from bin Laden leaked to web
Democratic VP nominee Biden releases medical records
Democrats candidate plans to force environmental agenda
Democrats Could Dominate Congress After the Elections
Democrats fret about McCain surge in Keystone State
Depleted Uranium - Iraq's Nuclear Nightmare
Depression Update
Destroying The Village 'To Save It'
Did Ayers Babysit Obama’s Kids Stop The ACLU
Did Obama Kill Campaign Finance
Diego Garcia Islanders Lose Bid To Go Home
Do You Get Drained By Other People's Energy
Do You Need Talent In Order to Succeed
Doctors ignoring impotence as heart risk-expert
Donors boost Georgia with $4.5 billion
Downturn Shatters Faith In Stocks
Drug Wars - Human Heads Sent To Mexican Cops
Early voting a boost for Dems
Economic Panics and Politics
Economic vs. Social Populism
Ellen DeGeneres Starts Dance-Off Between Barack Obama & Wife Michelle
Endangered animals sold online
Et tu, Yahoo Yahoo's False Balance Minimizes Support For Obama Crooks and Liars
Eugenics Quotes - From lofty ideals to centralized population control and mass death
Ex-Chicago Cop Charged With Lying About Torture
Ex-USAF Pilot Tells Of UFO Shoot Down Order
exclusive Burt Prelutsky wants McCain to 'knock out this lightweight in the final round'
exclusive Dave Welch says that does more good than telling congregants how to vote
exclusive Ellis Washington decries 'outrageous' decision on Ohio vote-fraud case
exclusive Jack Cashill presents more evidence pointing to terrorist as ghostwriter
exclusive Janet Porter anchors video portraying 'scary' results of Obama victory
exclusive Jill Stanek pushes for feds to investigate lack of prosecutions under law
exclusive Joseph Farah notes Obama would fail basic FBI background check
exclusive Matt Barber spotlights promisesObama made to his 'homofascist fan club'
Family Security Matters Exclusive Obama – The One They’ve Been Waiting For (Part Two of Two)
Family Security Matters Exclusive Obama – The One They’ve Been Waiting For (Part One of Two)
FDA Extortion Threatens Natural Supplement Co's
feature Life with and without rockets' boom
Fed Raises Rate It Pays on Banks' Reserve Balances
Fed Tries To Prevent 'Great Depression II'
Feds catch up with Burge
Firefighters Target McCain, GOP Senators on Health Care
Five Steps to Intuitive Healing
Florida court considers whether or not to include items found in Nowak's car
Food Allergy in Kids Up 18%
For many biological drugs, 'on the market' doesn't mean safe
Former Kissinger Policy Planner, CFR Member Calls For New Global Monetary Authority
Fort Bragg trial starts in 'fragging' case
Four More Years!
Free Gaza protesters to make repeat voyage
Gardasil Immigration Rule Proving Controversial
Glenn Beck's New World Order Diatribe
Global Financial Summit Scheduled for Nov. 15
Gmail Offers Canned Responses for the Lazy Emailer in All of Us
Gmail Product Profile
GOP says trumped-up count designed to distract from ACORN
GOP spent $150,000 in donations on Palin's look
GPS technology allows firm to change commercials based on locations
Grading Bush's 'War on Terror'
Group's Study Finds Income Gap Widening
Growing Al-Qaeda Threat to Israel
Guilt by association -- chicagotribune.com
Guns, Abortion and the Supreme Court
Guy Benson Obama Living in the Past on Iraq - Townhall.com
Hacker Who Posted Racy Miley Cyrus Pics Busted
Haider Murder - Mossad Assassination In Austria
Hard Times For Humans, Harder...Times For Pets
hardball Matthews Chastises Limbaugh Over Powell's Endorsement - Let us think. Let us decide Crooks and Liars
Hate Charge Against Illinois Teen Dropped
Hawaii Wants Obama's Birth Records
He only voted against that born-alive abortion .....
Health and Spirituality
Health Care Coverage -- But at What Price
Hefty price tag on best camera, reporting positions for news organizations
Help Blue America Get Alan Grayson's New Ad On The Air Crooks and Liars
Hey, Android Where are the Apps
Hillary & Obama In Secret Bilderberg Rendezvous
Homeland Security Previews Physiological Bio-Screeners
Homes Burst Into Flames Near Detroit, 4 Missing
Hot Air Infanticide, revisited
Hot Air McCarthy Obama’s moral failing on infanticide
Hot Air There are a lot of things above Obama’s “pay grade”
Hot Air Yes, we can … elect a guy who votes for infanticide
Hot Air Obama ad lies about Obama’s infanticide vote
Hot Air Team Obama acknowledges infanticide lie
Hot Air Guess which card Obama pulled out of the deck today
Hot Air Obama Bill unnecessarily burdened doctors with babies; Update AOL Hot Seat poll added
Hot Air Obama McCain’s message is that I don’t “look like the other presidents on the currency”
Hot Air New York governor If Obama loses, it’ll be because of racism
Hot Air Obama’s support for infanticide breaks into mainstream media
Hot Air - Who’s playing the race card Update Audio added
Hot Air Obama hauls almost $8 mil in Frisco, moderates the “racist” smear on GOP
How Axelrod Learned to Conquer Race
How Many Polls Does It Take To Screw Up An Election
How The Illuminati Controls Politics
How to Center Yourself
How to Finish the Job in Iraq
How To Prepare for What Lies Ahead
How To Stop Absorbing The Energy of Others
Hu De-communizing China
Human Brain Still Awake, Even During Deep Sleep
I Come To Bury Keynes
I wasn’t injecting race — after all, my audience was 98% white....
If The Next President Gives 20 Million Amnesty
In CIA-Speak 'Tickling' Means Death By Drone
In Sour Economy, Some Scale Back on Medications
India Shoots for the Moon with New Probe
Integrity of election 'is important to our democracy'
Intel Criticizes Modern Smartphones, Blames ARM Microprocessors.
Internet, Cell Phones Keep Families Together, Pew Finds
Iraqi Cabinet Wants Security Agreement Altered
Is Israel's High-Tech Industry Mossad
Is the Era of Big Government Back
Israeli government demands clarification following WND article
Israeli Mossad Chief Killed In Jordan
Jay D. Homnick draws comparison between Tampa Bay Rays, John McCain
Joe the Plumber & GOP 'Authenticity'
John McCain's blunt anti-feminism
Judith Orloff MD on CNN Headline News
Judith Orloff MD on the CBS Early Show
Judith Orloff MD on The NBC Today Show
Just Have Your Gmail Contact My Gmail
Keeping Ourselves Centered and Protected
Kim Jong Il 'I think it is untidy and not befitting for athletes' to have long styles
Latin America uniting against neocons of Washington
Lawmakers blast credit rating agencies
Lessons from Tokyo
Letter Threats To Chase Grow Past 30 - FBI
Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life ....
Life Lies by David Freddoso National Review Online
Life Preserver for Homeowners Under Water
Limbaugh's racial fixation embodies why Republicans are losing Crooks and Liars
Listen to pastor questioning author Joe Kovacs about best-selling 'Shocked by the Bible'
Maher 9-11 Truth Infiltration Cops Arrived And Ordered We Are Change Activists Be Released
Making Plans for Palin
Management claims host's reprimand for Obama coverage only a hoax
Mattel chief 'Some families may have to make choices this year'
McCain asks NH voters for one more comeback win
McCain Buried Under Avalanche of Cash
McCain can't make attacks stick to Obama
McCain Fights to Keep Crucial Blue State in Play
McCain Hits Obama on Experience, Taxes
McCain in New Hampshire Emphasizing Taxes
McCain Invokes Joe The Plumber In New TV Ad
McCain Letter Asks Russian Envoy For Money Crooks and Liars
McCain on the Record
McCain promises NASA money Bad Astronomy Discover Magazine
McCain returns to NH trying to stave off Nov. loss
McCain Says Obama's Tax Plans Not Plausible
McCain slightly ahead in South Dakota
McCain tries to steal Pennsylvania; Obama’s poll numbers widen
McCain “I Always Aspire To Be A Dictator”
McCain's black family ties touch on the GOP's racial faultline Crooks and Liars
McCain's Campaign Is Both Uncivil and Uncivilizing
McCain's campaign strategy The Penguin knows. Crooks and Liars
McCain, Obama go rural in final fight for Virginia
Media groups decry Afghan ruling
Meditations and Exercises To Reduce Stress
Merck's Combination Children's Vaccine Linked to Convulsions
Metrics Are Adding Up For Obama
Mexico's Spreading Drug Violence
Michelle Obama Tirade At African Press
Michelle Obama, Whites Have Beaten Us Down, Oppressed Us And Caused Us To Feel Guilty BigMouthFrog
Microsoft delaying Xbox Live Primetime
Minn. rep calls talk show appearance `big mistake'
Miss Teen Louisiana loses crown over pot - MSNBC.com
More Democrats Casting Early Ballots, Data Show
More Euro Banks May Fail Says IMF
More Gay Sex Allegations Involving Obama
More Proof Of Alexa Ratings Scam
Museum plans to shoot, lethally inject thousands of island bunnies
My Way News - McCain reminds Biden he's been tested in crisis
Mysterious 'dead water' effect caught on film
Nat Hentoff rips justices for refusing appeal of death-penalty conviction in question
Nathaniel Rothschild Defends Flunky Mandelson
National Security Returns
NATO ships travel from Italy to Somalia
NBC Protecting Obama from Biden's Gaffe
NC lawmaker Comment on liberals came out wrong
Negotiators hope to finalize merger before presidential election
NeoCon Douglas Feith Chastized for 9-11, WMD Lies
NeoCons For Obama - Do The Math
New Information About Ayers and His Association With Obama
Newest 3G model outsells market-leading BlackBerry from Research in Motion
Newsmax.com – O’Reilly Obama Was Close to Ayers
Night of the (Character) Assassins
Nine Afghan troops killed in international air strike
Nokia hopes free technology will boost smartphones
Notice Your Beliefs
Now Obama’s got Colin Powell AND Google
O'Reilly's Narcissistic Hilarity Crooks and Liars
Obama Builds Army Of Attys For Election
Obama Camp Dismisses Jackson's Israel Remarks
Obama fends off Palin charge of 'socialist' tax plan
Obama Hammers McCain's Outdated Ideology On Economy
Obama Lies For His Wall Street Handlers
Obama Pledges Tax Cut for 'Joe'
Obama Praised 'Searing and Timely' Book by Ayers
Obama Praised Terrorist Ayers’ Book - Right Pundits
Obama Relies on Black Pride for Record Turnout in Ohio, Georgia
Obama Relies on Black Pride for Record Turnout in Ohio, Georgia
Obama Sheeple Cheer Police Violation Of Free Speech
Obama Swings and Misses on Trade
Obama takes on national security in Va. swing
Obama's Office Won't Deny Senator Attended Bilderberg
Obama's Powell Stands By His War Crimes
Obama-Ayers link involved Annenberg grant Philadelphia Inquirer 10-18-2008
Obama’s Characterization of Civilian Deaths - The Domain for Truth
Obama’s chief strategist accuses McCain of “injecting.... race into the election
Obama’s ‘Ellen’ Cameo
Officer fired for providing alcohol to minors at his home, using stun gun on boy
Omar Khadr
One Man's Grief, Zimbabwe's Pain
Ooooo, pretty! And a little scary. Discover Magazine
Opening statements begin in Martinez court-martial
Orange County offers drive-through democracy
Other factors Higher food, fuel prices hitting families with 'no cushion'
Pajamas Media Obama and the Fairness Doctrine
Pakistan Needs IMF's Help
Palin aide says candidate's clothing to be donated
Palin breaks with McCain on gay marriage amendment
Palin Says Vice President In Charge Of Senate
Palin tells kids the vice president 'runs' Senate
palin The 'right thing' for America will happen Nov. 4
Palin uses the Plumber to call Obama socialist on CNN
Panic Doesn't Mean We've Hit a Bottom
Paul - Bailouts A New Era Of Taxpayer Slavery
Paulson Hides Key Parts Of Bailout Contracts
Pauper State USA
Pennsylvanians wonder what has happened to Democratic Party
perino 'We are open to good ideas'
Philip Zelikow Had 9-11 Report Rewritten To Be More Favorable Of Condi
Phyllis Schlafly envisions Bill Ayers pushing his Marxist ideas in Obama administration
Plans Unveiled For A NatGas OPEC
Police prepare for unrest
politico RNC spent $150k on Palin's clothes Crooks and Liars
Porton Down Scientists Deployed 'Several Times'
Pound Tumbles As BoE Admits Recession
Powell - 'There's Going To Be A Crisis
Powell Drops the Hammer on McCain
Power Line - The Ayers Cover-Up Continues
Power Line - The Friends of Barack Obama, Part 2
Prepared remarks of Senator John McCain
Professors For Terrorism FITSNews
Proposition would stop enforcement of all prostitution laws
Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires
Quiz - Am I In A Relationship With A Victim
Quiz - Are You Intuitive
Quiz - Do You Have Positive Energy
rahm GOP Comments 'cross The Line'
Read 3-page agreement that promised to Islamize Kenya, protect terrorists
Region Could Give McCain Pa. Win
Rense.com, Others Attacked By Zionist Ynet.news
Report - Real estate prospects look bleak
Rescuing Afghanistan Still Noble Ambition
Robber Escapes With Cash, Leaves Thumb
Robert Buzzanco laments that 'socialism has been essentially dead for decades'
Roberts - A Government Of Thieves
Robotic ants building homes on Mars
Roland Martin rips Rush for saying race a factor in Powell endorsement
Ron Paul Blasts Secret Government Running Economy
Rudy Ray Moore, 81, 'Dolemite' star, precursor of rap, dies -- chicagotribune.com
Russia modernizes missiles in response to US plans
Russia tests ICBM
Russia's Big Bang
Russia-Iran-Qatar Cartel To Control 60% All NatGas
S.Africa judge says prosecutors can appeal Zuma case
San Francisco weighs decriminalizing prostitution
San Francisco weighsdecriminalizing prostitution
Santa Clara County registrar attempts to reassure anxious voters
Sarah Palin's economic stimulus plan
Sarah Palin's Future
Sarkozy to seek Asian economic backing at regional summit
Scientists Discover 'Dinosaur Dance Floor'
Secret Bilderberg Agenda To Microchip Americans Leaked
Secret Plan To Kill Internet By 2012 Leaked
Sector sells off sharply on lower crude prices
See it with your own eyes Obama's book blurb for Ayers
Senator's Corruption Case Goes to Jury
Serving Two Masters in Iraq
Sex Partners Get STD Alerts by E-mail
She 'said she was not going to pay for her food'
Short-Term Funding Markets Ease
Six Handicaps For John McCain
Social workers given custody of child after human smugglers fail to identify her
Solid Black vote lifting Barack Obama’s campaign
Somalia frees hijacked cargo ship
Some metal rings, invisible strings reportedly attached to bird
Some Thoughts on Suicide in Middle-Aged Women
Some voters acknowledge racial factors
South Korean President Says North's Leader Still in Control
Spaniards Still Divided over Civil War
Special Comment What is pro-America, Senator Crooks and Liars
Spot for battleground states refers to WND author Corsi's detention
Sri Lanka says Tiger suicide boats attack aid ships
Sri Lankan war roils Indian politics
Steal Back Your Vote! Crooks and Liars
Study - More Than 2 Million Uninsured Children Have Parents Who Are Insured
Suicide Rates Rise Among Baby Boomers
Swanson - 'A McCain Win Will Be Theft' - Rebuttal
Taking A Peek Behind Bill Ayers' Office Door
Tanker fire closes I-880 in Oakland
Tax Credits Aren't An Econ. Stimulant
Taxing Time for Ballot Questions
Teachers warned to be on alert for pupils at risk of falling prey to extremism
Terrorists For McCain!
Thai Court Convicts Ex-Premier for Conflict in Land Deal
The Art of Remembering and Interpreting Dreams
The Associated Press In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
The Bin Laden Factor
The Birth of the Me-Too Conservative
The BRAD BLOG Trouble in Texas Misinformation Given About Straight Party Voting Leads to Lost Votes
The BRAD BLOG Break the Achilles Heel of the Electoral-Industrial Complex
The BRAD BLOG Breaking Death Threats, Hack Attempts 'Barrage' OH Sec. of State's Office
The BRAD BLOG Election Watchdog Group Compiles Stunning List of Recent 'Problems Facing Voters Nationwide'
The BRAD BLOG GOP Charges of ACORN 'Voter Fraud' in NM Fall Apart
The BRAD BLOG Long Lines, Machine Failures Greet Early Voters, CNN Reporter, in Florida
The BRAD BLOG And It Begins Again Touch-Screen Votes Flipping From Dem to Rep in WV
The BRAD BLOG BREAKING - CA GOP Vote Registration Contractor Arrested for Registration Fraud, Perjury
The BRAD BLOG Election Integrity Filmmaker Sees Own Vote Flipped on ESS Touch-Screens in TN
The BRAD BLOG McPain-Palin-RNC Have Hired Yet Another Voter Registration Huckster This Year
The BRAD BLOG WaPo Thousands of Voters 'Incorrectly' Purged From Voter Rolls Across Nation
The BRAD BLOG NJ Judge Allows Release of Princeton Report Critical of Sequoia Voting Systems
The BRAD BLOG VIDEO - Brad Gives 'Fox News Alert' LIVE on Fox 'News'!
The BRAD BLOG VIDEO - Constitutional Attorney Destroys Laura Ingraham's 'Voter Fraud' Case on Fox 'News'
The Comprehensive Case Against Barack Obama novatownhall blog
The Daily Show Understanding Real America...from Wasilla, Alaska Crooks and Liars
The End Of The Lessons Of Watergate (Wizbang)
The Enforcement Arm
The Father of US Banksterism
The Irony of Obama
The Making (and Remaking and Remaking) of McCain
The Man Who Never Was
The Mean, Retrograde Republican Party
The Missing Piece to Overeating Why Diets Fail
The next burden inflation
The Putin Doctrine
The racism comes bubbling up from McCain's dogwhistle campaign Crooks and Liars
The Republican Party After Bush
The Rising Body Count On Main Street
The Universe Electric - No Big Bang
The US vs. Pakistan With Allies Like These
Then-state senator lobbied against protection for children surviving terminations
This Time Is Different
Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry Out Crowd Control
Thousands Volunteer to Expose DNA Secrets to the World
Thumb leads investigators to armed robbery suspect
Time To Fasten Seatbelts For New World Order
Too Big To Fail
Top Pentagon Brass Divided Over McCain
Torturing Legality Crooks and Liars
Toxic Anger
Toxic Rocket Fuel Chemical In Drinking Water Can Stay Says Government
Transcripts - Fmr. Senators George Allen & Bob Graham
Transcripts - Interview with Sarah Palin
Transcripts - Interview with Tom Brokaw & Bob Schieffer
Transcripts - Joe the Plumber on Hannity & Colmes
Transcripts - Obama's Speech on Economic Competitiveness
Transcripts - October 21 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts - Panel on Obama and International Tests
Transcripts - President Bush on International Development
Transcripts - Roundtable on the Candidates' Tax Plans
Treasury may inject capital into banks by end October source
Truth Seeps Into Mainstream Media
Two Bloggers' Work Makes Closeness of Obama-Ayers Ties More Obvious Than Ever NewsBusters.org
Two hurt as Israeli troops, settlers clash in West Bank
UK Cops Make Millions In Contract Work
UK House Prices To Fall Record 35%
Uncle Sam Goes Car Crazy
UNDECIDED VOTERS Comprehensive Argument For-Against-Maybe THE LUCID PENNY
Understanding Derivatives
US Military Leader Stresses NATO Defense for Baltics
US Senate candidates don't take turns in NH debate
US-Iraq troops deal mostly done White House
USAF Kills Nine Afghan Soldiers
US Homeless Numbers 'Alarming'
Vermont, Maine only states to let inmates vote
VIDEO - Obama on Economic Competitiveness
VIDEO - A Conversation with Nancy Pelosi
VIDEO - Cindy McCain On the Record
VIDEO - DSCC Attacks Wicker on Pay Raise, Health Care Votes
VIDEO - Ensign, Schumer on Senate Prospects
VIDEO - Interview with Obama and Clinton
VIDEO - McCain Ad Attacks Obama on Taxes
VIDEO - McCain Attacks Obama on Taxes
VIDEO - McCain on The Early Show
VIDEO - McCain on The Late Show
VIDEO - McCain Responds to Powell Endorsement
VIDEO - McConnell Ad Attacks Schumer
VIDEO - More of McCain on Fox News Sunday
VIDEO - New Obama Ad Calls McCain Erratic
VIDEO - NRSC Says Martin Raised Taxes
VIDEO - Obama on BET
VIDEO - Obama on Economic Competitiveness
VIDEO - Obama on Powell's Support
VIDEO - Palin Challenges Media on Biden, Apologizes for America Comments
VIDEO - Powell Endorses Obama
VIDEO - Rep. Frank on Taxes and Spending
VIDEO - Udall Stresses Unity in New Ad
VIDEO - Dueling Political Puppets
VIDEO - Wake Up, USA
VOA News - Somali Pirates Hijack Indian Ship
Vote Obama-Google in '08
Wal-Mart Makes A Fresh Start In China
Wal-Mart to Toughen Standards
Walter E. Williams can't believe Americans want more government meddling in health care
Was A Communist Obama's Sex Teacher -- Cliff Kincaid -- GOPUSA
West Virginia horse finally free after 'mare' of experience
What is an Energy Vampire
What Next for Post-Haider Austria
What Obama's Changes Would Mean
When he assumed Senate seat,he said he didn't know enough
When Inflation Erupts, Gold Will Take Off
White House says financial summit set for November 15
Who Are Left-Wing Haters to Point Fingers
Why Al-Qaeda Is Losing
Why Some Racists like Obama
Will Japan Go Nuclear
Will record labels control digital-music lockers
Will Street's Failures Damage Capitalism
Window shattered by a .22 caliber weapon
With Surrogates like these... Crooks and Liars
Woes also include high costs, lawsuits, rivalry with Subway
Workers instructed on how to treat homosexuals with 'dignity and respect'
World Awakes From Decoupling Dream
World Bank chief says G7 should be replaced Reuters
World Bank chief Zoellick to supercede G7 with new constricting global body
World Bank director claims Federal Reserve is 'part of government already'
World Recession Likely Says Brown
World's first dog lived 31,700 years ago, ate big
WWF Resorts To Deception In Climate Fearmongering
You Saw It Here First; Economic Crash, Banker Stick-Up Predicted Long Ago
YouTube - Barack Obama Did I mention he's black
YouTube - Barack Obama - GOP Did I Mention He's Black
YouTube - Barack Obama - Yes I Can Make Us Defenseless—Just Like Dec 7, 1941
YouTube - Barack Obama Did I mention he's black
YouTube - Barack Obama Promises to Sign FOCA
YouTube - Best of Jeremiah Wright's Sermons Pt. 1
YouTube - CNN Exposes How ACORN Steals Votes For Democrats
YouTube - CNN Obama's relationship with Ayers much deeper than Obama said
YouTube - Explosive Audio Found Obama arguing against BAIPA
YouTube - How to listen to your body - Judith Orloff
YouTube - How To Spot Energy Vampires
YouTube - How to stop absorbing other peoples energy
YouTube - How To Tap Into Your Intuition
YouTube - Intuitive Decisions The Power of Positive Intention
YouTube - Judith Orloff MD NPR Interview Part 1 Combat Draining People
YouTube - Judith Orloff MD NPR Interview Part 2 Combat Draining People
YouTube - Judith Orloff MD On The Sacredness of Energy
YouTube - Listen To Your Dreams
YouTube - Michelle Obama, Whites Have Beaten Us Down,
YouTube - MSU SDS Reunion Bill Ayers speaks (2)
YouTube - Name one accomplishment by Obama
YouTube - O'Reilly discusses Obama connections with Bill Ayers
YouTube - Obama Bitter
YouTube - Obama campaign rep STUMPED on legislative accomplishments
YouTube - Obama Raise Taxes, Capital Gains - For Purposes of Fairness
YouTube - Obama Says A Baby Is A Punishment
YouTube - Obama Says He Will Control Your Thermostat
YouTube - Obama Sure, I'll meet with Castro, Chavez, Ahmadinejad, etc
YouTube - Obama tells Joe the plumber that he wants to spread the wealth around
YouTube - Obama VS. David Axelrod on the surge
YouTube - Positive Energy Practices CD - Judith Orloff MD
YouTube - Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin'sTv Ad ACORN
YouTube - The Art of Remembering and Interpreting Dreams
YouTube - The Missing Piece to Overeating Why Diets Fail
YouTube - The Obama Files Bad Judgment on Iran, Dangerous Leaders
YouTube - The Obama Files Extreme on Abortion
YouTube - The Obama Files Post-Racial Candidate Plays the Race Card
YouTube - The Obama Files Radical Associations, Rev. Jeremiah Wright
YouTube - The Obama Files Spreading the Wealth Through Taxes
YouTube - Will vs Intuition - Author of Positive Energy, Judith Orloff
zimbabwe Public Outrage Over Cabinet Deadlock
» The Obama-Ayers Connection A Comprehensive List - Blogger News Network
“Dinosaur Dance Floor” Discovered on Utah-Arizona State Line
Biden advises GOP to focus on economy, not attacks - Yahoo! News
Reuters C-SPAN Zogby Poll And Then It Was Ten . . .
YouTube - Barney Frank Plenty of rich people that we can tax