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Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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21 October 2008


A Christian exodus - Los Angeles Times
Biden Obama Will be 'Tested' by World in First 6 Months of Administration - FOXNews.com Elections
Bin Laden's plan for 'global fireball'
California Is Due for a Katrina-Style Disaster Wired Science from Wired.com
Charge Hamas tying decisions to Obama win
CNSNews.com - Treasury Can Keep Ownership Stake in Banks As Long As It Wants
Common interests unite U.S. and Israel - Taiwan News Online
DEBKAfile - US intelligence Iran will be able to build first nuclear bomb by February 2009
Dennis Prager Opposition to California Proposition 8 Hate in the Name of Love - Townhall.com
Egypt formally invites Nasrallah - Israel News, Ynetnews
For car dealers, tight credit is fueling a 'catastrophe' - USATODAY.com
Gulfnews Abbas and Olmert to meet October 27, say Palestinian officials
Hamas grip on Gaza hardens peace outlook bleak - washingtonpost.com
Iraq's Christians 'sacrificial lambs' as attacks mount - Turkish Daily News Oct 21, 2008
Jordan's king AbdullahII No alternative for international legitimacy resolutions - International Middle East Media Center - IMEMC
Nuclear incident would make 9-11 'insignificant' nuke commission - Yahoo! News
NYU poll Two-thirds of U.S. Jews back Obama over McCain - Haaretz - Israel News
Press TV - Iran geared up to assist Africa
Press TV - Iran promises no mercy against aggressor
Press TV - Russia agrees to US radar on conditions
RIA Novosti - World - NATO fighters practice air defense over Baltic skies
Russia, Iran and Qatar discuss OPEC-style cartel Jerusalem Post
SAIS Next Europe PostGlobal on washingtonpost.com
Saudi to put almost 1,000 in dock for Qaeda trials
Suit targets Obama document HonoluluAdvertiser.com The Honolulu Advertiser
The Bulletin - Philadelphia's Family Newspaper - Russia Not Backing Down From Missile Plans In Syria
The one-state solution, post-Oslo Op-Ed Contributors Jerusalem Post
Ultraconservative Islam on rise in Mideast - Yahoo! News
Welcome to Daily Regional Times Online Newspaper
1,500 Chinese raccoon dogs die from tainted feed - Yahoo! News
FOXNews.com - Scientists Discover New Clue in Mystery of Sunken Civil War Submarine - Science News Science & Technology Technology News
Rules eased for food stamps - USATODAY.com
Supreme Court will rule if illegal immigrants with phony IDs can face identity theft charges
BoycottNYT The New York Times Smears Cindy McCain
Breitbart.tv » Ayers Declares ‘Very Open’ Marxist Leanings Week Before Event With Obama
Chi. homeless shelters get training on gay issues -- chicagotribune.com
FOXNews.com - Video Game Yanked for Being Offensive to Muslims - Science News Science & Technology Technology News
Freddie Mac Money Trail Catches Up With McCain Newsweek Periscope Newsweek.com
Get Ready for the New New Deal - WSJ.com
Lauer to Obama How Will You 'Manage Expectations' of Being 'Messiah' NewsBusters.org
Liberalism Is Insanity Spread the Wealth, Thinking Caused Economic Meltdown
Marriage Referendum Leads 52% to 43% Among Likely California Voters
Newsmax.com – U.S. Headed for Capitalism-Socialism Hybrid
Obscure Tax Breaks Increase Cost of Financial Rescue - WSJ.com
Palin breaks with McCain on gay marriage amendment
So long, suckers. Millionaire hedge fund boss thanks 'idiot' traders and retires at 37 Business The Guardian
South African killers now work on behalf of their victim - Los Angeles Times
The Associated Press Ex-border agents on run for 2 years held in Mexico
The Jawa Report Muslims of the Americas Cop Killer Gets Life in Prison
The Weekly Standard
'Yeti footprints' found in Nepal
ABC News McCain decreasing TV presence in Granite State
About 12% Of Georgia Voters Already Cast Ballots
Afghan aid workers undeterred
Aid Workers in Kabul Alerted to Security Threats
Amber Alert Issued for 14-Year-Old Girl
analysis Powell Obama endorsement aims at legacy
Antitrust case against Apple still on, says Mac clone maker
Apple floats above recession on a wave of iPhone sales
Arkansas Anchorwoman Bludgeoned
B&W TV generation have monochrome dreams
Bachmann Goes Boom!
Bachmann’s campaign implodes — anti-Americans run wild
Barack Obama targets economic concerns in Florida campaign swing
Big-Power Diplomats Discuss Iran Nuclear Issue
Biggest Atom Smasher Inaugurated
Black vote could be key in US presidential vote analyst
Blip.tv raises funding for video exploits
Bolivia's Congress ratifies draft constitution
Bolivia's Morales wins referendum on new constitution
Bomb Blast in Northeastern India Kills 17
Brown's crisis management fails to improve fortunes poll
California-based Mongols biker gang members rounded up
Campaign 2008 Patchwork Nation What Powell’s endorsement really means in Patchwork Nation The Christian Science Monitor
Can McCain Win Without Colorado Ask Pennsylvania.
Canada’s Liberal Party Leader Says He Will Step Down
Catholics for Obama No qualms about abortion issue
CERN inaugurates Big Bang experiment despite glitch
Clinton joins Obama in Florida; McCain stumps in Missouri
Court Spares Afghan Journalist’s Life
Democratic VP nominee Biden releases medical records
Early voting starts in 31 states; e-voting snag in W.Va. fixed
eBay's Ivory Ban Why It Happened and What It Means
Estimating Joe the Plumber's tax bill
Even still growing Texas must cut spending Governor
Ex-Chicago cop arrested in 1990s torture scandal
Ex-Chicago policeman charged in torture case
FBI probes powder-laced letters sent to banks
Fed to Provide Up to $540 Billion to Aid Money Funds
Former Thai leader found guilty of corruption
French assembly approves environment bill
Glimmer of Obama's Character as He Visits Grandma
Google CEO Eric Schmidt to stump for Obama
GOP House candidates struggle against McCain drag
Gov't Releases Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
Healthy dose of flu vaccine available
House, Senate Republicans Could Lose Valuable Members on Election Day
Human Brain Still Awake, Even During Deep Sleep
Hundreds face Saudi terror trials
In California, gay marriage fight heats up
Income Inequality Grew in Most Countries Since 1980s, OECD Says
India calls on Sri Lankan army to show restraint - International Herald Tribune
India, Pakistan open historic Kashmir trade route
Internet, Cell Phones Keep Families Together, Pew Finds
Japan PM prayers at grave fuel election fever
Joe the Plumber - Meet Sean the Ironworker
John McCain reminds voters how (very) old he is
John Taylor Biden Implies McCain Would Be Prudent Choice
Lala's awesome music locker service
McCain Hoping To Win Friends In Pennsylvania
McCain touts his experience as new polls show him losing ground
McCain, Adding Autobiographical Touch, Continues Criticizing Biden
MNS on a violent spree in Maharashtra; 200 arrested
More Alzheimer’s Risk for Hispanics, Studies Find
News flash George Bush to vote for John McCain despite daily attacks
No brain scans in released Biden medical records -- chicagotribune.com
No smoking in Pasadena -- not even at the Rose Parade
Now Obama’s got Colin Powell AND Google
NYC term-limits extension set for vote Thursday
Obama Blitzes Florida As Early Voting Starts
Obama campaign selling Chicago election night coverage packages to news outlets - Lynn Sweet
Obama Relies on Black Pride for Record Turnout in Ohio, Georgia
Obama Stumps in Florida to Hammer Home Economic Message
Obama vs. The Street
Obama's grandmother fights to see him elected
Obama, McCain each campaign in other's stronghold areas
Obama, McCain on stem cells
Pakistan divided on fighting Taliban and Al Qaeda
Pakistani Legislators Show Little Appetite for a Fight
palin Obama's policies would spark international crisis
Pentagon drops charges against five Guantanamo detainees
Perry wants more full federal payments over Ike
peta Manager still at farm where pigs were abused
Pew warns 'perfect storm' on election day could complicate vote count
Plague emerges in Grand Canyon, kills biologist - USATODAY.com
PM in Japan to firm up relations
Police Examine if There Was ‘Unusual Interest’ in Beaten Anchor
Political Radar Biden Does Not Reference ‘Crisis’ Guarantee, Attempts to Shift Focus to McCain
Prelates say both social and political steps needed to protect life
Proposition to legalize prostitution strikes chord in San Francisco
Prosecutor Says Sen. Stevens's Explanations Are 'Nonsense'
Raw emotion over Thaksin verdict
Rock records dino 'dance floor'
Ruling on Guns Elicits Rebuke From the Right
Russian, US Military Chiefs Meet in Helsinki
San Francisco weighs decriminalizing prostitution
Saudi to try 991 suspects over al Qaeda violence
School official - Ayers cancellation not forced
Second Arrest Made in Abduction of Las Vegas Boy
Sen. John McCain Speaks in Bensalem, Penn.
Sex Partners Get STD Alerts by E-mail
Sidelined CERN collider gets a new, formal sendoff
Sri Lanka pushes war ahead despite Indian pressure
Study shows gap growing between rich and poor
Suicide Risk High for Middle-Aged Whites
Sun's protective 'bubble' is shrinking
The Invisible Man of Campaign '08
The Liberty Papers »Blog Archive » Extremism In The Defense Of Liberty Is No Vice
The Lisa Nowak Case, Back in Court
Think Progress » McCain Falsely Suggests He Supports Federal Funding For Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Thousands Volunteer to Expose DNA Secrets to the World
Top American military officer visits Serbia - International Herald Tribune
UN's Ban urges global solidarity in financial woes
US election McCain campaign backing away from Colorado
US must use its power to help less fortunate, Bush says
US official issues a blunt warning on security pact
US warning on Iraq deal failure
Va. pharmacy follows faith, no birth control sales
Vatican synod stresses importance of interfaith dialogue
VOA News - Passport-Less Tsvangirai Mulls Boycott Of Regional Mediation In Zimbabwe
Washington Times - Obama Powell will have a role in adminstration
wcbstv.com - NYC Tests Digital Ads On Buses
Why Powell Matters
World's first dog lived 31,700 years ago, ate big
Yahoo dims outlook after disappointing 3Q Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Yahoo Reports Profit Drop, Plans to Cut 10% of Jobs
You've Got Mail ... and an STD
YouTube - Albright Agrees with Biden Terrorists Will Test Obama
YouTube - Barney Frank Plenty of rich people that we can tax