"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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30 October 2008


Nude blonde visits petrol station creating public disturbance (PHOTOS)
$6B US bill For Private Security Firms In Iraq
'Jesus-Like' Obama Pic Latest Psy Op On Net
'Stevia Is A Drug' - FDA Citizen's Petition - Madness
1,000+ Foreign Troops Die In Afghan War So Far
170 Dead In Pakistan Quake - 1000s Homeless
1929 & 2007 Bear Market Race To The Bottom
5 days -- Vice President Gore returns to Florida for Obama, who releases closing arguments today
A Rational Choice for Election Day by Butler Shaffer
A Win-Win Situation For China
ABC Tells Truth About Aspartame, Hydrog Oils
abc7news.com I-Team Ward Lands at Texas Prison
Al Jazeera English - Africa - Rebel advance empties DR Congo city
Al Jazeera English - Africa - Somalia asked to form new cabinet
Al Jazeera English - Africa - Zambian polls close peacefully
Al Jazeera English - Americas - Colombia troops sacked over deaths
Al Jazeera English - Americas - Overhauling the US voting system
Al Jazeera English - Americas - UN urges end to US Cuba embargo
Al Jazeera English - Americas - US rivals hit battleground states
Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL-S. ASIA - Ex-prisoner wins Maldives election
Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL-S. ASIA - Tiger planes hit Sri Lanka targets
Al Jazeera English - Europe - Car bomb explodes in Spain
Al Jazeera English - Europe - Has the US overcome its racism
Al Jazeera English - Europe - Tbilisi favours McCain's experience
Al Jazeera English - Europe - Ten held over Croatian murder
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Aid boat docks in Gaza
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Hamas frees Fatah prisoners
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - US hands back province to Iraqis
ALIPAC Ad Targets SC Sen Graham On Amnesty
Amazing Left Brain vs Right Brain Test
Americans Seek Self-Protection - Guns Sales Soar
ANC Youth League - 'You Must Kill Black Opposition'
Andy Martin Contrarian Commentary
Anger at 222% Christmas credit card
Archaeologists report finding oldest Hebrew text Science Reuters
Are credit cards the next collapse - Business CharlotteObserver.com
As a matter of fact, God isn’t an opinion - Pravda.Ru
At Least 48 Dead, 300 In India Blasts
audio - Oct 27, 2008 - Mark Levin Show
audio - Oct 28, 2008 - Mark Levin Show
audio - Oct 29, 2008 - Mark Levin Show
Australia To Implement Forced Internet Censorship
Avoid Bankruptcy - Become A Bank
Barkey's Support Of Unrepentant Terrorist
Barky Most Heavily-Guarded Candidate Ever
Barky Will Seek Advice Of Clinton, Bush 41 ('Change'!)
Barky's Forced Socialst Army Of World Servers
BBC finally acknowledges Georgia’s aggression against South Ossetia. Thank you - Pravda.Ru
BBC NEWS Americas US Elections 2008 Top hits of the YouTube election
BBC NEWS UK Magazine The last soldiers to die in World War I
Bee Brains Show Just How Smart They Can Be
Berg Appeals Obama Ruling To Supreme Court
Berg Try To Disqualify Obama At Supreme Court
Biblical Solomon's Mines Confirmed By Dating
Birth Cert War - Obama Must Stand Up Or Step Down
Boeing Sees China Buying 3,710 Planes
Breitbart.tv » Two Charged With Macing GOP Workers at Virginia Headquarters
Bringing Back the (Nonexistent) Golden Days by William L. Anderson
Broken Securities Industry Still Has $20 Billion to Pay Bonuses
Bush Official Obama Presidency Great For U.S. Image
Bush Wants Schools To Drug Test Students
Bush Will Soon Be Free To Do What He Wants
Calls Grow To Save UK Hacker From Extradition
Campus Cop Charged With Stealing Donuts NBC New York
Change, or more of the same - Pravda.Ru
Chertoff Dozens Of Terrorist Under Watch In U.S.
China may save the world from crisis and minimize USA’s financial supremacy - Pravda.Ru
Chinese Yuan - Worlds New Reserve Currency
CIA Accused Of Causing Thames Collision
Columbo Questions Obama
Copper Fittings 'All But Eliminate' Superbugs
Dahr Jamail - The Cost Of Slumber
De Menezes Cop 'Grossly Exaggerated' Evidence
Deafness Grows Among UK Troops In Afghanistan
Definitions Mammon - Pravda.Ru
Displacement of Earth’s magnetic poles may turn planet into giant Hiroshima - Pravda.Ru
Dr. Toben Wins Extradition First Round
East European Crisis may Hit Overexposed Western Europe - Pravda.Ru
Economy shrinks in third quarter as consumers retreat Reuters
Egyptian - Pyramids Get Makeover
Election Challenges Are Guaranteed
EU Communitarian Agenda - The New Feudalists
European Union The Grand Experiment - Pravda.Ru
Even A Hedge Fund Can Be Abused
Evolution Theory Lacks True Transitional Forms - Pravda.Ru
Exxon Shatters Its Own Profit Record
Famous astrologist predicts global crisis in 2010 that will destroy EU and NATO - Pravda.Ru
FCC Probe Signals Democratic Attack Machine - HUMAN EVENTS
FDA Claim BPA Is Safe Is Flawed
FDA's Natural Supplement Extortion Racket
FDR Is Everywhere in Sight by Anthony Gregory
Fed interest Rate Cut May Worsen Things
Fed Judge Rules For Paper Ballots In PA...If
Final Blow To DC's Neoconservatives
First-Ever Layoffs Loom At US Postal Service
Fleeing DR Congo Army Loots Entire Town
Florida voting rolls contain dead people, duplicates, ineligible felons -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com
Food Is A National Security Issue
Former ACORN staffer testifies - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Found in a rundown Boston estate Barack Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango - Times Online (2)
Found in a rundown Boston estate Barack Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango - Times Online
FOXNews.com - Executions, Torture in North Korea 'Worse Than Animal Slaughter' - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
FOXNews.com - Police Huffington Post Writer Stabbed Ex-Lover 220 Times With Screwdriver - Local News News Articles National News US News
Free Speech Must Be Absolute - Canadian Activist
Gallop Traditional Voter Poll A Virtual TIE
Globalists Call For Greater IMF
Gold Coins Now Getting A 50% Premium
Greenspan In 'Shocked Disbelief' - Admits Errors
Haider Murder - Mossad Assassination In Austria
Haider Widow Believes Death No Accident
Hate crime charge in Prop. 8 sign attack
Haunted houses Who ya gonna call Try Suzanne& - Telegraph
Hidin' Biden Reining In a Voluble No. 2 - TIME
Hillary Backers Rage Over Huge Obama Vote Fraud
Hollywood Stars to leave America if McCain becomes President - Pravda.Ru
House Of Credit Cards About To Crash
How Did Wyoming Moose Get CWD-Mad Cow
How Intl Bankers Gained Control Of America
How The Fed Creates Bull & Bear Markets
How To Choose Obama-Caused Employee Layoffs
Human Species 'May Split In Two'
Hundreds of people mysteriously disappear in Russia every day - Pravda.Ru
HYPE - The Obama Effect
Hypocritical West stands up against Russia Topic. Pravda.Ru
If The Next President Gives 20 Million Amnesty
If The World Could Vote
IMF May 'Print Money' As Crisis Spreads
In America, people who tell the truth are the ones who are vilified Topic. Pravda.Ru
In CIA-Speak 'Tickling' Means Death By Drone
In Praise of Bankruptcy by Henry Thompson
Income Redistribution - A fulfilling experiment when personally applied!
Inhuman Animal Testing - It Simply Has To Stop
Insanity - Gates Funds 'Flying Syringe' Mosquitos
Iraq sells Saddam Hussein’s luxury yacht for 20 million dollars - Pravda.Ru
Is Gold Overvalued by Michael S. Rozeff
Is This The End Of Daily Newspapers
Israel Cops Allow Ultra-Orthodox 'Modesty Patrols'
Ivory From 10,000 Elephants Goes On Auction
Ivory from 10,000 elephants on sale amid fears of new slaughter - Times Online
Kosher US Meatpacker Fined $10M
LA Times Hides Info About Obama
LA Times Hides Obama - Radical Muslim Tape
Legal Fight Over Obama's Citizenship Boils
Making Currencies that Last - Pravda.Ru
McClatchy Washington Bureau 10-30-2008 McCain could still win — if everything broke his way
MD, VA Back To Paper Ballots After Election
Metro to Randomly Search Riders' Bags - washingtonpost.com
Michelle Obama Tirade At African Press
Microsoft Patents Web 'Moderator' Robots
More Gay Sex Allegations Involving Obama
MP3 players can be deafening - Pravda.Ru
My Way News - McCain faults paper for not releasing Khalidi tape
Mysterious Pink Light Over London
NASA Hopes To Speed Up Project Ares
NASA Orbiter Reveals Details Of Wetter Mars
Nashi to remind the world of the big American show - Pravda.Ru
Navy Frigates Defend World Oil Prices In Gulf
NeoCons For Obama - Do The Math
Newsmax.com – AP Mississippi Has More Voters than Adults
Next Bailout Battle Rages In DC
No-Show Migrants - Who Will Pick The Crops
Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien Obama's New Advisor Stands By His War Crimes
Not Death Of Capitalism, Birth Of A New Order
Nuclear-Powered Passenger Aircraft Coming
Obama & The Predicted World Crisis
Obama - Another Trilateral Stooge
Obama - Personal Responsibility, Accountability
Obama - The Teflon President
Obama Accepting Untraceable Donations
Obama Advisers Will Make Russia Miss Bush Days
Obama Affinity to Marxists Dates Back to College Days - FOXNews.com Elections
Obama and the Politics of Crowds - WSJ.com
Obama Builds Army Of Attys For Election
Obama Counterhypnosis
Obama Didn't Write 'Dreams From My Father'
Obama Lets His Aunt Live In A Boston Slum
Obama Lies For His Wall Street Handlers
Obama Logo Symbolism
Obama Offers DLs & SS Benefits To Illegals
Obama Or McCain Videos May Yield Identity Theft
Obama Sex Scandal Hit UK Press
Obama Targets Second Amendment For Death
Obama The Chicken - Pravda.Ru
Obama Wants 12M Illegals To Get Citizenship
Obama's Birth Record Lie And Other Problems
Obama's prime-time ad skips over budget realities
Obama's Useful Idiots
Obama, Ayers And Sidley Austin LLP
Obama-Brzezinski - 'Gonna Get Putin!'
Obama’s War Plans & Forced ‘Home Service’ Real Jew News
Organic Farming 'Could Feed Africa'
Our Electric Solar System
Pakistan On Brink Of Bankruptcy
Panel Faults FDA Findings On BPA
Panic Grips Congo - Rebels Advance On Goma
Pediatrician - ADHD Does Not Exist (He's Right)
Pedophilia Thriving In Judaism's Right Wing
Planet Mercury As Never Seen Before
Police arrest McDonald’s pedophiles in Moscow - Pravda.Ru
Police Ex-lover killed woman in rage in Boynton Beach
Police Fear Riots If Barack Obama Loses
Preachers Of Hate
Prehistoric Child Buried With Toy Hedgehog
Public Enemy Number One
Putin Suggests Russia, China Ditch Dollar
Racial jokes make 'news' in America
Raw Broccoli Best For Anti-Cancer Potential
Rendell spokesman says GOP has `Jim Crow' attitude Wilkes-Barre latest headlines timesleader.com - The Times Leader
Russia and USA conduct secret operation - Pravda.Ru
Russia Cements Ties With 2 Former Georgia States
Russia loses two billion dollars of its international reserves daily - Pravda.Ru
Russian scientist to be honored for suing Toyota and driving its hybrid - Pravda.Ru
Russia’s economy nears its collapse - Pravda.Ru
Sarkozy And The Voodoo Doll
Sean Hannity at FoxNews Vera Baker Update Obama's Affair With Staffer Detailed
Secret Euro Plan To Boost GM Crop Production
Secret Highest Level Military Meeting Revealed
Senior black Republican warns party could lose power until 2020 - Telegraph
Shell Follows BP - Announces Huge Profits
Shimon Peres To Be Knighted By Queen Elizabeth
So Long, Democrats - The Daily Beast
Sources Sarkozy views Obama stance on Iran as 'utterly immature' - Haaretz - Israel News
Soviet pop legend Muslim Magomayev dies at 66 - Pravda.Ru
Sowell - Obama Win Would Be Historic Tragedy
Stocks Down As Fed Fails To Ease Concern
Survey shows McCain beating Obama in Israel - International Herald Tribune
Synchronized Bomb Attacks In India Kill Dozens
Syria Closes 2 US Institutions Over Attack
Syria Puts US Embassy Under Guard
Taliban Strikes In The Heart Of Kabul
Targeting Dissent - The San Francisco Eight
Teen Readers Make Vampire Books Big Business
Teenagers Less Intelligent Than Last Generation
The American Election System - Pravda.Ru
The Attack on Libertarianism by Aaron David Ward
The Columbus Dispatch Checks on 'Joe' more extensive than first acknowledged
The Electoral College Process
The Fate Of The World
The Final Act
The Great Obama Swindle Of 2008
The Haunted Home Of Joan Crawford
The Lew Rockwell Show - 57. Ex-Civil Liberties
The Man Who Never Was
The NWO A Zionist Bid for Global Domination
The Richest 35 Tycoons In Israel
The Rothschilds and their 200 years of political influence - UK Politics, UK - The Independent
The State Debate Some or None by David Gordon
The Ugly Truth - Obama's Foreign Policy Advisers
The Universe Electric - No Big Bang
The US Dollar Death Dance
The Wealth Report - WSJ.com The Rich Support McCain, the Super-Rich Support Obama
The World After The 2008 Presidential Election
TheHill.com - Dems get ready to rule
Three children slaughter kangaroo and sea gulls at Russian zoo - Pravda.Ru
Toben Case - A Victory For Exactitude!
Tony Blair Earns $25M Since Leaving Downing St
Trade Suffers As Banks Curtail Loans
Transsexual beauty queen crowned in Philippines - Pravda.Ru
Turkey Gas Shortage If Iran Pipeline Delayed
UCLA Economists Government Intervention Prolonged Great Depression
UK House Prices Fall 14% In One Year
UK Parents Fingerprinted By Nursery Schools
UK Taxes To Rise
UPDATE 1-Yahoo, AOL in due diligence on combination-source Reuters
US election If Iraqis could vote it would be for McCain
US Housing Boom, Crash Engineered By Govt
US Motor Industry - The Great Breakdown
US Threatens Iraq Over Troop Accord
US-led aggression in Syria triggers bigger sales of Russian arms - Pravda.Ru
USA Elections - Do They Matter
USA No Longer On Top of the World - Pravda.Ru
USA proudly displays its double standards Topic. Pravda.Ru
USA spends 47.5 billion dollars on espionage in 2008 - Pravda.Ru
USA to resume nuclear tests to save its Cold War stockpile from decline - Pravda.Ru
USA too naive to believe that its sanctions hurt Russia’s arms export - Pravda.Ru
USA's impudence has no limits - Pravda.Ru
Uses For Bailout Money Shifting
video - Greenspan - 'Shocked Over Credit Tsunami'
video - SoCal Foreclosure Nightmare
video - Bad Astronomy vs Good Science
video - Bush Tries To Pardon Self From War Crimes
video - CNBC Analyst Blames 'Illuminati' For Crisis
video - Corsi On Obama's Radical Influences
video - Dr. Laibow - H5N1 DNA In Flu Vaccine
video - FL Residents Buy Guns Fearing Obama
video - Fuhrer Obama Youth - Hitler Nazi Youth
video - Halloween Candy Melamine-Tainted
video - Hear The Truth - Reverse Speech Blind Test
video - How Intl Bankers Gained Control Of America
video - Obama = Hitler
video - Obama Wants To Redistribute Your Wealth
video - Powell Predicts Crisis On Jan 21 Or 22
video - Remembering The End Of The World
video - The Complete Idiot's Guide To The NWO
video - The Real Truth About Alaskan Oil
video - Wake Up, USA
video - Why Bailout Could Not, Will Never Work
What Martin Luther King called evil, Barack Obama calls good
When wife is attacked, husband becomes hero
White House Pushes For Drug Testing Students
White House Tells Banks To Stop Hoarding Money
Who is Vera Baker — and why is she in Martinique « HillBuzz
Why Russian business can not get Western clients - Pravda.Ru
Why We Are Still in Iraq by Michael Nolan
World Nat Resources Crisis Worse Than Financial
WWF Second Planet Needed To Meet Resources
You've watched it, now drink it The Sopranos wine Entertainment Reuters
Your New President - Zbig Brother
'Dozens' of potential terrorists in U.S. under watch, Chertoff says
AIG used billions from Fed but hasn't said for what
Arrests in Plan to Kill Obama and Black Schoolchildren
Beginning of Hyperinflation
Bill O'Reilly lies on Letterman about not knowing what the Bush Doctrine is
CIA Can Hide Torture Allegations, Court Rules
Countdown Campaign Comment on the Ashley Todd racist hoax Senator McCain, Speak Up and Lead!
DARPA Engineering New “Home Invasion” Technologies
David Gergen on AC360 Ronald Reagan was a Socialist!
Dennis Prager Equality Is NOT An American Value
Europe's secret plan to boost GM crop production
Even the New York Times Calls Paulson a Liar
FDA Conspired with Chemical Industry to Declare Bisphenol-A Harmless
Good Riddance Lieberman likely to lose committee chairmanship
hardball Tom DeLay spreads Obama smears, reminds why he's so loathed
hardball Who Has A Plan And Who Is Being Ideological
Images from the campaign What McCain-Palin hath wrought
In Final Days, Bush Bypasses Laws on Privacy and Hiring Discrimination
Into The Future, With Blinkers On
Is The Internet Altering Our Brains
John Kerry wants New Deal II
Jon Stewart mocks McCain's forgetfulness, condescending air quotes
Kevin Warwick Cyborgs are the next evolutionary step for humans
Legal loophole in embryology bill could pave the way for human-ape hybrids
McCain's economic advisor Douglas Holtz-Eakin's gaffe Obama's health care plan better for America
Microsoft Patents Censorship Bot
Neil Cavuto on John McCain 'On economic matters, you have no convictions'
New FBI Powers ' unparalleled authority '
Obama Infomercial Reviews and Ratings
Obama mocks McCain By next week he'll be calling me a secret communist because I shared my toys in kindergarten.
Palin's 2012 Plans Leaves McCain Campaign Speechless
Pandemic, America's Final Solution
Pentagon Finds KBR Violated Its Contract on Electrical Work in Iraq
Pentagon Panel Biden Was Right, Prep for 'Crisis'
Pesticides Make Farmers Literally Depressed
PfAW Targets Vulnerable Republicans By Reminding Voters That SCOTUS Is At Stake
President of manufacturers association calls for Transatlantic Free Trade Area
Prop 8 Spokesman Says Defeating Gays is Like Defeating Hitler
Psychological Control States of Mental Disempowerment
Pushing To Extend Those Fifteen Minutes Of Fame
Researchers Unveil ‘One-Stop’ Embryo Test
Russia military offers Cuba air defence aid
Senator Obama on The Daily Show
Sheppard Smith blasts Joe the Plumber for saying a vote for Obama means death to Israel
They Made a Killing The Use of Knowledge of Covert Operations in the Stock Market
US Forces Plan To Step Aside From Any Iraqi Civil War
VIDEO - CNBC Guest Illuminati Behind Stock Market Crash
VIDEO - Forbes Blames the Fed for Economic Crisis
VIDEO - Lou Dobbs Major Public Concerns Of Martial Law In The U.S. & Army Denies
video Obama campaign cuts off WFTV after interview with Joe Biden
video Ron Paul Hits Out At “Arrogant” Greenspan
Wheat Soars Most in 20 Years on Federal Reserve’s Rate Decrease

part 2

Obama, Media's Attempt To Say It's All Over May Backfire and Aid McCain Comeback
site - Political Class Dismissed
Spreading Around the Wealth by Lt. Col. Michael Burkert
The Audacity of Foreign Citizenship
TRANSCRIPT - Obama and Wright - He Never Complained Once
ABC News Donaldson L.A. Times Should Protect Source on Obama Video
Aerosmith’s Joe Perry walks this way with John McCain - BostonHerald.com
An American in France NAILS Obama and Socialism
Barack Obama's Career Path Toward an American Presidency - updated 10-28-08 ,documented via links
Chinese media say tainted animal feed widespread World news Chron.com -
confirmed Obama's website accepts unverified charges
Diana West Media's O-Colored Glasses Blank Out Leftist Truth - Townhall.com
editorial I’ve Notified The FBI – But That Won’t be Enough
Family Security Matters - Exclusive A Marriage of Convenience Obama, the Left and Radical Islam
Freedom's Lighthouse - McCain Says Obama's Definition of Rich is Creeping Down - Video 10-30-08
Greenpeace Resurrects JFK for Global Warming Ad Campaign
I Heard a Shocking Report but Can't Locate the Source
Intel from IAEA state says Iran weighing secret nuke work Iran news - Jerusalem Post
Joe the plumber...
Life of the New Party by Stanley Kurtz , National Review Online
Lutheran Communion Issues Pastoral Message on Global Financial Crisis
Memphis Police Officer Attacked, Suspect On The Run
nielsen Barack Obama's Ad Lands 21.7 Rating
Obama Birth Certificate Rumor Debunked -- chicagotribune.com
Obama's Internet Boiler Rooms
Oldest Malarial Mummies Shed Light on Disease Evolution
PAKISTAN Another honor killing 17-year-old Pakistani girl murdered - Asia News
Republicans Train Frustrations on Media 'Bias'
Request TRANSCRIPT of LAT Tape
Russell Brigade - New Radio Spot Featuring Fred Thompson Airs Today
Selected Videos - obama and other video
site - Freedom's Lighthouse
Site - Notoriously Conservative
site - Political Class Dismissed
site - Porch Maunderings
TRANSCRIPT - Barack Obama - The Redistributor
TRANSCRIPT - Obama - Give Social Security, Healthcare to Illegals
Veteran KGB spy revealed as Deripaska's right-hand man
Vets group targets Murtha
What-Who IS Barack Hussein Obama
YouTube - Barack Obama The Redistributor
YouTube - Dear Mr. Obama
YouTube - Obama and Wright He Never Complained Once
YouTube - Obama Speaks About Abortion at Saddeback Church
YouTube - Obama's Plan Driver's Licenses for Illegals

part 3

Do 'undecided' voters make a difference
Exclusive - - Joseph Farah pounds 'idiot' senator who yearns to muzzle talk radio
Exclusive - - Jane Chastain urges believers to vote with Exodus 1821 in mind
Jörg Haider death conspiracy
McCain attacks Obama on oil firms
Transcripts.... Roundtable on the Tightening Race
'60s radical Today's voters don't care - Matthew Dallek - Politico.com
'Anni' heralds new era in Maldives
'At this stage, everything that needs to be said has probably been heard by a lot of voters'
'Britannic ... lies in warm waters, is very well preserved and wonderfully intact'
'He didn’t seem too worried that his wife would find out he had a girl on the side'
'He has the spiritual support of Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy to protect him'
'He was over by the coffee area when I heard this noise of crackling'
'I wanted to do something more than just donate money'
'Iceman' Alpine Mummy May Have Been Last of His Kind
'Iceman' Mummy Has No Modern Kin
'It's hard to get to 60 and I don't want to oversell it'
'No comment' is response to questions about resignations
'Obviously they didn't know what they were doing when it came to protecting her investment'
'People eat rats and snakes. They were the best food to recover our health'
'There are also a lot of straight white men who are committee chairmen'
'They know what's at stake. They know they have to get it right'
'This was the only way to ensure fairness to complete electoral process'
'Want to bring ... professionals closerto understanding Shariah principles'
'We are about to set a course that will affect our country for generations'
'We don't really know what he looked like because there were no photos'
'We should go back to the way we used to and forget about these machines'
'Weapon went up with the recoil and he ended up receiving a round in his head'
'What kind of people would do this to somebody like that He wouldn't know 1 candidate from another'
17-term congressman says he's surprised how close race is
23% of those in state convinced Obama is a Muslim
4 1-of-a-kind dolls to be auctioned on eBay for charity
8 Reasons Obama Will Win
A look at the health plans
A New Bretton Woods
A Plan to Rework Mortgages
A Safer World without Nuclear Weapons
A Syrian Haven for Killers
A wave for GOP staffers - Daniel Libit - Politico.com
ACORN exposed by Whistleblower in Court
Actors Union Opposes Same-Sex Marriage Ban
afp Boeing sees China buying 3,710 planes over next 20 years
AFP Travels with Minutemen on Texas Border
Against overwhelming odds Christians defeated Turkish invaders bent on Europe's conquest
Ahmadinejad Sees Collapse of ‘Bullies’ As Good Chance to Spread Islam
Al Qaeda Endorses Obama, Republican Humiliation
Alan Greenspan's Mea Culpa The Torments of Contrition
Alleged Communist Party member's bookboasted of bisexuality, sex with minors
America Compared to What
American Muslims Urged to Turn Out in Big Numbers on Election Day
Americans in London Consider Their Options in Campaign ‘08
AMEX To Chop 7,000 Jobs
Ann Coulter drubs Olbermann for his penchant to bluster about fake news stories
Antichrist Attention Deficit Disorder (Barack Obama minus Teleprompter equals Incoherent)
Any Bailout Profits Go to Pay Down Debt, Not 'Directly' to Taxpayers, Says House Financial Services Chairman Frank
Apple Updates MobileMe
Approaching Zero
Arrest Warrant for Jailed Scholar ‘Fatally Flawed’ Public Opinion, British Press Against Thought Police
As McCain warns independents, Obama woos them with pricey infomercial
Asinine racist claptrap at The Atlantic
At least 215 dead as quake hits southwest Pakistan
Attack on Obama 'spreading the wealth around' puts Republican back on top
Attackers kill at least 61 in northeast India
Attorney General must work without partisanship - Sen. Arlen Specter and Sen. Patrick Leahy - Politico.com
Authoritarian Malaysia Jailing Bloggers
Axis Of Bias
Ayers' Weather Underground, Wright's 'Black Liberation' linked in communist revolution
Bad Blood
Bad Investments Have Left the Fed Nearly Bankrupt
Banks Screw Public - Hoard 'Bailout' Cash
Barack Obama 'infomercial' expertly done, likely to have little impact
Barack Obama = Jeremiah Wright 20 Years Of A Shared Worldview
Barack Obama antichristian speach
Barack Obama faith based initiative - Is Obama a US citizen
Barack Obama Mocks And Makes Fun Of The Bible—No Christian Would Do This
Barack Obama pisses off James Dobson
Barack Obama Red Diaper Baby
Barack Obama says Christian right has hijacked faith
Barack Obama's Final Pitch to Voters
Beatles music to be in new video game
Berg Try To Disqualify Obama At Supreme Court
Beware The Coming Dollar Carry Trade
Biden Levels With Newly Unemployed Auto Workers
Biden to Orlando TV Anchor - 'Are You Joking Is This a Joke Or Is That a Real Question
Big Issue Iraq still on voters' minds
Big Problem with Obama = Muslim P.2 (The Skeletons are Out)
Bill Clinton hails Obama as America's future
Bill Clinton, Obama Rally 35,000 in Kissimmee
Black Panthers. Targeting Dissent The San Francisco Eight
Black Pastor Can't Support Barack Obama Because He's Extreme on Abortion
Blames remark on fatigue, being 'out there campaigning 18 hours a day'
Blue States Would Sing Obama Tax Blues
bolivia Unprecedented Alliance Defeats Right-Wing Assault
bono World Has A Stake in Upcoming US Election
Brzezinski - Russia, don’t make your neighbors hate you
Bush Escalates War on Terror
But organization pro-Western, Obama supported professor's anti-Israel efforts
Buys $125 billion worth of stock in 9 major financial institutions
Call This a Crisis Wait for Boomer Retirement
Can Condi Rice Emancipate Herself
Can One Party Rule
Canada needs a Liberal-NDP-Green Coalition
Candidates Sweet-Talk the Voters
Car Bomb in Spain Injures 16 at University
Careless with the Constitution
Chicago Public Radio - Audio Library Odyssey -Sept 2001
Christians On the Run in Iraq
Cites 'real danger' Pennsylvania voting machines will fail
Citizen Group Fights ID Checkpoints
Claims 1st title since 1980 after winning suspended Game 5 50 hours after it started
College Prices Up Again, Even As Economy Falters
Colombian government dismisses 27 top military officers
Combined carrier to be headquartered in Atlanta, will merge operations over next 18 months
Combo Treatment Best for Anxiety Disorder in Kids
Communist dictator reportedly suffered stroke, underwent brain surgery
confirmed msm holds video of barack....
Confusion abounds as voters hear $250,000, $200,000, now $150,000
Congo rebel leader wants direct talks with govt
Congo Reignites
Congregations cut expenses with the economy in crisis
Congress Must Impose Conditions on Bailout Funds
Consensus on Sen. Stevens Just Go
Conservationists Warn of Ecological Credit Crunch
Conspiracy Planet - Did Joerg Haider Get Whacked
Conspiracy theories surround death of Austria's gay fascist leader
Conspiracy, fraud, witness tampering charges – alleged mistress also facing charges
Court ruling says judges shouldn't 'parse the content of a particular prayer'
Court Weighs Law Limiting Children’s Access to Violent Video Games
Cowboy Capitalism Built America
Crisis Knocking at Japan's Door
Curtis Sliwa, Professional Wrestler - The Right Perspective
Dark Soul Barack Obama Says That Babies Should Die (Obama Antichrist Part 3)
Death of the American Empire
Debbie Schlussel - EXCLUSIVE ... Why Is He There, Nation of Islam Founder's Son Flanks Kwame Kilpatrick at Sentencing
Debbie Schlussel - Reader Eli Was First To Push L.A. Times to Release Obama-Khalidi Video Back In April, No Dice Then, Either
Debbie Schlussel - Religion of Peace . . . and Beheading Black Christians in Africa
Debbie Schlussel - Video of the Day, MoveOn.org Blames Schlussel for Obama Loss
Debbie Schlussel - When Your Democrat Elected Official Thinks She's a Stripper , Who is Carey Torrice
Democrat candidate offers driver's licenses, Social Security benefits to non-citizens
Democrats dominate early voting in key states
Democrats Play Dirty ... In Idaho!
Democrats Should Fear the 'Brady Effect'
Dems Vie to Shape Obama's Legislative Agenda
Did the Secretary of Defense Threaten Russia and China
Do-It-Yourself Fact-Checking
Don't Let the Polls Affect Your Vote
Don't Underestimate UK Force's in Iraq
Dreams from Frank Marshall Davis
Earth is facing 'ecological credit crunch'
Effigy of Democrat called 'disgusting,' but Palin's hailed as fun Halloween art
Egyptian War Games Cause For Concern in Israel, Lawmaker Says
Election Challenges Are Guaranteed
Electrical engineer hooks posters to power source, surveillance cameras
Encourages voters to support 2nd Amendment rights on Nov. 4
End Chaos in Pakistan & Afghanistan
Estimated 15,000 left homeless, rescuers digging for survivors
Estonian registrar gets a reprieve
Exactly Wrong, Again
Exclusive - - Craige McMillan asks which man would best handle inevitable crisis phone call
Exclusive - - Dave Welch exhorts black Christians to vote principles, not race
Exclusive - - Ernest Istook sees Barack making similar excuse for hitting up middle class
Exclusive - - Peter Rosenberger uses Constitution's job description to evaluate the candidates
Exclusive - - David Kupelian shows how senatoruses envy and guilt to make believers of millions
Exclusive - - Erik Rush labels Obama's strong-arm tactics pure tyranny
Exclusive - - Phil Elmore confronts parents who fail to use medical technology responsibly
exclusive Phil Elmore confronts parents who fail to use medical technology responsibly
EXCLUSIVE... Ali Abunimah is Likely Source of Secreted Obama-Khalidi-Ayers Tape, LA Times' Wallsten Plagiarized Schlussel Back in April, Said Politico
Executions, Torture in North Korea 'Worse Than Animal Slaughter'
Executive Pay and the Fools On Capitol Hill
Explosion in Bangkok wounds 10 at protest site
Facing fraud investigations, prosecutions, over aggressive 'voter registration' drives
Firefox Add-On Simulates Great Firewall Of China
flashback - 'No one knows who I am. I live here on less than a dollar a month'
flashback - Clash of civilizations Battle of Lepanto revisited
flashback - Speeches for Palestinian refugees called code for Israel's destruction
Focusing on the Obama-Khalidi ties
Foreclosure Myths Can the Media Handle Truth
Former Iraqi official bankrolled Democrat's financier Rezko
Fort Dix Terror Tapes, Plotter Called for 'Suicide Attack' on Buildings
FOX News Poll Obama's Edge Over McCain Narrows
Frank Pastore offers 3-part film comparing candidate to biblical faith
Freelancer pierces 'marriage' partner with screw driver
French try plane technology in artificial heart
Gaza rocket strikes Israel; cargo crossings closed
George Tiller brings yet another woman to hospital after botched procedure
Get Ready For Stag-Deflation
GMAC Added to Commercial Paper Plan, May Become Bank
goal ID maxed-out contributors to presidential campaign to give to group
Goldman Sachs To Give $14B Salary, Bonus Pkge!
Google Moves To OpenID
GOP disavows e-mail likening Obama vote to rise of Hitler
GOP's Horror Sequel is Almost a Wrap
GOP-ers say McCain makes bids tougher - Patrick O'Connor and Martin Kady II - Politico.com
Gore to campaign for Obama in Florida
Government Can Influence Banks with $250 Billion Stock-Buy, Say Economists
Grabbing Bush states Obama leads in formerly red battlegrounds
Grapes May Fight High Blood Pressure
Group Reminds Voters Barack Obama Wants All Pro-Life Laws Overturned
Halloween restrictions put on sex offenders - USATODAY.com
Hamas Leader Promises to Free Political Prisoners
Hamas to free Fatah prisoners
Heart attack risk shifted by daylight saving time
Hedge Fund Managers In Their Bunkers
Henry Paulson's Bailout Swindle Revealed
Heritage Says Obama Ad ‘Falsely’ Portrays Conservative Group’s Position on Tax Plan
High Stakes in Peace with Taliban
Historical Verdict on Bush Will Be Harsh
History, Economy, Catch Up with GOP
How Obama Can Walk the Postpartisan Talk
How They Would Lead
How We Fuel Africa's Bloodiest War
Hubble telescope working, taking photos again
Hudson Suspect Refuses to Get Hooked Up
Iceland Melts Down
If you're going to snoop into someone's private life, be thorough
Immigrants the new face of 'real America' - Gebe Martinez - Politico.com
In Google Book Settlement, Business Trumps Ideals
Inauguration anticipation builds in D.C. - Eamon Javers - Politico.com
India and the Next US President
Inflation Counts For Nothing At the Fed
Innocent Man Fatally Shot by Police in His Own Yard
INSIDE WASHINGTON Giving can be an investment
Insulin, light treatment therapies may not help preemies
Is Barack Obama a Socialist Not Exactly
Is Obama a Christian You Decide
Is The LA Times Covering for It's Guy
Is Violence Possible If Obama Loses - The National Republicrat
Islamic Supremacist Paid Obama's Law School - Dr. Khalid al-Mansour - Video
Israpundit » Blog Archive » Barack Obama Accepted Jeremiah Wright’s and Michael Pfleger’s Endorsement
It's Astonishing That This Race Isn't Over
Jack Cashill shares work of 4 researchers who compared men's writings
Jackson Warning Hell to Pay if Obama Loses
Joe the Plumber pursued for record deal - Jeffrey Ressner - Politico.com
Joe the Plumber stiffs McCain. Pursuing country music career
Joe the plumber, meet Hal the candy bomber
John McCain Not More of the Same
Jonathan Martin's Blog B. Clinton joins Obama on trail for 1st time in FL - Politico.com
L.A. Times defends decision not to release clip of Obama with Palestinian critic of Israel - Haaretz - Israel News
LA judge considers dismissing MySpace suicide case
LA Times Supressed Tape Obama Accuses Israel Of Genocide - The Right Perspective
Larry Elder Americans are on brink of electing 'a nakedly collectivist Democrat president'
Latin America Cold Winds from Russia
Latin America’s ‘New Left’ In Crisis as the ‘Free Market’ Collapses
Lawsuit accuses state of giving $9 million to abortionists, despite ban
Lieberman faces uncertain future in Democratic Senate
Listen online as best-selling author Joe Kovacs talks about 'Shocked by the Bible'
Little Green Footballs - Obama Compared America to Nazi Germany
littlegreenfootballs.comLA Times Hiding Incriminating Video of Obama with Radical Palestinian
Lives in disabled-access flat on rundown public-housing estate
Looking for Solutions Labour and the Crisis of Neoliberal Capitalism
Lynched effigy of Obama comes down in Redondo Beach after complaints
Mars Mission Nears End as Winter Approaches
Maverick in a Mess
McCain camp pushes Obama-Khalidi ties
McCain camp trying to scapegoat Palin - Roger Simon - Politico.com
mccain Obama backed tax breaks for oil industry
McCain Says Obama Would Invite 'International Crisis'
McCain says racism will barely affect election
McCain v. Obama On Energy Policy
McCain's Taxing Logic
McCain, GOP gain ground on Obama ads in key states
McCain, Obama Battle for Florida's Big Prize
McCain, Palin demand L.A. Times release Obama video
Media Never Questions Obama Storyline
Media Takes Obama at His Word
Messenger Finds Blue Goo on Mercury
Michel Aoun International Tribunal to Try those responsible for the Killings of Iraqi Christians
Microsoft Office 14 To Include Web Apps
Militants fire rocket from Gaza
Money for (Almost) Nothing and Inflation for Free
More Dems In Early Fla Voting (But They're Voting for McCain)
Mr. Saakashvili, It Is Time To Say Goodbye
Nanotechnology – the new threat to food
Napster Mobile expands its service
Nasty fungus may be killing thousands of bats
NBC’s Brokaw Asks No Questions on Iraq, Immigration, Abortion or Same-Sex Marriage
NC elections board allows early voting extension
Negative Liberties and Obama Newspeak
Neil Young Cancels Concert Amid Protests
New book recalculates Newton's endtimes clock
New federal protections for tenants living in some foreclosed properties
New Film Exposes Dark Side of NAFTA Superhighway
New jury hears arguments in Spector murder retrial
New Law Lets Mass. Residents Vote at Old Address
New Wright Ad Attacks Obama in Battlegrounds
New Xbox Experience Uncloaked
New York woman registered to vote in Ohio while helping Democrat campaign
Next President Must Understand Challenge of Radical Islam, Former Senator Says
No Tears for America of Yesteryear
North Korea Normalize and Disarm
Notorious Obamedia Moments of 2008
Now L.A. Times says it promised source not to make video available
Obama Scandal !!!!
Obama - His Islamic Supremacist Benefactor - Dr. Khalid al-Mansour - Video
Obama - Personal Responsibility, Accountability
Obama Blitz Swamps McCain
Obama Competitive in Republican Stronghold North Carolina
Obama Counting on a Youthquake
Obama donors get access to top advisers - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Obama goes prime-time; McCain goes after Obama
Obama Infomercial a Virtuoso Performance
Obama infomercial tops network prime-time ratings
Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate
Obama Lawyers Intimidating Student Journalists Who Discovered Fraud - The Patriot Room
Obama makes final case in supersize ad - Carrie Budoff Brown - Politico.com
Obama says McCain would keep economy in a ditch
Obama timeline
Obama using popularity for down-ballot Democrats
Obama Votes Against Born Alive Babies. Jill Stanek Tells All.
Obama Will Keep Israel Safe and Strong
Obama's Compassionate Closing Ad
Obama's Early Vote Effort Pays Off
Obama's Economic Mythology
Obama's informercial night
Obama's Living-Will Constitution
Obama's Not-So-Radical Foreign Policy
Obama's unsavory ties
Obama, McCain Duel over Economy in Key States
Obama, McCain Make Appeals to Undecided Voters
Obama, McCain to be interviewed for 'MNF'
Officials used state computer system to dig up dirt on famous plumber
Once battered currency surges as global investors look for safe haven
Pakistan's Wounded Sovereignty
Pakistan, Afghanistan reaffirm commitment to regional peace
Palin looks past Tuesday to her political future
Panel Faults FDA Finding on Chemical - WSJ.com
Panel Faults FDA on Stance That Chemical in Plastic Is Safe
Paradox of an Unattractive Russia
Parents becoming more concerned about Halloween treats their children will eat
Pastor At McCain-Palin Rally Equates Obama To Muslims 10-13 HQ
PETA Wants Proposed Homosexual High School to Have ‘Vegan’ Cafeteria
Police had been initially concerned women in their 20s were taking advantage of him
police Husband strangled missing NY teacher
Police Investigating Three Ash-Filled Urns Donated to Goodwill
Police stop traffic on NC road to help momma bear
poll Most Americans Don’t Care About Candidates’ Campaign Financing
Possibility of Healing with Obama
Prediction time
Presidential Candidates Differ Sharply on Abortion
Private Equity Is the Next Shoe To Drop
Pro-Life Latino Star Endorses McCain, While Other Latinos Say Obama’s ‘Pro-Life’
Prostate Cancer Prevention Study Halted
Putin Seeks To Strengthen Ties With Iran
Qaeda wants Republicans, Bush humiliated
Rare Footage - Flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania - September 11 2001
Rate of Diabetes Cases Doubles in 10 Years CDC
re Obama Admits Muslim Faith
Record Number of Families Seeking Refuge in Shelters
Rep Ron Paul Discusses the Bailout and What It Means for America in Video Message
report China's animal feed tainted with melamine
Republican Group Distances Itself from Rashid Khalidi
Research Reveals Why Tamoxifen Doesn't Always Work
Researchers find more Alzheimer's genes
Resilience of American Power
Retailers bracing for what's shaping up to be 'very challenging holiday season'
Robert Scheer can't believe his peers are solidly behind John McCain
Said to include glowing testimonial for professor who excuses terrorism
Sanctifying Irresponsible Borrowers
Says 1,400 applications submitted by group violated state election laws
Scientific tests independently find mark on 'Dreams From My Father'
Scientists discover recognition doesn'trequire network to hold information
Senator Obama's Four Tax Increases for People Earning Under $250k
Senior black Republican 'We could be looking at 12 years out like the Tories'
Sense of urgency drives candidates to swing states
Sheltering Housing Speculation
Sisters seek millions for religious discrimination – say Jewish clients taken away
Some say country could be headed to repeat of 'Dewey beats Truman'
South Dakota proposal bans procedure with narrow exceptions
State agency director authorizes child-support check on senator's critic
Statement of Dan K. Webb, Attorney for William Cellini
study Palin coverage negative - Andy Barr - Politico.com
Study shows even 'very pro-choice' Americans say suffering common
Surviving An Earthquake - The Triangle Of Life
Suspect in hoax anthrax scare had done it before
Suspect says argument was about victim littering, not ballot initiative
Syria and Bush's Last Gasp Abroad
Syrian Riot Police Form Ring Around US Embassy
Taiwan's Delicate Detente
Taliban storm Afghan culture ministry, kill 5
Tech giants in human rights deal
Terrorists bomb Catholic university in Spain
Texas surpasses 2004 total for early voting
The All Mighty Truth About Elections… The National Republicrat
The Audacity of Humility
The Bailout Lie Exposed Financial Big Boys Never Intended To Lend Out Their Windfall
The Crypt Reid's office already prepping for bigger majority - Politico.com
The Danger of Today's Declinism
The Elections and the Responsibility of the Intellectual to Speak Truth to Power
The Failure of African Leadership
The Fed Makes Breathtaking Changes
The Great Flummoxing 2008 Recession
The Left Keeps Hate Alive
The man behind 'fair and balanced' - Michael Calderone - Politico.com
The Memory of Liberty Haunts Iran
The National Republican Trust - Political Action Committee
The New Kleptocracy Biggest Giveaway in American History
The Obama Administration, Four Years From Now
The Obama Tape
The Other Half of Standard Oil
The Other Shoe
The public must never see this tape (updated)
The Quoted Spot Price Of Gold 'Is A Lie'
The Rise of the G20
The shocking Barack Obama debate you haven't seen!!
The Stimulus Plan We Need Now
The Sudden & Convenient Death of Joerg Haider
The True Meaning of 'Historic Vote'
The Useless Cuba Embargo
This Election Day is Easy to Figure Out
Time for McCain to ruffle some feathers
Top-secret files cite Brit minister
Townhall.com - Penetrating Insights into the Obvious
Transcripts.... Experts Discuss Possible Voting Problems
Transcripts.... Interview with John McCain
Transcripts.... Bill Clinton's Speech at Obama's Florida Rally
Transcripts.... Interview with the McCains
Transcripts.... Rudy Giuliani on Hannity & Colmes
Two-Thirds of Iraq Now Under Local Control
U.S. Military Increasingly Privatized
Unable to vote, noncitizen immigrants volunteer
Undecideds an unlikely ‘life raft’ for McCain - David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
US admits raiding Syria to kill terrorist leader
US Indicts Alleged Accomplice of Chicago Fundraiser Rezko
US Needs to Update Nuclear Arsenal
US Official Somalia Homicide Bombings Facilitated by Al Qaeda
US-South Korean War Games Will Destabilize Korean Peninsula
Very Different Backgrounds
video - Remembering The End Of The World
Video - WFTV - Barbara West-Biden Interview
video .... Biden Campaigns in Missouri
video ....Another Ad on Congressional Liberals in NC
video ....Biden on TV Interview, Lies About Obama
video ....Bill Clinton Campaigns with Obama
video ....Celebrities Warn Minnesotans Against Franken
video ....Crist in New McCain Ad
video ....DSCC Says Dole Not Getting the Job Done
video ....DSCC Says Smith Can't Be Trusted
video ....McCain Ad Says Obama Isn't Ready
video ....McCain Campaigns in Tampa
video ....McCain on Barack the Redistributor
video ....McCain-Palin Interview with CNBC
video ....Michelle Obama Talks to Leno
video ....New Obama Ads
video ....New Udall Ad Features His Endorsements
video ....NRSC Attacks Musgrove for Creating His Own Day
video ....NRSC Uses Franken's 'Travesty' Quote Against Him
video ....Obama Ad Questions McCain's VP Pick
video ....Obama on The Daily Show
video ....Obama Promises A New Direction
video ....Obama Says Tax Cuts Would Go to 99.9% of Plumbers
video ....Obama Takes Closing Argument to Norfolk
video ....Obama's Television Special
video ....Palin on Good Morning America
video ....RNC Asks Will You Wait While He Learns
video ....RNC Attacks Obama on Redistributive Wealth System
video FOX NEWS We Need Another 9-11
video President Ronald Reagan blasts Obama's socialistic economic policies
Video surveillance shows man entering his workplace, then leaving over 3-month period
Vote for National Survival
Voting McCain will rid us of some celebrities
Wendy Button, ex-Obama speechwriter, lets former party have it
What Else Can The Federal Reserve Do
What Everyone Should Know about Barack Obama
What the Russian papers say
What We've Learned About McCain
What’s in store for the loser - Glenn Thrush and Amie Parnes - Politico.com
Which President Is Best for Britain
White Woman Can Give Birth On Floor Health Minister - The Right Perspective
Who Enforces the Constitution's Natural Born Citizen Clause
Why Dems Will Target the Investor Class
Why Obama Is Not A Christian Reason #2
Why Obama Is Not A Christian Reason #3
Why Obama Is Not A Christian Reason #4
Why Obama Is Not A Christian Reason #5
Why Obama Is Not A Christian Reason #6
Why Obama Is Not A Christian Reason #7
Why Socialism Always Results in Tyrannical Rule
Will Obama Really Raise Taxes
Will Values Voters Surprise Again
Win or Lose, Palin Is Not Going Away
Windows 7 What You Need to Know
Woman accused by campaign of spreading 'sleazy lies' points to voting record
Women Buying Health Policies Pay a Penalty
Women explore gender roles in American politics - Erin Hanley - The Daily Iowan - Politico.com
Won't use basic security measures to prevent illegal, anonymous contributions
Working Together for a Green New Deal
Would Palin stick out in Georgetown - Sarah Abruzzese - Politico.com
WTO Must Press for Trade Reform
Yes, Barack Obama really is a Manchurian candidate
Your Gmail Account is Now An OpenID
YouTube - 1995 Obama Bizarre, Race Baiting Interview Found! HE MUST SAVE BLACKS SO HE CAN BE SAVED.
YouTube - ABORTION Don't Kill The Innocent Baby
YouTube - Barack Obama On United States Constitution A Fundamental Flaw That Continues (2001)
YouTube - Islam Minister Farrakhan Refers To Barack Obama As His Violent Cult's New Messiah
YouTube - Jörg Haider Banken Mafia - Bank Mafia
YouTube - Obama and Wright He Never Complained Once
YouTube - Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered
YouTube - OBAMA Says White Folks Are Cruel And Ignorant (Real Audio Barack Reads His Book)
YouTube - Video surfaces of Barack Obama admitting he doesn't understand the Stock Market
YouTube - Why Obama Is Not A Christian Reason #1
Zambians vote for new president after leader died
“Off Message” Joe Rips McCain Over Shrinking GDP