"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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31 October 2008


$1B Tax Fraud IRS Says 'Oh Well'
2 accused of hanging Obama effigy on Ky. campus
23andMe named best 2008 invention
A new agenda for transatlantic relations
Air Force Nuke missile silo fire went undetected
America, STOP Murdering Our Unborn Children!
American Thinker Senator Obama's Four Tax Increases for People Earning Under $250k
AMEX To Chop 7,000 Jobs
Anne Rice goes from vampires to Jesus biographer - Yahoo! News
AP Still Kneecapping Obama
Archeologists Report Finding Oldest Hebrew Text
AUDIO - Oct 29, 2008 - MARK LEVIN SHOW
audio - Oct 30, 2008 - MARK LEVIN SHOW
Ayers Dedicated His Book To Sirhan Sirhan
Barack Obama speaks with Rachel Maddow
Barack Obama’s family in Kenya stops media interviews Ethiopian Review
Barky Slipping In 'Polls' - Hypnosis Wearing Off
BBC radio chief quits over phone prank row
Berg Try To Disqualify Obama At Supreme Court
Biden waging stealth re-election campaign - Yahoo! News
Bill Clinton Campaigns for Barack Obama in Florida
Bin Laden Message Expected Near Election
Birth Cert War - Obama Must Stand Up Or Step Down
Blagojevich pardons 26, including several wrongfully convicted of rape, murder -- chicagotribune.com
Boston Housing Authority ‘flabbergastered’ Barack Obama’s aunt living in Southie - BostonHerald.com
Bouncer W-Mad Cow Disease Bites Off Man's Ear
California Cities Cut Police Budgets - WSJ.com
China, Russia renounce the dollar
Chris Shays gets off the Straight Talk Express
CIA Can Hide Torture Allegations, Court Rules
Cicero racetrack will be razed to make way for mall -- chicagotribune.com
Cindy Sheehan's Campaign Headquarters Heavily Damaged in Late Night Attack
Clerk charged with unlawful search of Joe the Plumber
CNN Beams Star Wars Technology For Election
Colbert (reluctantly) endorses Barack Obama...kinda
Coleman sues Franken for defamation
Crude Oil Is Poised for Record Monthly Drop as Demand Declines
Crusaders in the underworld The LAPD takes on organized crime - Los Angeles Times
Daley's memory slips as Gutierrez regains stride -- chicagotribune.com
DARPA Engineering New “Home Invasion” Technologies
Data Mining You to Death Does Google Know Too Much - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Dead People Voting Throughout Florida
Dennis Prager Equality Is NOT An American Value
Did An Ayers Bomb Kill A Policeman
Dressing the Part by Colin Patrick Barth
Election's twists dominate the list -- chicagotribune.com
ENPR Prediction Obama Narrow Win, Dems 58 Senate Seats, 253 House Seats - HUMAN EVENTS
Erica Jong - Bloody 'Second Civil War' If Obama Loses
Exclusive Preview Bob Dylan's 'Tell Tale Signs' NPR Music
Expanding War, Contracting Meaning by Tom Engelhardt and Andrew J. Bacevich
Fattened-up Combine goes into hibernation -- chicagotribune.com
FCC Probe Signals Democratic Attack Machine - HUMAN EVENTS
Fed Opens Up Line Of Credit For Brazil
Fighting with photons The most famous weapon of science fiction is rapidly becoming fact
Fired woman ACORN training for canvassers weak - The York Daily Record
Florida voting rolls contain dead people, duplicates, ineligible felons -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com
Former ACORN staffer testifies - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Fox To Air Damning Michelle Obama Tape
FOXNews.com - Executions, Torture in North Korea 'Worse Than Animal Slaughter' - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
Freaky Friday Redux
Gateway Pundit Obama's Plans For Civilian Security Force Rings Marxist Bell
Gay married couples face legal limbo if Prop. 8 passes - Los Angeles Times
Goldman Sachs To Give $14B Salary, Bonus Pkge!
Gorging appears over for boss hog Cellini -- chicagotribune.com
Great Speeches
hardball Who Has A Plan And Who Is Being Ideological
Hear Disc One of 'Tell Tale Signs' - dylan
Hear Disc Two of 'Tell Tale Signs' - dylan
Hidin' Biden Reining In a Voluble No. 2 - TIME
His diversity a plus, Obama says - USATODAY.com
Homeless voting - 10-29-08 -
Hotline On Call Hotline After Dark -- Cruisin' For A Bruisin'
HYPE - The Obama Effect
IMF & World Bank Have Done Damage To Poor
IMF To Decide On Loans Next Week
In US economic decline, worst is yet to come
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
Introducing Chan's megastick The record-breaking insect as long as your arm Mail Online
Iraq Demands All US Troops Out In 3 Years
Is War Good For the Economy- by Justin Raimondo
Jewish Terrorist Attacks Church Of Holy Sepulcher
Joe the Plumber Bails on McCain
Jong - Bloody 'Second Civil War' If Obama Loses
Journalist Devvy Kidd Receives More Death Threats
Keep Friends Close & Enemies Closer
Kidd - Obama...Possession Is 9-10 Of The Law
Killings show city is ill -- chicagotribune.com
King Solomon's Mines 'discovered' - Telegraph
LA Times Hides Obama - Radical Muslim Tape
Letting the Homeless Vote
List of Predictions in the Prophecies
Lunar Entreprenuers Contract For Help From NASA
Luxurious lifestyles take a hit - USATODAY.com
McCain - LA Times Protecting Obama (And It Is)
McCain campaign accuses L.A. Times of 'suppressing' Obama video - Los Angeles Times
McCain Offers Tax Windfall for Cindy the Beer Heiress
McCain rolls out 'Joe the Plumber' on campaign stop - Yahoo! News
Mean Jean Schmidt Breaks Pledge To Keep Campaign Positive
Modern History Sourcebook - Juan Domingo PerĂ³n Justicialism
More Proof Of Electric Comets
Murtha pleas for $1 million after racism comments
My Way News - 2 minor earthquakes hit Dallas-Fort Worth area
Nanotechnology – the new threat to food
NASA Chooses 11-14-08 Launch For Endeavour
Nasa defends rocket to Moon that could shake astronauts to death - Times Online
Neil Cavuto on John McCain 'On economic matters, you have no convictions'
New FBI Powers ' unparalleled authority '
NRCC Darkens Ashwin Madia's Face In Ads
O'Reilly confronted with the truth The real hate sites are on the right
Obama Accepting Untraceable Donations
Obama and McCain Be wary of the final weekend Politics Reuters
Obama approaches lawmaker about White House post - Yahoo! News
Obama Infomercial Reviews and Ratings
Obama Offers DLs & SS Benefits To Illegals
Obama tells Charlie Gibson My cabinet would be bipartisan
Obama Tells The Greatest Lies Ever Told
Obama Took Millions In Illegal Foreign Donations
Obama's Birth Record Lie And Other Problems
Obama's Marxist Mentor Sold Coke, Pot w-Barky
Obama...'Change' You Can Believe In NOT!
Ohio To Rule On Barky Birth Case Friday
omega-news TRIANGLE OF LIFE - Earthquake Safety Information
Our Electric Solar System
Peru Shamans Sent Barky Good Vibes
Pigs with Mouse Genes How GM Animals May Be Entering the Food Chain without Labeling
Port of L.A. buys Chinese X-ray scanning system with U.S. taxpayer money
Power in hands of few replaces liberty for all -- chicagotribune.com
Prop 8 Spokesman Says Defeating Gays is Like Defeating Hitler
Pulled Downs' Column Explained By Publisher
Putin Seeks To Strengthen Ties With Iran
Qaeda wants Republicans, Bush humiliated Web video Reuters
Racial jokes make 'news' in America
RAHM EMANUEL Who is the man Obama may tap to be his chief of staff -- chicagotribune.com
RAND Lobbies Pentagon Start War To Save U.S. Economy
Reality Check , The Cost Of Obama's Pledges
RED ALERT-Tip ,Two quotes from the Obama-Khalidi videotape
Rush Limbaugh The man who's always Right - Telegraph
Russia president signs law package on EurAsEC Customs Union
Russian Stock Market Up 18% On Day
Sabbath, Tanakh and Torah Teachings
Sarah Palin Speaking To Workers At Solar Energy Plant DRILL BABY DRILL!!
Senator Obama on The Daily Show
Sick wedding of kids aged 5 & 7 The Sun News
site - HempUSA
site - India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times
So Long, Democrats - The Daily Beast
Soros-backed Think Tank Readying Obama
Spike Lee Obama Is 'Pre-Deortained'
State's ultimate insider indicted -- chicagotribune.com
The 'Strike' That Ended Israel's Future
The American Conservative -- Untied States
The EU Communitarian Agenda - The New Feudalists
The Great Obama Swindle Of 2008
The Haunted Home Of Joan Crawford
The Lew Rockwell Show - 58. America's Slow-Motion Fascist Coup
The Other Shoe
The Quoted Spot Price Of Gold 'Is A Lie'
The Raw Story - Charles Barkley Polls 'absolutely useless' because racists lie
The Satanist Banker Conspiracy
The Tax Foundation - News To Obama The OECD Says The United States Has The Most Progressive Tax System
The Ugly Truth - Obama's Foreign Policy Advisers
The Wealth Report - WSJ.com The Rich Support McCain, the Super-Rich Support Obama
They Made a Killing The Use of Knowledge of Covert Operations in the Stock Market
Thomas Jeffereson Knew About The Banksters
Top 10 Bond girls - Times Online
Ultrasound Remote Control Of Brain Circuits
Ultrasound shown to exert remote control of brain circuits
Upcoming Gold Default - Dr Willie
US Absentee Voters In Israel Favor McCain 3-1
video - Corsi On Obama's Radical Influences
video - Hear The Truth - Reverse Speech Blind Test
video - Powell Predicts Crisis On Jan 21 Or 22
video - Trick Or Treat At Obama's House
Video Peter Schiff On Bloomberg 10-28-08
Washington Times - PRUDEN Marching toward a dark river
Washington Times - Washington Times kicked off Obama plane
Wheat Soars Most in 20 Years on Federal Reserve's Rate Decrease
Why I Do Not Vote by Butler Shaffer
Wild Birds May Carry H5N1 From Asia To US
Will Gold And Silver Futures Default
Will Trade Sex For Obama Tickets NBC Chicago
Windy City whirlwind -- chicagotribune.com
Within a Month! The Bringing Down of Bobby Ray Inman by Murray N. Rothbard
World Economic Forum's regional summit meets in Turkey amid global financial turmoil
World Tribune — 16 pirates died after handling substance on captured Iranian ship
World Tribune — As Obama era looms, Gates drops 'Islamist' from characterization of terrorism
Your New President - Zbig Brother
YouTube - Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered
YouTube - Reagan 1984 Ad - Its morning in america again
YouTube - Ronald Reagan TV Ad Foreign Policy
Zombie Dogs
‘Pumpkin Patrols’ Watch for Halloween Pranks NBC New York

part 2

Berg Lawsuit - Docket for 08-570
site - Nietzsche is Dead
video - Catching up with Obama
$1 million blaze burned itself out – safety systems prevented accidental launch
$160 billion buying spree – weaker rivalsat risk of being shut down or taken over
'Admittedly, they are disgusting. But aren't you just trying to be the thought police'
'Became ever more urgent because of the sexual scandals'
'Blood will run in the streets' – says friends Jane Fonda, Naomi Wolf extremely worried
'Cheap liquidity ... will continue until morale improves'
'Have to be a little bit sensitive because politicians are part of their lives now'
'He didn't say he was definitely running. He said he was definitely interested'
'I haven't cleared this with him and he may even be mad at me for saying this ... '
'I'm questioning as a parent if they have more rights than I do'
'If they go up and they work the way that Bill Clinton's plan worked, I'm OK with that'
'It bugs me that people are breaking the law because it bugs them so much'
'It's gonna get nasty' in final days before election
'It's having a big impact on the marketplace and the benefit is clearly very good'
'Oldest Hebrew writing found near J'lem' - Jerusalem Post
'People keep asking who I'm going to vote for'
'Right-wing conspiracy' leader pushes congressman who called constituents racists
'She pulled it off into the woods. She was tending to it'
'Surely this is not a work of art but a blasphemy and a disgusting piece of trash'
'The core problem, of course, is sagging ad revenue trends'
'The money is being raised from individual donors – no Internet, direct mail or events'
'The real economy didn't fall as dramatically as the financial markets'
'UK Handed Georgia War Victory To Russia'
'US strike' kills 15 in Pakistan
'Want to bring ... professionals closer to understanding Shariah principles'
'We are about to set a course that will affect our country for generations'
'We don't really know what he looked like because there were no photos'
'We feel like certainly it's a possibility that we were targeted'
'We would do it because we are concerned about weakness in the economy'
'When it comes to marriage, men seem to opt for brunettes as they see them as more dependable'
'When you look at it, it's a pretty complex set of reasons'
'You look in your pocket and there is a hole all the way through to your socks'
2 accused of hanging Obama effigy on Ky. campus
2 More Packages Arrive After Arrest in Anthrax Hoaxes
2 teams of geologists find sedimentary evidence in coastal marshes
300 feared dead in Pakistan quake
7,000 job cuts will be made across company's business units
A Battle Over the Economy's Direction
A Message From The 'Mainstream Media'
A New Bretton Woods
A Report from the LA Times Protest - Update -Times Says 'Releasing the Video Might Put the Source in Jeopardy'
A Second 9-11 An Integral Part of US Military Doctrine
A Totally Democratically-Controlled Government
Admiral Lyons Obama, the hoax - Washington Times
After Iraq, Petraeus faces arguably tougher job
Agency says it doesn’t have resources to deal with all fraud cases
Ailing auto industry a concern for both candidates
Airliner had to follow Air New Zealand aircraft after its weather radar broke down
Alleged Communist Party member's book boasted of bisexuality, sex with minors
America Isn't About to Become Liberal Heaven
America Should Take a Chance and Elect Obama
American Muslims Urged to Turn Out in Big Numbers on Election Day
America Rolls Toward Recession
An Unnecessary Risk in Syria
Analysts believe followers consider him irrelevant if not heard from at such critical time
ANC rebels challenge South Africa's ruling party
Apple's laptops escape latest Sony battery recall
Are Witches Real
Asinine racist claptrap at The Atlantic
AT&T now offers free Wi-Fi to iPhone users
Attaching Purpose to US Foreign Aid
Attacker appears to be in his late teens to early 20s
australia Debt Driven Globalism
Bad Refunds Issued By IRS In 2007 Reached $1 Billion - AHN October 31, 2008
Bank of Japan cuts key interest rate; Nikkei still closes down 5% - USA Today
Barack Obama 'could worsen crisis' Rupert Murdoch - The Australian
Barack Obama lays plans to deaden expectation after election victory - Times Online
Barack Obama Red Diaper Baby
Barack Obama, a Communist, is no Christian
Barky Lays Plan To Deaden Expectations
Biden asks UD students to help in Pennsylvania
Biden waging stealth re-election campaign
Bigger disaster coming 78 million baby-boomers eligible for Social Security, Medicare
Bill Clinton Obama Got Lots of Help on Economic Crisis Response - Fox
Bill Press Americans were looking for answers, and all they got from senator was mud
Bipartisan Heat Builds Over Use of Bailout Funds
Blue Angels Flying One Plane Short After 2 Team Members Removed From Duty Over Inappropriate Relationship
bolivia Unprecedented Alliance Defeats Right-Wing Assault
Bones found near Fossett's plane
Border Raid
Brand-Ross Facebook supporters to protest outside Daily Mail
Breyer, Souter are Obama’s Models for Supreme Court Choices, Advisor Says
Broadcasting blackout for Jonathan Ross as ITV follows BBC ban
Bruce Springsteen’s Halloween Treat ‘A Night With The Jersey Devil’
Bush's Booby Traps for Obama
Bushco's Final, Frantic Looting Of Public Wealth
But McCain remains 3 points behind Democrat rival
But not as bad as expected decline of 0.5%
But they will hand pleasant facial features down to daughters, research shows
Cameroon militia threaten to kill oil workers
Can Barry Obama lose millions of votes and still win
Can Hot Companies Survive Obama, McCain
Candidates campaign in Midwest days before election
Charge Reduced to Misdemeanor for Guns N' Roses Album Leaker
China's contaminated food scandal widens
Chinese melamine scandal widens
CIA Officers Face UK Trial Over Torture
Clean-up Operation After Freak Hail Storm
Cleaning Up Jakarta
Combined Therapy Is Reported to Ease Anxiety in Children
Congo Gunmen Force Civilians From Camps, UN Says
Congolese Massacred By Their Own Soldiers
Constitutional crisis fearedover Obama's 'qualifications'
Corporate finance chiefs prefer McCain-survey
Could The Federal Reseerve Be Broke
County magistrate will decide if Ohio secretary of state must get proof
Court ruling says judges shouldn't 'parse the content of a particular prayer'
D-FW Airport feels tremors, no damage
Daily Show Hearts Obama
Damascus responds to deadly U.S. border raid
David Horovitz
De Menezes Cops 'Were Just Having A Laugh'
Death of the American Empire
Decision has far-ranging implications for financial services, high-tech industries
Democracy Now! - Following Deadly US Attack on Syria, Questions of Bush Admin Motives in its Waning Months
Democracy Now! - Arrest of Neo-Nazis in Obama Assassination Plot a Reminder of Enduring White Supremacist Culture in US
Democracy Now! - Can Dems Reclaim the South Once Solidly GOP, Virginia and NC Emerging as Battleground States
Democracy Now! - Drilling and Killing Landmark Trial Against Chevron Begins Over Its Role in the Niger Delta
Democracy Now! - Jane Mayer on The Insiders How John McCain Came to Pick Sarah Palin
Democracy Now! - Lawsuits, Machine Malfunctions and Missing Absentee Ballots Among Voting Rights Issues Facing Jittery Election
Democracy Now! - Republican Senator Ted Stevens Convicted on Corruption Charges
Democracy Now! - Van Jones on The Green Collar Economy How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems
democracynow.org- Academy Award-Winning Filmmaker Michael
Democrat candidate offers driver's licenses, Social Security benefits to non-citizens
Democrat told radio station of difficulties for blacks in America
Democrat-turned-independent eyed in filibuster-proof majority
Democratic Caucus in New Senate Will Have Between 53 and 63 Members
Democrats ahead for three GOP Senate seats
Democrats gaining ground in crucial Senate race
Democrats Play Dirty ... In Idaho!
Democrats Should Fear the 'Brady Effect'
Deregulation Was Not the Problem
Did big patent ruling doom software patents
Did the Secretary of Defense Threaten Russia and China
Die-off of bats is linked to new fungus
Digital Mystery Tour The Beatles First Video Game
Discuss the US Presidential Election & Health Care
Dismissal of Suit Against Obama Proves Nothing
Do the Markets Fear Obama
Do-It-Yourself Fact-Checking
Docs Detail Alleged Payment To Coleman's Wife
Don't Just Do Something. Stand There.
Dreams from Frank Marshall Davis
Egyptian War Games Cause For Concern in Israel, Lawmaker Says
Eighteen rescued off Fisher Island
Election Day Surprises - washingtonpost.com
Employees Advised To Hide Tattoos To Keep Jobs - AHN October 31, 2008
Equipment picks Ralph Nader when John McCain is chosen
Erica Jong Tells Italians Obama Loss 'Will Spark the Second American Civil War.....
Ex-KGB officer talks of 'useful idiots' ushering in a 'Marxist-Leninist America'
Exactly Wrong, Again
Excess Weight Gain During Pregnancy a Risk to Mother and Child
Exclusive ...Ilana Mercer explains why big-government believers run counter to historic faith
Exclusive ...Joseph Farah spotlights what candidate 'believes in the deepest part of his soul'
Exclusive ...Melanie Morgan notes Pa. voters can choose either a war hero or a gasbag
Exclusive ...Reb Bradley rejects those whose position on life reveals 'huge character deficit'
Exclusive... David Kupelian shows how senator uses envy and guilt to make believers of millions
Exclusive... Erik Rush labels Obama's strong-arm tactics pure tyranny
Exclusive... Hal Lindsey quotes founders in arguing for biblically based voting
Exclusive... Phil Elmore confronts parents who fail to use medical technology responsibly
Exclusive.... Gordon James Klingenschmitt leads rally for state chaplains who stood with God
Exclusive.... Tom Flannery highlights research showing atheists have their own 'superstitions'
Experts Issue New Guidelines For Dealing With Earwax - AHN October 31, 2008
Facing fraud investigations, prosecutions, over aggressive 'voter registration' drives
Failure to reach agreement could force suspension of American military operations
Faith of Our Fathers
FCC Probe Shows How Obama Will Crush Dissent
FDA denies ignoring harm in bottle chemical
Financial Crisis Drives Michelle Obama Client to Suicide
Fisk - 6 Held In Gitmo After Claims Dropped
FLASHBACK - Was young Obama Indonesian citizen
Florida voter registration trends favor Democrats
Focusing on the Obama-Khalidi ties
For Many, Tuesday Will Be a Leap of Faith
For McCain, the Die is Cast
Ford Says It Can Make It Without a Merger
Frank Says Bonuses, Acquisitions Violate Bailout Plan
From Cowboy Capitalists to Third-World Throngs
Gadhafi set to arrive in Moscow for energy, military talks - Jerusalem Post
Gen. David Petraeus sworn in as head of US Central Command
Genealogical firm finds Palin ties to Hawaii
Getting the 'Ayers Issue' Straight
Good looks help women candidates, men not so much
Google Book Search Settlement A Reader's Guide
Google may scrap Yahoo deal - sources
Google Now Indexes Scanned Documents
Google Reaches Scanning Milestone With Adobe's PDF
Google tries brinksmanship with DOJ in fight over Yahoo deal
Google Uses OCR Technology To Index Scanned Documents
GOP leading Democrats in absentee votes 50% to 30%
Guantanamo judge rejects request to redo sentence
Gunman Arrested After Holding Fifth-Graders Hostage in Maine
Gunman arrested after holding students hostage
Hank Paulson's $125 Billion Mistake
Happy Halloween! The dead are voting in Florida
Has Obama Overplayed the Race Card
Heart attack risk shifted by daylight saving time
History Repeating Itself
Hitler Realized The Unstoppable Power Of TV
HOAX - Michelle 'API Rage Tape' Said A Fraud
Holiday Hysteria Catholic Exchange
Hot-button social issues highlight .....
How McCain, Obama would do as commander in chief
Hubble Resumes Operations, Sends Back Picture of Lost Starfox 64 Level
Human bones found near scene of Steve Fossett crash site
IBM Sues Apple-Bound Microchip Expert
If It Redistributes Like a Duck...
Ill. election officials prepare for Tuesday
In Defense of Negative Campaigning
In Defense of That Wealth Spreader
In Google Book Settlement, Business Trumps Ideals
In Search of Obama the Radical
Incumbent Republican Norm Coleman enjoying biggest lead since April
India Under Siege
Indonesia on edge as bombers face execution
Innocent Man Fatally Shot by Police in His Own Yard
Intel chief sees growing potential for conflict
Intelligence Head Says Next President Faces Volatile Era
Internationalists Calling for ‘Bretton Woods II’
Iran to cut oil production - Jerusalem Post
Iraq War Vet's McCain Endorsement Rockets to Top of YouTube - Viewed More Than 11 Million Times - Fox
Is Hugo Chavez Pursuing the Bomb
Islamic group claims Indian serial blasts
Israel and America The End of the Special Relationship - Jonathan Rosenblum
israel Rightist bloc leads Left in 'Post' poll - J'lem Post
Israel sides with US on Cuba embargo - Ynet
Israeli captured in Ghana escapes - Jerusalem Post
Israpundit - Obama site encourages IP address forgery from Donors
Israpundit - Barack Obama’s Alleged Blood Libel of Israel is Consistent with Jeremiah Wright’s Hate Speech
It's 3 a.m. and the Prime Minister of Israel is Calling
Italy Tipped Off Libya About 1986 US Attack
Japan's air force chief faces sack over second world war comments
Jewish Terrorist Attacks Church Of Holy Sepulcher
Job Creation Is the Private Sector's Job
Joe Biden sticks to script in crucial final days
Joe the plumber, meet Hal the candy bomber
John McCaslin Circus Act - Townhall.com
JPMorgan to Modify Mortgages to Limit Foreclosures
Judge Rejects Government Call to Reconsider Hamdan Sentence
Judge Says Four Years In Prison for Former IRS Employee Is Fair
kirkuk The Land the Surge Forgot
Labour Will Lose Power for a Generation
Lawsuit accuses state of giving $9 million to abortionists, despite ban
lebanon 12 Israeli jets flew over country - Ynet
Lebanon says 12 Israeli jets fly over country - Houston Chronicle
Lehman UK - Time For The Serious Fraud Office
Liberals and the Surge
Library - Bible, Lost books of the bible, The Torah Study
Life-long Republican cites national security, economic woes
Little Green Footballs - Barack Obama's Multi-Million Dollar Infomercial
Little Green Footballs - Goldberg What is the L.A. Times Hiding
Little Green Footballs - Martin Kramer on Rashid Khalidi and Barack Obama Kindred Spirits
Little Green Footballs - More Information on Rashid Khalidi
Little Green Footballs - Obama's 'Civilian National Security Force'
Little Green Footballs - Politico Lists the Worst of the Stupid Rumors
Little Green Footballs - Rashid Khalidi and the PLO
Little Green Footballs - Washington Post Stands Up For Rashid Khalidi
Live From New York, McCain's Last Grasp
Lorie Byrd No Longer a September 10 Election - Townhall.com
Low-income Users Latch on to IPhone
Lyrics are comedy take on plight of millions trying to make ends meet
Maine Gunman Holds Fifth-Graders Hostage
Major misconception about heroes of Old Testament cleared up
Mandate '08 Reagan vs. FDR
Marching toward a dark river - Wesley Pruden
Margin narrows; Obama support crucial on gay-marriage ban
Mars Lander, Still for a Day, Stirs Again
Massive Maine Tidal Surge A Mystery
Massive Zionist Slush Fund Used To Influence Presidential Election
mccain Bush not doing enough to help homeowners
McCain Launches Ohio Bus Tour
McCain says Obama coming from the liberal left lane of politics
McCain Set for 'Saturday Night Live' Cameo
McCain Tells Defiance He'll Cut Taxes
McCain Ties Obama To Terrorist
McCain Worker Reaches Deal in Made-Up Assault Case
McCain's End Game
McCain's New TV Ad Stars Obama...Praising McCain
McCain's Test
McCain, Palin demand L.A. Times release Obama video
Media Actively Shields Obama from Scrutiny
Medicare drug plan spending drops $6B in 2008 - USA Today
Medvedev to raise financial crisis in state-of-nation address
Michel Aoun International Tribunal to Try those responsible for the Killings of Iraqi Christians
Microsoft parks I'm a PC recording booth outside Apple Store
Microsoft reveals Windows Azure ship date
Mike Ditka Stumps With Da’ Palins
Mike Gallagher The Battle For America Is Only Just Beginning - Townhall.com
MKs turn to Mazuz in bid to stop Olmert resuming Syria talks - Jerusalem Post
More Syrian Troops Deploy Along Lebanese Border
Motorola plans first Google phone in a year
Nanotechnology – the new threat to food
Nasty fungus may be killing thousands of bats
Negative Liberties and Obama Newspeak
Netflix to stream movies and TV shows to TiVo DVRs
New Bio Lab on a Texas Island Worries Environmentalists and Locals - NYTimes.com
New Documentary Exposes Dark Side of NAFTA Superhighway
New in Jennifer Hudson case Hudson family plans memorials
New visitors center will document religious heritage
New Xbox Experience Uncloaked
New York Post, Dallas Morning News, Washington Times endorsed McCain
Newsmax.com – McCain Shredding Obama's Lead
No charges have been filed in 4 other cases that have made national headlines
No compromise with Iran - Israel .....
No Halloween for Maryland's sex offenders
No Police Warning Before Killng De Menezes
Norm Coleman Calls Lawsuit Allegations 'False and Defamatory'
Notes from a battleground state
Obama ads in GOP turf; McCain says he's leftist
Obama and the Chicago Boys
Obama and the law - Thomas Sowell
Obama and the Runaway Train
Obama and the UN
Obama approaches lawmaker about White House post
Obama Beats McCain in Defense Industry Donations
Obama blitz a ratings winner -- for him and Jon Stewart
Obama boosts Daily Show to new record
Obama Forgot to Spread His Own Wealth
Obama Hammers Home Economic Message
Obama infomercial tops network prime-time ratings
Obama lays plans to kill expectations......
Obama OK'd method 'This is outright infanticide, and a candidate for president defends it'
Obama Plans a Four-Day Hunt for More Democratic Voters
Obama Ridicules 'Socialist' Charge, But He Admitted Seeking Out Marxist Professors and Socialist Conferences
Obama says McCain abandons high road
Obama targeting GOP's territory
Obama tech advisor sounds cautious notes at one-man debate
Obama Tells The Greatest Lies Ever Told
Obama the Justifier
Obama to Critics Just Shut Up
Obama to Press Welcome to the new America
Obama Took Millions In Illegal Foreign Donations
Obama Would Fail Security Clearance - Daniel Pipes
Obama's 30-minute ad attracts 33 million viewers
Obama's ever changing definition of who is rich
Obama's unsavory ties -Daniel Pipes
Obama, McCain hit economy in the push to Tuesday
Off-duty officer beats driver, but will not face criminal charges
Ohio Secretary of State Linked to ACORN, Project Vote - HUMAN EVENTS
Oil falls as demand concerns continue
Oil sinks towards $63, set for record monthly slide - Reuters
Olmert’s Will
Organization sued to have roadside crosses banished
Palin displays high-voltage appeal in Erie
Palin Dragging McCain Down
Palin says Obama infomercial short on specifics
Palin says Obama is committed to higher taxes
Palin Stumps in Pennsylvania on Halloween
Pat Buchanan If Barack's not a socialist, 'hedoes the best imitation of one I've ever seen'
Patriots Concerned Returning Troops Will Be Used As Federal Strike Force
PETA Wants Proposed Homosexual High School to Have ‘Vegan’ Cafeteria
Peter LaBarbera Democrat's campaign fooling voters to cover up pro-homosexual stance
Pirates Hijack Turkish Ship Near Somalia While Six Others Escape - Fox
Pivotal Question How Much Gov't
police 'It wasn't really a chase since it was so slow. It was more of a follow'
Police threaten criminal trespass after delivery of anti-Dem letter
Political Storm Finds a Columbia Professor
Politically Drunk On Power! - After 232 Years, Does Character & Integrity No Longer Matter To Americans
Politics Flunks Test As a Market Predictor
poll Most Americans Don’t Care About Candidates’ Campaign Financing
Pollster says if country were on U.S. election map, it would be bright red
Presidential Candidates Enlist Marquee Names
Previously unseen footage of unscheduled gig during 1st tour of U.S. found lying in drawer
Prince Charles Must Renounce the Throne
Pro-choice Obama repels evangelicals - Julia Dunn
Professor friend has long history with Arafat's PLO
Promises, Promises Chasing an elusive pledge
Proposal for 'interests section' falls short of full U.S. Embassy
Pulled same stunt in 2007 – some mailings included home address
Questions answered about giving, borrowing to invest, paying for financial planning
Questions answered about government debt, adjustable rate mortgages
Radio Archives List - Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Rashid Khalidi Will Anyone Stand for McCain’s Final Smear
Rep. Mahoney 'All I can tell you is I've gotten a tremendous amount of support'
Report , 3-4 World's Population Live In Nations Overconsuming Natural Resources; Greece Hogs Water - AHN October 31, 2008
report Al Qaeda Web Video Calls for 'Humiliation' of GOP, Bush - Fox
report Angelina Jolie's Breast Feeding Pics Upset Brad Pitt's Parents
report No mechanical failure before copter crash
Report warns of covert Iranian bid to expand nuke program -Ynet
Reports biggest-ever quarterly profit for a U.S. company
Republicans accusing secretary of state of trying to conceal potential fraud
Researchers Uncover More Alzheimer's Genes
rnc Obama's Promise Breaker
Ron Paul Discusses Bailout In Video Message
Row over 'Obama chief-of-staff'
Russia Must Scale Down Its Ambition
Russian leader outlines global finance reform plan
Russians Divided Over How Election Outcome Could Affect Bilateral Ties
Rx for Our Financial Crisis
Schumer Would Back Law Mandating Treasury to Sell Back Bank Stocks
Scottish sailor was marooned on small tropical island in Pacific for more than 4 years
Secret of Obama tax plan revealed
Security Heightened After Thai Protest Grenade Deaths
Security Should Be the Deciding Issue
Security tight ahead of Bali bombing executions
Seizes on reports of record profits to draw sharp new distinction
Sen. Stevens I'm innocent and not convicted
Senator Obama's Four Tax Increases for People Earning Under $250k
Settlers rebuild demolished structure, attack Palestinians - Ynet
Should McCain Even Want to Win
Single court appointee could decide whether laws become more restrictive
site - On The Radio
Somali pirates seize Turkish ore freighter
Somalia’s Pirates Flourish in a Lawless Nation
Some Tight Senate Races -- Democrats Could Gain 60-Seat Majority
Sophisticated attack leaves 77 dead in India
Sounds of Hell
Sources say government considering effort to modify home loans, back up lenders
South Dakota proposal bans procedure with narrow exceptions
South Korean conglomerates, known as 'chaebols,' stand to gain
Spending drops 0.3% in September, most in four years - USA Today
Spokeswoman says president won't respond to Waters' allegations
Spotting the Camouflaged Candidate
Spreading the Wealth and Killing the Goose
Spy Chief Warns US Vulnerable in Next President's First Year
States challenge Verizon-Alltel merger
Stop ID Checkpoints
Strengthening Mac's 'Fear The Redistributor' Message
Student suspended for publishing conservative website
study 40 Percent of Women Report Sexual Problems, Most Don't Care
Study shows even 'very pro-choice' Americans say suffering common
Success Is Not IQ, But Common Sense
Suffering Without End in the Congo
Suicide blast rocks ministry in Kabul
Suicide bomber kills 5 at Afghan government ministry
Supreme Court asked to halt Tuesday's vote - Constitutional crisis feared over Obama's 'qualifications' - WND
Syria reportedly boosts troop deployment near Lebanese border - J'lem Post
Tainted candy not sold here
Texas leads nation in number of uninsured children, study says
Texas man who obtained Tysabri dies of cancer
Texas Mom Throws 4-Year-Old Daughter Into Traffic
The 'Bailout' India Really Needs
The American Dream - The favor Bush did Obama
The Anti-Semantic Joe Klein
The Case for McCain, Part II
The Elections and the Responsibility of the Intellectual to Speak Truth to Power
The Emerging Economic Peril Is Global In Scope
The End of Prosperity
The Green Religion
The Keys To Rebuilding Wall Street
The Left Keeps Hate Alive
The Memory of Liberty Haunts Iran
The NY Times Covers for Obama on Khalidi
The Repugnance of Socialism
The Risk of Obama
The Sudden & Convenient Death of Joerg Haider
The Terminator to Campaign with McCain in Ohio
The Truth About Hell
Thornburgh's turnout prediction for KS 78 percent.
Three Reporters From McCain-Endorsing Newspapers Removed From Obama's Plane - FOXNews.com Elections
Three things the Obamedia will do to depress Republican turnout and help Obama « HillBuzz
Told police girlfriend only 'ate a couple bites,' refused to pay
Transcripts..... Obama Rallies Columbia, Missouri
Transcripts.....'SNL' Executive Producer on Comedy and the Campaign
Transcripts.....Bill Clinton's Speech at Obama's Florida Rally
Transcripts.....Editorial Page Editors on Their Presidential Picks
Transcripts.....Experts Discuss Possible Voting Problems
Transcripts.....Interview with John McCain
Transcripts.....Interview with the McCains
Transcripts.....Palin on the Stump in Erie, Pennsylvania
Transcripts.....Panel on Republicans for Obama
Transcripts.....Roundtable on the Tightening Race
Transcripts.....Rudy Giuliani on Hannity & Colmes
Transcripts.....Tito the Builder on Hannity & Colmes
Trick or Treat McCain, Schwarzenegger to Barnstorm Ohio - Fox
Trick-or-treaters will be out tonight
Two anti-tank missiles fired at IDF near Kissufim crossing - Jerusalem Post
Two-Thirds of Iraq Now Under Local Control
U.S. deaths in Iraq on track for record low - USA Today
U.S. Isn't About to Become Liberal Heaven
U.S. Military Increasingly Privatized
U.S. Should Invest In Innovation
Ultrasound Remote Control Of Brain Circuits
UN Condemns Bombings in India's Assam; Death Toll 75
Upset of the Century
US diabetes rate doubles in 10 years
US Economy Consumers Throw in `the Towel' as Spending Falls
US-South Korean War Games Will Destabilize Korean Peninsula
vatican Bar gays from priesthood - Ynet
Victim kidnapped in 2007, reportedly committed 'suicide'
Victor Davis Hanson tells why post-meltdown U.S. is still healthier than other nations
video - America's Long War. From the Truman Doctrine to the NeoCons
video - Lies, More Lies How to create an Angry American
video - If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing
video - New Documentary 'Indoctrinate U'
video AFP Interviews Pro-America Candidates Endorsed By Ron Paul
Video game publisher hit by higher development, marketing costs
video President Ronald Reagan blasts Obama's socialistic economic policies
VIDEOS...McCain on Good Morning America
VIDEOS..Biden Campaigns in Missouri
VIDEOS..Bill Clinton Campaigns with Obama
VIDEOS..Crist in New McCain Ad
VIDEOS..DSCC Says Dole Not Getting the Job Done
VIDEOS..DSCC Thinks Coleman Helped Too
VIDEOS..McCain Campaigns in Defiance, Ohio
VIDEOS..McCain Campaigns in Tampa
VIDEOS..New Ad Has Obama Praising McCain
VIDEOS..New Obama Ads
VIDEOS..New Udall Ad Features His Endorsements
VIDEOS..NRSC Uses Franken's 'Travesty' Quote Against Him
VIDEOS..Obama Ad Questions McCain's VP Pick
VIDEOS..Obama Campaigns in Sarasota
VIDEOS..Obama Interview with Rachel Maddow
VIDEOS..Obama on The Daily Show
VIDEOS..Obama Talks to Brian Williams
VIDEOS..Obama's Television Special
VIDEOS..Palin on Good Morning America
VIDEOS..RNC Asks Will You Wait While He Learns
VIDEOS..Sen. Warner Cuts Radio Ad for McCain
VIDEOS..Three More Ads for Franken
Vigilance deters Halloween eve arsons in Detroit
Vigorous Exercise Can Cut Breast Cancer Risk
Vote for National Survival
Voting Early & Often
WaPo editorial finally admits that Ayers is vile, but defends Obama, Khalidi, and LAT on pure faith
Warns any nation not honoring Iran's identity, independence will have its 'hands cut off'
Washington Times Loses Seat on Obama Plane
Watch the Video of A Citizen in Hell Video Style at Amightywind
West Africa rebels threaten to kill French oilmen 'one by one'
What Does the World Want from America
What Is it About Pennsylvania and Pork
When Consumers Finally Capitulate
Which Obama Would America Get
White House Defends Using Bailout Funds to Pay Bank Shareholders
Who Enforces the Constitution's Natural Born Citizen Clause
Who Groomed Barack Obama
Who's the Real Barack Obama
Whoopi Goldberg 'If they work the wayClinton's plan worked, I'm OK with that'
Whoopi Goldberg Democrats Always Raise Taxes
Why McCain Continues to Run Behind Obama
Why McCain Will Lose
Why the Fight in Balochistan Matters
Why the Power Play in Georgia
Why the U.S. Needs An Economic Strategy
Why Virginia is an Obama a priority
Will Obama Keep His Post-Partisan Promises
Win or Lose, Palin is a Political Force - Reuters
Windows 7 Upgrade Chaos Looms
With the White House won, Barack Obama now must pick a team
Workers at Top Wall Street Firms Give Millions More to Dems
World Series Proves Downer For Broadcasts
X-rated postings at ''Gay' Boy in Jail' are legal, protected
Yes, Barack Obama really is a Manchurian candidate - David Kupelian
Yoga found to boost health in heart patients
You Are Not Wasting Your Vote By Voting Third Party
YouTube - Ogletree Videos's Channel
Zambia's opposition ahead in presidential poll
Zimbabwe Waits