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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Ron Paul :2012

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18 October 2008

politics,world news

A Chill Wind Blows East
A Conversation with Speaker Nancy Pelosi
A Liberal Supermajority Would Move the Nation Far to the Left
A Lone Conservative in the Crisis
ACORN Controversy Fraud Or Foolishness
ACORN is A Genuine Threat
afghanistan Don't Rush for the Exit
Airport Security in America is a Sham
Al-Qaeda Web forums abruptly taken offline - Washington Post
Albright says Obama is presidential
America's Moral Consensus
American Politics In Poll Position
An Illegitimate Baby Blessing or Punishment
Axelrod's Tactics Won't Work in Washington
Bachmann remarks pay off for foe
Banks Can Fail, and So Can Bailouts
Barack Obama for President
Barack Obama vows to 'change the world' - Telegraph
Biden rallies in Henderson ahead of early voting
Blaming the Jews (again) - Cal Thomas
Bond Trading Is How We Rescue the Banks
Bush details plan to save economy - USA Today
bush Economy will bounce back in the long run - USA Today
Bush, Sarkozy to meet as signs of recession mount - Reuters
Can Joe the Plumber Save McCain
Canada's Lessons for Its Neighbor
Candidates Trade Jokes Instead of Attacks
Capitalism's Crisis of Confidence
cbs2chicago.com - Farrakhan Says 'New Beginning' For Nation of Islam
China to Help Pakistan Build 2 More Power Plants - Fox
Cindy McCain's lawyer cites Obama drug use
Class Will Tell - Why is Bill Ayers a respectable member of the upper middle class and Sarah Palin contemptible - Sam Schulman
Closer Than You Think Presidential Polling Data Leave Room for Interpretation - FOXNews.com
Coping with financial crisis in the heartland - MSNBC
Despite Acre calm, arrests continue - J'lem Post
Economists prescribe deeper deficit - Balanced government budget no recession cure - David R. Sands
Elections to taxes Working things out
Financial Boom, Financial Bust What Happened
Future CEOs Must Sacrifice
Gallup Poll McCain Gets Within Margin of Error - NewsMax
Glass-Steagall's Repeal Was a Positive
GOP Frets as Obama Tries to Take Tampa
GOP rep on Obama's 'anti-American views’
Government Is Going Global
Hamas official We may freeze Schalit talks till Egypt cooperates - J'lem Post
haniyeh America's economic turmoil is 'divine punishment' - Jerusalem Post
Here Come the Democrats
Hillary Voters Come Around to Obama
hizbullah UN pressure won’t suppress resistance - Ynet
Immigration, Abortion and the Next President
Iran's Economy Runs Out of Steam
Israel welcomes UN Security Council's refusal of Iran - Jerusalem Post
It's Lonely Out There for Putin
It's Super Gordon!
Japan in a Post-US World
Jewish group Porush at peace with Arab sovereignty over Temple Mount - Ynet
Jindal to speak at event in Iowa
Joe the Plumber Has a Wild Day
John McCain's Identity Crisis
Joseph Romm Palin repeats GOP's big energy lie -- plus 4 other energy lies, too
Keynes' Ideas Take On Increasing Relevance
Last One Turn Out the Lights Marines Quietly Begin Leaving Bases in Iraqi Cities - Fox
Liberal straw men and misrepresentations
London's Olympics Hit by Crisis
Lou Dobbs in 2012
McCain & Obama Are Worlds Apart on Trade
McCain Advisers Try To Dispel His Hawkish Image
McCain and Palin MIA on 'Meet'
McCain Campaigns in Miami
McCain Forced to Fight for Virginia
McCain gives Letterman his biggest audience in years - AP
McCain I'm not President Bush
mccain Obama Tax Policies Are Socialist
mccain Obama's Tax Policies Are Socialist
McCain's Bare Cupboard
Memo to the New Israeli PM
Muslim Home Buyers Forbidden by Their Religion to Pay Interest Turn to Christian Charity - Fox
NATO Pessimism At a Loss in Afghanistan
Neighborhood says its vote goes beyond race
New Home Construction at Lowest Level Since World War II - Fox
Obama draws 100,000 in St. Louis
Obama leads among white independents
obama The Oak Grown from Acorn
Obama's Assurance Policy
Obama's Transition Team Meets, Candidate Pushes On
Obama, Hairdresser and Power of Propaganda
October 18-19 Understanding the Word of God - Charles Stanley
Pakistan Army 60 Militants Killed in Northwest - Fox
Pakistan Does US's Dirty Work
Palin and Record vs. Rhetoric
Palin has yet to see 'SNL' script
peres Falling oil prices will hurt Iran - J'lem Post
Poland excluded from visa-waiver list - Omission angers U.S. ally; S. Korea among newcomers - Washington Times
Politico 'Apologizes' To Sarah Palin On Behalf Of Elite Media
poll Obama ahead in critical counties
Protestant Latinos Favor Obama, Poll Says
Quit Helping Small Business
Racists for Obama
Rebuild the Respectable Society
report Bush offers swift Golan withdrawal - Ynet
Republicans File New Suit Against Ohioh SOS
Sarah Palin's Future - Alaska's Most Valuable Resource - Fred Barnes
Shouldn't We Rescue Housing
Standing up for your gay friend
Steven Weber Miss Al Qaeda America
Sukkos and the Great Meltdown - Jonathan Rosenblum
Syria's Blowback Problem
Tens of Thousands Anti-US Protesters Rally Against US-Iraqi Pact - Jerusalem Post
Terrorist Who Brought Nail Bombs to Irish Parliament Claims It Was 'Performance Art' - Fox
The Audacity of Barack Obama
The Cheney Rules Tips for the Next VP
The Coming Backlash
The disappearance of law - Caroline B. Glick
The EU Wants a New World Order
The Financial Crisis Blame Game
The force of the Hillary Effect
The Supreme Court and the Election
The Two Candidates' Trade Stances Are Worlds Apart
The Unfairness Doctrine
This land should be Jewish - Petition against Jewish-only JNF land meant to erase Israel’s Jewish identity - Ariel Gilboa
To Go Forward, Colombia Looks Back
Torn Between Obama and McCain
transcripts - Analysis of the Debate
transcripts - Gov. Ed Rendell on the Debate
transcripts - McCain at the Al Smith Dinner
transcripts - McCain's Remarks in Downingtown, PA
transcripts - McCain's Speech in Miami
transcripts - Obama at the Al Smith Dinner
transcripts - Obama's Remarks in Londonderry, NH
transcripts - Obama's Speech in Roanoke
transcripts - October 17 White House Press Briefing
transcripts - Panel on Joe and the Debate
transcripts - Panel on Joe the Plumber's Background
transcripts - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Michael Reagan Debate
transcripts - Roundtable on the Status of the Race
transcripts - Shields and Brooks on the Campaign Week
transcripts - The Final Presidential Debate
UN Chief urges Hezbollah and Israel to halt mutual threats - Haaretz
US to waive visa rules for seven countries - J'lem Post
Vast 'City of The Dead' Found Underneath Rome - Fox
Video - A Conversation with Nancy Pelosi
Video - Biden on Today
Video - Candidates Talk About Joe the Plumber
Video - Coleman's Plan for the Future
Video - DSCC Ads Says Smith is A Hypocrite on Illegal Immigration
Video - Joe the Plumber in New McCain Ad
Video - Joe the Plumber on the Debate
Video - McCain Declares Joe the Plumber the Debate Winner
Video - McCain Defends Joe the Plumber
Video - McCain Interview with Fox
Video - McCain on The Late Show
Video - McCain Promises A Better Four Years
Video - NRSC Aims at Franken's Commentaries
Video - NRSC Says Hagan's Taxes Repelled Jobs
Video - NRSC Says Udall Not Honest
Video - Obama Ad Says McCain Plan Gets Worse
Video - Obama Attacks McCain on Health Care
Video - Obama in New Hampshire
Video - Obama Ties McCain to Bush
Video - Obama Wins Focus Group
Video - RNC Questions Obama's Crisis Management
Video - The Candidates at the Al Smith Dinner
Video - The Final Presidential Debate
Web Data Offers New Slant on Election
What If McCain Had Obama's Friends
What Would Milton Friedman Say
Where McCain Went Wrong
Why It's Hard to Get Away With Blackmail
Will a Funny Thing Happen on the Way to Washington
Worst Case Scenario - What an Obama administration and a heavily Democratic Congress would accomplish - Fred Barnes
‘Terrorist’ ad called reckless