"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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18 October 2008

18 Oct

18 th

'Don't Turn Buckeye State Into ACORN State,' Palin Warns - Commitment 2008 News Story - WLWT Cincinnati
2nd lawsuit challenges Obama's citizenship
Al-Qaeda Web Forums Abruptly Taken Offline - washingtonpost.com
Board refuses to fire Florida teacher over Obama slur -- OrlandoSentinel.com
Breaking News Latest News Current News - FOXNews.com
Bush says economy will bounce back in the long run - Yahoo! News
California Catholic Daily - “He received 16 stitches”
Corsi releases statement blocked by Kenya
Did Ayers' wife kill policeman
Dutch abortion ship arrives in Spain - Telegraph
Feds confiscate, pirate investor's gun-shop software
FOXNews.com - Grandfather of Vegas Boy Kidnapped by Police Impostors Arrested - Local News News Articles National News US News
Hamas infiltrator in U.S.-backed forces
How Paulson nationalized biggest banks in the U.S.
Incendiary sign in McCain office links Obama to dictators
Jesse Jackson now off-limits for news briefings
Kenyan insiders say ObamaBRwas part of takeover strategy
McCain suggests Obama tax policies are socialist - Yahoo! News
Michelle Obama organized event with Ayers, husband
MyFox Orlando Fla. Girl, 12, Called Racist For Wearing Palin T-Shirt
Obama lies in debate about ties to ACORN
Obama raised $1 million for foreign thug's election
Quebec man urges al-Qaeda to attack Canada
Radio host scolded over Obama coverage
Report Bush offers Golan Heights to Syria
Report Islamic radicals use child porn to exchange info
Says Arab world campaign contributions 'may enable him to win U.S. presidency'
Stem Cell Breakthrough Mass-Production Of 'Embryonic' Stem Cells From A Human Hair
Teachers union donates $1 million to oppose Proposition 8 - Los Angeles Times
The 'how-to' plan to criminalize Christianity
Washington Times - Evangelicals are in the news, but not in newsrooms
Washington Times - Glance at Islamic terror money
Washington Times - Palin to go on 'SNL' this weekend
West Bank Jews targeted
Will Michelle Obama tape 'change political atmosphere in America'
A New Cop For Global Finance
Australia No Opt Out Of Filtered Internet
Canada, EU Agree To Negotiate Economic Partnership
General 30,000 More Soldiers To Beat Taliban
More Americans Turn To Food Stamps
Moscow Grocery Shelves Increasingly Empty
NASA To Launch Probe To Map Solar System's Edge
Nevada Tent Cities Rise In Shadow Of Casinos
Switzerland Pumps Billions Into Bank System
Teenager Admits Hacking Scientology Web Sites
Top Swiss bank UBS gets giant infusion -- chicagotribune.com
U.S. May Have Contributed To Iran Revolution
VA Claims Found In Piles To Be Shredded
Vets Arrested & Trampled At Debate
Zombie Story Gets Student Arrested For Terrorism
'Gay gang drugged and infected us' NEWS.com.au
A Liberal Supermajority - WSJ.com
cbs2chicago.com - Farrakhan Says 'New Beginning' For Nation of Islam
Chesler Chronicles » No One Talked About Jihad in the Last Great Debate
Face-off over converted garage could land woman, 83, in jail - Los Angeles Times
FOXNews.com - Terrorist Who Brought Nail Bombs to Irish Parliament Claims It Was 'Performance Art' - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
Link between child porn and Muslim terrorists discovered in police raids - Times Online
My Way News - Muqtada al-Sadr urges rejection of US-Iraqi pact
NorthJersey.com Protesters rally at State House over state-mandated vaccines
Op-Ed Contributor - Buy American. I Am. - NYTimes.com
Police make arrest in series of home invasions
Pro-lifers pursue 'abortion ship' off Spanish coast - Times Online
Prop. 8 Supporter Violently Attacked for Distributing Lawn Signs - Christian Newswire
Prosecutors Afghan girl enslaved in Seattle area - Yahoo! News
Stumper Taxi Talk
Teachers union donates $1 million to oppose Proposition 8 - Los Angeles Times
Trickle-Up Poverty
US elections Barack Obama jokes he is Superman - Telegraph
'Guy said I looked like a granny,' Madonna accuses husband of cruelty Mail Online
20bn barrel oil discovery puts Cuba in the big league - BlackListed News
ABC News The Note The Plumback
Army developing ‘synthetic telepathy’ - BlackListed News
Banks Borrow Record $437.5 Billion Per Day from Fed - BlackListed News
Barack Obama vows to 'change the world' - Telegraph
Biden The entire country is pro-America - First Read - msnbc.com
cbs2.com - San Francisco Votes To Give Dubya Dubious Honor
Energy superpower emerges in the Caspian - BlackListed News
Haniyeh US crisis a 'divine punishment' Middle East Jerusalem Post
Husband hacked wife to death with meat cleaver after she changed Facebook status to single Mail Online
Knoxville's Joe the Plumber doubts Obama, too Local News Knoxville News Sentinel
McCain suggests Obama tax policies are socialist - Yahoo! News
My money's heading for a mattress, jokes Federer
New order moves us closer to China's economic model - BlackListed News
Obama nears record for spending on ads - International Herald Tribune
Obama's transition team meets, candidate pushes on - Yahoo! News
Pajamas Media » Obama Supporter Assaults Female McCain Volunteer in New York
Private Military Contractors Writing the News The Pentagon's Propaganda at Its Worst - BlackListed News
Stock Gyrations Roil Trading as U.S. Options Expire - BlackListed News
Teenage Scientology Foe Charged - October 17, 2008
The Barack backlash
The mad world of Madonna Grains for every meal, rice milk, no TV and sleeping in a plastic suit covered in £500 cream Mail Online
The rising titans of a new world banking order - BlackListed News
TheHill.com - Pelosi predicts 250-seat Dem majority
Treasury Wants Regulators to Allow Government Investment as 'Core Capital' - BlackListed News
TSA agent steals $200K worth of travelers' belongings, resells it on eBay - BlackListed News
U.S. is desperately in need of a President but I don't see any
UnionLeader.com - New Hampshire news, business and sports - Obama 'You cannot let up' - Friday, Oct. 17, 2008
Winston Churchill ‘bribed Franco’s generals to stay out of the war’ - BlackListed News
AAA - FEATURE - U.S. Constitution
old news - A Brave New ‘Zionist’ World - Real Jew News
old news - The Antichrist Will Be A Jew! Real Jew News
audio - Listen to what Obama Believes & has preached
DEMOCRACY NOW Third-Party Candidates Ralph Nader & Cynthia McKinney ....
Satanic Verses Of The Jewish Talmud
video - rev.wright
'268 lives saved, Planned Parenthood irritated'
'60s Radical Ayers Among Subjects of McCain 'Robo-Calls'
'Great Firewall of China' after foreign reporters covering Olympics left country
'I don't know how much more I can afford in taxes. No one is giving me a break'
'I was bored, so I decided to go back into the apartment and kill him'
'I will get flak from Christians who will say I can't be a Christian if I believe this'
'I'd just feel more comfortable, confident and safe with McCain'
'If we could have our way, we would like to revoke his license for such stupidity'
'In Bosnia, we gave a date ... then we couldn't get out and that undercut our credibility'
'It's something big – it looks like a neighborhood'
'Risked his position when he spoke in this tone ... regrettably complicated relations'
'The guy is incredibly smart. ... he'd probably fix this country in 2 years'
'They had the brain power and hearing to pull off these behaviors'
'We simply ran out of funds to support the daily operations'
10 times lighter but 500 times stronger than steel when sheets stacked to form composite
14 believers have been slain in past 2 weeks in Mosul
18 Oct - Joe the Outlaw
18 Oct - A Gigantic Armed Robbery
18 Oct - Bernanke's Pig
18 Oct - Crackpot Egalitarianism
18 Oct - Gimme!
18 Oct - Pushing on a String
18 Oct - Scaramanga, Blofeld, Goldfinger, Dr. No
18 Oct - Social Peace
18 Oct - The Bailout
18 Oct - The Decline and Fall of the State
18 Oct - The Pyromaniacs of the Fed and Treasury
20 Billion Bbl Oil Find Puts Cuba In Big Leagues
2009 EPA Fuel Economy The Best and Worst
36 Jews Who Have Shaped The Elections
600 Trillion Derivatives Emergency Meeting
A Campaign for Liberty
A Growing Divide - washingtonpost.com
a-1 The McCain Health Care Plan More Power to Families
AA FEATURE - The Wealth of Nations
AAA FEATURE - The Federalist Papers
AAA FEATURE - Washington's Farewell Address 1796
AAA FEATURE - Anti-Federalist Papers
AAA FEATURE - Common Sense by Thomas Paine
AAA FEATURE - Declaration of Independence
AAA FEATURE - Internet Archive September 11 Television Archive
AAA FEATURE - John Locke Second Treatise of Civil Government
AAA FEATURE - Pandia Powersearch, all-in-one list of search engines and directories
AAA FEATURE - Patrick Henry - Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death
AAA FEATURE - The Articles of Confederation
AAA FEATURE - The Law, by Frederic Bastiat
AAA FEATURE - The Letters of Thomas Jefferson- 1743-1826
aaa site - audio and video What Would Reagan Do - Heritage.Org
AAA SITE - www.google.com - search2001
ACORN controversy Voter fraud or mudslinging
Ad guru Jim Whelan 'No wonder that people who don't eat any processed food lose weight'
Advice dispensed on FICO score issue, marriage finances, paying for college
Advise on car payments, life insurance, part-time jobs
AIG Fraud Case Using the Market to Set Jail Terms
AIG to claw back executive payments, reform ways
Al-Sadr condemns Iraq security plan
Alaskan Glaciers Grow For First Time In 250 Yrs
Algeria, Syria sign economic pacts
AMD co founder Ed Turney dies - The INQUIRER
AMD’s Results Show Improvement
analysts Cartel could decide to trim output as much as 1 million barrels a day
Analysts Have High Hopes for New South Africa Party
Analysts, money managers agree Shares are bargain at current prices
Andrew Jackson Farewell Address
Andrew Jackson comments on the economic crisis and ending the Fed
Arctic Report Card New Trouble for Ice Sheets, Wildlife
Army to probe 5 slayings linked to Colo. brigade
Arrested last month after raid on compound – 6 girls taken into protective custody
Attempt to get 2nd child from Morocco blocked by British social services
audio - Frightening Stupidity Of 'Informed' Obama Voters
audio - Terrance McKenna
Austrian far-right leader buried with pomp and ceremony
averagebro.com - Guess Barack Won't Be Getting These Folks' Votes.
B.J. Lawson, the hybrid candidate
Bankrupt retailer to hold liquidation sales at stores
Bankrupt retailer unable to find buyer willing to take over locations as going concern
Banks Hoard Cash As Credit Card Defaults Rise
Banks took $99.7 billion per day during past week
Barky (Brzezinski) Vows To 'Change The World'
Bernanke Foreshadows End to Fed's Hands-Off Approach to Bubbles
BetaNews US Treasury says IRS still hasn't fixed vulnerabilities in tax processing systems
biden 'Divisive, scurrilous' GOP will throw bathroom sink, too
biden GOP's going to throw more than the kitchen sink
Bloomberg Enlists His Charities in Bid to Stay
breaking Obama Campaign Calls For Investigation Into DOJ-McCain Collusion On ACORN Smears Crooks and Liars
Britain to limit immigration minister
Britain Faces Deflation For First Time Since 1960
Britain’s Prime Minister Argues for Global Governance
Broadcasters challenge FCC 'white space' report
Broadcasters Seek to Slow Efforts to Open Vacant TV Airwaves
Buffett's MidAmerican Seeks Approval on Constellation Deal - WSJ.com
Bullish Buffett buying stocks
Bush excludes Taiwan from US visa-free list
Bush Struggles to Be Heard in Economic Crisis
Bush the Socialist and Destroyer by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Bush urges patience amid further signs of slowdown - International Herald Tribune
Bush Won't Extend Benefits - Says 'Get A Job'
BushCo Criminalising Dissent
Caffeine, Breast Cancer Link Minimal
Call for campaign to 'plunge the crap out of Washington'
Calls government's economic effort 'big enough and bold enough to work'
Cams Of London - A Shrine To Surveillance
Canada’s Conservatives Miss Goal of a Legislative Majority
Canvassers, not ACORN, at fault
Change is 4th by major U.S. roasters in 2008
Chef stabbed homosexual man to death, cut up flesh, cooked and ate it
China Bank Chooses NYC For 1st US Branch
China to boost Pakistani energy
China Extends Influence Into Central Asia
Cindy McCain Releases 2007 Tax Return
Cities and Insurrections - Eric J. Hobsbawm libcom.org
College associate editor says 'Obama is my Jesus'...
Conference Call With Obama campaign on McCain-Palin pushing Voter Fraud Crooks and Liars
Costs of curbing global-warming emissions a tough sell amid economic disruption, uncertainty
Councilman's sleuthing leads to mortgage fraud case
Court Ruling Stokes Voter-Fraud Fight
Crisis May Make 1929 Look Like Cakewalk
Critic's Notebook Comedy and McCain
daley 'That reward is really exciting for them. ... They've never seen a $10 or $20 bill'
Death doesn't sell – new initiative by entrepreneurs calls for changing name
Demand for safe-haven investments like Treasury bills decreased
DEMOCRACY NOW - McCain Campaign Accuses Community Organizing Mainstay ACORN of Fraud ...
Democracy Now! Smearcasting How Islamophobes Spread Fear, Bigotry and Misinformation
Democracy Now! World Food Day a Reminder of a Global Crisis Further Sidelined by Campaign Frenzy, Financial Woes
Democracy Now! Ex-Asst. Treasury Sec. Paul Craig Roberts on Wall St. Bailout Has Deregulation Sired Fascism
Democracy Now! James Bamford The Shadow Factory The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9-11 to the Eavesdropping on America
Democracy Now! 15 Arrested Outside Presidential Debate in Protest Led by Iraq Veterans Against the War
Democracy Now! After Losing Son in Iraq, NY Mother Faces Loss of Foreclosed Home
Discovery could push back date for earliest canine by 17,700 years
Discussion - Expand the House of Representatives
Dissecting Cindy McCain's private world
Do the Palins18 Oct - Belong to an Extremist, Traitorous, Secessionist Group
Don't Trust the Depression Brain Trust by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Ed Schultz Walks Off Fox & Friends Crooks and Liars
Entire New US Energy Economy Emerging
Euro Markets Tumble As Confidence Collapses
exclusive Brad O'Leary profiles small-c communists cheering senator on
exclusive Craig R. Smith warns 'nothing had fundamentally changed'
exclusive Ellis Washington holds nothing back skewering 'miserable' chief executive
exclusive Greg Laurie exhorts men to guard their lives from family-destroying adultery
exclusive Hal Lindsey wonders why senator won't produce official copy of birth certificate
exclusive Henry Lamb compares viewsof candidate to principles of leftist party
exclusive Joseph Farah looks to Leviticus for solution to global financial meltdown
exclusive Pat Boone apologizes to Ben Franklin for our having lost the nation
exclusive Patrice Lewis welcomes new wave of shoppers to the thrift shop
exclusive Seth Elliott urges readers to battle 'the weapon of mass cultural destruction'
Exercise may cut uterine cancer risk in heavy women
Facebook Might Be Setting Up A Music Service
Fact check Does McCain 'have no plan' to ease college costs
Fact check Obama and Ayers
Fact check Obama said he would 'spread his wealth around'
Fact Check Obama's claim of benefit cuts suspect
Fannie Suit Vexes Regulator, May Pay Shareholders
Fear And Loathing Of Economy Spreads
Feds Are Criminalizing Dissent In America
Financial Forensics
First China Electric Car Goes On Sale In November
Five Buys For Warren Buffett
flashback - exclusive Brad O'Leary profiles small-c communists cheering senator on
Florida congressman My behavior was 'disgraceful'
Food aid reaches Sri Lanka north
Food Doesn’t Satisfy Obese People As Previously Thought
For a night, Obama just a soccer dad
For your money you'll get rubber costume with 'non-organic' parts replacing the roadkill guts
Former director of UCLA's Willed Body Program pleads guilty in cadaver scheme - Los Angeles Times
Four Tops vocalist Levi Stubbs dies at 72
FOX, Major League Baseball agree to 15-minutes during possible 6th game to carry infomercial
France To Paulson - Save Lehman Or Global Collapse
Francophonie warns of impact of financial crisis on poorest nations
From 'pullers' to 'drivers' 'It will dignify the job and reduce the labor'
From Georgia With Loathing
General Motors tries really, really hard to find a buyer for Hummer
German financial bailout approved
Glenn Beck 'They're all Marxists' Crooks and Liars
Google Gmail Outage Brings Out Cloud Computing Naysayers
Google Is Looking Into Gmail's Errors
Google's G1 or Apple iPhone ...
GOP 'robo calls' slam Obama in 10 swing states National Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Got obesity gene Eat a whole foods, plant-based diet!
Hawaii tourism rejoices over S. Korea visa waiver
He was the Tops - Levi Stubbs dead at 72
Hedge Fund Mgr Thanks 'Stupid Traders' For Riches
HI Obama US Citizenship Suit Moves To High Gear
House Panel Asks AIG About Trips
How Deeply is the U.S. involved in the Afghan Drug Trade « RAWA News
How Obama Would Stifle Drug Innovation
How Pure Is Bottled Water
How To Fix Our Depreciating Money by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
How West Is Losing The Energy Cold War
Iceland's Nightmare Coming Here
Iceland, Iran Lose Bids to Join UN Security Council
Ignoring 'Ava Grace,' which he, his wife had picked earlier
In The Event Of War - Some Projections
InsideCatholic.com - Galileo, Science, and the Smirking Chimp
Insider Market Manipulations Before Crash
Interview With Putin Banned - (Pt I)
Interview With Putin Banned - Pt II
Interview With Putin Banned - Pt III
Iran president has called Israel 'fake regime' that 'must be wiped off the map'
Iraq Security Deal Near
Iraq's al-Sadr Urges Rejection of US-Iraqi Deal
Iraqis Stage Mass Anti-US Rally
Is change really a-coming
Is Switzerland The Next Iceland
JBS Founder Robert Welch on Fiat Money and Inflation in 1974 Forerunner of Ron Paul
Joe the Outlaw by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
John McCain doesn't understand attack ads Crooks and Liars
John McCain says Barack Obama's out to flush Joe the Plumber
John McCain, Barack Obama Trade Campaign Attacks for Late Night Jokes
Jonathan Falwell urges Christians to vote for those supporting biblical values
JP Morgan Caused US Financial Destruction
Judaism Discovered - Pt I
Judaism Discovered - Pt II
Judge Releases Report on NJ Voting Machines
Just launched 1st privately built liquid-fueled rocket into orbit around Earth
Keynesianism's Last Stand by Gary North
Kidd - The Final Looting Of America
Kidnapped Boy's Grandfather Arrested
Latest claim called 'poorly calculated estimate drawn from a suspect report'
Laurie Higgins wonders what's next, a special campus for polyamorists
Learning About the State by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Legislating Tyranny by Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton
Lehman Tries To Unwind Derivatives Trades
Lehman's Collapse, Stock Sale Probed by Three U.S. Prosecutors
Lenin - Guerrilla Warfare
Letterman Busts McCain On His Ties To G. Gordon Liddy Crooks and Liars
lew rockwell - audio - Download - What You're Not Supposed To Know
lew rockwell - audio - Download - Who Killed the Constitution
lew rockwell - audio - Download - The State versus the Internet
lew rockwell - audio - Download - Is Catholicism Anti-Capitalist
lew rockwell - audio - Download - Hyperinflation
lew rockwell - audio - Download - Is a Gold Standard Too Costly
lew rockwell - audio - Download - The Counterfeiting Federal Reserve
lew rockwell - audio - Download - The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism
lew rockwell - audio - Download -Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle
lew rockwell - audio - Download -Hyperinflation
lew rockwell - audio - Download -The Problem With Fiat Money
Life Origin Experiment Gets Better With Age
Linens 'n Things Closing All Remaining Stores
Little Sarko Praises Himself For Saving EU
Longing for Dictatorship by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
McCain Calls JFK Assassination An 'Intervention'
McCain Campaign Launches Pre-emptive Strike on NYT
McCain draws bipartisan criticism for 'robo calls'
McCain Helps Letterman Beat Leno’s Ratings
McCain lawyer asks why New York Times has not looked for Obama's drug dealer - Lynn Sweet
mccain Obama Tax Plan Government Giveaway
mccain Obama's economic approach socialistic
McCain suggests Obama tax policies are socialist
McCain To Suspend Campaign In Order to Rescue Campaign
McCain Welfare Ad Insults American Taxpayers Crooks and Liars
McCain's second comeback Possible
McCain's terrible vetting job on Joe the Plumber Rick Davis is full of it! Crooks and Liars
McCain, Obama Battle for Pivotal States
Michelle Bachmann gives voice to the right's darkest impulses Crooks and Liars
Microsoft tells Yahoo to abandon hope
military Turkey launches airstrike on PKK targets in N Iraq
Missing climber with broken ankle ate bugs to survive during 5 day ordeal on Wash. mountain -- Newsday.com
MonsterQuest - The Future
More Exercise and Less Alcohol
Mozilla Gets Touchy and Feely With Firefox ‘Fennec’ Mobile
Muslim Women Must Show Only One Eye'
N Rock Slammed For 'Aggressive Repossessions'
NASA gets Hubble going
NATO airstrike killed over 25 civilians, Afghans say
New Breakthrough Solar Energy Material
New research suggests type of televisionyou watched as child has profound effect
News Corp. venture has not been winner for Murdoch
Nir Rosen How We Lost the War We Won Crooks and Liars
NJ Teenager Guilty of Cyber Attack on Scientology Web Sites
North Korea Sticks to Pact, US Says
Obama camp calls for special prosecutor in fraud investigation
Obama expands attack on McCain's healthcare proposal
Obama has 4-point lead on McCain
Obama wins backing from three major newspapers
Obama works for the working-class vote - International Herald Tribune
Obama's Use Of Hidden Hypnosis In Speeches
Obama, McCain campaign in conservative states - International Herald Tribune
Obama, McCain take battle to states on GOP turf
Obama-Ayers link involved Annenberg grant
Oct 17, 2008 - Friday’s Mark Levin Show - Jerry Agar of WLS in Chicago fills in for Mark
old article - Bill Ayers' motive for penning memoir
old article - Deconstructing the text
OLD ARTICLE - Google dumps news sites br that criticize radical Islam
old article - More proof Ayers ghosted Obama's 'Dreams'
old article - Obama didn't write 'Dreams from My Father'
old article - Obama's poems show real talent level
old article - Real author of Barack book Why it matters
old article - Roots' fraud sets standard for Obama's
old news - Federal Reserve Jews Control America! Real Jew News
old news - Bilderberg Calls For Zionist Global Banking Real Jew News
old news - George Orwell’s Zionist Nightmare Real Jew News
old news - George Soros An Evil Rothschild Agent! Real Jew News
old news - House Of Rothschild Controls Our Lives Real Jew News
old news - Jewish Bankers & Their Agenda Real Jew News
old news - 9-11 - Arab Or Zionist Hijackers Real Jew News
old news - 9-11’s Cover-Up Man Zionist Zelikow Real Jew News
old news - 9-11’s Real & Phony Spies Real Jew News
old news - Anthrax & More Zionist Lies - Real Jew News
On Guerrilla Warfare
Once a rising GOP star, Vito Fossella's political life in tank
OPEC Hawks Want Cutback To Force Prices Up
OPEC sees $70-$90 as floor for oil prices - paper
opposition Talks breakdown adds to Zimbabwe's woe
Organic Foods Higher In Cancer-Fighting Agents
Overeating Blame Your Genes
Pakistan army says airstrikes killed 60 militants
Palin Knocks Obama Over “Staged Photo-Op” Gone Awry
Palin's Big Brother 'Excited for Her'
Pat Buchanan Will Obama return to the hard left or practice moderation if elected
Paul - Our Current Monetary System Is Ending
Paul Craig Roberts - Darkness Falls On America
Pensions Hit Hard By Financial Meltdown
Peter Schiff - Don't Blame Capitalism - washingtonpost.com
Peter Schiff on CNN, 10-15-08
Phantom Clowns Are Back!
Pinochet Arrest - Implications For BushCo
Pro-Lifers for Murder by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
Probe of Lehman collapse escalated NYT
Prophet Yahweh Predicts Oct 31 UFOs For Obama!
Questions answered about government debt, adjustable rate mortgages
Rachel at the Rally - Lew Rockwell
Readers react to Clinton-Palin comparisons
Recession Coming Despite Global Intervention
Red Army Faction
Registrants' driver's license, Social Security number must match government database
Reid calls McCain robo calls 'scummy'
Report of A-Rod and Madonna secret love shack
Republicans Rain Negative Automated Calls on Voters in Swing States
Requirement for children in order to attend preschools, day-care centers
Rescued by Fannie Mae
Researchers discover song has almost perfect rhythm to help jump-start stopped heart
Response To 911 'Huge Overreaction' - Ex MI5 Chief
Roaming country to provide body parts for traditional-medicine market
Robert Spencer covers Obama's troubles with Muslim-outreach staffers
Roberts - The Bailout Fails The Smell Test
Rolling Stone - Election Already Stolen
Ron Paul in 2012 - How the World Works - Salon.com
Ron Paul Washington’s True Maverick Talks Bailouts, the United States Constitution and Re-Making the US Dollar - PR.com
Russia Taps Sovereign Fund To Save Markets
Russian Air Defense To Hold Live-Fire Drills
Sarah Palin to step into Tina Fey's satirical den
Schwarzenegger Continues to Pursue Green Agenda
Senators Probe Industry Ties to Medical Device Conference Organizers
Should Massachusetts Eliminate State Income Tax
Sinclair - At Least Obama's Neighbors Know
Sinclair - My Plans
Sinclair Roughed Up By Union Thugs At Dem Rally
site - Anti Obama.net
SITE - Get A Podcast
SITE - Internet Archive Wayback Machine
SITE - PodcastDirectory.com
SITE - podscope
SITE - www.sphinxradio.com
Six Myths About Libertarianism
Spanish FM Georgia should get NATO membership
Sri Lanka 2 soldiers, 2 rebels killed in fighting
Star Parker sees lesson for GOP candidate in Coke's marketing debacle of '80s
Stateless Dictatorships How a Free Society Prevents the Re-emergence of a Government by Stefan Molyneux
Statistics provide quick snapshot of activity – currently showing recession
Stem cell debate resurfaces after lingering in background
Stevens on offensive in his own defense
Stocks End Wild Week Mixed
Swimmers go missing in river where Indians dispose of bodies after funeral pyres
Terence McKenna Tribute and More - RadiOrbit Playlist
Thai premier says he won't resign
Thai, Cambodian Army Commanders Discuss Border Truce
The $4T Madness That Swept The World
The 30 Year Lie Of The Market Cult
The a-1 Obama Health Care Plan More Power to Washington
The ADL Hates Our Freedoms
The American Conservative -- What’s Left of the Old Right
The Angry faces of John McCain Presidential Debate # 3 Crooks and Liars
The Audacity of Barack Obama
The Boss, the Piano Man and the Candidate
The Che Reader
The Collapse Of A 300 Year Ponzi Scheme
The Copycat Effect Phantom Clowns Are Back!
The Fallacy of Precrime, It's Not Just for the Movies!
The God Equation
The Great Gold Robbery of 1933 - Thomas E. Woods, Jr. - Mises Institute
The Hand Pulling Obama's Biggest Strings
The Hand Pulling Obama’s Biggest Strings - Real Jew News
The Left’s Closet Contempt for the Constitution
The Lifeblood of the Empire by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
The Long Run Behind McCain, Outsider in Capital Wanting Back In
The Mahablog - Spreading the Wealth Around
The Month When Reality Invaded by Gary North
The Next Ron Paul
The Political Class Crosses the Rubicon by James Ostrowski
The Political Lizard Annex Obama Campaign Tactics Smears, Lies, and Racism
The Political Lizard Annex - McCain Defends Average Joe; Obama Mocks Him
The Quiet Russian
The Rescue Plan Needs to be Rescued
The Strata-Sphere » Scientists Prepare For Three Decades Of Global Cooling
The TRUE Story of Mao Tsetung and the Communist Revolution in China PART 1
The TRUE Story of Mao Tsetung and the Communist Revolution in China PART 2
Ties Between Doctors and Stent Makers Queried
Told police he was 'devastated' she changed online profile to 'single' after he moved out
Top Wall St Banksters To Get $70B Pay Deals
transcript Democratic Response to President Bush's Radio Address
Tsvangirai says Mugabe intransigent as rivals seek help
turkey planes strike Kurd bases in northern Iraq
Two new IRS systems have major security weaknesses, federal report says
U.S. lawmaker seeks details on how company has used $123 billion
U.S. Military Mission Expands into Africa
UK Fast-Tracks 'New Deal' Public Spending
Unions Mislead on Health Care
US Economic Outlook Only Worsening
US stocks fall on dismal data, oil rises
Vials From Miller-Urey Experiment Offer New Hints on Origin of Life
video - McCain Attended ACORN Event
video - Obama, McCain, Hillary - Three Stooges Of War
Video McCain knocks ‘em dead at the Alfred E. Smith dinner
Violence predictably follows right-wing hysteria about ACORN Crooks and Liars
VW Suspects Foul Play In Haider Death
VW Top Techs To Examine Murdered Haider's Car
W.Va. man dies in Bracken County crash
Wallpaper for Obama - Prose Before Hos
Warns efforts to canonize wartime pope would deal 'severe blow' to relations
Water and What Else
Week That Global Ruin Was Averted ()
West urged not to ignore Sri Lanka
What Could the Government Do in the Present Mess
What Is Money Let's Get Real
What Just Happened
When economic times get tough, it doesn't pay to be foolish
When God Pulls The Cheney
Who Killed the Constitution by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
Why Does Heathrow Scan My Shoes Three Times
Why the Powell Endorsement (Could) Matter
Will Colin Powell endorse Barack Obama
Will Sunshine State Sway Red Or Blue
Will the Real John McCain Please Stand Up
Will U.S. Taxpayers Need A Bailout
Wisdom dispensed on pastor's car, government bonds, sales commissions
World's largest package delivery company to increase prices by average of 5.9%
Written statement 'for all rats' found among bodies declared killings 'will continue'
Yahoo to announce jobs cuts
Yahoo to post results in contentious atmosphere
Younger Breast Cancer Survivors Risk Disease in Other Breast
YouTube - Children who hardly cry and never get ill.
YouTube - ira video
YouTube - Ron Paul The Peoples Champion
Zeitgeist - The Addendum
Zionism - Little Green Men Or Judaized Plutocracy
Zionism, Militarism, & The Decline Of US Power