"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

14 August 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

A man with a sense of humor doesn’t make jokes out of life , he merely recognizes the ones that are there.

Michelle Malkin » Obama’s War on the West: Another judge rebukes job-killing rogue Interior Department

If Soros Betted On Downgrade This is How He Did It | TheBlaze.com

Top 10 Strange Objects Sent into Space | Pakalert Press

10 Jetsons Technologies Now Present | Pakalert Press

Three North Carolina Democrats admit voting twice for Obama

Monsanto's 5 Most Dubious Contributions to the Planet | TakePart - Inspiration to Action

Nine of 12 Super Committee Members Named: Tea Party Marginalized

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » “Fast and Furious”

Bachmann Wins Iowa Straw Poll, Cements Her Top-Tier Status in GOP Race - FoxNews.com

Obama Lies 7 Times In Under 2 Minutes! | Politics and Economics Right Side News

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Muslim Brotherhood In Our White House – Vetting Obama

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Primetime Propaganda: An Interview with Ben Shapiro

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Joe Scarborough’s Big Lie about Bachmann and ‘Default’

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » U.S. Military: Protectors of the Selfish Class?

Iowa Straw Poll: Bachmann Wins, Paul Close Second

Everything’s Made in China? Not Quite.

Smart Meters, Dirty Electricity and Disease - YouTube

Michele Bachmann the IRS Attorney | Revolutionary

Video: Home sick: Living with Chinese drywall | Need to Know

Video: Need to Know, August 12, 2011: The history of debt, detainee abuse, living with Chinese drywall | Need to Know

Video: Ken Herman on Rick Perry’s presidential ambitions | Need to Know

Ron Paul Wins Online Straw Poll - News, Weather and Sports for Sioux City, IA: KCAU-TV.com

Rick Perry: Social Security and Medicare Are Unconstitutional

BREAKING! Hawaii Still Refusing Access To Obama Birth Certificate: Court Orders Hawaii DOH Officials To Appear In Court Aug. 14 | America's Conservative News

Video: Palin Still Considering a Run For President | America's Conservative News

Edwin Vieira Jr. -- Fables of the Fourteenth Amendment

Rense & Jonathan Emord - FDA New, Stealth Dirty Trick To Take Your Supplements - YouTube


*11 pg/Jewish banishment and The “City” of London


Rense & Jonathan Emord - The Debt Deal Bubble - YouTube


Hackers Build Cheap Spy Drone that Rivals CIA Predator

Hormones and leadership | Opinion Maker

Why Illinois Can't Afford its Poor Dead | NBC Chicago

Dog comes home with human hand - San Antonio Express-News

Corey Feldman: Pedophilia Is Hollywood's Biggest Problem (VIDEO)

savethemales.ca - Illuminati Use Cancer to Hold us Hostage

Agrochemicals, energy plants and GMO crops killing Bathinda residents | Food Freedom

2 GMO Soys Set to Invade the EU | Farm Wars

European Unrest: Entirely Staged Political Theatre | Veterans Today

Blog to End the Occupation: Where in the World is YOUR Representative?!

Special interests gave millions to budget panel - Yahoo! News

Obama's Health-Care Law Moves Toward Supreme Court With Appeals Ruling - Bloomberg

Roundup herbicide research shows plant, soil problems | Reuters

Exclusive: "Last Man Out" Makes Shocking 9/11 Disclosure | Before It's News

14 Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be A Really, Really Bad President

Dire State Of America's Children

US Debt: Fantasies of the Grand Ponzi scheme | Opinion Maker

Looming food crisis in a rice against time

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: London Riots and the Big Picture

Yemen: Barack Obama warned that al-Qaeda planning ricin attack - Telegraph

Riots, wild markets: Did space storms drive us mad? | Reuters

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: nuclear weapons 'a waste of money' - Telegraph

Fury over taxpayer gold card cover-up: Ministers blame head of the Civil Service for blocking exposure of abuse | Mail Online

What Has Happened To Veterans Today?

savethemales.ca - The Subtle Undermining of Our Culture

Michele Bachmann wins, Ron Paul a close second at Iowa straw poll - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Michele Bachmann Wins Iowa Straw Poll | C-SPAN

An Explosive New 9/11 Charge

Rudolf Hess: The Führer’s Deputy | Veterans Today

Surge in electric hostility

Power cuts by remote | Herald Sun

Ad over Wall Street says "You Should All Be Fired" — RT

The Wild Suicide of the Untouchables.

TYT: Santorum Rips Woman Over Prescription Drug Costs - Democratic Underground

Anonymous: Operation BART - San Francisco Protest - Democratic Underground

TYT: State rep. Phillip Hinkle (R-IN) busted looking for gay sex with a young man at a hotel - Democratic Underground

DNC Chair on Perry Economic Claims: All Hat, No Cattle - Democratic Underground

‘Yes! We Have No Bananas’ Except for Apes at Box Office

Casey Anthony Most Hated Person in America, Tops OJ and Paris

Part Human/Part Animal Hybrid Monsters Are Being Created By Scientists All Over The Planet

The Green Police Are No Longer A Joke – The UN May Create An Army Of “Green Helmets” To Fight Climate Change

The Constitution: Time to Discard? | Veterans Today

Outlook for Peace Dim if Perry Elected President | Veterans Today

Truth Squad Radio: Smart Meters/ Electronic Incarceration

Urban beekeeping: the latest big environmental movement

The Bone Destroying Daily Drink

How fluoride destroys your endocrine function

Illinois Shutting Down Artisan Ice Cream Maker for Crime of Using Fresh Fruit (not irradiated)

Slow Money Gathering: Investing as if Food, Farms and Fertility Mattered

Why You Need to Avoid These ‘Healthy’ Fruits and Nuts

Michele Bachmann Says The Darndest Things - YouTube

+6-3-11/Osama Is Dead Again...A Few Of The Reports

+Audio:James Morris speaks with General James David & Tom Murphy of RepresentativePress.org about Israel & 911

» Why They Attacked Us

+Israeli Spies Videos

» NYC Firefighter Testimony: Long-Suppressed Oral Histories Corroborate Demolitions

Bin Laden Meets With The CIA At An American Hospital In Dubai July 2001 - YouTube


Ron Paul Takes Very Close Second in Ames » Revolution PAC

9/11: Infiltration and Derailment | Veterans Today

Passion of the Christ actor Jim Caviezel said Hollywood has shunned him | Mail Online

OpEdNews - Article: Ames Straw Poll Winning Bachmann's Problem With Reality

RT's exclusive interview with Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad — RT

America, a Spark Away From Riots of Its Own


Verizon Says It Turned Over Data Without Court Orders

25 Ordinary Citizens Write Iceland’s New Constitution With Help From Social Media | Singularity Hub

Lone Star Watchdog: Laws Creating Monopolies Unconstitutional and Illegal?

U.S. expands probe of News Corp: Wall St. Journal - Yahoo! News

How low Israel Can Be? - YouTube

IDF Soldiers Run Like Chickens Suspecting an Attack LOL - YouTube

More than Taboo - YouTube

‘Stuxnet, an Israeli cyber war tactic’ | BobTuskin.com

Michele Bachmann Wins GOP Primary Test: Iowa Straw Poll Results (VIDEO)

Google+ users will be forced to identify themselves.. or leave the site | Mail Online

Ex-Minn. Gov. Tim Pawlenty ends White House bid - Yahoo! News

CNN's Fake Newscast From The First Gulf War - YouTube

Senate Panel Keeps ‘Secret Patriot Act’ Under Wraps | Danger Room | Wired.com

Activist Post: Bachmann Rigged Iowa Poll by Buying "At Least" 4000 Votes

New scrap-metal sale permit law might dent copper thefts | islandpacket.com

Burying the Darfur Genocide Myth & Bernard Levy - YouTube

GOP Presidential Primary: New Rules Of The Race Emerge

Gold and Silver Price Relationship? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Ron Paul Interview From Ames: " The Fed Is The Counterfeiter Of Last Resort" - 12160

Foxnews Cuts Off Ron Paul’s Iowa Straw Poll Speech While He’s Talking Patriot Act & Foreign Policy : Federal Jack

Lone Star Watchdog: Ron Paul's Words With Righteous Indignation Can Defeat Rick Perry's Charismatic Flattery

Mr. Friend's Blog: Israeli art students, Mossad and 9/11

Ron Paul Iowa Straw Poll Speech: “It’s Time We Restore Freedom To America” :

Ron Paul Iowa Straw Poll Speech "Time To Bring The Troops Home!" - YouTube

John Boehner Says In Order To Pay For The Wars, We Need To Raise The Social Security Retirement Age To 70 (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

Social Security Reform Bill Encourages Americans To Live Faster, Die Younger - Home - The Daily Bail

The Video Congress Does NOT Want You To See!

The Overhyped, Underwhelming Iowa GOP Straw Poll | Swampland

Dick Destiny » Ricin bomb rubbish

Ron Paul Wins Historic Vote Total In Ames Straw Poll | | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign CommitteeRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Government Gone Wild! Congress Made Massive Profits Allowing Wall Street To Rob Main Street


#LondonRiots - A Stiff Dose Of Truth You Won't Hear From The Government Censored Corporate Media

MI6 produced bogus Iraq war evidence under pressure from Downing Street to justify Iraq Invasion

Obama Compares Himself to Martin Luther King

DHS says Terror Watchlist is exempt from Privacy Act - 12160

JFK ASSASSINATION: Jack Ruby “The answer is the man in office now” : Federal Jack

David Walker On The Debt Deal: "U.S. Is 3 Years Away From Being Greece, Congress Dealt With $2T Of A $61T Problem" - Home - The Daily Bail

News Corp. Probes Advance in U.S. - WSJ.com

Ron Paul Wins | | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign CommitteeRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Ron Paul on Bloomberg TV 8-8-11 - YouTube

Ron Paul with Neil Cavuto on S&P Downgrade 8-6-11 on Fox News - YouTube

Iowa Straw Poll: Ron Paul within 1% of 1st!

Ron and Rand Paul speak to Ames supporters

All Of Ron Paul's Questions & Answers at Iowa GOP Debate 8/11/11

CNN And Politico: "We're going to ignore [Ron Paul]"

BREAKING: Tim Pawlenty QUITS the race

The 3 Truths that Will Elect Ron Paul President of the United States

Politico: Organization, evangelical appeal power Paul to 2nd

Rand Paul's Reaction To Father Ron Paul's Grand Showing At The Ames Straw Poll


** The Ron Paul Superbomb - September 19 - YouTube


Stephen Colbert Mentions Revolution PAC » Revolution PAC

Ron Paul Slides into Top Tier – Wins Debate by Telling Iowans – and America – the Truth » Revolution PAC

POLITICO: Super PACs’ new playground: 2012 » Revolution PAC

GATHER: Ron Paul’s Support Base Still Expanding » Revolution PAC

Electronic skin tattoo has medical, gaming, spy uses

» Unusual Police Activity Before London Riot Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

BBC News - Animal's genetic code redesigned

» Establishment Running Scared of Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

FARAGO: Was CIA behind Operation Fast and Furious? - Washington Times

» 14 Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be A Really, Really Bad President Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Anonymous Announces BART Cyber Attack After Cell Phone Shutdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rick Perry Hurt Little Girls! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rick Perry Is The Bankers Answer To Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» World Bank warns against future economic hardship Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Proposed rule on farms called ‘absurd’

» Hijacked Regulatory Agencies Do the Bidding Of Big Ag in the War on Natural Food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PC inventor says that its time has passed - It's going the way of the typewriter | TechEye

» Monsanto preys on popularity of omega-3s by developing GMO soybean that produces fake fish oil Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

HHS: Obamacare-Funded Health Centers for 'Migrants' Won't Check Immigration Status | CNSnews.com

» New footage of Tower 7 blasted into rubble Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up | Truthout

+ PolitiFact Texas | Debra Medina claims Rick Perry was a Democrat and Al Gore's campaign manager

Prison Planet.com » S&P Inside Job? ‘Somebody made big bucks on US downgrade’

Abandoning the gold standard was a seminal moment, and one we're now all paying for - Telegraph

Prison Planet.com » The Unloading of the Economy Continues

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul Vs GOP Warmongers: Congressman Romps To Victory In Iowa Debate

Prison Planet.com » The Next Inside Job: A Nuclear 9/11

Prison Planet.com » David Starkey On UK Riots: ‘Whites Have Become Black’

Prison Planet.com » Forget the Hoax, Ron Paul is a Presidential Front Runner


The Federal Reserve Saves The Stock Market?

Questions Arise Over Whether 'Flash Mob' Attacks in U.S. Cities Motivated by Race - FoxNews.com


**1:50:00/Full GOP Debate in Ames, Iowa - Aug. 11, 2011 - YouTube


Russian Intelligence Calls Facebook “Information Warfare Weapon”

Reuters Edits Iowa Poll Reality According to Globalist Agenda - BlackListedNews.com

Autonomous Robot Truck Will Debut in Afghanistan This Year | Singularity Hub

Special Ops: The New Face of War - BlackListedNews.com

FBI wants businesses watching for customers paying with cash

DHS says Terror Watchlist is exempt from Privacy Act | The Informant

Whole Health Source: Dietary Guidelines for Americans, My Way

Current TV head: MSNBC only ‘trots out’ liberal views

Cain: 5th place in straw poll is ‘a great position’

Ron Paul attacks abortion in Ames speech

DNC chair: Tea party only winner in Ames Straw Poll

Pawlenty drops out of presidential race | Raw Replay

Perry: ‘I promise to make Washington inconsequential in your lives’ | The Raw Story

Securities and Exchange Commission to check S&P’s math on downgrade | The Raw Story

UK riots: teenager charged with BlackBerry incitement - Telegraph

National Resources are no longer National | The SPPI Blog

Fire brigade chief murdered in Russia's troubled Dagestan | Russia | RIA Novosti

Egypt's Islamists challenge military rulers - Yahoo! News

Information Dissemination: On Predicting the Future

Your imagination is not playing tricks on you - children really are becoming less creative, study shows | Mail Online

Historiographic Anarchy: NSA Releases Historical Acronym Guide


**Guide to Cryptologic Acronyms & Abbreviations , 1940-1980


Syria: Desperate Lies for a Collapsing Gambit

$10 Trillion missing from Pentagon since 1991

Scientists create first-ever animal with artificial information in its genetic code | Mail Online

Does AIPAC Have Only Two Major Donors?

Foodborne Illnesses in America

The Berlin Wall, Fifty Years Ago: Disturbed By Lack of Warning, JFK Asked Intelligence Advisers to Review CIA Performance

Racism and Islamophobia in America

The World's Money Is Draining Away ... Where's It Going?

The Crisis in Economic Thought: The Final Death (and Next Life) of John Maynard Keynes

VIDEO: More US Soldiers have Died by Suicide than in Conflict

Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up

What Can You Do When You Don't Approve of Police Actions? - informationliberation

In Defense of Internet Anonymity - informationliberation

Suicide bombers, gunmen kill 22 in central Afghanistan - Yahoo!

The Greatest Elected Body That Money Can Buy

How the Head of Fox News Is Making Americans More Right-Wing, More Ignorant and Ever More Terrified

New Exposé Reveals Rick Perry's Close Ties to Radical Evangelicals and Self-Proclaimed Prophets

Beyond space-time: Welcome to phase space - space - 08 August 2011 - New Scientist

Is this Jack the Ripper? Scotland Yard's Chief Inspector Frederick Abberline named | Mail Online

'The Purification Is Coming' - Hopi Prophecy | Before It's News

The Reptilian Agenda - David Icke and Shad the Dad | Before It's News

90 Year-Old Powerful Natural Cancer Therapy You've Probably Never Heard Of | Before It's News

Is the Electronic Skin Tattoo the Mark of the Beast? | Before It's News


John McTernan on NTEB: The 666 Surveillance System


+The 666 Surveillance System


Exposed: 5 Govt. "Terrorists" Named; Email Campaign to "Out" these "Terrorists" Begins | Before It's News

+Seven Foods That Feed Your Metabolism | Before It's News

US: FEMA Program Models Catastrophic Disasters | Before It's News

Not-So-Fast, Affordable Food | Before It's News

Going Organic Cuts Poultry Farms’ “Superbug” Bacteria In Single Generation | Before It's News

Stops find cooling problems in food-toting trucks | Journal and Courier | jconline.com

**Rick Perry Is A Fraud And An Accomplice To Murder | Before It's News

Insider: CIA Orchestrated Operation Fast and Furious | Old-Thinker News

Hacker group vows to 'kill Facebook' - CNN.com

Activist Post: A Simple, Quick Solution to the National Debt, the Failed Economy, Unnecessary Taxes and the Subversion of Free Enterprise

Activist Post: Reuters Edits Iowa Poll Reality According to Globalist Agenda

The Growing Divide In How America's Law Enforcement Approaches Medical Marijuana | | AlterNet

Farmers Defend Right to Protect Themselves From Monsanto Patents | OSGATA

The Pentagon's new China war plan - China - Salon.com

Strange Predator-Prey Relationship Found in Clouds | Before It's News

Obama's Vision And The Constitution | Before It's News

Obama, the Manchurian President after all? | Before It's News

If The Market Crashes, Who Owns Enough Stock To Even Care?

Activist Post: Decentralization and Secession as a Viable Alternative to the Tyrannical Status Quo

SEC Awarded Bonus to Employee Who Failed to Uncover Madoff Ponzi Scheme, IG Says

Flashback: Leahy on Obamacare's Constitutionality: 'Nobody Questions' Our Authority

Gingrich: Deficit Super Committee ‘As Dumb an Idea as Washington Has Come Up With’

Christine O'Donnell: 'Rove's Style of Machiavellian, Unprincipled Realpolitik Destroyed Republican Brand'

Conspiracy Theory: The High Art of Exaggeration | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

The Secret History of the CIA: The CIA in business with the parent group to Al Qaeda? | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

New Drug Could Cure Nearly Any Viral Infection - Truth is Treason

Video:Israel and Palestine Impasse

Norweigian Mass Killer Returned to Scene of Crime

US Fair Stage Collapses, Killing Five

Perry-Bachmann Showdown Finally Begins

Perry: Global Warming 'Contrived Phony Mess'

Bachmann: 'We're Taxed Enough'

Newt Gingrich Aide Heads Rick Perry Campaign

Besieged Obama Launches Political Counteroffensive

Palestinians to Seek UN Statehood Next Month

Healthcare Schism Sets Up Supreme Court Review

Poll: 68% Say Worse Economy Is Yet to Come

Limbaugh: Debaters Should Have Hit Obama Harder

Bachmann: Cut Entitlements for Future Recipients

Never Fear Cancer Again

Everyone Pays for Obamacare Freebies

Obama Racks Up List of Broken Promises

Ron Paul: Reform the FDA

Bed Peace: John and Yoko – Boing Boing

19th-c. African-American village unearthed in what is now NYC’s Central Park

Science fiction music video about a woman with speakers in her skin

AT&T merger leak: it’s all about raising prices and reducing competition

The annotated apocalypse: Anthropologists tackle 2012

Real Domestic Terror As Microwave Weapons Used On Populace :

Study Proves: This Everyday Drink Lowers Your IQ :

Ron Paul Vs. Military Industrial Complex Establishment Shills :

The Revitalized Eugenics Movement & the FDA’s Role :

Martial Law: Corporate Media Hints At Military Plans To Take On The American People During Domestic Civil Unrest :

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society

Clinton: Syria's Assad Facing 'Crescendo of Condemnation'

Tymoshenko says fears for safety in prison

More Food Aid Needed in E. Africa

Russia to deliver five MiG-29K to India by yearend

Pakistan let China see stealth chopper from bin Laden raid | Reuters

Mexico uncovers tunnel beneath US border

CDC looks for 15 passengers of flight with bat

Reid expects Tea Party to fade away - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

PressTV - Moscow protests dispersed, 30 detained

Berlin mayor criticizes nostalgia for Berlin Wall | Reuters

Rapper could face charges tied to flash mob calls

It's Armed, It's Fast, and It's Virtually Unstoppable!!! Or Something Like That...


** The Thirty


Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Secret Science


Ron Paul and America -- part I | Before It's News

Ron Paul and America - Part II | Before It's News

Ron Paul and America - Part III | Before It's News

Ron Paul and America - Part IV | Before It's News

Ron Paul and America - Part V | Before It's News




Rep. Nan Hayworth (R-NY) Dodges Questions About Verizon Strike and Free Trade Agreements

Bachmann on Gays: 'I Don't Judge Them'

Debt-Panel Faces Pressure From Lawmakers’ Backers. What A Shame If They Can't Agree On Cutting Social Security And Medicare!

Pawlenty Drops Out of Presidential Race

Grassley Rails About President Obama for Not Taking Responsibility for His Policies - Too Bad He's Not Willing to do the Same

Facing Ninth Deployment, Army Ranger Kills Himself. 'No Way' That God Would Forgive Him For What He'd Seen, Done, He Told Wife

BART Cuts Cell Phone Service to Stop Protest

11th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down The Affordable Care Act's Individual Mandate

Gay Man Confronts Pawlenty: 'Do You Think I'm a Second Class Citizen?'

Another Closeted Gay Republican? It's Getting Awfully Crowded In There

Rush Limbaugh Attacks Fox News GOP Debate: 'They Want Approval From The Mainstream Media'

Scarborough: 'Michele Bachmann Is a Joke'

Herman Cain Quotes Pokémon Theme Song

Prominent Republicans are Calling for Mix of Spending Cuts and Revenue

Mitt Romney Touts Privatizing Unemployment Benefits Along With Reduction in Spending on Anti-Poverty Programs

Michele Bachmann Wins Ames, Iowa Straw Poll

Palin: Our Demise Will Be From 'Liberals Spending Too Much Money'

Chris Matthews Needs to Take a Look in the Mirror if He Wants to Know Why We're Not Seeing Union Protests on TV

Audio:Open Thread with The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: Magical thinking with Tom Friedman, Cokie Roberts, and...Nixon? | Video Cafe

Gold Standard Would Ruin Us

Finding the Right Voice in 2012

Debbie Schlussel:HAMAS’ CAIR Netwk In Love With Rick Perry (& It’s Mutual)

Obama, the Duke of Babylon & the Christian Origins of Marxism

The UN Agenda 21 Marches on in America with the USDA-EPA National Partnership

British style rioting coming to USA

Obama Our Prince of Wails, Goes on Another Vacation to Forget Tea Party Terrorists

The “Pitchforks and Torches” Rally, and a No-show Tea Party


1945: Allied nations celebrate VJ Day

Saudi Arabia: Redrawing the Map of Regional Alliances

Gun Rights Require Eternal Vigilance

Carbon Tax Lies and Bribes

Religion Bad, Science Good – An Argument for Fools

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - Take down Obama and the rogue government

Matthews: “Something Has Broken Bad Lately” for Obama

Union Thuggery: More Criminality in Verizon Strike

Post “Fact Checker” Ignores Facts in Bachmann Hit Piece

What Political Color Are You?

Mitt Romney’s “Weirdness”

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Time to take over the government

One man’s museum is another man’s menace

Socialism’s God—Karl Marx: Was He Stupid, Insane…or Possessed?

More “Fast and Furious” Idiocy from Obama Administration

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - A Congress of criminals

Mexico Uncovers Possible Drug Smuggling Tunnel Beneath U.S. Border - FoxNews.com

U.S. Appeals Court Rules Against Obama's Health Care Law - FoxNews.com

The CIA Should Be A Bit More CAIRless - Page 1 - Diana West - Townhall Conservative

Cornyn demands answers on gun probe - Washington Times


Obama and the Perry Miracle

Imposing Shariah Law in London

Palestinian Statehood: Conquest disguised as Liberation

The Threat Of Liberal Judicial Activism Reaches New Heights

Shoot the Jewish Senator in the Face: Not News?

Israeli Land Concessions: Wrong Answer to the Wrong Problem

Iran's Quiet War

The Altalena Remembered

The Stock Market is Making Me Nauseous

Ames Straw Poll: A Little Perspective

19 killed in suicide attack on Karzai ally's home

Proletariat Professor Named New American Poet Laureate

Obama Beats Perry?

Iraqi PM Maliki backs Assad crackdown

UK Riots Blamed on Liberals

The Democrats' Big Lie

Dems' Risky Tea Party Smear Strategy

They Who Live by the Race Card Die by the Race Card

Obama's Vision and the Constitution

Debate's Biggest Loser? Chris Wallace and Fox

The More We're Connected, the Less We're Connected

Un-College Funds

A National American Language

'Smallville' Showrunners in Talks to Direct Young-Adult Feature 'Homelanders' (Exclusive) - Hollywood Reporter

‘Dawn of the Debt’: Notes From a Power Line Prize Winner

‘Crazy, Stupid, Love’ Review: Irresistible Must-see

Behind the Scenes With ‘The Arroyo’

‘Beautiful Girls’: The Greatest Conservative Movie You Haven’t Seen

Flashback: Take the Kidney and Run – George Lopez Divorces Wife After She Gives Him Life-Saving Organ

James Carville’s Prayer for a Third Party Candidate: Hillary or Sarah

‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’ Review: Brilliantly Executed and Exciting

Film producer Jon Peters accused in harassment case | Reuters

Agenda 21: Obama Administration Racing Towards Rio + 20

U.S. Military: Protectors of the Selfish Class?

Hope & Change: Even Government-Run Agencies Are Going Out of Business

Pawlenty Drops Out of Race for GOP Nomination

When Obama Loses America Wins

BigGovernment Article Forces SEC Insider-Trading Investigation

Cartoon:Obama Nation: Solutions?

Police Officer Murdered by Illegal Alien

Bachmann Wins Iowa Straw Poll; Paul Close Second

Agenda 21: US and UN Share a Global Vision

Collectivism: Didn’t Work Then, Won’t Work Now

The Policy-Driven Gold Rush

Bad News for Obama: Sarah Palin Looked ‘Undefeated’ in Iowa

Lesser-known candidates working hard in Iowa

Instant GOP contender: Perry announcing Saturday

Top Obama aide fires preemptive broadside at Perry

Denver Media Outlets Fail to Cover Multitude of Juicy Stories Behind Recent Rabbit Farm Raid

NewsBusted: Are You on Food Stamps Yet?

Paul Krugman Calls for Space Aliens to Attack Earth Requiring Massive Defense Buildup to Stimulate Economy | MRCTV

Will the Media Report Unions Boycotting 2012 Democratic Convention Over Labor Issues? | NewsBusters.org

Saturday Night Funny Video: Putting the Wrong Guest Expert on Air | MRCTV

Van Jones using children to promote Rebuild the Dream | MRCTV

Rick Perry: "Our Brightest Hour is Just Around the Corner" | MRCTV

Scarborough: If Rush is Still Rooting Against Obama He's 'Rooting for America to be in a Fast Decline' | MRCTV

Are the Tea Party terrorists? | MRCTV

Carney: 'I Would Expect a Reporter for the Wall Street Journal to Know This as Part of the Entrance Exam ...' | MRCTV

Citizen Journalist Assaulted by Wisconsin Union Supporters?

How Media Bias Is Revealed and What to Do About It

Where Do The U.S., EU, And UN Encourage Restrictive Housing Covenants?

‘GIs Of Comedy’ Serving America….Jokes

Ronald Reagan’s Soul: Still Point In A Turning World

PM Netanyahu To Return To Pre 1967 Borders: Real or Hype?

How To Get Out Of Debt And Cut Defense…Without Hurting Security? Build More Nukes!

Audio:John Feal: Honoring Our First Responders

Rick Perry Is Gosh-Doggedly A Hawk; And Why That Is A Good Thing

Bernard Lewis: Pied Piper Of Islamic Confusion

A Foreign Policy ‘Directed By Fools’

‘One Job At A Time’ Act: How Curtailing Unemployment Insurance Will Stimulate Job Growth

When ‘Confrontation Becomes Almost Inevitable’

Freedom Fighter With Yuri Yarim-Agaev


*14-Aug-11 World View

*13-Aug-11 World View


Drought recalls long, punishing dry spell of 1950s

Sept. 11 changed everything _ about air travel

US Republican race tightens into three-way brawl

Rembrandt lithograph stolen from California hotel

Ill. doctor among first to respond at Ind. fair

U.S. restarts work of aid groups in Gaza Strip

US debt remains investor safe haven despite S&P downgrade

Pakistan let China see "stealth" chopper from bin Laden raid

Bodies found in California could be missing toddler, father

Senator calls for utility plant worker background checks

Syrian gunboats fire on coastal city; 19 killed

Nepal PM quits, political turmoil seen

During 'Elvis Week,' fans remember pivotal year

Iranians protest over UK police 'savagery' in riots

Work halted on King Hussein's old summer villa in J'lem

'Removal of Gaza mosaic may constitute war crime'

Israeli economy: manna from heaven

Pension funds: question of timing

Oil's still well: projects on course

Palestinians to present statehood bid to UN general assembly

Economic Outlook: US growth signals awaited

Somali refugees abandon babies at Dadaab camp

Germany and France rule out eurobonds solution

Bond threat to buy-out refinancing

Hamas: Fatah election plan violates reconciliation deal

Protests force Chinese factory to close

Perry hits the ground running | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

G.O.P. House Majority at Risk - NYTimes.com

Did computers give the market motion sickness? - Aug. 12, 2011

How the Federal Reserve boxed itself in - The Washington Post

When a Risk-Free Investment Suddenly Is Not - NYTimes.com

Microcredit could be safer than a Treasury - Thomas Kostigen's Impact Investor - MarketWatch

Biggest Boomer Towns - Forbes

America’s First Debt Crisis - Mark Roe - Project Syndicate

Should we shut down the US Postal Service?- MSN Money

A Theory of Everything (Sort Of) - NYTimes.com

Europe's Conservative Confusion - By Tyson Barker | Foreign Policy

WPR Article | The Realist Prism: London Riots and Europe's Security Equation

Inequality and its Discontents | Foreign Affairs

When money brought us together - The Boston Globe

Testing the China-Peru relationship - Other Views - MiamiHerald.com

Now it is the politicians’ turn to defend our streets - Telegraph

The C.I.A. and Drone Strikes - NYTimes.com

Tribunal begins to unearth trail of assassinations - The National

Hudson Institute > A Palestinian State: What the Evidence Suggests

An In-Depth Examination of Iran’s Centrifuge Enrichment Program and Its Efforts to Acquire Nuclear Weapons

America is owed an honest Obamacare cost estimate | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Change the Debate | The Nation

Republican race could be Rick Perry versus Mitt Romney - latimes.com

White House Debates Fight On Economy - NYTimes.com

Texas Gov. Rick Perry Announces Presidential Bid | RealClearPolitics

Massachusetts Mitt will need to cowboy up vs. tough-talkin’ Texan - BostonHerald.com

Power to the Corporation! - NYTimes.com

Barack Obama’s Emotional State of Mind « Commentary Magazine

Dashed Hopes: How Obama Disappointed the World - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Adrift in Iowa - Tired Rituals in Tough Times - NYTimes.com

JFK’s Berlin blunder - The Washington Post


**World Video:Roubini Warns Of Global Recession Risk

**Politics Video:Bachmann: "I Don't Compromise My Core Sets Of Principles"

"This Week" Roundtable On Economic Politics

Tim Pawlenty Drops Out Of Presidential Race

Rick Perry Ad: "It's Time To Get America Working Again"

George Will: Fed Doesn't Believe Recovery In The Future

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Obama In "Good Shape"

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Viable Top Tier Candidates

Bachmann On Rick Perry: "I've Been On The Front Lines"

"FOX News Sunday" On Ames Straw Poll And Sarah Palin

"This Week" Roundtable On Iowa, GOP & Rick Perry

Paul Krugman: We Could Use Some Inflation

13th/Perry Joins 2012 Race: "A Great Country Requires A Better Direction"

Obama Weekly Address: Putting The American People First

Sen. Toomey: "The Policies Of This Administration Are Not Working"


**NEWS VIDEOS:Pawlenty Out

Paul Krugman Reccomends Military Build-up to Fight Alien Invasion as Remedy for Economy

Terrifying Video of Indiana State Fair Stage Collapse

Bachmann Takes First in Iowa Straw Poll

Obama Calls on Voters to Complain to Congress

Toomey Delivers GOP Message: ‘The Policies Of This Administration Are Not Working’

13th/Killer Wind: Stage Collapses at Indiana State Fair, Kills at Least 4

Don’t Mess with Texas

Perry Declares; Breitbart.tv Exclusive Report from Charleston

Palin to Hannity: ‘Still Considering’ Presidential Run

12th/Sarah Palin’s Day at the Fair

WaPo Columnist Agrees with Romney: Corporations Are People

Pro-Walker WI Blogger Ann Althouse Attacked by Protester

CNN’s Lemon Asks Herman Cain If He ‘Stands a Chance’ with ‘Mostly-White Party In a Mostly-White State’

Postal Service Looking to Downsize 120 Thousand Workers

NBC’s Scarborough Goes on Tirade Against Bachmann, Iowa

Corey Feldman: ‘No. 1 Problem in Hollywood Was and Is and Always Will Be Pedophilia’

Conservative Reporter Crashes Durbin Presser

Appeals Court: Obamacare Unconstitutional

Pawlenty Will Cook You Dinner If You Can Find Obama’s Entitlement Reform Plan

Romney Hammers Obama: ‘In Order to Create Jobs, It’s Helpful to Have Had a Job’

Ron Paul: CIA Tells Me Iran Not Working on Nuclear Weapon

Bachmann Answers ‘Submissive Wives’ Question

11th/Herman Cain: ‘Americans Have to Learn How to Take a Joke’

Ron Paul’s Stunned Silence Wins ‘Awkward Moment’ Award

Gingrich Complains About ‘Gotcha Questions’ and ‘Mickey Mouse Games’

Pawlenty Takes on Bachmann in Iowa Debate

Mars Rover Reaches New Crater

Sharpton’s Radio Listeners Heckle Him Over IRS Troubles

NATO: Taliban Who Shot Down US helicopter ‘Dead’

How Six Cops Fended Off 50 Hooded Rioters

Dennis Miller: ‘Mean Girl’ Tina Brown Helped Bachmann with Newsweek Cover

Fox News Warrior Jesse Watters Confronts Cynthia McKinney Over America Bashing International Tour

Obama: Celebrating Ramadan at White House ‘Quintessentially American Tradition’

10th/UK Rioters Blame Their Actions On ‘Conservatives’, ‘Rich People’

Hundreds More Arrested as Riots Spread Across England

Dow Crashes Another 500 Points

Santelli Slams CNBC Analyst for Calling Tea Partiers ‘Freaked Out White Men Who Are Unemployed’

NBC News’ Matthews Cribs Media Matters for Unfair Attack on Rush

NBC News’ Matthews Attacks Rick Perry as ‘Profoundly Ignorant’

Sharpton Reveals: Bachmann Requested Funds from Environmental Projection Agency

Sharpton Responds: ‘I Used One Word Rather Than Another’

9th/NYC Hotel Maid Sues Ex-IMF Boss

Riots Spread in England

Trump: I’ll Run as Independent if GOP Screws Up

NBC News’ Sharpton Reports: Dow Down 630%!

Rush at His Best: ‘Obama Blames…’

8th/Man with Breast Cancer Denied Medicaid Coverage

ACORN in Court for Voter Registration Scandal

Rick Santelli: ‘If it Wasn’t for the Tea Party…We Would Have Been Rated BBB’

Allen West Smacks Back at Dems ‘Tea Party Downgrade’ Meme

President Obama’s Statement on the S & P Downgrade – Full Speech

The ‘Best’ of Al Sharpton, August 8th 2011

7th/Perry to Evangelicals: I’m One of You

Disturbing Audio Tape Released in Arizona Honor Killing Case


Savage and the fall of the UK

Tax-funded academy with Muslim agenda closes

FBI wants businesses watching for customers paying with cash

Sales of gold up on eBay amid stock market turmoil - Yahoo! News

'Horsemaning': 1920s photography craze to replace planking | Mail Online

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Pals had babies on each others birthdays

A Boom in Plastic Surgery for Those in the Golden Years - NYTimes.com

Qantas says yes to mile-high film The Female Orgasm Explained | News.com.au

Viking massacre find proves medieval story

THE DAILY STAR :: Culture :: Travel & Tourism :: Committee to fund Zoser pyramid renovation

Scholars seek to correct 'mistakes' in Bible - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - msnbc.com

Ashton Kutcher's villa on wheels: Inside the actor's trailer on Two And A Half Men | Mail Online

Coal-Black Alien Planet Is Darkest Ever Seen - Yahoo! News

Philippines shuts down blasphemous Jesus Christ art exhibit

Artist Injects Herself With Horse Blood, Wears Hooves | Underwire | Wired.com

No Wedding Bells for Bert and Ernie on 'Sesame Street' - FoxNews.com

Cathay Pacific to investigate saucy cockpit sex snaps | News.com.au

Sherlock Holmes Banned from Reading Lists for Being Anti-Mormon - National - The Atlantic Wire

Coloured contact lenses increase risk of eye infection and can lead to blindness | Mail Online

Can't give up tanning beds? Users show same brain changes as drug addicts | Mail Online

First Gay Wedding in Cuba Pics - Havana Times.org

Starbucks boss cancels church speech after anti-gay petition

Sex addict Shannon Flynn prone to violence if she is not satisfied attacks nightclub bouncer | Mail Online

Syvinski can't move to halfway house: Crime | Alaska news at adn.com

TrES-2b: The blackest planet in space uncovered by astronomers | Mail Online

Former wrestler, 63, slams robber in Boynton Beach - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Ex-aide to Pete Wilson went for walk — and vanished | McClatchy

Drudge Report drives more traffic than Facebook and Twitter combined, study says | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

Packers linebacker forgets ID, can’t get into White House - Shutdown Corner - NFL Blog - Yahoo! Sports

HeraldNet.com - Local news: ‘Holy yoga’ at Everett church combines scripture with movement

Facebook page is calling for 'monk' Geoffrey Brindley to carry torch

Yosemite deaths: Americans may have lost respect for nature's risks - Outbound - sacbee.com

Embyro inside prehistoric reptile fossil | News.com.au

Superman's memory crystals may become reality in computers - Telegraph

Robot 'Mission Impossible' wins video prize - tech - 12 August 2011 - New Scientist

Teenage girl Lucy Hussey-Bergonzi 'saved'by holy water | Metro.co.uk

Our Universe May Be a 'Multiverse,' Scientists Say | Multiverse & Multiple Universes Test | Theory of Eternal Inflation | LiveScience

Massive Japan Quake Even Rattled Upper Atmosphere | 2011 Japan Tohoku Earthquake, Natural Disasters & Tsunamis | Our Amazing Planet

BBC News - Perseid annual meteor shower puts on celestial display

MoD Reveals Top Secret Memos of Mysterious UFOs, Aliens - International Business Times

Astronomers Discover a Dark Alien World

How 1 single prayer launched radio miracle

How computers will soon get under our skin - Science, News - The Independent

Electronic skin: How hi-tech 'tattoo' will monitor patients' vital signs | Mail Online

Old quarter finds way back to boyhood owner - Coeur d'Alene Press: Local News

Romney is the wrong candidate

Will you sit back and watch the demise of America?

The plan to force farmers off their land

Missing: Where are the children now?

Supporter: Ron Paul ‘slayed the straw poll’ | Iowa Caucuses

Gloria Steinem: Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann ‘Are There to Oppose the Women’s Movement’ -- Daily Intel

Federal Reserve officials clash on state of economy | Economy | Financial Post

Why the New Bombs Al-Qaeda is Building Are So Terrifying - Global - The Atlantic Wire

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Obama Social Security Number to become issue in 2012 race?


* Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*14 Aug

American Minute for August 14th

August 14 Events in History

Today in History: August 14

This Day in History for 14th August

August 14th This Day in History

August 14th in History

Today in History: August 14

Today in History for August 14th - YouTube


CIA Hackers Speaks to Dr. Manning | ATLAH Media Network

The Black Church Praised Satan’s Son | ATLAH Media Network

The Church Praised Satan | ATLAH Media Network

Ann Coulter, Star Parker: CIA Hacking the Manning Report | ATLAH Media Network

'09/Cass Sunstein Profile - Who Is Cass Sunstein? - Esquire

Fluoride Linked to Lower IQ and Neurological Impairment

“Captain America” and Hollywood Propaganda — RT

Google Admits Handing over European User Data to US Intelligence Agencies - Softpedia

BBC News - Electronic tattoo 'could revolutionise patient monitoring'

Anonymous threaten to close down Facebook on November 5 | Mail Online

The USDA’s Incestuous Relationship with the Rural Council & the United Nations « The PPJ Gazette

Sesame Street's Bert and Ernie told to get married | News.com.au

Marvel Comics reveal new Spider Man is black and could be gay in the future | Mail Online

American Apparel CEO launches a 'Teenagers do it better' T-shirt hot on the heels of a string of sexual harassment claims | Mail Online

China’s New Lucrative Business: Dead Babies Turn into Stamina Booster Pills - International Business Times

Martin 9/12 TeaParty Committee: Allen West---9 Step Action Plan

Martin 9/12 TeaParty Committee: The Worst Thing that Anybody Can Do to You is Take Away Your Freedom

Martin 9/12 TeaParty Committee: How to Take Our Country Back

+23 min/GM Crops Farmer to Farmer - YouTube


**Martin 9/12 TeaParty Committee: Glossary of Terms


The Easy Organic Gardener 08-07-11

The Easy Organic Gardener 08-14-11

Herb Talk 08-06-11

Herb Talk 08-13-11

Home Improvement USA 08-07-11 Hr 1

Home Improvement USA 08-07-11 Hr 2

Home Improvement USA 08-14-11 Hr 1

Home Improvement USA 08-14-11 Hr 2

Home Talk 08-13-11 Hr 1

Home Talk 08-13-11 Hr 2

Home Talk 08-13-11 Hr 3

Korelin Economics Report 08-13-11 Hr 1

Korelin Economics Report 08-13-11 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 08-13-11 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 08-13-11 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 08-06-11 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 08-06-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 08-12-11 Hr 1

Nutrimedical Report 08-12-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 08-12-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 08-14-11 Hr 1

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 08-14-11 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 08-14-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 08-14-11 Hr 4

You The Owner's Manual 08-06-11 Hr 1

You The Owner's Manual 08-06-11 Hr 2

You The Owner's Manual 08-13-11 Hr 1

You The Owner's Manual 08-13-11 Hr 2

Dr. Stan Monteith:Radio Liberty 08-12-11 Hr 1

Dr. Stan Monteith:Radio Liberty 08-12-11 Hr 2


World Crisis Radio 08-06-11 Hr 1/ with Webster Tarpley

World Crisis Radio 08-06-11 Hr 2/ with Webster Tarpley

World Crisis Radio 08-13-11 Hr 1/ with Webster Tarpley

World Crisis Radio 08-13-11 Hr 2/ with Webster Tarpley


Struggling Pawlenty exits White House race - baltimoresun.com

Hackers target San Francisco's rapid transit system - CNN.com

Americans' views of Congress reach historic lows - latimes.com

UN Clueless about Arctic Sea Ice Thinning: MIT - International Business Times

Obama approval rating dips below 40%

Taliban claims deadly attack on Afghan governor - YouTube

Norway gunman returns to island for crime reconstruction - YouTube

Bratton in Britain: can London learn lessons from former LAPD chief? | UK news | The Guardian

Birmingham post-riot rally honours slain men - World - CBC News

Judge Adjourns Trial of Egypt's Former Interior Minister | Middle East | English

Children among six dead in knife attack on Jersey - ABC Newcastle NSW - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Syrian Navy Hits Latakia - Bloomberg

Tens of thousands protest in smaller Israeli cities | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Nation celebrates Independence Day with great enthusiasm

Egypt launches massive operation to restore or... JPost - Defense

Coroner seeks answers in 1988 murder with possible Joliet ties - Herald News

Police issue alert for missing Michigan woman - chicagotribune.com

Obama health care plan likely Supreme Court-bound

Senator calls for utility plant worker background checks | Reuters

Harry Reid: Tea Party will lose in 2012 | The State Column

Ohio woman, 94, wakes up to blimp in yard | news10.net

Death Toll Up to 5 in Indiana 'Sugarland' Stage Collapse | Reuters

Conservationists ask court to stop Idaho, Montana wolf hunts | Reuters

Fewer teens detained on 2nd night in Philadelphia curfew - CNN.com

Paragould Daily Press: Serving Greene County, Arkansas > Local News

UPDATE 1-Palin stokes 2012 speculation with Iowa appearance | Reuters

Sarah Palin: "I Am Still Considering a Run For President" - YouTube

Rick Perry: a Ron Paulite on entitlements - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

Likely GOP Presidential Contender Rick Perry Thinks Medicare, Medicaid, And Social Security Are Ponzi Schemes | ThinkProgress

Rick Perry Exclusive Newsweek Interview: Calls For Dismantling Social Security and Medicare - The Daily Beast

Shell Says North Sea Oil Platform Spills Up to 120 Barrels - Bloomberg

Chinese City Bows to Plant Protestors - WSJ.com

Protest forces China to close chemical plant - YouTube

As Trading Week Ends, Investors’ Concerns Do Not - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: 'Doomsday' defense cuts loom large for select 12

Task of Super Committee Hits Close to Home for Lawmakers Trying to Avoid Defense Cuts - FoxNews.com

Oksana Wants $500k from Mel For 'Trauma' to Her Son | TMZ.com

The Associated Press: Ever the activist, Steinem is in a reflective mode

Groovy, Baby! Mike Myers Signs on for More Austin Powers - E! Online

Good For Business: Celebs and Their Million-Dollar Empires | Gallery | POWERWALL

A gallery of Greenland’s ice: spectacle, beauty, threat - The Washington Post

Colliding Galaxies Form Exclamation Point in Space | Colliding & Merging Galaxies | Supermassive Black Holes & Star Formation | Space.com

The Associated Press: NASA probe to asteroid begins collecting data

Orion spaceship set for new round of tests in Colo - Boston.com

BBC News - Irish prehistoric bog body may have been sacrifice victim

KAALtv.com - Asian Carp in Minnesota Waters?

NASA’s New Mars Rover Prepares for Launch — The Gadgeteer

The Associated Press: Scientists try to restore devastated water meadows

SETI project: We're listening again, ET - San Jose Mercury News

NASA Reshuffles to Prepare for the 'Next Chapter' in Space Exploration | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

In Case You Missed it, Breathtaking Views of Perseid Meteor Shower 2011

Charting Brain Growth in Humans and Chimps - NYTimes.com

Polycotylus – The Good Mother Plesiosaur? | Wired Science | Wired.com

Rebirth of a Mexican Marine Park, Big Fish Back Home [Photos & Video]

BBC News - Fat 'disrupts sugar sensors causing type 2 diabetes'

Cheerful Chavez returns to Venezuela after chemo | Reuters

Teen in Florida dies from Naegleria ameba infection

First Reported Human Rabies Linked to Vampire Bat | The State Column

Matthew Edlund, M.D.: Sleep Apnea Causes Dementia? What You Can Do to Avoid Both

HHS awards $185 million for insurance exchanges, releases proposed rules - Healthcare business news and research | Modern Healthcare

Funding community health centers is in everyone's best interest | Zanesville Times Recorder | zanesvilletimesrecorder.com

Immunization Awareness Month - Algonquin, IL Patch

New drug could cure nearly any viral infection - MIT News Office

Despite breakthroughs, gene therapy still a long way from mainstream — NewsWorks

60K lb Recalled Ground Beef in U.S. | The State Column

22 more "fake" Apple Stores found in China; how many more are there?

The Associated Press: Facebook claims 'smoking gun' in NY man's lawsuit

What the Rise of Google+ Says About Facebook | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Google+: The Potential of the Newest Social Network - YouTube

Ind. fair checked weather before stage collapse

Libyan rebels fly flag over key town near Tripoli

Xenophobia hits Egypt again, citizens wary of 'spies'

Bull kills its third man in 10 years during festival in eastern Spain

Feminist summer school: training the new generation of 'suffragettes'

Israel: Abbas avoiding direct peace talks with UN statehood bid - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

666 things you didn’t know about London. | USAHM Conspiracy News

Newly released UFO files from the UK government | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Race to Witch Mountain: CIA & UFOs ? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Ley Lines : A Harmonic Grid Of Energy | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Moment of Life: LHC | USAHM Conspiracy News

New Crop Circles: A Possible Prediction? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Black Helicopters.. Watching You? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Inception: A True Story About Dreams? | USAHM Conspiracy News

WARNING – Martial Law 2011? | USAHM Conspiracy News

6 Weapons The Police And Military Will Be Using Against You! | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Government Want’s To Know Who You Are | USAHM Conspiracy News

SPIN: Everything On TV Is Staged! | USAHM Conspiracy News

12 Facts About Military Spending… | USAHM Conspiracy News

ELF, GWEN Towers, and HAARP Connection. | USAHM Conspiracy News

32 Signs of a Big Brother/Police State | USAHM Conspiracy News

President Obama’s License To Kill? | USAHM Conspiracy News

The A to Z of the Food Industry’s Most Evil Ingredients | USAHM Conspiracy News

**Socialist Party of America Releases The Names of the 70 Members | USAHM Conspiracy News

Top 10 Evil Human Experiments | USAHM Conspiracy News

+4 Old Cartoons That Explain The World.. | USAHM Conspiracy News

Documents You Should Be Aware Of…. | USAHM Conspiracy News