"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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03 August 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"


Chuck Baldwin: 'Super Congress', Continuing The Continuity of Government - Alex Jones Tv 1/4‏ - YouTube

‪Chuck Baldwin: 'Super Congress', Continuing The Continuity of Government - Alex Jones Tv 2/4‏ - YouTube

‪Chuck Baldwin: 'Super Congress', Continuing The Continuity of Government - Alex Jones Tv 3/4‏ - YouTube

‪Chuck Baldwin: 'Super Congress', Continuing The Continuity of Government - Alex Jones Tv 4/4‏ - YouTube


Audio:Episode-715- A Veteran First Responder Weighs in on Preparedness | The Survival Podcast


Proven techniques for putting together a survival binder

What kind of survival gear should you buy?


Hulu - Survival School: Episode 1 - Watch the full episode now.

Hulu - Survival School: Episode 2 - Watch the full episode now.

Hulu - Survival School: Episode 3 - Watch the full episode now.

Hulu - Survival School: Episode 4 - Watch the full episode now.

Hulu - Survival School: Episode 5 - Watch the full episode now.

Hulu - Survival School: Episode 6 - Watch the full episode now.

Hulu - Survival School: Episode 7 - Watch the full episode now.

Hulu - Survival School: Episode 8 - Watch the full episode now.

Hulu - Survival School: Episode 9 - Watch the full episode now.

Hulu - Survival School: Episode 10 - Watch the full episode now.


Survival Choosing a Handgun for Everyday Carry

Choosing a Handgun for Everyday Carry | Survival Topics

The Quick Start Guide for getting prepared | The Survival Mom

In an Emergency, a Strong Community Is Your Key To Survival | EON: Enhanced Online News

The zombie deployment guide - Military Off Duty, Army Health, military fitness, army physical fitness - Army Times


‪Larry Pratt: The 'Council of 13' to Decide Everything! - Alex Jones Tv 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Larry Pratt: The 'Council of 13' to Decide Everything! - Alex Jones Tv 2/2‏ - YouTube


» Ron Paul Sounds Alarm on “Disturbing” Super Congress Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Opponents Of Debt Hike to be Barred From “Super Congress” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rep. Paul introduces bill to cancel $1.6T in debt held by Federal Reserve Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

So you want to nullify violations of the Constitution | Personal Liberty Digest

Is the USA ready for an American Stalin?

Obama's Top Four Power Grabs - Reason Magazine

Vodkapundit » The Obama Administration: A Brief Pre-Post-Mortem

Pajamas Media » Coping With Obama-Induced Irritation Syndrome (OIIS): A Guide for the Perplexed

Report: Homeland Security To "Regionalize" Emergency Supplies Over Next 90 Days

Obama is the Big Winner in the Debt-Ceiling Debate | RedState

The Attempted Terrorist Attack by the Face of Peaceful Islam, and the Problems it Presents for Media and Muslims Alike (Updated) | RedState

7 Tools to Help You Survive the Looming American Financial Apocalypse

Food Shortages, Skyrocketing Prices And What We Can Do About It | Pakalert Press

Six Zionist Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media | Pakalert Press

*Insider Exposes Famous Satanists | Pakalert Press

Video: Bohemian Grove mystery broken down – Wake up before it is too late | Pakalert Press

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda | Pakalert Press


Gerald Celente: "Economic Martial Law Will Be Declared"


Fusion Centers, FEMA Camps and Martial Law: Conspiracy Fact or Theory?


‪USA - FEMA Camps - Police State - PART 1 of 3 ( Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura )‏ - YouTube

‪USA - FEMA Camps - Police State - PART 2 of 3 ( Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura )‏ - YouTube

‪USA - FEMA Camps - Police State - PART 3 of 3 ( Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura )‏ - YouTube


Pentagon, Military Actively War Gaming 'Large Scale Economic Breakdown' and 'Civil Unrest'

Welcome to the OSA (formerly USA) Fellow Slaves!

Glenn’s interview with Rand Paul – Glenn Beck

Is the media setting the Tea Party up? – Glenn Beck

*The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : How the Freshman Voted

+The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : The 26 Senators Who Voted No

» Soros Project Tries to Discredit Fox by Linking It to Alex Jones Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The spending-cut myth | Personal Liberty Digest

Pajamas Media » Ceiling Our Fate?

Systemic Global Financial Instability Is Spreading Rapidly | Pakalert Press

The American Spectator : Can't Read: The Tea Leaves

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Is Making Money Evil, Harry Reid?

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : RNC Declares Victory

The American Spectator : DeMint Fights the System

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : McCain is a Big Reason the GOP is Defenseless on Defense Budget Cuts

Chinese rating agency cuts U.S. debt again - Emerging Markets Report - MarketWatch


‪Alex Takes Calls on The Last Days of America's Liberties 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Alex Takes Calls on The Last Days of America's Liberties 2/2‏ - YouTube


‪Council Of 13 To Rule America!‏ - YouTube

‪'Super Congress' To Target Guns!!‏ - YouTube

‪Treason: House Turns it's Powers Over To Obama!!‏ - YouTube

Congress to decide whether Super Congress could impose gun control - Gun Owners Of America

‪Super Congress Dictatorship, Red Alert!‏ - YouTube

'Super Congress': Debt Ceiling Negotiators Aim To Create New Legislative Body

Prison Planet.com » Obama Administration’s “Secret Law” to Spy on Americans

» Exclusive: ATF Intimidates Gun Owners With Home Visits Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison Planet.com » Obama Launches Gun Grab

The American Spectator : Extremism and the Democratic Party

The Necessity of the Fight | RedState

Is Gov. Steve Beshear (D, KY) extorting campaign contributions? | RedState


‪Infowars Special Report: Super-Congress Paves 'Super Highway' to Gun Control‏ - YouTube


‪Lyndon LaRouche: Obama to Become 'Führer', Like Hitler Did on August 2 if Debt Deal Passes!! 1/4‏ - YouTube

‪Lyndon LaRouche: Obama to Become 'Führer', Like Hitler Did on August 2 if Debt Deal Passes!! 2/4‏ - YouTube

‪Lyndon LaRouche: Obama to Become 'Führer', Like Hitler Did on August 2 if Debt Deal Passes!! 3/4‏ - YouTube

‪Lyndon LaRouche: Obama to Become 'Führer', Like Hitler Did on August 2 if Debt Deal Passes!! 4/4‏ - YouTube


Coburn: ‘Yes,' Federal Spending Will Be Higher in FY 2012 than in FY 2011 | CNSnews.com

China Joins Russia in Blasting U.S. Borrowing After Debt Ceiling Agreement - Bloomberg

Prison Planet.com » GOA Chief: Super Congress ‘Will Lead Us Into Dictatorship’

Prison Planet.com » Global Economic Depression – The “Solution” to The Debt Crisis: More Debt

Prison Planet.com » Mubarak Denies All Charges Against Him

Teenage Girl Is Now Safe After Police Battled To Defuse A Bomb Strapped To Her In Her Sydney Home | World News | Sky News

‪BBC News, Australian woman in Sydney 'bomb' drama‏ - YouTube

Prison Planet.com » The Super Congress Is An Artificial And Authoritarian Agency That Is Usurping American Sovereignty

Prison Planet.com » The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Prison Planet.com » Europe on Brink of ‘Major Financial Collapse’: Guggenheim CIO

Iraq to open talks with U.S. on military training | The Raw Story

Iron cage awaits Mubarak for trial in Cairo police academy - The Irish Times - Wed, Aug 03, 2011

Greece in panic as it faces change of Homeric proportions | World news | The Guardian

Biggest-Ever Series of Cyber Attacks Uncovered; UN Hit - CNBC

Prison Planet.com » ‘China says US debt bomb not defused’

Prison Planet.com » Paul Craig Roberts: Debt Ceiling Doesn’t Fix the Economy

Prison Planet.com » Celente Solution: The 21st Century ‘Global Game Changer’

Prison Planet.com » The Super Congress: Taxation Without Representation

Prison Planet.com » Celente: Dollar not worth its paper, Greatest Depression up ahead

Prison Planet.com » Gabrielle Giffords Used as Cheap Photo-Op to Legitimize Debt Vote

PRECIOUS METALS: Refuge Demand Sends Gold To Record Above $1,670 - WSJ.com

Prison Planet.com » Al Gore: U.S. needs an ‘American spring’

Barack Obama to visit three attack sites on 9/11 anniversary - Telegraph

Prison Planet.com » The Biggest Middle Class Tax Increase In History Will Come In Five Months

Prison Planet.com » Colorado joins national trend to implement unconstitutional restrictions on vaccine exemptions: your state could be next

Osama Bin Laden: mission was to shoot to kill from the start - Telegraph

China extends surveillance into supermarkets, cinemas and classrooms | World news | The Guardian

International Business News, Financial News, Market News, Politics, Forex, Commodities - International Business Times - IBTimes.com

Prison Planet.com » Professor Michio Kaku: Crop circles made with GPS, lasers and microwave ovens

War to go on even if NATO bombing ends: Gaddafi camp | The Raw Story


‪The Predatory, Self Destructive, Cannibalistic Economy - Alex Jones Tv 1/3‏ - YouTube

‪The Predatory, Self Destructive, Cannibalistic Economy - Alex Jones Tv 2/3‏ - YouTube

‪The Predatory, Self Destructive, Cannibalistic Economy - Alex Jones Tv 3/3‏ - YouTube


‪The Debt Crisis: Banksters, Thugs and Crooks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 1/6‏ - YouTube

‪The Debt Crisis: Banksters, Thugs and Crooks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 2/6‏ - YouTube

‪The Debt Crisis: Banksters, Thugs and Crooks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 3/6‏ - YouTube

‪The Debt Crisis: Banksters, Thugs and Crooks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 4/6‏ - YouTube

‪The Debt Crisis: Banksters, Thugs and Crooks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 5/6‏ - YouTube

‪The Debt Crisis: Banksters, Thugs and Crooks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 6/6‏ - YouTube


‪The Debt Crisis Is A Trojan Horse To Cause The Fall of America! - Alex Jones Tv‏ - YouTube


**4 Part/ Infowars Special Report With Mike Adams: The Huge Secret GMO Cloning Program Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Airport Body Scanner Farce Continues As Perspirating Passengers Set Off Alarms Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pentagon Plan to Monitor Activists On Facebook and Twitter Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 6 Creepy New Weapons Police and Military Use To Subdue Unarmed People Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Celente Solution: The 21st Century ‘Global Game Changer’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Debt Ceiling Bill: 'A Done Deal', Christian News

Rep. Paul introduces bill to cancel $1.6T in debt held by Federal Reserve - The Hill's Floor Action

Panel Recommends Money For Sterilization Victims - Winston-Salem News Story - WXII The Triad

White House Proposes Export Control Changes | AVIATION WEEK

» Armadebton: The Case For Hitting the Debt Reset Button Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bill Gross' Latest: Here Is How The "Debt Man Walking", aka Uncle Sam, Plans To Steal From You | ZeroHedge

Drink. Drive. Get on a Texas billboard?

Dragonfly drones and cyborg moths: Tiny flying robots set to be the future of spying and rescue missions | Mail Online

» Monsanto-spawned superweeds growing 3″ daily, destroying farm equipment Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Monsanto-Resistant Weeds Take Root, Raising Food Prices | Fast Company

Parents risk jail for skipping polio drops: News24: Africa: News

» Big Pharma looks to capitalize on success of vitamin D by turning it into a ‘drug’ for kidney disease Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rockwell Medical Announces Acquisition of Generic Drug Vitamin-D to Treat Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in ESRD Patients - MarketWatch

» Super Congress: the final nail in the coffin of representative democracy and freedom as we know it Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison Planet.com » 6 Steps by the IMF for a One-World Currency

+ Prison Planet.com » Secrets of the RAND CORP Exposed

+ 11 Reasons Why The 9/11 Fable is So Popular Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

(w/Article Links)GM Human-Animal Hybrids Emerging Market for Organs, Babies, Pharma Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Mind-blowing: Today’s mind-controlled, mind-reading technologies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Tell Gov to ban Nanoparticles in food and pesticides Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Patented Human Genes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ECHELON: The Global Eavesdropping Scheme Dwarfs Murdoch’s “News of the World” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Food, Control and the Growing Police State :: Weekly Blitz

» Facebook– Pied Piper of the New World Order’s technological control grid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Essential Rules Of Tyranny

» FBI Director’s Term Extension Ensures Neo-COINTELPRO Operations Will Prevail Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Reports: Breivik had plastic surgery to look ‘Aryan’ - BlackListedNews.com

Europe on Brink of 'Major Financial Collapse': Guggenheim CIO - CNBC

State actor seen behind "enormous" wave of cyber attacks - Yahoo! News

DEADLINE LIVE EXCLUSIVE: Who Are The Bankers That Benefit From The Norway Terror Attacks? : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

BATFE Weapons Smuggled into Honduras Inside Dead Immigrants’ Coffins - BlackListedNews.com

Despite raising the debt ceiling, Moody’s and S&P warn of downgrade - BlackListedNews.com

The Truth Behind Syria's Unrest: Mostly unarmed means armed. - BlackListedNews.com

Pentagon lands extra $50 billion out of debt deal - BlackListedNews.com

Gold Prices Spike on Safe-Haven Appeal, South Korea Buy - Yahoo! Finance

Space Marines - Plans to Put Marines in Space - Popular Mechanics

TSA to put Hub fliers on the spot - BostonHerald.com

The Pentagon Rules America: Militarism and the Crisis of the Civilian Economy - BlackListedNews.com

“Many Americans Believe That The 2008-2009 Downturn Never Ended”. They’re Right. - BlackListedNews.com

White House Proposes Export Control Changes | AVIATION WEEK

Putin says U.S. is parasite on global economy | Reuters

The world’s largest human experiment part three: Laws? We don’t need no stinking laws! | End the Lie - Independent News


Obama’s New 2nd in Command at DOD Ashton Carter – CFR, Aspen Group, Goldman Sachs…Connects to 911 False Flag : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

DEADLINE LIVE EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Newest CIA Death Squad Called ‘Los Matazetas’ (Killers of Zetas) : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

DEADLINE LIVE EXCLUSIVE: Norway Terrorist Purchased ‘CIA Caltrop’ Tire Spikes From Mexico : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


A Cash Filled, Central Banking Free Society : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

THE IDIOTS’ BILL OF RIGHTS : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


Chinese agency downgrades U.S. credit rating - CNN.com

Massive Global Cyberattack Targeting U.S., U.N. Discovered; Experts Blame China - FoxNews.com

‪Lieberman Says We Need To Cut Social Security To Pay For Defense‏ - YouTube

13 Reasons Why The U.S. Is Now OFFICIALLY BANKRUPT - Home - The Daily Bail

Washington's Blog:The Average Life Expectancy For A Fiat Currency Is 27 Years ... Every 30 To 40 Years The Reigning Monetary System Fails And Has To Be Retooled

‪WTC 7: Sound Evidence for Explosions‏ - YouTube

Washington's Blog:The Super Congress: Taxation Without Representation

Activist Post: Celente Solution: The 21st Century ‘Global Game Changer’

PressTV - 9/11 thermite evidence haunts US liars

The self-styled leader of the Knights Templar | Al Jazeera Blogs

How Congress Wouild Run Your Household Budget (Into the Ground): What Family Would Cut $385 of Spending in order to Solve $16,500 in Deficit Spending? | Before It's News

Revolutionary Politics : Dennis Kucinich You Haven't Been Called A Terrorist Have You?

BBC News - Government drops website blocking

» Former Comptroller General: “Sudden And Very Painful” Economic Collapse Is Coming Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

‪Bush Says Iraq Had Nothing to Do With Sept 11‏ - YouTube


19 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is At The Heart Of Our Economic Problems

BBC News - HSBC to axe 30,000 jobs despite pre-tax profits rise

Rare Speech for Pollard from Floor of Congres - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

Green taxes 'hit tipping point that will damage jobs and investment' | Mail Online

Bankers Destroy Global Economy by Design to Consolidate Power - Truth is Treason

Sherrie Questioning All: Bank of America to get carte blanc approval of foreclosure fraud and future lawsuits halted by Government?

The Intercept: Most of Newt Gingrich's Twitter Followers Are Fake

Bosnia, Kosovo, and Now Libya by Peter Dale Scott

The 10 Commandments of the American Religion Altucher Confidential

The Intercept: The Legislation That Could Kill Internet Privacy for Good

LPDOC: Alert - Call to Action

PressTV - 'US turning Yemen into another Somalia'

8 Reasons Young Americans Don't Fight Back | Before It's News

John Boehner Says In Order To Pay For The Wars, We Need To Raise The Social Security Retirement Age To 70 (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

Selling The Wars - Image Is Everything When You're Marketing A $3 Trillion War Machine - Home - The Daily Bail

Obama Lies 7 Times In Under 2 Minutes - Home - The Daily Bail

Chasing Bernie Madoff: Film Trailer For New Documentary Starring Harry Markopolos And The Incredibly Inept SEC - Home - The Daily Bail

Activist Post: A 21-Truth Salute to Activists and the Alternative Media: The Journey From Conspiracy Theory to Conspiracy Fact

9/11 inside job “impossible to conceal,” says Vladimir Putin — RT

‪'UK cops bribed by Murdoch empire, too corrupt to probe scandal'‏ - YouTube

Celente: The Dollar Not Worth Its Weight In Paper, Great Depression Lies Ahead - Jersey City Civil Rights | Examiner.com

‪Israelis Chant: "Mubarak, Assad, Bibi Netanyahu"‏ - YouTube

Social Security Numbers Harvested Using Facebook And Facial Recognition Software - Jersey City Civil Rights | Examiner.com

‪Ryan Lee vs Neocons‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : 9/11 PROFITEERING "Some People Have No Shame"

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

Washington's Blog:Obama Still Wall Street's Honey ... Raises More (As Both Raw Amount And Percentage) From Wall Street Than In 2008

Al Jazeera Documentary: Inequality Between The Top 1% And Middle Class Worst In Almost 100 Years

Lie From Campaign Obama On Ending The War In Iraq: "You Can Take That To The Bank" (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

How They Lied When Pat Tillman Died - Film Trailer - Home - The Daily Bail

‪Gerald Celente Russia Today - 2nd August 2011‏ - YouTube

Tom Davis: "Nothing Has Changed Since 1773, Tea Party Should Be Outraged At Tax Giveaways To Corporations" - Home - The Daily Bail

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Five Things You Need to Know About the Economy

Sen. Inhofe: "It's The Outrage Of The Year; The EPA Is Wasting Tax Money All Over World!" - Home - The Daily Bail

It’s Official, We Live In a Police State : Federal Jack

50 years later: More Bay of Pigs invasion secret papers released by CIA - Cuba - MiamiHerald.com

Pentagon To Recruit Twitter And Facebook Specialists | ITProPortal.com

Revolutionary Politics : "The Real Enemy Is Washington! The Real Terrorist Are The Ones We Elected!"

IMF ‘Harsh’ Legacy May Block Mideast Loans After Egypt’s $3 Billion U-Turn - Bloomberg

The Great Recession Of 2007 Never Ended – We Are In Fact In A Depression

Activist Post: Obama says austerity bill only a 'first step'

Court sanctions CIA for destroying torture tapes | BobTuskin.com

The Intercept: Shut down ATF before more Americans die

FAA shutdown to continue as Congress leaves - Yahoo! News

[redacted] news: U.S. Air Force Pulls 'Jesus Loves Nukes' Training

Large Scale Protest Movement Needed Against Super Congress As Full Scale Tyranny Engulfs Washington :

Super Congress Debt Reduction Has Little Transparency | Common Dreams

‪Military Train Convoys Filmed In Oregon As Domestic Troop Movements Continue To Skyrocket‏ - YouTube

Multiple Military Train Convoys Filmed In Oregon As Domestic Troop Movements Continue To Skyrocket Amid Super Congress Tyranny :


‪*1:23:00/Kymatica (2009)‏ - YouTube


11 Occult Secrets Now In the Open | Before It's News

Lone Star Watchdog: August 2, 1946 Remember the Battle of Athens,Tn Why We Must Never Give Up our Firearms To Obama(Watch The Videos Please)

Revolutionary Politics : 'US to enter social, economic crises'

Gandhi on ending injustice: Speak the truth because Truth is God - National Nonpartisan | Examiner.com

The Two ‘Faces’ of U.S. Debt-Ceiling Deal

The phony-as-a-$3-bill debt deal | Gregg Easterbrook

Four Great Hypocrisies of the Deal

Lone Star Watchdog: Even the Illiterate Have a Right to Speak up for Liberty.

U.S. 'black hole' prison's activities kept a secret | Coshocton Tribune | coshoctontribune.com

Nasa's Dawn probe sends home stunning close-up images of crater-covered Vesta asteroid | Mail Online

Policeman found with 'disgusting' child porn in sting operation walks free from court | Mail Online

Third Way Document Proves Democratic Party Supports Institutionalized Looting by Banks « naked capitalism

Opponents Of Debt Hike to be Barred From “Super Congress” :

Debt Ceiling Fraud: Despite Raising The Debt Ceiling, Moody’s And S&P Warn Of Downgrade

The US Dictatorship and its White House Servant ‘President’ :

The FDA’s Scheme to Reclassify Nutrients as Drugs | Health Freedom News

Large Scale Protest Movement Needed Against Super Congress As Full Scale Tyranny Engulfs Washington :

Super Congress Debt Reduction Has Little Transparency | Common Dreams

Shepard Ambellas On Global Events & ELENIN :

Agenda 21 Coming To A Farm Near You As Federal Government Moves To Ban Family Farms



‪*28 min/The Fluoride Deception‏ - YouTube

‪*3:45:00/Vietnam: America's Betrayal And Treason‏ - YouTube

‪*58 min/Silenced: TWA 800 and the Subversion of Justice‏ - YouTube

‪*58 min/TWA 800: The Search For The Truth‏ - YouTube

‪*50 min/The Truth About The Ruby Ridge Massacre‏ - YouTube

‪*1:30:00/Camp FEMA: American Lockdown - Full Length‏ - YouTube

‪*2:19:00/Endgame Full Length Length‏ - YouTube

‪*1:30:00/Aspartame - Sweet Misery, A Poisoned World! Full Length‏ - YouTube


‪*20 min/Barry Jennings UNCUT Interview, Bombs In WTC7, Explosions In Lobby - 9/11 Exposed‏ - YouTube

‪+ 9/11 Key Witness Murdered? (Barry Jennings R.I.P.)‏ - YouTube


‪*1:54:00 - YouTubeIn Their Own Words: The Untold Stories of the 9/11 Families - Full Length

‪*59 min/RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story Full Length‏ - YouTube

‪*1:31:00/The Panama Deception‏ - YouTube

‪*1:11:00/Phil Schneider: Deep Underground Military Bases‏ - YouTube

‪*1:50:00/The World According To Monsanto - FULL LENGTH‏ - YouTube

‪*2:00:00 - YouTube/Press For Truth - Into The Fire - G20 Police State Full Length


‪2:21:00-The Mena Connection - Exposing the CIA, Bush, Clinton, Iran Contra, And Drug Running‏ - YouTube

‪30 min/The American Dream Film - Full Length‏ - YouTube

‪47 min/CIA Mind Control Techniques MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing‏ - YouTube

‪55 min/TRANSHUMANISM Tom Horn Full Length IMPORTANT!‏ - YouTube

‪18 min/House Of Numbers: Dr Peter Duesberg, A Cautionary Tale - ReThinking AIDS‏ - YouTube

‪55 min/Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Cover Up - Censored Documentary!‏ - YouTube

‪27 min/The Unforgettable 500 (Full Documentary)‏ - YouTube


THE issue of our time: Genetic Armageddon | Old-Thinker News

Predictive Programming or Warning? Video Game Trailer Shows Transhuman Future | Old-Thinker News

The Scientific Dictatorship Explained | Old-Thinker News

IBM Tackles Personalized Medicine's Big Data Challenge, One Genome At A Time | Fast Company

‪This Is Why We Need Ron Paul 2012 - Wake up Americans and fight!‏ - YouTube

Cancer is curable NOW! Thirty experts reveal most advanced and effective cancer treatments and cures available today

‪What if life is actually...‏ - YouTube

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

Evicting Yemen's Drone Base

‪Billion Dollar Bill‏ - YouTube

Islamophobia, Zionism and the Norway massacre

Socialism for the Rich Capitalism for Everyone Else

4 Part/Murdoch The Mogul Who Screwed the News

A New Jury to Put the British Public Interest First

Show Up Or Shut-up Stop The Machine!

Bank-backed House Lawmakers Try to Kill IRS Plan


‪*1:02:00/College Conspiracy‏ - YouTube


Poll: Muslims, atheists most likely to reject violence | The Raw Story

Al Gore: U.S. needs an ‘American spring’ | Raw Replay

Pat Buchanan to Al Sharpton: ‘Your boy, Barack Obama, caved in’ | Raw Replay

Buchanan: Calling Obama ‘your boy’ was not a slur | Raw Replay

Harry Reid: ‘I Love NPR’

Pelosi Predicts: $2.4 Trillion Added to Federal Credit-Card Limit Will Last Only 18 Months

Coburn: ‘Yes,' Federal Spending Will Be Higher in FY 2012 than in FY 2011

Obama: U.S. 'Economy Has Already Had To Absorb an Earthquake in Japan’

Sen. Cornyn: Debt Deal Bill a ‘Step in the Right Direction’

Obama: Next Debt Deal Must Include Tax Hikes, ‘Everyone Is Going to Have to Chip In’

Bill To Name Border Patrol Station After Fallen Agent

Communist China Urges U.S. to Handle Debt Responsibly

Obama Issues Statement Marking Ramadan, But No Easter Statement This Year

Obama’s Inability to Scrap Bush Tax Cuts Frustrates Liberals

White House Announcing New Plan to Combat Violent Extremism

Rick Perry's Prayer Event Seen As Drawback for His Possible 2012 Bid

Senate Panel Votes to Extend Surveillance Law

Political Pollsters Go Missing in Western Mexico

FDA Says Melatonin-Laced 'Lazy Larry' Brownies Are Unsafe

Indian Tribe Recognizes Same-Sex Marriage

Tiny Oregon Town Is Tops in Medical Marijuana

Uganda could be next hit by malnutrition, U.N. warns - Yahoo! News

NASA - Cassini Images Bizarre Hexagon on Saturn

Shhh! Spooks Want Drones As Silent As Owls | Danger Room | Wired.com


Audio:Tom Woods Quizzes Lew Rockwell


Debt Impasse: Fake and Real by Gary North

The 10 Commandments of the American Religion Altucher Confidential

Hot Peppers and Nuclear Weapons Are a Dangerous Combination by Eric Margolis

DIY Don’t Do’s by Eric Peters

Bosnia, Kosovo, and Now Libya by Peter Dale Scott

The Fiat Dollar & Debt Democracy Experiments Have Failed by Ron Holland

Health Benefits of Cinnamon | Mark's Daily Apple

Inflammation – A Symptom of All Disease by Margaret Durst

In Praise of "Rogue" Cops - informationliberation

Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the U.S. Terror State - informationliberation

Scary Story: The State vs. Anarchists - informationliberation

Government Paying Banks to Bulldoze Perfectly Fine Homes - informationliberation


Video:Easier to Attack the Weak than the Wealthy

Video:Austerity and the Destruction of Democracy

Video:Israelis Chant: "Mubarak, Assad, Bibi Netanyahu"


Syrian Tanks Storm Hama

UN: Somali Refugees Top 860,000

UNICEF Appeals for Free Air Lift of Emergency Aid to Horn of Africa

China Expresses Disgust Over US Debt Deal

US Treasury Secretary Defends Debt Deal

Obama Signs Compromise Debt Ceiling Bill

Obama to Visit 9/11 Attack Sites on 10th Anniversary

Obama Nominates Carter as Next Deputy Secretary

Mullen Blasts Iran for Interference in Iraq

Combined Force Detains Insurgents, Seizes Weapons

Anti-Muslim Ideologues Spurred Killer to Attack

U.S. Now an Electronic Concentration Camp


AAA Rating Is a Rarity in Business - NYTimes.com

General Martin Dempsey Confirmed By Senate To Be Next Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff

White House Fence Jumper Apprehended By Secret Service Agents (VIDEO)

Clarence E. Miller, Ohio congressman, dies at 93 - The Washington Post

Loss of home equity downsizes retirement for many - USATODAY.com

Boy will beg judge not to put father in prison - even though monster father tortured him

Italian Federico Dean scattering brother's ashes killed by lightning bolt | Mail Online

Arturas Zuokas, Vilnius Mayor, Crushes Car With Tank To Send 'Message'

Hawks Upset With Debt Deal by Jim Lobe -- Antiwar.com

Mullen Reiterates: Debt ‘Biggest Threat’ to National Security -- News from Antiwar.com

Iraq Political Leadership Agrees to Talks on US Troops Staying -- News from Antiwar.com

Gadhafi Son Rules Out Ceasefire as Bloody Clashes Continue in West -- News from Antiwar.com

Enormous Cuts in Military Spending? Read the Fine Print by Medea Benjamin and Charles Davis -- Antiwar.com

Lowering America’s War Ceiling? by Tom Engelhardt -- Antiwar.com

Wanted: 'Reality-based' GOP candidates | Gene Healy | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Steve Richards: History repeats itself in Libya - Steve Richards, Commentators - The Independent

Israeli Agent Admits to Terrorist Acts Against Iran « Antiwar.com Blog

US Muslims More Tolerant, Opposed to Violence Than Other Faiths by Jim Lobe -- Antiwar.com

The Associated Press: Lawyer: France to extradite Noriega to Panama

Mobile biometrics to hit US streets - Features - Al Jazeera English

NSA is looking for a few good hackers - The Washington Post

Debt-Ceiling Debate Clarified Party Differences

No Recriminations Against Tea Party Defectors

Obama Addicted to Taxes, Debt

Taxes Aren't the Answer When Spending Is the Problem

Debt Deal Frustrates Democrats

Debt Brush-Off Hardly Inspires Confidence

Debt Deal Maintains Status Quo

US Raises Debt Ceiling But Jittery Markets Plummet

Newsmax/InsiderAdvantage Poll: 73% Give Washington Thumbs Down in Debt Debacle

Debt Is a Done Deal, But Political Truce Fades

Glenn Beck: We've Been Betrayed

Paul Ryan: Obama Was Bluffing

Fox’s Bolling: Gold Could Hit $3,000 an Ounce if US Keeps Spending

Chinese Media: US Treasurys Are 'Ticking Bomb'

Bowles and Simpson: Debt Crisis Was Merely Postponed

National Security Agency Hankers for Hackers at Defcon Convention

Tea Party Set Agenda for Debt Debate

Gifford's Political Future Still Uncertain

Massage Improves Health 7 Ways

Study Shows Best Places to Protect Marine Mammals

FBI, Police Go High-Tech to Fight Crime

'God Particle' Continues to Elude Scientists

Wafting poison makes fertile ground for suit in Stearns County | StarTribune.com

central-banks-join-rush-gold-wsj: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Senate Panel Keeps ‘Secret Patriot Act’ Under Wraps | Danger Room | Wired.com

U.S. Weapons Now in Somali Terrorists’ Hands | Danger Room | Wired.com

Moody's confirms US Aaa Rating, assigns negative outlook

Record Numbers Are Receiving Food Stamps - NYTimes.com

Nation & World | Chinese firm floods U.S. with fake IDs | Seattle Times Newspaper

Organized Political Terrorism: The Norwegian Massacre, the State, the Media and Israel

The US-Al Qaeda Alliance: Bosnia, Kosovo and Now Libya. Washington’s On-Going Collusion with Terrorists

The War on Libya : An Imperialist Project to Create Three Libyas

America's Fiscal Collapse.

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

The Real Story about the Famine in the Horn of Africa: The Humanitarian Aid Business

Imperial Quest for Riches Fuels Africa's "Civil Wars"

Lies and Media Manipulations regarding the Protest Movement in Syria

Suicide or Political Persecution? The Mysterious Deaths of Ernest Hemingway and Iris Chang

Mass Incarceration in America's Prison System

The FBI and the CIA Pressured US Lawyer to Betray his Arab and Muslim Clients

VIDEO: Honduran Police Burn Community to the Ground

Trillion-dollar- business: US war spending spirals out of control

Where is Germany’s Gold?

Obama’s 50th Birthday a Massive Campaign Event | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

US debt ceiling deal: President Obama celebrates with Jennifer Hudson at 50th birthday | Mail Online

GOP, Romney rip Obama on jobs ahead of Chicago fundraiser - chicagotribune.com

Mitt Romney taunts Obama over Chicago’s woes ahead of visit -

Obama gets birthday call from Russian leader, discusses world trade negotiations - The Washington Post

Obama in Chicago Wednesday | NBC Chicago
















Amazing food fact: Confectioner's glaze, a common coating on candies and pills, is made from the bodily excretions of an Asian beetle





Charlie Sheen: "Duh!" I'm Clean and Sober! - UsMagazine.com

Ruin-Nation: The Obama Catastrophe | Black Agenda Report







White House Unveils Counter-Extremism Plan : NPR



Judge says health care law doesn't fund abortion

Senate blocking recess appointments with series of 'pro-forma' sessions

Half Dome Fall Kills Woman in Yosemite

Casey Anthony Told to Report for Probation

Leonardo DiCaprio Tops Forbes Celebrity Income List

Yosemite Death Toll Rises With Hiker Fall

Anna Nicole Smith's Reality Show Mansion Up For Sale

Swedish man caught trying to split atoms at home

Bomb squad, authorities, cordon off Mosman street amid threat | Perth Now

Sydney teenager Madeleine Pulver saved from bomb | Herald Sun

D.B. Cooper Exclusive: Did Niece Provide Key Evidence? - ABC News

Deputy Under Fire For Endorsing Scientology Whi - Flash Player Installation

Lost Alfred Hitchcock film found in New Zealand - Telegraph

VIDEO: Man Robs Woman in Wheelchair | NBC New York

New ‘Spider-Man’ Swinging Into Comic Book Shops - Flash Player Installation

Egypt puts Mubarak on trial, transfixing Arab world | Reuters

Free cell phones are now a civil right

Man Admits To Buying Puffer Fish Poison In Plot - Flash Player Installation

Saudi Arabia moves to build world's tallest tower | Business | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Japan Disaster Sparks Demand for Air-Conditioned Clothes - ABC News

Proposed Law Would Allow Motorcyclists To Run S - Flash Player Installation

Dieting forces brain to eat itself, scientists claim - Telegraph

Search is on for missing 'floating island' - Telegraph

Human hair trade soars on celebrity hairdo envy | Reuters

Neb. mine find to challenge China’s dominance of vital rare minerals - Washington Times

NJ Democrat resigns after his naked photos surface

Muslims in U.S. optimistic about future, poll finds

Federal officials investigate eagle deaths at Calif. wind farm

3 die in 2 accidents; baby is born in vehicle caught in backup

Village raises money to restore clock broken for 14 years

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) launches PAC, Constitutional Conservatives Fund

Texas jury hears Warren Jeffs sex tapes despite FLDS leader's objections

A Possible Cure for Age-Related Muscle Loss?

Uranium firm urges Va. towns to keep ‘open mind’

Oprah Winfrey and James Earl Jones to receive honorary Oscars




Bill O'Reilly Blames Left for Entire Federal Debt

Republicans Hold FAA Authorization Vote Hostage To Extort Anti-Union Deal

Mitch McConnell Vows to Continue Holding Debt Ceiling Hostage in the Future

Once Again, The Long-Term Unemployed Get The Shaft - Because 'It Wasn't A Big Enough Deal' To Include Them

Frank Rich: Murdoch and O'Reilly are 'Thugs'

Chris Matthews Slams Matt Kibbe for His 'Tea Party' Being Incapable of Governing

Politics, Reality Show Style

'Shock Doctrine' IMF Economists Are Pushing The Same Remedies In The UK That Didn't Work Here. Why?

Voter Suppression in Wisconsin -- Again

Paul Ryan Runs From Al Jazeera Reporter, Calls Her Question 'Rude'

Gov. Rick Scott's 'Jobs' Stunt An Insult to Unemployed and Working Floridians

Mike Huckabee Says He Didn't Run for President Because Republicans are 'Unrealistic'

Progressive? Depressed? Here's What's Next

The Tea Party Report With Susie Sampson

Will Reid Follow Pelosi and Take Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare off the Table?

Rachel Maddow: Markets Tank Even After Debt Ceiling Deal Reached

Joe Lieberman Wants to Feed the Military Industrial Complex Our Social Security

Tom Coburn Obstructs Funds to FAA - Kate Bailey Hutchison Blasts Congress as Not Being 'Honorable'

Daily Show: Dealageddon! - A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Compromise - Tea Party No-Win

Ask Gov. Christie To Help The Children of New Jersey By Pledging To Support Clean Air Policies

Morning Call Sheet: Superman, Perry White, Raymond and Bad Movies with the Word ‘Green’ In the Title

Exclusive Excerpt: ‘A Man with Three Great German Shepherds’

Government Still Throwing Millions at Artists Unable to Survive in Free Market

Watch Matt Damon Say ‘Intrinsically Paternalistic’

‘Cowboys and Aliens’ Redeems Itself (Kinda) As Left/Right Analogy

Scripted Showrunners: Reality TV Means the ‘End of Civilization’

Exclusive Excerpt: ‘A Man with Three Great German Shepherds’

Jon Stewart’s Perfect Spewing of Left-Wing, Anti-Tea Party Talking Points

Morning Call Sheet: Speilberg’s Curriculum, Harlow, Scarface, and a New Feature!

UNION MEMBERS OUTRAGED After White House Hires Non-Union Crew For Obama’s Birthday Bash

KY Gov Steve Beshear Caught Up In Alleged Strong-Arm Fundraising Scandal

Plant a Garden, Go to Jail for 93-days?! Nanny of the Month (July 2011)

Audio:How Democracies Keep the Peace

FAA Shutdown Because Dems Want to Protect Pork

Confessions of a Tea Party Terrorist

Can Our Gun Rights Survive Boehner and Reid’s New ‘Super Congress’?

CPAC and GOProud

Blood Money: How SEIU and Media Matters Stole Justice from Kenneth Gladney

Why I’m Still Glad John McCain Lost in 2008

The FDA’s New and Improved Cigarette Warning Labels

Claims of Election Fraud, Illegal Collusion Arise in Wisconsin Recall Election

Weinergate: The Moment Democrats Lost Control of the Debt Ceiling Narrative

Freedom of Speech Wins: Baltimore Politician Drops Lawsuit Against Blogger

How to Lose Friends and Alienate Americans

Official Washington’s Cracked Accounting

Final: Trillions More Added to Nation’s Debt

Congress Shouldn’t Lend Backdoor Legitimacy to the FCC’s Illegitimate Power Grabs

Putting ‘Big Oil’ to Rights

Audio:Are the Days of the Independent Conservative Blogger Dead and Gone?

Obama Economy Creating Cuisine of Desperation

The Al Sharpton Series: Downgrade vs Default

Mustache Fix for the Day: Who else?

Terrorizing The Progressive Narrative

NewsBusted: You Happy with the Debt Ceiling Deal?

Center for Security Policy’s Effort to Oppose Shariah Acknowledged by New York Times

HuffPo Smears Breitbart, Fails, Owes Apology *UPDATE: HuffPo Retracts, Apologizes

Sound Bite for the Day: “Tea Party Is a Monster That Threatens to Eat GOP”

Biden: Republicans, “Acted Like Terrorists”

Documents Show Obama White House Attacked and Excluded Fox News Channel

Joe Knows Terrorists

Billions Wasted US Aid To Afghanistan? They Can’t Afford To Maintain What We’ve Built!

China: Obama Has Failed To Defuse ‘Debt Bomb’; Chinese Govt Downgrades US Debt

Islamists To Obama: How Can We Ever Thank You?

Israel’s Media Revolutionaries

Hillary’s Headache: How To Shred The First Amendment

The Wild Wild Mideast: Free-for-all For The Sinai

Obama Is Losing Turkey

Solving Our Debt Crisis Through Energy Freedom

August 2, A Night In Syria: Amazingly Large Protests In Maidan

ThinkProgress Flips Out, Unaware of Links to US Muslim Brotherhood Group

Inside The Bin Laden Raid

Army Survey: 1 in 5 Officers Are ‘Toxic And Unethical’; Many Need To Be ‘Removed From Command’

Center’s Multi-Year Effort To Oppose Shariah Acknowledged By The New York Times

Report: Mossad Behind Tehran Nuke Scientist Assassinations; Seen As Alternative To Direct Military Attack

Eating Our Own: Another Soldier Convicted For Actions In Afghanistan

What Does Anders Behring Breivik Really Believe? Not What You May Think

Putin: Americans Are Living ‘Like A Parasite’ With Big Deficits, Debt

The Budget Deal: American Defense Goes Over A Cliff

Obama urges Russia to wrap up WTO bid by year end

New HIV infections in US hold steady at 50,000

Unemployment rose in nearly all US cities

Pickup taken from home of dead NH girl, 11

U.S. sees no credible threats before 9/11 anniversary

Berlusconi to stay on, seek growth amid debt woes

HIV infections in U.S. stable but disparities exist

Tajikistan bans youth from mosques

Cameroon, Chad sign pact to fight elephant poaching

Probation office expecting Casey Anthony to report in Orlando

White House looking at options over FAA shutdown

Obama to head out on Midwest "listening" tour on jobs

Imprisoned former Ku Klux Klansman found dead

In summer, Jewish studies flowers in Eastern Europe

Three suspects in Jerusalem cult indicted

'Mubarak misestimated nature of the rallies against him'

Second moon may have collided with our moon, say scientists

Morrissey as superhero: Smiths songs are transformed into comics

The Smiths' songs as comics in pictures

PM: 'Solution keeps market free, responds to social crisis'

Sydney teenager freed from nine-hour 'collar bomb' ordeal

Cairo: Mubarak trial adjourns for two weeks after first day

Poll: American Jews and Muslims share common values

Debt crisis: Stock markets take fright over health of global economy

Oprah Oscar? Film Academy’s Lousy Choice – Deadline.com


ABC Family gets 'excellent' rating from GLAAD

Giffords' political future still uncertain

To Hell with You People - By Jonah Goldberg - The Corner - National Review Online

Why People Still Subscribe To Newspapers

TSA to put Hub fliers on the spot - BostonHerald.com

Senate Panel Keeps ‘Secret Patriot Act’ Under Wraps - BlackListedNews.com


+ 3-Aug-11 World View


*The Alex Jones Show – August 2nd, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 2nd, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 2nd, 2011


‪Consciousness Drives The Universe‏ - YouTube


+ Underground Shelters Are In Every U.S. Capital Billion Dollar Emergency Shelter Business Booming | Dprogram.net


**Survival Preparedness for $100 dollars | Before It's News


Ron Paul Sounds Alarm on “Disturbing” Super Congress | Dprogram.net

The Debt Crisis Is A Trojan Horse To Cause The Fall of America | Dprogram.net

+4 Part/Infowars Special Report With Mike Adams: The Huge Secret GMO Cloning Program | Dprogram.net

‪Gerald Celente Russia Today - 2nd August 2011‏ - YouTube


*Article Links:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials | Dprogram.net


‪08/02/11 Full Show - D-1: Satan Sandwich, NOW WITH SATAN FRIES!‏ - YouTube


Scientists hyping 'universal' flu shot to perpetuate vaccine scam

Follow the Money with Bergman: Eyeing Green Eyeshades: Part II | Dprogram.net

The Chef Seamus Mullen Finds Healing in Food - NYTimes.com

The Humor Code: Podcast Kings Are Ready to Rule Comedy | Underwire | Wired.com

Debt deal a victory for President Obama and Democratic Party - latimes.com

Why we'll never have innovative e-books - CNN.com

Yoga Therapy May Help Prevent and Treat Orthopedic Problems - NYTimes.com

Norquist, Taxes and a Dangerous Purity - NYTimes.com

Early Alfred Hitchcock effort discovered - latimes.com

Attorneys say return to Florida would put Casey Anthony in peril - CNN.com

UN to adopt Syria statement as tanks besiege cities - Channel NewsAsia

AFP: US charges 72 in global child porn probe

Congress hits beach, aviation workers hit unemployment lines - CNN.com

Ashton Kutcher's Two and a Half Men Role: New Details! - UsMagazine.com

AT&T, Sprint unveil plans to sell new Blackberry smartphones - Computerworld

In (Partial) Defense of Obama - Ben W. Heineman Jr. - Politics - The Atlantic

Mubarak on Trial as Egypt Seeks Justice - Bloomberg

'Splits in Somalia's Islamists could open door to more famine aid - Telegraph

Casey Anthony Judge Recuses Himself From Probation Case - ABC News

U.S. sees no credible threats before 9/11 anniversary | Reuters

Switzerland hits back at currency speculators - The Globe and Mail

Technolog from msnbc.com - US was chief target of cyber attacks: McAfee

Technolog from msnbc.com - IE 6 users maybe not as dumb as we expect

Sprint, Verizon Winners in Customer Service Survey

Oprah gets an Oscar for giving - CNN.com

BBC News - Earth may once have had two moons

Giant African Rat's Poisonous Mohawk Can be Lethal [VIDEO] | IBTimes TV

HIV infections in U.S. stable but disparities exist | Reuters

BBC News - Salmonella superbug on the rise

"The Whistleblower": a summer movie with a serious agenda - CSMonitor.com

Hulu, Morgan Spurlock Unite for Documentary Series | Reuters

Drew Barrymore directs Chloe Moretz in 'Our Deal' music video - latimes.com

Great Caesar's Ghost! Laurence Fishburne to Edit Superman in 'Man of Steel' | Reuters

China Criticizes Washington for Debt Deal, But Continues to Invest in U.S. - FoxNews.com

Gold Continues Record Run

Ex-Playboy CEO’s Husband Sued for Insider Trading - Bloomberg

Best tweets of StockTwits -- August 3, 2011 - Aug. 3, 2011

Recession risks increase as economy slows - Aug. 3, 2011

Debt deal done, Obama's Treasury secretary could depart - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Crude Oil Declines to Five-Week Low on Concern U.S. Economy Is Faltering - Bloomberg

BBC News - South Sudan's SSLA Unity State rebels 'cease fire'

Killing Bin Laden: Story reveals new details about terrorist's death - seattlepi.com

Peter Bergen - 'How Bin Laden's Death Has Affected Al-Qaida' : NPR

Pyongyang Seeks Return to Talks, 2005 Nuclear Agreement | News | English

Iraq bomb kills 7, wounds 10 - CNN.com

Jail, Arrests and Resignations in Britain’s Hacking Scandal - Global Spin - TIME.com

NATO sends troops in response to Kosovo-Serbia border violence | Alaska Dispatch

Medvedev Girls front up with a challenge to the Putin Army | The Australian

Phone-hacking scandal: NoW exec Stuart Kuttner bailed after arrest | Media | The Guardian

Norway Terror Shines Spotlight on Right-Wing Online Networks | Europe | English

UK police seize massive cocaine stash | euronews, world news

Karachi violence toll rises to 47 - The Times of India

Iraqi leaders agree to talks with U.S. about training mission - CNN.com

‪Inside Story - US troops in Iraq: to stay or to go?‏ - YouTube

‪Sky News - Bomb strapped to teenager in Australia‏ - YouTube

Emanuel defends Obama on Republican criticism ahead of birthday fundraiser - chicagotribune.com

Chicago’s Inspector General: Fire 54 firefighters for alleged fraud - Chicago Sun-Times

How DNA cracked case of woman killed in Wheaton in 1976 - chicagotribune.com

Cops: Suspect in teen sex abuse case reported himself to police - chicagotribune.com

Des Plaines: We cover some casino policing costs - DailyHerald.com

Germany Investigating Facebook Tagging Feature - NYTimes.com

Facebook Lets Expectant Parents Share the News with 'Expected: Child' | PCWorld

Amazon’s ‘free app of the day’ burns developers, company gripes

25 Million Google+ Users, Does It Matter? | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

MediaPost Publications Facebook Acquires Push Pop Press 08/03/2011

Genes the Key to Longevity: Study

Fish oil in pregnancy may ward off babies' colds - USATODAY.com

Do Food Cravings Signal Diseases? - ABC News

Venezuela's Chavez May Not Return To Cuba To Continue Chemo

GOP congressman says free birth control will end the human race - Healthcare Reform | Obama Health Care Plan - Salon.com

FDA: Lazy Cakes Unsafe « CBS St. Louis

How vampire bats find blood - Technology & Science - CBC News

Russian Spacewalkers Toss Amateur Satellite From Space Station | International Space Station | ISS Spacewalks | Space.com

Space Shuttle Columbia part found in drought parched lake in East Texas - SlashGear

GeekDad Exclusive: Lego Minifigs Soon Headed for Deep Space | GeekDad | Wired.com

The Milky Way’s buried treasures | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

The world’s weirdest sharks - The Washington Post

Suspended Arctic scientist to be questioned over research contracts | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Asteroid Vesta's Stunning Images Show Cosmic Snowman [PHOTOS]

Japanese Scientists Invent Robot That Learns, Thinks, and Acts | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

The Hindu : Sci-Tech : Oxygen molecules detected in Orion constellation

Crop circles 'created using GPS, lasers and microwaves' - Telegraph

Judge rules in dispute over whale's fate - UPI.com

Huge shark sanctuary may become reality - Science Fair - USATODAY.com

Five cops suspended after beating mentally-disabled homeless man to death - Crimesider - CBS News

Pat Buchanan Defends Barack Obama Statement on 'Morning Joe' | Reuters

Woman Says She Is Hijacker D.B. Cooper's Niece - TheStreet

Pa. school: Blogging teacher has right to return | ajc.com

Before taking Michele Bachmann campaign job, Iowan reached out to Ron Paul - Jennifer Jacobs - Des Moines Register - POLITICO.com

Online friendships between teachers, students soon to be illegal in Missouri | www.WHEC.com

RNC tests out its convention host city - Florida Wires - MiamiHerald.com

Jury weighs if New Orleans cops wrongly shot men after Katrina - CNN.com

Tea Party 'Terrorists'? Palin Fires Back - Interviews - Hannity - FoxNews.com

‪Palin: If We Were Really Terrorists, Obama Might Want to Pal Around With Us‏ - YouTube

GOP ponders a Rick Perry 2012 candidacy - Alexander Burns and Maggie Haberman - POLITICO.com

White House fence jumper arrested on air – John King USA - CNN.com Blogs

‪Raw Video: White House Fence Jumper‏ - YouTube

‪Texas jury hears tape of Warren Jeffs discussing sex‏ - YouTube

Jeffs jurors put hands over mouths as ‘sex tape’ is played | The Salt Lake Tribune

GALLERY: Missing New Hampshire Girl - Norwich, CT - The Bulletin

‪Autopsy Can't Find Cause of NH Girl's Death‏ - YouTube

‪President Obama Turns 50‏ - YouTube

Can Drugs Like NZT Increase Your IQ?

Economic Crisis and the Normalcy Bias

What government dollars spent on you would you cut?

20-million year-old ape skull found in Uganda | Reuters

Man who could hear his own eyeballs roll cured - Telegraph

Silver Screen Saucers: UFOs and Disney: Behind the Magic Kingdom

Roswell’s Memory Metal: The Air Force Comments; NASA Gets Involved & New Clues Are Found

Groovy Giant Asteroid Spins in New NASA Video | Wired Science | Wired.com


Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Giants in the Americas

Root-and-branch transformation: Pair of green-fingered grafters create 'human' trees | Mail Online

Debbie Schlussel:Homeland Security? FAA Gave Islamic Terrorists Pilot’s Licenses; 15,000 “Unknowns” Got Pilot’s Licenses

Debbie Schlussel:HA! Former MTV VJ Adam Curry Promotes Schlussel Column on MTV 30th

Debbie Schlussel:HUH? Black Lady Calls Me “Traitor to Jews” @ Polling Place

Debbie Schlussel:Duty Calls & De Bene Esse Depositions

Debbie Schlussel:We’re Selling Iran, er “Iraq,” WHAT?!

Dr. Lucas Bachmann, Son of Republican Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann Discusses His Mother’s Campaign | TheBlaze.com

History of Collar Bomb | Video | TheBlaze.com

Australian Police Free Madeleine Pulver from Collar Bomb | TheBlaze.com

Connie Mack Calls CNN Piers Morgan Show a Joke | Video | TheBlaze.com

Neighbor Edward Jimmis Posts Glad You Have Cancer Sign | TheBlaze.com

Matt Damon on Tax Rates | Video | TheBlaze.com

Jesse Jackson on Big Government, Racism & the Tea Party | Video | TheBlaze.com

Former Egyptian Leader Hosni Mubarek Goes on Trail in a Cage and Hospital Bed, Aired on State Television | Video | TheBlaze.com

Vladimir Putin Sets Out to Prove Physical Prowess: Tries to Bend Frying Pan With Bare Hands | Video | TheBlaze.com

Barack Obama’s Presidential Campaign Says Debt Ceiling Negotiations Cost Fundraising Campaign Millions in Donations | TheBlaze.com

Lithuanian Mayor Arturas Zuokas Crushes Mercedes Tank to Send Parking Enforcement Message | Video | TheBlaze.com

Republican Congressman Doug Lamborn Apologizes to Obama for Awkward ‘Tar Baby’ Comment | TheBlaze.com

Current TV Keith Olbermann Calls for 1960‘s Style ’Hell-Bent’ Uprising Against Debt Deal | Video | TheBlaze.com

Bin Laden Shooter ‘For God and Country’ | TheBlaze.com

Emerson Begolly plans to plead guilty to | TheBlaze.com

Obama Administration Releases New ‘Strategy’: Local Communities not Feds to Counter Violent Extremism | TheBlaze.com

Operation ‘Extra Sugar’: New Jersey Police Bust Dunkin’ Donuts Employee Prostitution Sexual Services Melissa Redmond | TheBlaze.com

Gay and Lesbian Christians Claim Homosexuality Compatible With Their Faith | Video | TheBlaze.com

Secret Service Apprehends Man Who Hopped White House Fence | Video | TheBlaze.com

Rand Paul Talks to Glenn Beck After CNN ‘Ambush’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Running Gag: Another Lemonade Stand Shut Down By Authorities | Video | TheBlaze.com

Vice President Joe Biden Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Cracked Skulls Club | TheBlaze.com

`Hobbiting’ Obama

Tea Party Hobbits Vs. Sauron and His Minions

Happy Hobbits?

Welcome to the OSA (formerly USA), Fellow Slaves!

Government Amateurs vs Government Professionals

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Regime change

Even Darwin And Galileo Would Fail The BBC’s Science Test

Federal Energy-Related Subsidies Have Increased 108 Percent in 3 Years; Wind Subsidies Increased 10-

The Green Mutiny Cometh

Pull the Plug on Video Games in Jail

Television News: Are We Amusing Ourselves to Death?

The Beleaguered Christians: Campus Crusade drops Christ

SAT, SCCC hosting ‘Supporting campus concealed carry’ forum August

The Time and Life Acid Trip

Iran’s Army Chief: Next OPEC President?

Endangered species

Welcome to the U.N.‘s Agenda 21’s `Walkability’

Gay Men Want to Taint Nation’s Blood Supply…Again

Being Poor in America

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – The insanity must be stopped

Sen. Rubio: “Save the Whole House or It Will All Burn Down”

Why did we turn the Neighborhoods over to the Liberals?

Tolerance and Diversity: America’s Experiment with Dishonesty

The Deal is Done—Assessing Winners and Losers

Center for Security Policy Counsel files first Obamacare Petition to Reach Supreme Court

Political R. A. P. E. – Republicans Abandoning Principles & Ethics!

The Secret of Socialism

Much More than a Third Rate Burglary

Barack Obama is the Real Winner In the Debt Ceiling Deal

Tax Hikes Good for Social Justice, and Nothing Else

The American Animal Farm

Look for the Union Label...Courtesy of the Smoking Union Brand

Kick that Can Again

The Civil Way to Call Someone a Terrorist

Environmentalists give pass to eagle-killing windmills

Sarah Palin outs the real terrorists for the spoiled Democrats

A Cure For The Republicans-Caved-On-The-Debt-Ceiling Blues

Education Department indoctrinates kids in global warming myths.

Tea Party Terrorists and other Patriots

EPA's Ozone Charade Chokes Industry for No Health Benefit

Russia honors Obama with postage stamp for 50th birthday

Build your own Obama speech

Does This Deficit Make Me Look Fat?

Obama's Idiotic Infographic

The Dirty Little Secret of Economics

Anders Breivik: A Teachable Moment on Fundamentalism

Why Some of Us Tune Out Democrats

Obama's Racial Spoils System

Obama's Failed Presidency

How the Obamas (and the Guilty Left) Can Pay More Taxes

Cloward-Piven Paradise Now?

Cliff Jumper Lucky Chance Parachute Mishap | Video | TheBlaze.com


DotComSecrets: Illuminati Secret Video



+SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex


Savage: America has been 'hoodwinked'

China Joins Russia in Blasting U.S. Borrowing - Bloomberg

Obama Looks to 'Bundlers' for 2012 Re-Election Campaign - FoxNews.com

Obama in Chicago Wednesday | NBC Chicago

White House Report To Detail Anti-Extremism Effort : NPR

Sharif El-Gamal, Ground Zero mosque developer, says project may take years - NYPOST.com

Obama signs debt deal bill, says raising ceiling is only a first step - NYPOST.com

Interview with Tea Party Co-Founder Mark Meckler: 'We Have Compromised Our Way Into Disaster' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Open Letter: Why I Oppose the Debt Ceiling Compromise Rand Paul | United States Senator

Israel plays down report of border deal - latimes.com


‪*Twilight Zone intro.‏ - YouTube


MSN Careers - 9 jobs you shouldn't overlook - Career Advice Article

MSN Careers - 6-figure jobs anyone can get - Career Advice Article


**NEWS VIDEOS:Olbermann Pines for 60’s Style Protests Over Debt Deal

GOP Rep to CNN’s Piers Morgan: ‘You’re Making Your Show a Joke’

Palin: If Tea Party Were Really Terrorists, Obama Would Pal Around With Us

Sweet Home Chicago: Romney Nails Obama in Home Town

And Now… Lingerie Basketball

Mubarak Arrives to Court in Steel Cage

2ND/NBC News’ Al Sharpton Doesn’t Seem to Understand the Debt Ceiling Issue

NBC News’ Al Sharpton Struggles with TelePrompter

Man Arrested Jumping White House Fence

Watch NBC News’ Al Sharpton Fix His Moustache

Matt Damon Curses Out Cameraman

Majority Leader Calls Election Of Tea Party Members ‘Unfair To American People’

Reid Wants to Go Home: ‘My Pomegranate Trees, I’m Told Are Blossoming’

Obama Channels Carter: ‘Quiet Crisis’ in America

Diane Sawyer to Pelosi: Will Debt Deal ‘Hurt Real People?’

Dick Morris: Obama Faces Landslide Loss

Biden to Giffords: ‘You’re Member of Cracked Head Club, Like Me’

1ST/‘The Spending is Nuts’

Breitbart.tv’s Larry O’Connor Talks Debt Deal and Al Sharpton with Dennis Miller

NBC News’ Sharpton Airs Lame Segment Calling Tea Party ‘Monster’ that ‘Will Destroy You’

Left-Wing Protesters Interrupt House Proceedings on Debt Deal

Bachmann Rails Against Deal: We Are Greece

CBS News’ Norah O’Donnell: ‘Where are the Tax Revenues?’, ‘We Got Nothing’

Cramer: Obama Caused Panic

31ST/New Ethics Questions for Rangel

30TH/Putin’s ‘Army’ Girls Wash Russian-Made Cars in Bikinis

29TH/Child Dies in Box: 4 Family Members Arrested

Sharpton Embarrasses NBC News with Laughable Boehner Plan House Vote Coverage

28TH/CNN’s Morgan Embroiled in British Hacking Scandal

Big Government Contributor: Obama and Holder Knew About ‘Fast & Furious’

27TH/Embattled Dem Rep Refuses to Resign Before Debt Vote

Trump: ‘Obama is Totally Lost’

Reporter Attacked During Live Shot

Al Franken’s Theatre of the Absurd Hits the Senate Floor


Obama Bald-Face Lies To America Again, Watch - Vid

YouTube - Obama says his father served in World War II


‪*1:45:00/Season of Treason Full‏ - YouTube


Ted Gunderson(http://www.tedgunderson.net/)


DEA Agents Raid Wrong House in Sterling Heights

Half of European men share King Tut's DNA - Yahoo!

US~Observer - The Unconstitutional EPA Must Be Abolished

White House Insider: "Everyone Stunned At How Little Barack Obama Understands" | Newsflavor

Homeland Security surveillance detected on Christian website

Celente Solution: The 21st Century 'Global Game Changer'

2002 Iraqi Intel Reported Wahhabis Are of Jewish Origin | Terrorism and the Illuminati

Bipartisan Debt Deal Betrayal


Social Engineering - 10% Of The People Control The Other 90%

Ron Paul on the Danger of Political and Social Upheaval by Rocky Vega

What If America Opened Its Borders To Unlimited Immigration?

DEA Agents Raid Wrong House in Sterling Heights

How I was hired – and fired – by Rupert Murdoch | Keith Olbermann | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Phone hacking: News International mass-deleted emails, tech firm says | Media | guardian.co.uk

Wapping staff tried to delete thousands of emails - Crime, UK - The Independent

Sun website users' personal details hacked | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Osama Bin Laden: mission was to shoot to kill from the start - Telegraph

China's media makes rare show of defiance after rail crash cover-up - Asia, World - The Independent

Have scientists found a crashed flying saucer on the seabed? | Mail Online

BBC News - India panel resumes priceless treasure inspection

Now teachers are being forced to cheat too – Telegraph Blogs

Pylons linked to babies' asthma: Hairdryers, vacuum cleaners and microwave also a risk | Mail Online


**9/11: The Absurdity of the No-Planes-in-New York Theory by Anthony Lawson


‪9/11: The Absurdity of the No-Planes-in-New York Theory‏ - YouTube


Video:Nuclear Power 101: Fairewinds examines the fundamental advantages and disadvantages of splitting atoms to boil water./ Vimeo

Babies at risk from too much salty food as they are fed beans and tinned spaghetti | Mail Online

Half of European men share King Tut's DNA - Yahoo!

Dear Congressman: Thanks to the XIV Amendment, Rejecting the Budget Sellout is an Easy No Vote for All Sides « TARPLEY.net

‪Chemtrails- FBI Former Chief Ted Gunderson Tells TRUTH!!‏ - YouTube

Obama Plays Pin the Tail on the Economy | The Weekly Standard

GOP winning the larger argument over government - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Obama’s speech: Evidence of just how little the debt deal accomplishes « Hot Air

Endless: The Left Ratchets Up 'Tea Party Terrorists' Narrative - Guy Benson

Republican Senate candidates want nothing to do with debt deal - The Fix - The Washington Post

Kass: 10 Things That Must Change - TheStreet

The Wobbly West - Anders Åslund - Project Syndicate

Obama's Class Warfare: Soak the Rich, Drown the Economy

Sarah Churchwell: The wilful ignorance that has dragged the US to the brink - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

AAA Rating Is a Rarity in Business - NYTimes.com

After the debt deal: A tax reform idea - CSMonitor.com

Economic growth, jobs now priority--Charles Gasparino - NYPOST.com

Moving forward after the debt deal - The Washington Post

Default Seems Averted. Poor Returns to Come - SmartMoney.com

The Second Great Contraction - Kenneth Rogoff - Project Syndicate

Commentary: Obama and Karzai Need a Reset | The National Interest

Exclusive: Operation Shady RAT—Unprecedented Cyber-espionage Campaign and Intellectual-Property Bonanza | Culture | Vanity Fair

Asia Sentinel - The End of China's One-Child Policy?

Spain: Is There a Strategy Behind the Early Elections? - TIME

Hosni Mubarak's Cairo trial confirms one thing: the real Egyptian revolution hasn't happened yet – Telegraph Blogs

Russian politics: It's all in Putin's head | The Economist

Taiwan and Other Security Clients Are Not Valuable Allies | The National Interest Blog

The New Hama Rules - NYTimes.com

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, 'Moderate' - WSJ.com

Why the Libya War? - John Rosenthal - National Review Online

RealClearWorld - Egypt-Sinai-Gaza: The Triangular Threat to Israel

US compromise carries implications way beyond debt - The Irish Times - Wed, Aug 03, 2011

When Did the American Empire Start to Decline? | Stephen M. Walt

The Horn of Africa: Chronicle of a famine foretold | The Economist

Egyptians Turn Against Liberal Protesters - WSJ.com

The Last Stand of Bashar al-Assad? - By Blake Hounshell and Josh Rogin | Foreign Policy

Is Iran Really After a Nuclear Bomb? - Patrick Disney - International - The Atlantic

Unsafe at any speed? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Greening It Alone - By Charles Kenny | Foreign Policy

We're Not Facing A Shortage of Energy, But A Longage of Expectations

Devon Shire – AKA Canadian Value Investor » Blog Archive » Oil’s Well that Doesn’t End Well

Saudi Arabia’s Twin Peaks Oil Story - The Source - WSJ

Obama’s Energy Department Gave Research Funds as Democrats Criticized Oil Tax Breaks - The Daily Beast

Fuel Fix » Solar panels become a cash cow for some Texans

Solar and wind power projects carry safety risks - latimes.com

Energy in America: New Liquid Fuel Faster, More Efficient -- and Greener, Too - FoxNews.com

Seeking Consensus in a Squabbling Nuclear Family - NYTimes.com

U.S. Navy Pioneers Next-Gen Electric Weaponry - William Pentland - Clean Beta - Forbes

IMT-Building_Energy_Transparency_Report.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Republicans' Debt-Ceiling-Deal Agenda: Defund the EPA - TIME

Weekend: Preparing from the 2012 Natural Gas Rebound

U.S. dependence on petroleum imports is falling - KansasCity.com

Energy Tribune- Iran’s Army Chief: Next OPEC President?

Museum Shows History and Power of Wind Energy - NYTimes.com

A Trick of the Mind - Reason Magazine

Women In Science - You Are Oppressed, Even If You Are Not

Sex selection in the United States: The ethical dilemmas for doctors. - By Sunita Puri - Slate Magazine

Humans, Version 3.0 § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM

Scientists show that Peter Pan grows up with a shot of iodine

Scientists credited on ghostwritten articles 'should be charged with fraud' | Science | guardian.co.uk

The Traffic Problems That Will Disappear When Vehicles Can Talk To Each Other | Fast Company

mental_floss Blog » What Does ’100% Juice’ Mean?

Did Rosie Redfield just refute #arseniclife on her blog? | The Loom | Discover Magazine

Some plants duplicate their DNA to overcome adversity | News Bureau | University of Illinois

Ancient tides different from today – some dramatically higher | News & Research Communications | Oregon State University

Caltech Engineers Develop One-way Transmission System for Sound Waves - Caltech Media Relations

Scientists always anger those who prefer the Earth to be flat - Telegraph

Private companies own your DNA – again - Steven Salzberg - Fighting Pseudoscience - Forbes

Ultimate logic: To infinity and beyond - physics-math - 01 August 2011 - New Scientist

The Smallest Mini-Galaxy in the Universe! : Starts With A Bang

What Lives Inside Your Navel? : Discovery News

World's tallest building coming to Saudi Arabia - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Saudi Arabia - msnbc.com

First close-up pictures of Vesta revealed | COSMOS magazine

Why You Should Stop Worrying And Learn To Love The Smart Grid | Fast Company

The Mathematics of Basketball - ScienceNOW

Starved Brain Cells May Be Why Diets Fail | Brain Cells, Hunger & Dieting | LiveScience

Wasp Has Built-in Facebook - Science News

Stephen Hawking tackles Creation on 'Curiosity' - USATODAY.com

How an argument with Hawking suggested the Universe is a hologram

Powerful Magnetic Waves Help Make Sun’s Atmosphere Hotter Than Sun Itself | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Throwing dice gets to the truth about killing leopards - life - 29 July 2011 - New Scientist

Lasers for the Dead: A Story About Gravestone Technology - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

Jihad Chai Latte | Religion Dispatches

A New Kind of Pentecostal | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

The God Factor: Latest `Pooh’ adventure is simple, but profound

Whom Would Jesus Indebt? | Philosophical Fragments

Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Aquinas: An Imagined Encounter | First Things

Founding Father John Adams’ Advice to Rick Perry: Don’t Meddle in Religion | Politics | Religion Dispatches

The American Spectator : Is Endless Government Debt Irreligious?

Women's faith: Females are leaving religion, poll finds - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Iraq church bombing wounds at least 20 - CNN.com

Ramadan treat dates back to Muhammad | The Christian Century

How Mormons Understand Baptism

As atheists know, you can be good without God - USATODAY.com

The Rapture Profiteers - BusinessWeek

Sermon for the sleep-deprived » Local News » NewburyportNews.com, Newburyport, MA

Good Religion, Bad Religion | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

It’s Time For Us to Grow Up and Sacrifice - LaVonne Neff - God's Politics Blog

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Amy Winehouse & the lessons of the '27 Club' - News with a Christian Perspective

We Jews Are a Peculiar People – Forward.com

The Racist Scourge - NYTimes.com

The American Conservative » Breivik’s Brain

The Confessions of Anders Breivik

Immigration and the 'Next America': Perspectives From Our History | Daily News | NCRegister.com

Muslim Americans are most optimistic religious group, study says – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

A Dictatorship of Sentimentalism | First Things

Obama’s Hope-a-Dope Strategy | Mother Jones

Well, We've Answered This Question (Chess Master v. Pawn Dept) - James Fallows - Politics - The Atlantic

The Tea Party, the debt ceiling, and white Southern extremism - Tea Parties | Tea Party Movement, Tax Day Tea Party - Salon.com

U.S. Political Ideology Stable With Conservatives Leading

After Another Loss for Obama, Dem Doubts Deepen on 2012 - FoxNews.com

Debt Ceiling Deal Reached To Avert Default (LATEST UPDATES)

Are China and US Destined to Clash? | The Diplomat

RealClearPolitics - Obama Has No Plan to Grow the Private Sector

The White House’s Three Biggest Blunders In The Debt Ceiling Fight | The New Republic

Obama's downfall sealed with debt deal - NYPOST.com

Column: GOP's disrespect of Obama goes beyond debt fight - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - A Hold-Your-Nose Deal

RealClearPolitics - An Incompetent White House

PRUDEN: Hope and change in a magic tea party pot - Washington Times

The Tea Party’s War on America - NYTimes.com

America comes to grips with the liberal welfare state | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Somalia’s hunger: A man-made crisis requires action - The Washington Post

Profiles in sleaze and courage in U.S. Congress - latimes.com

Review & Outlook: Bill Clinton Does 'Jim Crow' - WSJ.com

Washington Chain Saw Massacre - NYTimes.com

The debt deal and Obama’s 2012 problem - The Washington Post

One shot on taxes: Don’t blow it, Democrats - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - America Can Thank the "Terrorists"

Hiltzik: Debt ceiling deal ignores real driver of deficits: healthcare costs - latimes.com

President Obama bends to blackmail - Roger Simon - POLITICO.com

Tea Party terror? - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

5 Ways the Debt Crisis Changed Washington - Major Garrett - Politics - The Atlantic

Barbarians at Washington’s gates « » Print The Daily Caller

The Debt Ceiling Deal Makes It Nearly Impossible For The GOP Nominee To Pivot To The Center | The New Republic

Obama puts second term first - Chicago Sun-Times

RealClearPolitics - The Left Turns on Obama

RealClearPolitics - Democrats Also Need a Presidential Primary in 2012

Enter the Cyber-dragon | Culture | Vanity Fair

$$$ / VIDEO

** Markets Video - How Would Apple Handle a Debt Crisis?

Should We Fear July Jobs Report?

Street Wary of a Ninth Low Session


**1st:Transcripts:Interview with OMB Director Jack Lew

Representative Paul Ryan on Supporting the Debt Deal

Sen. Brown and Reps. West and Ellison on the Debt Deal

Interview with Representative Barney Frank

Interview with Representative Renee Ellmers

Panel on the Debt Deal and Tax Hikes


**World Video:Conducting A Global Response To Counterterrorism

Knights Templar 'Leader' Denies Role In Norway Killings

Differing Accounts Of Syria Protests

Fox: 'Debt Is A Strategic Issue'

Mubarak Trial Symbolic For Egyptians

Syrian Opposition Diverse And Poorly Organized

America's Relative Strength

Man In Phone-hacking Probe Arrest

Crossing Front Lines For Aid In Somalia

Syria Builds Up Offensive On Hama

Lithuanian Mayor Crushes Car

The Atlantic Relationship Must Reflect Global Changes

Unprecedented Drought And Famine

Deadly Violence In Syria Escalates

2nd/Navigating America's Foreign Policy In An Uncertain World

Syrian Violence Draws International Criticism

Russian Privatization And Modernization

U.S. Debt A Lesson For China?

Norway's Parliament Honors Attack Victims

Funeral For Two Killed In West Bank Raid

China's Response To The Debt Ceiling Deal

A Million Robots To Take Human Jobs!

France To Impose New Sanctions Against Syria

Afghan Muslims Mark First Day Of Ramadan

Famine In Somalia: An Expected Turn For The Worse

Free Trade Agreements With South Korea, Colombia And Panama

Barriers And Benefits In Free Trade Agreements

Afghan Security's Gaping Holes


**Politics Video:Cantor: Obama "In Over His Head" On Economy

Bachmann Ad: "It's Time To Balance The Budget, Pay Down The Debt"

Romney Web Video: Obama Isn't Working In Chicago

Carney On Market Reaction To Deal: "We Don't Spend A Lot Of Time Focusing On Things We Can't Control"

Sen. Rubio Debate Over Debt Ceiling Is Just The Beginning

Krauthammer: Obama Is "Out Of Bullets...Out Of Arrows" On Economy

Eugene Robinson: Debt Fight Was A "Negative Sum Game"

O'Reilly: Calling Tea Partiers Terrorists Is "Disgraceful"

Reich: President Has "Tied His Hands" On The Economy

2nd/Chris Matthews: Is Hatred For Obama "Tribal"?

Palin: If Tea Partiers Were Terrorists, Obama Would Pal Around With Us

Palin Slams Romney For Not Opining Until Debt Deal Was Made

McConnell: Agreement Will Slow Down The "Big Government Freight Train"

Wasserman Schultz: "We've Really Begun To Turn The Economy Around"

Obama Reflects On Debt Fight: Didn't Need This "Manufactured Crisis"

Carney: "American People Rightfully Were Appalled" By Debt Fight

Reid Yearns For Recess So He Can Tend To His Pomegranate Trees

Carney On Why Obama Didn't Thank Congress: "He Didn't Talk About The Weather Either"

Carney: Biden Was Part Of An "Emotional" Debate In Dem Meeting

Scarborough: "Dreadful" For Biden To Call Tea Party Terrorists

Rep. Frank: Ignorant To Be Against Tax Revenues To Reduce Debt

Olbermann Comment: Balance Budget Amendment Is "Madness"

Krauthammer: Debt Is Going To Be "A Major Issue" In 2012

Compromise Passes House: $2.4 Trillion More In Debt

"Daily Show" Slams Obama For Not Including Tax Increases In Deal

Rush: Biden Setting All Types Of Records With The New Tone

Fineman: Obama "Wasn't Selling Anything" In Debt Ceiling Debate

O'Reilly: We Need More "Discipline" In Spending And Tax Reform

Rep. Paul Ryan: Debt Committee Will Not Raise Taxes

Reid: Joint Committee Must Include Taxes Or Trigger Will Kick In

Palin: "Quite Appalling" And "Vile" To Be Called A Terrorist By Biden

Pelosi: Debt Deal A Satan Sandwich With "Satan Fries On The Side"

Sessions To Biden: "Terror In The Hearts Of The Big Spenders"

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Returns To The House


*WND RADIO COMMENTARY WND Exclusive Savage: America has been 'hoodwinked'Talk host warns of 'Leninist' president's doomed path, offers 'better idea'


Disrespect deserved

Cut government like you take off a Band-Aid

Obama's downfall sealed with debt deal - NYPOST.com

GOProud outed as non-conservative

For The Record

Jihad at Fort Hood, again – where are media?

Oslo discords

How the ins keep the outs out

Un-American justice for juveniles

The Tea Party’s War on America - NYTimes.com

Get government out of our homes

ESR | August 1, 2011 | The futility of trying to train a pig

GOProud outed as non-conservative

Uh oh! Look who just endorsed Obama for 4 more years

'Bombing targeted Hezbollah chief'

Left preparing street chaos, class warfare

Woman facing prison, sterilization over 1-child policy

Trial-changing evidence disregarded by court

Fiscal Conservatives Barred from Supercommittee (Updated) | The Weekly Standard

Bipartisan agreement will slow down 'big government freight train' - The Hill's Congress Blog

Dwarves in Philippines plan to build colony where they can live in peace | World news | The Guardian

Child beauty pageant blasted for awarding autistic girl Tahnee Myles best personailty | News.com.au

Oregon mom loses fight to keep sons away from stepmom who shot and killed her own children

Drought leads to discovery of shuttle artifact in Nacogdoches **Update** | Newswatch | a Chron.com blog

German brewers told they can't claim beer is good for your health | McClatchy

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Forget the gym, women want to sexercise

Hundreds of preteen children treated for eating disorders - Telegraph

Baby photographed with loaded gun on bikie father's Facebook page | Herald Sun

Firefighter Rod Rodwell marries Julia Sbardella who he rescued from burning building | Mail Online

Opposites attract? Apparently not, according to study | Mail Online

Don't be too flattered by the office flirt - he's probably just a bit bored | Mail Online

New Spider-Man alter ego is half-black, half-Latino Miles Morales | Front page | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Full to the brim: Scientists claim the human brain is at capacity and is too tiring to get smarter | Mail Online

Just why is Obama constitutionally eligible?


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Uncovered! Agenda for Soros-linked 'nonpartisan' group

Bush lawyers advising Romney - POLITICO.com Print View

Trial-changing evidence disregarded by court

Left preparing street chaos, class warfare

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Libtalker Randi Rhodes Imagines Violent Right-Wing Revolution

Blast a politician? It could mean jail

Fiscal Conservatives Barred from Supercommittee (Updated) | The Weekly Standard

Reid: Joint Committee Must Include Taxes Or Trigger Will Kick In | RealClearPolitics

US debt ceiling deal: President Obama celebrates with Jennifer Hudson at 50th birthday | Mail Online

Majority Disapproves of Debt-Ceiling Agreement in One-Day Poll - Hotline On Call

Why GOP frosh said yes to debt deal - Marin Cogan - POLITICO.com

Forbidden City extravagance stuns

Poll: Santorum close to beating Obama in Pennsylvania - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Have scientists found a crashed flying saucer on the seabed? | Mail Online

Experts say Obama certificate not scan of original document

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Ya think? MSNBC predicts winner of 2012 election now


Audio:Are Obama critics ‘racist’? Aaron argues with caller « Klein Online


'Double-walled' beer glass cools drink within minutes - Telegraph

CNN's meaningless words

MTV turns 30 years old today - Telegraph

Kelsey Grammer wants to run for NYC mayor when he's done acting - NYPOST.com

Miley Cyrus flashes new tattoo supporting gay rights - latimes.com

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Showbiz :: Gervais' 'crucifixion' photo rejected by magazine

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Odd News :: Kitten in the wash

The 40-year mystery of America’s greatest skyjacking - Telegraph

*3 Aug

American Minute for August 3rd

August 3rd This Day in History

Today in History: August 3

August 3rd in History

August 3 Events in History

Today in History: August 3

This Day in History for 3rd August

‪Today in History for August 3rd‏ - YouTube


Aug. 2, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show 08/02/2011

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-2-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-02, Tuesday

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, August, 02, 2011

Redding News Review 08-02-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-02-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-02-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-02-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-02-11 Hr 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

08/02 The Mark Levin Show


Matt Damon Defends Teachers at Save Our Schools March

Pat Buchanan refuses to apologize: 'Calling Obama 'your boy' was not a slur'

Ala. lab lost key evidence in praying mom's case

Army hiring more counselors for alcohol abuse

Supermodel demands $46,000 child support: report

A debt deal that solves the wrong problem: Summers

Man convicted in 1964 KKK slayings dies in prison

UN Security Council draft statement condemns Syrian force

Right-wing activists march at Tel Aviv tent city

Carlyle Group: Chinese puzzle

An Offbeat Netflix Recommendation - By Michael Potemra - The Corner - National Review Online

What If Lefties Defended Tea Party “Terrorists” The Way They Defend Islamic Terrorists?

St. Louis’s Democrat Machine

Aircraft Carrier: Chinese Territory In Any Sea

Five Year-Long Chinese Cyber-Hacking Scheme Infiltrated Global, National Organizations | BobTuskin.com

Israel Will Bomb Iranian Nuclear Sites Next Month, Ex-CIA Agent Predicts | BobTuskin.com

Pentagon Plan to Monitor Activists On Facebook and Twitter | BobTuskin.com

‘Mossad may be behind Sinai attack’ | BobTuskin.com

[redacted] news: Obama’s New 2nd in Command at DOD: Ashton Carter – CFR, Aspen Group, Goldman Sachs…Connects to 911 False Flag

America's Fiscal Collapse


**Alpha Publishing: House Essays




9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out | Global Research TV

Geller: Jihad at Fort Hood, again – where are media? - Jihad Watch

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories | Cop Block


New “Freedom Index" Rates Congressmen Based on Constitution - John Birch Society


YouTube - Immigration by the Numbers -- Off the Charts


YouTube - Illegal Immigration and the Impact of Federal Policy on Black Americans

‪Poverty: Where We All Started‏ - YouTube


‪Verichip / PositiveID infomercial featuring Mr Tinkles‏ - YouTube

‪Who's Pet Are You?‏ - YouTube

‪BlackwellBriggs.Revealed.leaked.K4YCee‏ - YouTube





Episode 1: Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth | Overpopulation is a myth

Episode 2: 2.1 Kids: A Stable Population | Overpopulation is a myth

Episode 3: Food: There's lots of it | Overpopulation is a myth

Episode 4: Poverty: Where We All Started | Overpopulation is a myth


How To Vanish (www.howtovanish.com/)



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One Mainframe To Rule Them All (2of5)

One Mainframe To Rule Them All (3of5)

One Mainframe To Rule Them All (4of5)

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Videos:Concealed Carry Information(www.usconcealedcarry.com)





U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO)