"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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01 August 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

Everybody should have a hobby of some kind - even if it's only criticizing the government.

News Flash: NASA Climate Data Challenges Global Warming Alarms

Paul Drockton M.A.: Rothschild/Rockefeller Debt Crisis and the Popular Mandate

How the October 2008 Financial Collapse Triggered Automatic Female Lust

Chinese rush to buy US land | Industries | chinadaily.com.cn

‪Norway Bombing Causing Israeli Govt to Collapse?‏ - YouTube

Dramatic New Video of Japan Tsunami [VIRAL VIDEO] - Yahoo!

27 rifles stolen from Southern California military base.. but ATF didn't tell public for two weeks | Mail Online

Activist Post: The Globalist Imperial Network, As Explained by a Globalist

Second Video Emerges Of Hot-Tempered Canton Police Officer | Pixiq

House panel approves bill forcing ISPs to log users’ web history | The Raw Story

‪Beauty of Mathematics‏ - YouTube

savethemales.ca - Insider Exposes Famous Satanists

‪"What is a Dollar?" RonPaul at Dr Thomas Hoenig July 27, 2011‏ - YouTube

‪Zionist Terrorism in Norway by Dr. David Duke (A MUST SEE!!!)‏ - YouTube

Former Bush NSA director calls for ‘digital Blackwater’ | Raw Replay

The Norway Manifesto: A New Bin Laden Is Born | Opinion Maker

Organized Political Terrorism - The Norwegian Massacre, The State, The Media And Israel

Report that casts doubt over Lockerbie trial verdict to be published

'Child protection' wreaks havoc on a loving family once again - Telegraph

The Second massacre of Hama, Video « Kawther Salam

Syria: at least 95 dead as army attacks Hama - Telegraph

US uses debt crisis to cover-up drawing spying rules - Good week to bury bad news, Mr Bond | TechEye

National Inflation Association: NIA Exposes Debt Ceiling Truth

Israel Shamir's Analysis Of Breivik's Ideas

Norway massacre: the real Anders Behring Breivik - Telegraph

America's own Taliban - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

AmericanMadeHeroes.com ... Honoring America's manufacturers keeping America strong!

Barack Obama’s vulgar Twitter spamming campaign is a classless act of desperation by the US president – Telegraph Blogs

Super Bacteria? Fighting Resistance Could Be Trickier Than Thought

‪Man Refuses SmartMeter Installation‏ - YouTube

savethemales.ca - Tea Party are Illuminati Dupes & Pawns

‪Why Gaddafi must die!‏ - YouTube

Patrick Cockburn: Why the West is committed to the murderous rebels in Libya - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Japanese Military Analyst: Chinese Nuclear Submarine Accident in Dalian, China?? | EX-SKF

*G. Edward Griffin'

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal


Dragonfly drones and cyborg moths: Tiny flying robots set to be the future of spying and rescue missions | Mail Online

Activist Post: A disturbing trend: many innocent Americans arrested for legally filming on-duty public servants

Agenda 21 Coming To A Farm Near You As Federal Government Moves To Ban Family Farms :

UFO Over Brazil: True or False? (Video) | Science | Epoch Times


**List of National Debt by Country | Economics Blog


BENGHAZI UPDATE - Tide Turning Against Rebels? - Vid

Activist Post: More proof the Department of Homeland Security and TSA are actively destroying America

Bush to be in NYC to mark 10th anniversary of 9/11 - Yahoo! News

Incompetence Sets A Precedent- GE Alfalfa

ZeroHedge | On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

Thieves Steal 22 Restroom Cubicle Doors

Hot-Dog Health Warning Outside NASCAR Event In Indianapolis

British Actress Inspired by Prophet's Life | Opinion Maker

Breaking News: Hollie Greig case exposed in today’s Scottish Sunday Express | Sovereign Independent

Paul Drockton M.A.: Hollie Grieg Sex Abuse Scandal Goes Mainstream

Egyptian liberals forced out of protest by Islamic demonstrators - Telegraph

Afghan civilians pay lethal price for new policy on air strikes - Asia, World - The Independent

BP 'has gained stranglehold over Iraq' after oilfield deal is rewritten | Business | The Observer

Heading Toward Economic Ruin

On The Eve Of Destruction

Iraq inquiry: Tony Blair to be held to account in Chilcot report on war | Mail Online

Dishonest Abe | Mantiq al-Tayr

AlterNet: 15 Years in Prison For Taping the Cops? How Eavesdropping Laws Are Taking Away Our Best Defense Against Police Brutality

US debt ceiling crisis: American troops in Afghanistan may not be paid | Mail Online

Lawyers tell New York Post staff to keep all phone hacking documents - Telegraph

Horrors Of US-NATO Butchery Of Libya Revealed


#Radioactive Beef: Cesium Is Not Evenly Distributed in a Cow | EX-SKF

Plants Dying in the Middle of Central Tokyo | EX-SKF

Public jury campaign launched to take power away from UK's 'feral' elite | Politics | The Guardian

As unrest grows, focus turns toward tycoons - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The Debt Ceiling Is Unconstitutional

Safest place for black men is in prison, says report | Mail Online

Therapy can drive you mad, finds study on counselling after 9/11 | Mail Online

Israel And The American Jewish Voter | Opinion Maker

Pak-India talks: A way forward? | Opinion Maker

PressTV - US plans nuclear talks with Saudi Arabia

Ahmadinejad slams US-Israel Mideast 'plot' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Gas pipeline to Israel attacked again - Israel News, Ynetnews

TSA Threatens Congressman For Disclosing 25,000 Security Breaches | Public Intelligence

The Jews Who Run Capitol Hill | Real Zionist News

Pentagon To Deploy 20,000 Troops In CONUS For Civil Unrest, Possible Threats To Populace :

Iran military head: 'Zionists' are behind Norway terror attacks - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News


*Article Links:Weekly Southern African Report


Texas Lawmaker Calls for Congressional Probe Into Ban of Christian Prayers at Military Funerals - FoxNews.com

Professor Tatsuhiko Kodama of Tokyo University Tells the Politicians: "What Are You Doing?" (Part 1) | EX-SKF

New Japan Law ‘Cleanses’ Bad Nuclear News | UK Progressive

Test confirms Roswell debris is not from Earth | Openminds.tv

Apple Now Has More Cash Than The U.S. Government

Is America the greatest threat to world peace?: Forget Russia. Forget Iran. In a brilliantly provocative new book, the Mail's legendary columnist Andrew Alexander poses an extraordinary question | Mail Online

George W Bush 'was projecting calm' with 9/11 blank look - Telegraph

savethemales.ca - Questions Surround Official Titanic Story

The Essential Rules Of Tyranny

The Green Sheen Wearing Thin- How Corporate Environmental Organizations are Providing Cover for the Mounting Ecological Catastrophe of the “Smart Grid” | Stop Smart Meters!

Scientists investigating ME get 'death threats' for investigating psychological causes | Mail Online

News Flash: NASA Climate Data Challenges Global Warming Alarms

‪America Worldwide Mass Murder Genocide EXPOSED!‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Judge Judy - Here's Who You Support With Taxes

Revolutionary Politics : 7/29/2011 - Peter Schiff On Money In Motion- We Are Defaulting On Our Debts By Inflating Them Away

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "How Do You Solve The Debt Problem By Raising The Debt?"

‪No Fly Zone on FaceBook‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : President Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic: "What is in Danger is our Freedom; the Climate is Okay."

‪Interview with Gangjeong Mayor Kang Dong-Kyun | No Base on Jeju Island‏ - YouTube

‪An Example of How The Government Pushes Propaganda Via the Mainstream Media‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : 3 Freedoms You Lost This Week - Judge Napolitano

Revolutionary Politics : "I Will Shoot You In The Face And Go To Sleep Tonight" Ohio Police Officer On Traffic Stop

Revolutionary Politics : Rand Paul "The President Has Put Default On The Table In A Grand Elaborate Game Of Chicken"

‪'Future is up to us': Israel protest gathers 150,000‏ - YouTube

‪'Iran never gives in to pressure'‏ - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : Hayek's 'The Road to Serfdom' in Five Minutes

Revolutionary Politics : US Debtlock: Americans sick of poor wars

Washington Could Learn A Lot From A Drug Addict - Home - The Daily Bail

GM collected $17 million from Tennessee for jobs, then left - 12160

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog NIA Exposes Debt Ceiling Truth | Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog

World Reacts To Debt Ceiling Debacle: ‘Irresponsible,’ ‘Worst Kind Of Absurd Theatrics,’ U.S. Politicians A ‘Laughing Stock’ | ThinkProgress

Islamophobic Conspiracy Theorist Frank Gaffney Advising Michele Bachmann On Foreign Policy | ThinkProgress

Greenpeace: give me a child until he is seven… – Telegraph Blogs

BBC News | WALES | Teletubbies turn to wind power

Waxman calls for national climate-change-education push - The Hill's E2-Wire

Finance Minister: Growing calls for reform could lead to 'anarchy' in Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Peter Schiff Annihilates Geithner On Debt Ceiling Hyperbole: "He's Lying! He's Just Making This Stuff Up!" - Home - The Daily Bail


Israel and the American Jewish voter > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

Fire destroys Wisconsin Democratic recall group's headquarters right before recall election....caus - 12160

Sherrie Questioning All: A Super Congress is NOT Constitutional! The Congress has NO Right to make a Super Congress! We the People NEED To Stand up and say NO

Washington strikes deal on debt ceiling - politics - Capitol Hill - msnbc.com

James Petras : Organized Political Terrorism | My Catbird Seat

Study: ‘Huge discrepancies’ between global climate predictions and hard data - Yahoo! News

The Intercept: The War on Libya: Divisions within The Transitional Council and Rebel Forces

Activist Post: Chiquita Can't Shuck Colombia Terror Claims

Activist Post: Researchers Expose Cunning Online Tracking Service That Can’t Be Dodged

A Voice In The Wilderness: The Essential Rules Of Tyranny

Activist Post: Cancer-stricken WTC worker gets $0 settlement check

Paul Drockton M.A.: Rothschild/Rockefeller Debt Crisis and the Popular Mandate

Globalist Imperial Network As Explained by a GlobalistGlobalist Imperial Network As Explained by a Globalist

A U.S. Sovereign Credit Downgrade Is No Laughing Matter - And China Agrees - Seeking Alpha

The Daily Bell - As America Continues to Tank, What Will You Do?

The Intercept: Ice age threat should ease EPA global warming regs

The perfect academic word for US debt, economic, war policies - National Nonpartisan | Examiner.com

Credit Card Payment - Should you pay more than the minimum?


Lone Star Watchdog: Is Obama Trying to Create Order Out of Chaos with the Debt Crisis?

"Economic Armageddon": Washington’s Response to a Failed Ecomomy: More War

Experts Warn 'America Will Lose Its Sovereignty' As The Financial Armageddon Clock Ticks Away

Mr. Apocalypse and his Walking Stick. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Ahmadinejad slams US-Israel Mideast ‘plot’ | BobTuskin.com

Michele Bachmann: Hearing The Voice Of God As Mental Illness Symptom

CIA and FBI Tried to Get U.S. Lawyer to Betray Arab Clients - BlackListedNews.com

Feds ‘Islam 101′ Guide Depicted Muslims as 7th-Century Simpletons

Facebook Pushing To Require Everyone's Online Activity Be Tracked By The Government

Gerald Celente on US debt insanity: Collapse inevitable

‪Obama at the Bat‏ - YouTube


For Liberty: How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree of Liberty - 12160

Madoff's Butner Prison Is The "Crown Jewel" Of Federal Prison System


Prepare for Violent Revolution in America | Track Cell Phones With Cell Phone Tracking Software

Activist Post: Taser Death Lawsuit Results in $10M Award

Baltimore Jewish Times - International News | South Africa Group To Put Israel On Trial

allAfrica.com: Libya: The True Costs of War (Page 1 of 4)

The Intercept: Israel looking into revoking Oslo Accords in response to Palestinian UN bid

‪SR 22 - The Bad Numbers Behind the Debt Ceiling Debate‏ - YouTube

U.S. Troops Asked If They Would Shoot American Citizens | Track Cell Phones With Cell Phone Tracking Software

Debt and spending deal picks up momentum in Senate


‪*1:19:00 - YouTube/Tim Wallace-Murphy Lectures on Hidden Wisdom/


‪*47 min/The mysterious origin of man‏ - YouTube


**Transcript :Constitution of the United States**


» Infowars Special Report With Mike Adams & Richard Mack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

* Obama Launches Gun Grab Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Norwegian PM to Rival Political Parties: Don’t Speak Out On Immigration Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Raising the Debt Ceiling Avoids the Spending Addiction Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Freeze the Budget and Stop Plundering the American People Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» UK Police Tells Public To Report Anti-Government Beliefs As Terrorism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» China’s Answer To Inflation: SkyNet – Foxconn Plans To Replace Workers With Millions Of Robots Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» If the Republic Had Not Died A Long Time Ago, This Would Indeed Be the Death of the Republic (Reprise) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

6 Part/The Debt Crisis: Banksters, Thugs and Crooks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

4 Part/Alex Jones Visits the Grocery Store: Organic Food Pushing Out the Poison Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Gun Grabbers in Congress Exploit Fast & Furious Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+ Disastrous Outcomes From An Orchestrated Economic Crisis Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama’s Final Loophole: The “Catastrophic Emergency” Clause? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama: Congressional Leaders Approve Debt-Limit Increase - Bloomberg

Caught on tape: Vegas cop beats videographer - CBS News

‪Mitchell Crooks Las Vegas Police Beating By Derek Colling Caught On Tape‏ - YouTube

US debt ceiling crisis: Obama and John Boehner do a deal to avoid default | Mail Online

» Celente: Elite won’t trade off revenues to save America from default Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Chinese rail crash scandal: 'official steals $2.8 billion' - Telegraph

» After Democracy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Iraq is MORE dangerous now amid resurgence in violence by Shi'ite militias | Mail Online

» FBI Director’s Term Extension Ensures Neo-COINTELPRO Operations Will Prevail Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Food, Control and the Growing Police State :: Weekly Blitz

Bernie Sanders: The Top Ten U.S. Corporate Tax Avoiders - Home - The Daily Bail

Cancer-stricken Ground Zero worker Edgar Galvis gets settlement check for zero dollars - NYPOST.com

» Feds Refuse To Pay Cancer Costs For 9/11 Responders After WTC Air Cover Up Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rebel Militia Confirmed Guilty of Assassination of General Younes

Activist Post: US sanctions alleged Iran-centered Qaeda network

+GM Human-Animal Hybrids Emerging Market for Organs, Babies, Pharma Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Executive Order–Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison Planet.com » The Truth About The Debt Deal: It’s Pretty Much Meaningless

Debt deal agreed but may not save US AAA credit rating | World news | guardian.co.uk

Prison Planet.com » Will the Ceiling Fall In? Disastrous Outcomes From an Orchestrated Crisis

64 Percent of U.S. Military Deaths in Afghanistan Happened on Obama’s Watch | CNSnews.com

Prison Planet.com » UK Police Tells Public To Report Anti-Government Beliefs As Terrorism

Prison Planet.com » Der Spiegel On Monnett – Shoddy Scientist Who Is A Victim Of An Intrigue

Prison Planet.com » Jim Cramer accuses Obama of creating ‘tremendous fear’ and ‘panic’

Syrian army kills 136 in crackdown: activists | The Raw Story

Prison Planet.com » 11 Reasons Why The 9/11 Fable is So Popular

Prison Planet.com » U.S. report justifies keeping troops in Iraq, points fingers at Iran

Soaring demand spotlights secret NY gold hoard | The Raw Story

Prison Planet.com » Now We Return To The REAL Crisis In The World

Prison Planet.com » China’s Answer To Inflation: SkyNet – Foxconn Plans To Replace Workers With Millions Of Robots

Prison Planet.com » If the Republic Had Not Died A Long Time Ago, This Would Indeed Be the Death of the Republic (Reprise)

Black Caucus, progressives to oppose debt deal | The Raw Story

TSA screener investigated for allegedly stealing $100 from kid - NYPOST.com

Obama Administration's "Secret Law" to Spy on Americans

Prison Planet.com » CNN host: Tea party debt dealings ‘counter-Constitutional,’ ‘anti-democratic’

Prison Planet.com » Monsanto-spawned superweeds growing three inches daily, destroying farm equipment

Prison Planet.com » See the asteroid trapped in Earth’s orbit

Asteroid Is a Dance Partner for Planet Earth | PBS NewsHour | PBS Video

‪Polarbeargate‏ - YouTube

‪Journalist James Delingpole & Alex Jones: Polarbeargate?‏ - YouTube

‪The Fake Green Movement Is Killing The Planet!‏ - YouTube

‪GMO Cows, Goats, Fish And Other Animals Are All Around Us!‏ - YouTube

DB Cooper: FBI has new suspect 40 years after fugitive parachuted from hijacked plane | Mail Online

+Target Africa: GMO crop push is depopulation scheme Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 6 Ways Food is Being Used as a Weapon Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FBI Director’s Term Extension Ensures Neo-COINTELPRO Operations Will Prevail Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Essential Rules Of Tyranny

Goldman Sachs Manipulating Aluminum Prices with Warehouse Scam - BlackListedNews.com

cryptogon.com » They Made a Killing: The Use of Knowledge of Covert Operations in the Stock Market

cryptogon.com » Insider Crimes, Funny Money and Options Rackets

Forensic economists examine the effects of CIA-led coups on the stock market. - By Ray Fisman - Slate Magazine

Exposed: The Carlyle Group: Shocking documentary uncovers the subversion of Americas democracy.

NASA's Juno to circle Jupiter for 'planetary recipe' - BlackListedNews.com

Men build small flying spy drone that cracks Wi-Fi and cell data

Obama Administration's "Secret Law" to Spy on Americans

Air Force Pulls Christian-Themed Ethics Training for Nuclear Missile Officers After Publication of Truthout Report - BlackListedNews.com

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

Rupert Muroch's Pie Attacker Admits Assault

Rod Blagojevich Files Motion For New Trial

Ramadan Attack Planned in Somalia?

Vinci tablet for babies goes up for pre-order, prepares to be hurled across the playroom -- Engadget

Japanese monitor radiation on their own - Times Union

Libyan rebel commander killed by allied militia | Reuters

Researchers Expose Cunning Online Tracking Service That Can’t Be Dodged | Epicenter | Wired.com

Obama unfurls deal to avert U.S. default | The Raw Story

DHHS to make birth control free for all women | Raw Replay

Why the West is Committed to the Murderous Rebels in Libya

Fighting Back Against The CIA Drone War

Former Intel Chief: Call Off The Drone War

12 U.S.-related Human Rights Stories the Press is Missing


**How Murdoch Ran Britain Must Watch - Dispatches - Channel 4 Documentary

Ransom Paid


*Video: Restrepo Trailer and Full Length Documentary Restrepo: Winner of the 2010 -Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize for a Documentary


Anonymous says hacked U.S. government cyber supplier | Reuters

Obama's base: We've been 'thrown under the bus' - Washington Times


*Audio: AFP Podcast interviews former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney

*Audio:AFP Podcast interviews the Rochester, NY woman arrested on her lawn filming police traffic stop


Scientists warn of Planet of the Apes scenario | Video | Reuters.com

Anti-Muslim Ideologues Spurred Killer to Attack

Big-Name Hollywood Film Producer Exposed as Covert Agent for Israel

U.S. Now an Electronic Concentration Camp


The CIA & the Military’s Mind Control Research

Organized Political Terrorism: The Norwegian Massacre, the State, the Media and Israel

The US-Al Qaeda Alliance: Bosnia, Kosovo and Now Libya. Washington’s On-Going Collusion with Terrorists

The US Debt Ceiling Deal

Mass Incarceration in America's Prison System

Bipartisan "Russian Roulette" and America's Federal Debt: The Debt Ceiling Is Unconstitutional

The FBI and the CIA Pressured US Lawyer to Betray his Arab and Muslim Clients

The Pentagon Rules America: Militarism and the Crisis of the Civilian Economy

The War on Libya: Divisions within The Transitional Council and Rebel Forces

‪+What Is Money?‏ - YouTube

Arrested Cop Held Without Bond | NBC Washington

"From Each According to His Ability, To Each According to His Need" - informationliberation

The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher - By John Taylor Gatto, New York State Teacher of the Year, 1991 - informationliberation

Ten Signs The Double-Dip Recession Has Begun - 24/7 Wall St.

Lab-on-a-chip a game-changer in disease detection - Yahoo! News

Photos:Victims of the Norway Attacks - Multimedia Feature - NYTimes.com

Alabama company Holy Smoke aims to give dearly departed hunters a send off that's a blast | al.com

Mexico 'drug enforcer admits 1,500 killings' - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Joe Biden charges Secret Service rent | Mail Online

Geneticist tells the BBC: don’t give climate “denialists” so much air-time | Aftermath News

Climate change far less serious than ‘alarmists’ predict says NASA scientist | Aftermath News

Slouching Toward Guatemala by Fred Reed

Support Your Local Pizza Guy by Anthony Gregory

As America Continues to Tank, What Will You Do? by Anthony Wile

Peaceful Anarchy: Imagine A Society Without the State by Gary D. Barnett

Us vs Them by Allan Davis

Escalation by Eric Peters

The Great Correction: 4 Years…and Counting…Still No Recovery in Sight by Bill Bonner

SHTF Survival: 7 Vitamins That Help Prevent Dental Emergencies | Ready Nutrition

DB Cooper: FBI has new suspect 40 years after fugitive parachuted from hijacked plane | Mail Online

Four Essential Power Tools | The Art of Manliness

Monsanto Nation: Taking Down Goliath

Video:Debt Ceiling Deal All Cuts No Taxes

‪Islamic Groups Show Strength in Egypt's Friday Demonstrations‏ - YouTube

World Markets Rise on News of US Debt Deal

25 Libyan Refugees Found Dead on Boat

Pyongyang Seeks Return to Talks, 2005 Nuclear Agreement

$2.4 Trillion Would Be Largest Debt-Limit Increase in U.S. History

Boehner, McConnell Agree to Let Obama Borrow Another $2.4 Trillion

30-35 Senate Republicans Expected to Support Debt Deal

Obama, Reid Eye New Commission As Way to Achieve Tax Hikes

Boehner: ‘Nothing in This Deal Violates Our Principles’

Debt Deal: What’s In It

Debt Deal Is A ‘Satan Sandwich,’ Democrat Says

‪Rep. Cleaver: Debt Deal 'Looks Like A Satan Sandwich'‏ - YouTube

Iraq Violence Grows Amid Concerns About Iranian Involvement

Sat. Headline: No Progress in Debt Talks; Sunday: ‘Significant Progress’

Conyers: Obama Proposed Social Security Cuts In Debt Talks, Not Republicans

Friday: House Passes Boehner's Bill, 218-210; Senate Rejects It

McCain Says He'll 'Swallow Hard' and Support Debt Deal

Texas Gov. Perry Backs Constitutional Protection for Marriage

Bush Science Adviser John W. Marburger Dies at 70

Winehouse Family Hopes to Set Up Drug Rehab Center

Obama: Crackdown in Syria Is 'Horrifying'

‪9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out Trailer - AE911Truth.org - 9/11/11 DVD...‏ - YouTube

‪The Week In Alternative News 5‏ - YouTube

‪David Icke - Taking Responsibility (Taking your power back)‏ - YouTube

Tell Gov to ban Nanoparticles in food and pesticides | Food Freedom

Activist Post: Western-funded groups continue to destabilize Syria

Crooks and Liars

‪Stefan Molyneux on the Keiser Report - The Federal Reserve is a Crime!‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Nano-robots to conquer tumour cells?


- The Alex Jones Show – July 29th, 2011

‪Gerald Celente - RT America 29 July 2011‏ - YouTube

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 29th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 29th, 2011

‪- 07/29/11Full Show - Bill Still: Pay the debt in quarters?, Boycott PayPal #OpPayPal‏ - YouTube


Martial Law in North America Represents The Total Destruction of Freedom | Dprogram.net

Terence McKenna – Address To The Jung Society | Dprogram.net

11 Reasons Why The 9/11 Fable is So Popular | Dprogram.net

Finally... The Trailer is Here! Preview the New AE911Truth Documentary: 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out

More Christian terrorism? Texas Planned Parenthood fire bombed | Dprogram.net

Scientist Fly World’s First “3D Printed” Airplane – An Unmanned Spy Plane | Dprogram.net

Ron Paul & Rand Paul On The Debt Ceiling Theatre | Dprogram.net

Black Swans of Politics: Tricks the Media Use Against Ron Paul | Dprogram.net

Globalist Imperial Network | Dprogram.net

The Scapegoat in American Culture: From Lee Harvey Oswald To Osama bin Laden | Dprogram.net

Mullen & Afghan Progress, Corruption

Mullen: Afghans Must Address Corruption, Criminals

German Green lawmakers & secret Saudi tank deal

Iran criticizes IAEA director-general for anti-Iran remarks

Obama's Base Says He Caved to Tea Party

Trump: 'Joke' Debt Deal Doesn't Solve US Problems

Mike Lee: Debt Deal Doesn't Ensure Future Cuts

Christopher Ruddy: Obama Blinked Again

Obama Turns 50 Amid Debt Debate

Boehner: Budget Pact Lives up to GOP Principles

'Aftershock:' US Treasurys Now a ‘Toxic Asset'

GOP's Next Fight over Bush Tax Cuts

Debt Deal Offers Only Small Blessings for US Economy

Jack Godwin: We Need a Line-Item Veto Amendment

Lord King: US Policy Endangering Iran Dissidents

O'Reilly: Christianity Demonized

Tea Party Chairman: Rick Perry Exciting Candidate

Bachmann: My Husband is Not Running For President

Unrest, Food Prices Cast Pall on Ramadan

Investors Find New Safe Haven: Junk Bonds

Can Chewing More Help You Eat Less?

Lots of Fiber May Cut Breast Cancer Risk

Court Validates Patenting of Two Genes

FBI, Police Go High-Tech to Fight Crime

Pesky 'God Particle' Continues to Elude Scientists

Boeing, Embraer Back Sugar Jet-Fuel Study

Obama Blinked Again

It’s a Deal, Not a Solution to the Debt Crisis

George Harrison's Concert for Bangladesh Remembered

Tea Party Overplayed Its Hand on Debt Crisis

Attacks on Egyptian Pipelines to Israel Are Preventable

Hollywood Bucks Pour Into Liberal Campaign Groups


**Fact Sheet: Bipartisan Debt Deal: A Win for the Economy and Budget Discipline | The White House


Congress moving quickly on debt and spending deal - Yahoo! News

Small spending cuts to have little economic impact - Yahoo! News

In sales pitch, Boehner assures House GOP: Debt deal is 'all spending cuts' - TheHill.com

Bus Idles for 5 Hours With Dead Driver | NBC New York

Hospital: Sunbather run over by Volusia County beach patrol vehicle now 'stable' - Breaking News

Local News | Woman dies in fall at high school reunion at a Shelton casino | Seattle Times Newspaper

Obama for America | 2012 | The President's message on the debt agreement

Rep. Conyers to Obama: "We've Had It", Calls for Protests at the White House | MRCTV

Interview with Tea Party Co-Founder Mark Meckler: 'We Have Compromised Our Way Into Disaster' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Internet Explorer users 'have below-average IQ' - Telegraph

China blames Muslim extremists for attack in Xinjiang - Yahoo! News

D.C. Adults Top Alcohol Abusers | NBC Washington

Crooks and Liars

Sen. Sherrod Brown on Manufacturing and Made in America

The 'Job Creators' myth: Our corporate masters are aiming for the Latin American model of oligarchy

Alleged Norway killer bought ammunition clips from U.S.

The Daily Show – Republicans Watch “The Town”

Rep. John Boehner's "Neck Creep"

McConnell Tells Reid He Will Not Negotiate With Him and Will Allow Filibuster on Reid Bill - UPDATED

Lawrence O'Donnell Bans "Deadbeat Dad" Joe Walsh From Appearing on His Show

Rep.Tim Ryan speaks out against the Cut, Cap & End Medicare Act

CNN Still Pretending the 'Tea Party' is Not Just the Extreme Right Wing of the Republican Party

Are there any sane Republicans?

'Special Report' 'straight news' segment features groundless gun story concocted by militiaman

Maher creates 'It Gets Better' message for socialists

Deficits, Revenues and the Debt Ceiling: One Economist's View

Thom Hartmann: Corporate CEO's...job makers or job movers?

O'Reilly slams National Council of La Raza as 'a pretty radicalized group' that 'opposes any kind of border security'

Jon Kyl Continues the "Can't Raise Taxes on the Job Creators" Nonsense in the Republican Weekly Address

Elton Gallegly's Hypocrisy

How The Versailles-On-The-Potomac Establishment Got Everything Wrong About The Deficit

Surprise! Any Debt Ceiling Deal Will Kick Taxes Down To State And Local Levels

This isn't about debt or deficits -- Republicans just want a reason to impeach Obama

Former NSA director Michael Hayden calls for 'digital Blackwater'

The Republican Debt Orgy in Pictures

Mitch McConnell says there's a Debt Ceiling Deal closing in that makes us all Conservatives: UPDATED

Krugman: Proposed debt deal will cost jobs and revenue

On Meet The Press, Obama Adviser Plouffe Drops Some Pretty Big Hints About The Fate Of Our Retirement Programs

Will Chuck Schumer's Defense cutting 'Equality Sword' bring Republicans to their knees? UPDATED: Triggers agreed upon?

Lindsey Graham Still Not Ready to Back Debt Ceiling Deal Even After it Appears GOP is Getting Everything They Wanted

Rep. Grijalva: 'This deal trades peoples’ livelihoods for the votes of a few unappeasable right-wing radicals': UPDATE 1,2,3,4,5

Jim Cramer accuses Obama of creating 'tremendous fear' and 'panic'

Bernie Sanders: The 14th Amendment

President Obama: Deal Reached on Debt Ceiling by Party Leaders

Krugman: The President Surrenders In Debt Ceiling Deal

Sen. John Barrasso: Debt Ceiling Hostage Taking Round One in Fifteen Round Fight

Dick Durbin: Democrats Never Passed a Budget Due to Republican Obstruction

HHS to make birth control free for all women

Elenin Comet: 2 Assassinated Astronomers End Of The world? | Before It's News

Comet Elenin Is A Lie, It Is Planet X, We Are Being Lied To! | Before It's News

David Icke Speaks About Nibiru | Before It's News

New Doomsday Date! Comet Will Bring The End October 16! (NASA Is Unconvinced) | Before It's News

12 Luxuries Only Billionaires Can Afford | Before It's News

Storing and Using Dried Eggs and Powdered Milk... | Before It's News

Do You Know How to Survive a Disaster and Should You Be Concerned? | Before It's News

*7 Part/Chemtrails Documentary: 10 Megatons of Aluminum Dumped into the Atmosphere | Before It's News


Conspiracy Sites: Conspiracy is Relative | Before It's News

Conspiracy Sites: Conspiracy is Relative (part 1) | NEWSBAD.COM

Conspiracy Sites: Conspiracy is Relative (part 2) | NEWSBAD.COM

Conspiracy Sites: Conspiracy is Relative (part 3) | NEWSBAD.COM

Conspiracy Sites: Conspiracy is Relative (part 4) | NEWSBAD.COM

Conspiracy Sites: Conspiracy is Relative (part 5) | NEWSBAD.COM

Conspiracy Sites: Conspiracy is Relative (part 6) | NEWSBAD.COM


**Survival: 100 Items to Disappear First | Before It's News


9/11 DENIERS: Many Know But Fail to Act - Others Accept as Government-as-Usual | Before It's News

9/11: Still Staged To the Core | Before It's News

Is HAARP Weather Mod Causing the Texas Drought? | Before It's News

NASA's Anomalies above the Moon - UFOs captured on film during the Apollo Program | Before It's News

NASA's Alien Anomalies caught on film - A compilation of stunning UFO footage from NASA. | Before It's News

Nemesis Star A Myth: Germans Refute Claim Earth Is Periodically Hit By Asteroids Or Comets | Before It's News

20 Miles on Mars: Rover Opportunity Passes Landmark Distance | Before It's News

Sun-Free Photovoltaics: Materials Engineered To Give Off Precisely Tuned Wavelengths Of Light When Heated Are Key To New High-Efficiency Generating System. | Before It's News

Another Obama Scandal Brewing... | Before It's News

Alternative Energy Course in Austin, Texas | Before It's News

How To Up The Antics And Go Viral With Your Next Publicity Campaign | Before It's News

"Tweeter" Barred from Twitter for Anti Govt. Tweets | Before It's News


Google Now Deleting Private Google+ Profiles | Before It's News

Gloomy Skies Caused Bigger Eyes And Brain To Evolve in Humans Living Far From Equator Says Oxford Study | Before It's News

Computer hacking reveals Italian spying on Russia, India « intelNews.org

‪7/31/2011 - HAARP RING outbreak = SD, NE, KS, OK, TX, MO, KY, TN, IN, LA, MS, OH, PA‏ - YouTube

‪Soggy Flappy Faces in Slow Motion - The Slow Mo Guys‏ - YouTube

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism - James Taylor - Endpoint Analysis - Forbes

Statement by the President on the Occasion of Ramadan | Before It's News

Amy Winehouse Killed By The Illuminati? | Before It's News

Russian inspectors to make aerial surveillance flight in US

The Google Sky Blank Spot -- A Complete Guide to the Cover-up & Conspiracy Theory | Before It's News

The Google Sky Blank Spot -- A Complete Guide to the Cover-up & Conspiracy Theory | NEWSBAD.COM

Social Media Is Militarily Strategic Information: Foreign and US Intelligence Agencies and Government Manipulating Social Media as New Propaganda Tool | Before It's News

9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out Trailer | Before It's News

70% Of 8-Month-Olds Consume Too Much Salt | Before It's News


**Prophet666: Simple remedies for all problems


Home remedies using Tomato | Before It's News

flashback:Weekend Talk Shows Past - Mortimer Caplin On Meet The Press - 1962. | Newstalgia

For Mexicans, Fast and Furious gun sting conflict confirms U.S. role in Mexico's violence - The Denver Post

U.S. cities, states require large buildings cite energy use - USATODAY.com

Doctors group says hot dogs as dangerous as cigarettes - USATODAY.com

Cheesecake Factory 'SkinnyLicious' menu cuts calories - USATODAY.com

Florida, Opposing Health Care Act, Refuses Federal Funds - NYTimes.com

459,000 marijuana plants removed, 100 arrested in huge crackdown - latimes.com

The Hill Poll: One in 3 voters say the US has passed its peak - TheHill.com

Ad for monkeys seeks to plumb roots of human behavior - The Boston Globe

Herman Cain dominates Denver straw poll; Rick Perry second - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Suspect arrested in slayings of U.S. Consulate employees - Washington Times

Course change needed, Harvard professor says - The Boston Globe

Hepburn estate is again on the market - The Boston Globe

PIMCO chief: Deal won't prevent downgrading of US AAA credit rating - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Former UN ambassador Bolton blasts defense cuts in bipartisan debt deal - TheHill.com

Donald Trump eyes Washington D.C. for luxury hotel - USATODAY.com

Newly authorized Cuba trips sell out fast, run into controversy - USATODAY.com

Retired Military Translator's Home Reportedly Raided in DEA Mix-Up - FoxNews.com

Study looks at experiences of gay Mormons


*UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY(http://scottcwaring.blogspot.com/)



Audio:Open Thread with The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: It gets better...for liberals? | Video Cafe


*SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex


$2.4 Trillion Would Be Largest Debt-Limit Increase in U.S. History | CNSnews.com

The_Debt_Ceiling_and_the_Pursuit_of_Happiness.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Schools in Pakistan training Afghan youths to act as suicide bombers - KansasCity.com

Islamist factions jockey for power, vow religious rule - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Reid signs off on bipartisan debt deal - TheHill.com

Allen West: Why I voted for the Boehner plan | Naked Politics

Islamists blamed for killing General Abdel Fattah Younes as Libya's rebels face up to enemy within - Telegraph

Answers to the 7 big what-ifs of debt default | Reuters

Campaign puts Mexico teachers union leader back in spotlight - latimes.com

Entrepreneur Claudio Osorio may lose home, other assets - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com

New Mexico Secretary of State Dianna Duran ruffles feathers - latimes.com

Blog: Chicken Liberals

'Birthday Rabbi' Mayer Birnhack, an EMS Chaplain, was disciplined by the FDNY for accessing unauthorized personnel data - NYPOST.com

Obama Raises More Questions than Answers

More on The (Real) Racist Party


Are America's citizens smart enough to follow what is really going on concerning the debt ceiling?.


Debbie Schlussel:Anti-Israel Whole Foods Wishes You a Happy Ramadan

Farmer suicides reduced by biotech

UK Faces Anti-Green Backlash As Energy Prices Rise

Israel’s “social justice” protesters and and apologies for everyone!

Unfettered Spending Indicative of Moral Deficiency

The Fifth Column Sabotage Against The USA and Our Critical Infrastructure

‘Show me the bodies’ challenge unnerves enviros

What’s really killing carbon capture and storage?

Obama’s “Leadership” Style is Classic Liberalism: No Vision + Utter Incompetence = Total Failure

Commercial Drivers License’s for tractor riding Hobbit farmers?

Power Plant Efficiencies: It’s Only Getting Better

Top military brass slam Obama, Reid proposed budget cuts

Stengel-gate Update: The National Constitution Center Ducks the Issue

U-TURN: Obama Nominee Wodder Admits No Proven Case of Groundwater Contamination from Hydraulic Fract

Al Qaeda is to the USA what the PA is to Israel

Obama’s “Great Achievement” in Iraq: Another Dismal Failure?

The Debt Deal: We can see November from our house

Congress pushing McConnell Obama-as-Dictator plan behind the scenes?

The futility of trying to train a pig

Unprecedented Obama

Obama and Fat Cats work on fundraising for 2012

“Racists” and “Fascists” and Miscreants

The Oslo Maniac, Guilt by Association and Chinese Food

Lynching Herman Cain

The “Fix” is Out of Focus


Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Regime change

Being Poor in America

Of Saruman, Uruk-Hai, and Rep. Thaddeus McCotter

A Land Without History

Dispatches from the Shire

NAACP and EPA inflict heat prostration and death

Obama's Racial Spoils System

Obama's Failed Presidency

How the Obamas (and the Guilty Left) Can Pay More Taxes

Yes Dorothy, President Obama Is A Very Bad Wizard

Cloward-Piven Paradise Now?

NOAA's Climate Office: Precursor to Cap and Trade?

Humans to Blame for Mass Extinction

Using the Military for Politics

People turning against 'The Party of Government'

Why did Obama cave in the debt ceiling fight?

Pardon over Punishment

Herman Cain Snookered by Imam

Lessons from the Berlin Olympics

Coin of the Realm

The Most Dangerous War in the Middle East has Already Begun

Why It's Time to Speak about God Again

Stop the Atheists at Ground Zero

American by Birth, Exceptional by Choice

An Innocent in America

Obama and the Drug Cartels

Blame the Jews and Republicans

Atheists Cross Over 'Cross'

About that 'trigger' to automatically cut spending if Congress doesn't act...

Iran to announce fate of US hikers soon

Sources on the Hill: Tentative deal is reached

Reid: The perfect partisan record on voting to raise debt limit

Perry's Practical Point

First McDonald's in Bosnia Drawing Huge Crowds

'They sure as hell didn't call him a leader'

George Washington on Congress

Pages from the DNC Handbook

'Jesus is a Muslim and worships Allah'

BBC Nature - Giant fungus discovered in China

Climate Change Debunked? Not So Fast | Global Warming & Cloud Cover | Climate Change Skeptics | LiveScience

'Cowboys & Aliens': UFO Sightings in the Wild West | Extraterrestrials and UFOs | Space.com

Lair of the Beasts: Proof of Bigfoot - Mania.com

Rare amnesia leaves mother with 17 year memory gap - Telegraph

Egyptian tomb mystery may be world's first protractor - physics-math - 29 July 2011 - New Scientist

How long can you live after your head is chopped off? | Seattle's Big Blog - seattlepi.com

The Army's Bold Plan to Turn Soldiers Into Telepaths | Machine-Brain Connections | DISCOVER Magazine

Universal flu vaccine a 'step closer' - Telegraph

UFO fans latch onto report of underwater anomaly - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience - msnbc.com

Low Tide Reveals Rare Dinosaur Fossil - FoxNews.com

‪Gerald Celente on US debt insanity: Collapse inevitable‏ - YouTube

‪Peter Schiff: Rehab & diet for US gluttons‏ - YouTube

‪"This Whole NATO Operation Is Going Very Badly In Libya"‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul: Freeze the Budget and Stop Plundering the American People!‏ - YouTube

Investing in Gold is the Only Option for American Investors

Bradlee Dean’s Lawsuit Against MSNBC, Rachel Maddow Video

The Third American Republic and the Coming Constitutional Collision

Obama to Approve ‘Al-Qaeda Embassy’ in Washington

Is Bigfoot Real? Several "Sightings" in Northern California - KTXL

Pro-Romney group raises $12M

Romney opposes debt deal

Polygamist leader: God demands judge's removal

Muslims start fasting month amid Mideast turmoil

Ken Burns fan of cable's "Boardwalk Empire"

Lane Bryant Launches New Chantilly Lace Separates as Part of Cacique Intimates Collection

NASA going green with solar-powered Jupiter probe

Xinhua giant billboard flashes into Times Sq

Barak: Assad's 'fate has been sealed'

Egypt contracts Sinai Beduin to protect gas pipeline

IDF unveils special guided missile used in Lebanon, Gaza

US deficit: dodging the fundamentals

Peres to housing protesters: Your cause is legitimate

EU extends sanctions on Syria, warns of more

7/7 survivors end battle for public inquiry into bombings

London rally fades as FTSE 100 heavyweights lose gains

Short term US funding highly restricted

China backing for solar power

Iraq dusts off F-16s order

Supreme Court Justice Danziger to be questioned by police

Matt Damon Desperately Needs a Teleprompter

Morning Call Sheet: Woody, MTV at 30, Die Hard at 5, and Hollywood’s Favorite Child Rapist

‘Cowboys and Aliens’ Review: Plenty of Cowboys and Aliens, But Little Excitement

Michael Moore’s Traverse City Film Festival: More Left-wing ‘Do As I Say, Not As I Do’

Trailer Talk: ‘New Year’s Eve’ Looks Like ‘Valentine’s Day Redux

The James Bond Chronicles: ‘Moonraker’

Classic Hollywood on Wheels: I Drive Therefore I am… Free

‘Crazy Stupid Love’ Review: Great Performances, Witty Script

‘Friends with Benefits’: Partial Victory for Conservative Values

Klavan On The Culture » Captain America Versus the Unmentionable Enemy!

Everything that's wrong with Hollywood - NYPOST.com

'Inside Scientology' Author: 'They Have the Goods on Everybody' | The Wrap Media

Academy Poised to Enact New Rules Limiting Oscar Parties (Exclusive) - Hollywood Reporter

Rock ‘n’ conservative « Don Surber

AUDIO:Ignore the Media Spin, We Lost the Debt Ceiling Battle

Hard to Tell Where Palin Ends and the Tea Party Begins (and Vice Versa)

What the Debt Deal Means

Democrats Lost the Debt Ceiling Debate Because They No Longer Believe In Their Own Policies–Or Their Leader

- The D.C. Smurfs

Basic Economics for Financial Journalists and Other Dummies

Obama Wins! Announces Deal with GOP to Hike Debt Ceiling

Review: ‘Death by China-Confronting the Dragon’

Academic Freedom? Not if You’re a Conservative…or a Koch

Obstructionist Politics: Denying a Vote

Outlines of Debt Compromise Emerge

Debt and Duty

CARTOON:Obama Nation: The Incredible Shrinking President

Ex-Union Member Fights $200,000 Union Fine For Working Non-Union

‘Clean’ Balanced Budget Amendment Could Be Trap for Conservatives

Late Stab at Deal to Hike Debt Ceiling

Conservatives, Let’s Change Perceptions Now

The debt-ceiling deal: Winners and losers - The Washington Post

Why Won’t President Obama Suggest any Serious Spending Cuts?

When It Rains it Pours! Obama Losing Support Even Among African Americans

Washington Is Annoyed at Wall Street’s Failure to Panic

Tea Party Lawmakers Are the Only Honest Brokers in Washington

CNN’s Don Lemon Tries, Fails, to Understand the Debt Debate in Rand Paul Interview

NewsBusted: Is President Obama a Budget Cutter?

Media, Democrats, and the President Have Been in Lockstep with the Tea Party as Terrorists Message

The Slow Motion Train Wreck That is Al Sharpton’s Political Punditry

Jake Tapper: Boehner 3.0 Was Always at War with Oceania

Gays, Media, Ignore MSNBC Talker’s Gay Slur

New Summer Jam: “You’re Gonna Pay”

Rock Bottom: Chris Matthews Would Allow John McCain to Guest Host “Hardball”

- UI: Polishing Crap

Media Goes Locker Room on Bachmann

Al Sharpton Earns Riches with Radio Mediocrity

The Debt Ceiling Deal: Doing in Defense

Afghanistan: US May Halt Attacks Next Month Out Of Respect For Ramadan

Norway Massacre: The Unfair Attack On Mark Steyn

USMC Vs. Nudists: Bare Naked Bathers Invade Amphibious Assault Training Ground

After The Norway Massacre: The Nazis Are Not In Europe, They Are In The Middle East

The NYT’s Andrea Elliott Strikes Again: The Truth About Shariah

Syria: Tanks Move In On Protesters; Perhaps 1,000 Dead

Brad Thor’s Best Yet: Full Black

The Media, Absurdity and Knee-Jerk Analysis; Equating the Norway bombing and the Latest Fort Hood Incident.

CAIR: ‘Peter King Has An Obsessive Vendetta Against Muslim Americans’

Libyan Sues NATO For Killing His Family; No Word If UN Will Be Co-Defendant

Will Soldiers Get Paid? ‘I Honestly Can’t Answer That Question,’ Says JCS Chairman

Economists In Shock Over GDP Report

Egyptian Cleric: Those Are Not Jews In Israel; They Are ‘Foreign Riff-Raff’

Lighter, More Lethal .50 Cal On The Way

President Obama And Gulf Oil Drilling: Here’s How To Create Hundreds Of Thousands of Jobs and Tens of Billion in Wealth

Iran To Help Sudan Kill Black Africans

David Gregory Hosting Roundtable Discussion on God for Discovery Channel - TVNewser

CNN Launching Civil Rights Forum Series - TVNewser

Fretting Obama’s Moved Too Far to Right, Tea Party Like Reckless Teenagers, Journalists ‘Scared of Being Labeled Liberal’ | NewsBusters.org

Scarborough Rips Krugman: 'Blind Ideologue' Only Bloggers 'Still Living' in 'Mom's Basement' Care About | NewsBusters.org

Norway gunman 'wanted government to resign'

How to stop a jihadi GI - NYPOST.com

NJ Muslim: From 9/11 detainee lawyer to judge

Defense Hawks vs. Anti-Tax Hawks « Commentary Magazine

The phony-as-a-$3-bill debt deal | Gregg Easterbrook

Conservatives’ best argument for the deal - Right Turn - The Washington Post

The Legislation That Could Kill Internet Privacy for Good - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic


1-Aug-11 World View

31-Jul-11 World View


*31st/Transcript:Obama Announces Debt Ceiling Deal

29th/Obama Announces New Fuel Efficiency Standards

28th/Interview with White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley

Interview with Senator Rand Paul

Interviews with Senators Manchin and Paul

Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

Analysts Discuss the Debt Ceiling Negotiations

27th/Interview with Senator John McCain

Interview with White House Advisor David Plouffe

Guest: Senator Jeanne Shaheen

Interview with Senator Rand Paul

Interview with Representative Keith Ellison

Interview with Senator Mike Lee

Interview with Representative Allen West

26th/Interview with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor

Interview with Representative Jim Jordan

Senators Chambliss and Coburn on the Gang of Six

Panel on the Possible Debt Deals

Analysts Discuss the Debt Proposals

Interview with Senator Rand Paul

25th/Obama's Address to the Nation on the Debt Ceiling

Boehner's Address to the Nation on the Debt Ceiling

Interview with Senator Mike Lee

Guests: Representatives Blackburn and Andrews

Roundtable on the Latest in the Debt Fight

Analysts on the Latest in the Debt Ceiling Talks

Interview with 2012 Candidate Gary Johnson

Interview with White House Advisor David Plouffe

24th/Interviews w/Speaker Boehner & Secretary Geithner

Guests: Geithner, Feinstein, Price and Pawlenty

Guests: Kyl, Durbin, Warner, Chambliss and Daley

Interview with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner

Guests: Senator Coburn and White House COS Daley



*World Video:The Challenge Of Non-Communicable Diseases

U.S. Condemns Syrian Assault On Hama City

American Hikers In Iran Closer To Freedom?

Libyan Leader's Cult Of Personality

Small GDP Growth And U.S. Debt Hurts World Markets

Raw Video: Syrian Military Storms City

Easier To Get Out Of Cuba

Israel's Middle Class Uprises In Nationwide Protests

Blast In Helmund Kills At Least 6

Charting The IMF's Role

Google Vs. China

Norway: When Belief Justifies Murder

Egyptian Protesters Split Over Future Of Country


Markets Video: U.S. Economy Is Losing Its Cushion

Markets Video:Shiller & Siegel: How to Clean Up the Debt Mess?

Markets Video: Gartman: Deal Or No Deal, Two Trades Still Work

Markets Video: Corporate Insiders are Selling Faster Than Usual


Politics VideoCarney: Debt Deal "A Victory For The American People"

Iowa Ad: What If? Rick Perry For President 2012

Carney On Revenues In Compromise: "We Did Not Get That Done"

Rush Limbaugh Uncertain If Deal Is A Victory For Tea Party

Bachmann: Debt Deal Like Saying "We Embrace Being Greece"

Obama On Debt Deal: "This Chapter Is Over"

Sen. Bob Corker: Debt Deal Is A "Punt"

Plouffe Confident Debt Deal Will Pass

Trump: Debt Deal An "Embarrassment For The Country"

Rep. Barney Frank: "I Never Saw A Tax Cut Put Out A Fire"

31st/PIMCO's Bill Gross: Credit Downgrade Coming

Dem Congressman: Debt Deal A "Satan Sandwich"

Pelosi: We "May Not Be Able To Support" Deal

Krauthammer: This Is A Victory For The Tea Party

Obama: A Deal Has Been Reached

Krugman: "We Shouldn't Even Be Talking About Spending Cuts At All"

Chuck Todd: "There Hasn't Been A Lot Of Give On Either Side"

Cardin: "No Relationship Between Debt Ceiling And Spending"

Fineman: GOP Nominee Will Have A "Sister Souljah Moment"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On GOP & Debt Deal

Rep. McCarthy: "Now We're Cutting, Before We Were Spending"

"This Week" Panel On Budget Endgame

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Winners & Consequences Of Debt Fight

Sen. McConnell: Debt Deal Is "Very Close"

CBS' Schieffer Disappointed With Obama's Lack Of Action

Plouffe: Revenues Will Be In Any Long-Term Deficit Reduction

Sen. Schumer: "There Is No Final Agreement"


BBC News - Barack Obama announces US debt deal


Obama, congressional leaders strike debt deal to avoid default - latimes.com

The President Surrenders on Debt Ceiling - NYTimes.com

White House: Lot for Dems to love in deal - TheHill.com

Tea Party Debt Deal Win Due to Left Wing Void, End of War on Terror - The Daily Beast

Heroes, sidekicks do what Obama can’t - The Boston Globe

The debt deal: Disaster averted, decline straight ahead - The Washington Post

Political Animal - Extortion politics: a new form of governing

Boehner Got Best Debt Deal Possible, Despite Some Tea Party Grumbling - The Daily Beast

Did Obama capitulate — or is this a cagey move? - The Washington Post

To the intransigent go the spoils - FT.com

OPINION: Latin beat marks the opening shot in 2012 election campaign - TheHill.com

RealClearPolitics - Health Care Vote Highlights Obama's Challenge in Ohio

The Commonalities Between GOP Candidates Jon Huntsman and Mitt Romney -- New York Magazine

Planning & Executing the Mission to Get Bin Laden : The New Yorker

To Escape Chaos, a Terrible Debt Deal - NYTimes.com

Hold your applause … - chicagotribune.com

Debt-limit deal restores fiscal sanity

Despite Hints of Deal, Debt Limit Crisis Remains Unresolved - NYTimes.com

Debt Ceiling: House Rejects Democratic Proposal Amid Theatrics

Economy on the Brink of Double Dip Recession | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Debt-Ceiling Deal: The GOP Gets Its Way - The Daily Beast

James Pethokoukis | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters.com

US Debt Debate: Annihilating Democracy with the Tea Party - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Tempest in a Tea Party - NYTimes.com

Sen. Rubio: "Save The Whole House Or It Will All Burn Down" | RealClearPolitics

Tyranny of 87 must stop - CNN.com

Tuning Out the Democrats - NYTimes.com

Debt Crisis Shows Obama Lacks Presidential Skills - Mary Kate Cary (usnews.com)

Peggy Noonan wrong to call Obama a ‘loser’ or not loved - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Minds opening to libertarian ideas - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

The coming cyber wars - Boston.com

Getting Serious in Syria - Michael S. Doran and Salman Shaikh - The American Interest Magazine

Do Mortgage Bankers Ever Learn? - NYTimes.com

India's Most Important Exports: Brains and Talent - The Daily Beast

Review & Outlook: A Tea Party Triumph - WSJ.com

The Small Government Establishment Joins the Establishment - John Tamny - Political Economy - Forbes

Profiles: The Ringleader : The New Yorker

Low Bank Capital Is Next U.S. Fiscal Crisis: Simon Johnson - Bloomberg

Overseas Solutions To Washington’s Budget Deadlock - Reuven Brenner - Leapfrogging - Forbes

George Soros' Hedge Fund Closing Reflects Current Social Mood | Markets | Minyanville.com

Chinese Cities’ Risky Borrowing Binge - BusinessWeek

Steve Perlman's Wireless Fix - BusinessWeek

Mormon was an ancient prophet | Eye of Faith

Breivik, Bin Laden and moral equivalency » GetReligion

Statement by the President on the Occasion of Ramadan | The White House

There is No Religious Freedom: A Lesson from a ‘Pastafarian’ Stunt | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Paul Brandeis Raushenbush: The Karmapa: Tibetan Buddhism's Next Great Leader?

To see and know, first obey | Joel J. Miller

Stephen Hawking tackles Creation on 'Curiosity' - USATODAY.com

How an argument with Hawking suggested the Universe is a hologram

Thomas Edison's Creepy Talking Doll From 1890

Some Scientists Fear Computer Chips Will Soon Hit a Wall - NYTimes.com

Art criticism and computers: Painting by numbers | The Economist

Throwing dice gets to the truth about killing leopards - life - 29 July 2011 - New Scientist

World Population Hits 7 Billion After Boom in Developing World - Bloomberg

Lasers for the Dead: A Story About Gravestone Technology - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

Physicists Recreate 'End Of Time' in Lab - Technology Review

UNC News - Scientists map attack tactics of plant pathogens

Responsible Use of the Media | Daily News | NCRegister.com

Fouad Ajami: Barack Obama the Pessimist - WSJ.com

To Topple Assad, It Takes a Minority - NYTimes.com

Mary Ann Sieghart: How austerity is changing us - Mary Ann Sieghart, Commentators - The Independent

Planning & Executing the Mission to Get Bin Laden : The New Yorker

The Best and Worst Foreign Policy Presidents of the Past Century - Michael Cohen - International - The Atlantic

Korean Peninsula a Testing Ground For Future China-U.S. Relations | CHINA US Focus

In Syria, the government is the real rebel - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

RealClearWorld - Reuters - World - Jul 31, 2011 - Analysis: Kurds serve warning as U.S. withdrawal nears

China and the Afghan Endgame - Zhu Feng - Project Syndicate

Gregory Rodriguez: Zero-sum games in an interconnected world - latimes.com

Once again, Gadhafi finds a way to humiliate the west. - chicagotribune.com

Leading article: Giving ground to the Taliban - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

America in retreat - The Times of India

RealClearWorld - The Power of the Powerless in Belarus

The Battle Over Command and Control of the Pentagon's Cyber Forces - Brookings Institution

US-India defence ties: The limits to interoperability | East Asia Forum

China’s $2 Trillion Hole | The Diplomat

The Rise of the Macro-Nationalists - NYTimes.com

The Post-Fukushima Arms Race? - By Henry Sokolski | Foreign Policy

RealClearPolitics - A Proxy and a Conundrum

Siddiqui: Why Palestinians are looking to the UN - thestar.com

George Jonas: If cars use less oil, we can say farewell to OPEC | Full Comment | National Post

Patrick Cockburn: Why the West is committed to the murderous rebels in Libya - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Is Islam Compatible with Capitalism? by Guy Sorman, City Journal Summer 2011

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Rand Paul talks debt-ceiling debate with WND;GOP senator rejects 'fuzzy Washington math' of Boehner plan

Top anti-'birther' confirmed to be ex-Fannie Mae chief

Lead birther Orly Taitz still on case, questioning Obama’s Social Security number - The Washington Post

The birth certificate please! Subpoena to be delivered

Subpoena plans hit airwaves

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Bachmann cancels campaign stops to vote against debt deal - CNN.com

Interview with Tea Party Co-Founder Mark Meckler: 'We Have Compromised Our Way Into Disaster' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

US debt ceiling crisis: Obama and Boehner face backlash at 'fudged' last minute deal | Mail Online

Video: How Big is the U.S. Debt? - International News - News - Israel National News

Lead Obama not into temptation

Blinded Iranian acid victim pardons her attacker - Yahoo! News

Homeland Security surveillance detected on Christian website

U.S. grandmother strip-searched and jailed for 12 days in Canada after a jar of motor oil in her car was mistaken for heroin | Mail Online

Trump: I May Run for President if Economy Stays Bad - CNBC

Will Donald Trump give the election to Obama? | Greeley Gazette

Bachmann to her Iowa crowd by phone: Obama is scaring senior citizens | Iowa Caucuses

CPAC vote tally confirms GOProud out for 2012

Pentagon, CIA open targets for crippling attack?

Voters asked to stop sexual indoctrination of children

The Muslims and us: Worshiping the same God?

The Islamic Antichrist (Autographed) (Hardcover)

Iran may release detained US hikers soon, ... JPost - Middle East

Iran's missiles could soon reach U.S. shores

Cancer-stricken Ground Zero worker Edgar Galvis gets settlement check for zero dollars - NYPOST.com

Calls to drop name Ground Zero ahead of tenth anniversary of 9/11 attacks | Mail Online

Herbivores’ Nibbles Affect Climate Tales That Tree Rings Tell - NYTimes.com

Rick Perry's phony, selective constitutionalism

U.S.-financed strongman accused of backing al-Qaida

Pentagon, CIA open targets for crippling attack?

Anti-war group raised money for Fort Hood terror plotter

Homeland Security surveillance detected on Christian website

State of Arizona breaks silence on madness in 'Nazi'-cop town

CPAC balloting confirms GOProud out for 2012

Science stunner! 'Missing link' for 150 years and now it isn't?

Obamacare's fate in hands of Supreme Court?

Fallen televangelists find afterlife on the Internet

Stockton, Church, prayers, drive thru - KTXL

July 29, 2011 ~ Christians in the Holy Land | Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly | PBS

Modern Youth Ministry a '50-Year Failed Experiment,' Say Pastors, Christian News

Scientology book author reveals church's inner workings | Reuters

Patients 'free from cancer' after immune-boost treatment - Telegraph

Healthy eating: New study shows broccoli and similar veg kill cancer cells - chicagotribune.com

Two charged for leaving 10 children in car outside bar | Springfield News-Leader | News-Leader.com

Baby Attacked: Woman Attacks Infant in Stroller, Wanted to "Eat Baby's Arm" - KTXL

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Guilty: Boy, 16, who killed ex-girlfriend for free meal

Disagreement over texting at movie theater leads to assault charge | Northeast Tarrant |...

Woman Arrested For Calling 911 2000+ Times In One Month - KTXL

Hidden camera found in Darwin toilet | News | NT News | Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia | ntnews.com.au

Police to guard Melbourne child beauty pageant | News.com.au

Killers get life – and tongue lashing - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Researchers Say Vulnerabilities Could Let Hackers Spring Prisoners From Cells | Threat Level | Wired.com

Yosemite to cut down thousands of trees that are blocking views - latimes.com

Exploding Toilet Injures Air Force Man during Military Exercise

An electric plane you can (almost) buy - Technology & science - Future of Technology - msnbc.com

'Fluid cloak' to help submarines leave no wake - tech - 29 July 2011 - New Scientist

Man Possibly Killed by 19 Black Widow Spider Bites - FoxNews.com

Bus decapitation witnesses sue Greyhound | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

Oprah Winfrey being sued over 'Own Your Power' slogan - Celebrity News - Digital Spy

Billings cop attacks breath tests, gains mistrial

Stephen Baldwin 'carries a knife everywhere' - Celebrity News - Digital Spy

Here’s How U.S. Spies Will Find You Through Your Pics | Danger Room | Wired.com

15 Years in Prison For Taping the Cops? How Eavesdropping Laws Are Taking Away Our Best Defense Against Police Brutality | Investigations | AlterNet

Bailing out Obama

Like holy water on Linda Blair

Drug test Congress

Insanity-based budgeting

Rick Perry's phony, selective constitutionalism

Gee, another Muslim?

You call this leadership, Mr. President?

The legacy of Walter Reed

Taxpayer-funded 'gay' spaces anything but 'safe'

China's deadly utopia

We Must Destroy the Government in Order to Save It | Common Dreams

So you say you want a revolution?

The American Spectator : The Way Life Should Be Lived


Audio:Radicals planning street chaos in event of economic crisis? « Klein Online

Audio:Are Obama critics ‘racist’? Aaron argues with caller « Klein Online

Audio:Debt relief with Jackie Mason « Klein Online

Audio:‘Scandalous’ Obama picks probed « Klein Online


Hitler cat 'overlooked for adoption because of markings' - Telegraph

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Odd News :: Kitten in the wash

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Odd News :: Love a duck... Alice is saved by her mirror

Chinese boy has surgery to remove sword from head - Telegraph

College students show off "Street Cup Stacking" - Hurriyet Daily News

Jesus’ apostle’s tomb unearthed in Turkey - Hurriyet Daily News

BBC News - Doubts over authenticity of 'ancient Christian' books

Short clip explaining about the altar « The Tell es-Safi/Gath Excavations Official (and Unofficial) Weblog

Egypt's ancient royalty used serious weapons - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience - msnbc.com

Egyptian tomb mystery may be world's first protractor - physics-math - 29 July 2011 - New Scientist

Archaeology team returns to historic NY fort site

Traces of a 19th-Century Village Have Been Excavated in Central Park - New York News - Runnin' Scared

'Natural' flavor: Not so natural

Mysterious UFO made of polystyrene

Fisherman Jumps on Shark, Rides It 15 Feet Video – 5min.com

Amy Winehouse death is record label's fault, says Piers Morgan - Celebrity News - Digital Spy

Michael Douglas caught smoking again after beating throat cancer

Dog faking own death: The incredible puppy who fakes death for his canine pal | Mail Online

Dolphin healing ability offers import... JPost - Health & Science

Laguna Woods Coyote Attacks: Laguna Woods Votes to Allow Professionals to Shoot Coyotes - ktla.com

Fair goers line up for 1,500-calorie doughnut burger in N.Y. | News Bizarre | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Yum - or yuck? 20 freakish fried foods Pictures - CBS News

Pay overtakes job satisfaction as 'reason workers change jobs' - Telegraph

‪Sound of Jerusalem Bell from Second Temple Period‏ - YouTube

*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*1 Aud/31 July

American Minute for August 1st

American Minute for July 31st

August 1st This Day in History

July 31st This Day in History

Today in History: August 1

Today in History: July 31

August 1st in History

July 31st in History

August 1 Events in History

July 31 Events in History

Today in History: August 1

Today in History: July 31

‪Today in History for August 1st‏ - YouTube

‪Today in History for July 31st‏ - YouTube


Ravings of a Madman: Oslo Killer’s Last Video Manifesto Revealed

High-Speed Rail Disaster in China

Will outrage over bloody pre-Ramadan crackdown in Syria move UN to act? - CSMonitor.com

For Breivik, insanity tough to prove, hard to fake | Reuters

Chinese say Islamic radicals were behind violence in Kashgar - latimes.com

African migrants found dead on overcrowded boat bound for Italy | World news | The Guardian

RTT News

China Imposes Blackout on Coverage of High-Speed Train Wreck - NYTimes.com

Xbox Gamer Dies of Blood Clot After Marathon Session - FoxNews.com

Sources: 16 dead in Yemen violence - CNN

Does Lollapalooza $hort Chicago? | WBEZ

Gov. Quinn signs Illinois Dream Act - chicagotribune.com

Illinois governor signs college scholarship bill - Connecticut Post

Obama to head home for 50th birthday fundraiser - chicagotribune.com

Merlin Media: Chicago's FM News 101.1 launches - Chicago Tribune

Zeppelin impresses at Oshkosh air show - chicagotribune.com

Inmates Begin Cleaning Animal Kennels | NBC Chicago

Chicago Charters Ask Public Schools For More Money, And A Debate Takes Shape

Illinois lawmakers in Congress-- Durbin, Kirk, Walsh, Schakowsky-- react to debt deal, compromise | abc7chicago.com

Media: August 2011 : Illinois Entertainer

Early Oak Park Developer’s Home Sells Quickly - Deal Estate - August 2011 - Chicago

OWN Adds The Rosie Show, Best of Oprah to Lineup

Charges against woman reported missing in Lake Michigan - chicagotribune.com

Despite Heat, McCartney Rocks Wrigley Field | NBC Chicago

Halle Berry -- Permanent Restraining Order Against Obsessed Fan | TMZ.com

NBC sets 2012 premieres for The Voice, Smash - HitFix.com

Amy Winehouse allegedly planned to adopt 10-year-old St. Lucia girl - Reality TV World

Robert De Niro will host award-winning 9/11 film on CBS to mark 10th anniversary - NYPOST.com

I Want My MTV - East Brunswick, NJ Patch

Heidi Montag Spencer Pratt On Plastic Surgery, 'The Hills,' Reality TV - The Daily Beast

'Cowboys & Aliens': Five lessons to take away - latimes.com

Charlie Sheen Starring in Big Brother? Here's the Real Deal... - E! Online


The President Surrenders on Debt Ceiling - NYTimes.com



Republicans' Debt Ceiling Charade Is Downright Dangerous | Swampland


The end of Big Oil? - Term Sheet

Mark A. Barondess: Follow the Example of Gene Simmons?

Twitter: Yup, We Just Raised Another Significant Round Of Funding

Edge Keeps Adobe Relevent In a World without Flash | PCWorld Business Center

LulzSec Teen Bailed Out, Had 750,000 Records

Bing Gains Cost Microsoft Millions -- InformationWeekBing Gains Cost Microsoft Millions - windows Blog

Google purchases 1,029 patents from IBM - TechSpot News

Booming data center electricity use slows | Green Tech - CNET News

Using an old browser may indicate low IQ: Study

Google Acquires A Startup That Shows Daily Deals On Maps

New Yorker: We've Got 20,000 iPad Subscribers | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Ford's Sync Gets Price Cut, As Competitors Turn Up the Heat

Will restaurants add Google+ to crowded social media plates? | QSRweb.com

Vimeo Launches Affordable Vimeo PRO Commercial Hosting | Studio Daily

NASA going green with solar-powered Jupiter probe

PhotoBlog - Different angle on the space station

Shark Week Begins With Andy Samberg's 'In Your Face' Shark Officer - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Seattle's Space Needle Wants to Send Someone to Space | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

'Explosive' population growth threatens developing nations, says UN | TG Daily

U.S. Physicists Explore the Mystery of Crop Circles [VIDEO] | IBTimes TV

Italy's Fiery Mount Etna Erupts Again | Mount Etna Eruption 2011, Volcano Eruption | Our Amazing Planet

More Asian Carp Testing - AM 1590 WTVB The Voice of Branch County

Scientists say wind reduces Chesapeake Bay dead zones - Environment - MiamiHerald.com

Joustra: Space shuttles a reminder of America's more ambitious times

Climate change debunked? Not so fast - US news - Environment - LiveScience - msnbc.com

Arctic scientist who exposed climate threat to polar bear is suspended | Environment | The Guardian

Foreign Policy: Sharks Swimming With The Fishes? : NPR

SpaceX eyes November 30 cargo launch to space station | Reuters

Plants draw bats by harnessing sound - latimes.com

Sea turtles are off and swimming in annual migration marathon | FLORIDA TODAY | floridatoday.com

Antarctic ice and future sea level rise: big questions

Oxygen Molecules Discovered in Deep Space for First Time | Herschel Space Observatory & Infrared Astronomy | Orion Nebula & Space Images | Space.com

Groovy Giant Asteroid Spins in New NASA Video | Wired Science | Wired.com

‪Mount Etna erupts again: Video of volcanic flames, lava fountains‏ - YouTube

The Debt Deal: Barack Obama's Big Mistake - International Business Times

Budget analysis says debt-limit deal saves $2.1 trillion - On Politics - USATODAY.com

IMF Backs U.K. Bid to Exceed Basel Bank Rules in Clash With EU - Bloomberg

Colon Cleansing? Serious Side Effects Related To The Procedure

The Associated Press: Chavez, undergoing chemotherapy, shaves off hair

Drinking wine could help to stop sunburn - Telegraph

Chewing more helps people eat less, study says - HealthPop - CBS News

Recall: Prepared food at RaceTrac, Starbucks | wtsp.com

Purina recalls cat food possibly contaminated by salmonella - chicagotribune.com

‪Congress to vote on last-minute US debt deal‏ - YouTube

Blistering July heat leaves records smoldering - USATODAY.com

The Associated Press: Student survey calls Ohio U top party school in US

Ramadan around the world - The Washington Post

Anthony Sowell sentencing to begin - Crimesider - CBS News

Higher ed group says professor fired for Hurricane Katrina findings | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

It’s hard to ignore Perry, but about that straw poll … | Iowa Caucuses

Judge sets Blagojevich sentencing for Oct. 6 - chicagotribune.com

Md. immigrant tuition bill heads to court - Maryland Politics - The Washington Post

Little Tokyo Robbery: Blind Woman Choked (VIDEO)

12 injured in Newton crash involving garbage truck and passenger van, police say from Metro Desk

McCain: I'd "swallow hard" on defense cuts - CBS News

Investigators in missing teen case at SC motel - WSJ.com

Report: Female body found by searchers near dam - SentinelSource.com: Local News

Casey Anthony ordered back to Orlando in check fraud case - CNN.com


**NEWS VIDEOS:CBS News’ Nora O’Donnell: ‘Where are the Tax Revenues?’, ‘We Got Nothing’

‘We’ve Had It!’; Dem Rep Conyers Calls for Protests at the White House

Pelosi and Dems ‘May Not Be Able to Support’ Debt Deal

Krauthammer: Tea Party Should Declare Victory

Congressional Black Caucus Chief: Debt Deal a ‘Satan’s Sandwich’

CNN’s Lemon Lets His Agenda Invade Interview with Rand Paul

Cramer: Obama Caused Panic

31ST/Obama: We Have a Deal

New Ethics Questions for Rangel

Coulter: It’s Fun to Keep Making Dems Vote Against Balanced Budget Amendment

Obama’s Top Admiral Tells Troops They Might Not Get Paid Due to Debt Debate

GOP Rep to Obama: Stop Tweeting and Get Something Done

NBC News: Tea Party Victorious, ‘We’re Now Talking About Cuts Only’

Testy Schumer Blames GOP for Admiral’s Threat of Witholding Troops’ Pay: ‘Talk to Them’

Reid Bill Goes Down; Senate in Recess

Rand Paul: Obama Manufactured this Crisis

Dem Rep to GOP: ‘Stop Fragging the American People’

Colts Re-sign Manning to Long-term Deal

Deal, or No Deal?

30TH/Democrat Farce in Senate: Reid Filibusters Own Bill

Out with Old, In with New: Rubio Debates Kerry on Senate Floor

Pelosi: Boehner Turned to ‘Dark Side’

Wasserman-Schultz: GOP Debt Plan Causes Pain

Politics of Personal Destruction: CNN Reports on Lawmakers’ Personal Debt

Putin’s ‘Army’ Girls Wash Russian-Made Cars in Bikinis

Vision of Competence: Reid’s Cell Phone Interrupts Own Press Conference

Child Dies in Box: 4 Family Members Arrested

Sharpton Embarrasses NBC News with Laughable Boehner Plan House Vote Coverage

29TH/The Speaker Roars: ‘This House has Acted’

Lib Pundit Carlson: GOP ‘Strapped Explosives to the Capitol’

28TH/CNN’s Morgan Embroiled in British Hacking Scandal

Big Government Contributor: Obama and Holder Knew About ‘Fast & Furious’

HuffPo Contributor Compares Tea Party with Taliban; Says They Oppose President Because He’s Black

27TH/Embattled Dem Rep Refuses to Resign Before Debt Vote

Reporter Attacked During Live Shot

Trump: ‘Obama is Totally Lost’

Al Franken’s Theatre of the Absurd Hits the Senate Floor

25TH/DSK Maid: ‘They’re Gonna Kill Me’

24TH/Grandma Marries Grandma in New York