"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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25 July 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

Collapse of America :: New World Order Blog

Wallbuilders Live [07/22/2011]

Washington's Blog:Ron Paul "We Don't Have To Cut Medicare Or Social Security To Get Our House In Order"

Obama's here to stay – regardless

White House: Economy is ‘vastly improved’ under Obama – Glenn Beck

How Obamacare Is Holding Back Business | myHeritage

The PJ Tatler » As Long as Taxpayers Remain Conned into Guaranteeing Student Loans They Cannot Be Discharged in Bankruptcy

Drug cartel sending U.S. weapons to Mexico - UPI.com

Pajamas Media » Worse Than Gunwalker? State Dept. Allegedly Sold Guns to Zetas

Buying Passivity With Food Stamps and Unemployment Checks – How Much Longer Until the Status Quo Unravels? | AmpedStatus

No Win Puppet Show 2012: Romney and Obama Already Bowing to Their Masters | David DeGraw

Obama Is A Bankster Puppet “Who Brought On The Depression That The Republicans Never Could Have Gotten Away With” | AmpedStatus

Homeland Security Alert: Financial Terrorist Hank Paulson Comes Out of Hiding With More Threats, Enters Deficit Talks As They Suddenly Collaspe | David DeGraw

Activist Post: Post-Apocalyptic Predictive Programming For The Whole Family

Military Equipment Positioning, No Fly Zones, And Troop Movements (Pics) :

Truckers Report Moving Military Equipment Across U.S, FEMA Involved! :

RECON ALERT: Suspicious Military Convoy Seen Near Kentucky Tennessee Border :

U.S. Law Allows Chemical and Biological Testing On Populace :

Prison Planet.com » Oslo Police Conducted Bombing Exercise Days Before Terrorist Blast

Oslo Police Do Bomb Exercise Days Before Blasts | Before It's News

“White al-Qaeda” Targeted As Western Governments Turn Terror Apparatus Inward :

The Corbett Report | The Murdoch Empire: How media shapes society

Pajamas Media » The Future of Obama’s Stealth Gun Control

Pajamas Media » The Assault Weapons Ban: How Silly Was It? (Part One)

Pajamas Media » The Assault Weapons Ban: How Silly Was It? (Part Two)

Talk-radio host launches news website

Norway shooter: Right-wing Christian or fairy tale?

Tea partiers get restless with Republican leadership

China’s Transition to Democracy | Epoch Times


*Fulfilling Orwell's Prophecy: 15 Futuristic Films You Should See


Byron Dale speaks to the Tea Party Movement 1 of 12

Byron Dale speaks to the Tea Party movement 2 of 12

Byron Dale speaks to the Tea Party Movement 3 of 12

Byron Dale speaks to the Tea Party movement 4 of 12

Byron Dale speaks to the Tea Party movement 5 of 12

Byron Dale speaks to the Tea Party Movement 6 of 12

Byron Dale speaks to the Tea Party Movement 7 of 12

Byron Dale speaks to the Tea Party Movement 8 of 12

Byron Dale speaks to the Tea Party Movement 9 of 12

Byron Dale speaks to the Tea Party Movement 10 of 12

Byron Dale speaks to the Tea Party Movement 11 of 12

Byron Dale speaks to the Tea Party Movement 12 of 12


So Simple Even a Cartoon Can Do It! Part 1

So Simple Even a Cartoon Can Do It! Part 2


Beware of a Possible False Flag Event: Media & Feds Pushing Fear For The 10th Anniversary of 9/11 :

Analyzing The Oslo Attacks: Terrorist Event Or False Flag Distraction?

Analyzing The Oslo Attacks Part Two: If It Was A False Flag, Who Was Behind It?

Analyzing The Oslo Attacks Part Three: More Information And Even More Unclear

Mossad, CIA and NATO Attack Democracy in Oslo, Norway :

‪The Aftermath Of The Norway Oslo Terror Attacks/Explosion!!‏ - YouTube


‪Profiling an Islamic Fundamentalist‏ - YouTube


Is AG Holder Lying? Fast & Furious, Part 1

Is AG Holder Lying? Fast & Furious, Part 2


‪Israel,The Promised Land of Organized Crime -David Duke ( Full Version)‏ - YouTube


Broke! 10 Facts About The Financial Condition Of American Families That Will Blow Your Mind

Mass psychosis in the US - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

'Lost tribe' of Mallorca Jews welcomed back to the faith 600 years later | World news | guardian.co.uk

savethemales.ca - Diet is Key to Spiritual Advancement

Activist Post: The world’s largest human experiment part two: why Europeans (and everyone else) should be worried

Google has made us stupid: How search engine has rewired our memory to leave us forgetful | Mail Online

Mozart died at 35 'because he didn't get enough sun' | Mail Online

Poor memory? Blame Google | Science | The Guardian

Why Americans can't afford to eat healthy - David Sirota - Salon.com

Event Horizon Chronicle: Remote Viewing The "Event" -- 666 Days And Counting

Activist Post: Nude, bound woman found dead in Big Pharma CEO’s home; no criminal investigation yet

Activist Post: Stealing the World...Country By Country

Corporate Water World | Reality Sandwich

savethemales.ca - Obama - Political Equivalent of a Suicide Bomber?

Astronomical Fashion Flips

RENAVIGATING THE HUMAN PROCESS: ALDOUS HUXLEY & JOHN C. LILLY: 20th CENTURY VISIONARIES (whose messages are more important now than ever)

Down on the farm, investors see big potential - Business - US business - msnbc.com

‪Rense & Celente - Stop The Debt Sellers‏ - YouTube

Paul Drockton M.A.: Freak Happenings in Utah 2

‪Rense & Devvy - Dangerous Smart Meters‏ - YouTube


Why Smart Meters Produce Higher Bills

‪Poisoned Horses Excerpts‏ - YouTube


The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust (Part 1)

The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust (Part Two)

The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust (Part Three)


THE QUIET COUP: The implementation of Agenda 21 « The PPJ Gazette

‪Rense & Oates - Shocking NASA Reversals Reveal Mars, Space Secrets‏ - YouTube

GM Crops Farmer to Farmer - The Truth about GM Crop Farming | Farm Wars

‪Rense & Jordan Maxwell - Democracy Now Equals Enslavement‏ - YouTube

Bohemian Grove mystery broken down — RT

Post 9/11 Era and Radicalism | Opinion Maker


*Universe The Cosmology Quest Part 1 of 2/53:19



Barack Obama accused of crimes against humanity for Osama bin Laden killing - Telegraph

Bible manuscripts a mass of variations

GMO Deregulation: An act of war | Farm Wars

savethemales.ca - Masonic Blackmail Behind Murdoch Scandal?

The USDA “Invasive Species” Sham « The PPJ Gazette

Population to hit 7bn by the end of October with five babies born every second | Mail Online

Biofuel demand in US driving higher food prices, says report | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Govern America | The Restore America Plan (T.R.A.P.)

Military-Industrial Journalism | Common Wonders

CERN 'gags' physicists in cosmic ray climate experiment • The Register

The Energy at the Earth’s Core | Oil Price.com

Multimetallic Nanomachines: Magnetic and Chemical Power Combine :: MaterialsViews

First God Created Idiots - Practice For Creating Politicians

savethemales.ca - "Jack the Ripper" was Winston Churchill's Father

Sinkholes around the world | World news | guardian.co.uk

9/11 Survivors Will Not Be Allowed to Attend Ground Zero Commemoration - New York News - Runnin' Scared

Bankrupt-Bailed-Out-Government-Owned-Tax-Free-Overseas-Job-Outsourcing GE Tells American Business Owners, 'Stop Complaining About Big Government' | Sad Hill News

Wealthy Suburbs Not Immune To Hunger Struggle - CTnow

In Pictures: How To Protect Your Dignity From The TSA - Airport Security - Forbes.com

‪MORIS Handheld Iris/Face/Fingerprint Biometric Recognition Device‏ - YouTube

Unconstitutional DHS Actions at New Level: VIPR Exercizes ‘Dominate, Intimidate, Control’

Jimstonefreelance.com - Digital stepping in the Aurora Borealis

savethemales.ca - Planned Pedophilia, UN Style

Activist Post: Beyond absurd: Obama thinks 80% of Americans want more taxes

‪The Photoshop Effect‏ - YouTube


‪*1:30:00/Food, Inc.‏ - YouTube


‪ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens!‏ - YouTube

*G. Edward Griffin

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order


GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination « The PPJ Gazette

Undernews: Who holds America's debt?

Audit: Fed gave $16 trillion in emergency loans | The Raw Story

savethemales.ca - Was Sinking the Titanic an Insurance Scam?

U.S. wastes $34 billion in Afghan and Iraq contracting - Yahoo! News

Something rotten in the state of Norway

Breaking: Camp In Norway Where Shooting Occurred Had Just Concluded Pro-Palestinian Rally The Day Before :

Phone hacking: 7/7 victims fear police passed numbers to News of the World | Media | The Observer

George Osborne's relationship with Murdoch under scrutiny - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Phone hacking: Police chief Andy Hayman paid for champagne dinners with News of the World journalists - Telegraph

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Dead newsman’s computer seized

Tea with Tony and dinner with Cherie – how the Murdochs wined and dined the Blairs | Media | The Observer

More Blatant Murdoch Propaganda - David Icke Website

Iranian nuclear scientist assassinated by gunmen on motorbikes | Mail Online

Norway attacks: Utøya gunman boasted of links to UK far right | World news | The Observer

Norway police admit to taking 90 minutes to reach island after shooting began - The Globe and Mail

Anders Behring Breivik posted YouTube video 6 hours before Norway attacks | Mail Online

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Princess Diana police face arrest

Euro Weekly News | The ‘Belle 8-3-11’ mystery grows | Costa del Sol | News | The Largest English Language Newspapers in Spain

‪Strange anomaly was found during a sonar UFO or stonehenge standing on the bottom ?‏ - YouTube

‪How Green Is Your Internet? - (HUNGRY BEAST)‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Homeschool, Anti-vaccine Family Ripped Apart by CPS: Chronology of a Kidnapping

Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against U.S. carriers - Washington Times

Embryos involving the genes of animals mixed with humans have been produced secretively for the past three years | Mail Online

‪Banned US Commercial about the national debt‏ - YouTube

Walnuts Are Drugs, Says FDA

Beware 'Planet of the Apes' experiments that could create sci-fi nightmare | Mail Online

Steve Jones tells the BBC: don't give 'denialists' so much air-time - Telegraph

Paul Drockton M.A.: Masonic Symbolism Behind Norway Shooter

Paul Drockton M.A.: Norway Shooter, Israel and Albert Pike

Their Blood Is Not Just On Breivik’s Hands | Mantiq al-Tayr

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: Was the Massacre in Norway a reaction to BDS?

Alarming ‘dead zone’ grows in the Chesapeake - The Washington Post

Activist Post: USDA Wants Hipster Farmers

The List Everyone Is Talking About « Government Gone Wild

‪The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See‏ - YouTube

Bill Gates Artificial Clouds Have Hidden Dark Linings

savethemales.ca - Default? Don't Put it Past Them!

Dream Act: Obama passes amnesty by executive order | Tea Party Tribune - Tea Party & Political News

‪Ron Paul vs Mitt Romney CPAC 2011 Speech Comparison‏ - YouTube

A visualization of US debt (credit card bill) stacked in 100 dollar bills

The Whole Wheat Hoax

Astronomers Find Largest, Most Distant Reservoir of Water - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Connecting the Dot Machine. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Puppets In Revolt

The Mob - Local and International Crime Syndicate Coverage - NY Daily News

Latin American Herald Tribune - Mexico Says First Trucks to Operate in U.S. by Early September

‪9/11 Attacks - George Bush, Condoleezza Rice - Who'd a thunk?‏ - YouTube

7/7 ‘was a plot by the Government’ | The Sun |News

A Modern Kidnapping on U.S. Soil | Veterans Today

Google Bows to Web Rivals - WSJ.com

U.S. firms say foreign-bribe law lacks clarity - The Washington Post

Steve Jones' BBC Trust Review on global warming is not to be trusted | Mail Online


‪Rense & Dr Judy Wood - Where Did The Towers Go?‏ - YouTube

‪Rense & Dr Judy Wood - Where Did The Towers Go? Part 2‏ - YouTube



Norway Notes – Breaking Story: The Second Tragedy is the Lies

Odd Connections: Murdoch, Wikileaks and Everything

9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview

The news coverage of the Norway mass-killings was fact-free conjecture | Charlie Brooker | Comment is free | The Guardian

Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag: More Than One Shooter on Island; Oslo Police Drilled Bomb Blasts; Was It NATO’s Revenge for Norway’s Decision to Stop Bombing Libya? « TARPLEY.net

Activist Post: Direct attacks near Gaddafi’s residence in Tripoli, NATO confirms 7 airstrikes

You all must die: Anders Behring Breivik called us all together before calmly opening fire | Mail Online

Did Israel’s Mossad Do 9/11? | Real Zionist News

Pentagon Warning Order: 'Prepare for War' (By September?)

The Oslo Attacks - Comment And Analysis


*Article Links:Weekly Southern African Report


Devvy Kidd -- Investigate Obama's Criminal Fraud - 5-23-11


‪*45 min/Inside LSD-Full Length Documentary‏ - YouTube


Link Between Breivik and Israeli Mossad? - BlackListedNews.com

Second Man “Seized by Special Forces” in Norway - BlackListedNews.com

“White Alqaeda” targeted as western governments turn terror apparatus inward - BlackListedNews.com

Norway massacre: Teenager begged Anders Behring Breivik for mercy | Mail Online

Rothschild Bank AND Goldman Sachs Are Both On The LIST Of Bondholders Getting U.S. Taxpayer Billions In Ireland - Home - The Daily Bail

The city of Central Falls, Rhode Island says they are so broke they had to give their retirees a dreaded ultimatum — give up 50% of your pension or risk losing it all. - BlackListedNews.com

Activist Post: GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination

25 Reasons To Absolutely Despise Bankers And Their Minions | Video Rebel's Blog

Japan Not Sure Where the Nuclear Contaminated Beef Is - BlackListedNews.com

Euro debt crisis: The EU - a byword for waste, financial chaos and unaccountability | Mail Online


*1:19:00 /Tim Wallace-Murphy Lectures on Hidden Wisdom- YouTube

‪*47 min/The mysterious origin of man‏ - YouTube


Murdoch Threat To Expose Obama As “Christ-Child” Ignites Western Fury

14 dead and 53 other wounded after string of deadly weekend shootings | Mail Online

You hack, we shoot: Pentagon discusses armed counterstrikes to cyberattacks - CSMonitor.com

The FBI’s new tools - The Washington Post

+Norwegian police arrest six in Oslo raids | BreakingNews.ie


SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex


*Photos of two Norway terror attacks, an Oslo explosion and Utoya Island camp shooting, allegedly by Anders Behring Breivik - NYPOST.com


Norway judge: Terror suspect mentioned '... JPost - International

CURL: Is Obama a pathological liar? - Washington Times

Obama: FDR Was 'Fiscally Conservative' | CNSnews.com

Norway suspect: Serbia bombing 'tipped the scales'

Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel: DEA unravels a cocaine cartel web - latimes.com

Sources: Young woman accuses Oregon Rep. David Wu of aggressive, unwanted sexual encounter | OregonLive.com

At least 11 wounded in Kent car show shootings - seattlepi.com

Automakers Warn of Huge Job Losses Under Obama Fuel Efficiency Plan - FoxNews.com

Blog: Chicken Liberals

'Strike' on Mexican drug cartel nabs dozens in Texas | Chronicle | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Bulldog dies from barking while boarded at Riverside Animal Clinic in Manhattan's Fort George - NYPOST.com

Latest S. Fla scam involves wired cash, death threats - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com

Father of Norway mass murderer Breivik: my son should have killed himself - Telegraph

'Super Congress': Debt Ceiling Negotiators Aim To Create New Legislative Body

Activist Post: GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination

Norway massacre suspect driven by "crusade" - Yahoo! News

Oslo Gunman claims he is a leading member of a "re-founded" Knights Templar - BlackListedNews.com

Who owns America? Hint: It's not China - BlackListedNews.com

Max Keiser - On The Federal Reserve - BlackListedNews.com

Activist Post: From 3 to 4,500: What laws have you broken today?

Activist Post: Freedom Rider: Prison Slave Labor


+Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts | Unelected.org


+July'11/GAO Fed Investigation




‪Staged Terror Attack On Norway! 1/1‏ - YouTube

‪Staged Terror Attack On Norway! 2/2‏ - YouTube


‪'Neo-Nazi, masonic-lodge mindset - Norway's new brand of terror'‏ - YouTube

Was Norway's Terrorism Timed to Celebrate Israel's King David Hotel Attack? - Salem-News.Com

Norway killer: many within far-right share Anders Breivik's ideas - Telegraph

The English Defence League, the Jewish division and the useful idiots – Telegraph Blogs

The Norway Terrorist Attack: "News without Facts". "Experts" on Jihad and "Muslim Terrorism"

Washington's Blog:"DC Is a Big Bag of Suck That Couldn't Solve a Rubik's Cube If It Were All One Color"

Chris Whalen & Josh Rosner With Kathleen Hays On Banks, Bailouts, Europe, Dodd-Frank And The Debt Ceiling - Home - The Daily Bail

Poverty in America: 2010

If government created money instead of debt: Thomas Edison - National Nonpartisan | Examiner.com

Mossad, CIA and NATO Attack Democracy in Oslo, Norway :

U.S. Law Allows Chemical and Biological Warfare Agent Testing On Civilian Populations

Paul Drockton M.A.: Norway Shooter, Israel and Albert Pike

Mossad Was Behind 2011 Oslo Attacks | BobTuskin.com

Elizabeth Warren & Bill Maher Discuss Usury And The Credit Card Bill Of Rights - Video - Home - The Daily Bail

Rent Is Too Damn High Interrupts Peter Schiff At CPAC - Home - The Daily Bail

People Begin Living Without Electricity And Water In California - Squatters In Their Own Homes (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

Rep. Marcy Kaptur Warned About Foreclosure Fraud 2 Years Ago: "They can't find the paper up there on Wall Street, Make Them Prove They Own Your Loan" (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

Activist Post: Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Maize Fields

S&P Warns Of U.S. Death Spiral, Obama's NEXT Bailout, Moody's Cuts Greece AGAIN, Banks Challenge $8.5B BofA Settlement, Unconstitutional SUPER Congress (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

9/11: Who Really Benefited?

Activist Post: 6 Ways Food is Being Used as a Weapon

iDanger! Viewing 3D on your smartphone harms your sight and gives you headaches | Mail Online

‪7/23/2011 -- Volcanic "event" in southern CA -- Pisgah Cratre -- Bullion Mountains‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Debt Ceiling: 7 Reasons Why August 2nd Isn't the End of the World

Revolutionary Politics : 7-24-11 - Ron Paul to Congress- Stop Stealing from the American People

The Fix Is In: Washington's Planned Social Contract Destruction by Stephen Lendman

Why was Anders Breivik visiting Lake Elmo MN last year? - Yahoo! Answers

Don’t Get Caught Holding Dollars When The U.S. Default Arrives | www.track-cell-phones.com

Was the Norway massacre a reaction to the boycott Israel campaign? > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

Lone Star Watchdog: Fear Not A Dollar Collapse,Why Lament a Failed System Based on Fraud

Norway: "We will not be Naive" - A Watershed Moment | Wake Up From Your Slumber

Media Blames Al-Qaeda Knowing Pro-Israeli Extremists Conducted Oslo Attacks - Jersey City Civil Rights | Examiner.com

Super Congress? Congress May Attempt To Create New Legislative Body, As Rumors Of “Super Congress” Begin :

A Modern Kidnapping on U.S. Soil | Veterans Today


Steve Jones' BBC Trust Review on global warming is not to be trusted | Mail Online

U.S. Fears of Economic Collapse Prompted NATO War of Aggression

Studies confirm link between cholesterol drugs and higher rates of diabetes



Nuclear Power Is Extremely Safe -- That's the Truth About What We Learned From Japan - FoxNews.com

Witnesses Suggest Second Shooter Involved in Norway Youth Camp Rampage - FoxNews.com

Mass Psychosis in the US

Norwegian police release six suspects in Oslo bombing | World | RIA Novosti

The first ever GAO (Government Accountability Office) audit of The FED was released Sunday, July 24 revealing $16 TRILLION IN SECRET BAILOUTS | Before It's News

Right-Wing Pundits Jumped To Blame Muslims And ‘Jihadists’ For Norway Attacks | ThinkProgress

‪Proof Conservatives Framed In Norway‏ - YouTube

‪Norway Police Knew Shooters Name Before Capture‏ - YouTube

+2 Part/Prison Planet.com » Alex Jones & Webster Tarpley: Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag Staged Event

Prison Planet.com » Police Knew Gunman’s Name Before Arrest

Norway Shooting Suspect Anders Breivik: Attacks Were Revenge for 'Treason' - ABC News

Norway mass-killer seeks show-trial celebrity | The Raw Story

Prison Planet.com » ‘Neo-Nazi, masonic-lodge mindset – Norway’s new brand of terror’

U.S. money ended up in Taliban hands: report | The Raw Story

Prison Planet.com » Anders Behring Breivik: Manufacturing a Patsy?

Prison Planet.com » ‘Norway Killer’ Anders Breivik – ‘big ego, religious, possibly brainwashed’

Norway gunman expected to plead not guilty to terrorism charges in court | World news | The Guardian

Norway killer Anders Behring Breivik called Gordon Brown and Prince Charles 'traitors' - Telegraph

No permanent U.S. bases in Afghanistan: U.S. ambassador | The Raw Story

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Accuser Tells Her Story in Exclusive ABC News Interview - ABC News

Prison Planet.com » Why Norway’s worst mass killer will be given a jail sentence of only 21 years… and could be on weekend parole in seven

Prison Planet.com » Bank Financed Drug Gang Plans to Overthrow Mexican Government Next Year

Poll: Ron Paul within ‘hailing’ distance of Obama | The Raw Story

Speaker Boehner: President Obama 'worried about his next election' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Prison Planet.com » NBC News’ Latest Hire Vowed Not to Criticize Obama Over Anything

Americans for Tax Reform evacuated after bomb threat | The Daily Caller

Prison Planet.com » Navy vet arrested after taping police on cell phone

Prison Planet.com » The end of privacy

‘Islamophobic’ Bloggers, Scholars Blamed for Norway Outrage | CNSnews.com

Breakthrough hailed in quest for 'God particle' - Science, News - The Independent

Prison Planet.com » A professor speaks out: money has corrupted our global warming debate


Universe - The Cosmology Quest Pt 1

Universe - The Cosmology Quest Pt 2


** Expert Who Concluded WTC 7 Was A Controlled Demolition Killed In Car Accident Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Sustainability In All Things Except Rational Thinking Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mutilated pro-Gaddafi soldiers found dead in rebel-controlled area – report — RT

‪Fears of rebel atrocities after Gaddafi troops found dead, mutilated‏ - YouTube

» Man Who Knew Anders Behring Breivik Says He Was Brainwashed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Europol to Investigate Non-Islamic Terror Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Calling CNN About David Gergen & The Bohemian Grove Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Is It Too Late To Buy American? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Debt Crisis Being Used as Shock Doctrine to Steal More Money from the People Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Algeria denies reports of arms ship for Gaddafi | Top News | Reuters

» Facebook– Pied Piper of the New World Order’s technological control grid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Perry County mother charged with unlawfully entering school bus to help a son she thought was ill | PennLive.com

» GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. Army ready to license technology that can diagnose exposure to toxic agents | Government Security News

Federal court employee from Texas found murdered in Mexico | The Raw Story

» TED Talks Propaganda: ‘Grassroots’ youth democracy movement to battle global terror Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Snap Analysis: No clear pointers in Norway twin attacks | Reuters

» Beware of a Possible False Flag Event: Media & Feds Pushing Fear for 10th Anniversary of 9/11 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Since 9/11: A new world order - thestar.com

» Wall Street Prostitution Ring BUSTED Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Milgram Obedience Experiment Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*2 Parts/Ron Paul: Full Speech from Nashua, NH (7/23/2011) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

‪9/11/01: At 11:50 AM Mayor Michael White Says A 767 Out Of Boston w/ A Bomb Has Landed In Cleveland‏ - YouTube

SNL Presidential Mockery: Hu Jintao Asks Obama "Why You Not Kiss Me Before You Do Sex To Me" - Home - The Daily Bail

French court reopens Princess Diana's death case: Report - 12160

Man killed in Iran shooting was student, not nuclear scientist - latimes.com

Iranian Nuclear Scientist ‘Assassinated’ | BobTuskin.com

Activist Post: Homeschool, Anti-vaccine Family Ripped Apart by CPS: Chronology of a Kidnapping

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11


Obama Is Lying - There's Plenty Of Money To Continue Paying Social Security If The Debt Ceiling Is Not Raised - Home - The Daily Bail

The omnipotence of Al Qaeda and meaninglessness of "Terrorism" - 12160

U.S. Law Allows Chemical and Biological Testing On Populace :

Fox News Host Laura Ingraham Blames Norway Terror Attacks on Muslims, Links Story to Ground Zero Islamic Center | Moral Low Ground

Metal Thieves: Vultures of a Fallen Empire - Taki's Magazine

The Fix Is In - Washington's Planned Social Contract Destruction

Boehner, Reid preparing to move on debt limit

Bipartisan talks falter; Boehner, Reid work on separate proposals - TheHill.com

Wonkbook: Republicans have won. But can they stop there? - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

My Way News - Boehner preparing to move on debt limit

White House stokes debt-ceiling crisis - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Norway shooting: killer 'confirms Gro Harlem Brundtland was main target' - Telegraph

Thieves Steal 140 Wheels Off 35 Cars | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Norway Massacre: Anders Behring Breivik court appearance | Mail Online

Norwegians protest shooter's lax penalty - World - NZ Herald News


Worker found crushed to death in suburban rail yard - chicagotribune.com

Rivers Casino dealmaker eyes the next big project - DailyHerald.com

Shooting suspect allegedly wore wig and halter top to shoot man - chicagotribune.com

Another Twist With Koschman Homicide Case Files | Chicago Political Commentary

Chicago Cop Catches Baby Thrown to Him by Kidnapping Suspect

Too Many Chiefs at City Hall? | Casino Cash for Pols | CPS in the Dumps - Chicago News Cooperative

Report: Gambling cash flows to campaign coffers - chicagotribune.com


Analysis: Norway massacre exposes incendiary immigration issue | Reuters

Reid, Boehner Race to Produce Competing Deficit Plans - FoxNews.com

China Finds Bodies, and Survivor, in Train Wreckage - NYTimes.com

Coroner: Winehouse death not suspicious - Entertainment - Music - TODAY.com

Draft Reform Law in Syria Fails to Mollify Protesters - NYTimes.com

Key Egyptian Trial Postponed, Tensions Raised | Africa | English

Gaddafi regime accuses NATO of clinic raid

46 gay couples marry at Niagara Falls wedding - seattlepi.com

Dominique Strauss-Kahn's Accuser Speaks Out - ABC News

Conservative Dem Mike Ross to retire from Congress - On Politics - USATODAY.com

IMF: U.S. downgrade would be 'very damaging' - Jul. 25, 2011

Cern: Higgs boson answer to come by end of 2012 | Emerging Tech | ZDNet UK

Astronomers find largest water reservoir ever, 12 billion years in the past

Mexican papayas recalled over salmonella danger | Health & Medicine | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

ABCNews.com - Breaking news, politics, online news, world news, feature stories, celebrity interviews and more - ABC News

Prescription drug prices set to fall as patents expire - HealthPop - CBS News

Man accused in Norway attacks 'acted with intent of terror' – judge - CSMonitor.com

Famine children dying on East Africa roads of death | Reuters

AFP: Hong Kong lawmakers laud talks with Clinton

Prince William gives Kate a pair of Diana’s earrings - TODAY People - The Royals - TODAY.com

Chavez Set on 2012 Re-Election Despite Cancer - FoxNews.com

Vatican recalls envoy to Ireland after child abuse report - The Times of India

The Associated Press: S. Sudan: north's new currency is 'economic war'

ASEAN Optimistic About Regional Security, Challenges Remain | Asia | English

The Associated Press: Aquino to China: Filipinos will defend territory

British helicopter gunship injures five children in Afghanistan - Telegraph

Burma Democracy Leader Aung San Suu Kyi Meets Government Official | Asia | English

The battlefield over Palestinian statehood moves to YouTube - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

AFP: Key Malawi protest leaders in hiding: activist

Israel Stops Boat Carrying Assault Rifles on Dead Sea, Is Questioning Crew - Bloomberg

BBC News - Goran Hadzic refuses to plea before UN war crimes court

AFP: Obama cancels fundraisers to deal with debt crisis

Bear seriously injures teens hiking in Alaska - USATODAY.com

Illinois Man Missing Since 1979 is Found Working in Las Vegas - FoxNews.com

Bachmann fires back at Pawlenty's comments on her record - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Gunman targeted wife, family in Texas birthday party massacre | Reuters

Pentagon: US transport funds end up with Taliban - San Jose Mercury News

Weekly Standard: All Hail The House Republicans : NPR

Drifter Accused of Killing NC Couple in Forest Pleads Not Guilty - WGHP

Obama's 5 big mistakes - CNN.com

Mom whose son killed by hit-run driver asks compassion in her sentencing | ajc.com

Check Out Michelle Obama’s Latest ASOS Outfit -- The Cut

Apple to Buy Hulu? Why I'm Not Buying the Rumors - FoxNews.com

Complaints mount over Google+ account deletions - Computerworld

Google buys a facial recognition software company- The Inquirer

Reid, Boehner Race to Produce Competing Deficit Plans - FoxNews.com

New U.S. debt issuance -- hot or not? | Reuters

AFP: Germany opens taboo-shattering Wagner festival

Cern: Higgs boson answer to come by end of 2012 | Emerging Tech | ZDNet UK

Astronomers find largest water reservoir ever, 12 billion years in the past

Could Animal-Human Hybrids be in our Future? [VIDEO] | IBTimes TV

Atlantis Astronaut Homecoming - Houston - Slideshows

3-D Photonic GaAs Crystals with Electro-Optic Properties - Solar Novus Today

Crowd welcomes home, thanks final shuttle crew - The Ball State Daily News - Ball State University

Alaska Volcano May Erupt Soon - International Business Times

Future asteroid mission: Mission impossible? - CBS News

INT: Probe returns first images of asteroid Vesta

357 dead sharks found on boat in Galapagos - World news - World environment - msnbc.com

Atom smasher closes in on Big Bang particle - CBS News

Killing of Rhinos in South Africa Reaching Alarming Levels - International Business Times

Climate Change Security Council Talks Deadlock - NYTimes.com

World's thinnest material could transform electronics products - 25 Jul 2011 - Computing News

Asthma: Breastfeeding lowers risk of coughing, wheezing symptoms - latimes.com

Male Birth Control? New Contraceptives Making Strides in Research

Human research rules to be revised - The Clinical Advisor

Jared Lee Loughner: 'I want to die. Give me the injection, kill me now.' - ABC News

Uncle Sam, Diet Dictator?

How to find a new job; which careers are growing; resume dos and don'ts | abc7chicago.com

Lair of the Beasts: Exotic Animals Increasing - Mania.com

From the Shadows: The Ouija Board Spelled 'Join Me in Hell'

The Weirdest Mystery Animals in the World

Daunting space task -- send astronauts to asteroid

When to Move Species Struggling with Climate Change | Assisted Migration & Climate Change | LiveScience

Spiral galaxy glows like a cosmic spider web - Technology & science - Space - Space.com - msnbc.com

Scientists warn of 'Planet of the Apes' scenario - Telegraph

As a mysterious skeleton is washed up on a British beach... Do sea monsters REALLY exist? | Mail Online

BBC News - Vesta rock turns for Dawn probe

Terrafugia Flying Car Cleared for Landing in US - FoxNews.com

Roswell UFO Controversy: Former Air Force Officer Says Gen. Ramey Lied To Cover Up Space Ship Crash

Physicists Confirm Existence of New Particle | Wired Science | Wired.com

U.S. trucking funds reach Taliban, military-led investigation concludes - The Washington Post

4-18-08/Nato admits mistakenly supplying arms and food to Taliban | World news | guardian.co.uk

Twice the height of the Empire State - EnviroMission plans massive solar tower for Arizona

'The Knights Templar': Mexico's newest drug cartel | Al Jazeera Blogs

Are You Raising a Douchebag?: Marriage + Kids : Details

“Sucker Punch” or How to Make Monarch Mind Control Sexy

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

The Norway Massacre and the Nexus of Islamophobia and Right-wing Zionism

The Anti-Muslim Inner Circle

*Interview With Libyan Prime Minister al-Mahmoudi: Video

"Stop The Machine! Create A New World"


The CIA & the Military’s Mind Control Research

Steele’s Attorney: Incompetent or Complicit?

Feds Want Every Home ‘Metered’

"DSK Maid" Tells of Her Alleged Rape by Strauss-Kahn: Exclusive - Newsweek

Dominique Strauss-Kahn's Accuser Speaks Out to ABC News | Video - ABC News

Sizwe Kupelo 'corpse' wakes up in South African morgue | Mail Online

BREAKING NEWS: Obama Reaction To Norway Massacre Betrays US "War on Terror" Fundamentalism

ECHELON: The Global Eavesdropping Scheme

As the American Empire Spread Abroad, it Becomes a Police state at Home

Pentagon to Deploy 20,000 Troops Inside the U.S. to Curb Potential Civil Unrest

The Development of "Privacy Killing Technologies": A Link to the Murdoch Scandal?

9/11: Who Really Benefited?

The Geopolitics of Water in the Nile River Basin

Who Rules America? An Investment Manager Breaks Down the Economic Top 1%, Says 0.1% Controls Political and Legislative Process

Startling Revelations about Three Mile Island Disaster Raise Doubts Over Nuke Safety

Semantic Propaganda Feeds Stupidity: Lies are being fed to the Public by America's Two-party Plutocracy

Alleged Norwegian Terrorist Is An Anti-Islam, Christian Nationalist

‪Traffic Enforcement Agent Blocks Fire Hydrant During A Fire‏ - YouTube

The Policeman is Not Your Friend - informationliberation

‪NYPD traffic agent issues ticket while on a donut break.‏ - YouTube

‪Tom Woods on Stossel 07/22/11‏ - YouTube

‪IfYouWereKing‏ - YouTube

Is This Really Entrepreneurship? - informationliberation

11 Stunning Facts About America's Prisons

Former Governor Jesse Ventura: ‘We’re a fascist nation now’ | The Raw Story

Activist Post: Homeschool, Anti-vaccine Family Ripped Apart by CPS: Chronology of a Kidnapping

US Chamber Of Commerce Continues Duplicitous Campaign To Conflate Counterfeit Drugs With Copyright Infringement | Techdirt

The omnipotence of Al Qaeda and meaninglessness of "Terrorism" - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Road Shortage in Socialist Paradise - informationliberation

Mass Murder Is the Problem by Anthony Gregory

Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Power Elite, the Police State and Opposing the Authoritarian Trend by Anthony Wile

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: The Truth About What Ron Paul Was Really Like 30 Years Ago

The omnipotence of Al Qaeda and meaninglessness of "Terrorism" - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

The Lesser Evil by Chris Sullivan

Who Was Behind the Anthrax Attacks? by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Why Marlboro Cigarettes May Be A Better Investment Than Gold | Markets | Minyanville.com

The Law of Sacrifice | The Art of Manliness

Eating Earth: Exploring the Mysterious World of Geophagy | Mark's Daily Apple

Defense Leaders Mourn Shalikashvili

China building EMP arms in case of Taiwan conflict

US, Indonesia, Urge Further Action on South China Sea

Iran Intelligence Ministry probing academic's assassination

Boehner: GOP Must Go It Alone, Expect 'Sacrifices'

Norquist: Debt Deal Semantics Are 'Laughable'

Norway Killer Drew Inspiration From Unabomber

British Scientists Create Human-Animal Hybrids

Herbal Hot Flash Remedy Fails US Trial

Pawlenty's Manager Says He's Got Others on Ropes

Norway Police Lower Youth Camp Death Toll to 68

US Corporations Finding Their Profit Overseas

US Manufacturers Hungry For Skilled Workers

Is Your Smartphone Taxing Your Eyes?

Journals' Disclosure Rules Inconsistent

What's in Tea? Labels Don't Always Say

The Education of Herman Cain

CNN's Piers Morgan Denies Phone Hacking

Republicans Struggle Against Obama's Spending Spree

Default Clock Ticking at Wash Post; ‘Running Out of Runway,’ Geithner Says

Immigration on Tap, As Obama Addresses Hispanic Group Monday

Obama Blames ‘Splintered’ News Media for Lack of Compromise in Washington

Sen. Boxer: GOP Using Term ‘Job Creators’ Is ‘So Much Bull'

Coming Soon: Generic Versions of Best-Selling Medications

‪Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone‏ - YouTube

David Wu Won't Resign, Won't Seek Reelection in Wake of Sex Scandal

Amy Winehouse Expected to Be Buried Quickly

Global Architects Anticipated Violent Response to Globalization | Old-Thinker News

Social Media Targeted by Pentagon for “Strategic Communication” | Old-Thinker News

IBM Tackles Personalized Medicine's Big Data Challenge, One Genome At A Time | Fast Company

Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work

How to Hack a Genome | Old-Thinker News

CIA's DARPA working on human-brain-mimicking tech • The Register

Full Speed Ahead For Facial Recognition Technology - Kashmir Hill - The Not-So Private Parts - Forbes

Gold And Silver: We Were Right – They Were Wrong

U.S. Army ready to license technology that can diagnose exposure to toxic agents | Government Security News

Activist Post: USDA Wants Hipster Farmers

Activist Post: GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination

U.S. and Mexican Governments Continue to Brush Aside Perspectives of Drug War Victims | FPIF

Denied: DEA refuses to reclassify marijuana, claims it's as dangerous as heroin


**Learn Austrian Economics by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.


The Hill Poll: Most voters see media as biased and unethical - TheHill.com

Price of dinner foods up almost 5% in one year - USATODAY.com

EXCLUSIVE: What Boehner said to the caucus - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Obama takes political, policy gamble on ‘big deal’ - The Washington Post

Speaker Boehner: President Obama 'worried about his next election' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Rep. Allen West's rant prompts Lois Frankel to register pithily named website

Agents could lose thousands in salary - Washington Times

DNC targets Hispanic vote with Spanish ad - Washington Times

Portraits From the New York City Marriage Bureau - Audio & Photos - NYTimes.com

2 injured in water scooter crash at nudist resort

Laura Ingraham and Fox's Dr. Siegel Paint Bachmann Migraine Story as Left Wing Attack

Tom Coburn Accuses People of "Sucking Off" Government Programs, While Trying To Re-Privatize One Of The Most Wasteful

Michelle Rhee and Rupert Murdoch: Thick as Thieves?

Striking the blind spot: Norway terror attacks that killed 80 carried out by Islamophobic right-wing extremist

Introducing the GOP's Divine Right Pledge

The State of Play

President Obama: DADT Ends September 20th

Why right-wing domestic terrorists are our big blind spot: Let's start with the media

David Brooks Blames Potential Breakdown in Negotiations on President Obama Not Talking Nicely Enough to Republicans

Hm. Notice how the Fox talkers aren't claiming that the weather proves there's no global warming now?

Leahy On Balanced Budget Amendment Proposals: 'Our Constitution Deserves Protection'

Norway terrorist Breivik was an ardent subscriber to theories of 'Cultural Marxism'

Barney Frank: 'There are worse things than default'

Audio:Open Thread with The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: Who is in charge at the GOP?

Paul Krugman Calls Out David Brooks for Playing the 'Both Sides' Game on Government Obstruction

Geithner told CNN's Crowley they will need Democratic votes in House to pass deal

Geithner: Never thought GOP 'would take it this close to the edge'

GOP Voter Disenfranchisement Wisconsin-Style: First Pass Voter ID; Then Limit Access To Comply

Same Sex Marriage begins in NY: A Day of Happiness

Boehner After GOP Hostage Taking: 'This is about doing the right thing for our country.'

New Evidence of Vote Hacking Emerges In Ohio 2004 General Election Lawsuit

Norway terrorist Anders Breivik leaves written, video manifestoes to explain his motives: He's a right-wing cultural warrior

Fox Business correspondent Gasparino falsley claims network has covered Murdoch scandal 'very seriously'

Dick Durbin to Boehner:: "If you break it, you own it." Agreement on Debt Ceiling Needs to be Reached Today: UPDATED

Fox News Refuses To Acknowledge Norway Shooter's Right-Wing Beliefs

Pawlenty suggests 'chicken' Obama 'hiding in the basement'

Boehner still insisting on 'cut, cap and balance' plan

John Boehner's Double-Dealing on the Debt Ceiling

Brit Hume Admits That a Government Shutdown Would be Blamed on Republicans

The 'Radical Center' returns, Villager style

Bad News from NASA: Proof That Comet Elenin Is Affecting Earth | Before It's News

Newest Alien Base Found On Mars! Can NASA Use It As A Alfa Base? | Before It's News

Mystery 'Alien' Block Of Ice Found In Milovice Forest, Czech Republic | Before It's News

The Chimp They Tried To Turn Human: An Extraordinary Experiment In Which Scientists Raised A Chimpanzee As Their Child... With Chilling Results | Before It's News

Supersoldier 2020 Will Have Exoskeleton, Robot Helpers, Pathogen Immunity, Some Doctor Assisted Regeneration | Before It's News

Visual Emergency Signals for Survival - Daytime Emergency Signals | Before It's News

Armageddon Online - 911 Currency Conspiracy

+Pole Flip On Aug. 22? | Before It's News

‪Japan Earthquake,in USA warns Russia, Madrid fault, Super Moon, Comet Elenin (Mirror)‏ - YouTube

Human Genome Incurs Wider Loss - Analyst Blog | Before It's News

WikiLeaks files show Norway unprepared for terror attack - Telegraph

'Laser attack' caught on tape: View from plane cockpit | Before It's News

Natural disasters: The politics of earthquakes - latimes.com

Norway: Anders Behring Breivik Was On Intelligence Watch List After Buying Chemicals Online | World News | Sky News

Drug Gang Plans to Overthrow Mexican Government Next Year Financed By U.S Bank | Before It's News

Milodino.com » Life Space » Asteroids are making Earth’s weather unpredictable [Space]

Pilot Films Plane Spraying Chemtrails. | Before It's News

Elenin - Nibiru - Statue of Liberty | Before It's News

flashback:FDR Has Words About Taxes - 1936. 'Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle' | Newstalgia

- Background on President Obama’s Address at NCLR Annual Conference Luncheon | Before It's News

+10 Tips to Grow Your Email List Regardless of Your Marketing Tactics | Before It's News

A Selection Of Useful Web Scripts You May Want To Consider Installing On A Web Hosting Account | SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources

Daily Caller: Inhofe bill would shine sunlight on regulation costs

BREAKING: ‘New’ ACORN Groups Join SEIU’s Economic Terrorism Campaign Against Lenders, Governments

Anders Behring Breivik and the High Cost of Muslim Immigration

What did the Oslo killer want?

How to save the economy? Give everyone forty acres, a mule, and a private jet

News Bias, Civil Disobedience, and John Adams’ Rule of Thumb

Italy and The Netherlands Join Canada, Israel, U.S. and the Czech Republic in Boycotting UN’s Durban

Smart Meters

Can the U.S. Military Effectively Counter “Assassin’s Mace”?

Obama’s Dangerous Debt Ceiling Strategy

EXPLOSIVE REPORT - 2011 Chicago Elections - 59% Ballot Boxes Unsealed

U.S. Senate Stands with NRA in Strongly Opposing U.N Gun Control Efforts

The Non-Energy Generating Department of Energy and the Smart Grid

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Death of the Democratic Party

The UN Wildlands Project…Taking Over America Starting With Florida

NASA: Muslim world here we come

What is Liberty, That We May Defend It?

Degenerate Generation

Can a Minor Offense Eliminate Your Right to Bear Arms?

Al Jazeera op ed Ahmed Moor Compares Glenn Beck to Anwar Al-Awlaki Norway Shooting | TheBlaze.com

US Congresswoman in Iran Says U.S. Gov Responsible for Assassinations, Most Violent on Planet & Led by Misguided Men at UN Supported Conference Against Terrorism | Video | TheBlaze.com

Use The 14th Amendment to Raise Debt Ceiling and Deal With the Courts Later: Dem Senator Agrees With Clinton Obama Should Usurp Congress’ Power and Start Constitutional Court Battle | Video | TheBlaze.com

Whole Foods Employee Epic Resignation Letter | TheBlaze.com

Fareed Zakaria Calls Tea Party Ideologically Extreme | Video | TheBlaze.com

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Accuser Nafissatou Diallo Speaks in ABC Interview | Video | TheBlaze.com

Michele Bachmann Campaign Says Tim Pawlenty Similar to Barack Obama | TheBlaze.com

Anders Behring Breivik Warns of Two More Terror Cells | TheBlaze.com

Nancy Pelosi Calls for Ethics Violations of Dav - Flash Player Installation

Norway Suspect Patronized Prostitutes | Mom Helped ‘Feminize’ Him | TheBlaze.com

Antiques Roadshow Finds Million Dollar Cups In Oklahoma | TheBlaze.com

Norway Shooter Plagiarized ‘Unabomber’ | TheBlaze.com

Groomsmen Killed in Wisconsin Boat Crash | Vide - Flash Player Installation

72-Year-Old Texas Retired Ex-Marine Runs Down, Kills Armed Man Who Robbed His Business | Video | TheBlaze.com

Grizzly Mauls Teens in Alaska | Video | TheBlaze.com

Bachmann Pawlenty Debate Conservative Credentials | TheBlaze.com

Maid Attacked by Strauss-Kahn Speaks | TheBlaze.com

Fossils of Ancient Croc Found in Brazil | TheBlaze.com

Disabled Flower Girl Found Dead, Police Charge Mother | TheBlaze.com

Cornel West Upset Obama Won’t Call Him Back | TheBlaze.com

Man Tries to Steal Ambulance Outside Fire | TheBlaze.com

Toddler Girl Found Alive in Rubble of China Train Crash | Video | TheBlaze.com

4-Year-Old Shot Dead While Fishing With Father | TheBlaze.com

Horrific: Minn. Teen Burned Alive by Mother’s Boyfriend Speaks Out | Video | TheBlaze.com

See the YouTube Video Manifesto Anders Behring Breivik Posted Before the Norway Massacre Bombing Shooting Attacks | Video | TheBlaze.com

Should You Paint The Roof White? | TheBlaze.com

Norway Bombing Shooting Suspect Breivik Manifesto: Wanted Anti-Muslim Crusade, ‘Enablers of Islamization’ Punished for ‘Treasonous Acts’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Gay Marriage Begins in New York | Video | TheBlaze.com

Norway Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store Support Palestinian State | TheBlaze.com

Jeb Bush on 2012 ‘Never Say Never’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Is Oslo Normay Gunman Anders Behring Breivik Really a Right-Wing Extremist? | TheBlaze.com

Gunman Opens Fire at Texas Roller Rink Birthday Party, Kills Self and 5 Others | Video | TheBlaze.com

Women Rob Liquor Store by Hiding Bottles Up Skirts! | Video | TheBlaze.com

11 Injured in Shooting at Seattle Car Show | Video | TheBlaze.com

Walter Reed Army Medical Center to Close After 102 Years | Video | TheBlaze.com

Are These Photos of the Norway Gunman While He Was Carrying Out the Deadly Attack? | TheBlaze.com


Planned Parenthood vs. Kansas

The manufacture and manipulation of fear

The Gold Standard, Printing Money and the Federal Reserve

Is Your IRA Going To Be Raided?

The Tea Party, Right About Everything

The Inevitable Financial Crisis

Among the Tax-takers

Is a 'Little Bit of Sharia' Okay?

A Power Struggle in Russia?

The Budget Talks: Edge of the Rim of the Cusp

How Would Obama's Economic Plan Really Work?

American War Museum and Al-Jazeera

The Difficulties of Learning to Speak American

Israel's War of the Words

Living Debt-Free

The Palestinians Are Bluffing

Mortenson and Obama: Putting the Fiction in Nonfiction

The National Debt is Beyond Our Comprehension

Israel's Supreme Court Serving the Kidnapper of its Most Famous MIA

The Best Of Times...Gone! The Worst Of Times, Now

Sam Francis and 'White Nationalism'

The Constitution Condones Slavery?

Israel Will Remain Jewish and Democratic

The Truth About the Palestinians

Negotiations, not Unilateral Declarations

The Flat Earth Slur

Israel and the Apartheid Slur

An American First, Always, and Last: a Response to Critics

Herman Cain Got It Right on the Right to Ban Mosques

Party Like It's 1989

Tax. Spend. Borrow. Repeat.

Holders of Greek bonds out of luck

Euro-killer ripped off peaceful Euro-critic

Rep. Wu won't resign over allegations of sexual misconduct with a teenager

Perry readies announcement for second half of August

What are the major players thinking about the debt ceiling issue?

NY Times columnist can't understand the 'simple minded' poor

The Democrats' Demagoguery Paints Them Into a Corner

Giuliani says Republicans should stay out of bedrooms

'Big Deal' Barack Breaks it Down

CBO: How We Swung From $5.6 Trillion Projected Surpluses to $6.2 Trillion Actual Deficits

Will the hard left primary Obama?

Taliban hangs 8 year old boy in Afghanistan

Czechs pull out of anti-Semitic UN conference

Iranian nuclear scientist gunned down in Tehran

Boehner to call Obama's bluff on short term debt deal

Obama's Team: Commie Night at US Cellular Field

Pandora's Box in Norway

Dissecting Democrats

Hooray for Captain America!

Debt Ceiling: The Long Run Is Here

Israel Is Not Being Delegitimized

A Forgotten Founder on Amending the Constitution

Review & Outlook: Toying With Default - WSJ.com

Consumers vs. the Banks - NYTimes.com

Time to Fire Eric Holder - HUMAN EVENTS

With government spending, virtue hath its own rewards - The Globe and Mail

The Euro Endgame | The Weekly Standard

Keep Eyes on Qaeda--Benny Avni - NYPOST.com

Dominique Strauss-Kahn's Maid Nafissatou Diallo Describes Alleged Attack - The Daily Beast

Make Way for the Radical Center - NYTimes.com

One in five American men don't work: Where's the outrage? - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Craig Crawford: Obama Sidelined?

Congress Plows Ahead Without Obama on Debt - FoxNews.com

RealClearPolitics - Rick Perry Eyes Late August Campaign Launch

RealClearPolitics - To Get a Mandate, GOP Must Win Another Election

Debt Fight Is Secondary to Jobs in 2012 Election: Albert Hunt - Bloomberg

White House's absurb default talk--Charles Gasparino - NYPOST.com

Could Karl Rove politics save Obama in '12? - Mitt Romney - Salon.com

Stunning Boehner-Obama confrontation | Michael Barone | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Yemen on the Brink of Hell - NYTimes.com

Republicans, Zealots and Our Security - NYTimes.com

Not ready for his closeup: MSNBC would be wrong to hire Al Sharpton for a nightly hosting gig

Global Currencies: The Euro, The Yen, and the Bitcoin? - CNBC

More day traders buy and sell currencies from home - Jul. 21, 2011

Hulu, Billed as Tomorrow’s TV, Looks Boxed In Today - NYTimes.com

7 Tips for Finding the Next Massive Home-Run Stock (AAPL, BPT, CIB, CTSH, NTES, POT, SQM)

Apple Does it Again: Why Companies Win While Economies Lose | Moneyland | TIME.com

That Facebook Post Just Doomed Your Career: William D. Cohan - Bloomberg

GOP Antitax Dogma Endangers the Country - Newsweek

Debt Ceiling Fight Has Markets Holding Their Breath - NYTimes.com

Terence Corcoran: Unfounded attack on Murdoch | FP Comment | Financial Post

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein Can’t Understand How He Became Wall Street’s Dr. Evil -- New York Magazine

Gold Standard or Bust | The Weekly Standard

U.S. jobs all tied up | The Clarion-Ledger | clarionledger.com

How Tim Geithner Bailed Out a Swiss Bank - CNBC

Cumberland Advisors - Market Commentary

Morgan Stanley - Global Economic Forum

House Conservatives Holding Their Tongues (At Least For Now) - By Andrew Stiles - The Corner - National Review Online

You can’t have it both ways on war spending - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

Rick Perry: A breakthrough on gay marriage? - Right Turn - The Washington Post

The Achilles heel of the foreign policy smart set | Daniel W. Drezner

Debt Crises, Real and Fake - NYTimes.com

Bruce Bawer: Inside the Mind of the Oslo Murderer - WSJ.com

Oslo attacks: Why did so many experts blame Islamic terrorists? - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine

Norway lost its innocence a long time ago - FT.com

China's Flawed Case For One-Party Rule - Forbes.com

China’s Two-Pronged Maritime Rise | The Diplomat

Austerity in the U.K. by Theodore Dalrymple - City Journal

Chinese governance seen through the people’s eyes | East Asia Forum

Force and anti-force in the United Nations - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The West must learn lessons of history to avert tragedy in Africa | The Australian

gulfnews : Will India be the pivot of US power in Asia?

The madness of terrorism respects no borders | The Australian

End of an era - The Times of India

The Norwegian Attacks and the Prevalence of the “Sneaking Regarder” | Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

Inequality and Poverty in Latin America: Can the Decline Continue? » Council on Hemispheric Affairs

Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program

U.S. does little to help those who aided us - Other Views - MiamiHerald.com

In Africa, Wealth Breeds Rage - NYTimes.com

Are U.S. And U.N. Officials Ignoring New Evidence Of Atrocities In Sudan? | The New Republic

Asia Times Online :: Reckoning with Taliban irreconcilables

US Shines at ASEAN Forum | The Diplomat

Anders Breivik is not Christian but anti-Islam | Andrew Brown | Comment is free | The Guardian

Norway attacks: Muslims feel sting of initial blame after attacks - latimes.com

WORLD Magazine | They get around | Arsenio Orteza | Jul 30, 11

Stephen Hawking and the experience of God - On Faith - The Washington Post

What monks could teach Washington's politicians - USATODAY.com

New York synagogue restores Torah that survived confiscation by Nazis – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

The Auspicious Timing of Glenn Beck’s Zeal for Zion | Politics | Religion Dispatches

New 3-D photonic crystal has both electronic, optical properties

Time Travel Impossible, Say Scientists : Discovery News

BBC News - Higgs boson 'hints' also seen by US lab

NASA to explore massive Mars mountain | COSMOS magazine

1799: Thomas Jefferson, Noah Webster And The First Global Warming Debate

The Hazy Science of Hot Weather and Violence | Wired Science | Wired.com

Science and truth have been cast aside by our desire for controversy | Robin McKie | Comment is free | The Observer

China's family planning: Illegal children will be confiscated | The Economist

Rule Changes Proposed for Research on Humans - NYTimes.com

The (Synthetic) Nose Knows | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

The future of lighting: walls of light, LEDs, and glowing trees

Epigenetic 'memory' key to nature versus nurture | Science Codex

Cellular Stress Can Induce Yeast to Promote Prion Formation | Emory University | Atlanta, GA

A “quantum leap” can make graphene devices even faster (The University of Manchester)

Review of Emerging Resources: U.S. Shale Gas and Shale Oil Plays

The Era of the Electric Car?

Revising the Social Cost of Carbon

Impacts of Gulf of Mexico Oil & Nat Gas on U.S. Economy

From Governor Moonbeam to Governor Sunbeam -- Brown pushes for alternative energy - San Jose Mercury News

Rhetoric on renewables does not match reality - Sunday, July 24, 2011 | 2:01 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Opposition to wind turbine farms: Wind farms multiply, fueling clashes with nearby residents - latimes.com

In Seattle, Real Estate Sector to 'Green' Its Buildings as Economic Fix-It | SolveClimate News

Airlines tout “going green” but their lobbyists are on different flight | Environment Forum

Asia’s non-nuclear energy options | The Jakarta Post

U.S. heat wave causes new look at nuclear energy - CBS News

Cleanly Exploit the Great Promise of Shale Gas Fracking: View - Bloomberg

Bloomberg ‘gift’ fuels anti-coal agenda » Editorials » The Tribune Democrat, Johnstown, PA

Did Huhne Really Compare Climate Change to Hitler? | The Energy Collective

Climate Friend or Foe? China in Copenhagen - William Pentland - Clean Beta - Forbes

Energy efficiency plan: Hire someone else to pay the bill? - Jul. 22, 2011

Is 'fix' in to sink ratings for Rush, Savage, other conservatives?

Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'

Norway's terrorist: Not alone after all?

Norway shooter considered WMD, jihadi alliance

Norway Shooting Suspect Anders Breivik: Attacks Were Revenge for 'Treason' - ABC News

AFP: US gun control activists mourn Norway victims

Norway's gun laws prove easy to ignore | World news | The Guardian

Norway suspect: Serbia bombing 'tipped the scales'

Norway shooter: Right-wing Christian or fairy tale?

Suspect in Norway attacks bought six tons of fertilizer - thestar.com

Norway police arrived 90 minutes after gunman fired at youth on island - thestar.com

Kasper Ilaug rescues dozens of children after Anders Behring Breivik kills 84 people on Utoya island | Mail Online

Fringe group barred suspected Norway killer from forum | Reuters

The separation of mosque and state?

Feds Silent on How Convicted Felons Bought Guns in 'Operation Fast and Furious' - FoxNews.com

Obama owns this debt crisis

White House bolstering rise of Chinese dragon?

Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against U.S. carriers - Washington Times

Benghazi "Rebels" Lynching Blacks In Libya :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [reg.de]

CAIR Wants Muslim-Turned-Christian Minister to Stop Training Immigration Officials, Christian News

Commander in chief Obama creates 'San Francisco Military'

Feds can't make up minds on mercury bulbs

Amy Winehouse dead: 'Ketamine, ecstasy and cocaine' bought night before | Mail Online

Amy Winehouse dead: Parents Mitch and Janis visit tributes at her Camden home | Mail Online

Experts: Registrar stamps confirm Obama forgery

White House operative heading 'birther' smear campaign?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

The euro crisis will give Germany the empire it’s always dreamed of – Telegraph Blogs

*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Audio:Chinese puppet in White House? « Klein Online


*Talk-radio host launches news website


Klein Online(http://kleinonline.wnd.com/)


White House bolstering rise of Chinese dragon?

Obamageddon update

The separation of mosque and state?

A song for this moment in history

Guns for Mexican cartels

Utoya is liberal utopia

The death of diversity

Cutting U.S. down to size

NY Times Advertisement

Obamageddon update

OBAMAFAKE! Get The Word Out!: Obama's Forged Birth Certificate and The History Of Political Image Tampering

AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com on holiday: Awful outfits, shocking poses and embarrassing parents | Mail Online

FINA World Championships: Diving athletes' funny faces captured on camera | Mail Online

Escaped leopard | Leopard's rampage | News.com.au

Winehouse's sorry demise | Celebrities | Entertainment | London Free Press

Amy Winehouse dead: Before and after, the rise and fall of a deeply flawed prodigy | Mail Online

Biggest dog in the world: Meet George the 7ft long Great Dane... who's terrified of chihuahuas | Mail Online

American Civil War reenactors mark the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Manassas - Telegraph

In West Bank city of Nablus, archaeologists uncover biblical ruin - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Archaeologists Discover High Priest's Bell? - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

Arkansas natural sandstone bridge sells at auction | Reuters

Orthodox Jew Buys Mengele's Diaries at Auction – Forward.com

MIRACLE: Virginia teen survives after being impaled through neck with bamboo stick (GRAPHIC PHOTO)

AFP: Nepal measures Everest to settle height confusion


*The big list: Female teachers with students


Troy teacher charged with improper relationship with a student

Blonde teacher Suzanne Harrison, 38, 'who seduced pupil, 15' suspended | Mail Online

New Zealand bans 'Lucifer' and 'Adolf Hitler' baby names | Mail Online

Boy, 6, made to cycle 20 miles to school - Telegraph

Laura Ingraham, radio host, says she was victimized for $11,000 plus in airport jewelry theft - NYPOST.com

Texas man kills 5, himself in roller rink rampage | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Juliette Dunn arrested for giving 4-year-old and 10-month-old beer and cocaine

Bride arrested on wedding day is accused of using her son's identification to get a credit card, and phone and utility service | MLive.com

Vertical Farming: Can Urban Agriculture Feed a Hungry World? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Look on the bright side of life if you want to feel young, say researchers - Telegraph

Hospital visitors told to consider speaking to relatives via Skype - Telegraph

Blackfish: The robotic jet ski that can see underwater when patrolling harbours for terrorists | Mail Online

*25 July& 24 July

American Minute for July 25th

American Minute for July 24th

Today in History: July 25

Today in History: July 24

This Day in History for 25th July

This Day in History for 24th July

July 25 Events in History

July 24 Events in History

July 25th This Day in History

July 24th This Day in History

Today in History: July 25

Today in History: July 24

July 25th in History

July 24th in History

‪Today in History for July 25th‏ - YouTube

‪Today in History for July 24th‏ - YouTube


Special committee defends Wall Street Journal

Professor calls Prince Charles, others "snake-oil salesmen"

Pastor at NASCAR race gives thanks for "smokin' hot wife"

Boehner, Reid preparing to move on debt limit

House Republicans seek $1 trillion debt limit hike

Defense: Rutgers roommate never bullied gay man before suicide

Sheriff blasts "Dog" bounty hunter's tactics

Turkey sends first fuel aid to east Libya rebel gov't

Abbas asks Arab League to meet on PA financial crisis

Norway judge: Terror suspect mentioned 'two more cells'

German industry set to add to cash piles

Bill would force Arab schools to push IDF, civilian service

Chinese anger over alleged cover-up of high-speed rail crash

Norway gunman claims to be part of group

Police forces come together to create new regional surveillance units

Alwaleed backs under-fire Murdochs

Norway gunman convoy leaves court after hearing

Voters Still See Media as Biased and Unethical

Former MSNBC Cenk Uygur Employee Suddenly Critical of MSNBC’s Ethics

MSNBC Is A Joke: Anchor Suggests Murdoch Pie Attack Was Staged

Sound Bite For the Day: #NewTone Billl Press Suggests Boehner Should “Struck Dead By Lightning”

MMfA PROPAGANDA WATCH: Angelo Carusone Manufactures Racism At FoxNews

Inevitable… “Far Left” Links “Right-Wing” Oslo Killer to Palin and Tea Party

A Quick Lesson for Media on the Definition of “Right Wing”

Quote of the Day

Sound Bite for the Day: Obama Lashes Out at Press

Cenk Uygur Out at MSNBC. Say Hello to… Al Sharpton?

Steal These Videos!: $100,000 Power Line Prize Ballots Are In

Morning Call Sheet: 9/11 Play, Comic-Con, Avengers, Cusack and Wyatt Earp

40 Years: Remembering ‘All In the Family’

Undefeated Coming to Video on Demand, Pay-Per-View, ‘Special Edition’ DVD

The James Bond Chronicles: ‘The Spy Who Loved Me’ (with All-New Rating System!)

Communist Dupes in Hollywood

Hedge Fund Bonus Gold Mine-Or Fool’s Gold for Dems Who Don’t Get It?

Double Standards and Democrats: Why Does David Wu’s Personal Life Get a Pass?

Audio:With Debt Deadline Looming, Markets on High Alert

Bill Ayers Decries On-Going Education Reforms in Socialist Magazine

The Debt Ceiling Debate – Yet Another Example of DC Giving Us What We Don’t Want

Will the Left Blame Conservatives and the Tea Party for the Norway Tragedy?

BREAKING: ‘New’ ACORN Groups Join SEIU’s Economic Terrorism Campaign Against Lenders, Governments

Soros Making More Cash With Congress

GOP Readies New Debt Ceiling Plan

Court Says NAACP, Teachers Union Can’t Trap Kids in Failing Schools

Policology 101: Probing the Propensity of Progressives to Prefer Political Projection

Senator Kent Conrad: Is He a Clown, Hack, or Demagogue?

New OFA Video About Wall St. Reform-’YAY, Government!’

Rep. Allen West Says ‘Marxist,’ Now Who Else Will Tell the Truth?

Connecticut Union Members Say Their Leaders Misrepresented Them in Favor of Governor

Drill More to Bring the Deficit Down

Democrats in ‘Volcanic’ Mood; Demand Higher Taxes

Unions Cheer When Socialist-Style Merit-Pay Scheme Doesn’t Work

Dems Gone Wild: Rep. Wu at Center of Sex Scandal

Brit Business Secretary: Congressional Republicans Are ‘Right Wing Nutters’ Who Threaten Financial Meltdown

A Warning From Norway

Is The U.S. Funding The Taliban?

Norway Terrorist Plagiarized The Unibomber; Inspired By Ted Kacyznski

Death, Taxes, And The Alabama Confederate Tax that Won’t Die

Norway Terrorist Can Only Be Sentenced To…..21 Years Max; Will Be Out By Age 53!

Norwegian Terrorist: Just What Was He Thinking?

Norway In Shock Over ‘Blond On Blond’ Terrorist Violence

Covert Influence To Invoke Rampant Corruption? Quartzsite, Arizona

Excerpts From The Norwegian Terrorist’s Manifesto: Watches ‘Dexter,’ Plays ‘World of Warcraft’

Dehumanization – Preliminary Lessons of the Oslo Attack

A Political Court: The ICC, Gaddafi, and Libyan Rebel War Crimes

Anders Behring Breivik: Jihadist

Norwegian Suspect Admits To Terrorism; Another Person May Be Involved

AlJazeera: Norway, And The Rise Of Right Wing Politics

Norwegian Analyst: Multiculturalism Is Partly To Blame For Attack

Oslo Attacked And Islamists Initially Blamed: The Problems With Pattern Analysis

Egyptian Presidential Candidate: Jews Wanna Rule The World

Audio:Frank Wolf: TSA Leadership Reform

Army’s 1st Air Cav Conducts Rare ‘Sling Load’ Operation In Afghanistan

Another Iranian Nuke Scientist Assassinated….

The Man Behind The Norway Attacks


+Timeline of Norway's twin attacks


Suspect: Norway attacks 'marketing' for manifesto

Norway suspect borrowed from Unabomber's manifesto

Islamovision: Network creates 'All American Muslim' reality TV show | Mail Online

Obama renews pledge on immigration reform


+23-Jul-11 World View

+24-Jul-11 World View

+25-Jul-11 World View


A Brief History of Comic Books: Part I

A Brief History of Comics: Part II


**Our Documents - (www.ourdocuments.gov)


**The United States Constitution**


Gunman's father was London diplomat - World news, News - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

Rothschild Bank AND Goldman Sachs Are Both On The LIST Of Bondholders Getting U.S. Taxpayer Billions In Ireland - Home - The Daily Bail

Oslo bomber ABB Anders Breivik sent email to Jewish anti-Muslim Sweden Democrats a hour before the bombings! | Wake Up From Your Slumber

Islamization Is A Zionist Diversion | Wake Up From Your Slumber

Norway Princess’ Brother killed in massacre - 12160

Norway shooting: killer 'confirms Gro Harlem Brundtland was main target' - Telegraph

ATLAH Media Network | All Jesus, All The Time

The Chosen One by Angelo M. Codevilla | ATLAH Media Network

9-11 Inside Job: All Evidence, No Theories | ATLAH Media Network

‪More taxes to save US from bankruptcy?‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul on FOX News 07/23/11‏ - YouTube

‪Max Keiser: Obama financially lynched by racist GOP‏ - YouTube

‪Worst shooting spree in history? 84 dead in Utoya, Norway massacre‏ - YouTube

Another Silver Drive By Shooting Coming?

+A Thousand Pictures Is Worth One Word

Anders Behring Breivik: Manufacturing a Patsy?

Oslo Bombing: Is CIA Contact Krekar to Blame? «

Sickness vs. Choice: America’s Youth Deceived Into a Life of Sin «

Destroying Tyranny: We Will Not Stop «

Israel PM guards tell women reporters to remove bras - Yahoo! News

Trump to GOP: Force U.S. default to make sure Obama isn't re-elected

Frank Schaeffer Explains Why Dominionists Are Driving Debt Ceiling Brinksmanship

Debbie Schlussel:CIA’s Affirmative Action for Chicks Killed Americans in 2 Al-Qaeda Attacks


Home Improvment USA

Home Improvment USA

Home Talk

Home Talk 2

Home Talk 3

Magic Garden

Magic Garden 2

The Nutrimedical Report 1

The Nutrimedical Report 2

The Nutrimedical Report 3

Easy Organic Gardener

Herb Talk


*World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley 1

*World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley 2


**NEWS VIDEOS:Pawlenty: Is Obama Chicken?

NBC News’ Brzezinski: Why Can’t Republicans ‘Think Outside the Box for the Good of the Country?’

Boehner: Obama Too Worried About Re-Election; There Was Never Any Plan from White House

Obama: I’m Dealing with Debt Issue Like Lincoln Dealt with Slavery

KIM KARDASHIAN NUDE PICS! (How NBC News’ Former Host Got His YouTube Ratings)

Sources: NFL Lockout Over

Dem’s Latest Congressional Sex Scandal

Cincinnati Labor Boss Indicted On Wire Fraud Charge

Boehner, Reid Moving Forward on Debt Deal

Actor Cheadle: GOP Senator Opened My Eyes to Sudan

Pawlenty: Let’s Remember How We Got Here, Obama’s Spending

NBC News’ Latest Hire Vowed Not to Criticize Obama Over Anything

Rep. Allen West Issues Challenge to Republican Party to Show Leadership

24TH/Dominique Strauss-Kahn Accuser Speaks

Bachmann: We’d Be Better Off If President’s Cabinet Had at Least Run a Lemonade Stand

Tea Party Congressman: Raising Debt Ceiling IS Compromise

Grandma Marries Grandma in New York

High-Speed Rail Disaster in China

Ravings of a Madman: Oslo Killer’s Last Video Manifesto Revealed

23RD/Crowder Takes On Politically Correct Maher

Maher Stumped by Challenge: Would You Cancel Your Show to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?

Amy Winehouse Dead at 27

Liberal Talk Show Host: Boehner Should Be Struck Dead by Lightning

22ND/Boehner: ‘It’s the President Who Walked Away’

Krauthammer: Who is Obama to ‘Summon’ Leaders to White House?

Petulant Obama Complains: Boehner Didn’t Return My Phone Call

Obama Press Conference on Debt Ceiling Negotiation Break-Down

‘When You Go Write Your Stories’: Obama Calls Out WH Press Corps

‘We Are Out Of Time’: Obama Summons Congressional Leadership to White House

Terror Hits Oslo

Disgraced GEICO Voice-Over Actor Lashes Out at Breitbart in Propaganda Parody Video

21ST/High-end Prostitution Ring Busted in NYC

Suspect Indicted in Brooklyn Dismemberment Case

South Korea’s Susan Boyle

20TH/Israeli Navy Intercepts Gaza-Bound French Yacht

Nazi Doctor Mengele’s Diaries Up For Sale


**24th/Politics Video:Boehner On Debt Fight: Obama "Worried About His Next Election"

Huffington: Debt Ceiling A "Completely Artificial Crisis"

Sen. Kyl: Obama Putting Election Over Economy

George Will: "Congress Being Resuscitated By Presidential Arrogance"

Bill Daley: Boehner Cooperates, His Caucus Does Not

Tim Geithner: Debt Deal Must Happen Today

Sen. Durbin: GOP Wants To Make Debt A Campaign Issue

"This Week" Roundtable On Budget Talk Breakdown

"FOX News Sunday" Predicts Results Of Debt Ceiling Talks

"Meet The Press" Roundtable: Is Washington Broken?

23rd/Obama Weekly Address: Calls For Serious Cuts And New Revenues

Hensarling Gives GOP Weekly: "Cut Up The Credit Cards Once And For All"

Stossel: Does History Need To Be Re-Written?

Reason's Gillespie On Spending, Government Waste And Tax Loopholes

Olbermann: Is Hope Dead for A Debt Ceiling Agreement?

Jeb Bush: "You Never Say Never"

Charles Krauthammer: Obama At His Most Sanctimonious

Rep. Van Hollen: Obama Not Offering Cuts "For Show"


+Real Clear Markets - Video - Rogers: U.S. Has Already Lost AAA Rating


**World Video:The Health Implications Of Japan's 'Triple Disaster'

Jellyfish Invade Israeli Shores

Norway Suspect Allegedly Posts Video

Profile Of A Killer

EU To Share 'Best Practices' After Norway Killings

Clinton Reassures China

Solar Revolution Transforms Remote Corners Of Bolivia

U.S. 'Betting On India's Future'

Norway Suspect Wanted Anti-Muslim Revolution

Raw Video: Toddler Rescued After Train Crash

Obama: 'Our Hearts Go Out' To Victims Of Oslo Blast

Accuser In Strauss-Kahn's NY Sex Case Speaks Out

Afghanistan's Economic Prospect

Strauss-Kahn Accuser Tells Her Story


Bill Cunningham 7/24/11 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 7/24/11 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 7/24/11 Hour 3


Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-24, Sunday


‪The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See‏ - YouTube


+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 22nd, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 22nd, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 21st, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 21st, 2011


FEMA camps and the underground bases | NEWSBAD.COM


+U.S. Law Allows Chemical and Biological Testing On Populace | Dprogram.net


**PUBLIC LAW 105–85—NOV. 18, 1997


‪- 07/22/11 A model of police restraint, Ademo Freeman‏ - YouTube

Infowars Predicted Norway Terror Attacks Day Before | Dprogram.net

‪- 07/21/11 Adam Full Show We're all terrorists now, Free bullets, not free speech,‏ - YouTube

+2 Parts:The Murdoch Scandal: Toward the heart of the onion | Dprogram.net

U.S Government Smuggled Missles, Grenades And Other Military Grade Weapons To Mexico Drug Cartels | Dprogram.net

Hacking the Saudis | Dprogram.net

Eyewitness to Demolition: New Video Compilation Brings Together Dozens of Explosive 9/11 Accounts

Former Governor Jesse Ventura: ‘We’re a fascist nation now’ | The Raw Story

Default Now, or Suffer a More Expensive Crisis Later: Ron Paul - Bloomberg

Beware 'Planet of the Apes' experiments that could create sci-fi nightmare | Mail Online

UN's Arms Trade Treaty Endangers Your Right to Bear Arms - John Birch Society


+Oslo News 7-24-11 | Dprogram.net

+Oslo Bombing News – 7-23-11 | Dprogram.net

+Oslo Bombing News 7-22-11 | Dprogram.net