"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

12 July 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"


Bohemian Grove Exposed


*1:37:37/YouTube - ‪Bohemian Grove - Alex Jones‏


*Bohemian Grove: Cult of Conspiracy –

YouTube - ‪Author Stefan Molyneux: America is a Grim Rewind of The Last Days of The Roman Empire 1/3‏

YouTube - ‪Author Stefan Molyneux: America is a Grim Rewind of The Last Days of The Roman Empire 2/3‏

YouTube - ‪Author Stefan Molyneux: America is a Grim Rewind of The Last Days of The Roman Empire 3/3‏

YouTube - ‪Alex Jones Comes Out Against 9/11 Truth! 1/2‏

YouTube - ‪Alex Jones Comes Out Against 9/11 Truth! 2/2‏

YouTube - ‪Dr. Jerome Corsi: Birthergate II - Alex Jones Tv 1/2‏

YouTube - ‪Dr. Jerome Corsi: Birthergate II - Alex Jones Tv 2/2‏

YouTube - ‪Obama's Socialist/Chevez Like Dictatorship Over America is Almost Complete - Alex Jones Tv 1/3‏

YouTube - ‪Obama's Socialist/Chevez Like Dictatorship Over America is Almost Complete - Alex Jones Tv 2/3‏

YouTube - ‪Obama's Socialist/Chevez Like Dictatorship Over America is Almost Complete - Alex Jones Tv 3/3‏

» Insider: Secretive Elite Set Policy At Bohemian Grove Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Mexican Outlaws Get Guns Via ATF Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Less Than One Quarter Support Obama’s Libya Bombardment Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*Ron Paul Announces He Will Not Run for Re-election in House Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Wikileaks’ Assange to Address 9/11 Conspiracy? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Afghan CIA Drug Kingpin Shot Dead by Own Bodyguard Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Anonymous Could Unleash “Literally Explosive” Material on Bohemian Grove Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» A Bad Mood Has Descended On World Financial Markets Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The True Costs of America’s Wars Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+3 Parts/Author Stefan Molyneux: America is a Grim Rewind of The Last Days of The Roman Empire Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Jennifer Jones: AZ Police Chief Declares Martial Law After Being Exposed on Infowars.com Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘Anonymous’ Launches Operation Bohemian Grove July 13 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Of Course Unemployment Is Rising … Gov’t Policy Is GUARANTEEING It Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Record one in six Americans now on food stamps as depression escalates Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Security Grifters Partner-Up on Sinister Cyber-Surveillance Project by Tom Burghardt

Owensboro Police Officers receive new body cameras - 14 WFIE, Evansville, Henderson, Owensboro

The next big hit to the economy? | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

BBC News - Indiana latest US state to drop handwriting requirement

Michele Bachmann the tax collector versus Ron Paul fans - Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. - Salon.com

Assad loyalists attack US, French embassies in Syria after envoys visit opposition stronghold - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: Obama presses Saleh on Yemen power transfer

Protests spread in Egypt as discontent with military rule grows | World news | The Guardian

» Syrian Activists Say… Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

YouTube - ‪Ademo's "Improper Influence" or Edward Burke's Abuse of Power - You Decide‏

New Hampshire Judge Caught On Video Ordering False Arrest | Pixiq

» Yet Another Reason Not to Enlist Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Wanted: For Crimes Against Humanity Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

High levels of radiation detected in Northwest rainwater | KING5.com Seattle

» The worlds largest human experiment: GMOs, Roundup and the Monsanto monstrosity Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

In Robotics, Human-Style Perception and Motion Are Elusive - NYTimes.com

Clean Tech Sector Heading for a Major Crash | Oil Price.com

Geo-engineering: green versus greed in the race to cool the planet | Environment | The Observer

» Living in and Through The Poison Century Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Fluoride consumption leads to brain damage, says study Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Cellphones, Cancer and Infertility - FoxNews.com

Roman-era shipwreck reveals ancient medical secrets - Telegraph

CIA organised fake vaccination drive to get Osama bin Laden's family DNA | World news | The Guardian

Activist Post: CIA using secret Somalia facility, prison: report

Aid agencies 'should work with' Somalia's al-Qaeda-linked Islamists - Telegraph

Iran accused of arming anti-US militias in Iraq - Telegraph

FBI Invited Controversial Church To Talk To Agents : NPR

FBI Invites Virulent Westboro Baptist Church to Assist in Counterterrorism Training Program | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Arizona illegal immigration law sponsor faces recall | arizona, recall, republic - News - The Orange County Register

Family of Murdered Border Patrol Agent Considering Suing Feds Over 'Fast and Furious' - FoxNews.com

» ‘Mexican Border Violence’ is becoming Transnational Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

9/11 families demand to reopen case — RT

» The NIST WTC 7 Report is False Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Panetta echoes Bush comments, linking Iraq invasion to war on al-Qaeda - The Washington Post

25 Reasons To Buy Gold And Dump Dollars

Japan's Kan says nuclear clean-up could take decades | Reuters

2011 Year Of Activist Revolution Truth Exposed Radio 4hr Special(1+2)

2011 Year Of Activist Revolution Truth Exposed Radio 4hr Special(3+4)

YouTube - ‪PROMO: July 6, 2011 - Year Of Activist Revolution - Truth Exposed Radio 4hr Special‏


*The Open Internet: A Case for Net Neutrality(http://www.theopeninter.net/)


25 Reasons To Buy Gold And Dump Dollars

Courthouse News Service:Airlines Lose Challange to TSA Screening Fees

YouTube - ‪The Controlled Left Right Paradigm For Dummies!‏

Pakistan could "pull troops from Afghan border" if U.S. cuts aid - Yahoo! News

Clinton blasts Syria, its president after attack on embassy - CNN.com

U.S. Military Drills Near South China Sea Isles ‘Inappropriate,’ Chen Says - Bloomberg

Brother of Afghan president ‘martyred’ | The Raw Story

Prison Planet.com » France Says NATO Bombing Has Failed

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul: We Need Free Competition in Currencies

Prison Planet.com » Anonymous Calls For Occupation of Bohemian Grove Entrance

Prison Planet.com » Rep. Ron Paul Slams Debt Ceiling with Grassroots Campaign

Prison Planet.com » Secret Federal Reserve Location Revealed (Video)

Prison Planet.com » Top Retail Analyst: “I Think What’s Going On … Is That We Are In A Depression For 80 Percent Of Americans”

Prison Planet.com » Watchdog hits out at Yahoo! for ‘spying’ on customer emails to sell targeted advertising

Obama: Job Losses Prove Stimulus Worked | CNSnews.com

YouTube - ‪Job Losses Prove Stimulus Worked‏

Prison Planet.com » Co-Chair of 9/11 Inquiry: American Government Covered Up State Assistance to Hijackers

Prison Planet.com » Radiation Data From Aerial Radiological Survey In Washington State May Be Classified For National Security Purposes

Poll: Most see disasters, few climate turn - UPI.com

YouTube - ‪Ron Paul Says 1.3 Trillion Dollar Debt Owed To Federal Reserve Is Not Real!‏

YouTube - ‪Keiser Report: Ratings Racket (E163)‏

YouTube - ‪Sen Wyden "In The Federal Tax Codes There Is Actually Incentives To Export Jobs Out Of The U.S.!‏

YouTube - ‪Flytilla blocked: RT talks to only Gaza activist who 'slipped through net'‏

As NATO Intensifies Its Attacks On Libya’s Civilian Infrastructure, Libya Prepares To Charge 21 “Rebel” Terrorists

Van Rompuy, NATO Boss to Meet with Libyan al-Qaeda Rebels

Anonymous Could Unleash “Literally Explosive” Material on Bohemian Grove

Obama Campaigner Working For CNN As “Independent” Contributor

Jennifer Jones: AZ Police Chief Declares Martial Law After Being Exposed on Infowars.com

Stop TSA Molestation: Ron Paul Introduces American Traveler Dignity Act of 2011

University Offers Bachelor of Arts in Counter-terrorism

Vitamin E Is Misunderstood

FDA's scheme to outlaw nearly all nutritional supplements created after 1994 would destroy millions of jobs and devastate economy

Brainwashing 101: What You Need to Know

+Interactive Nuclear Evacuation Zone | Don't Tread On Me

Don’t be Fooled by Political Posturing

+Obama Is Establishing An Executive Dictatorship


The Associated Press: FBI: No Oklahoma City bombing videos found

Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

JP Morgan Uses Field-Programmable Gate Array Supercomputer to Cut Credit Risk Analysis from 8 Hours to 12 Seconds - BlackListedNews.com

Italy Is Too Big To Bail, Even For France And Germany - Agustino Fontevecchia - Moral Hazard - Forbes

Max Keiser: "Obama Defaulted On The U.S. Constitution; Christine Lagarde Is A Debt Whore; Round Up The Bankers And Throw Them In Jail" - BlackListedNews.com

Northwest sees 35% infant mortality spike post-Fukushima - KCPQ

Europe considers Greek default, leaders to meet - Yahoo! Finance

Cisco May Cut as Many as 10,000 Jobs - Bloomberg

George W Bush should be prosecuted over torture, says human rights group | World news | The Guardian

Karzai’s Brother Dies A Gangster’s Death in Kandahar | Danger Room | Wired.com

Police: Internet providers must keep user logs | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Mortgage Company Completely Trashes Man's Home, Steals All His Belongings - Cops Decline To Investigate - Home - The Daily Bail

Barbara Ehrenreich: 12,000 Drones, Lethal Cyborg Insects, See-Shoot Robots -- How Machines Are Taking Over War | World | AlterNet

UN Demands $76 Trillion for “Green Technology” - BlackListedNews.com

Hackers claim they exposed Booz Allen Hamilton data | InSecurity Complex - CNET News

Analyst: Even Dollar Stores Struggling In ‘Obama Depression’ « CBS Los Angeles

The Glum and the Restless - Jim Tankersley - NationalJournal.com

Pentagon center for brain injuries failing vets: GAO | The Raw Story

"If you see something, say something" campaign: Department of Homeland Security is expanding campaign to the Jewish community - Sun Sentinel

Green power push 'will double energy bills in five years' | Mail Online

Mounting Public Debt. The Looting of Federal Pensions, Social Security and Medicare - BlackListedNews.com

ATF’s Fast and Furious Seems Colored With Shades of Iran/Contra Scandal | the narcosphere

Bohemian Grove


YouTube - ‪Bohemian Grove - Alex Jones‏



YouTube - ‪The size of Greece's debt‏

Watch The U.S. Debt Clock Tick Above $14.5 Trillion - Home - The Daily Bail

Rand Paul Wants To Cut $500 Billion In Federal Spending In JUST One Year - ABC Subway Interview - Home - The Daily Bail

How Seawater Can Power the World - NYTimes.com

Activist Post: Uncle Sam: The Godfather Of Terrorism And Taxable Vices

Bachmann’s Aide Hides $10M Secret - 12160

Former Reagan Budget Director David Stockman Annihilates Wall Street, Federal Reserve Debt Monetization & The Bailout Super Culture - Home - The Daily Bail

Hacker Hijacks Xbox, Sends SWAT To Home - News Story - KVIA El Paso

YouTube - ‪Greece a Dress Rehearsal for United States‏

Activist Post: Panetta makes 9/11 gaffe in Iraq

Phone hacking: 9/11 victims 'may have had mobiles tapped by News of the World reporters' - mirror.co.uk

Study: Politicians share personality traits with serial killers // Current

YouTube - ‪How Khazarian Ashkenazi "Jews" Invented Modern Terrorism before 911‏

Activist Post: One-way Surveillance Protocol? – Police Cameras

YouTube - ‪The video BP doesn't want you to see‏

Bachmann Was A Tax Collector For What She’s Called ‘The Most Heartless Organization That Anyone Knows Of ‘ | ThinkProgress

How Digital Detectives Deciphered Stuxnet, the Most Menacing Malware in History | Threat Level | Wired.com

Activist Post: Who's Afraid of Ron Paul?

Lone Star Watchdog: When Our Government Has Failed Us Intentionally. It is Our Duty To Correct The Injustice,or we Perish.

Lone Star Watchdog: The Internet is Better Off Without Government Interference

YouTube - ‪Why Fukushima Can Happen HERE!! What the NRC and Nuclear Industry Dont Want You to Know‏

Study Finds Many Alleged Sexual Assaults at VA Medical Facilities Not Reported : Federal Jack

Holder Lied: DOJ News Release Shows Obama Admin Approved ATF Mexico Weapons Smuggling - In The Aggregate – Arizona's political blogs

YouTube - ‪Fukushima immune? China bets on 'safer nuclear fuel'‏


Gary Shaw & John Stockwell: JFK Assassination Conspiracy (Part 1)

Gary Shaw & John Stockwell: JFK Assassination Conspiracy (Part 2)

Gary Shaw & John Stockwell: JFK Assassination Conspiracy (Part 3)

Gary Shaw & John Stockwell: JFK Assassination Conspiracy (Part 4)

Gary Shaw & John Stockwell: JFK Assassination Conspiracy (Part 5)

Gary Shaw & John Stockwell: JFK Assassination Conspiracy (Part 6)


Inside Job: More Proof of 9/11 Duplicity | BobTuskin.com

Million man march in Tahrir Square gets underway - Egypt - Ahram Online

Is Google too close to the UK government? - Technology & Gadgets News | MSN UK

NOTW toxicity could hit News Int, say advertisers | News | Marketing Week

Nearly 3,000 victims of 9/11 don’t show up as dead in Social Security records | BobTuskin.com


Max Keiser: "Obama Defaulted On The U.S. Constitution; Christine Lagarde Is A Debt Junkie; Round Up The Bankers And Throw Them In Jail" - Home - The Daily Bail

Obama: Job Losses Prove That The Stimulus Worked - Home - The Daily Bail

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : The Purpose of The Fed Is To Hide the Default - Ron Paul on WHO Radio in Iowa 07/11/11

DOJ: We can force you to decrypt that laptop | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

MAKE THIS GO VIRAL - The Shocking Video That BP (And A Federal Judge) Don't Want Anyone To See - CEO Tony Hayward's Deposition - Home - The Daily Bail

The Copyright Lobby Absolutely Loves Child Pornography | TorrentFreak

YouTube - ‪Coca-Cola Exposed! Killer Cola‏

Federal government isn't touching Arkansas terrorism case - 12160

New Pentagon Chief Leon Panetta Wins Jews' Trust – Forward.com

Every 6 Months, Another Trillion In Debt - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - ‪The New Normal Recovery‏

YouTube - ‪We Have the Results and Only We Have the Results‏

YouTube - ‪The NIST WTC 7 Report is False‏

Activist Post: Spy Agency’s Next Top Analyst: You

The “War On Drugs” Is A $2.5 Trillion Racket: How Big Banks, Private Military Companies And The Prison Industry Cash In | BobTuskin.com

Holder Lied: DOJ News Release Shows Obama Admin Approved ATF Mexico Weapons Smuggling - Salem-News.Com

Whistleblower ATF Agent John Dodson Exposes Deadly Video

Borderland Beat: ATF gunwalking: Who knew, and how high up?

Radiation Data From Aerial Radiological Survey In Washington State May Be Classified For National Security Purposes :

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Bernie Sanders "People In This Country Are Sick & Tired Of TWO Wars That Go ON AND ON!"

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : "We've Got To Stop Criminalizing People For Using Marijuana! It's The Absolute Stupidest Thing!"

Selloff - Dow Down 150, Fannie Short Sale Nightmare, Putin Takes Shot At Bernanke, Bush Employees STILL Getting Taxpayer Credit Cards, 93 Days In Jail For A Vegetable Garden, Sunny Sheu Update, China Stocks Are Junk (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

President Hamid Karzai’s half-brother assassinated : Federal Jack

YouTube - ‪Rage & Outrage Are Waiting‏

Nearly 3,000 victims of 9/11 don’t show up as dead in Social Security records » Naples Daily News

CHART: U.S. Debt To GDP 1940-2015 - Home - The Daily Bail


*Secrets of the CIA(http://secretsofthecia.blogspot.com/)


The Steady Drip: Hope and Change or a Man Deranged!Posted by Kevin A. Lehmann on July 9, 2011 at 9:00am

Amazing -'Massive Growing Sinkhole' In Texas | Before It's News

Earth Falling Apart? Another Massive "Sinkhole" Develops | Before It's News

'Scientists Baffled' Mount Etna Eruption Makes Island's Clocks Run 15 Minutes Fast | Before It's News

Secret Weapons Now Beaming Into Your Skull | Before It's News

Cyprus Naval Base 'Biblical Disaster': Video Of Massive Blast Aftermath | Before It's News

The Magnetic Pole Shift | Before It's News

Cemetery of giant creatures found in Central Africa

5000 Year Old Technology Rediscovered | Before It's News

7 Active Antarctic Volcanoes Submerged In The Southern Ocean | Before It's News

A Lost World? Atlantis-Like Landscape Discovered Icelandic Mantle Plume & North Atlantic Ocea | LiveScience

6 Lifestyle Trends That Lead To Deadly Diseases | Before It's News

A 'Nutty' Solution To Type 2 Diabetes Management | Before It's News

Anthropology: “Human Ingenuity: A 100,000-Year-Old Story” | Before It's News

Activist Post: Alternative Markets, Barter Systems, and Local Co-ops are the Lifeboats That Will Save Us

How To Harvest & Preserve Basil | Before It's News

Why The NIST WTC 7 Report Is False | Before It's News

'Stop The 9/11 Cover-Up' | Before It's News

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – a political insurgency

Bodyguard For The Brain | Before It's News

The Two Dollar Toothbrush | Before It's News

Does Ron Paul’s Retirement from Congress Open the Way for a Third Party Run for President? | Before It's News

How Does Your Organic Garden Grow? | Groovy Green Livin

The 5 Biggest Oil Spills In History | Before It's News

Video: How to Test Your Rainwater for Chemtrail Heavy Metals and Other Pollutants | Before It's News

Statement from U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke on U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services | Before It's News

Congress Wants Automatic Wage Deductions To Pay Down The Debt | Before It's News

Marilyn Monroe The Final Days | Before It's News

Record temperatures seen as heat wave plagues 23 states - CNN.com

Get Kraken: Why Scientists Should Study Sea Monsters | Cryptozoology: Science or Pseudoscience | LiveScience

BBC Nature - Tiny snails survive digestion by birds

Ethane lakes in a red haze: Titan's uncanny moonscape - space - 11 July 2011 - New Scientist

Fish Photographed Using Tools to Eat | Wired Science | Wired.com

Cryptomundo » An Editorial: What Impact Will Finding Bigfoot Have?

Ky. Professor Gets Grant to Search for 'Lost City' | LEX18.com | Lexington, Kentucky

Strange Speeches « Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog

Lair of the Beasts: Monsters of Wisconsin - Mania.com

Mount Etna eruption closes airports and 'knocks clocks 15 minutes fast' | Mail Online

YouTube - ‪Fukushima nuclear contamination in Japan: Looking at maps of Science Ministry survey data‏

Jonathan Emord -- Dick Durbin, Enemy of the Founding Fathers’ Republic

YouTube - ‪Money and inflation‏

Kid Meets First Gay Couple

savethemales.ca - How to Worship God

Madame Rage: Marine Le Pen's Populism for the Masses - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

YouTube - ‪Rense & Chiappalone - Terminal Madness in the End Times‏

China aims high with space program ambitions

NHK WORLD English/Cesium found in hay fed to cattle

China says US spends too much money on military - Yahoo! News

Coming Soon to an Airport Near You by Wendy McElroy

Obscure clause may help US avert default - Yahoo! News

Obama’s Answer To Everything. « The PPJ Gazette

Watchdog hits out at Yahoo! for 'spying' on customer emails for targeted advertising | Mail Online

Activist Post: The worlds largest human experiment: GMOs, Roundup and the Monsanto monstrosity – part one

Radiological Emergency Preparedness Homepage - Washington State Department of Health

#Radioactive Beef from Fukushima Update: Already Been Sold in At Least 9 (not 5) Prefectures | EX-SKF

Super Gonorrhea: Scientists Discover Antibiotic-Resistant STD - ABC News

Why QE2 Failed: The Money All Went Offshore « WEB OF DEBT BLOG

OPINION: Competing currencies: a defense against profligate spending - The Hill's Congress Blog

Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam

Is Russia Selling its Gold? - GoldSeek.com

National Infrastructure Bank: Another Trilateral Ripoff?

Mayor Claims Quartzsite, Arizona Under Martial Law After State Of Emergency Declared During Secret Meeting :

Mother: Teenage Girl Mob Attacked My Family « CBS Minnesota

Police officers wearing cameras | HeraldTribune.com

- Simple Harmonic (and non-harmonic) Motion § Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstrations

Why Fukushima Can Happen Here: What the NRC and Nuclear Industry Dont Want You to Know on Vimeo

The latest on flooding: July 11 - Omaha.com

Arirang | Korea for the World, The World for Korea - Arirang.co.kr

Radioactive meat circulating on Japanese market - CNN.com

YouTube - ‪The Lee-Toomey-Paul Cut, Cap and Balance Act Press Conference‏

USA TODAY:Lack of education fuels HIV epidemic in South

USA urges Yemen's Ali Abdullah Saleh to go - Telegraph

Israel deports dozens of activists - Telegraph

Syrian dissidents tell government: 'dismantle the police state' - Telegraph

Massive explosion at Cyprus naval base - Europe, World - The Independent

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: hotel security chief on phone to Elysee within minutes - Telegraph

America's Dirty War On Islam

OpEdNews - Quicklink: Teen Unemployment Hits 24.5% - Forbes

The final nail in the supply side coffin - How the World Works - Salon.com

Morgellons Disease continues to defeat scientists - Telegraph

To Every Thing There Is A Season

Michele Bachmann signs controversial slavery marriage pact - Telegraph

Los Angeles braced for 'car-mageddon' as roadworks close the interstate 405 | World news | The Guardian

Nasa fights to save the James Webb space telescope from the axe | Science | The Observer

Bad bug: Gonorrhea strain resists all drugs - Health - Sexual health - msnbc.com

Chase apologizes to customer for wrongful arrest | KING5.com Seattle

News of the World hacked phones of September 11 victims, claims ex-cop | Mail Online

Robert Fisk: Why I had to leave The Times - Press, Media - The Independent

Leading article: A growing stench of lies and cover-up - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Nick Clegg: 'The pillars of the establishment are tumbling' - Profiles, People - The Independent

News International knew hacking was widespread in 2007 - Press, Media - The Independent

Father fined £1,000 and found guilty of harassment for warning families about a paedophile | Mail Online

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Vitamin A could hold key to a killer cancer

Super spud on menu as genetic code is cracked - Science, News - The Independent

OPINION: BULB Act is dim-witted - TheHill.com

Paul Drockton M.A.: My Counter-Offer to the Illuminati

Wait, Did the USDA Just Deregulate All New Genetically Modified Crops? | Mother Jones

savethemales.ca - Jacob Schiff Ordered Czar and Family Murdered

Taking America Back One State At A Time

Multi-Billion-Dollar Terrorists ...And The Disappearing Middle Class

Lifeboat Survival: Alternative Markets, Barter Systems, and Local Co-ops

Anonymous Message to Monsanto: We fight for farmers!

Wait, Did the USDA Just Deregulate All New Genetically Modified Crops?


Bayer and Death: 1918 and Aspirin

Bayer and Death: Aspirin Killed, Homeopathy Saved

Bayer and Death: Vaccines and CDC’s Myth of a 1918 Virus

Bayer and Death: Aspirin Deaths Continue Beyond 1918

Bayer and Death: A New Set of Questions about 1918


Is There One Piece Of Evidence Obama Exists?

Lack of education fuels HIV epidemic in South


*47:15/YouTube - ‪The mysterious origin of man‏


Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death Part I

Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death Part II

Ahmed Wali Karzai, brother of Afghan president, killed by trusted confidant - The Washington Post

CIA organised fake vaccination drive to get Osama bin Laden's family DNA | World news | The Guardian

A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television

Nicki Minaj’s ‘We Miss You’ Eerily Mirrors Cousin’s Death

Anonymous Calls For Occupation of Bohemian Grove Entrance (video)

CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments 1979 Documentary (video)

Alien encounters ‘within twenty years’

Undercover video exposes Bachmann’s anti-gay therapy

White House: Pot has ‘some’ medical value

Perry touts pastor who called Lady Liberty ‘demonic’

Ron Paul retiring from Congress to seek presidency

YouTube - ‪Drone Wars: US Ramping Up Unmanned Air Strikes and Domestic Surveillance‏


What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 11th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 11th, 2011

The Alex Jones Show – Sunday Edition – July 10th, 2011


*15 Food Companies that Serve You ‘Wood’ | Dprogram.net

YouTube - ‪7/11/11 Countdown to D-Day!, Obama stabs dispensaries in the back‏

What An American Bank Run Would Look Like – Tyler Durden | Dprogram.net

*3 Part/British Police Intelligence Analyst Tony Farrell: 9/11 And 7/7 Are Acts of Internal Tyranny | Dprogram.net


+The Controlled Left Right Paradigm For Dummies | Dprogram.net

2 Part/Humanity vs. the Rise of the Machines | Dprogram.net

Obama Is Establishing An Executive Dictatorship | Dprogram.net

- The Essential Rules Of Liberty | Dprogram.net

2 Parts/Why The Globalists Want to Kill The Rest of US | Dprogram.net

As Bohemians gather, so does lunatic fringe of activist world | PressDemocrat.com

Stock Markets - Whatever Happens, Commodities Win: Jim Rogers - CNBC

YouTube - ‪BREAKING: Jailed For Banking While Black‏

Food prices continue to skyrocket, even when gas prices fall

The cocktail of up to 20 chemicals in a glass of milk | Mail Online

The Great Generational Threat

The Persecution of John Walker Lindh

Zionism And The Birth Of Modern Terrorism

Obama’s Original Sin

BBC Promotes Mass Adherence to State Ideology

56 pro-Palestinian activists still detained after trying to enter Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Many older Americans expect to help kids financially - USATODAY.com

'It looked like somebody dropped a bomb': One dead and four injured after Amtrak train smashes into dump truck | Mail Online

Former NFL star David 'Deacon' Turner shot dead by police | Mail Online

Gordon Brown Says Newspaper Hired ‘Known Criminals’ - NYTimes.com

British Tabloid Targeted Investigators’ Phone Messages - NYTimes.com

New British guidelines say even babies should exercise - USATODAY.com

Big birth announcement: couple welcomes a 16-pound baby boy | The Upshot - Yahoo! News

Watch out YMCA: America's first gay hotel chain opens for business | Mail Online

Cities move toward transgender health care - USATODAY.com

Millions of pounds of marijuana stashed under 'tour buses' seized in U.S. drugs raids | Mail Online

Christian Choate failed by at least 13 people who knew about abuse before he died | Mail Online

Police raid on mental health shelter finds children tied to their beds, and evidence of starvation and beatings | Mail Online

Father-in-law of Time covergirl whose nose was hacked off by Taliban 'released without charge' | Mail Online

Robber who broke into hair salon beaten up by black-belt owner and kept as sex slave for three days... fed only Viagra | Mail Online

Thomas Timko sued by daughter Kaitlyn, 11, over road rage incident | Mail Online

Imperial Decline: Multi-Billion-Dollar Terrorists and the Disappearing Middle Class

BREAKING NEWS: Mounting Evidence that Dominique Strauss Kahn was Framed

Big Banks Waging Warfare Against the People of the World

VIDEO: Why Fukushima Can Happen Here: What the NRC and Nuclear Industry Don't Want You to Know

The Meaning of a True Palestinian State. A Strategy to End Occupation

Culture of Concealment: Corruption South Africa Style

Empire and the Criminalization of the Media: The Fourth Estate is Bankrupt

Deficit Reduction Versus Democracy

VIDEO: Drone Wars: US Ramping Up Unmanned Air Strikes and Domestic Surveillance

Dissecting a global empire and the US ‘war on terror”

World Population to Hit Seven Billion by October

Panetta Calls for Iraqi Decision on Future U.S. Presence

Pakistan Says US Aid With Conditions Unacceptable

Iraq Extremists Use Iranian Weapons

DOD Spokesman Discusses Pakistan Military Aid Delay

Pakistan Military Ops Unaffected by US Aid Suspension

Mullen Cites Importance of U.S.-China Relationship

YouTube - ‪BREAKING! ANOTHER SCANDAL THAT COULD TAKE OBAMA DOWN by Joseph Farah WND - (For Specialguests.com)‏

Another scandal that could take Obama down

YouTube - ‪What Are We Capable Of - THIS IS ANONYMOUS!‏

YouTube - ‪Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order‏

Hey, Mr. President: Here’s What Happened to American Jobs - Prosper Now - - Forbes

Here's Why Small Business Isn't Hiring, and Won't be Hiring

14 States Suffering Under Drought - NYTimes.com

Finding Goliath? Archaeologists Uncover Details About the Bible‘s ’Bad Guy’ Philistines | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Panetta's Iraq Visit Reveals his Lack of Knowledge » Publications » Family Security Matters

CIA | LGBT Advocacy Group Summit | Leon Panetta | The Daily Caller

What An American Bank Run Would Look Like | zero hedge

The disappearing black middle class - Chicago Sun-Times

New Force Powering Earth's Tectonic Plates Discovered

Inuit People Observe Changes in Weather, Sun, and Star Patterns -- Earth Changes -- Sott.net

Is Comet Elenin an incoming spacecraft heralding a New Age? - Honolulu exopolitics | Examiner.com

First-Ever View of a Sungrazer Comet In Front of the Sun

Catholic Show Exposes Rockefeller Assault on Church, Life

The Scientific Dictatorship, Natural Law and the Abolition of Man | Old-Thinker News

UN reveals its master plan for destruction of global economy – Telegraph Blogs

Major grocer getting rid of self-checkout lanes - Business - Consumer news - Retail - msnbc.com

Ron Paul Will Not Run for Congress Again | Lew Rockwell's Political Theatre

*Audio:Real Freedom and Ron Paul;Butler Shaffer on the difference between freedom and liberty, and how to be free regardless of the state.

Banks Should Die for Their Countries, Not Countries for Their Banks by Eric Margolis

Seeing Yellow… But Not For Very Long by Eric Peters

Casey Anthony Juror, 60, Quits Work and Flees Town in Fear of Her Life

Black America vs. Obama? by Patrick J. Buchanan

Education Is More Than Instruction by Albert Jay Nock

Failing Liberty 101 by Walter E. Williams

Wishful Thinking: Why The Economist Wants Social Media to Replace Blogs by Anthony Wile

Magnets could prevent heart attacks by thinning the blood | Mail Online

Ed Gillespie: GOP Will Sweep 2012, Voters Now See Obama 'Over His Head'

IBOPE Zogby: Christie Beats Obama in Poll

McConnell, Boehner Rip Obama on Debt Talks

Unions Turning on Obama in Debt Battle

Zogby: Majority Wants Cuts Rather Than New Taxes

Social Security's Link to Debt True but False

Panetta Blunt But Unsteady in Debut Abroad

2 Americans Abducted in Southern Philippines

'Gilligan's Island' Creator Sherwood Schwartz Dies

Obama Launches Effort to Shred Red Tape

Oil Study Urges Offshore Deregulation

Scientists Find Superbug Strain of STD

New Rules May Speed Alzheimer's Drugs

Florida Poll: Romney Beats Obama in Hypothetical Race

Leftward Firm Uses Bachmann to Sell Phone Service

UK Government Turns Against Murdoch BSkyB Bid

Jim Rogers: US Will Default 'One Way or Another'

Krugman: Government is Refusing to Create Jobs

Eat Your Cruciferous Vegetables

Medicine to Treat Addictions as Physical, Not Mental

Got a Sunburn? Take a Pain Reliever

Cut the Spending and the Rhetoric

Republicans Deserve Anthony Weiner's Seat

The Tea Party's Stubborn Stance on Debt Crisis

Illegal Aliens Strain Education Budgets

Historical Sites Inspire Fight to Preserve Liberty

Vatican Newspaper on News of the World Scandal

Focus on Growth, Not Taxes

A Path to Our Energy Freedom

Court Convicts Mubarak-Era Officials of Corruption

Facebook Teams with Time Warner to Fight Bullies

Jaycee Dugard Tells How She Survived Years of Captivity

Clemens Trial a Story of Two Friends Turned Enemies

Mom Who Lost 3 Daughters in NY Wreck Is Pregnant

Illinois Catholics Dispute Foster-Care Law in Court

GAO: U.S. Tracking of Child-Abuse Deaths Is Flawed

McConnell: Real Solution to Debt Crisis Unattainable With Obama in White House

Sebelius: Obamacare's Penalty on Small Businesses a 'Great Incentive' for Growth

Obama's Support Of Infrastructure Banks Echoes Past Stimulus

Teachers Union Chief: U.S. Should Learn From Schools in Other Countries

NRA Will Sue Obama Administration Over New Gun-Control Measure

Jesse Jackson Asks MLB All-Stars to Speak Against AZ Immigration Law--Gets Almost No Takers

‘Time to Stop Talking About the Importance of Teacher Quality,’ Union Chief Says

Top 3 U.S. Oil Companies Paid $42.8 Billion in Income Taxes in 2010

Huntsman Criticizes Romney's Massachusetts Job Performance

Federal Tax Revenues Have Exceeded Interest Payments 20-Fold—Since U.S. Hit Debt Limit

Republicans Stand Firm Against Tax Hikes, Despite Pressure From Obama

Afghan President's Corrupt and Powerful Brother Assassinated

U.S. Won’t Make a ‘Big Deal’ of N. Korea Chairing Disarmament Body

Int’l Olympic Committee Talking to Saudis About Ban on Female Athletes, But No Ultimatum

Conservative Ben Stein Calls For Tax Hikes on Millionaires, Billionaires

Cantor: ‘We Don’t Believe You Should Be Raising Taxes On The American People’

The Bob Tuskin Radio Show With Special Guest Retired Police Captain Peter Christ Of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Listen :The Bob Tuskin Radio Show With Special Guest Retired Police Captain Peter Christ Of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Washington Post 1983 – Planet X Discovered :

Social Security and Medicare Changes May Look Good On Paper, But Let's Look At Political Reality

Olympia Snowe: No on cuts to Medicare or Social Security for Debt Ceiling

Undercover video exposes Bachmann anti-gay therapy

Arizona State Senator Points Loaded Pink Pistol At Journalist

Al Sharpton Knocks Down Rep. Tom Graves 'Tea Party' Talking Points

Panetta To Troops In Iraq: You're Here Because of Al-Qaeda. Huh?

Wisconsin Recall Update

Director hopes new film will be 'Brokeback Mountain' for atheists

Katrina Vanden Heuvel: Real Crisis is Not Deficit and Debt, it's Jobs

Dean Baker Reminds The Media: There Was No Report From The Deficit Commission

What Does The UK News of The World Scandal Mean For Rupert Murdoch In The US?

Pawlenty attacks Bachmann's 'nonexistent' congressional accomplishments

Stand for Children Founder Brags About What His Group Did To Teachers Unions

Republicans Try to Gut Medicaid as Studies Show Its Success

President Obama's Debt Ceiling Presser: Austerity served up fresh with a side of 'peas'

Kevin McCarthy and the GOP's Three Big Lies

Time To Act

Rep. Jim Jordan Thinks Default Would be Acceptable, But Doesn't Want to Call it Default

Veterans' unemployment rate hits 13.3% in June

Fox's 'News Watch' program discusses everything BUT the Murdoch phone-hacking scandal

Alan Grayson to Run for Congress

Debt-ceiling talks hit brick wall as President Obama, GOP trade jabs - TheHill.com

McConnell, Boehner blast Obama over debt talks - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

McConnell Says 'Real Deal' Not Possible With Obama - WSJ.com

Bachmann: | RealClearPolitics

Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Koch: Vote for GOP's Turner to replace Weiner - NYPOST.com

Suspected US drones kill 38 in Pakistan | World news | guardian.co.uk

Pakistan hesitates to eradicate U.S.-mapped militant camps - Washington Times

Ahmad Wali Karzai assassination 'huge propaganda boost for Taliban' - Telegraph

Biz Buzz: Michelle Obama on 'Better Homes' cover | The Des Moines Register | DesMoinesRegister.com

Casey Anthony Video May Be Unsealed by Court - ABC News

Casey Anthony juror, 60, quits work and flees town in fear of her life | Mail Online

Woman Accused of Cutting Off Husband's Penis | NBC Los Angeles

Hookers Know Way to San Jose: Cops | NBC Bay Area

Police: Internet providers must keep user logs | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

UPDATE 2-Anger grows in Russia as children found dead in ship | Reuters

True Europeans now need a ‘plan B’ | The A-List | Must-read views on today’s top news stories – FT.com – FT.com

States court California companies - Jul. 12, 2011

Top Dollar Donors Rush Back to RNC - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

Darrell Issa questions White House's 2012 actions - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Rubio: Every Aspect Of Life In America Is Worse Since Obama Took Over | RealClearPolitics

Immelt to jobs summit: Businesses need to do more - Jul. 11, 2011

Lobbyists give to lawmakers through honorary fees | Sarah Leitner | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Carney Says He Will Not | RealClearPolitics

Geithner wants debt limit deal by next week - Yahoo! News

Murdoch fights to keep Sky bid alive - FT.com

MPs Set To Quiz Senior Police Over Phone-Hacking Scandal As Top Officer John Yates Urged To Resign | Politics | Sky News

News Corp may be at risk for U.S. probe over bribery | Reuters

Hacking: UK police say terror was bigger priority | Reuters

Idiot nearly falls from the stands chasing a ball at the Home Run Derby | HardballTalk

Fan Who Caught Jeter's 3,000th Hit May Owe IRS | NBC New York

Arnold Books ‘Last Stand’: Western To Test Schwarzenegger’s Post-Scandal Popularity – Deadline.com

Billions of bugs wiped out on Dutch roads | Reuters

Cops: Woman complains of lack of love song, is hit

flashback:July 11, 1951 - Ever Hopeful. | Newstalgia

YouTube - ‪Secret Federal Reserve Location Revealed‏

YouTube - ‪Perfect Storm for Financial and Civil Collapse‏

Activist Post: CIA using secret Somalia facility, prison: report

White House admits marijuana has ‘some’ medical value | The Raw Story

Activist Post: Clinton to address world economy in Hong Kong

Southern Poverty Law Center labels Senator Rand Paul an ‘extremist’ | The Raw Story

High fructose corn syrup contaminated with mercury and made using a toxic chemical catalyst that can burn a hole in your stomach

America, What has happened to us?

Should The Fed Burn A Pile Of Treasury Securities?

The Left Starts to Dump Obama

Debt Ceiling: Worst-Case Scenario

Terminal Media Delusion

Aiding and Abetting the Enemy

Barack Obama, Prince of Gloom

Make the Capital Strike Official

Where Obamanomics Went Wrong

Fourth largest economy in Europe falters

Karzai's corrupt half-brother assassinated

To Fund Liberal Programs Confiscate Liberal Wealth

Obama Grabs Credit for South Sudan Independence

Less guns, more crime?

Obama stiffs Egyptian democratic forces

North Korea chairs UN Disarmament Conference; Canada quits, US downplays

We Are Expected to Believe...

Obama's Marxist Immersion Shows in Presser

Finally: Clinton says Assad has 'lost legitimacy'

Michelle Obama orders 1,700 calorie lunch at Washington bistro

Me Bad: Six Not-Easy Steps to Get Me Out of the Mess I Caused

Problems with Modern Liberty of Speech

Sholem Aleichem: Laughing In The Darkness

Identity politics: The Denial of American Exceptionalism

Political Islam: Caesar and God as One

Radicalizing Home-Grown Muslims

How to Restore America's Manufacturing Innovation

Israel's Human Chameleon Strikes Again

The Green Nazi Deep Ecology of Martin Heidegger

Keeping Up With Van Jones

Is The Fate of the Infidels Tied to the Buddhas?

Stupid Choices Equal Bankruptcy (Usually)

Progressive Unemployment

A World Food Crisis?

Social Justice: Obama and the Left's Not-So-Hidden Agenda

Our Retreat from Prosperity

Conservative Heretics

No New Tax Cuts

The Real Cost of Solar Energy

Tyrannus Obama Rex

Maskophobia, Murderphobia and Bombphobia

American Stalin, Obama, Seizes Control of Food and Energy Production

Sex, Lies and Government Schools

Direct from the White House: Marxism 101

Obama’s Watergate

Tunnel vision

Inhofe Places Hold on John Bryson Nomination

What makes a scientific expert? Congressional Democrats offer a shocking answer

Who Controls the Price of Oil?

Casey Anthony, Miss America

The Peace Process: From Oslo Parameters to Unilateral Actions

Obama’s Economic Alchemy

Obama’s Petulant, Passive Aggressive Leadership Reveals a Fixed Adolescent Mindset

Environmental Protection Agency’s Implementation of the Safe Drinking Water Act’s Unregulated Drinki

AP Tells Staff to Keep Their Opinions to Themselves

Energy Freedom Now

Property Rights at Risk with Executive Order 13575

Study: Taxpayers subsidize rich enviro groups to sue feds

Post Belatedly Recognizes Growing Internal Terrorist Threat

The Wind Farm Backlash

Panetta’s Iraq visit reveals his lack of knowledge

Message to Speaker Boehner: Why Settle for “Peas” When Red Meat Is There for the Taking?

Copper Thefts Costing Churches Tens of Millions in Losses

China’s ghost Cities

Debbie Schlussel:Another “Dividend” Of Obama Egyptian Democracy: Gunmen Blow Up Gas Pipeline to Israel

Debbie Schlussel:Pro Baseball Players Learn to STFU on Arizona Immigration Law

Debbie Schlussel:SICK: Moms Raising Their Kids in Jail – 3 Generations of Trash Behind Bars

Debbie Schlussel:No Dolla? Holla!: Dollar Store Slump Shows Just How Bad Obamaconomy is

*AUDIO: Savage on Obama and space

Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Four-alarm fire ravages Manhattan synagogue - NYPOST.com

Lawmakers agree Obama botched Libya action - Washington Times

Little Rock shooting: Federal government isn't touching terrorism case - latimes.com

Ex-Aide's Lawsuit Claims Rep. Jackson Lee Mocked, Disregarded Her Disability - FoxNews.com

Review & Outlook: Taxes Upon Taxes Upon . . . - WSJ.com

Ground Zero Mosque: Judge Tosses Out Suit Over Mosque Near Ground Zero - WPIX

In lawsuit, investors claim 'a culture run amok' at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. - latimes.com

American Way: Texas execution signals Rick Perry is poised to run for president – Telegraph Blogs

British cellphone hacking: Murdoch's bid for BSkyB hits new snag - latimes.com

Archaeologists Excavate Biblical Giant Goliath's Hometown - FoxNews.com

Queens prison chaplain busted for paying inmate for sex acts - NYPOST.com

Lawyer seeks to oust trustee for homeless heir to millions - Sun Sentinel

Adolf Hitler ordered blonde sex dolls to keep soldiers away from French prostitutes: report

Whoopi Gets Facts Wrong in Bizarre Racial Rant Against Michele Bachmann

‘MILF’: How the MSM Uses Popular Culture To Do Their Dirty Work

Saying Goodbye to the Liberal Fascism of ‘Law and Order: Criminal Intent’

‘View’ Launches Racial Rant Against Michele Bachmann

‘You Need to Do It For Your Country’: Mila Kunis to Accompany Marine to Ball

‘The Undefeated’ Opens Friday: Impact Felt Already

Good News: Roseanne Back on Television with New Lifetime Reality Show

The BULB Act and the Inertia of the Administrative State

Project Gunrunner Tied Directly to President Obama

$6 Million and Rising, Big Labor Pours Big Bucks into Wisconsin Recalls

What Can You Do for Liberty Today? Vote

Audio:Doug TenNapel Talks Comics, Games and the Politics of Hollywood

President Palin or President Limbaugh? Either Way Chuck Todd Loses

Big Labor’s Compulsory Politics = $1.1 Billion in 2010 Election Cycle

Is the International Baccalaureate Programme Co-opting Your Child?

ActBlue Nationalizes Wisconsin Recalls

California Loan-Sharking: Another Underhanded Tax Hike

The Extraordinary Sarah Palin

BREAKING: It Turns Out Obama Gave ACORN $541K This Year, Not $80K

Media Matters Declared War, Let’s Give Them One

Stengel-gate Update: The American Constitution Society Embarrasses Itself For Richard Stengel

Audio:Debt Crises Abroad and at Home

Chicagoans Overwhelmingly Vote to Ban Palin, Beck & Coulter Books at Book Fair in Obama’s Home Town

What Recession? Obama, Democrats Push for Tax Hikes

Default Is the Enemy of the Social Welfare State

Media Matters Propaganda Watch: The Tax-Exempt Research Department of MSNBC, Martin Bashir Edition

Post Belatedly Recognizes Growing Internal Terrorist Threat

Sound Bite For the Day: Bush Caused Mortgage Collapse, Not Freddie and Fannie

MMfA PROPAGANDA WATCH: Media Matters Manufactures A “Right Wing Media” Controversy

Media Matters Propaganda Watch: The Tax-Exempt Research Department of MSNBC, David Shuster Edition

Your Tax-Exempt Media Matters at Work: Oliver Willis Lies About Breitbart

Sandbagging a Guest with False Information is Wrong in Any Language

Stengel-gate/National Constitution Center Update: We Got Mail!

New Soros Project Aims to Follow GOP with Videographers

Court Rules Israeli Terror Victims Can Sue Bank

‘Fast and Furious’ Holder Still Obsessed with Giving Terrorists’ Trials

Is Pakistan Lost?

Vladimir Putin Wins German Prize For ‘Enlightenment, Dedication And the Public Good’

Syrian Protesters Attack Us And French Embassies In Damascus

Suckers: CIA Faked Vaccination To Gather Osama bin Laden DNA

Keep Your Eyes On ‘Operation Fast and Furious’

United Nations Report Relies On Information From….Former East German Spies!

Bosnia Still Bitterly Divided As Srebrenica Massacre Is Commemorated

Where Do You Bury Hugo Chavez?

Is France Bailing On Obama?

Chinese General To US: You Spend Too Much On Defense!

Video: Female MPs Brawl In Afghan Parliament

Petraeus Watch

Syrian Protesters Raise Flag Above US Embassy in Demascus

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Cleric: ‘The Whole World Belongs to Us’

Flotilla-O-Rama: The Sequel

Iran And Turkey Struggle Over Future Of Syria

Casey Anthony's mother could face perjury charges

McConnell: Give Obama new powers on debt limit

Summary Box: Wheat, corn jump on supply forecasts

Census: Share of children in US hits record low

House Republicans: Down with squiggly light bulbs

Woman dies, man lives after leap off New York bridge

Lagarde selects US official as top deputy at IMF

Energy consortium suing Egypt over pipeline blasts

Should parents lose custody of super obese kids?

Two stun guns found in passenger luggage at New York airport

Peace Now launches boycott of settlement products

Cisco: purge or a diet?

Italy's borrowing costs soar

Northern Ireland marching season ends with new outbreak of violence

US pressures Islamabad to free doctor who helped CIA track down Bin Laden

US ethanol refiners use more corn than farmers

Tel Aviv's first green hi-rise launched

Israel Beiteinu MK to be first to use anti-boycott law

Protests turn on Cairo's interim rule

News Corp: buy-back

Government backs Labour call for Murdoch to ditch BSkyB bid

Fomer Tax-Collectors Turn Out To Make Great Free Market Leaders

US firm 3M could summon Liam Fox to give evidence in blackmail case

Exclusive Video: Man Goes On Wild Vandalism Spree Inside Ed Sullivan Theatre, Home Of CBS' 'Late Show' With David Letterman « CBS New York

Johnny Depp’s Infinitum Nihil Makes Disney Deals For ‘The Night Stalker’ And Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride – Deadline.com

Glenn Beck Moving to Dallas to Build Film, TV and Radio Studios (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

Yoko Ono threatens to sue over John Lennon themed pub | News | NME.COM

Democrats Balk as Obama Offers to Raise Medicare Eligibility Age in Deficit-Reduction Talks - FoxNews.com

Gun Rights Advocates Wary of Coming Obama Measures in Wake of Tucson Shooting - FoxNews.com

State severs foster care ties with Catholic Charities - chicagotribune.com

Chicagoans Overwhelmingly Vote to Ban Palin, Beck & Coulter Books at Book Fair in Obama’s Home Town | rebelpundit

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Coulter Rules ‘Real Time’; Why Doesn’t She Have Her Own Show?

New nation of South Sudan to get new currency

Pakistan's ex-president criticizes loss of US aid

The Great Green Tech Transformation

Saving Electricity in a Hurry

Hydraulic fracturing is a safe process that results in needed energy - The Denver Post

EPA Haze Pollution Deal, First of Its Kind, Awaits Final OK by Federal Judge | SolveClimate News

Stop Cable Boxes From Draining the Nation’s Power Supply: View - Bloomberg

Beyond Incentives: Oil Majors And Renewable Fuel

Is the U.S. Offshore Wind Industry About to Boom? : Greentech Media

A Thousand Points of Light - By Charles Kenny | Foreign Policy

OPINION: BULB Act is dim-witted - TheHill.com

Lights out for GOP energy agenda? - Darren Samuelsohn - POLITICO.com

'July Effect' is Alive and Well : Discovery News

CIA organised fake vaccination drive to get Osama bin Laden's family DNA | World news | The Guardian

The Ultimate Bridge to Nowhere - Reason Magazine

Space Science After Shuttle Program: Crucial Knowledge - TIME

BBC News - Fermi catalogue update shows 'violent Universe' changes

The Last Drops: How to Bridge the Gap Between Oil and Green Energy | Popular Science

Humankind's Ascent Took Path of Yeast Resistance - Miller-McCune

In Robotics, Human-Style Perception and Motion Are Elusive - NYTimes.com

The Neuron Whisperers | Research - ISNS

Ethane lakes in a red haze: Titan's uncanny moonscape - space - 11 July 2011 - New Scientist

A Lost World? Atlantis-Like Landscape Discovered Icelandic Mantle Plume & North Atlantic Ocea | LiveScience

"Tomb of the Otters" Filled With Stone Age Human Bones

DailyTech - Harvard Sociologists in Hot Water Over Facebook Study; Student Privacy Called into Question

Physiognomy: Facing the truth | The Economist

Scholars and The Big Lebowski: Deconstructing The Dude - Miller-McCune

Silica gel: What happens if I eat it? - By Will Oremus - Slate Magazine

Criticism of 'Questionable' NSF Projects Misguided - Blog

Just like teens, parents get personal on Facebook

UCR Newsroom: UC Riverside Physicists Discover New Way to Produce Antimatter-containing Atom

New technology allows lenses to change color rapidly | Science Codex

And you thought it was just fluff? New bacteria found in belly-buttons - Science, News - The Independent

Happy as a clam? Maybe not.

How Seawater Can Power the World - NYTimes.com

Robot-apocalypse jokes need to become serious discussions about robot safety. - By Torie Bosch - Slate Magazine

Monarchs, Redux | Conservation Magazine

Neptune's first orbit: a turning point in astronomy | Science | The Observer

Pinocchio's Real Roots Mapped : Discovery News

Diver Snaps First Photo of Fish Using Tools - ScienceNOW

Regenerative medicine's promising future - CNN.com

It's Time to End the War on Salt: Scientific American

Jon Entine: BPA Dilemma: NRDC Vs. California Vs. Science

Catholic in the Bible Belt | The Daily Caller

New Bible gives Jesus a 'Human' touch - Faith & Reason

The Other Side Of The Circumcision Debate

WORLDMag.com | The real bridge to the 21st century

My Take: Rep. Ryan's political theology is wrong-headed but commendable – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

God’s Law is the Only Law: The Genesis of Michele Bachmann | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Should We Marry If We're Theologically Divided?, Christian News

The American Conservative » Latter-Day President

End gender apartheid in U.S. mosques - USATODAY.com

Meet Joel Osteen's Forefather, Charles Finney

Carl Jung, part 7: The power of acceptance | Mark Vernon | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The God Factor: Saintly relics, from the macabre to the magnificent

WORLD Magazine | Beyond license plates | Marvin Olasky | Jul 08, 11

Social teaching and the federal budget: a Catholic politician's views | U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan

Hedy Lamarr Was Not Just Another Pretty Face - Investors.com

Rabbi Adam Jacobs: The Cult of Coincidence

"The Ledge" Director Matthew Chapman Calls On Atheists; Is He Preaching To The Choir? | Fast Company

Imaginary Vampires, Imagined Jews » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Mormon president debate getting as absurd as gay marriage tiff | The Political Surf

Pod people: Trinitarian editing 2.0 » GetReligion

Richard Dawkins: Skeptic of women? - Sex News, Sex Talk - Salon.com

A Personal Guide to Fighting Poverty | The French Revolution

The Surge in Sexuality Debates | Politics | Christianity Today

Defense Spending & U.S. Strategy

The Militant Pipeline

Who Killed Ahmed Wali Karzai? - By Matthieu Aikins | Foreign Policy

Debate in France Grows Over the War in Libya, and What to Do About Gaddafi - Global Spin - TIME.com

Euro in Crisis: Is the Italian Domino Falling? - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

Leon Panetta punts on Iran--Benny Avni - NYPOST.com

Asia Times Online :: THE ROVING EYE : Pakistan 'punished' in Pipelineistan

Pakistan's middle class extremists – Global Public Square - CNN.com Blogs

Is Afghanistan Ready? - Shashi Tharoor - Project Syndicate

China is looking to its dynastic past to shape its future | The A-List | Must-read views on today’s top news stories – FT.com – FT.com

Wali Karzai Killing: What Does It Mean for U.S. Military? - Battleland - TIME.com

Murdoch is a Voldemort substitute for overgrown Harry Potter fans who need a daily fix of infantile moralism – Telegraph Blogs

Belmont Club » Rope-A-Dope

Ahmadinejad, Fighter - Meir Javedanfar - International - The Atlantic

Leon Panetta's Gaffe: Why Linking 9/11 With al Qaeda Isn't All Wrong - The Daily Beast

The economic pain grows in Italy - Telegraph

Japan’s Necessary Nuclear Future | The Diplomat

Will the U.S. squeeze on Pakistan work? - The Washington Post

The Long Pursuit of Justice in Lebanon - NYTimes.com

The Smartest Man In Europe Is Very Cautious

The Joy of Cash - BusinessWeek

Bruce Bartlett: Are We About to Repeat the Mistakes of 1937? - NYTimes.com

McGurn: Are You Better Off? - WSJ.com

John Paulson: Behind the backlash - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

It pays to be Murdoch: Just ask the U.S. government | MediaFile

News Corp.’s Lost $7 Billion Shows Investor Concern Over Hacking Fallout - Bloomberg

Not Taking Other People’s Money | The Weekly Standard

Obama’s Economic Policies Suffer Without Moral Guide: Ron Klain - Bloomberg

The GOP’s tax delusion - The Washington Post

Review & Outlook: Conrad Wants $2 Trillion - WSJ.com

Federal deficit debate: The debt ceiling and wrong-way Republicans - latimes.com

RealClearMarkets - Get Over It, We've Already Defaulted

Three Reasons Why the Recovery is a Long Way Off

Amar Bhide and Edmund Phelps on What's Wrong With the IMF - Newsweek

Is a B-school with no U.S. campus really global? - Fortune Management

Stocks chill after torrid advance Marder on Markets - MarketWatch

Ferguson: The Global Temper Tantrum - Newsweek

Signs Point to Bullish Turn in Market - TheStreet

An Unhappy Ending To The Drug War? | Via Meadia

Robert Reich: The President's Jobs Plan (Not)

RealClearPolitics - An Administration Disconnected From Reality

Some of GOP establishment is undecided on 2012, giving Perry a ‘huge opening’ - The Washington Post

Fighting Voodoo Economics | Mother Jones

Krugman: ‘I Didn’t Mean That Stimulus!’ | The Daily Caller

The President’s trillion dollar sacred cow | Keith Hennessey

Test Scores And Teacher Evaluation: How Teacher Union Contradictions Led To The NEA’s Historic Endorsement | The New Republic

OPINION: Arab spring offers lessons for US - TheHill.com

Can Obama shame Republicans on the debt ceiling? - Debt ceiling - Salon.com

Krauthammer: Obama's Sudden Interest In Cutting Debt A | RealClearPolitics

RealClearPolitics - Something to Squawk About

An Unemployment Report That Screams Spectacular Failure - Charles Kadlec - Community of Liberty - Forbes

RealClearPolitics - Don't Raise Taxes to Fund ObamaCare

Is Jon Huntsman Already Over? | TPMDC

Republicans Try for Upset Win in Southern California U.S. House Election - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Unknown Unknowns

Spending cuts add to jobs crisis - Chicago Sun-Times

The First Rule of Liberalism - WSJ.com

Pakistan and the US mustn't lose sight of their interdependence | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Fresh doubt cast on Obama's health care story | Byron York | Politics | Washington Examiner

Mr. Obama’s debt deal advice: Give peas a chance - The Washington Post

Obama plays shame game - BostonHerald.com

Keep it clean - Editorials - MiamiHerald.com

Hey, Obama: Where are the jobs? | New Hampshire OPINION01

Deficit Negotiators Hit Reset - WSJ.com

No, We Can’t? Or Won’t? - NYTimes.com

Republican's False Narrative as Party Wanting to Balance U.S. Debt - The Daily Beast

The Demagogic Style - National Review Online

The Panetta Doctrine: Declare Victory, Don’t Go Home | Danger Room | Wired.com

Smart fracking - Boston.com

How Seawater Can Power the World - NYTimes.com

Wonkbook: Three reasons the debt deal collapsed - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

Flat jobs data signal weakest recovery in decades - Yahoo! Finance

RealClearPolitics - The Death Penalty and the Costs of an Obsession

The End of the Ron Paul Era? - Chris Good - Politics - The Atlantic


11-Jul-11 World View

12-Jul-11 World View


**11th/Transcripts:Obama's Press Conference on the Debt Ceiling

Panel on Obama's Press Conference

Sen. Durbin and Rep. Roskam on the Debt Ceiling

Interview with Representative Tim Scott

NBC News Interview with Secretary Panetta

Interview with Senator Dick Durbin

Rep. Burgess on the Light Bulb Debate

Guests: Representatives Culberson and Edwards

10th/Guests: Secretary Geithner and Tim Pawlenty

Guests: Sens. McConnell & DeMint and Rep. Becerra

Guests: McCarthy, Van Hollen and Santorum

Guests: Secretary Geithner, Sens. Sessions & Nelson

Interview with White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley

8th/Obama's Remarks on the June Jobs Report

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Guests: Senator Warner and Representative Hoyer

Brooks and Marcus on the Unemployment Report

Guests: Representatives Markey and Welch

Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders

Media Availability with Secretary Panetta

7th/Analysts on the Latest in the Debt Ceiling Talks

Interview with Senator Tom Coburn

Panel on Bachmann's Chances in Iowa

Representative Darrell Issa on the ATF Scandal

6th/Obama's Twitter Townhall Meeting

Interview with Senator Lindsey Graham

Analysts Discuss Obama's Twitter Townhall

Interview with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus

Panel on U.S. Troop Levels in Iraq

5th/Obama's Remarks on Deficit Reduction

Interview with Senator John Cornyn

Guest: Senator Claire McCaskill

Interview wth Representative James Clyburn

Roundtable on the ATF Scandal

Interview with Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer

4th/Obama's Remarks Marking Independence Day

Panel Debates Solutions for the Economy

Analyst on the 2012 GOP Fundraising

3rd/Guests: Sens. Cornyn, Graham and Lieberman

Interview with Senator John McCain

Interview with National Security Advisor Tom Donilon

Guest: Govs. Patrick, Kasich and Walker (PDF)

1st/Shields and Gerson on the Week in Politics


'Gilligan's Island' and 'Brady Bunch' Creator Dies at 94 - FoxNews.com

Happy Days actors accuse CBS of 'despicable conduct' - CNN.com

Sinead O'Connor's sad slide from being pop's most ethereal beauty | Mail Online

Tennessee governor 'volunteers' to raise national taxes

Archaeologists Excavate Biblical Giant Goliath's Hometown - FoxNews.com

Pippa Middleton's derriere gets its own YouTube series | Mail Online

Are you semihappy or a workhorse wife? New book defines five different kinds of modern marriage | Mail Online

Kiss of colour: Young Houston artist Natalie Irish paints with her LIPS | Mail Online

Meet the luckiest squirrel to ever run across a race track - The Feed - CBS News

Water way to get around: Family car turned into amphibious river cruiser | Mail Online

Nasa's space shuttle Atlantis lands at International Space Station | Mail Online

9 Summer Health Myths Exposed - FoxNews.com

Don't be conned: Smart meters are stupid idea

Joshua Baker, 5, dies before doctor brings him back to life with bare hand heart massage | Mail Online

This Year's Hottest Super-Convertibles - FoxNews.com

Obama: Shut up and let pros handle economy

Closed U.S. factories – and millions for Obama staffers

Ingratitude, thy name is South Korea

Unknown unknowns in the economy

Stop feminist pork

America's places of liberty

OpEdNews - Diary: What Progressives Fail to Understand: This Is War

Bill Clinton is right!

ESR | July 11, 2011 | Political bumper stickers: Be kind to your vehicle's backside

The Duopoly vs. the patriots

The coming debt-limit sell-out

Tomboys more likely to turn into lesbians because of their genetic make-up | Mail Online

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Mum ‘killed tots in revenge’

Girl Sues Dad Who Was Shot in Road Rage Incident - ABC News

Jealous Ex-Boyfriend Breaks In, Shaves Woman’s Head - News Story - KIRO Seattle

Naked woman found dead after striking church statue - Connecticut Post

British Man's Eyeball Pecked Out by Seabird - FoxNews.com

Brit Gavin Jenkins weds after meeting his bride 5,000 miles away on Facebook's Hot Or Not application - mirror.co.uk

Facebook game offers gold bullion prizes - Telegraph

Greta Scacchi on having a child with her cousin Carlo Mantegazza | News.com.au

Ryan O'Neal sued by University of Texas over Andy Warhol Farrah Fawcett art - Telegraph

TOMS Shoes Founder Distances Himself from Focus on the Family | Politics | Christianity Today

Is your shampoo making you FAT? The truth about 'chemical calories' in beauty products | Mail Online

Dear diary: thief makes record of armed robbery - Telegraph

Church of England calls for legal right to wear a cross | Mail Online

My Way News - New Australian law to make Muslims lift veils

Mobster's lawyer pleads for sympathy after feds traumatize client's Maltese puppy during raid

Fathers avoid the dirty work in child-rearing | Herald Sun

Man's 1,000 mile hike to win bride | Orange UK

Are lakes safe to swim in? | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Judge bashes 'Bash Back' with promise of $10,000 fines

Saudi Arabian dollars buying American influence

Deception evidence reaches Oval Office?

Thousands back Tulsa officer ordered to Muslim worship

U.S. chaplains vetted by Muslim who condemns Jewish 'trickery'

Al-Qaida scoffs at Leon Panetta

Did ATF train corrupt Mexican police?

Is this why White House funded 'guns-to-drug-lords' scheme?

The coming debt-limit sell-out

Another scandal that could take Obama down

Rick Perry is running

*12 July

American Minute for July 12th

This Day in History for 12th July

July 12th in History

July 12 Events in History

Today in History: July 12

Today in History: July 12

July 12th This Day in History


YouTube - ‪Today in History for July 12‏


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Deception evidence reaches Oval Office?

Another graphics expert questions birth certificate

Affidavit Uncovering False Statements made at the White House News Conference of April 27, 2011

Obama questions surge at Amazon

OfficialWire: Book Review: Where's The Birth Certificate?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Congressional candidate: Americans worried about debt

Darrell Issa questions White House's 2012 actions - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Rep. Ron Paul Won't Seek Congressional Seat in 2012 - FoxNews.com

OPINION: Competing currencies: a defense against profligate spending - The Hill's Congress Blog

'State of emergency' in 'Nazi'-cop town

Al-Qaida scoffs at Leon Panetta

Afghan president's half-brother assassinated - World news - South and Central Asia - Afghanistan - msnbc.com

Pakistan hesitates to eradicate U.S.-mapped militant camps - Washington Times

Little Rock shooting: Federal government isn't touching terrorism case - latimes.com

Is this why White House funded 'guns-to-drug-lords' scheme?

'Fast and Furious' scandal grows with revelation that Mexican cartel suspects may be paid U.S. informants - latimes.com

Family of murdered border agent Brian Terry may sue government | Mail Online

Josh Gerstein: Under the Radar - POLITICO.com

Gunrunner column becomes YouTube video

Did ATF train corrupt Mexican police?

Thousands back Tulsa officer ordered to Muslim worship

Obama Administration Rolls Out Standards for Health Insurance Marketplaces - NYTimes.com

Fresh doubt cast on Obama's health care story | Byron York | Politics | Washington Examiner

CIA organised fake vaccination drive to get Osama bin Laden's family DNA | World news | The Guardian

News Corp may be at risk for U.S. probe over bribery | Reuters

Georgia Power says it will close 3 power-plant units | ajc.com

Holder Launches Witch Hunt Against Biased Banks - Investors.com

Boehner Assures Republicans He Won't Cave on Tax Hikes - FoxNews.com

Obama challenges GOP to compromise on debt - Yahoo! News

Job gains in Alberta top numbers for entire U.S.

Report: Children of Foreign Diplomats Enjoy U.S. 'Super Citizen' Status - FoxNews.com

Anemic job growth numbers threaten President Obama's 2012 run

Real Unemployment Rises to 16.2% in June -- 25.3 Million People | CNSnews.com

National talk-show host considers presidential bid

Marco Rubio flays 'incompetent' Obama

Obama honors soldier who grabbed a live grenade - AM 560 WIND

Caylee’s Law… Be Careful What You Ask For!

Truth for President, Justice for Vice President

Illegal Obama “Propped Up” By Congress!

“Marxism in America” by Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin – OAK

‘No Drama’ Obama Losing His Cool

White Mob Terrorizes Black Milwaukeeans

Karzai's Half-Brother Killed By Bodyguard, Taliban Takes Credit

The Fox Cycle

Social Security and Medicare Changes May Look Good On Paper, But Let's Look At Political Reality

Olympia Snowe: No on cuts to Medicare or Social Security for Debt Ceiling

Undercover video exposes Bachmann anti-gay therapy

USA TODAY:Crime lurks outside airports, rail stations

USA TODAY:Cities move toward transgender health care

Taxes, Social Security fears cited in debt ceiling talks - CNN.com

Casey Anthony juror, 60, quits work and flees town in fear of her life | Mail Online

YouTube - ‪A Price on Carbon - In Five Easy Steps‏

YouTube - ‪Rage & Outrage Are Waiting‏

George W Bush should be prosecuted over torture, says human rights group | World news | The Guardian

CIA organised fake vaccination drive to get Osama bin Laden's family DNA | World news | The Guardian

Ex-cop Jeffrey Lehrmann admits helping to cover up Hurricane Katrina shootings | Mail Online

Could 'South California' become the 51st US state? - Telegraph

Investigation as man, 82, tasered by police - Crime, UK - The Independent

Sensationalism In America's Media


March of the Bonus Army - Part 1

March of the Bonus Army - Part 2

March of the Bonus Army - Part 3


Bonus Army marches on Washington, DC 1932



Revolutionary Politics : "Dr. Doom" Marc Faber: Here's How the US Debt Ceiling Crisis Will End


*List of countries by energy consumption per capita


UN : World Economic and Social Survey


*IBM ; Smarter Planet /U.S.(www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/)


Smart Grid: The Implementation of Technocracy?

IBM - The Smarter States of America - United States

IBM Expands Global IUN Coalition | Energy companies



*The Green Agenda(http://green-agenda.com/)

HIDE – Homeland Security, Biometric Identification & Personal Detection Ethics


*HIDE Project/HIDE Brochure


Microsoft Software Patent Allows Government To Spy On All Personal Digital Communications

General Assembly Considers Strengthened Role of U.N. in Economic Global Governance » Spotlight on Sovereignty » Global Governance Watch


*Critical Threats(http://www.criticalthreats.org/)




YouTube - ‪Smart Meters‏

Green power push 'will double energy bills in five years' | Mail Online

Millions face energy price hikes (From Durham Times)

NATO & Al-Qaeda War Crimes In Libya : Federal Jack

Lawsuit Claims Banks Manipulated Libor Leading To Billions For JPMorgan, AG Deal With Banks Investigated, Moody's Fraud Warning Rocks Chinese Shares, $1.2M Mansion For $10K, Greece Default Now Seen As 'Inevitable' (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

Congress prepares repressive Internet legislation — RT

YouTube - ‪Food police target organic foods in California!‏

The Unseen War on American Farms - informationliberation

NoisyRoom.net » Blog Archive » Communists to Back Obama and Democrats in 2012

Does it matter which party wins? » peoplesworld

1.3million driven off the road as cost of petrol passes £1,700 a year | Mail Online

John Vidal on the great green land grab | Environment | The Guardian

Why Do the Police Have Tanks? The Strange and Dangerous Militarization of the US Police Force | World | AlterNet


Revolutionary Politics : Pakistan Arrest Doctor For Helping CIA With Fake Vaccination Program Used To Find Bin Laden

Revolutionary Politics : The Purpose of The Fed Is To Hide the Default - Ron Paul on WHO Radio in Iowa 07/11/11

Revolutionary Politics : "850,000 People Locked Up Last Year For Marijuana Charges In The Land Of the Free" - Lew Rockwell on AntiWar Radio 07/11/11

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Says 1.3 Trillion Dollar Debt Owed To Federal Reserve Is Not Real!

Revolutionary Politics : "We've Got To Stop Criminalizing People For Using Marijuana! It's The Absolute Stupidest Thing!"

Revolutionary Politics : Push For U.S. To Create New Internet

Revolutionary Politics : Tool Time: Michele Bachmann wants to ban porn

Revolutionary Politics : Democracy & Deception - Secret Society Manipulation of America - Gary Arnold


The Alex Jones Show [07/12/2011]

Cutting Through the Matrix With Alan Watt [07/08/2011]

Wallbuilders Live [07/11/2011]

The Alex Jones Show [07/11/2011]


5 Reasons Unions Are Bad For America - Page 1 - John Hawkins - Townhall Conservative

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Agenda 21 – “Outsmarting” America

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Chinese Communist Party Membership Tops 80M

Jobs do not create money.

Tea party not welcome at GOP country club | race, crowded, springs - NOREEN - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

Obama Plans - Gut U.S. National Security? | US Opinion and Editorial Right Side News

The Daily Bell - Live and Let Live: Not in Silverado

Multi-Billion-Dollar Terrorists ...And The Disappearing Middle Class

Fascism Is Not Conservatism - HUMAN EVENTS

Top 10 Obama Gaffes - HUMAN EVENTS

Chicago Democrat Luis Gutierrez to Obama – bypass the Senate and the House sign executive order for Dream Act : Fire Andrea Mitchell!


**World Video:Syria's 'National Dialogue' Lacks Credibility

The Cost of European Debt

Italy the Next Victim in Eurozone?

U.S.-Pakistan Relations

Wikileaks' Assange Arrives At Court

Anti-terrorism Squad Trains In Yemen

Afghan President's Brother Assassinated

Cameron's Sympathy For Brown Family

Long Fight For Freedom In Misrata

Murdoch Media Hacking Scandal Keeps Growing

Violent Riots Erupt In Belfast

Greek Debt, Turkish Growth

South Sudan: New Nation Faces Unresolved Problems

European Debt

11th/Challenges for European Defense Budgets

U.S. Curbs Aid to Pakistan

Al-Qaeda on the Run?

Secretary Panetta Visits Afghanistan

Rights Groups Say U.S. Not Doing Enough in Syria

U.S. Admiral Visits Beijing To Improve Ties

China's Economy Continues To Slow

Repairing For Battle In Libya.

Horn Of Africa Region Close To Famine, UN Says

Raw Video: Russian Ferry Sinks, 101 Missing

Patriotism: Good or Bad

China's Impact on the World

China's Risk of a Hard Landing

**Markets Video:Ron Paul: America Is on the Road to Serfdom

'Dark Horse' CEO Moynihan Rebuilds BofA

Bremmer: When Will China Take Over the World?

Rogers: SIlver Is Going Much Higher

**Politics Video:Carney Says He Will Not "Read Out The Dialogue" From Debt Meetings

Sen. Toomey To Obama: Stop With The "Shrill Exaggerations" On Debt

Rep. Mike Pence On Debt Fight: "This Is The President's Problem"

Bill Maher: Palin, Bachmann Would "Split The MILF Vote"

Obama Cannot Guarantee Social Security Checks Will Go Out On August 3

Alan Grayson: "Yes, I'm Back"

McConnell: "As Long As This President Is In The Oval Office, A Real Solution Is Unattainable"

Van Hollen: Boehner's "Legs Were Clearly Cut Out From Under Him"

Bachmann: "Federal Government Needs To Go On A Diet"

Eugene Robinson To GOP: "Get Off The Dime" And Raise Revenue

Krauthammer: Obama's Sudden Interest In Cutting Debt A "Farce"

Schultz: GOP "Can't Take 'Yes' For an Answer" on Debt Ceiling

Major Garrett: This Week Is About 2012 Message For Obama

O'Reilly Says the Debt Ceiling Should Be Raised

11th/Rubio: Every Aspect Of Life In America Is Worse Since Obama Took Over

Obama: "Professional Politicians" Understand Debt Crisis More Than "The Public"

Pat Caddell On Obama: "Does This Guy Have Any Idea What He Is Doing?"

Whoopi Goes Ballistic: "There's Some Sort Of Racial Thing Going Around"

Durbin: "Slow Going" Inside Debt Limit Talks On Monday

MSNBC Host Al Sharpton To Pat Buchanan: "Ya'll Are Losing"

Obama: Public Sector Job Losses Are "Evidence" That Stimulus Worked

Club For Growth Ad Tells GOP to "Show Some Spine"

Bachmann Hits Pawlenty's Executive Experience As "More Of The Same"

Santelli: We're Fighting Over Problems That Led To Crisis In Greece

Chris Matthews: Democrats Are Really Good At Creating Jobs

Conrad: Senate Has The Votes For A "Big Deal"

Boehner: "There Were No Tax Increases Ever On The Table"

Obama Warns Best-Selling Authors: You're Not "Off The Hook"

Obama On Deficit Talks: Time To "Pull Off The Band-Aid, Eat Our Peas"

Obama To GOP: "American Democracy Works When We Listen To Each Other"

Obama: "I Have Bent Over Backwards To Work With Republicans"

Obama Would Rather Be Talking About NFL Lockout Over Debt Crisis

Sen. DeMint: Obama Purposely Creating "Panic" Over Debt Ceiling

Buchanan: You Don't Raise Taxes On Private Sector In Bad Economy

Obama: Spending Cuts Will Mean Increased Revenue

Sen. Durbin: No Deal Means Public Outrage Will "Fall On Our Shoulders"

Obama Would Rather Be Talking About NFL Lockout Over Debt Crisis | RealClearPolitics

Santelli: We're Fighting Over Tackling The Problems That Led To Crisis In Greece | RealClearPolitics


*42 min/YouTube - ‪President Obama's News Conference on Deficit Reduction‏


**NEWS VIDEOS/Obama to Hold Senior and Vets Benefits Hostage for Tax Increases

Laura Ingraham Exposes Obama’s ‘Shared Sacrifice’ Lie

Media Matters Propaganda Watch: The Tax-Exempt Research Department of MSNBC, Martin Bashir Edition

Whining About Wine: Susan Feinberg, Woman Who Confronted Rep Paul Ryan Over Wine in Restaurant

Bill Maher Hopes Palin and Bachmann ‘Split the MILF Vote’

Rubio: ‘Every Aspect of America Is Worse Under Obama’

GOP Stands Firm in Debt Showdown

2 Americans Abducted in Southern Philippines

Sharpton to Buchanan: ‘You’re a Loser’

Keith Ellison: Bachmann Wants Women Barefoot, Pregnant and Back in the Kitchen

Major Garrett Explains to Chris Matthews Why GOP Won’t Raise Taxes

Krauthammer: Obama’s Olympian Posturing is a Farce

Inmates Escape Jail

Stun Gun Found in Boston-to-NJ Jet After Arrival

11TH/Ga Sen Johnny Isakson: Obama ‘Delusional’ on Debt Ceiling Debate

Whoopi Goes Nuts on Bachmann: ‘Damn It, I Am Sick of This Crap!’

Inn Made Famous in ‘Twilight’ Films Burns

Boehner: House Won’t Back Deal With Tax Hike

Media Matters Propaganda Watch: The Tax-Exempt Research Department of MSNBC, David Shuster Edition

Female MPs Brawl in Afghan Parliament

Indignant Obama Lectures GOP: ‘Pull Off the Band-Aid’, Time to ‘Eat Our Peas’

Key Witness Testifies Rachel Corrie’s Death Was Accidental

Rove: Obama Advisor Plouffe an ‘Obnoxious Little Guy’

John Fund: ACORN Still Receiving Federal Money

Eleanor Clift: Fannie and Freddie Didn’t Cause Mortgage Collapse – It Was Bush and Wall Street

Bill Maher Equates Casey Anthony Verdict with Voting Republican

In Defiance of Law, Islamic Schools Keep Veil in French Classrooms

Kitten Attacks Two Very Scary Apples

10TH/Hollywood Meets British Royalty

Rupert Murdoch: Paper ‘Let Down’ Readers

Last Shuttle Docking at Space Station


U.S. drone strikes kill 45 suspected militants in Pakistan | Reuters

Israel deports 42 'flytilla' activists - Hindustan Times

Divers begin recovering children's bodies from cruise ship wreck | Russia | RIA Novosti

Phone hacking: we've seen only 170 victims out of 3,870, says Scotland Yard - Telegraph

Julian Assange tries 'silent' strategy in court fight to beat extradition | Media | The Guardian

PM has few aces up his sleeve - The Times of India

US wants release of doctor who sought bin Laden DNA - KansasCity.com

From left to right, American Jews are criticizing Israeli anti-boycott law | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Thousands flee Nigerian city hit by sect attacks | Top News | Reuters

Iran, UN Watchdog Appear Deadlocked on Nuclear Dispute | Iran | English

BBC News - Cyprus: Navy chief killed by base munitions blast

TODAYonline | World | Bersih calls for Royal Commission of Inquiry into electoral system

Israel's easing of blockade helps Gaza's economy - Washington Times

Marilyn Monroe sculpture goes up in Pioneer Court - chicagotribune.com

Mayor Emanuel: Daley’s bodyguard detail will be re-evaluated - Chicago Sun-Times

1957 murder suspect could face charges here in weeks or months - Chicago Sun-Times

Quinn may call lawmakers back over McCormick Place labor rules - Chicago Sun-Times

18 years for sex ring boss convicted of human trafficking - chicagotribune.com

Illinois union pickets over Quinn canceling raises - chicagotribune.com

Landfill owner in middle of Blagojevich-Mell feud pleads guilty - chicagotribune.com

Obama, Republicans meet on debt -- plot endgame - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Leroy Petry receives Medal of Honor - latimes.com

Betty Ford's funeral service underway in Calif. -

Emma Watson talks the final ‘Harry Potter,’ feminism, corsets - HitFix.com

Men Have Higher Cancer Death Rates Than Women

BBC News - Ahmad Wali Karzai: Meeting Kandahar's Mr Fix-it

Phone hacking: pressure in United States to investigate News Corporation - Telegraph

Sudan: Sudan leader promises freer, more inclusive government - latimes.com

French parliament authorises extension of military mission in Libya

Syria's relations with France and US reach a new low - Telegraph

WRAPUP 2-Egyptian protesters seek removal of military council | Reuters

The Associated Press: US Rep. Ron Paul of Texas to retire from Congress

Report: Fla. won't prosecute Anthony's mom - US news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

UPDATE: Netflix Separates Streaming, DVD Subscription Plans - WSJ.com

Amazon Strategy Relies on Tax-Averse Californians - Bloomberg

Gold hits record high on debt fears and chance of more Fed stimulus - latimes.com

EA Acquires Casual Gaming Company PopCap Games | PCWorld Business Center

Astronauts Train For Space Walk in Virtual Reality Lab - FoxNews.com

A Review of Google+ - WSJ.com

'Gilligan,' 'Brady Bunch' creator Sherwood Schwartz dies - CNN.com

'Harry Potter' Finale: Why Did Rupert Grint Walk Out? - MTV Movie News| MTV

Obesity: Access to grocers doesn't improve diets, study finds - latimes.com

Should severly obese children be taken away from their parents? - Your Community

Jon Huntsman stays anonymous in Mitt Romney attacks - Kasie Hunt - POLITICO.com

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Wisconsin Recall Elections - Abe Sauer - Politics - The Atlantic

6 fake Democrats force Wis. primaries in recalls - The Argus-Press: National:

States' immigration drive hits impasse in the courts | Reuters

Illegal immigration: Where did all the Mexicans go? | Deseret News

California woman accused of slicing off husband's penis | Reuters

Police Search for Missing Denver Woman Amy Ahonen - FoxNews.com

Los Alamos Nuclear Lab Readies for Flooding After Fire - FoxNews.com

Human Rights Watch | Prosecute Bush | Torture | War Crimes | The Daily Caller

Romney, Bachmann Targeted by Republicans - Bloomberg

Nutritionists salute first lady's occasional burger splurge - USATODAY.com

Family history of cancer can be an evolving story - latimes.com

Medical News: Republicans, Sebelius Spar Over Future of Medicare - in Washington-Watch, Reform from MedPage Today

First Double Leg Transplant Patient May Soon Walk - ABC News

Hypoallergenic dogs: 'Allergy-free' dog breeds no different for homes - latimes.com

Gonorrhea Superbug Found in Japan! | GossipOnThis.com

Healthcare reform: Obama administration eases requirements for states' insurance exchanges - latimes.com

HIV/AIDS Drugs Will Be Produced Under Gilead Partnership Expansion | ThirdAge

Texan Newborn – Texas Newborn Delivered As Big As A 12-Month Old - Secaucus New Jersey News | Secaucus New Jersey News

More kids see dentists when Medicaid rates rise | Reuters

Blood donation supplies hit critically low levels | StarNewsOnline.com

Most Hospitals Face Drug Shortages, Survey Says - WSJ.com

The Body Odd - Does sex have to be naughty to be fun?

PJ Lifestyle » Is Sex Passé?

Party pooper: Health warnings on booze bottles - The Times of India

Bree Olson Dishes On Sex Life With Charlie Sheen | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

Cops Swoop in After Photogs Chase Paris Jackson | TMZ.com

Katie Holmes: Suri Will ‘Probably Be An Actress’ | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

Dallas remake: JR and Bobby Ewing's sons inherit their fathers' feud in reboot | Mail Online

In Robotics, Human-Style Perception and Motion Are Elusive - NYTimes.com

Pandora Hits 100 Million Users, Revamps Site | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

FCC Proposes Rules to Combat Phone Cramming | PCWorld Business Center

Fitch: News Corp. rating not hurt by share buyback - Forbes.com

Debt crisis threatens Italy, one of euro zone’s biggest economies - The Washington Post

GM prepares for eAssist with $129M plant upgrades in three states

U.S. Senate bill targets offshore tax trickery | Reuters

WRAPUP 3-US trade gap surges to nearly 3-year high on oil | Reuters

American, Chinese Win Key International Monetary Fund Posts - WSJ.com

retirement planning, sunamerica survey of boomers and retirement outlook, more americans open to working in retirement, delaying retirement due to the recession - Financial Planning

Italy's politicians rally round to prevent market's slide | Business | The Guardian

USDA Hikes View On US Corn Exports To China - WSJ.com

New York probes Bank of America $8.5 billion mortgage pact - chicagotribune.com

Mayor Bloomberg Adds 70 Hybrids and E.V.'s to City Fleet - NYTimes.com

Has Foursquare Found Some Deal Revenue? - BusinessWeek

Foursquare to offer deals from LivingSocial, YP.com, others - latimes.com

YouTube - ‪Jesse Jackson "The Death of the Swedish People Should Not be Seen as Something Negative"‏

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Set Up by His Own Employer, IMF, with Help from Obama and CIA/Mossad Drug Connects

Google Asks: ‘How can we eliminate violent radicalism?’....

savethemales.ca - Casey Anthony Verdict Unacceptable

The 'War on Drugs' Is A $2.5 Trillion Racket: How Big Banks, Private Military Companies and the Prison Industry Cash In >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

Is this why White House funded 'guns-to-drug-lords' scheme? >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

The Worst Thing You Can Eat if You Want to Drop Pounds >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

Supreme Court Justice Kagan lied about ties to Obamacare >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com


CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 1-5

CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 2-5

CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 3-5

CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 4-5

CBC - The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story - Pt 5-5


Prison Planet.com » Executive Dictatorship: McConnell Proposes Handing Over Power of Purse to Obama

Prison Planet.com » Insider: Secretive Elite Set Policy At Bohemian Grove

» Bombshell: Saudi and U.S. Governments Protected Hijackers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Mexican Outlaws Get Guns Via ATF Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The next big hit to the economy? | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

US prepared to back Russian mediation deal that will see Libya's Gaddafi quit | The Australian

» James Turk: “Gold Is Our Defense Against the Fiat Currency Graveyard” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New Hampshire Judge Caught On Video Ordering False Arrest Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

New Hampshire Judge Caught On Video Ordering False Arrest | Pixiq

YouTube - ‪Ademo's "Improper Influence" or Edward Burke's Abuse of Power - You Decide‏

UPDATE 2-WikiLeaks' Assange in UK court to fight extradition | Reuters

Arizona illegal immigration law sponsor faces recall | arizona, recall, republic - News - The Orange County Register

» Co-Chair of 9/11 Inquiry: U.S. Gov’t Covered Up State Assistance to Hijackers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Explosion at Islamic school in Indonesia kills 1 - Yahoo! News

Four-alarm fire ravages Manhattan synagogue - NYPOST.com


July 11, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 12 July 2011

The Manning Report – 11 July 2011

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, July, 11, 2011

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-12-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-11-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-12, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-11, Monday

07/11 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 07/11/2011