"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

03 April 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

Asia Times Online :: Exposed: The US-Saudi Libya deal

Here Come “The Boots On The Ground”: EU Approves “Possible” Military Operation For Libya

Gaddafi rejects rebel truce offer - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

US admits killing Libyan civilians

Who is America arming in Libya?

AFP: US lawmakers urge support for Syrian opposition

‘US orders media silence over Bahrain’

Google CEO wanted political donation removed: book | The Raw Story

Are government microwave mind-control tests causing TV presenters' brains to melt down? | Mail Online

Jesse Ventura on his book “63 Documents the Government doesn’t want you to read.”

Carl Sagan – Cherish The Pale Blue Dot

Ron Paul Discusses Libyan Intervention on Tavis Smiley PBS

YouTube - Rense Blume & Hannah - Nuclear Alternatives

Radioactive water found leaking into sea from pit at Japan nuclear plant - The Washington Post

Libya And Obama's Defense Of The 'Rebel Uprising'

savethemales.ca - Memoir of a Male Masochist

The incalculable cost of nuclear power | Thomas Noyes | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

PA: Goldstone caved under pressure - Israel News, Ynetnews

World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post

Not winning: Charlie Sheen heckled, booed as tour begins - The Globe and Mail

The Mad Bulls are Loose in the China Shops. Smoking Mirrors

SRS pump will head to Japan | The Augusta Chronicle

YouTube - Rense & Maxwell - Most Americans Brainless And Obedient

Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson

Criticizing 'Science' - Illusions Of Objectivity

Zero Population Growth - The Only Way Out

Extend and Pretend is Wall Street's Friend | FINANCIAL SENSE

Activist Post: The Codex Alimentarius Irradiated Food Cover-up

Are government microwave mind-control tests causing TV presenters' brains to melt down? | Mail Online

Roy Tov – Judaism as anti-Semitism

YouTube - GE and Jeff (Taxavoidination) -- Dick Destiny

Obama's new view of his own war powers By Glenn Greenwald

Jewish Crime Network: Israel Did 9/11 - All The Proof

YouTube - 'Wall St., media, military elites grip must be broken'

Lone Star Watchdog: Not Enforcing Anti Trust Laws And The Repeal of Glass Steagall Being A Part Of Our Economic Demise

YouTube - 5.8 million Israelis Get 100 Billion In US Tax Dollars While American States Are Falling Apart

EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Latest Satellite Imagery From Fukushima Tells Sobering Tale - Blogs at Chris Martenson

Boeing Whistleblowers Uncover Possibility Of 'Catastrophic' Event In Al Jazeera Exclusive (VIDEO)


Regular FOX Contributor Charles Payne “This Is About A One World Government” :

Major London Retailer For Ahava Dead Sea Salts Forced To Close; Boycott Campaign Claims Credit Saed Bannoura

YouTube - Take Back the Land- Rochester Eviction Defense March 28, 2011

YouTube - Barbarism of Buffoons: 'Intervention - disaster for Libyans'

The Unified Theory of Obama

Is There a New Antisemitism?

Shrugging off Atlas Shrugged

The Organization of the Islamic Conference Propaganda Machine

Vietnamese Communists' Fear Factor is Rising

Trump in 2012? Maybe Not Such a Bad Thing

The Truth About Wisconsin's Collective Bargaining 'Rights'

The London Rioters and Their Targets

Radically Reform Congress

A Liberal by Any Other Name

More Civilized Political Discourse?

Leaving Afghanistan to Its 'Blasphemy' Murder Mobs (updated)

Open government sites set to go dark

Barack Obama's favor to George Soros

Code Pink reappears

Washington Post Misses Real Ron Brown Story

Brazil a magnet for terrorists

Robert Reich: Who You Calling a Liar?

Islam, Zafar and the 4:34 Dance

The Golden Anniversary of a Bad Amendment

Resolving the Birth Certificate Issue

What a Difference a War Can Make

Another 'Fast and Furious' Obama Fiasco

A Lesson on the Real America

Lessons for the Libyan Rebels

The World Electronic Mob Is Taking Us...Where?

What If I Mother My Kids the Way Barack Obama Governs?

The Islamization of Chechnya

Brazil and Private Property

RogueGovernment.com - Cellphone Radiation May Alter Your Brain

Genetically Modified Cows Produce "Human" Milk - Food - GOOD

Casualties of China’s One Child Policy - BlackListedNews.com

'Climate Change': the new Eugenics - BlackListedNews.com

Medvedev’s Plan to Oust Putin Allies Tests Limits of Power - BlackListedNews.com

AFP Podcast interviews internationally acclaimed expert on Israel's nuclear program, Dr. Avner Cohen


Cain: Public Now Sees Obama’s Weakness – He’s Beatable in 2012

Obama Appeals Judge's Healthcare Ruling

GOP, Dems at Odds on Deal to Avert Shutdown

Ryan: GOP Budget Aims for $4 Trillion in Cuts

Rubio: America Needs ‘Fiscal Sanity’

Glenn Ford’s Son: US Celebrates 'Decadence'

Obama Rule Review Leaves Some Nervous, Skeptical

Reid: Probe of Quran Burning Considered

Durbin: I Won’t Vote for 'Irresponsible' Budget

Boy Dies after Fall from Chicago Roller Coaster

April Fool's Prank Costs Ill. Teen $150 in Tickets

Priebus: Americans Want Shorter Prez Campaign

Paulson’s Golden Touch: Top Hedge Fund Earner

6 Fixes for Aging Skin

Reprogrammed Cells No Substitute for Embryonic Stem Cells — For Now

Bill Maher Slams Democrats for Not Standing Up for Gay Marriage and Republicans For Shoving Things Down America's Throat

In Historic Shift, Police and Fire Unions Say They'll Support Pro-Union Candidates

Bachmann Raises More Money 1Q Than Romney For 2012 Race

Rep. Cantor says Social Security 'Cannot Exist' in His America

Glenn Beck describes how he and his Jewish friends will all vouch for each other when they stand before Jesus

Rail Travel in America: Starring Joe Biden as Dagny Taggart

Gov. Rick Scott Slashes Budget For Services To The Severely Disabled

Thom Hartmann Tells the Real History of the Tea Party

The Disconnect

Transocean Awards Big Bonuses, Citing "Safety Record". WTF?

Huckabee twists Southern history by calling health-care reform a "modern-day poll tax"

Go-Daddy CEO Thinks He's Being A Conservationist By Killing An Elephant

Joseph Stiglitz: The Fate of The Top 1% Is Bound Up With How The Other 99% Live

+Newstalgia Reference Room - Ayn Rand - 1971

+audio:Open Thread with The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: Hey GOP, is this some kind of April Fool's Joke?

Is Addiction To Risk Keeping Us From An Honest Discussion Of Climate Change & Solutions?

Fox Yappers on Cashin' In Love the Idea of Replacing Union Workers With Welfare Recipients

Concrete Fails To Plug Fukushima Nuke Leak. Now What?

Vermont Moves to Improve Health Care Reform With Single Payer Health Care Plan

In Fitzgeraldstan, Wisconsin Laws Are For The Little People

New Wisconsin Ad: Stand Up To Scott Walker

Ivory Coast: aid workers find 1,000 bodies in Duekoue - Telegraph 

Hidden in a cave: First ever portrait of Jesus found in 1 of 70 ancient books? | Mail Online

UFO sighting in Chicago? | abc7chicago.com

FAA Records Show Previous Cracks In Plane « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Libyan rebels 'receive foreign training' - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Stalemate in Libya increasingly viewed as a likely outcome - The Washington Post

Exclusive: Ron Paul's $3M pot of gold - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Charlie Sheen show sputters in Motor City

Glenn Beck: Donald Trump's making me 'uncomfortable' - Maggie Haberman - POLITICO.com

Mike Huckabee wins South Carolina county straw poll - Maggie Haberman - POLITICO.com

Rand Paul visits Iowa, urges GOP not to compromise - Yahoo! News

Samantha Power to be the next Secretary of State? | Irish News | IrishCentral

Investigations Find ‘Unprecedented’ Political Review of FOIA Requests by Homeland Security Department | 

A Current Affair > Video Index : Burqa bungle

My Way News - Tweaking the climate to save it: Who decides? 

Egyptian government: Islamists seek political voice in new Egypt - latimes.com

In New York City, death is no excuse not to show up on Election Day - NYPOST.com

Is Eco-terrorism as bad as Islamic Terrorism?

Lies, damn lies and presidential statements

Debbie Schlussel:Don’t Buy Anti-Israel, Pro-HAMAS Author Henning Mankell’s Novels

Debbie Schlussel/It’s Official: Charlie Sheen’s Detroit “Concert” a Disaster; Calls Sarah Palin a “Whore”

Chinese 'invasion' of USA scrapped

Another presidential hopeful wants Obama eligibility proof

YouTube - Glenn Beck: Donald Trump's Birth Certificate Worse Than Obama's - 4/1/2011

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Al Sharpton: Donald Trump's Motives Are Racist

Donald Trump: "Fox and Friends" to feature Donald Trump - latimes.com


*THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'
*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?
Is House Republican leadership selling out tea party?
U.S. Embassy Cables: 90 Percent of Mexican Drug Cartels' Most Lethal Weapons Come From Central America--Not USA | CNSnews.com
WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Bolton: Libya a 'choice between lesser evils';'If it's choice between Gadhafi and uncertainty, I'll take uncertainty'
Living | Evangelicals counter Bible scholar | Seattle Times Newspaper
Atheist Hitchens Praises King James Bible, Christian News, The Christian Post
Ancient Greek Computer Had Surprising Sun Tracker | Wired Science | Wired.com
3 April 
American Minute for April 3rd
YouTube - Today in History: April 3rd
April 3rd in History
Today in History : April 3
April 3 Events in History
April 3rd This Day in History
Today in History: April 3 » HistoryNet
Congress can compel action due to public necessity - The Boston Globe
Incomes, not jobs, could sink Obama re-election | James Pethokoukis | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters.com
All Benefits, No Costs | The Weekly Standard
Obama reelection campaign expected to tap big-money donors - The Washington Post 
RealClearPolitics - Romney Goes on Offense on Health Care
Clinton still showing her survival instincts - The Boston Globe
*Politics Video:3RD/Rep. Ryan: GOP Budget Proposal Gives Dems A "Political Weapon"
Sen. Schumer Calls Tea Party "Extreme" Again, Sessions Rebuts
Lindsey Graham: "Free Speech Is A Great Idea, But We're In A War"
Harry Reid: House GOP "Afraid" Of Tea Party
Sen. Durbin On Budget: "We Have Agreed On A Number"
"This Week" Roundtable On Unemployment Rate Dropping
Sen. Marco Rubio: We Need "Fiscal Sanity"
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Possible Government Shutdown
2nd/Obama Weekly Address: Gas Prices & Energy Security
Bill O'Reilly On War And Money
Boehner Gives Weekly GOP Response On Cutting Spending & Creating Jobs
Rep. Paul Ryan: We Have Only A Few Years To Fix The Economy
Rachel Maddow: The "Haves" Get More And More And More
Friday "Special Report" Panel: AARP, White House Transparency
Jonathan Capehart: Trump's Behavior Is "Reprehensible"
Top D.C. Paper Pressured on Bilderberg Blackout
+High-Tech Helmets Can Withstand Rifle Fire
'Widespread cracking' on Southwest plane: US
Sheen to take Chicago stage after Detroit failure
BP to resume drilling in Gulf of Mexico
Soldier, 92, breaks silence over Auschwitz heroics
Nigeria further postpones elections over problems
*cartoon:UI: Battle of the Bozos
Media Matters Definition of ‘Misinformation’: Icky Old Opinions
Iranians, Jews and Christians Must Unite!
Charlie Sheen Calls Sarah Palin ‘Whore’ in Live Show
Intellectual Property Theft: Permission to Call the Cops?
Watch: Interview with John Aglialoro, Producer of ‘Atlas Shrugged: Part I’
‘Super’ Review: Rainn Wilson Shines in Tale of Urban Desperation
‘Chicago Code’ Review: A TV Show That Dares Remind Us of Bill Ayers
How to Stop Worrying About ‘Ants on the Crucifix’ and Ignore Second Rate Art
New Artistic Vanguard: If You Don’t Have Talent, Smug Will Do
George Soros’ New Plan for Global Financial Regulation
A Victory for the Laffer Curve, a Defeat for England’s Economy
‘Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?’
Congressman Darrell Issa Demands Answers on ‘Operation Gun Runner’
House Republicans Follow Through With School Choice, While Democrats Protect Unions
cartoon:Obama Nation: A Defining Moment
Woman Accused of E-mail Death Threats Charged, Not Arrested, Media Silent
Hatch-Lee Balanced Budget Amendment Is a Win for America
Media Matters Proves Why Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Need Taxpayer Funding
Media Matters Still Has Trouble With the Word “Provider,” Owes Correction
*NEWS VIDEO:Lindsey Graham: ‘Freedom of Speech is a Great Idea But We’re in a War’
Charlie Sheen Booed at Live Show in Detroit
UPS Truck Serves as Backdrop for Obama’s Address on Gas Prices
Koran Burning Pastor: UN Murders Not My Fault
Charlie Sheen’s ‘Violent Torpedo of Truth’ in Detroit
2ND/Rethinking Autism: A Very Special Autism Support Group
Hatch: Obama ‘Inexperienced, Doesn’t Know What to Do’
Union Threats Against Wisconsin Businesses Might Not Be Legal
Obama’s First 2012 Ad is Really GOP April Fools Prank
Home Made Super Soaker Flame Thrower
‘Journalist’ Olbermann Literally Wipes Stage with Coulter-Founded Student Newspaper During Cornell Speech
Maher Continues Relentless Attack on Palin, Bachmann
McCotter: I Will Not Pave the Fiscal Road to Hell With Your Money
1ST/The Stage Right Show: Late Night Conservative Talk
Rumsfeld: Obama Misunderstands Situation in Libya
Devastating New Ad Might Be Game Changer in Wisconsin’s Crucial April 5th Election
HuffPo’s Fineman: ‘Machiavellian’ Cantor ‘Dumbing It Down’ For Tea Party Supporters
AWOL Indiana Dem: Hiding Out in Illinois Just Like Serving in Afghanistan
Obama Official: GOP Budget Cuts Will Kill 70,000 Kids
Fmr CIA Counterterrism Analyist To CNN Anchor: ‘You’re Just Carrying The Water For Mr. Obama’
Bronx Zoo: Cobra Found in Reptile House
Crowder: Fun With Wieners – Featuring Congressman Wiener
Appeals Court Sets Date For ObamaCare Constitutional Hearing
Racoon Leads Rescuers on Epic Chase
Pence on Budget Standoff: ‘Shut It Down’
31ST/Wisc Teacher Charged With Sending Death Threats to GOP Lawmakers
Unhinged Weatherman Goes Nuts Over Bronx Zoo Cobra
Kucinich: Obama’s Libya Action ‘Arrogant Violation Of The Constitution’
Giuliani: Libya is ‘Worst Handled’ Military Action He’s Seen