"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

21 September 2010

21 Sept'10

America: Love it or (if you're rich enough) leave it? | Money & Company | Los Angeles Times

Disappointed Supporters Question Obama - NYTimes.com

US Rep. Gregory Meeks scolded immigration officials for questioning a terror-linked Muslim scholar - NYPOST.com

Extra-tight security for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to the UN's General Assembly this year - NYPOST.com

Rauf's Group Claims Credit for 'Training' NY Times Reporter :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Border Patrol jobs: Hundreds in South Florida apply for 2,200 jobs nationwide - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Jim DeMint - Washington can hear you now

My Way News - Appeals court: Once al-Qaida, always al-Qaida?

EDITORIAL: New gay Army - Washington Times

Chicago Boyz » Blog Archive » Murkowski’s OK, but O’Donnell is a Villainess?

American Thinker Blog: President Obama removes 'Creator' from the Declaration of Independence.

South Florida: An arms smuggler's paradise - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com

Radical Islam on rise in Balkans

Retired transit worker gets $14 million Lotto jackpot pay-out after deli clerk steals his ticket - NYPOST.com

France raises terror security, new threat reported - Yahoo! News

President Obama hits church with First Family in bid to altar 'Muslim' myth

RealClearPolitics - Video - Carter: I'm "Probably Superior" To Other Former Presidents

WJLA-TV fires veteran anchor Doug McKelway, cites insubordination, misconduct

Breitbart.tv » Obama Supporter: ‘I’m Exhausted Of Defending You’

Breitbart.tv » Beck: ‘Breitbart is an Animal, a Warrior’

Breitbart.tv » Obama’s Aunt: ‘The System Took Advantage Of Me’

Breitbart.tv » Clinton Admits He Was Wrong About Mid-Term Election Prospects

Breitbart.tv » Carter: ‘My Role as Former President Superior to Others’

RealClearPolitics - Video - Town Hall Questioner To Obama: "I'm Exhausted Of Defending You"

FOXNews.com - Lockerbie Bomber 'Can Get Out of Bed, Walk'

Saudi king meets top US, Canadian counter-terror officials

Block-I chant portrays ‘neither patriotism nor remembrance’ | The Daily Illini

Leftist Filmmaker Raises $50,000+ for Ground Zero Mosque » Publications » Family Security Matters

WATCH: Bill Clinton in Favor of Ground Zero Mosque | The FOX Nation

No Middle East peace talks scheduled for Obama this week

If War Comes Israel vs. Hizballah and Its Allies

Latest Vaccine Propaganda: It Prevents Heart Attacks

YouTube - Auntie Z Speaks

Obama’s Aunt: ‘If I Come Here As An (Illegal) Immigrant, You Have The Obligation To Make Me A Citizen’

Global Tax Scam Shifts From Climate Change To Poverty

Grayson Sends Letter Demanding Halt Of Illegal Foreclosures, Calls Out “Largest Seizure Of Private Property Ever Attempted By Banks And Government”

GOP Plans ObamaCare Repeal

Farmer, consumer outcry helping to stop passage of draconian ‘food safety’ bill


Senate Bill on Food Safety Is Stalled - NYTimes.com

*S. 510 –


Government Prepares To Seize Paychecks As Statist Cancer Explodes

Most Influential Environmentalists Share Mass-Murder Advocating Green Nazi’s Philosophy

Global Warming Alarmist Calls For Eco-Gulags To Re-Educate Climate Deniers

Climate Action Kit Uses Religious Symbolism To Enforce Green Brainwashing

Are Consumers Finally Winning in Washington?

“Poll After Poll Shows That Both National Parties Are Deeply Unpopular With An Electorate Looking For Something New And Different”

U.S. Supreme Court justice considers outlawing speech against radical Islam

Occult Obsessed Elite Claim Christine O’Donnell is a Witch

Riot Police On Standby, As Greek Truckers Form Massive Protest Blockade

Gulf States Order $123 Billion of U.S. Weaponry to Counter Iran, FT Says - Bloomberg

China-Japan Tensions Escalate, As China Breaks Off High Level Contacts, Japanese Flag Burned In Protest

North Korea Leadership Meeting: King Jong-il's Son Kim Jong-un Expected To Be Named As Official | World News | Sky News

CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Alex Jones On What We Really Are

Ron Paul “This Is Much Bigger Than The Great Depression!”

For Sale: Welcome to United States of Tent Cities

CNN reporter: Network censored footage of Iraq ‘war crime’ | Raw Story

Gold Is Not Going Up: The Dollar Is Collapsing

Is America Today In Worse Shape Than Japan During Its Lost Decade?

The Banks Still Win

Is China Starting To Cave? Yuan Hits New Record Against The Dollar

UK Proposes All Paychecks Go to the State First - CNBC

Obama Supporter: ‘I’m Exhausted Of Defending You’

House may adjourn by end of week - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Scalia: No protection against sex bias, no right to privacy in Constitution | Raw Story

Obama Aides Weigh Bid to Tie the G.O.P. to the Tea Party - NYTimes.com

US lawmakers seek power to ‘shut down’ Web sites in other countries

Huhne says yes to £22bn green tax: Petrol could soar under LibDem minister's drive | Mail Online

FBI overstepped terror link probes after 9/11

Climate hoax promoter Mark Serreze: Arctic ice wasn’t in a death spiral, then it WAS in a death spiral, then it WASN’T in a death spiral, now it’s again in a death spiral

Massive solar flare ‘could paralyse Earth in 2013′

Energy Department Says It Has ‘Mandate’ to Force ‘Market Transformation’ for Household Appliances | CNSnews.com

Townhall - Obama’s Plan May Be on Hold, But Cap-and-Trade is Still Advancing in the States

The food industry, like Big Pharma, controls the FDA and USDA

Industry has sway over food safety system: study | Reuters

YouTube - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Coast to Coast - forced vaccinations Part 1 of 4

YouTube - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Coast to Coast - forced vaccinations Part 2 of 4

YouTube - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Coast to Coast - forced vaccinations Part 3 of 4

YouTube - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Coast to Coast - forced vaccinations Part 4 of 4

YouTube - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Flu Vaccines - What's Coming Through That Needle 1/3

YouTube - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Flu Vaccines - What's Coming Through That Needle 2/3

YouTube - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Flu Vaccines - What's Coming Through That Needle 3/3

YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday Economic Report: Gold's Time has Come! 1/3

YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday Economic Report: Gold's Time has Come! 2/3

YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday Economic Report: Gold's Time has Come! 3/3

YouTube - EMERGENCY SUNDAY BROADCAST: Globalists Plan to Dismantle Middle Class With UN Tax!! 1/6

YouTube - EMERGENCY SUNDAY BROADCAST: Globalists Plan to Dismantle Middle Class With UN Tax!! 2/6

YouTube - EMERGENCY SUNDAY BROADCAST: Globalists Plan to Dismantle Middle Class With UN Tax!! 3/6

YouTube - EMERGENCY SUNDAY BROADCAST: Globalists Plan to Dismantle Middle Class With UN Tax!! 4/6

YouTube - EMERGENCY SUNDAY BROADCAST: Globalists Plan to Dismantle Middle Class With UN Tax!! 5/6

YouTube - EMERGENCY SUNDAY BROADCAST: Globalists Plan to Dismantle Middle Class With UN Tax!! 6/6

Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert find different ways to answer Glenn Beck – The TV Guy – Orlando Sentinel

Saudi king meets top US, Canadian counter-terror officials

9NEWS.com | Denver | Colorado's Online News Leader | Security experts cite Denver as frontline in fight against homegrown terrorism

Bomb-Plot Witness Says FBI Sent Him to Terrorist Camp

Homeland Security's Janet Napolitano: US not overreacting to terrorism - Yahoo! News

Polysorbate 80 In Swine Flu Vaccines = Infertility In Humans

Global ‘internet treaty’ proposed - Telegraph

Scientist: There is no observational evidence for influence of CO2 on present or past climate

The food industry, like Big Pharma, controls the FDA and USDA

Industry has sway over food safety system: study | Reuters

EPA Smog Proposals Draw Fire - WSJ.com

Antifascist Calling...

Obama Promises to Push for the DREAM Act - Political Punch

Mexican Border Fence Cost $3 Billion, Does Nothing: Television - Bloomberg

Barack Obama's planned assault on the Tea Party smacks of desperation – Telegraph Blogs

CNN reporter: Network censored footage of Iraq ‘war crime’ | Raw Story

Hillary Clinton urges Iran to dump Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Telegraph

US official: Saudi arms deal warning to Iran - Israel News, Ynetnews

Russia today, tomorrow the world - Europe, World - The Independent

Biocratic Solution to Poverty and Disease? Eradicate the Human

CBC News - Health - Manganese in water tied to kids' low IQ

Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years' - News, Books - The Independent

Worst U.S. Recession Since 1930s Ended in June 2009, Group Says

US Government 'hiding true amount of debt' | News.com.au

US Government 'hiding true amount of debt' | News.com.au

Our Best Economic Minds Are Failing Us - Newsweek

‘Iran on verge of potential US-led war’

PopSci Investigation: What Kind Of Top-Secret Assassination Tech Does $58 Billion Buy? | Popular Science

Pentagon to funnel US arms to Yemen to fight al-Qaeda - Telegraph

09-20-2010: France, Spain, Greece urge global tax to raise poverty funding

09-20-2010: Pentagon: 2 Russian aircraft buzzed U.S. warship

09-20-2010: Social Engineering Bill In Senate Will Force You Into City

09-20-2010: Medical marijuana growers join Teamsters union

09-20-2010: 600 missing Iraqi artifacts found in PM's storage

09-20-2010: Real-Time Security Cameras Link NYC Subway Hubs

09-20-2010: Thousands of Yemenis flee battle with al-Qaida

09-20-2010: PopSci Investigation: What Kind Of Top-Secret Assassination Tech Does $58 Billion Buy?

09-20-2010: Russia: We will provide Syria with advanced missiles, despite Israel, U.S. protests

09-20-2010: Homeland security releases new funds to Jewish non-profits

09-20-2010: Mom claims Lady Gaga copied sexy act of late Staten Island teen collaborator

09-20-2010: Autopsy: Russian spy chief defector choked on meat

09-20-2010: Saudi king meets top US, Canadian counter-terror officials

Push To Collect Online Taxes

09-19-2010: FDA won’t allow food to be labeled free of genetic modification

09-19-2010: Shanghai Cooperation Organization launches joint anti-terrorist military exercise Peaceful Mission-2010

YouTube - Judge Napolitano: Who Owns Our Income? Us Or The Govt.?

YouTube - Get New Customers Fast - MagicYellowFlyer.com

YouTube - Keiser Report №79: Currency Wars Break Out

YouTube - Not Natural Born -- TRUTH MATTERS

British Government to Seize All Paychecks

Global Warming Alarmist Calls For Eco-Gulags To Re-Educate Climate Deniers

Gold, Oil and China

Ron Paul “This Is Much Bigger Than The Great Depression!”

Even the Little Guy Now Realizes that the Stock Market is Gamed, And Many Are Pulling Out Entirely

Debunking the Department of Justice’s Hit Piece

Occult Obsessed Elite Claim Christine O’Donnell is a Witch

Obama Aides Weigh Bid to Tie the G.O.P. to the Tea Party

Gold hits record highs as investors eye Fed meet

Lady Gaga, superstar to teens, wears dress made of animal flesh

They Died for Iran

Japan Intervenes to Bail Out America.com

Most Influential Environmentalists Share Mass-Murder Advocating Green Nazi’s Philosophy

Shut Up! You’re Disturbing the Elite

YouTube - 911 - Incredible images with original questions

Can America stop an Israeli 'nuclear' 9/11?

Hawaii Democratic Party Did Not Certify Obama’s Eligibility | Fellowship of the Minds

YouTube - Eyewitness Missile hit Pentagon on 9/11, No Plane, Government Confiscated 84 Camera Tapes

CGI's Glasc: Protect the Count - vids

YouTube - Up to 40 million gallons of dispersant used in Gulf according to independent scientific estimates


Namaste: POPULATIONS EXPOSED TO ENVIRONMENTAL URANIUM: Increased Risk of Infertility and Reproductive Cancers!


Jewish Supremacism & The Death Of American Labor | Real Zionist News

Pakistan's Descent into Anarchy | Opinion Maker


American Renaissance News: Far-Right Gains Jolt Sweden

Missing Iraqi antiquities discovered in warehouse | McClatchy

Rush Limbaugh Falls For Wikipedia Hoax About Judge Roger Vinson

URGENT Alert - Stop The Illegal Alien 'Dream Act'

ALIPAC - ALIPAC Launches New Tactic To Stop Dream Act Amnesty

President Barack Obama's Yucca Mountain decision is a blow to US nuclear power - Telegraph

Obama's New Consumer Watchdog

BP oil spill cost hits nearly $10bn | Business | guardian.co.uk

Iran hits at U.N. nuclear watchdog | Reuters

PressTV - 'Iran on verge of potential US-led war'

PressTV - Iran rejects arrest of 7 US troops

PressTV - Iran military acquires anti-stealth tech

Barak: Israel May Divide Jerusalem, Internationalize Holy Basin - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

PressTV - Israeli-linked organ dealers busted

Netherlands cancels tour by Israeli mayors over settlers' presence - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Israeli official: We'll sell arms to Russia's enemies - Israel News, Ynetnews

The Future of the Conservative Movement

Pastor who threatened to burn Korans told to pay police bill - Telegraph

Mexican paper to restrict drug war coverage after gunmen kill journalist | World news | guardian.co.uk

Ex-Slaves Talk Lovingly of their Masters and Long to See Them Again

Ozone layer 'is no longer disappearing and will return to full strength by 2048' | Mail Online

China resorts to blackouts in pursuit of energy efficiency | Environment | The Guardian

Tsvangirai says Mugabe now focused on legacy as career draws to a close - Telegraph

Woman opens fire in deadly German hospital attack - Telegraph

Cyber-crooks steal the identity Ronald K Noble of the world's top security chief...on FACEBOOK | Mail Online

Sweden elections end in hung parliament, rise of far-Right - Telegraph

Sydney's notorious Aboriginal ghetto to be demolished - Telegraph

Prostitutes of god - Asia, World - The Independent

Lockerbie father visits Megrahi in Libya - Middle East, World - The Independent

Vince Cable: Send our school leavers to do apprenticeships in India | Mail Online

Britain goes halal (...but nobody tells public) | Mail Online

Tory blitz on compensation culture is revealed - Telegraph

Report shows almost 50% of girls under 18 feel unsafe in UK cities | Society | The Guardian

Swine flu vaccine to be included in winter flu jab - Telegraph

Charlie Brooker | Fast-food success in the UK requires a guilt-free form of gluttony | Comment is free | The Guardian

Doctors 'over-diagnose’ - Telegraph

Eat meat and save the planet, says eco-warrior and former vegetarian - Telegraph

One in four youngsters 'not using contraception' | Society | The Guardian

New footage shows tigers can thrive in Himalayas - Telegraph

Where there's bugs, there's brass: British firm lands $500m biofuel contract | Environment | The Guardian

Scientists prune list of world's plants | Science | The Guardian

Diagnosis positive: Tick disease is here - Local News - News - General - Port Macquarie News

Physicists Cross Hurdle In Quantum Manipulation Of Matter | Before It's News

Magical Beans: New Nano-Sized Particles Could Provide Mega-Sized Data Storage | Before It's News

Is Gravity from a Parallel Universe Creating "Dark Energy"? (Today's Most Popular)

A Chilean telescope fires a laser into space to create a virtual star in the heart of the Milky Way | Before It's News

Ancient Egyptian mystery solved? Beer as medicine

9/11 Cover-Up Remains While Questions Mount by Eric Margolis

Big Pharma Scores Big Win: Medicinal Herbs Will Disappear in EU

Unexplained Mysteries - Sealand skull photos released

Mormon Sex Abuse Victim: Marie Osmond

Mormon MK-Ultra Abuse Victim Speaks

Mormon Abuse Victims Blame Church "Cover-Up"

Sex Abuse Allegations Rock Mormon Church

YouTube - MORE -- Feds: "You can't come out here and do your own investigation if you're looking for oil"



Osama bin Laden - a dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government

How the Towers were Demolished


*Gordon Ross analyses the destruction of the World Trade Center 25:22




[redacted] news: Dick Gregory Moderates New York 9/11 Seminar Panel


*1:10:08 - Dick Gregory: Race, Comedy, and Justice


YouTube - Alex Jones - Dick Gregory - 911 - part 1/5

YouTube - Alex Jones - Dick Gregory - 911 - part 2/5

YouTube - Alex Jones - Dick Gregory - 911 - part 3/5

YouTube - Alex Jones - Dick Gregory - 911 - part 4/5

YouTube - Alex Jones - Dick Gregory - 911 - part 5/5



Anatomy of a Police State Setup and Coverup

Bin Laden is Dead; Long Live “Bin Laden” « Maidhc Ó Cathail

YouTube - JFK told us the TRUTH.



FIRST HOUR :WRH radio show - 20th

h2 :WRH radio show - 20th





CEO of troubled Mount Clemens bank disappears - dailytribune.com


Iraq - The Trail of Disinformation

Ehud Barak: History Will Judge Obama on Nuclear Iran - Politics & Gov't - Israel News - Israel National News

Newsvine - Twitter "MouseOver" Hack is Spreading a Malicious Code

Activist Post: Absolute power comes from absolute control over food

Ventura County Reporter - Faith in science

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Webster Tarpley - Sarkozy: Tax the banks!

Crimes Of The Century: Occupation And Contaminating Iraq : Political Theatrics

The Disasterous Legacy of Mahmoud Abbas | Intifada Palestine

Hoax Alien Invasion Planned - Bill Cooper - 12160

Do Google & YouTube Equate Truthers & Patriots with Terrorists? :

Gates Fortune to Go to “Global Poverty” Not Children :

ksl.com - Former LDS bishop sentenced to prison for $20 million Ponzi scheme

Some in China ready to drop U.S. holdings and pour money into nation | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Dallas Business News

Mr President the Whole World knows 9/11 was a Lie - 12160

[redacted] news: Blackwater/Xe Terrorist Cells Conducting False Flag Terrorist Attacks in Pakistan

The Real Truth About the Top 12 Health Myths

Lawsuit Challenges Govt’s Right to Assassinate US Citizens -- News from Antiwar.com

PressTV - 'US runs murder program across world'

BlogPost - Mexican media ask drug cartels, 'What do you want from us?'

Globalists Push World Transaction Tax At UN Summit

Poverty Is Through the Roof, and Billionaires Are Getting Pissy About Not Enough Profits | | AlterNet

A Voice In The Wilderness: Good Food Is Emerging as a Real Alternative to the Dominance of Corporate Agriculture

TSA Secure Flight: The Next TSA Privacy Threat? | NetworkWorld.com Community

Republicrats and the Federal Reserve System

The Illusion of Pension Savings

Farmer, consumer outcry helping to stop passage of draconian 'food safety' bill

Are Independent Thinkers Mentally Ill?

Vatican Bank Head in Money Laundering Probe

Will the US and China Be Locked in a Global Battle Over Oil?

The Emerging Global Fed

Fed Mulls Trillion-Dollar Policy Question

Baseball, Apple Pie, and Torture; The new American value.

American Businesses and Consumers are NOT Deleveraging … They Are Going On One Last Binge

Polysorbate 80 In Swine Flu Vaccines = Infertility In Humans

American workers switch from cocaine to prescription opiates as drug of choice

The powerful coalition that wants to engineer the world's climate

Screening on slippery slope to eugenics

‘Stasi spies’ on the motorways: Big Brother fears as motorists are urged to inform on each other

Income Poverty: One in Three Americans Lacks the Income Needed to “Make Ends Meet”

Antibacterial Soaps Contain Endocrine-Disruptors Capable of Interfering with Hormones Critical for Normal Development and Reproduction

20 Signs That The Economic Collapse Has Already Begun For One Out Of Every Seven Americans

YouTube - PUMA Illuminati Commercial

Groundbreaking Study Shows Monsanto's Roundup Link to Birth Defects | The Vigilant Citizen

Chicago Sun-Times: Lindsay Lohan has alter egos | The Vigilant Citizen

YouTube - Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation

Did U.S. Soldiers Create Afghan Killing Club?:

Did Tony Blair Endorse Preventive War on Iran?

President Ahmadinejad's Interview With ABC's Christiane Amanpour

Twenty-eight Years not Enough to Heal Wounds of Sabra-Shatila Massacre

Watch: As Israel Slides Toward Fascism, Citizens and Supporters Swear Their Loyalty

Imperialism and Imperial Barbarism

China, Energy, and Global Power

Immigration Economics

IG: FBI Gave Inaccurate Statements Claiming Terror Link to Anti-war Rally

50 Dead, 128 wounded in Iraq Attacks

War criminal: Powell unsure whether U.S. is winning in Afghanistan:

Thousands flee fighting in Yemen's Shabwa province

Hamas: We agreed in the past to state within '67 borders:

The Illusion of Pension Savings:

Israeli Company Hired by State Government to Spy on Pennsylvanians and Other Americans

The "Obscenity" of Comparing Americans to "Killers and Terrorists"

Reality Check: Iran is Not a Nuclear Threat

Poll: Vast Majority Opposes Attack on Iran

American Public Opinion and the Special Relationship With Israel

Some Killing More 'Moral' Than Other

Jewish Groups Denounce ‘Museum of Tolerance’

Chavez Wants a Break From U.S. Meddling.

Suffocating the Poor: A Modern Parable

Tea With Frankenstein: Please, No Masturbation

Farmers' apocalypse: the globalisation of food supply

Gingrich blasts Democratic establishment at annual summit:

Wall Street Banks Committing Widespread Mortgage Foreclosure Fraud


Were ‘Mini-Nukes’ Used to Bring Down WTC?


*Interview with Swiss Expert on Monetary Reform

*Audio Interview with Victor Thorn on 9-11 Attacks


Radical Eco-Legislation Coming?

VDARE.com: 09/02/10 - The True Cost of the War

YouTube - Introduction to PRI

Quakers, anti-war rallies on terror list

International Internet Treaty proposed by Europe

Globalists Plan to Dismantle Middle Class With UN Tax

Former UN secretary general now leads Alliance for a Green Revolution

Secretive Executive Order Establishes 'Big Brother' Health Bureaucracy

Big Sis Iris Scanners: The Prison Without Bars

Gerald Celente: US Economy = Depression

Orwellian DoubleThink: Rights are Privileges

Computers set for quantum leap

Robotics breakthrough: Scientists make artificial skin

'Mind-reading machine' can convert thoughts into speech

A People's History of the Human Genome

Video: Rapid change of society aided by technology

Who Owns You? 20% of the Genes in Your Body are Patented (Video)

By Way of Deception, We Shall do War | Deanna Spingola

Cannon Fodder for the New World Order | Deanna Spingola

Untangling the Bizarre CIA Links to the Ground Zero Mosque | The New York Observer

The Milgram Experiment: Why People Willingly Perform Horrific Acts - Truth is Treason

Americans Enjoying Final Days of Artificial Economy - Truth is Treason

Walt Disney, Monsanto discovered among Blackwater’s hidden clients | Raw Story

Atmospheric Geoengineering

Greg Evensen -- Comfort Zone, Twilight Zone Or Dead Zone?

The Sword & Shield to Stop the Islamization of America

Social Engineering Bill In Senate Will Force You Into City | Personal Liberty Digest

U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised by Unidentified Aerial Objects -- WASHINGTON, Sept. 15 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Ex-General Declares Total War on Defense Secretary | Danger Room | Wired.com

Media Director for Singularity Institute puts Tom Horn in spotlight, agrees transhumanism is threat to traditional Judeo-Christian values

We can build whatever animal you want to eat, say scientists | News.com.au

The World from Berlin: 'Obama Has Underestimated the Frustration in the Country' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Have Cell Phones Become Personal Tracking Devices? - TIME

David Correia: If Only Glenn Beck Were a Cyborg

European atom-smashers to go dark in 2012 - Technology & science - Science - LHC - msnbc.com


The Hate Mongers Among Us — First in a 4-part series | Criminal State

The hate mongers among us -- Part 2: Signs of a rift between U.S. politicians and U.S. national security?

The hate mongers among us -- Part 3: The use of pliable and reliable assets to advance a narrative

The hate mongers among us -- Part 4: Staying on message to advance the narrative


Jimmy Carter’s 60 Minute Interview: The scandal that wasn’t

Tea party talking points, translated

When will white people become civilized?

9/11, global warming and other crimes

The five waves of political reaction

The progressive dilemma

The river of Afghan corruption and its American source

America was founded as a protectionist nation

The Creepy Science Behind Genetically Engineered "Frankenfish" About to Enter Our Food Supply Unlabeled

Who’s picking up the tab for the tea party?

Midterm campaign fundraising on pace to set record

Pentagon to investigate hundreds of suspected child pornography fans in its ranks

Tea Party Furious At Murkowski Write-In, But O'Donnell Did It In '06

The Future Of Cable Television - 12160

Obamas Health Care a scam for a war tax... - 12160

Corbett Report 19Sep2010! National Sovereignty Rising Against EU!! - 12160

Is The UN Security Council Really Secure? - 12160




**Secrets of the Federal Reserve

*Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins

*The Real Story of the Money-Control Over America By Sheldon Emry

The Bankers Own The Earth



National Security Experts: Shariah Law Is 'Preeminent Totalitarian Threat of Our Time'

White House Claims Success in Changing Course at U.N., But Critics Question the Results

Iraq Ran Up Budget Surpluses as U.S. Ran Up Debt, Says GAO

Obama Administration Releases Spanish-Language Video Showing How College Is ‘An Attainable Dream’ for Hispanics

CBO: Unemployment Will Stay Above 8 Percent Until 2012

Obama Takes Flak From 'Exhausted' People Who Supported Him

House Republicans to Unveil Election-Year Agenda Thursday

Pence Beats Huckabee, Romney, Gingrich and Palin in Presidential Straw Poll

A Lesson for Obama in D.C. Mayor's Election Loss

Huckabee: Obama Should Condemn Muslim Fatwa That Sent American Cartoonist into Hiding

Sen. Lindsey Graham Steers Clear of Criticizing Murkowski Write-In Campaign; Says He Supports Miller

Europeans Think There is ‘No Military Solution’ in Afghanistan, EU Oficial Says

Sen. DeMint: 'It's Going to Take a Few Years' to Repeal ObamaCare

Recession Pain Still Real, Despite End, Obama Says

Pro-Life Groups Warn of Dangers of ‘Emergency Contraception’ Drug

An U.N.-Conscionable Act

Harry Reid’s Illegal Alien Student Bailout

Unemployment Rises in 27 States Last Month

Public Pension Fund Boosted Executives' Pay As Fund’s Value Plummeted

New Consumer Agency Architect Vows Tough Stance on Businesses

Military Ban on Homosexuals Becomes Election-Year Hot Button

Economic Panel Says Recession Ended in June 2009

Court to Hear Arizona Immigration Appeal Nov. 1

NASA Inspector General Faults Space Agency Boss

ATF Forms Teams in 7 Cities to Stop Gun Smuggling

Premiums for Medicare Private Plans Dip 1 Percent

Court Denies Burris Request to Stop Election

Brown Calls on Whitman to State View on Proposition 23

Carter Sees Tea Party Parallels to His 1976 Run

Pre-Election Rangel, Waters Ethics Trials Unlikely

Dems to Voters: You May Hate Us, but GOP Is Worse

Expiring Tax Cuts Hit Taxpayers at Every Level

Climate for GOP Keeps Getting Better, Poll Says

Broncos Wide Receiver McKinley Found Dead in Apparent Suicide

Lady Gaga Fights `Don't Ask, Don't Tell' in Maine

NASA Inspector General Faults Space Agency Boss for ‘Inappropriate Contact’ with Oil Company

Texas Man Who Duped Army Gets 6 Months in Prison

Americans' Wealth Fell in Spring as Stocks Tanked

Poor Countries Face Education Crisis, Report Says

U.N. Gathering Shines a Global Spotlight on Helping World's Poor

Anti-Immigration Sentiment Grows in Sweden

Italian Police Probe Vatican Bank Officials

Iran Claims Double Standard in Death Penalty Cases

Playoffs for Political Hacks

No Science, Fake Science, and the Destruction of the Nation

Cantor: GOP 'Young Guns' Ready to Roll Back Obama Agenda

O'Donnell Winning Top GOP Support

McCain: GOP Has Crowded Field for 2012

Bill Clinton: Dems Should Listen to Tea Party, Too

Obama to Church After Newsmax, Huckabee Story


*Slideshow: 10 Democrats Who Oppose Obama


FBI Overstepped Terror Link Probes after 9/11

Obama Soft-Pedals Reforms at UN

Dad Who Stormed Bus Apologizes for Some Actions

Lynyrd Skynyrd Inspiration Dies in North Florida

Zogby: Democrats Pulling Ahead of GOP

Tony Perkins: Tea Party a 'Civil Awakening'

DeMint: Country Suited for Tea Party Candidates

Mike Pence: Conservatives Regaining Power

Global Poll: Buy Stocks, Shun Bonds as Worst Over

Men: Protect Against These Cancers

Protein Tangles Linked to Aggressiveness of Alzheimer’s Disease

Twitter: All Safe after Mysterious Hack

Bristol Palin Parodies Mom on 'Dancing with Stars'

A Civil Society Without a Government?

Support Your Local Army of Occupation

Peter Schiff: Obama Is Bought and Paid for by Wall Street

Electronic Cigarettes and the Fog of (Class) War

2,000 guns seized in Toronto safety program

The Government is Nothing More than a Gang of Thugs in Costume

A Government of Laws? Tell Me Another One

The Best Thing About Being a TSA Functionary

DEFLATION? Who Are They Kidding? Commodities Prices Are Going Through The Roof

Push to collect online sales tax gathers steam

Big Brother fears as motorists are urged to spy on each other

Holdren uses free market to get back to stone age

Piping Mad: Fair People at the Mercy of a Government Gone Fowl

Fidel Castro and American Statism

Will Cuban Socialists Lead America to Freedom?

Under Surveillance America

Tax inspectors get police-like powers to tackle tax evaders

Stop the Real Bank Robbery

The Economics of Mass Destruction

Pope's Visit a 'Spiritual Success'

Senate Should Filibuster Defense Bill

Judgmental Journalists Should Be Judged

Whatever Happened to the Somali Pirates?

Rising Premiums a Sign of Impending Obamacare

Rush Limbaugh Gets It on O'Donnell

Democrats, Not the Tea Party, Are the Real Extremists

Basel III: The Global Banks at The Edge of The Precipice. Trillions of "Toxic Waste" in the Global Banking System

"Manufacturing Dissent": the Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites

The Fraudulent Criminalization of Marijuana in America

Elizabeth Warren appointment: Banksters Cheer Tepid Financial Rules

BP: The Unfinished Crimes and Plunder of Anglo-American Imperialism

Venezuela: Land reform, food sovereignty and agroecology

VIDEO: EU Authoritarianism: Exposing the Eurocrats

The Debt Crisis in America: Businesses and Consumers are NOT Deleveraging ... They Are Going On One Last Binge

Potential Repercussions on the Food Chain: BP Oil Spill Contaminants in Livestock Feed

Leaking Military Secrets to the Public: Bradley Manning, American Hero

Imperialism and Imperial Barbarism

Constitutional Traitors

Partners in Crime: The U.S. Secret State and Mexico's "War on Drugs"

Iraq: The Age of Darkness

The Global Systemic Crisis: Towards a Serious Breakdown of the World Economic and Financial System, Spring 2011

The Failure of American Capitalism: Forty-four million Living in Poverty in the US

After Reshuffle: CIA Still Keeps Eye On Russia

Obama Has No Intentions of Enforcing Our Immigration Laws

Unsustainable cow manure

Jobs or Entitlements, But Not Both

Atheists Peddle Hopelessness

US House puts oceans, coasts under UN: Senate vote will seal the deal

Chicago bomb plot thwarted

Did Ground Zero Mosque Imam lie about Muslim Law vs. U.S. law?

Sloppy Science from BHP head

A Carbon Tax for Everyone Else?

Christine O’Donnell: America’s Sweetheart

Best for America: “Guard the Change” or “Change the Guard”?

Tea Party Power

Obama’s Great Leap Forward

Don’t Wish Upon an Energy Star to Save the Environment

Eco-terrorism, multibillion-dollar market for organized crime

Biotech: To Survive The Mega-Droughts

U.N. calls for sustainable development, global governance

Flashback: Al Sharpton’s Followers Call Whites ‘The Devil,’ Al Says, ‘Don&#8

MI6 book exposes real-life James Bonds - World - Canoe.ca

Woman addicted to Red Bull drank 20 a day - Weird News - Canoe.ca

Afghanistan chopper crash kills 9 NATO troops : Archive : Canoe TV


DEFENDER PUBLISHING: Media Director for the Singularity Institute puts Tom Horn in spotlight, agrees transhumanism is threat to traditional Christian values

AN OPEN LETTER TO CHRISTIAN LEADERS: Time running out to influence debate on transhumanism


Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare -- Part One

Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare -- Part Two

Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare -- Part Three

PART FOUR: Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 5: Forbidden Gates - How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 6 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART SEVEN -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 8 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 9 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 10 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual

PART 11 - Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 12 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 13 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 14 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare


Interview with Thomas Horn, controversial author of Forbidden Gates

Obama goes to church to hear a Muslim speaker! | The Post & Email


Property Rights Tyranny Begins with SB 1619 - NH Tea Party Coalition

*S. 1619


The 7/7 Coincidence Which Saved Lives | Before It's News

YouTube - Rand Paul & Tom Woods on Freedom Watch 09/18/10

The Fallacy of the “Moderate Muslim” | Before It's News

YouTube - Islam Is . . .

New Drug Kills Pain by Boosting Body's Naturally Occurring Marijuana-Like Compound | Popular Science

Satanic Hollywood | Before It's News


*11 Part /Film: War by Deception


Most Influential Environmentalists Share Mass-Murder Advocating Green Nazi’s Philosophy

Video: “Moderate” RINO Colin Powell Calls for Tidal Wave of Illegal Students

YouTube - 9/11 Explosive Reality - WTC7 Demolition

YouTube - "Lucky" Larry Silverstein: non-Muslim 9/11 Terrorist at Large

YouTube - 9-11 ABC News - ground zero, no fires in building #7 before collapse, melted cars

YouTube - Down With the European Union - Sunday Update

Leaking Military Secrets to the Public: Bradley Manning, American Hero – Prof Marjorie Cohn

Twins die minutes after measles vaccination | Philosophers stone

“Manufacturing Dissent”: the Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites – Michel Chossudovsky

YouTube - Unlikely Skeptic: A Liberal Environmentalist challenges Global Warming Theory

Global Warming Alarmist Calls For Eco-Gulags To Re-Educate Climate Deniers

The Court Jester and 9/11 Truth | 911truthnews

Feeling the loyalty to the Jewish State of Israel | Joseph Dana

YouTube - Illuminati Murdered Diana - RE-POSTED!

Conquest Through Immigration - BrN On Video! | Real Zionist News

The Truth Seeker - Global Collapse of the Fiat Money System

The Truth Seeker - General Patton Discovered the Truth

The Official Website of TheAntiTerrorist | Thinking for yourself is the new black

War Is Murder by Karen Kwiatkowski

The Politics of Resentment by Thomas Sowell

Kashmir: Three Minutes From Nuclear War by Eric Margolis

The End of the World As We Know It? I Doubt It by Dom Armentano

Playing Hide and Seek in a Wired World by Frank M. Ahearn

How Much Do You Know About Your Tires? By Eric Peters

12 Medical Myths Even Most Doctors Believe… by Joseph Mercola

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: The New Soviet Union Is America


Tax Language for the Totalitarian State

Debbie Schlussel:EXCLUSIVE: Sean Penn Pulls a Vanessa Redgrave on the Holocaust

Debbie Schlussel:Mike Pence, a GOP Presidential Candidate I Support

Debbie Schlussel:Religion of Stealing Your Winning Lottery Tix, #458,321

Obama's Empathy Deficit

Time for the GOP to Unite

The Recession Ends, Sort Of

Job Losses and Obama

Help for the Tea Party Unwashed Masses

A Depression May Be Our Best Hope

Michelle Obama's Futile Fat Food Fatwa

The New York Times Shills For Harry Reid

TOTUS: It wasn't me.

Next Time, Give the Questioners Teleprompters, Too

New records show DoJ lied about Black Panther Party case

Progressive jihad against Israel

Harry Reid: Senator Gillibrand is 'hot'

Things Christine O'Donnell didn't do

Boston public unions raise $1.3 million to fight cut in taxes

More voters agree with Palin than Obama

Chris Coons and his support for Black Liberation Theology

Apparently, some religions are more equal than others

The Selfishness of the Intentionally Childless

The Disappearing Middle Class

Barack Obama: The Man Who Would be God?

The Muslim Next Door

It's a Long Way Back to the Constitution

The Biggest Target is Liberalism

A Political Prisoner in Illinois?

Motivating Students, or Why Big Bird Must Die

The Death of Medical Privacy

O'Donnell vs. Coons: Analyzing Extremism

The Mike Pence I Know

The Curious Logic of Our Governing Elites

The Counter-Revolution Has Begun

Tea party group announces $1 million donation

Consumer groups push for label for modified salmon

Examiner Editorial: Government and journalists cower at threats to cartoonist | Washington Examiner

U2's manager says the 'free' ride for music via the Internet is over* [UPDATE] | Pop & Hiss | Los Angeles Times

Democrats Worried Jon Stewart Rally Will Hurt Them On Election Day

Sucker Punch Squad: ‘Buried’ Script ‘Thrills’ with Message that Terrorists are Good, America is Bad

TV We Like: You Don’t Have to Like Louis C.K. to Like ‘Louie’

Hollywood Feminism: Celebrity Nipple Nazis

ObamaCare: Will We Really Be Paying For Their ‘Health Insurance’?

TV We Like: What I Learned From a Show About Nothing

Jon Hamm: Tea Party Has Racist ‘Secret Agenda’

‘Fire From the Heartland’ Review: Conservative Women in Their Own Voice

‘The Town’ Review: Brilliant, Powerfully Real

Hollywood Feminism: ‘People Magazine’ Taught Me Everything I Need to Know About Being A Woman

‘Chuck’: The Little Spy Show that Could Returns Tonight

What Shoulda’ Won Best Picture: 1982

The Absurdity of the Racialist Playbook

House GOP to unveil election-year agenda Thursday

Cover-up: Democratic Congresswoman Continues to Deny Involvement With Palin-as-Hitler Protest

Your Government at Work: Chaos Theory 101

Totalitarian Recall

The Misunderstood Tea Party Movement

Karl Rove Needs to ‘Meet John Doe’

Phil Hare Encouraged to ‘Keep on Digging!’

Andrew Breitbart Forces President Obama’s Protesters to Fold Up Shop

New Maxine Waters and Barney Frank Scandal Documents

FDA Delays Rationing Decision on Avastin

Obama and Taxes: The Problem with Sound-bite Politics

We’re Going to Begin to Act, Beginning Today

PROOF: DNC and Team Obama Are Targeting Tea Partiers and Top Conservatives

The Great Divergence: Private Enterprise and Government Power in the Recession

Harvey Mansfield Grades the American University System

Will the GOP In Nevada Re-elect Harry Reid

Constitutional Government Under Assault with New Consumer Czar

U.S. Military: International Abortion Provider?

‘I’m Exhausted’: Disappointed Supporters Question Obama

Obama restates opposition to tax cuts for wealthy

Obama defends business record - TheHill.com

Obama: Larry Summers, Timothy Geithner have done 'outstanding job,' but no personnel decisions.

'Even if I was purple' people would be frustrated: Obama

Obama Aides Weigh Bid to Tie the G.O.P. to the Tea Party - NYTimes.com

O'Donnell's online cash haul nearing 'Scott Brown territory' - The Hill's Ballot Box

New York Times Reporter Covering Mosque Story Was ‘Trained’ by Imam Rauf - By Andy McCarthy - The Corner - National Review Online

Rough Sketch - Christine O'Donnell's witch trials; Bill Clinton, the opera; Palin's Hitler mustache

An Epic End to the Primaries: What It Means - Marc Ambinder - Politics - The Atlantic

She's baaack! Guess who's behind the massive ObamaCare propaganda campaign appearing around the web? None other than Maoist Anita Dunn

Right-wing media: "Creat[ing]" Controversy--and Hypocrisy | Media Matters for America

Colin Powell clarifies remarks to say he doesn't hire illegal immigrants -

About That ‘Endowed by Their Creator’ Omission, Mr. President…

When You’ve Lost Chris Matthews…

Tammany Hall Redux: From Boss Tweed to Eleanor Holmes Norton’s ‘Business As Usual’ Phone Call

Why Is Col. Allen West Not a Media Star?

All You Need to Know about that Beck-Breitbart Protest: Obama’s ‘Organizing for America’ Was Behind It

Maureen Dowd, Goddess of Snark, Sneers at O’Donnell via Tolkien, C.S. Lewis

MoDo, D’Souza and the Shame of the New York Times

The Phantom Of the Election, Starring Bill Maher and Christine O’Donnell

So, MSM… What Did You Do in High School?

Inventing A Bogeyman: Today Show Embraces Scare Science

And Now for Something Completely Different… or Exactly the Same, Depending

Fact And Comment - Forbes.com

RealClearMarkets - Voodoo Economics Of the Silver Screen

The real fix for the economy: Savings - Fortune Finance

Review & Outlook: A Tale of Two Recoveries - WSJ.com

RAHN: Conflict-of-interest bugaboo - Washington Times

Put your money to work for two days a month - NYPOST.com


*Sunday Transcripts: Guests: Secretary Clinton and President Ahmadinejad

Guests: Sens. DeMint & Murkowski & Chairman Kaine

Guests: Bill Clinton and Colin Powell

Interview with Former President Bill Clinton (PDF)

Interview with Alaska Senate Candidate Joe Miller

- Sat./Obama's Remarks to the CBC's Phoenix Awards Dinner


**Markets Video:21st-Achuthan: Dodging a Double-Dip

Can Republicans Really Cut Spending?

Santoli: Why 2010 Rhymes With 2004

Big China Car Maker Eyes GM Stake

Buying or Shorting Homebuilders?

20th-Roach: Where the Economy's Heading Next

Marcus: America Looks Worse than Ever

GOP Aims to Erode Obama's Agenda

Does Citigroup Has A Disclosure Problem?

No Need For Japan To Keep Intervening

*21st/World Video:Violence Returns To Fallujah

'Clock Ticking' On UN Development Goals

Ireland Debt Concerns

Taiwan's Export Orders Up

Delhi Games Preps Down To Wire

Concert Held For Chilean Miners

India Rains Leave Thousands Homeless

Lady Gaga Vs. The Pentagon

20th-Gunmen Injure Two In India Bus Attack

Dramatic Rescue As Boat Sinks In Croatia

Smokeless Beer Fest Makes Fans Fume

Freed Hiker Describes Iranian Ordeal

Investors Face Wait For UAE Property

Dubai's Shops Continue Expansion

Interview with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Typhoon Shuts Down Taiwan

China Warns Japan Over Sea Row


Hypocritical Mexico is now building their own wall on border with Guatemala...press ignores - National Immigration reform | Examiner.com

Mosque Discrimination: Did Public School Officials Violate Anti-Discrimination Policy During Field Trip? (Part 1)

True Lies: The Paradox of Debating Shariah

Muslim Brotherhood Rallies to Ground Zero Mosque

Shooting at Fort Bliss Army Base; Two Dead

New York Leaders Like Ephors

Michael Moore: The New Face of Jihad?!

Muslim Groups Back Ground Zero Mosque

The Plight of Swedish Jews

audio page:Congressman Mike Rogers: Shariah, the Threat to America

Vote Tomorrow to Weaken National Defense Could Backfire on Senator Reid

‘Civilization Jihad’ – the Muslim Brotherhood’s Potent Weapon

Halal to the Queen?—Britain’s Stealth Halal-ization

Ground Zero Megalomaniac: Rauf Off Mic

Now Here’s a Big Surprise: Helen Thomas to Receive CAIR Award

‘We WILL Get Fooled Again (by Castro),’ Chants the MSM

Egyptian police crack down on anti-Mubarak protest

WealthEngine Releases Best Practices in Healthcare Fundraising Report

Before vote, top U.S. Marine opposes repeal of gay ban

New Data Show Gains in Public Health Preparedness

New rule would ban texting for hazmat trucking

US informant testifies in Buju Banton drug trial

Texas Health Plans Implementing Cost-Sharing From Employers to Employees by Focusing on Increasing Generic Utilization

Expiring Bush tax cuts

First-Ever Report on the Individual Cost of Obesity Unveiled

SPIN METER: Largest tax increase ever? Not quite

'Hamas will be held accountable', Ashkenazi tells Post

UN: Israeli, Hamas probes into Cast Lead war crimes wanting

Man found guilty of new wife's murder

Ashkenazi: Resistance on flotillas could cause casualties

'Haunted' manor house fails to sell

In pictures: London Fashion Week highlights

Hamas: official falsely accused by Egypt

Seoul tells chaebol sharks to stop snapping up small fry

Ashkenazi hints: Iron Dome could be deployed in North

Couple in chemical suicide pact named

Does great music inspire great art?


**NEWS VIDEO:Obama’s Aunt: ‘The System Took Advantage Of Me’

Beck: ‘Breitbart is an Animal, a Warrior’

Matthews Scolds Obama: ‘Stop Saying Cutting Taxes Is Giving People Money – It`s Their Money!’

Mark Levin on Eleanor Holmes Norton ‘Shakedown’

Bristol Palin’s ‘Dancing With the Stars’ Debut

Murkowski’s Lame, Write-in Campaign PSA

Steele on Teaming Up With Tea Party

Sharpton’s Tolerance of Intolerance Circa 1999

Jerry Brown Lies About Lying

MSNBC Host Blames America and Israel for Iran Tensions; Bullies Conservative Guest

Late Night Conservative Talk – Chris Matthews Dabbles in Journalism

Matthews: Gingrich is Mephistopheles

Carter: ‘My Role as Former President Superior to Others’

One Man vs. The Mob: Breitbart Forces President Obama’s Protesters To Fold Up Shop

Obama Supporter: ‘I’m Exhausted Of Defending You’

Hollywood Looks to YouTube For Next Big Star

Ahmadinejad Holds American Hikers Hostage for Release of Iranians Held in US

Clinton Admits He Was Wrong About Mid-Term Election Prospects

DeMint: If They Don’t Do As They Say ‘Republican Party is Dead’

Michael Moore Makes Light of 9/11 Deaths; McDonalds Killed More People Than Hijackers

Breitbart to Right Nation: ‘We’re Taking Back This Country’

Krauthammer Schools WaPo Columnist On Tea Party Agenda

Maher Continues His Obsession With Obama’s Race

Troops Advance in Taliban-Controlled Region of Afghanistan

Obama Misleads on Citizens United in Political Hit on GOP

Home Depot Founder Rips Administration on Economic Failures

They Plotted to Kill the Pope

Taiwan’s Anime View of O’Donnell/Tea Party Story

Obama Leaves ‘Creator’ Out of Declaration Preamble

Protesters at ‘Anti-Hate’ Rally Call Breitbart Homosexual, Spit on Him

Former DNC Chair Howard Dean Reveals How Democrats Evade Tough Questions



FOXNews.com - Lockerbie Bomber 'Can Get Out of Bed, Walk'

Saudi king meets top US, Canadian counter-terror officials

Block-I chant portrays ‘neither patriotism nor remembrance’ | The Daily Illini

Leftist Filmmaker Raises $50,000+ for Ground Zero Mosque » Publications » Family Security Matters

WATCH: Bill Clinton in Favor of Ground Zero Mosque | The FOX Nation

No Middle East peace talks scheduled for Obama this week

If War Comes Israel vs. Hizballah and Its Allies

The Remilitarization of Beijing | The Diplomat

Anne Applebaum - Anger over papal visit shows religious freedom is alive and well in Britain

RealClearWorld - A Change of Course in Cuba and Venezuela?

News Analysis - Political Earthquake Shakes Up Sweden - NYTimes.com

Canada, take note: Here’s how to resolve maritime disputes - The Globe and Mail

Obama’s U.N. Record - John Bolton - National Review Online

Could Syria become a force for peace? - CSMonitor.com

How Israel helps Iran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Pakistani identified as al Qaeda top brass - Washington Times

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

RealClearWorld - Lessons of Poverty from Latin America

Professor Jeffrey Sachs: It's not a question of capacity, it's a matter of priorities - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Kremlin vs. Moscow Mayor: Dirty Power Struggle Could Backfire on Medvedev - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The rise of the far-Right: Europe's worrying trend - Telegraph

Can the Obama administration defuse a ‘time bomb' in Sudan?

Sharing New START's negotiating record is unwarranted | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Afghanistan: Bullets Trump Elections in Deciding Future - TIME


**21ST/Politics Video:DE-Sen Ad: O'Donnell "Not Afraid To Stand Up To Party Bosses"

Bristol Palin Premiers On "Dancing With The Stars"

MD-Gov: O'Malley Ad Touts Commitment To Education

MD-Gov: RGA Ad Says O'Malley Is "Moving Maryland Backwards"

Palin Declares Tea Party As "The Future Of Politics"

Sen. Sessions Blasts "Controversial" DREAM Act

GOP Congressman: Reagan Would Have "Tough Time" As Republican Today

Bill Clinton Pleads With Voters: "I'll Be On The Ballot, Too"

DE-Sen: DSCC Ad: O'Donnell "Financially Completely Irresponsible"

DE-Sen: Coons Says "My First Vote Would Be For Harry Reid"

"Exhausted" Defender Hoped For "Whimsical" And "Magical" Response From Obama

Hayworth: "Vote Democrat, It Could Always Be Worse"

Krauthammer: Obama Either "Delusional" Or "Supremely Cynical"

Olbermann: Democrats Can Use O'Donnell's Witchcraft To Their Advantage

O'Reilly: President Obama Takes On The Tea Party

Matthews: Townhall Showcases Obama At His Best

+ 20TH/Obama Responds To "Exhausted" Woman

Obama: Stimulus Worked But Recovery Slow

MD-Gov: Ehrlich On The "Roadmap To 2020"

FL-Sen: Crist Goes After Rubio In New Ad

NH-Sen: Hodes Ad: "You Deserve A Senator Who's a Real Fiscal Conservative"

IL-10: NRCC Ad Attacks Seals For Support Of Health Care Bill

IL-11: NRCC Ad: Halvorson Listens To Nancy Pelosi Instead Of Us

IL-14: NRCC Ad: The Foster Record Is Not Good Enough

CO-Sen: DSCC Ad: "The More You Hear About Ken Buck, The More You Wonder"

Again: Obama Uses Car, Ditch & Slurpee Metaphor At Sestak Fundraiser

Allen West: Democrat Released My Social Security Number

Gingrich: Obama Has "No Regard" For American Values

Carter: Obama Inspires "Hope And Ambition"

Murkowski Uses "Public Service Announcement" For Write-In Campaign

Katrina Vanden Heuvel To Liberals: "Eat, Pray And Then Vote"

Mark Levin: Throw Out The Liberals And Obama

Obama: "Even If I Was Purple" People Would Be Frustrated

Rep Weiner: "People Don't Want To Go Back To The Bush Years"

Zuckerman: "We'll Be Lucky To Avoid Another Serious Decline In The Economy"

Obama To Iran: "Door Is Open" For Engagement

Huckabee: Washington GOP Deserves Getting "Spanked"

Pence On 2012 Aspirations: Focus Needs To Be On Midterms

Dem Senator: GOP Waging "Jihad To Keep The Tax Cuts Going"

TX-17: Edwards Ad Touts Independence From Obama, Pelosi

O'Donnell Laughs Off "Witchcraft" Controversy

CNBC Reports: Economic Recession Is Over



*TRANSCRIPT:World - Challenges of Nation-Building in Africa


Can I 'call him an a--hole?' Andrew Cuomo in tizzy after GOP foe Carl Paladino questions his manhood

Gubernatorial candidates Andrew Cuomo and Carl Paladino trade dirty campaign jabs - NYPOST.com

Press Releases - News - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell

Reuters AlertNet - Clinton to unveil US funds for clean cookstove push

Lady Gaga - Yahoo! News Photos

President Obama plays fiscal conservative, aligning himself with the Tea Party - NYPOST.com

Frustration and Fear Greet Obama in Town Hall Chat - NYTimes.com

President Obama's Aunt Zeituni Onyango: The System Took Advantage Of Me - wbztv.com

Dems include West social security number in flier, call it 'oversight'

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - House Republicans to unveil campaign blueprint this week « - Blogs from CNN.com

Video - Opinion Journal: GOP Plans ObamaCare Repeal - WSJ.com

Haley Barbour: GOP, Tea Party Unity Spells Defeat for Obama - WSJ.com

FOXNews.com - GROVER NORQUIST: Keep It Real, Conservatives

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Reid calls Gillibrand ‘the hottest member’ « - Blogs from CNN.com

Jacques Chirac to stand trial for embezzlement - Telegraph

MI6 'used bodily fluids as invisible ink' - Telegraph

Sergeant Swinger Charged In HIV Case | The Smoking Gun

9NEWS.com | Denver | Colorado's Online News Leader | 175 cats taken out of home, at least 85 dead

Ex-girlfriend: Teen wanted to be like TV killer - Yahoo! News

Jimmy Carter Says US More Polarized Than During Civil War | REPUBLICAN REDEFINED

Madam President? It could happen - Americas, World - The Independent

Bill Clinton on Palin: 'Resilient,' Like Me, Don't 'Underestimate' Her - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line

Bell officials arrested as prosecutors are set to file criminal charges [Updated] | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Attack on son of Aretha Franklin investigated | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Walter Breuning, world's oldest man, nears 114 | greatfallstribune.com | Great Falls Tribune

Reuters AlertNet - Obama to tell Iran during UN: door open to engagement

30 NYPD, 2 FDNY Assigned To Ahmadinejad Security « CBS New York- News, Sports, Weather, Traffic and the Best of NY

China confirms two nuclear reactors for Pakistan | Energy & Oil | Reuters

Kuwait and Russia agree on nuclear cooperation | Reuters

Florida Pastor Terry Jones Who Planned Koran Burning Billed for Security - ABC News

Iran President Ahmedinejad Threatens U.S. War Without Boundaries If Nuclear Faclities Attacked - ABC News

Twitter Rolls Out Fix for Security Flaw | NBC Bay Area

Twitter under attack by 'mouseover bug' - Yahoo! News

US Government 'hiding true amount of debt' | News.com.au

US Economy: Fed Mulls Trillion-Dollar Policy Question - CNBC

China tells U.S. to keep out of South China Sea dispute | Reuters

Japan warns of 'extreme nationalism' in China row

Bill Would Give Justice Department Power to Shutter Piracy Sites Worldwide | Threat Level | Wired.com

AT&T to sell satellite-enabled smart phone - Yahoo! News

Rocket with secret satellite launched from Calif. - Yahoo! News

Real-Time Security Cameras Link NYC Subway Hubs « CBS New York- News, Sports, Weather, Traffic and the Best of NY

The Associated Press: Interpol worried about spike in extremist websites

Hotel ousts couple after accusing them of writing negative TripAdvisor review - USATODAY.com

Feds To Auction Swindler's Bill Clinton Sax | The Smoking Gun

Evening News Ratings: 2009-2010 Season - mediabistro.com: TVNewser

Wind Possibly Parted Red Sea | Weather, Moses & Bible Stories | Our Amazing Planet

Student Athlete Dies Tangled In Exercise Machine - cbs13.com

Dem Committees Outraised GOP Rivals in August

Murkowski Camp Pulls Ad That Misspelled Her Name

Strategy Includes Anti-Palin Vote

Congress Only Growing Less Popular

The Political Reality: Bigger Than 1994

Could Perry Fatigue Give Dems an Opening in Texas?

Boxer Maintains Lead in California Senate Race

Will the GOP's Fiorina and Whitman Both Win in California? - Campaign 2010: Races to Watch - TIME

William Galston On Midterms And The Democrats' Legislative Record | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Dems Chose Wrong Moment for Big Government

Opinion: GOP has tough road to win House - Martin Frost - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - The Politics of Resentment

Op-Ed Columnist - Neglecting the Base - NYTimes.com

Big GOP win? Massive public opposition to Obamacare. But as we’ve said before, don’t expect miracles - Orange Punch : The Orange County Register

RealClearPolitics - GOP Succumbs to Witchful Thinking

President Barack Obama Hints at Changes to His Economic Team - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - R.I.P. Political Establishment

Bill Clinton at the plate - TheHill.com

Paul Krugman Finally Flips His Lid | Politics & Media | SPLICETODAY.com

Climate change enlightenment was fun while it lasted. But now it's dead | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

RealClearMarkets - Gold Isn't Expensive, Instead the Dollar Is Cheap

Op-Ed Columnist - The ‘Freedom’ Agenda - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Why Corvettes Cost Less Than College

Examiner Editorial: Government and journalists cower at threats to cartoonist | Washington Examiner

Help for consumers: President Obama appoints a good watchdog

Cuba's tailspin into the `free' market - Editorials - MiamiHerald.com

Mr. President, Here’s My Resume, Where’s My Job?: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg

Op-Ed Columnist - The Angry Rich and Taxes - NYTimes.com

'Party of No' has the right answer - NYPOST.com

The GOP Health Care Plan Of Attack | The New Republic

Morning Jay: In Search of Strawmen, the Midwest, Health Care, and More! | The Weekly Standard

The day's big leak kerfuffle | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

More House Democrats stressing independence from Pelosi, Obama

The Anti-Government Straw Man « The Enterprise Blog

The Poverty Nation Washington Built | The Nation

When in doubt, Democrats turn to Social Security - Richard E. Cohen - POLITICO.com

Tea party picking up steam nationwide

Corporate Political Giving Swings Toward the GOP - WSJ.com

Values Voters: In Wellpoint We Trust

Clinton On Mideast Peace Talks: 'What's The Alternative?'

Tax Cuts for the rich create jobs outside the US

Colin Powell Admits Using Undocumented Workers Around His Home

In Ticking Time Bomb, Wells Fargo Dumps Risk Onto Unsuspecting Buyers of Foreclosed Properties

What Do Florida Republicans See in Rick Scott?

Christine O'Donnell vs Al Franken In 1997: Sex, Condoms And Hypocrisy

Megyn Kelly, No Human Being Is "Illegal"

Wandering in the Desert of 50-and-over Unemployed

What is Anthem Blue Cross of California Doing?

Is 'Waiting For Superman' An Inspiring Call To Arms -- Or A Convenient Cover For Privatizing Schools?

Olmert: US will give citizenship to 100K Palestinian refugees

Juan Williams Actually Starts to Point Out the Astroturf Funding for the Tea Party on Fox News Sunday

The enigmatic Glenn Beck


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'The concrete is already set'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Abortion proponents declare war on military

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Global climate disruption'


Dem operative 'involved' in New Black Panthers call

Obama: Skepticism of government 'healthy' - Washington Times

Frustration and Fear Greet Obama in Town Hall Chat - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Video - Town Hall Questioner To Obama: "I'm Exhausted Of Defending You"

Clinton: Losing House Would Help Obama in 2012 - Face The Nation - CBS News

Islam's tentacles enveloping U.S.

Internal report raps FBI's probes of advocacy groups - Washington Times

Fla. Dems reveal opponent's SSN - Kasie Hunt - POLITICO.com

U.S. military infiltrated by thumb-drive virus

Afghan helicopter crash kills 9 Americans - World news - South and Central Asia - Afghanistan - msnbc.com

The Associated Press: Man chosen to lead Marines against lifting gay ban

Reid: Military should reflect 'nation's values'

FOXNews.com - Military Caught in Middle of Political Brawl Over Social Issues

Briefs quote Obama in calling for 'morality' in Prop 8 case

Christianity gets flayed at home of Liberty Bell

Obama drops 'Creator' from Declaration quote

Major health insurers to stop offering new child-only policies

The enigmatic Glenn Beck

Obama feeding Lebanon to foe Iran?

Ayers magazine slams authors as 'bottom-feeder'

Twitter under attack by 'mouseover bug' - Yahoo! News

Coming to a state near you: California 'prosperity'

Conference casualty of 'Obama economy'

GOP confronts sore-loser syndrome - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Bloomberg: Tea Party is a 'boomlet' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Actor Jon Hamm: The Tea Party Is "Racist" (VIDEO)

Jim DeMint - Washington can hear you now

Palin to O'Donnell: National media is 'seeking ur destruction' - The Hill's Twitter Room

FOXNews.com - 46 Days to Decide: Dem Candidate Coons Comes Under Scrutiny in Delaware Senate Race

House may adjourn by end of week - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - House Republicans to unveil campaign blueprint this week « - Blogs from CNN.com

Powell says illegal immigrants do his home repairs - Yahoo! News

WJLA-TV fires veteran anchor Doug McKelway, cites insubordination, misconduct

Mexico daily cuts drug war coverage after slaying - World news - Americas - Focus on Mexico - msnbc.com

NYT: 'The new unemployables': Workers over 50 - Business - The New York Times - msnbc.com

'Smelly people, 'commies' and 'dirty porn': Europe mapped by national stereotypes - Telegraph

Tea party serves notice to 'Republi-devil-crats'

Could this be the end of the establishment?

PostPartisan - The childish political thought of the Tea Party

The enigmatic Glenn Beck

Why is Teresa Lewis on Virginia's death row?

Beware: 'Death panels' aren't dead

Doing What ObamaCare Can’t | FrontPage Magazine

The politics of resentment

Guess who's not coming to dinner

Poverty Created By and For Big Government

WND.com - Video - God is funny

Trigger the vote!

EDITORIAL: New gay Army - Washington Times

University bans political e-mails

Veterans ask to join fight over Mojave cross

Dem operative 'involved' in New Black Panthers call

Briefs quote Obama in calling for 'morality' in Prop 8 case

GOP, Dems go in opposite directions as November looms

Christianity gets flayed at home of Liberty Bell

Obama feeding Lebanon to foe Iran?

The enigmatic Glenn Beck

Don't constrain tea-party movement!

Why some people don't get the tea party

Why the tea party's more important than ever

Man, 71, fights off intruder with Swiffer WetJet | GoUpstate.com

'Sexting' Wisconsin DA goes on medical leave

Man hits 2 to get parking space | ajc.com

Astrological scene found on Egyptian tomb ceiling - Technology & science - Science - DiscoveryNews.com - msnbc.com

Alexander the Great's Father, Philip II, Greece Tomb | Archeology Paper, Philip III, Eurydice, Cleopatra | LiveScience

Bible book-quoting evangelist says memorization vital | Chattanooga Times Free Press

C. S. Lewis Bible to be Released

Cat bin woman charged with animal cruelty - Telegraph

Mayor Bloomberg has been wearing the same two pairs of work shoes for 10 years - NYPOST.com

The Checkup - Could a childhood infection trigger obesity?

Cops issue warning to mom for pumping while driving | The Morning Sentinel, Waterville, ME

Alan Ruff: Sunrise man heads to trial for seventh time for the 2001 killing of his ex-girlfriend - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Caffeine drove me insane, accused murderer says - U.S. news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

Man finds black widow spider in supermarket grapes - Canada - Canoe.ca

Hillary Clinton prepares for huge UN meeting with lank locks | Mail Online

Lakeway judge reverses cowboy boot ban

Absent Father Might Mean Earlier Puberty for Higher-Income Girls

Fears that teen girls pressured to look like porn stars | Courier Mail

Twilight & Young Adult Books Altering Teen Brains | Vampires & Teen Literature Trends | LiveScience

Man set to have tenth child by ten different women - Telegraph

Autopsy: Russian spy defector choked on meat - U.S. news - Security - msnbc.com

'Top Gun' Actress Kelly McGillis and Lesbian Partner Joined in Civil Union - ABC News

'Puppy poop' case draws charge :: Naperville Sun :: Local News

The marital bed may be on the way out

WND.com - Video - Christianity corrupted over time

Men look at bodies, not faces, when picking date - Telegraph

Facebook blunder sees 21k guests agree to turn up to schoolgirl's party | Mail Online

'Shift happens'

Huntington Beach Surf Dog competition in California - Telegraph

Prince Charles Eavesdrops on Tourists, Speaks to Plants - ABC News

Company Offers Jesus Toaster – Virgin Mary, Star Of David On The Way | OTL

Lady GaGa Did Lines Of Coke On A Bible

Carrier pigeons are faster than rural broadband - Telegraph

Man who swam Channel with no arms and legs 'happiest alive'

University puts up overprotective parents | Orange UK

Pope's astronomer says he would baptise an alien if it asked him | Science | The Guardian

Mosque in a Box: Inventive Imam Caters to Muslims on the Go - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Police Cite Creator of Strange Lights in St. Paul Sky | KSTP TV - Minneapolis and St. Paul

Global Swoon | Observe the Moon Tonight | International Observe the Moon Night | LiveScience Etc.

Chupacabra Blamed for Mysterious LiveStock Attacks in Mexico | Big Foot, Loch Ness Monster | LiveScience

For clean hands, don't rub, scrub with a paper towel - health - 18 September 2010 - New Scientist

Wal-Mart to aggressively roll out smaller stores

Feds gain power over billions in Medicare fraud - USATODAY.com

State’s immigrants send $1.8b to family back home - The Boston Globe

Huntsville man's virtual golf hole included in popular bar game | al.com


*American Minute for September 21st:William J Federer's American Minute


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Celebrate creation's birthday this year




G. Gordon Liddy Show 20TH H1

G. Gordon Liddy Show 20TH H2

G. Gordon Liddy Show 20TH H3

09/20 The Mark Levin Show

Paul Drockton Show 20TH

Devvy Kidd Show 20TH

The Michael Savage Show 09/20/2010

Alex Jones - 2010-Sep-20, Monday

Sept. 20, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

092010 1 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

092010 2 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

092010 1 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

092010 2 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

092010 3 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast


FDA won't allow food to be labeled free of genetic modification -- Signs of the Times News

Supermarkets selling meat from animals fed GM crops - Telegraph

*Monsanto GMOs Linked To Organ Failure | NewsLook

Millions of Americans risk exclusion from the job market forever, OECD warns - Telegraph

Lady Gaga: Abolish "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" | NewsLook

Global Costs of Dementia Total 1% of Global Economy | NewsLook

Tetris Creator Recalls Struggle for Recognition | NewsLook

President Obama to Hedge Fund Manager: Taxing You More Like Your Secretary is Not Anti-Business

We Will Be Watching: Victory for the DREAM Act

Who wants to raise taxes on a millionaire?

DADT Policy Must Go

The New Adventures of the Old Christine

Watchdog: 'Christine O'Donnell is clearly a criminal'

Angry Rich People are not "Populists"

US Fed 'prepared' to act if recovery stalls

CODA Automotive Launches Direct-to-Consumer Sales of Its All-Electric, Zero Tailpipe Emissions Sedan

Japanese authorities detain Paris Hilton at airport

Suspect in woman's slaying to return to NC from NY

FBI: Fort Bliss gunman was retired Army sergeant

‘Loose Lips’ Union Official Reveals Campaign Strategy, Possible Illegal Coordination

Turkish Agents of Influence in Germany

Edgar Steele's Feckless Racism

Intelligent Scientists "Expelled" by Illuminati

How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered a world-killing event - by Terrence Aym - Helium

Why Covert Ops Must Have 'Fake' Video?

yupfarming: S 510 and Codex Alimentarius - the removal of nutrition

Oz Autopsy - Lyme Riddled Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys

Jewish Supremacism & The Death Of American Labor | Real Zionist News


American Renaissance News: Far-Right Gains Jolt Sweden

Can America stop an Israeli 'nuclear' 9/11?

savethemales.ca - Satanists Encouraged by Lack of Opposition


*Show MP3 : David Icke (2 Hours, 27 Minutes)


*Fair Tax:www.fairtax.org


BBC - "Ghosts" found at county museum

SPACE.com -- Like Moths to a Flame, Alien Planets Can Flock to Nearest Star

In search of the giant rat | Environment | The Guardian

Excerpt: 'Haunted Wisconsin' : NPR

Lair of the Beasts: The Military and Monsters - Mania.com

From the Shadows: The Flying Thing

3-Million-Year-Old Whale Unearthed at the San Diego Zoo : Discovery News

Twilight Language: Rapture Cult Suicide Alert: They Found 'Em

SPACE.com -- By Jove! Jupiter to Make Closest Approach to Earth Until 2022

This'll take care of my 5-a-day: Amateur gardener offers to share his monster vegetables | Mail Online

The Truth Behind UFO Sightings and the U.S. Air Force - US News and World Report

Carrier pigeon beats broadband | Orange UK

Arctic ice could be gone by 2030 - Telegraph

The Associated Press: Afghan reporter is detained

Are Afghanistan elections hurting democracy? - CSMonitor.com

Kim who? North Korea's mystery man expected to be anointed leader | World news | The Guardian

UN Millennium Development Goals: Are they being reached? - CSMonitor.com

FOXNews.com - Ahmadinejad Warns of Capitalism's Defeat in Tepid U.N. Speech

China Says No Meeting With Japan at U.N. - NYTimes.com

BBC News - MI6 secrets revealed in first official history

AFP: Anti-nuclear deal against Israel's interests: chief

The Associated Press: Fidel Castro meets with Japanese activists

Mob thief, aka 'The Monk,' freed while awaiting trial :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

Clout St: New questions about Jackson and Senate seat

Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. Addresses New Senate Seat Questions - cbs2chicago.com

Clout St: 2011 Chicago treasurer's race

Rep. Danny Davis "formally" launches exploratory bid for Chicago mayor - Lynn Sweet

City Room™ - News In Brief - Chicago Wins Legal Fight to Relocate Graves for O'Hare

City Room™ - Politics - No Sure Thing in Danny Davis' Mayoral Exploration

Obama awards Medal of Honor -- 42 years later - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal: Defeat Looms Ahead of Senate Vote - ABC News

Acid Attack Hoaxer Bethany Storro Wanted to Die - ABC News

House Republicans set to unveil policy agenda Thursday

FOXNews.com - Republicans Question Reid Earmarks for Campaign Supporters

Recession is officially over, but anxiety lingers

Republican Outside Groups Balance Out Democrats’ Cash - BusinessWeek

Tea Party Patriots to Hand Out $1 Million for November Election Spending - Bloomberg

Man planted fake bomb near Wrigley Field, authorities say - Daily Pitch: MLB News, Standings, Schedules & More - USATODAY.com

Sarah Palin Looks Like 2012 Candidate in New Tea Party Video - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Florida father apologizes for school bus tirade, threats - CNN.com

Initiative launched for clean-burning stoves in developing world - Monsters and Critics

Fed says prepared to ease as rates held The Fed - MarketWatch

Exclusive: Russian WTO bid picks up momentum | Reuters

Vatican Bank Tied to Money Laundering Scandal - NYTimes.com

Economic Scene - The Long View of Changes in China’s Currency - NYTimes.com

FOXNews.com - Amid Bush Tax Cut Debate, Obama Tax Cut Quietly Nears Expiration

Twitter Worm Fixed -- InformationWeek

Google Docs coming to iPad, Android | The Digital Home - CNET News

Wind Could Have Parted Red Sea for Moses: Report - ABC News

'Dancing With The Stars' Cast Most A-List Ever? Experts Weigh In! - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Oprah ends 'Angel' charity with $6 million giveaway to charter schools - USATODAY.com

Most Influential PE Teacher In America Dies And Lynyrd Skynyrd Mourn | Hecklerspray

Attack on son of Aretha Franklin investigated | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

The Associated Press: Consumer groups push for label for modified salmon

Teens determined to tan, no matter what - Health - Skin and beauty - msnbc.com

Many Uninsured Americans Can Afford Health Care - Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld - FOXNews.com

Cyber Bully Victims Often More Depressed Than Aggressors

Girl, 17, sues officials who found nude pics on phone - Parenting - TODAYshow.com

Bring us your unused prescription drugs, DEA says - CNN.com

Corn syrup vs. corn sugar vs. sugar = Marketing - Sep. 21, 2010

Study: Virus Linked To Weight Gain In Children - OzarksFirst.com

Lawmakers to Question Egg-Farm Executives - WSJ.com

Aspirin Injections May Be New Migraine Treatment - ABC News