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“Law Of The Donkey” Could be Applied to Joran van der Sloot | Gambling911.com

Mystery Crop Damage Threatens Hundreds Of Acres - WREG

Spill reveals Obama's lack of executive experience | Washington Examiner

BP well may be spewing 100,000 barrels a day, scientist says | McClatchy

American Death Threats Against Israeli-Arab MK «Kawther Salam

Two More Gulf Spills? | Mother Jones

Roy Tov – Evil Eye: New Secret Units

Why The END Of Cheap Chinese Labor Is Near (PHOTOS)

Hitler fled to Patagonia on a submarine that sailed from Vigo - translated text | Before It's News

Yes, Obama Is ‘Engaged’ – in a Colossal Crime « Thomas Paine's Corner

Devvy - Attack On Aid Ships - Brute Force Of Zionism

You Couldn't Make This Up Dept.: "There's a Monolith on Mars' Moon, Phobos"

U.S. Farmers Cope With Roundup-Resistant Weeds - NYTimes.com

Weed killer kills human cells. Study intensifies debate over 'inert' ingredients. — Environmental Health News

Chinese labor unrest spreads - CNN.com

Snakes declining at alarming rate, say scientists | Environment | The Guardian

Chinese farmer declares war on property developers with homemade wheelbarrow cannon - Telegraph

First spacecraft to land on an asteroid due back on Earth - Telegraph

Slow progress is being made at little-noticed Copenhagen follow-up – Telegraph Blogs

BP 'manipulating search results' on Google following oil spill - Times Online

PJ Hahn: 'BP has lied to us from day one. We could have stopped the oil' - Americas, World - The Independent

Taliban torch 50 Nato supply trucks on outskirts of Islamabad | World news | guardian.co.uk

Mir-Hossein Mousavi 'involved in massacre', says report - Telegraph

How to obtain justice for the people of Palestine

Israeli request for more arms from US raises fears of regional violence - Middle East, World - The Independent

Israel 'to accept British plan to ease Gaza blockade' - Telegraph

Pentagon hacked 6 million times daily

GM public consultation has 'no credibility' - say campaigners - Telegraph

Muslim prisoners 'treated as potential terrorists' | Society | The Guardian

Prisoners convert to Islam for jail perks - Times Online

Dead Money - The Consequences of Printing Money and Inflation | Before It's News

WTF? OMG. Constitution, Declaration now come with a disclaimer... | Before It's News

Wilder Publications Is Putting Warning Label On Copies Of The US Constitution, Declaration Of Independence, Etc | Before It's News

Banking System Collapse: Wake Up America Your Banks Are Dying

YouTube - REALITY REPORT #48 - Bilderberg Treads On Us

The Dream Act: A New American Illegal Immigration Nightmare | Before It's News


*DREAM Act Portal/(dreamact.info/)


70% Support Crackdown On Those Who Hire Illegal Immigrants - Rasmussen Reports

America's Ten Most Corrupt Capitalists | Economy | AlterNet

America’s Ten Most Corrupt Capitalists « InvestmentWatch

6 Geeky Devices Connecting the Internet to Your Things

YouTube - ETH Zurich IDSC - The Distributed Flight Array

Danger Room:Tax Prep Packages,’ IM-Speak Inspire Darpa’s Latest


Vintage black-light Marvel posters - Boing Boing

Marvel Third Eye Posters - a set on Flickr


YouTube - Eugene F. Mallove - Part1

YouTube - Eugene F. Mallove - Part2

YouTube - Eugene F. Mallove - Part3

YouTube - Eugene F. Mallove - Part4

YouTube - Eugene F. Mallove - Part5

YouTube - Eugene F. Mallove - Part6

YouTube - Eugene F. Mallove - Part7

YouTube - Eugene F. Mallove - Part8

YouTube - Eugene F. Mallove - Part9

YouTube - Eugene F. Mallove - Part10

YouTube - Eugene F. Mallove - Part11

YouTube - Eugene F. Mallove - Part12


Cold Fusion champion's murderers were former renters gone irate | Before It's News


Nuclear Physicist Describes Vast UFO Cover-Up | Before It's News


YouTube - [HST] Ancient Aliens - 04- Closer Encounters (1)-001.mkv

YouTube - [HST] Ancient Aliens - 04- Closer Encounters (1)-002.mkv

YouTube - [HST] Ancient Aliens - 04- Closer Encounters (1)-003.mkv

YouTube - [HST] Ancient Aliens - 04- Closer Encounters (1)-004.mkv

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YouTube - [HST] Ancient Aliens - 05- The Return (1)-001.mkv

YouTube - [HST] Ancient Aliens - 05- The Return (1)-002.mkv

YouTube - [HST] Ancient Aliens - 05- The Return (1)-003.mkv

YouTube - [HST] Ancient Aliens - 05- The Return (1)-004.mkv

YouTube - [HST] Ancient Aliens - 05- The Return (1)-005.mkv

YouTube - [HST] Ancient Aliens - 05- The Return (1)-006.mkv

YouTube - [HST] Ancient Aliens - 05- The Return (1)-007.mkv

YouTube - [HST] Ancient Aliens - 05- The Return (1)-008.mkv

YouTube - [HST] Ancient Aliens - 05- The Return (1)-009.mkv

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First clear image of a distant quasar as British scientists launch giant radio telescope that will search for alien life | Mail Online

Ghost Particles: Scientists To Shoot Neutrino Beam 1,000 Kilometers Through the Earth From Illinois to South Dakota | Before It's News

Laser Sensor Can See Explosives' Vapor Trails Even at Extremely Low Concentrations | Popular Science

Rare Discovery of 3,500-Year-Old Objects - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Census Finds Woman Who Claims to Be 157 Years Old - Incredible Health - FOXNews.com

Giant eyeball sculpture in Chicago - Boing Boing

How White-Collar Criminals Exploit Your Vanity | Before It's News

An Ancient Secret Revealed: Switch to Turn Off Tumor Growth Found by Tel Aviv University Researchers | Before It's News

Feds Turning Kids into Fatties | Before It's News

What Would a Black Militant Say About Barack Obama and the BP Oil Spill? Brother X-Squared Returns to Speak the Truth! | Before It's News

Stunning String of Lethal Oil and Gas Accidents is no Accident | Before It's News

Swine ’flu and Big Pharma: why is there no scandal? – Telegraph Blogs

Maximus... of York: Unearthed, the skeletons of 80 gladiators slaughtered for the crowds | Before It's News

PowerStream announces Magnetron fuelless generator | Before It's News

Cold Fusion champion's murderers were former renters gone irate | Before It's News

Hebrew University Invention Provides Quicker, More Efficient Use Of Surveillance Videos | Before It's News

Food safety stories can improve safety of restaurant meals | barfblog

President Obama: "I want to know whose ass to kick"

Coulter vs. Thomas: That was then; this is now

Oil Industry Expert Simmons on Worst Case Scenario for BP Rig: Open Hole Spewing 100-150,000 Barrels a Day

Glenn Beck crosses the far-right Rubicon, defends his promotion of Nazi sympathizer

Memo to Congress: 74% think UI+COBRA more important than deficit reduction

President Obama Supports Lifting Liability Cap on Gulf Oil Cleanup

Top Kill, Bottom Kill

Obama: I would have fired Tony Hayward by now

Dick Morris Complains About the Obama Administration Not Doing Enough to Regulate the Oil Industry

Bringing A Handshake and A Smile To A Knife Fight

Witness Overhears Deepwater Manager: 'The Rig's On Fire! I Told You This Was Gonna Happen!'

Meet Pauline, Blanche Lincoln's #1 Enemy

Barbour: 'The Mississippi Coast is Beautiful' 'Come on Down!' - Except for Those Thousands of Dead Fish

Stephen Colbert Shows President Obama How to Appear Angry Over the Oil Spill

Primary Roundup - June 8, 2010

White House Official: Labor Just Flushed $10M Down The Toilet On 'Pointless' Primary Challenges.

Mary Landrieu Wants Us to Get 'Back to the Business of Drilling Safely' and Lift Moratorium

After Lincoln: Who's next?

W.H. official: Labor 'flushed' $10M

Palin's backing pays off for pals

Haley trounces Barrett, but falls short

CEOs vs. politicians in California

Sandoval wins, Reid gets Angle

Obama rolls out 'roll back' rhetoric

Lobbyists get exclusive W.H. invite

Reversing the revolving door

Hecklers disrupt Pelosi speech

Abramoff released from prison

Fall of the angry left?

GOP's statehouse position strong

Bernanke: Budget 'unsustainable'

Boehner: Mistake to not pass budget

Senate Dems close on jobs bill

Energy bill still stuck in neutral

Mitch Daniels: Low key, high profile

Pelosi seeks to refine spill response

Spill drowns out GOP health message

Tony Hayward faces Hill grilling

The ties that bind MMS and Big Oil

Medical innovation is economic key


*Lobbying Database - OpenSecrets



Project Vote Smart

Congressional Biographical Directory


Washington's Blog:Senator Nelson: The BP Well May Have Lost Structural Integrity Beneath the Sea Floor

107 Israeli Crimes Against Palestinian Journalists

UN warns climate change could trigger ‘mega-disasters’ « Dprogram.net

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Mutant cows die in GM trial - National - NZ Herald News

GM lobby helped draw up crucial report on Britain's food supplies | Environment | The Observer

Pakistan PM Claims US Abandoned Demands to ‘Do More’ -- News from Antiwar.com

CIA Goes 14 Months without Internal Watchdog - CBS News

IAEA meeting to discuss Israel

New Vatican campaign to clamp down on 'liberal opinion' - National News, Frontpage - Independent.ie

SOUTH LEBANON: Israel 's Crimes Against Humanity

RealClearPolitics - Video - Pelosi Heckled At DC Event Over Lack Of Federal Funding

CANOE -- CNEWS - Media News: New media filling news void

Obama says ready to 'kick ass over Gulf oil spill | Reuters

China finally Learns the Truth about the Jews | EUTimes.net

BBC News - Videos deepen mystery over Iran nuclear scientist Amiri

un[redacted] news: War Whores Say: Dead Osama bin Laden and top aides are hiding in Sabzevar, Iran

Two More Gulf Spills? - National - The Atlantic

EDITORIAL: FTC floats Drudge tax - Washington Times

Republican Jewish Coalition Hosts Birther Taitz As 'Special Guest' At Annual Bash | TPMMuckraker

Labour boss of food watchdog condemned for calling opponents of GM food 'anti-science' | Mail Online

un[redacted] news: The Ringworm Children: Zionist Eugenics of the Sephardim

Refreshing News: BP buys top Google search result for 'oil spill'

Ex-teacher learns the hard way: Watch what you put online | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/09/2010

The Bigot on Comedy Central: Jon Stewart and the Crucifixion of Helen Thomas - Salem-News.Com

Shamus Cooke: Is Obama BP's Poodle?

Helen Thomas a victim of American media bias - Arab News


Putin says to meet Ahmadinejad as Iran sanctions loom

AP Editorial: America founded on trust of govt.

Repeal of 'don t ask, don't tell' policy is a civil rights issue

Progressive Intellectual Dysfunction

Cowardly Progressives

Corporate Premonitions: How a Few People are Making Billions from The Largest Environmental Disaster in Our Country’s History

The Rand Paul Gaffe and Liberal Injustice

Rushing to Climate Change Conclusions

Does Abbas' Support for Black Genocide Offend Obama?

Nuking Our Defense: America Exposed

How to Fight Back against Public Unions: A Primer

Reuters won't admit its unethical behavior

The rear end Obama should be kicking

Sarah Palin the big winner Tuesday, unions the big loser

Our Alien president

Creating Jobs The Obama Way

Obama team silent in the face of UN blood libel against Israel

Advice to Obama from an experienced hand

The man who blames Bush for everything urges grads...not to blame others

Let's see how Turkey welcomes a 'reverse freedom flotilla' for the Kurds

Meet the Sheik Who's Rockin' Your World

Narcissist in Chief?

Climate Alarmism Takes Off in a New Direction

Blue-State Bonanza for Americorps Funding

The Save-A-Life Foundation Story: A Study in the Chicago Way

Pushing Big Government Through the Gap


**pt 1 -13/Is It Time for Law Abiding American Citizens to Stop Paying Their Taxes and Start a New Government? | Amped Status


Time for law-abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 1 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 2 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 3 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 4 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 5 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 6 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes and start a new government? 7 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 8 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 9 of 13

National Guard ad revives Nazi oath to Hitler: "Always place mission first," not US Constitution


*Oath Keepers




Debbie Schlussel:Who Was @ the Pro-Israel Rally . . . & Who Wasn’t: Palin’s Fiorina, Campbell, Issa’s Whitman Absent, Silent

Debbie Schlussel:There is No Plan B”: Just Got Back From . . .

Debbie Schlussel:Dhimmi Brit Bands Cancel Israeli Concerts; But Rihanna, Other Bands Still Making Israeli Dates

Debbie Schlussel:What Were These Western “Students” Doing in Yemen?

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: TracFonistan, The Sequel; Cornyn, Schumer Treat YOU–Not Islamic Terrorists–Like Terrorists


*promo:Rich Dad’s Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money | Silver Monthly - The Silver Investor's Resource


Become a Human Lie Detector: How to Sniff Out a Liar | The Art of Manliness

Dorothy Rabinowitz: The Alien in the White House - WSJ.com





RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Anatomy of the Helen Thomas story; began with Drudge/Michael Savage Show


AUDIO: Savage calls for peace

SAVAGE: Rush hiring Elton John
to sing at his wedding is like . . .



YouTube - Michael Savage Explains the Mental Disorder of Liberalism






Michael Savage: Obama may be foreign 'usurper'


2010 Election Maps: Follow the House, Senate and Governor's Races - ABC News


Primaries in Nevada, Arkansas, South Carolina and California Measure Voters' Fervor - ABC News

My Way News - GOP picks NV tea party candidate in Reid battle

Two Tech Chiefs Triumph - WSJ.com

US to unveil Palestinian aid package: Obama

Gates confident of gains in Afghanistan this year | Reuters

Taliban using HIV bombs | The Sun |News|Campaigns|Our Boys

Copter shot down in Afghanistan; 4 Americans dead - Yahoo! News

Fertilizer-bomb fears spur search for man with missing fingers - thestar.com

Arnold Schwarzenegger forced to recast ballot after selecting two candidates - Telegraph

Ballotnator: Rise of the Voting Machines | NBC Los Angeles

Rocket Fired at Hemet Police Station: Cops | NBC Los Angeles

My Way News - Mexico anger high as US Border Patrol kills teen

Amish Farming Draws Rare Government Scrutiny - NYTimes.com

Pitcher Stephen Strasburg makes his major league debut for Washington Nationals

Analysis: U.N. rebukes of Israel permitted in U.S. policy shift | Reuters

Don't sleep longer – sleep smarter - Features, Health & Families - The Independent

Teacher's Union Sues CPS | NBC Chicago

Victim in Peru found link between van der Sloot, Holloway, source says - CNN.com

My Way News - Police: Dutchman confesses to killing Lima woman

Charlie Crist Removes Pro-Life Section of Campaign Web Site, Rubio Complains

Woman caught having sex in park, charged with adultery - in New York

The mini-flying drones that join together for takeoff - without human intervention | Mail Online

Risks to global economy have 'risen significantly', top IMF official warns - Telegraph

Radiohead frontman: Music industry on verge of collapse | Celebrity Buzz | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Left-Wing Icon Daniel Ellsberg: 'Obama Deceives the Public' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Dorothy Rabinowitz: The Alien in the White House - WSJ.com

Federal Eye - Obama issuing memos of all sorts

BP says 'virtually all' oil to be captured soon

Tests Confirm Spreading Oil Plumes in the Gulf - NYTimes.com

Backlash Mounts on Spill - WSJ.com

Oil spill clogging Washington's biggest mouths | Washington Examiner

Once a government pet, BP now a capitalist tool | Washington Examiner

Summer Jobs: Worst Teen Summer Job Market In 41 Years - CNBC

Chinese internet addicts stage mutiny at boot camp - Times Online

Passenger Says She Was Drugged, Robbed on Plane

Officials say Jersey "jihadi" Mohamed Mahmood Alessa was also a terror in high school - NYPOST.com

Daniel Klein: Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? - WSJ.com

Obama: I would've fired BP chief by now - Disaster in the Gulf- msnbc.com

Former CIA Star Agent Andrew Warren Pleads Guilty To Sexual Assault - ABC News

Joseph C. Phillips : The Sestak Affair Will Not Go Away - Townhall.com

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

CNSNews.com - Billboard Puts Obama on $100,000,000,000,000 Bill, Asks: 'But Who Will Pay the Piper?'

FBI cash funded shoot 'slay' trip - NYPOST.com

Stalin statue in Virginia a huge bust | The Cable

Clinton urges rich Latin Americans to pay 'fair' tax share

FOXNews.com - With Tea Party Support , Angle Scores in Nevada GOP Senate Primary

Spill reveals Obama's lack of executive experience | Washington Examiner

FOXNews.com - Obama Tells Graduating Class, 'Don't Make Excuses,' Drawing GOP Taunts

Health law could ban low-cost plans - Jennifer Haberkorn - POLITICO.com

Swiss Lower House Defers Final Decision on UBS Treaty (Update1) - BusinessWeek

The Millionaire Cop Next Door « Digital Rules - Forbes.com

Field of Dreams: The CIA & Me & Other Adventures in American Sports by Lewis Lapham

The Paleo-Libertarian Connection by Toban Wiebe

» US Census Workers Knocking on Your Neighbors’ Doors, Looking for Snitches in Memphis - Big Government

Gold is a great safety net if things go wrong - Telegraph

How to cut your cable bill down to size

Montel Williams lights up the Maine Medical Marijuana Conference

Toward the Wet Martini - By Fareed Zakaria - Slate Magazine


Stanton Friedman:(www.stantonfriedman.com/)


binnall of america : audio/ 6.7.10 Jason Offutt


Quirky News |Girl, 3, smokes and drinks after accident

Census records 157-year-old woman - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Ancient Beehives Yield 3,000-Year-Old Bees | Wired Science | Wired.com

Brain scans 'could be used to snoop on thoughts' - Telegraph

World's ugliest dog mourned | Quirky News | Orange UK

BBC News - Lasers could 'sense' vapours released by explosives

Scars from lion bite suggest headless Romans found in York were gladiators | Science | The Guardian

Spirialing 'UFO' Over Australia Was Likely Falcon 9 Rocket | Universe Today

The ancient meteorite cult of Estonia

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather - NASA Science

16-Foot Pen Commemorates India's Right to Education Law - AOL News

All you need to know about the hurricane season - environment - 04 June 2010 - New Scientist

Your flight is now departing from space terminal 1: The amazing story behind Sir Richard Branson's new Virgin Galactic project | Mail Online

Luna Ring Would Harness Solar Power on Moon and Beam It to Earth - AOL News

Forget the Da Vinci code! Experts find Michelangelo code hidden in the Sistine Chapel | Mail Online

Doctors to be able to 'print' new organs for transplant patients | Mail Online

Shuttle successor succeeds in first test flight - Space- msnbc.com

BBC News - Jupiter collision 'was asteroid'

Are Alien Artifacts in Our Solar System? : Discovery News

Dog Sniffs Out Prostate Cancer in Small Study

Archaeology Magazine - The Skull of Doom

SPACE.com -- Planet Triple Play: Saturn, Mars and Venus Appear Together

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena

Coffee 'does not make the brain more alert' - Telegraph

BBC News - Hubble captures odd star motion

Darpa Wants to Predict Deadly Pathogens with ‘Prophecy’ | Danger Room | Wired.com

Giant airship to carry science back to 1930s - tech - 26 May 2010 - New Scientist

Einstein's Brain Unlocks Some Mysteries Of The Mind : NPR

Obama praises Security Council vote on Iran

Video of Roethlisberger carousing in Ga. released

Obama calls U.N. sanctions 'most comprehensive' Iran has ever faced over its nuclear program.

Ex-Fla. lawyer gets 50 years for Ponzi scheme

Obama: U.N. resolution sends an 'unmistakable' message to Iran about stopping nuclear weapons.

Mexico anger high as US Border Patrol kills teen

Gates: Progress in Afghan war must come this year

Former top aide takes stand at Blagojevich trial

Unions defend failed gambit to topple Lincoln

World markets rise on Bernanke comments

43 nations agree on Nazi real-estate return rules

Swiss solar cell inventor wins technology prize

Coastal protesters to link hands against spills

Obama says situation in Mideast 'unsustainable'

Obama wants 'new conceptual framework' for Israel's blockade of Gaza.

Obama announces additional $400 million in aid to Gaza; Abbas says aid is 'positive sign'

Obama predicts 'real progress in coming months' if Israelis and Palestinians commit to talks.

Obama calls for a 'better approach' in Gaza, says status quo is unacceptable.

Chinese export hopes boost confidence

Dishing the dirt on a super-diva

Sarah Payne killer has jail term cut

Mosque vandalized in 'price tag' hit

US, Russia, France dismiss nuke deal

BP rejects Obama attack as 'politics'

Banned products allowed into Gaza

Teen charged for vodka gang attack

Gates: Turkey-Israel relations a concern

India fights back in 'new Great Game'

BA pilot warns of 'poisoned' relations

Stowaway survives Vienna-UK flight

Loopholes could allow emissions rise

Overnight Thread: You Are Getting Very Sleepy…

In Praise of Capitalism: How the ‘Social Justice’ Left Uses Economic Incentives to Create Academic Propaganda

‘Go For Journalism — You’ll Never Regret It’

Dear Paul, You’re Not Half The Man You Used To Be

Academia-Gate: Liberal Hypocrisy, Intellectual Dishonesty, and the ‘Cry Wolf’ Project

Solutions for Afghanistan’s Economic and Social Development

Helen Thomas: Celebrated For Her Sex, Not For Her Accomplishments

NewsBusted: What Will Helen Thomas Do In Retirement?

Dial M for Access

‘Journalism’ As Propaganda: Reuters Withdraws Cropped Anti-Israel Photos, Inserts Biased Anti-Israel Captions Instead

Academia-Gate: As Big Labor and Media Push ‘Researchprop’ on Our Kids, Who’s Really Paying the Cost? (Part 1)

Let the Spin Begin: AP’s Michael Blood Sets the MSM’s Anti-Angle Template

The Census Bureau: Our Nation’s Hall Monitors

Crisis and Leviathan: Current Observations on the Rise of Big Government

Senate to Consider Job-killing ‘Carried Interest Tax’ Within Days

Mosque and State: The Greater Implications of the 9/11 Islamic Center

How Obama Reduced Crime Rates Last Year

Census Bureau Fails to Report Training Hours and Part-time Jobs

In Praise of Capitalism: How the ‘Social Justice’ Left Uses Economic Incentives to Create Academic Propaganda

Public’s Debt Fear Is Palpable

Gulf Oil Leak: Carlton Banks to the Rescue!

Congressman Issa to Investigate Paulson, Center for Responsible Lending



*Ricochet Podcast #19: Around The World


Surprise: Wall Street ‘Reform’ Bill Picks Winners and Goldman Sachs Wins

Breaking: Miles of Oil Containment Boom in Warehouse- Just Sitting- Waiting For BP or US to Collect (Video!)

Paine vs. Jay: Patriots in Contrast

The Top 7 Reasons Meg Whitman Will Beat Jerry Brown

What Super Tuesday Told Us

EPA’s Global Warming Power Grab is Now About Oil Spills?

The Ass Obama Should Kick Is His Own

Super Tuesday: Labor Unions Lose Their Political Punch

Superheroes Reflect Their Times

RACIAL BLACKMAIL: Maxine Waters Hammers NBC Over Minority Hiring

READER POLL: James Cameron and the Gulf Oil Spill

Ashton Kutcher Sheds Tear For Environment; Drives 7 MPG Truck

Daily Gut: Too Hot For Work?

MEMO TO MSM: Rush & Elton John Agree on Same-Sex Marriage

Snowcones in Hell!: George Clooney Criticizes Obama

Hollywood to Nashville & Gulf: Drop Dead!

I’m Mad at Christians

SPEECH POLICE: County Commission Stalls Val Kilmer’s Plans to Develop Property Until He ‘Explains Ethnically Insulting Comments’

Is Hollywood Turning on Teachers Unions? | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Breitbart.tv » Rosie O’Donnell Calls For ‘Communism’ In America To Confiscate Corporate Assets

Breitbart.tv » Gaga Shocks Again with New Video: Blasphemy, Goose-Stepping, and Group Sex in ‘Alejandro’

Lady Gaga’s ‘Alejandro’ video is a sad misstep - BostonHerald.com

Now, In Defense of Sex and the City 2 -- Surf

When Women Flaunt Their Toys | The Nation

Why the Sex and the City 2 reviews were misogynistic | Bidisha | Life and style | The Guardian

U.S debt to rise to $19.6 trillion by 2015 | Reuters

CNSNews.com - Obama Administration Says Most of $787 Billion Stimulus Funds ‘Spoken For,’ But only 50% Spent So Far To ‘Jolt’ Economy

White House is directing agencies to cut budgets

CNBC Host Says Obama Sullied Office With 'Ass to Kick' Line - US News and World Report

Clinton urges rich Latin Americans to pay 'fair' tax share

Breitbart.tv » Democratic Rep Alan Grayson (D-FL) – Send Michael Steele To Prison

Daniel Klein: Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? - WSJ.com

Census Costs Skyrocket 325% Versus 2000

Palin to Obama on oil companies: 'Give me a call'

Rangel on WH faith in BP: They don't have the slightest clue - Washington Times

Voters' support for members of Congress is at an all-time low, poll finds

Lincoln survives, Cal GOP chooses Whitman, Fiorina

Reporters attend pool party with Joe Biden | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Gone... Going... Going... - Mark Steyn - The Corner on National Review Online

74% Oppose Taxing Internet News Sites To Help Newspapers - Rasmussen Reports™

Yahoo!'s Bartz in talks with Huffington Post to garner traffic - NYPOST.com


National Primary Results

South Carolina’s Haley: “We Said ‘No’ To Darker Side of Politics”

7 Killed in Islamic Terror Attack on NATO Convoy in Pakistan

Mexican Anger Over Teen Killed by U.S. Border Patrol

Penn Jillette on ‘Red Eye’

Scam-wow! CNN Infomercial Style Report on Oil Spill Product

Just For Fun: Monty Python’s Election Night Special

Katy Perry’s Bachelorette Party: ‘I Want to be Found in an Alley…’

Zo Nation: “Cracked Pipe” BP Oil Spill

MVP: Brees Pledges to Help Oil Spill Victims

Coverage of Obama’s “Ass Kick” Comment Has Racial Overtones?

Nancy Pelosi Heckled at Washington Event

Throw The Bums Out? Primary Challenges for Many Incumbents Today

First Greece, Now Spain – Unions Stage Mass Protests

US Envoy George Mitchell Meets With Palestinian Leaders

55 Bodies Found in Mexico Air Shaft – Drug Gangs Suspected

Bizarre: Gamblers Smoke Dried Bird Brains for Special Powers

Joran Van der Sloot Confesses

Union Dues at Work: SEIU Mocks Arizona Anti-Immigration Law as Racist

Too Sexy For CitiBank, Too Feisty For Chase

Thrill is Gone? Obama’s Speech Lulls Student to Sleep


*Politics Video:9th/Brazil Votes Against New Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program

Rep. Ryan: "Even Chance" GOP Can Take Back House From The "Regime"

Bernanke: Economy Continues To Grow At A "Moderate Pace"

Rep. King: Obama Showing No "Leadership" On Oil Spill

Rep. Pence: "America Will Stand With Israel"

SC-Gov: Nikki Haley On Expected Win In Race

CA-Gov: Meg Whitman Wins Republican Primary

Sen. Menendez On Cost Of Oil Cleanup, Climate Change Legislation

CA-Sen: Carly Fiorina Wins Senate Nomination

Special Report Panel On The Politics Of The Oil Spill

O'Reilly: "Obama's Cool Demeanor Has Brought Heat Directly On Him"

Matthews On Women And Politics

BP Denies Small Business Claims

*8th/MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell: WH Staffers Having Nightmares Over Oil Spill

Newsweek's Alter: Obama Cleaning Up Bush's "Shit"

Obama: Helen Thomas' Comments Were "Offensive" But She Was "A Real Institution"

NV-Sen: Lowden: "We're Cranking It Out"

CA-Gov: Meg Whitman Defends Voting Record

Clarence Thomas' Wife: "We Are In A Fight For Our Country’s Life"

NOAA: Underwater Oil Plumes As Far As 142 Nautical Miles Away From Spill

Blanche Lincoln Wins Democratic Senate Runoff In Arkansas

Rangel On WH Faith In BP: They Don't Have The "Slightest Clue"

AZ-Sen: McCain Paints Hayworth As A Washington Insider

Sen. Whitehouse: BP Guilty Of Criminal Activities

Barney Frank To Young Democrats: "Give Us More Authority"

Nikki Haley: It's "Us Vs. The Establishment"

Dee Dee Myers: Opposition To Obama Has "Racial Implications"

NFL's Saints To Raffle Off Super Bowl Ring For Oil Spill Cleanup

Day 50: Ingraham On Obama's Handling Of Oil Spill

CNBC Host: Obama's Use Of "Ass" Is Not Presidential

Rep. King: US Should Not Support Investigation Of Flotilla Raid

Karl Rove On Helen Thomas, Sestak & Romanoff

AR-Sen: Bill Halter On "Misleading" Ad Against Lincoln

O'Reilly: Obama Losing "Regular Folks"

Hardball: Is Oil Spill Cheney's Katrina?

Incumbent In Dogfight In Arkansas

AR-Sen: Blanche Lincoln On Opponent, Runoff Election

Krauthammer: Real Political "Civil War" Is On The Left


Whitman and Fiorina Win in California - Lincoln Prevails in Arkansas - NYTimes.com

Primary Wins for Women: Blanche Lincoln, Fiorina, Whitman - The Daily Beast

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

Ride Along with Mitch

The Plum Line - Oil spill threatens Obama's effort to restore trust in government

RealClearPolitics - Is Obama at a Tipping Point?

ObamaCare's Defenders to the Public: Trust Us, You Really Like This Law! - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jun 08, 2010 - Obama tells seniors health bill will work for them

Obama and the Gulf Oil Spill: More About Impotence Than Incompetence

The Dark Side Of Stimulus - Forbes.com

Op-Ed Columnist - A Gift for New Grads - Start-Ups - NYTimes.com

Dorothy Rabinowitz: The Alien in the White House - WSJ.com

Right to be feminist - The Boston Globe

Who deserves the Latino vote? - USATODAY.com

Reporters attend pool party with Joe Biden | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

The Biden Beach Bash and the Ethics of Enjoying an Afternoon - Politics - The Atlantic

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Obama Gives New Meaning to "Big Government"

Obama Approval Tanks in Florida - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

Searching for an ass to kick - The Globe and Mail

EDITORIAL: Now the real battle begins - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Healthcare reform: Donald Berwick is the efficiency expert we need - latimes.com

Benefits — and costs - chicagotribune.com

Voters approve Prop. 14, open primary measure

GOP's statehouse position strong - Shira Toeplitz - POLITICO.com

Republicans tap Fimian, Hurt in Va. primaries for U.S. House

Exasperated members see obstruction at DoJ - TheHill.com

Enough of it! Stop the federal spending spree | ajc.com

GOP fosters anger on phony issues - CNN.com

The More We Learn, The Worse It Gets | ObamaCare Watch

Z on TV: 'Today' interview: Obama shows press contempt - Sun critic David Zurawik writes about the business, culture and craziness of television - baltimoresun.com

Robert Reich: When Everything Seems Out of Control, the President Must Take Charge

What's the matter with Michigan? | Washington Examiner

Wooden And Reagan’s America « Digital Rules - Forbes.com

Guest opinion: Cutting schools hurts kids, economy | desmoinesregister.com | The Des Moines Register

RealClearPolitics - Random Thoughts on the Passing Scene


*8th/Transcripts:Obama's Townhall with Seniors

*7th/Interview with Senator John McCain

Reporters Discuss Tuesday's Primary Elections

Interview with Israel's Ambassador to the U.S.

Interview with the Wife of Justice Thomas

*6th/Guests: Admiral Allen and Senator Bill Nelson

Guests: Admiral Allen; Senators Kerry & Cornyn

Interview with Florida Gov. Charlie Crist


06-08-2010: Blackwater founder to sell up as criticism takes its toll

06-08-2010: New Vatican campaign to clamp down on 'liberal opinion'

06-08-2010: Zionist Propaganda: Bin Laden In Iran

Extreme Life on Earth Could Survive on Mars, Too

06-08-2010: Scientist says BP well could be leaking 100,000 barrels of oil a day

06-08-2010: ‘US funding terrorist group against Iran’

06-08-2010: Afghan war overtakes Vietnam to become the longest conflict in U.S. history

06-08-2010: Investment Banker: It’s Going To Get Nasty – Buy Land, Barbed Wire And Guns

06-08-2010: Food and Depopulation: Rockefeller Family

06-08-2010: Turning Poverty Into A Multibillion-Dollar Industry

06-08-2010: NORAD leader pledges support for G8, G20

06-08-2010: New Health law could ban low-cost plans

06-08-2010: Upload Your Photo to NASA, and They'll Fly Your Face into Space

06-08-2010: As U.S. Approves GM Soybean, DuPont and Monsanto Gird for Cooking-Oil War

06-07-2010: CIA Fight Against Communism Bolsters Radical Islam

The Truth Behind Bilderberg

06-07-2010: In New Space Race, Enter the Entrepreneurs

Thermal Energy Storage Device for Directed Energy Weapons Tested

First spacecraft to land on an asteroid due back on Earth

You Couldn't Make This Up Dept.: "There's a Monolith on Mars' Moon, Phobos"

'The Rig's on Fire! I Told You This Was Gonna Happen!'

Reports at BP over years find systemic history of problems

Bernie Madoff: 'F— my victims. I carried them for 20 years'

Hooked on Gadgets, and Paying a Mental Price

China's 'cancer villages' reveal dark side of economic boom

Brain scans being misused as lie detectors, experts say

Pre-paid cell phones might be outlawed

Masonry, Education and the “Religion of Humanity”

Temple of Man: Freemasonry, Civil Religion, and Education

False Flag Operations: The Crisis Route to the New World Order

Bilderberg Meeting Attendees: Sitges, Spain 3-6 June 2010

Flexing Regional Muscles, Turkey Drifts Away From the West

Hezbollah, Hamas Raise Money for ‘Terrorist Activities’ From Drug Trade in South America, Congressional Research Service Says

At Human Rights Council, ‘Regime’ Not Allowed, But ‘A State Built on Hatred’ Is Okay

Pro-Life Minister Arrested by D.C. Police for Challenging Fenced-Off Entrance to Planned Parenthood Facility

Helen Thomas’s Hate-Filled Exit

Misdemeanors—or Crimes?

The Summer of Corruption Plot Thickens

Sex Abuse Crisis Gives New Momentum to Dissidents

Business Offers $1,000 Reward for Stolen Doormat Worth $20

Wife Alleges Minuteman Founder Threatened Family

Over-hyped? Stephen Strasburg Does Not Disappoint in Debut Wth Washington Nationals

Al Gore’s Daughter Karenna Separated From Husband

Pelosi Speaks Over Heckling by Liberal Activists: ‘I’m Used to Noise’

Primaries Roundup: A Good Night for Republican Women

Republican Nikki Haley Weathers Smears in South Carolina Governor’s Race

Democrat Blanche Lincoln Wins U.S. Senate Primary With Anti-Union Message

After Primaries, Parties Launch Fall Campaigns

Obama Says Situation in Mideast 'Unsustainable'

Tea Party Activists Are Out-Lobbying Liberals, Liberal Leader Says

Annual Federal Deficit Will Hit $1 Trillion This Month--With 3-Plus Months to Go in Fiscal Year

Helen Thomas Retirement Prompts WH Correspondents Board to Evaluate Seating Rules for Opinion Journalists

Democrats Try to Seize Initiative on Oil Spill

Democrats Propose Further Tax Hike on Offshore Oil

Andy Stern, A Member of Obama’s Fiscal Responsibility Commission, Says ‘Worshipping the Market’ Has Failed America

Timeline of President Obama's Oil Spill Comments

BP Plans to Burn Some of the Oil It Is Pumping to the Surface

Israel's Blockade of Gaza on Agenda As Obama Meets With Palestinian Leader Abbas

Former Nato Secretary-General Admits Bilderberg Sets Global Policy

video:Alex Jones: Bilderberg Is Running Scared

Austerity Fascism Is Coming And It Will Be Brutal

Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility

Thanks, Helen, for telling it like it is!

Strengthening NAFTA ties and the push towards a common security front

Where is the American Freedom Flotilla?

Israel is fueling anti-Americanism among U.S. allies

Michigan senator introduces bill to register journalists

The Art of Transhumanism | Singularity Hub


Berit Kjos -- Global War on Christian Values, Part 1

Berit Kjos -- Global War on Christian Values, Part 2


#1 among ALL books sold at Amazon -- F. A. Hayek's The Road to Serfdom


Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

Media Thought Police Crucify Helen Thomas

There's nothing greens love more than a nice, juicy oil-spill disaster

Remember Rahm Emanuel's rent-free D.C. apartment? The owner: A BP adviser

Rothbard's Legacy

Peter Singer for NYT: Should This Be the Last Generation?

Campbell mingles with world elite at private meeting

Bilderberg Group Met and Discussed -- What?

Suicide or Murder at Guantanamo?

Virginia responds to feds' attempt to dismiss health care suit

Indicting the First Amendment

Bilderberg 2010: Help us identify the delegates

Why Governments Hate Gold

The FTC Confuses Newspapers With Journalism as it Seeks New Media Tax

FTC Memo Threatens Free Press

U.S. Intelligence Analyst Arrested in Wikileaks Video Probe

Military Hero Arrested

Yet Another Government Conspiracy Theory

U.S.’s $13 Trillion Debt to Overtake GDP in 2012

Tax Hikes and the 2011 Economic Collapse




Israel Military (IDF) Admits It Doctored Gaza Freedom Flotilla Audio Clip

Iran’s Disappeared Nuclear Scientist: Video Points to Unlawful US Abduction

The US-NATO "Arc of War" Stretches From Afghanistan to the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus

Israel’s Cult of Victimhood

Post-traumatic-stress Disorder (PTSD): US Military Neglects Soldiers' Medical Needs

Lawyers Who Reveal the Truth: The Arrest and Threats to the Life of Attorney Professor Peter Erlinder

Erdogan; The New Hero of the Muslim World

America's Cowardly "Progressives"

25 Years On, Bhopal Tragedy Victims Still Crying for Justice

Evidence of Bush Administration Human Experimentation on Men in CIA Secret Detention

VIDEO: Irish Citizen Tells How They Disarmed Israelis

The IAEA: From UN Nuclear Watchdog to US Lapdog

A Strange Echo From History

Roger Waters - "We Shall Overcome"

Israel Owns the US Government

Israel's Political Occupation of Obama's Press Corps

Exxon Valdez Lawyer: Louisianans, 'To Use A Legal Term,' Are 'Just F--ked'

Is America Ruled By Psychopaths?

FOXNews.com - Tea Party Candidates, Women Roar in Primary Election Night

The Associated Press: SC Dem upset: Jobless vet to face GOP's Jim DeMint

YouTube - Israel owns the USA - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Pentagon Looks to Plant New Facilities in Central Asia | EurasiaNet.org

Immortal avatars: Back up your brain, never die - life - 07 June 2010 - New Scientist

Could New Life Form Lurk on Titan, Saturn's Biggest Moon? - AOL News

Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers - Times Online

Lloyd Marcus -- Obama and Media Minions Inspire Violence

Amount Of Neurotoxin Pesticide Corexit Sprayed By BP Tops 1 Million Gallons | Alexander Higgins Blog

Evidence Points To BP Oil Spill False Flag

Tribulation-Now: A Vision of Our Future

Thermal Energy Storage Device For Directed Energy Weapons Tested

Chuck Baldwin -- America's Bread And Circus Society

Judge Andrew Napolitano on Chaotic Courts and 'Unconstitutional' Justice in the United States

Frosty Wooldridge -- American Politicians Serving Foreign Constituents

The Phantom Recovery :: Liberty Maven

Military’s Mystery Ray Gun to Blast Bombs, ‘Change the Face of This War’ | Danger Room | Wired.com

12 Events That Will Change Everything, Made Interactive: Scientific American

Newsmax - Newsmax.com - Breaking News, Politics, Commentary

Russia Church Wants End to Darwin School "Monopoly"

AP Journalist Dives Into Gulf, Can See Only Oil

NY Appeals Court Tosses Ruling on RNC Surveillance

Job Outlook Brightens for New Grads _ Just Barely

2 NJ Terror Suspects Had Brushes With Authority

Mass. Court Allows Felony Case Against Ex-Lawmaker

Former Top Aide Takes Stand at Blagojevich Trial

Senator: Artifacts Held by Yale Belong to Peru

French Lawmakers Move to Ban Bullfighting

BP Shares Fall as Government Probes Oil Spill

Theology School Melds Studies of Different Faiths

Violent Videogames Harmless for Most Kids: Studies

Detainee in Times Square Probe Transferred to NY

Abramoff Released From Md. Prison to Halfway House

Florida Lawyer Gets 50 Years for Ponzi Scheme

San Diego Christian Lawyers Lose Bids to Be Judges

Poll: Money Is a Huge Consideration in Pet Care

Man Accused of Duping Harvard Got Into Stanford

Art Experts Puzzled by Objects in Masterpiece

Three Tips for Changing Careers Internally

Britain Lists Its Top Women-Friendly Mosques

Powers Dismiss Iran Fuel Offer Before Sanctions Vote

Drilling Moratorium Challenged by Company

Cambodia Bans Film About Trade Union Leader Chea Vichea

3 People Killed in 2 Texas Natural Gas Explosions

Software Lets Students Take Exams at Leisure

Method for AP-Petside.com Poll on Pets

North Korea Denies Sinking South Ship in Letter to U.N.

Mexican Fury at U.S. Border Patrol Killing Teen

Jury Selected in Train Station Shooting Trial

Author Ann Brashares Travels Through Time

Australia Dangles Tax Carrot; China Evaluates Mine

Vote Moves 49ers Closer to Leaving San Francisco


*Timeline on Obama's Oil Spill Comments


06/08 The Mark Levin Show

June 8, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Jun-08, Tuesday

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Tue June 08, 2010. 04:20 PM


This White House is Not Progressive

Oil Volcano Pressure Too Strong For Containment

savethemales.ca - My Disappointment With Mainstream Churches

savethemales.ca - Aliens Didn't Visit Our Ancestors

Israeli request for more arms from US raises fears of regional violence - Middle East, World - The Independent

How to obtain justice for the people of Palestine

Mir-Hossein Mousavi 'involved in massacre', says report - Telegraph

Helen Thomas, veteran reporter: why she had to resign | World news | The Guardian

CBC News - Canada - G8/G20 fake lake slammed by opposition

CBC News - Toronto - Sound cannons ready for G20 protests

50 Statistics About The U.S. Economy That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

Fears of Taser overuse as children and the elderly are targeted by police stun guns | Mail Online

In Safety Study, Sheep on Meth Are Shocked With Tasers | Popular Science

BBC News - Iran faces 'most significant UN nuclear sanctions'

Crisis reveals Obama's weakness | Charlottesville Daily Progress

RealClearPolitics - Video - Barney Frank To Young Democrats: "Give Us More Authority"

U.S debt to rise to $19.6 trillion by 2015 | Reuters

Ax may fall on tax break for mortgages - TheHill.com

Counting on Medicaid Money, States Face Shortfalls - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama Seeking "Ass To Kick" Over Oil Spill


savethemales.ca - Flying Saucers are Based on Tesla Technology

savethemales.ca - Illuminati's Biggest Crime? Suppressing Tesla Technology

savethemales.ca - Is Steiner's "Anthroposophy" a Satanic Cult?

savethemales.ca - Cocaine Funds NWO Takeover in S. America

savethemales.ca - Von Braun: Illuminati Plan For E.T. Deception


YouTube - Michael Savage on Bilderberg Meeting and New World Order - Part 1 of 2 - (6/7/10)

YouTube - Michael Savage-Bilderberg Meeting, New World Order,Talk Radio Frauds, Obama Plant Pt.1(06.07.2010)


Of Goats and Men: Genetically Modified Fooods (GMO) Causes Sterility, Organ Failure And Oral Hair Growth; Obama Administration Pushes It

Special Investigative Report: Debunking The "Health" Products That You Thought Were Healthy

G20 protesters could be hit with sonic guns | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

Long-Term Unemployed Now 46 Percent Of Unemployed, Highest Percentage On Record

America today: Medicated drivers, toxic foods and counterfeit money supply

Doctors are addicted to "every drug under the sun"


Video: Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.? Part 1

Video: Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.? Part 2

vIDEO: Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.? - Part 3

Video: Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.? - Part 4


YouTube - Exclusive Interview The man that shoed Bush!

YouTube - Pt.2: The man that "shoed" Bush


No Cell Phones on Planes « Norcaltruth

A New Study of the Seismic Signals on September 11, 2001 in New York -- Signs of the Times News

Video: Evergreen Air and a Secret Chemtrail Facility « Dprogram.net

Former Nato Secretary-General Admits Bilderberg Sets Global Policy « Dprogram.net

Halliburton campaign donations spike - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com


Strengthening NAFTA Ties and the Push Towards a Common Security Front « Dprogram.net

1-'10/BE YOUR OWN LEADER: A North American Security Perimeter on the Horizon

6-'09/BE YOUR OWN LEADER: U.S.- Canada Border Security and Military Integration

12-'09/BE YOUR OWN LEADER: FLASHBACK: The SPP and Merging Military Command Structures

11-'09/BE YOUR OWN LEADER: Passing on the Mantle of Deep North American Integration NEWS

YouTube - Devastation: You Can Smell The Oil From A Helicopter And Birds Are Frying!

Austerity Fascism Is Coming And It Will Be Brutal « Dprogram.net


Don’t Tread On Me: Unifying a Movement - Restore The Republic

promo site:Don't Tread On Me: Rise of the Republic (DVD)


Neocons Claim Osama is a Guest of Iranian Government

US Media Terrified Of Mentioning USS Liberty

Will Israel Buckle?

Paul Watson Breaks Down BP Oil Spill as A False Flage Event

REMEMBER: In 1930, They Didn’t Know It Was “The Great Depression” Yet

12 Reasons Why The U.S. Housing Crash Is Far From Over

Texan conservatives vent anger over ‘race-war’ movie trailer - Times Online

Feds arrest analyst who allegedly exposed US Army killing of civilians


*Legal verdict: Manmade global warming science doesn’t withstand scrutiny

* document:Global Warming Advocacy Science: a Cross Examination


Are Cameras the New Guns?

'Follow the Islamic way to save the world,' Charles urges environmentalists | Mail Online


YouTube - Alex's Evidence Points to BP Oil Spill as False Flag Event on The Alex Jones Show 1/3

YouTube - Alex's Evidence Points to BP Oil Spill as False Flag Event on The Alex Jones Show 2/3

YouTube - Alex's Evidence Points to BP Oil Spill as False Flag Event on The Alex Jones Show 3/3


Greek Default Seen by Almost 75% in Poll Doubtful About Trichet - Bloomberg.com

In apparent lie, BP continues to deny existence of huge oil plumes

The Press Association: Containment cap 'limiting oil leak'

Slow progress is being made at little-noticed Copenhagen follow-up – Telegraph Blogs

Left-Wing Icon Daniel Ellsberg: 'Obama Deceives the Public' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

USNORTHCOM Gears Up For Potential Attack On U.S. Soil

Bilderberg 2010: Don't call it a pow-wow! | World news | guardian.co.uk

Spanish Police Protest “Unjustified Waste Of Public Money” In Protecting Bilderberg

MSNBC Hit Piece Smears Tea Party As Neo-Nazis

Neocon Frum Shills For Bilderberg

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – June 8th With Jeffrey M. Smith

Massive Media Blackout in Gulf Oil Spill

Gold’s Flashing Warning Sign | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Neocons Claim Osama is a Guest of Iranian Government

USNORTHCOM Gears Up For Potential Attack On U.S. Soil

Obama’s crackdown on whistleblowers targets press freedom?

Obama Warns Oil Spill Will Substantially Impact Economy | USA | English

Federal Eye - Obama issuing memos of all sorts

Another 9/11? Strange Events In the Gulf

Cops must get warrant if DUI suspect balks at blood test

AFP: WHO probe to examine handling of flu pandemic

WHO scandal exposed: Advisors received kickbacks from H1N1 vaccine manufacturers

WHO and the pandemic flu "conspiracies" -- Cohen and Carter 340: c2912 -- BMJ

The “Vaccine Shock” of the Year

Left-Wing Icon Daniel Ellsberg: 'Obama Deceives the Public' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Fars News Agency :: Ahmadinejad Stresses Need for New World Order

Infowars.com Receives “Rise of the New Right” Script


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Taking the reins and stepping up to lead'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive South Carolina: GOP showdown for governor

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'The bad, the badder and the uglier'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama's 'very frightening' rationer in chief


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Call for Obama's resignation cites 'deceit, fraud, dishonesty'


Harry Reid's cup o' tea: GOP's Sharron Angle

Two Reids on the ballot in Nevada - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Mystery S.C. Dem has pending felony charge - Decision 2010- msnbc.com

White House official: 'Organized labor just flushed $10 million down the toilet' - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Voters' support for members of Congress is at an all-time low, poll finds

Charlie Crist Removes Pro-Life Section of Campaign Web Site, Rubio Complains

Arnold Schwarzenegger forced to recast ballot after selecting two candidates - Telegraph

U.S. Marine fires back over Shariah loans

YouTube - Student sitting behind Obama was asleep

Left-Wing Icon Daniel Ellsberg: 'Obama Deceives the Public' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Judge rebuffs Christian in 'Marketing of Evil' lawsuit

FOXNews.com - Conn. School Board Votes to Fight Ruling That Is Keeping Graduation Out of Church

FOXNews.com - Fla. Christian School Fires Teacher Over 'Fornication' Claims

Evangelical leaders make D.C. push on immigration - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Coming for some at ICE jails: bingo and continental breakfast | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

CNSNews.com - 6.2 Million Mexicans Want to Move to U.S., Gallup Poll Says

WaPo's Kurtz: In 2002, Helen Thomas Exclaimed 'Thank God for Hezbollah' | NewsBusters.org

RealClearPolitics - Video - ABC's "World News": Helen Thomas Retired Because Of "Age And Outrage"

'10,000' throng to stop Ground Zero mosque

Financier of Gaza flotilla wants to build mosque at Ground Zero

Amish Farming Draws Rare Government Scrutiny - NYTimes.com

First victim of health care overhaul? - Sarah Kliff - POLITICO.com

Obama trumpets benefits of healthcare - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Rig survivors: BP ordered shortcut on day of blast - CNN.com

Is flotilla battle signaling start of 'Gog and Magog'?


*Download:6-6-10- Aaron Klein

Download:Wednesday, June 09, 2010 - Rush Commentary

*Download :Tuesday, June 08, 2010 - Rush Commentary

*Download:Tuesday, June 08, 2010 - Huckabee Report


**search site:Yippy


Woman charged with adultery after park incident : Home: The Buffalo News

Sex in the City: Batavia 'adultery' case getting wider media attention | The Batavian

Fox Attack On Two Young Twins: Expert John Bryant Says Fox Attracted By Soiled Nappies | UK News | Sky News

Gore: Saving climate will save, not lose, money

Teabaggers Rand Paul and Matt Kibbe Play Concern Trolls for BP

*American Minute for June 9th:William J Federer's American Minute

video:Pagan god Baal rises again

video:Answering the objection, 'But God made me gay'


What's Cooking? Billboard emits scent of pepper and charcoal to advertise beef

Dripping anti-Israel bias poisons journalism

Before You Were Hot -- The Ultimate Then and Now Site - Lemondrop.com

BBC News - Jakob Dylan's debt to the Bible and Bob

Health-care rationing Obama believes in

The Rutherford Institute - Commentary

Don't dare root for America's failure

The creep next door

Celebrating the few real men among us

'Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One'

Blago's crimes against sanctity of life

Free to choose

Obama: African-Americans' burden

The unemployment president

The coming BP bailout | Washington Examiner

Gary Leupp: The Ambush of Helen Thomas

The golden age of ignorance in power

Constitution of No - Jim DeMint - National Review Online


The Associated Press: Former top aide takes stand at Blagojevich trial

YouTube - Defense Lawyer: Blagojevich 'Didn't Take a Dime'

Rod and Patti Blagojevich tweets: Wednesday update - Lynn Sweet

Clout St: Blagojevich's friend, ex-top aide Monk takes stand

Blago Gutted Over Friend’s Testimony « Liveshots

Blago: “Unlock The Lock Box” « Liveshots

Blagojevich's theatrical lawyer describes a few key players - Chicago Tribune

Wonkette : Kangaroo Court Won’t Allow Blagojevich’s Twitter To Testify On His Behalf


The Early Word: The Primary Picture - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

The Governor and the Columnist | NBC Chicago

Blago's defense: He's a victim - Dennis Byrne's Barbershop

Daily Herald | No constitutional right to juror names

John Stamos on Joining Glee: "I Hope They Let Me Sing and Dance" - E! Online

Conan O'Brien brings his road show to Washington, D.C.

Miley Cyrus Can't Be Tamed – or Forced to Like Things - Miley Cyrus : People.com

FOXNews.com - Larry King's Wife Hospitalized After Drug Overdose, Report Says

YouTube - Larry King's Wife Overdoses - New York Post

Lindsay Lohan Posts New Bail After SCRAM Set Off - ABC News

Lady Gaga's 'Alejandro' Director Explains Video's Painful Meaning - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

The Karate Kid | Movies | EW.com

YouTube - "The Karate Kid" LA Premiere

Sen. Lincoln's Win Clouds Swaps Plan - WSJ.com

City Council to press fight for Empire State Building tribute to Mother Teresa

Ex-lobbyist Jack Abramoff sent to halfway house - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Obamas serve regional favorites at Congressional picnic - USATODAY.com

3rd UPDATE: Sen Stabenow: China Must Sign WTO Procurement Pact - WSJ.com

Whoomp, there he is? Obama look-alike in '90s music video - CNN.com

44 - 'Whoomp! (There it is)' and Obama -- the anatomy of a meme

Conspiracy theories, 'Whoomp' edition - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Supreme Court Blocks Arizona Election Funding - latimes.com

In California Elections, Whitman, Fiorina Win; Orly Taitz Falls Short - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Why Obama doesn't dare become the 'angry black man' - CNN.com

Rockefeller Backs Murkowski's EPA Resolution in Senate - NYTimes.com

Bond girding for fight over new intelligence czar | KansasCity.com Prime Buzz

Intelligence Nominee, General Clapper, Opposed New Powers - NYTimes.com

FOXNews.com - Faces of Terror? Officials Release Mug Shots of N.J. Terror Suspects

LDS Church fined for tardy financial reports during Prop 8 - Salt Lake Tribune

YouTube - UN approves new Iran sanctions over nuclear issue

BBC News - One half of Malawi gay couple 'moves in with a woman'

Asian leaders hold CICA summit to enhance confidence building

Ban naked short-selling of government bonds, say Merkel and Sarkozy | Business | The Guardian

BBC News - Gambia puts 12 on trial for drugs trafficking

Putin urges greater reliance on domestic uranium resources | Russia | RIA Novosti

Bhopal gas verdict: Questions over political culpability

UPDATE 2-New Japan PM Kan bolsters ruling party support | Reuters

The Hindu : News : India among the least peaceful places

India's deals with Sri Lanka heighten stakes in 'Great Game' with Beijing | World news | The Guardian

The Associated Press: Militants, troops clash in Pakistan; 54 killed

Bonn climate talks diary | Environment | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - Yvo de Boer on climate talks in Bonn

Did FBI Botch Van Der Sloot Case? - Bill O'Reilly | The O'Reilly Factor - FOXNews.com

YouTube - Van der Sloot Coerced?

The Associated Press: Israel lifts ban on some foods for Gaza

Aquino Is Declared Next President of Philippines - NYTimes.com

Obama, Meeting Abbas, Pledges New Aid for Palestinians - NYTimes.com

Center right seeks power in Dutch vote - CNN.com

BBC News - North Korea warns UN against Cheonan warship debate

YouTube - North Korea UN letter rejects role in ship sinking

NATO helicopter shot down in Afghanistan - latimes.com

YouTube - Seven dead as gunmen torch NATO trucks in Pakistan

Gold price hits new record as it breaks through $1,250 - Telegraph


Barack Obama and chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are members of the same Gay Club : Infowars Ireland

The Rahm Emanuel angle in the Blagojevich trial: Opening statements - Lynn Sweet

Lawmaker seeks probe of Emanuel over job - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - It's Time to Probe Obama's Top Advisers Over Job Deals, Issa Says


*Site:Trends Research Institute

*Site:Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis:(globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/)