"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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30 May 2010

30 MAY'10

Bill Gates funds covert vaccine nanotechnology

Gulf of Mexico oil spill: fresh questions raised about chemicals - Telegraph

Oil spill threatens 'total destruction'

savethemales.ca - What's Wrong With Gays in the Military?

Washington Insider: Obama Member of Chicago Gay Man’s Club « Fellowship of the Minds

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Effect of Gays on the Military

A Counter Initiative To The Gulf Oil Catastrophe

Two more Census workers blow the whistle - NYPOST.com

Bin Laden Says He’s ‘Professionally Envious’ of BP « Borowitz Report

An Ex-Green Beret Officer Remembers Memorial Day 2010

Third Oil Leak in Gulf « Fellowship of the Minds

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Youngsters dying from blood clots

Is our demand for cheap food putting our health at risk? - Herald Scotland | News | Health

Ebola virus: Scientists discover a breakthrough | Mail Online

The Net Worth of the U.S. Presidents: Washington to Obama - Business - The Atlantic

Bill Bryson: 'British culture is self-absorbed and greedy' | Mail Online

Muslim preacher of hate is let into Britain - Times Online

Watch closely, ‘Star Wars’ hologram TV is coming - Times Online

Kremlin bribery whistleblower flees to UK - Times Online

Jamaicans see little to choose between drug gangs and bloodstained soldiers | World news | The Observer

Google Street View secretly took your wi-fi details... and will use the data to target ads at mobile phones | Mail Online

The Royal Society: too little, too late – Telegraph Blogs

Chinese dam causes quakes and landslides - Times Online

Inside the mind of North Korea's Kim Jong-il - Telegraph

Shrewd leader or malignant narcissist? | Peter Beaumont | From the Observer | The Observer

Forces of fear: US as bad as Taliban, refugees claim - Herald Scotland | News | World News

Red Dawn is being remade, but China ousts Russia as America's new enemy | World news | The Observer

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Hebrew Culture for Dummies by Gilad Atzmon

No entry to Gaza for supply ships - Times Online

Israel stations nuclear missile subs off Iran - Times Online

What was Halliburton's role in US oil spill? - Americas, World - The Independent

Oil spill creates huge undersea 'dead zones' - Americas, World - The Independent

savethemales.ca - Cocaine Funds NWO Takeover in S. America

Rothschilds-Rockefellers Prep US, EU For China Conquest

Debbie Schlussel:Must See VIDEO: The REAL Gary Coleman Story

Debbie Schlussel:Hilarious VIDEOS: The Real “Sex & The City 2″ + The Real Jesse James

Debbie Schlussel:Should These Islamic Terrorists Really Have Been Deported?

Debbie Schlussel:Whatchoo Talkin’ Bout, Willis?: Gary Coleman, RIP

My Way News - Israel rejects new drive to ban nukes from Mideast

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer abruptly suspends state's attorney general from illegal immigrant law defense | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

"Blind Sheikh" prosecutor on jihad and the West - Washington Times

My Way News - Report: 2 dozen terror leaders among detainees

Head of Marxist-led institute joins Obama team

Skin color affects ability to empathize with pain - CNN.com

Feds raid Chinatown beauty school in Pell grant probe - NYPOST.com

BP: ‘We’re not blaming anyone yet’ | Raw Story

BBC News - Should you store treasured data on disks?

The Best Brands of CD-R Discs for Long-Term Data Storage

The Rand Paul Kerfuffle: It’s Not About Racism - Bretigne - Open Salon

Fuel Swap Shakes Sanctions Draft, Prods US on New Iran Talks by Gareth Porter -- Antiwar.com

Netanyahu to ask Obama to block measures over Israel's nuclear program - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

National Briefing - Washington - Another Blow to Guantánamo Plan - NYTimes.com

A disgrace of historic proportions - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com


At least 21 wounded in separate shootings, 1 dead - Chicago Breaking News

Obama's letter to Lula exposes US dishonesty with Iran | Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran

t r u t h o u t | Election-Year Politics Derail Bid to Save Teachers' Jobs

Op-Ed Columnist - Obama’s Katrina? Maybe Worse - NYTimes.com

"Perfectly Safe: It Just Kills Plants ... " Agent Orange and the Third Generation

NATO general in Afghanistan: Taliban train in Iran - Yahoo! News

Limits on access to oiled waters, coast frustrates journalists | NOLA.com

un[redacted] news: Pentagon Gets Around Troop Ban in Pakistan by Outsourcing Weapons Transport

Obama's first pick: Israeli Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Dont4GetHaiti.org: Are US TV Crews Killing Haitians?

EclippTV :: Video :: Freedom Watch - Surveillance State with Daniel Hannan - 5-26-2010

“Attack against South Korean ship looks like false flag operation” - RT Top Stories

Blurred Out: 51 Things You Aren't Allowed to See on Google Maps | Curious? Read

A day in November: will Barack Obama face up to Israel lobby blackmail? > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

un[redacted] news: Obama Asks $59 Billion in Extra Spending for Disaster Relief, Haiti, Agent Orange Disabilities and…War Whoring

California immigration policy comparable to new Arizona Law | National Policy Institute

un[redacted] news: US Constitution May Be Suspended: War, National Emergency and "Continuity of Government"

food world order: food stamp tally nears 40m, higher each month since dec'08

Geithner Rushes To Sabotage German Derivatives Ban

Bilderberger Praises Medicare Rationing Advocate

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente on Goldseek Radio 29 May 2010

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » David Icke and Jordan Maxwell in conversation: a Project Avalon video

Are Goldman Sachs and the Megabanks Able to Wipe out an Entire Economy with a Keystroke? -- Signs of the Times News

EclippTV :: Video :: Freedom Watch - Gitmo Suicides Were Actually Homicides? - May 28, 2010

War on whistle-blowers intensifies - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

un[redacted] news: The WTC Leaseholder and His Associates That Cheated Death on 9/11: Was it Coincidence or Foreknowledge?

food world order: california throws away enough food to fill 35 stadiums per year

media monarchy: biowars/envirohealth: gulf oil, god's work & shocking conditions

Ten Things You Need (But Don't Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill


Time for law-abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 1 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 2 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 3 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 4 of 13


Future pope refused defrocking of convicted priest

Christian conservatives target seated judges

Ill. Sen. hopeful questioned about military claim

Police find head believed to be slain S. Calif man

'Shrek' better than 'Sex' with $43M at box office

Africa-France summit gives business a top billing

Obama aide: leak is biggest environmental disaster

Expenses scandal troubles fledgling UK coalition

Pakistan: 7 arrested over links to sect attackers

China declines to accuse N Korea over torpedo

Desperate housewives count days, not rockets

Correction Request: CBS News Tampering with the Truth

NewsBusted: Will Democrats Read Arizona’s Cockfighting Law?

James O’Keefe Gives His Side

SEIU Protest at Banker’s Home Was Co-Sponsored By An Organization Receiving Money From Banker’s Company

Where’s Waldo? Newsweek One Step Behind ‘Big’ Sites on Mullah Omar Story

Dhimmi MSM Stenographers Get Talking Points from Hamas-Linked CAIR

ABC In Junk-Science Proxy Dogfight With NBC

O’Keefe’s Lawyer Speaks: ‘There’s Been Tremendous Misinformation Out There’

Higher Corporate Taxes Undermine American Competitiveness and Hurt Workers, Consumers, and Shareholders

audio page:White House Failure: On Markets, Corruption, and the Oil Spill

Greek Disease in the House

James O’Keefe Gives His Side

White House Sestak Story Doesn’t Pass The Smell Test

Study: Normal, Healthy Children Outgrow Socialism

Feds Scrubbed Video from O’Keefe’s Phone Used in LA Caper

Economic Troubles and the Growth of Government

Unions Protesting Churches in California

Reason.tv: Is Hillary Clinton Right to Say The Rich Don’t Pay “Their Fair Share” of Taxes?

Obama’s Plentiful Golf Rounds Make Him Perfect Candidate to Plug the Hole in the Gulf

TRAILER: The Mighty George Romero’s ‘Survival of the Dead’ Opens Today

Meeting a Horror Legend: The Mighty George A. Romero

The Great Dennis Hopper: Hollywood Hellraiser Dead at 74

Palace Guard Comedian: George Lopez Trashes Sarah Palin’s Family

‘Pulp Fiction’: A Look Back at 1994 — Bestyearever!

Simon Cowell: TV’s Most Conservative Personality Says Goodbye

How Bill Maher Sees Black People

RealClearPolitics - Memorial Day 2010

WH had Clinton try to ease Sestak out of Pa. race

Breitbart.tv » Sestak: ‘There’s Nothing Wrong That Was Done’

Sestak: Clinton offered 'presidential board,' maybe intelligence or defense - TheHill.com

GOP asks FBI to investigate ‘collusion,’ possible obstruction of justice in Sestak case | Washington Examiner

GOP: White House Sestak story not believable | Washington Examiner

Breitbart.tv » Bachmann Blasts House Dems for Voting to Allow Another Federal Pay Raise

Covering Obama, press encounters Nation of Islam | Washington Examiner

Power Line - Don't leave it to Cleaver: Last call

The James Asher School of Journalism - Michael Rubin - The Corner on National Review Online

Joe McGinniss tells his side of the story about becoming Sarah Palin's neighbor

Reporter’s Notebook - For Obama, Golfing Is a Very Leisurely Pursuit - NYTimes.com

The Anchoress | A First Things Blog

American Thinker: Just how smart is Obama?

Patterico's Pontifications » Destroyed by Court Order: The Footage of a Landrieu Staffer Admitting the Senator’s Office Had No Problem With Their Phones

King Barack the Verbose - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

Cartoon pages

cartoon page:Big Hollywood » Chris Muir

cartoon page:Big Hollywood » James Hudnall and Batton Lash


BP Says 'Top Kill' Failed to Stop Gulf Leak - NYTimes.com

Pelosi blames Bush administration for BP oil spill. | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Video - Maher: Obama Not Acting Like A "Real Black" President

Farrakhan followers, press have minor 'stand-off' in Obama's neighborhood :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics

'Easy Rider' actor Dennis Hopper dies - CNN.com

KTLA: "Easy Rider" Actor Dennis Hopper Dies -- Sam Rubin reports -- KTLA

Phoenix-area hospitals fight highly toxic 'supergerm'

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel - Yahoo! News Photos

Israeli Heckler Calls Rahm Emanuel "Anti-Semite" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

New Home Sales Set to Plunge in Former Bubble Markets (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Berkshire confirms Buffett subpoenaed to testify | Reuters

Cambodian 'jungle woman' flees back to wild - Telegraph

Oakland Pot Club Says Union, Yes! | NBC Bay Area


*Site:Dharma Haven: A Harbor from the Storms of Panic and Confusion

*Om Mani Padme Hum: The Meaning of the Mantra in Tibetan Buddhism


Obama Adviser Says It’s Wrong to Question Faith But Then Rants ‘Is Libertarianism Christian?’

Hungry Yankee Fan Eats Reporter’s Pork Chop During Live TV Segment

Bill Maher Yearns for ‘Real Black President’ With a Gun in His Pants

MSNBC’s Matthews Compliments Limbaugh’s ‘Lampooning’ of Bill Clinton

Dennis Hopper Dies at Age 74

BP Denies Staging Beach Clean-Up Effort for Obama Visit

Surveillance Video: Kidnappers Grab Teen at Virginia Target Store

Man Accused of Tattoing Gang Symbol on Seven Year Old

911 Call From BP Understated Oil Spill

‘Top Kill’ Fails: BP Explains Decision to Move on to ‘Next Option’

Sebelius: Rationing Advocate is ‘Absolutely Right Leader At This Time’ to Run Medicare

PA Gov on Sestak Scandal: ‘I Did the Same Thing in 2006′

Update: Attorney Fired for Tea Party Speech Says Her Boss Led Democratic Group

Florida Prosecutor Loses Job Over Speech to Tea Party Rally

‘The Onion’ Satire: Reps Submit Emergency 3 AM Bill Demanding IHOP Stay Open All Night

House GOP Touts Ideas Website

Laura Bush Leads a Tour of George W’s Childhood Home

Champion In-Line Skater Lands Record Jump off Eiffel Tower

Plugging Oil Leak Won't Stop Political Fallout - Newsweek

Op-Ed Columnist - Once More, With Feeling - NYTimes.com

The Thinker - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - James Carville's Rage

The BP spill: Obama's Katrina? - latimes.com

Psst, buddy, want a (legally murky, not at all a bribe, oh so innocent) job? - NYPOST.com

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

FT.com / Columnists / Martin Wolf - An ABC of financial shocks and fiscal aftershocks

Obamacare taking on water | Washington Examiner

2010 Likely to Bring a Crop of One-Term Senate Wonders - Newsweek

'Getting it' yet? - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

George F. Will - Obama's spending idea is only frugality theater

Op-Ed Columnist - Malia for President - NYTimes.com

The Oil Catastrophe | The Nation

Carroll: Dumbing down on global warming - The Denver Post

RealClearPolitics - Legalize Immigration

VIN SUPRYNOWICZ: The battle that changed everything - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Editorial: Those nuisance voters - chicagotribune.com

Tough on oil: The president tries to assure a skeptical public

Education: No magic bullet for reform - latimes.com

Congressional Democrats downshift on spending, cut provisions to jobs bill

House Approves Bill Ending Hedge Funds’ Tax Break - NYTimes.com

House passes defense policy bill - Jen DiMascio - POLITICO.com

Critics cheer missed deadline on campaign finance legislation - TheHill.com

Melanie Sloan: Darrell Issa Playing Politics to 'Dirty Up' Sestak

It's Not Working. The Gulf Is Dying. Now What?

BP oil spill is the anti-Katrina and does expose conservative ideology to criticism

Oil Industry Flack Rayola Dougher Calls Delays on New Oil Wells 'Great Concern' to the Industry

With Approval Ratings In The 60s, Hillary Clinton Is Our Most Popular Living Politician.

Blue America Welcomes Ann McLane Kuster (D-NH)

Another Oil Plume Is Threatening Sea's Foodchain Off Florida

Orrin Hatch's 'combat amendment' for fools: Is it retroactive?

Right Libs Silent About Oil Disaster.

New York's Governor's Race

Most Agree, Under Obama the Country is Headed in the Wrong Direction

Convention USA: Confronting Unconstitutional Inaction by Congress

NAACP Changed Priorities From Politics to Party

The State Is God

Prof. Richard Hasen Criticizes Fox For Their 'Breathless' Coverage of Sestak Issue

Glenn Beck issues history's lamest 'apology' for attacking 11-year-old Malia Obama

Republicans Criminalizing Politics over Sestak Affair

'Top Kill' Fails; Oil Leak Continues. What Happens Next?

New Rule for Politicians: Everything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You in a Google Search or on You Tube

Saturday Night Open Thread with the Driftglass and Bluegal Podcast: Is it sexist to call Sarah Palin stupid?

Who Could Have Known... That There Were Safety Concerns With The Deepwater Rig? BP Engineers, That's Who.

Philippe Cousteau: It's Not a Question of Can the Oceans Take Any More - The Oceans Can't Take Any More

Nuking the Well: A Gulf-Saver?

Jindal Faults Feds On Cleanup, Says There Could Have Been 'More Urgency'. Meanwhile, Louisiana Remains In Pocket of Big Oil

Mullen criticizes gay ban repeal vote

The Endgame of Class Warfare

Has the SEC Charged the Right People with Securities Fraud?

Israel and America's Jews

When Professor Obama Meets Dirty Reality

The Liberal Trilemma

How to Cripple the Free Economy

Enemy of the States

The End of Democratic Socialism

Dems launch effort to block GOP citizen-inspired spending cuts

Stop bullying the geniuses!

Obama's trip to Gulf coast a metaphor for his presidency

Kagan's Disdain For Constitutional Law

'Top Kill' fails

Smoke and mirrors in the new 'jobs' bill

O'Keefe sting footage from Landrieu's office destroyed

Michigan legislator wants to license journalists

The death of the myth of Obama's competence?

ACORN insider lays out the 'stealth socialism' strategy

Only pretending to be a serious newspaper

How the Liberal Mind Works

Obama's Charm Offensive Masks Israel Policy Change

Blumenthal, Reagan, and the Big Lie

Wise Guys: The End of Free-Market Capitalism

South Lebanon Will Be Liberated from Hezb'allah

Pax Israeli

Of Semites and Semantics

American Jews and Israel


*site: America Speaking Out


*satire:WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Welcome to the Hotel Arizona'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Welcome to the Hotel Arizona'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Nightmare for small-business owners

YouTube - "a Christian land governed by Christian principles"

Libs offended by words from Justice Earl Warren

Bill Clinton says Barack Obama must 'kiss my ass' for his support - Telegraph

may '05/Are illegals making U.S. a leper colony?

Ahoy, gringos! Border lake terrorized by Mexican pirates

FOXNews.com - Pirates Threaten Boats on U.S.-Mexico Border Lake

Oil Spill Cam Becomes Internet Sensation - ABC News

Documents Show Early Worries About Safety of Rig - NYTimes.com


New Ebola Drug 100 Percent Effective In Monkeys : NPR

Phoenix-area hospitals fight highly toxic 'supergerm'

Rush Limbaugh: I know I'll be destroyed eventually

Human-animal hybrids in life vs. death struggle

Germany willing to accept Gitmo prisoners - The Local

Sweden sheltering terrorist cleric: Uzbek TV - The Local

Worshippers slaughtered in deadly 'final warning' - Asia, World - The Independent

Syria accused of arming Hezbollah from secret bases - Times Online

Pushy fliers may show up on TSA's radar - USATODAY.com

U.S. trying to deport 'Son of Hamas'

Mobile phones responsible for disappearance of honey bee - Telegraph

Pentagon: Let Us Secure Your Network or Face the ‘Wild Wild West’ Internet Alone | Threat Level | Wired.com

Facebook for Muslims launched in Pakistan | Mail Online

Parents challenged to test Web savvy

WND top 500 U.S. website

Now We Know Why Clinton and Obama Had Lunch on Thursday

Explanation of White House 'job offer' energizes doubters

It's tea party vs. establishment in fight to remove senator

Court accused of covering for Obama in 'Walpingate'

Stuart's Snyder wants state to consider Arizona-style crackdown on illegal immigration » TCPalm.com

FOXNews.com - Arizona Governor Removes State's Top Attorney From Defense of Immigration Law

Border law opponents want international fix in Arizona

Naked Swiss rambler seeks right to roam the Alps in the buff - Times Online

AJC Exclusive: Gwinnett teacher quits after affair with student | ajc.com

Fetus Found In High School Turns Out To Be Vegetable Matter - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh

Frozen human embryos 'not life forms': S.Korean court

Man Accused in 6-Continent, $70M Internet Ponzi Scheme - ABC News

Blood diamonds: the illicit trade propping up the Mugabe regime - Times Online

Cocaine traffickers using submarines in attempt to supply European users - Crime, UK - The Independent

Air France crash: The truth behind the disaster that killed 228 people | Mail Online

Bottled seawater brings a taste of the Hebrides to British kitchens - Scotland on Sunday

Bottled water contains more bacteria than tap water - Telegraph

Organic food neither healthier nor tastier, watchdog finds - The Local

Oil Spill Cleanup Will Mean New Jobs for Many - Careers Articles

TARP's tiniest failures add up - May. 28, 2010

Next Big Taxpayer Bailout: Private Company Pension Plans

More homeowners turn to mediation after foreclosure - USATODAY.com

Obama to snatch up to 75% of your income

Green Prefab Homes: Will They Save You Money?

Google's Latest Launch: Its Own Trading Floor - BusinessWeek

8 dumb insider-trading schemes - Bonnie Hoxie and Yonni Sebbag (1) - FORTUNE

America's sheeple: Driven by emotion

Planes that fly in commercial airspace must get GPS - USATODAY.com

Crop circle season arrives with a mathematical message - This Britain, UK - The Independent

Magic numbers: A meeting of mathemagical tricksters - physics-math - 24 May 2010 - New Scientist

Fox host Van Susteren asks blog readers to gauge her intelligence - Yahoo! News

AFP: Shark attacks spike on new moons, Sundays: study

The Five Greatest Songs of All-Time - The Early Show - CBS News

Adventurer crosses English Channel using helium balloons - Telegraph

American minute

*American Minute for May 30th:William J Federer's American Minute


video:Supreme Court: More faithful than the church?

video:Heaven, hell more important than 'whatever, dude'

political video

*30th/Politics VideoRep. Issa: Sestak Job Offer "Clearly A Crime"

Jindal To Obama: "For Us, It's Trust But Verify"

Rep. Gutierrez, Hayworth Debate Immigration Reform

TIME's Joe Klein: Oil Spill Is "Bush's Second Katrina"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Joe Sestak Controversy

IL-Sen: Kirk Falsely Claims He Was "Navy's Intelligence Officer Of The Year" In 1998

Rep. Markey: "I Have No Confidence Whatsoever In BP"

WH Energy Adviser Browner: Spill "Biggest Environmental Disaster"

BP's Dudley On Amount Of Oil In Ocean: "We Honestly Do Not Know"

Brooks & Dionne On What The President Can Do About Oil Spill

"This Week" Roundtable On Offer Made To Sestak

Colin Powell On the Departure Of U.S. Combat in Iraq

Admiral Mike Mullen On Repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"


*29th/CA-Sen: Fiorina Attacks Campbell In New Ad

Obama Weekly Address On Honoring The Fallen

Krauthammer: WH Statement On Sestak "Lawyerly" And "Deceptive"

GOP Weekly Address On America Speaking Out

Olbermann: This Isn't Obama's Katrina

Grand Isle Mayor On Meeting With President


Starving and deluded – yet North Korea is ready for war

Bilderberg 2010 Agenda Leaked

Agenda 21 Alert: Science and Sewage

U.S. Department of Defense Wants Autonomous Robot Army by 2034

China Government Requests Censorship On Foxconn News

Proposed Bill Would Require IDs for Prepaid Cell Phones

Microsoft’s Orwellian tracking system goes public


How the Exxon Valdez Spill Created the Credit Default Swap

Suicide Hit Foxconn to raise workers' wages by 20%, says FT

Japan unveils plans for moon-based HDTV station: Good Luck!

Reading Baby Brains

US ends 'war on drugs' now let's just end war

Update!!: ‘Internet addict’ South Korean couple convicted of abandoning daughter for virtual child

City of Austin approves fusion center, blood draw specialist

Will The USD Be Replaced By The SDR Or The CNY As The Next Reserve Currency?

Bloggers Beware — They’re Coming After You!

Homegrown terrorist threat to be part of National Security Strategy

More Cities on Brink of Bankruptcy

Normal human problems are turned into medical conditions, spiking healthcare costs

Privacy fears mount as “Minority Report” ad targeting grows

80% Favor Auditing the Federal Reserve

U.S. To Plan Pakistan Strike

Israel's Most Illicit Affair

Analysts Question Korea Torpedo Incident

Temple of Man: Freemasonry, Civil Religion, and Education

Masonry, Education and the “Religion of Humanity”

05-30-2010: Crop Circle Season Arrives With A Mathmetical Message

05-30-2010: Cyber Command Claims They Don't Want To Have To Take Over Civilian Internet Security But That They Might Just Have To

05-30-2010: What If We Are All Holograms?

After 40 years, NASA Claims Spacecraft Solves Martian Ice Caps Mystery

05-30-2010: Government Wants to Monitor Networks of All Critical Infrastructure Providers

The Prepper Movement -- a Growing Network Preparing for the World's End

Obama: Life Imprisonment Without Trial

Freedom Watch: Gitmo Suicides Were Actually Homicides?

The U.N. gun grabber: Global Small Arms Treaty threatens your right to self defense

Ron Paul Introduces the Private Option Health Care Act (HR 5444)

Hugh Hendry on Banking Crisis: "I Would Recommend You Panic"

Michigan Considers Law to License Journalists

Bilderberg: The Open Conspiracy

California poised to ban plastic bags

Anti-drugs campaigner Barbara Harris brings crusade to sterilise addicts to UK

Glenn Beck - Bilderberg, Global Government

The Impossibility of "Going Green"

Bush argued in 2004 that the best way to grow the U.S. economy was by waging war, says former Argentine PM Néstor Kirchner

A disgrace of historic proportions

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, When is the Next AIG to Fall? | Marc Faber

DOJ Declares War on Doctors

Presidential power grab: the line-item veto

Marc Faber: 'The Banks Are Gone'

'Civil Rights' and Total War

As Harvard Law Dean, Kagan Did Not Require Study of U.S. Constitutional Law But Did Require Study of International and Foreign Law

'I'm a Marxist:' Dalai Lama

Homegrown terrorist threat to be part of National Security Strategy

Fluoridation and obfuscation

Capitalist Rothschilds

Rothschilds Engineer Fire Sale Of UK Infrastructure To Offshore Corporations

Israel sold billions in arms to apartheid South Africa

Afghanistan: Reading between the lines

Why Did North Korea Do It?

State Department Takes on 'Conspiracy Theories' on Official Web Site

Meg Whitman Rebounds in California Governor Race: Poll

Severed Head of Actor's Alleged Victim Found in Park

BP, Obama Face Clamor to Halt Oil Spill "Crime"

NJ Sailor's Death Gives Rise to Legal Battle

Soldier Widows Caught in Military, Civilian Worlds

Oil Complicates Forecasts on Hurricane Season Eve

Former Ill. Governor Faces Fight of His Life

Radioactive Fish Near Nuclear Plant Said Ordinary

Sweet Home Chicago: Obama Enjoy Sleepover

Mullen Says Kandahar Campaign Will Take Months

Bush Family Celebrates Wedding of Jeb's Youngest

After Another Failure, BP Scrambles to Stem Leak

No Technical Fault in Libya Jet Crash: Investigators

Joint Chief Chairman Critical of Gay Ban Vote

General McChrystal Says Afghan Insurgents Trained in Iran

1,000th GI Killed in Afghan War Was on 2nd Tour

China Coal Mine Blast Kills 17 Near Chenzhou: Report

China Urges Region to Step Back From Korea Clash

Team of Women Escort the Fallen to Their Graves

What Happens When the Dalai Lama Dies?

Obama Says Ongoing Leak of Oil Is 'Enraging'

Military Couples Balance Raising Children, Warfare

Bulgarian Accused of Posing as Dead Ohio Boy

Sandstone Arch at Southern Nevada Park Collapses

Lawyers Offer to Reduce Fees in 9/11 Health Case

Cruising Returns to LA's Historic Van Nuys Blvd.

Musicians Pay Tribute to Dennis Hopper - Spinner

FOXNews.com - Duchess of York Reportedly In Serious Debt

Famous Dennis Hopper Divorce

New Amusement Park in Coney Island, Brooklyn - ABC News

The Associated Press: Clinton-Blair years focus of HBO's 'Relationship'

White House says gulf oil leak may continue until late summer - latimes.com

Thousands in Phoenix protest Arizona's immigration law - Los Angeles Times

Foes and Supporters of New Law Gather in Arizona - NYTimes.com

FOXNews.com - Issa: Explanation of Sestak Deal Is Bad Cover-Up of Crime

Where Did Memorial Day Originate? Many Communities Claim It as Their Own - AOL News

Justice Stevens denies Blagojevich trial delay request - chicagotribune.com

Rand Paul’s eyes wide shut » Viewpoints » The Richmond Register

Rand Paul's Foot-in-Mouth Disease | The Pilot

Media, Farrakhan agents eyeball each other - UPI.com

Reporters with Obama surrounded by Nation of Islam security agents | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Tea Party’s rise could undercut mainstream GOP - The Boston Globe

Glenn Beck: Malia Obama Comments Apology » Right Juris

California: ruined by the supermajority - latimes.com

Obama Honors Jewish Americans at White House Reception - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Premier Wen calls for deepened friendship between China, Japan

Israel rejects U.N. nuclear confab resolution | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Thai prime minister says state of emergency may be lifted - CNN.com

Facebook banned in Bangladesh | Findtut

Small Party Quits Japan's Govt. to Protest US Base Decision | USA | English

Nepal Avoids Crisis With Deal to Extend Parliament - NYTimes.com

NATO Has High Hopes for Afghan Peace Council - NYTimes.com

Jamaica violence: Former prime minister fears indefinite martial law - latimes.com

Kindergarten knife attacker executed in China - CNN.com

The Associated Press: Pakistan: 7 arrested over links to sect attackers

allAfrica.com: Africa: Victims of Rights Violations Turn Their Eyes to Kampala

Darpa’s Beady-Eyed Camera Spots the ‘Non-Cooperative’ | Danger Room | Wired.com

Inside the Air Force’s Secret PsyOps Plane | Danger Room | Wired.com

Darpa’s Super Sniper Scopes in Shooters’ Hands by 2011 | Danger Room | Wired.com

savethemales.ca - Von Braun: Illuminati Plan For E.T. Deception

2010 On Track to Be Deadliest Year for U.S. Forces in Almost Nine-Year-Long Afghanistan War

Sebelius: Rationing Advocate is ‘Absolutely Right Leader At This Time’ to Run Medicare

After Another Failure, BP Scrambles to Stem Leak

BP Exec Says Oil Company Learned From Failures

Ginni Thomas: Democrats Imposing Tyranny

Calif. DA Finds No Crime Around Palin Contract

Paul Opposes Citizenship for Babies of Illegals

Schumer Wants to Slow Exodus of US Call Centers

Radioactive Leak Found, Fixed at Vt. Nuke Plant

Bremer Says Iraq War Badly Planned

Biden’s Prediction: Obama Failed the 'Test'

Obama Presidency on Lifesupport

Rand Paul Sticks to His Principles

YouTube - President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech version 2

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Who Owns the Gold in Ft. Knox? - May 28, 2010

Steve Wynn Takes on Washington - CNBC.com

YouTube - Preparation: Long Term Survival Supplies For Your Home

Campaign For Liberty — The "International Community" Pushes for "Global Coordination"


YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday 5/28/2010 Economic Report on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday 5/28/2010 Economic Report on Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday 5/28/2010 Economic Report on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday 5/28/2010 Economic Report on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday 5/28/2010 Economic Report on Alex Jones Tv 5/5


US Constitution May Be Suspended: War, National Emergency and “Continuity of Government”

GOP: U.S. can't afford to fund health 'entitlement program' for 9/11 rescue workers

Bilderberger Praises Medicare Rationing Advocate

Pro Libertate: "Civil Rights" and Total War

U.S. Stocks, Oil, Euro Tumble; Dow Ends Worst May Since 1940 - Bloomberg.com

SpyTalk - Analysts question Korea torpedo incident

Former Utah Congressman, current Senate Candidate Merrill Cook Questions WTC7

Arizona’s Immigration Law — a good thing?

Energy expert: Nuking oil leak ‘only thing we can do’

Dueling Immigration Rallies in Phoenix « Liveshots

The ECB Blasts Governmental Fear-Based Racketeering, Questions Keynesianism, Believes The Fed’s Powers Are Overestimated

Barack Obama's credibility hits rock bottom after oil spill and Sestak scandal - Telegraph

Republican candidate opposes citizenship for US-born children of illegal immigrants - Telegraph

The Fix - How the Sestak job offer became a big deal

The Backlash Against Climate Scientists - Newsweek

Near-death experiences 'explained': Scientists believe it's the last gasp of a dying brain | Mail Online

“Rise Of The New Right” MSNBC Documentary Cites Alex Jones, Rand Paul As “Extremists”