"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

07 April 2010

7 April '10


YouTube - Ron Paul to Obama: Don't Assassinate American Citizens!


WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON... America’s First Communist President


Disgruntled Democrats join the Tea Party - CNN.com

Psychiatrist's Research Finds You Really Can Feel a Person's Stare - Yahoo! Finance


*MP3 Stream:libertypulse.com


Rep. Ron Paul: Government Obstructs Energy Independence « The Smoking Argus Daily | Investigating the Underbelly of Politics and Government

AfricanCrisis:VERY IMPORTANT: Julius Malema - President Zuma's Secret Agent Visits Mugabe: We will take White Farms in SA...


Afghan president Hamid Karzai 'mental stability' questioned

Barack Obama Has Awakened A Sleeping Nation

Karzai And Obama - Biting The Hand Thats Feeds

Comcast can now legally shut down downloads

Philip Jones - Denmark Was His Undoing

Minding The Cap - Judaism Between Law And Ethics

Media Blackout – Wall Street Journal Hiding Andrew Maguire Revelation Of JP Morgan Chase Gold/Silver Manipulation

More than 50 suspected war criminals living in Britain, says Aegis Trust

Italy sees 130 priests investigated over abuse

'Oriental yeti' discovered in China

Radiation fears lead to curb on CT scans

US-Committed Atrocities In Afghanistan

35 Million On Food Stamps - Case For Immigration Moratorium - Pt 2

The Greek Financial Crisis and the European Timetable

So, We Are Terrorists!

FCC loses key ruling on Internet `neutrality'

Chicken checked for BSE

Barack Obama to limit use of US nuclear weapons

In the world of fashion, grey hair is in – if it isn't natural

ABC News Confirms FBI Investigating Jesters for Child Sex Tourism


*Murdered Former Senator was Working on High-Level Pedophile Expose'


Should Christians Support Israel?


The Continuing Legacy of Lies Generated at Quackwatch by Stephen Barrett

Karzai to lawmakers: 'I might join the Taliban'

Ayurveda out of balance: 93 percent of medicinal plants threatened with extinction

*Illuminati Who's Who Linked to Raelians

America's Nuclear Nazis And The Radiation State


WikiLeaks VIDEO Exposes 2007 'Collateral Murder' In Iraq

Exposed - Is Elie Wiesel The Greatest Fraud Ever?

***Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume

Are America's leaders testing God?

The Perils of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Historic Declaration against Nuclear War

Obama's War - Death To Women And Children

Latest Pedophilia Scandal Rocks The Vatican

Member of Hollie’s Army targets Malcolm Chisholm SMP

'Diana effect' blamed for war weariness

video:Obama's Private Army?


YouTube - Fall of the Republic HQ full length version

YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version


article links:Weekly Southern African Report


Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism


video page:Alex Jones Jesse Ventura Prisonplanet.tv Interview April 6 2010 - 12160.org


YouTube - Analysis of Apache Gunship killing Iraqis Ploughing a field

YouTube - OH-58 Kiowa Helicopter Night Video of Couple

Courthouse News Service:Thanks a Lot, JP Morgan Chase

Machete used in anti-Semitic attack, Ottawa students say

BBC News - Profile: Who are WikiLeaks?

Military can't find its copy of Iraq killing video - World - NZ Herald News

Journalist Groups Demand Apache Massacre Investigation

Satire: World Bank official says change "Trillion" to "Trololo" to Hide Extent of US National Debt -- Signs of the Times News

Cap and Trade: A License Required for your Home - InterNACHI Message Board

Obama’s new nuclear strategy maintains first-strike option - The Globe and Mail

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Goldman Sachs Continues to Receive Enormous Assistance from Taxpayers

Connecting the Dots: Zionist Melodrama, Domestic Terrorism, Papal Bull -- Signs of the Times News

Water Scarcity Promotion Begins?

Greenspan: Government can't fully prevent another crisis - Apr. 7, 2010

Warning Signs: A Thousand Lies

VIDEO: William Engdahl: Covert Economic Warfare: "The Gods of Money"

Who Killed Martin Luther King? by Douglas Valentine


Anarchy in the Streets by Butler Shaffer

David Ignatius - Obama weighs new peace plan for the Middle East

YouTube - Cry for attention in a forgotten town

Oldspapers and the Crisis of the Establishment by Gary North

We have seen evil, and it is us : Pharyngula

Hitler 'wanted to steal' Turin Shroud - Telegraph

The Raw Story | US Treasury Secretary Geithner to visit China


White House won’t deny report saying it approved killing of American without trial | Raw Story

Wall Street’s ‘Code of Silence’ | Sense on Cents

U.S. military goes hungry in Afghanistan

YouTube - Gerald Celente on Russia Today : there is little or no choice in this two headed party system

EclippTV :: Video :: 41 People shot in 50 Hours in Obama's Chicago

EclippTV :: Video :: Donald Bostrom Swedish Journalist on Israeli Organ Harvesting


EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura Delves Deep into the New World Order (1/5)

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura Delves Deep into the New World Order (2/5)

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura Delves Deep into the New World Order (3/5)

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura Delves Deep into the New World Order (4/5)

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura Delves Deep into the New World Order (5/5)


EclippTV :: Video :: Freedom Watch Judge Napolitano - John Collison on Canadian free speech


Soichi Noguchi takes amazing photo of the northern lights from ISS | Mail Online

The United States takes the matter of three-headed babies very seriously. : Information Clearing House - ICH

America: The Grim Truth « America: The Grim Truth

TaxProf Blog: Howie Carr: Why Don't Pro-Tax Taxpayers Pay More Taxes?

Nietzsche on Hardship & Happiness – | Sophrosyne Radical

Fortean Diversions: “Science and the Taboo of Psi” - | Sophrosyne Radical

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff: Alan Greenspan & ABC Challenge

EclippTV :: Video :: Robert Kiyosaki Buy Gold and Silver Protect against Inflation


EclippTV :: Video :: Michael Savage - Obama Taking Us Into European Socialism Part 1/2 - 4-1-10

EclippTV :: Video :: Michael Savage - Obama Taking Us Into European Socialism Part 2/2 - 4-1-10


EclippTV :: Video :: Criminal Cops Shoot Woman In The Face, Then Laugh At Her

Fox “news” continues CBS, ABC, CNN propaganda to attack Iran: today’s CIA Operation Mockingbird

IRS could tap refunds for health insurance penalties | Reuters

Jennifer O'Connell: Catholic Church is A State-Sanctioned Paedophile Ring

OpEdNews - Article: The SCAM behind NAIS - "Our Land: Collateral for the National Debt"

America's future? U.S. cities going bust

Court: FCC has no power to regulate Net neutrality

FCC Loses Key Ruling on Internet `Neutrality' - ABC News

telegraphjournal.com - Climate science is settled - the world is warming | Thomas Mueller - Breaking News, New Brunswick, Canada

Think Progress » ExxonMobil paid no federal income tax in 2009. (Updated)

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Doug Casey: Making Terrorism Your Friend

Catholic Church Delivers Astonishing Pedophilia Rationalization in Geneva | Belief | AlterNet

How Americans are propagandized about Afghanistan - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Indian, US scientists question Big Bang theory- Hindustan Times

Judge dismisses scores of Guantanamo habeas cases | McClatchy

Pro Libertate: We're From the Government; We're Here to "Help" You to Death

Obama Now Seen as Superman


American Monetary Institute (AMI): History of money, monetary reform, public action. 1 of 6

American Monetary Institute (AMI): History of money, monetary reform, public action. 2 of 6

American Monetary Institute (AMI): History of money, monetary reform, public action. 3 of 6

American Monetary Institute (AMI): History of money, monetary reform, public action. 4a of 6

American Monetary Institute (AMI): History of money, monetary reform, public action. 4b of 6

American Monetary Institute (AMI): History of money, monetary reform, public action. 5 of 6


Dr. Martin Luther King assassinated by US government: only trial ruling and family conclusion


You Tube blocks viral spread of powerful Alex Jones’ Wikileaks video; see it here

Iraqi family demands justice for US attack death

*Attack Video Reveals Why Pentagon Wanted To “Destroy” Wikileaks

YouTube - PrisonPlanet Entry - ScanWOW from NWO Solutions featuring Mr Tinkles

PrisonPlanet Entry – ScanWOW from NWO Solutions featuring Mr Tinkles

Targeting Journalists in Iraq is Pentagon Policy

This Is Why They Hate Us

Neo-Cons Defend Massacre Of Iraqi Journalists, Children

The Video The Pentagon Never Wanted The Public To See

Ret. intel officer: US troops violated Rules of Engagement in Reuters shooting

Wikileaks Video Exposes Apache Murders of Journalists, Children In Iraq

Why journalists are vulnerable in Iraq - RT Top Stories

UK Conservatives may reopen probe into Iraq war whistleblower’s death

Tyranny Response Team Engages Gestapo Youth

Former Deputy Defense Minister Says Israel May Be Compelled To Attack Iran’s Nuclear Facilities By November

More “hiding the decline”

IPCC – How not to compare temperatures

CNSNews.com - IRS Launches New Global Program to Target ‘High Wealth Individuals'

Inflation Fears Cut Two Ways at the Fed - WSJ.com

Fed Still Fighting Over Whether The Problem Is Inflation Or Deflation

Santelli: $4 Gas, $150 Oil Coming This Summer

Government and Gasoline

YouTube - Angry crowds storm govt offices outraged by Kyrgyz state policies


*US Military Releases Official Investigation Results Relating To Wikileaks Iraq Massacre Video


*Cops & CPS Seize Child From Parents For Mistrusting Government


Covering Up Civilian Deaths

The need to make sacrifices in exchange for more favorable weather: Does any of this sound familiar?

The B-Cast: Is Michelle Obama ‘Kenya’ Clip a Trap for Conservatives?

Welcome to Obama’s War

“Oh Yeah, Look At All Those Dead Bastards”

Long-Term Unemployment at Post-WWII High

The Infamous “Letter to the Governors”

Philadelphia DA decriminalizes marijuana, but police to continue arrests

Psychiatrists say that being angry is a mental illness

UK MP: Web control bill a sledgehammer to crack small nut

‘Draconian’ digital bill can cut off Internet in fight for copyright

No, There Are NOT More Earthquakes Than Normal

Damage control: Greenpeace removes threats

CNN Weather Guy Chad Myers Accuses Climate Scientists Of Corruption

Volcker: Taxes likely to rise eventually to tame deficit

Actually, The Unemployment Ratio Is 41%

Greenpeace To Global Warming Skeptics: “We Know Where You Live”

Former Fed Mob Boss Calls for VAT and Carbon Taxes

Is the U.S. on its way toward a Debt Disaster?

Killing Baghdad civilians and Reuters journos from the air!

Flashback: Both House and Senate Health Bills Require Microchipping

More Surveillance: Planes, Trains, Automobiles and Buses

The REAL STORY on NYC sifting for human remains from Manny Badillo

BBC News - US military 'trying to retrieve' Iraq killings video

Swine flu: £300m squandered on jabs we didn't need | Mail Online

Backdoor Energy Tax - Investors.com

Fed: Recovery may lose steam - Apr. 6, 2010

Courthouse News Service

National debt seen heading for crisis level

Will fraud lift gold prices to $10,000/ounce? | 03 April 2010 |

Avionews - Agenzia stampa del settore aeronautico, elicotteristico, aerospaziale e della difesa

Man Almost Jailed Over A Penny - News Story - WFTV Orlando

Will jotting down license plates pay the rent? - The Red Tape Chronicles - msnbc.com

US special forces 'tried to cover-up' botched Khataba raid in Afghanistan - Times Online

Nevadans are free to don their arms in the open - Wednesday, April 7, 2010 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

U.S. Approves Targeted Killing of American Cleric - NYTimes.com

Ruling threatens an ‘open’ Internet | Columbus Dispatch Politics

Courthouse News Service

Restore America Declaration Shakes Up Governors Across America | Conspiring Times


**Institute For New Economic Thinking George Soros

*site:Institute for New Economic Thinking | About Us

**Meet The 26 Members Of George Soros's Secret Team To Rewrite Economics :Institute For New Economic Thinking George Soros


YouTube - Ron Paul Discusses America's Moral Decline & Economic Collapse on The Alex Jones Show 1/2

YouTube - Ron Paul Discusses America's Moral Decline & Economic Collapse on The Alex Jones Show 2/2


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 6th With Jesse Ventura


YouTube - Jesse Ventura Delves Deep into the New World Order, Fletcher Prouty & more Pt 1/5

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Delves Deep into the New World Order, Fletcher Prouty & more Pt 3/5

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Delves Deep into the New World Order, Fletcher Prouty & more Pt 4/5

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Delves Deep into the New World Order, Fletcher Prouty & more Pt 5/5


Northern lights captured on camera from Space

04-06-2010: No Criminal Charges Likely in AIG Collapse

04-06-2010: NASA extends space contract with Russia on ISS

04-06-2010: Magnitude 7.8 quake shakes Indonesia's Sumatra

04-06-2010: European Parliament Questioned on Chemtrails

04-06-2010: 100 million Americans question or find fault with the official 9/11 story

04-06-2010: Vatican blasts anti-Catholic 'hate' campaign

04-05-2010: President Ford Approved Warrantless Domestic Surveillance

Moon Rocks Going On Display

04-05-2010: Ranchers Speak Out on Lack of Border Action

Would Microsoft's 'guardian angel' turn our brains to mush?

04-05-2010: CIA can withhold Oklahoma City documents

More Surveillance: Planes, Trains, Automobiles and Buses

Shhh!!!, What If It Was Reported That They Are Spraying Aluminum?

93 percent of medicinal plants threatened with extinction

Goodbye Paper Money: Does It Mean More Ways for the Banks to Screw Us?

IRS Launches New Global Program to Target ‘High Wealth Individuals’

IRS could tap refunds for health insurance penalties

Looting Main Street

I Saw the Crisis Coming. Why Didn’t the Fed?

America is about to undertake 'its biggest transformation in decades'

Rubin and Greenspan to face crisis inquiry

Muslim cleric is 1st U.S. citizen on list of those CIA is allowed to kill

8 tankers supplying oil to NATO forces torched

D.C. Circuit Abruptly Closes Courtroom in Guantanamo Case

Iraq Slaughter Not An Aberration

Collateral Murder

Why There Are No ‘Israelis’ In The Jewish State

Rule by Law or Defiance

"From Export Juggernaut To a Credit Addict"

Probe Reveals Numerous Bogus Claims on Obama Resume

Obama to Limit Use of Nukes But Not Against Iran

The Growing No-Pay Movement

Official Financial Inquiry Committee Hobbled by Infighting, Delays

Big Brother and the Hidden Hand of the "Free Market"

Western Civilization and the Economic Crisis: The Impoverishment of the Middle Class

Great Power Rivalry. China's Role as America's Creditor

Billions of Dollars of Stolen Money; Key Findings on the Wall Street Bank Bailout Tally

Shadow Banking: Going After the Banksters. Then and Now

The US was behind the Rwandan Genocide: Installing a US Protectorate in Central Africa

Obama Embraces Missile Defense in Nuclear Posture Review

The American Workplace: Sweatshop USA

Secrecy Regarding Uganda's Strategic Oil Reserves

The US dollar is vulnerable because of a staggering public debt

Micro Chipping in Animals: Dogs Suffer Cancer After ID Chipping

Obama has chosen the Continuation of Criminal Social Engineering in Iraq

The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution

The Micro Chipping of Americans?

The Opium Wars in Afghanistan

Tensions Mount Between Washington and its Puppet in Kabul

Karzai and Obama: Biting the Hand That Feeds

VIDEOS: LBMA Bullion Market Ponzi Scheme. Financial Manipulation in the Gold and Silver Markets

U.S. Takeover of Haiti: The centerpieces of the US, UN, and World Bank Plan for Haiti are Sweatshops and Tourisim

Imminent Dangers of Stagflation: U.S. Economic Policies Fail to Avert Hyperinflation

The Maoist Insurgency in India

Calm before the Storm? The Dollar versus the Yuan: America and China Engage in a "Currency War"

Impending GMO Contamination of the Food Chain

Obama Gives Key Agriculture Post to Monsanto Man

Crisis of the Global Economy: Trade Conflicts and "Fair Trade"

More Toxic Paper: New Subprime Bonanza in the Housing Market

Financial Manipulation on Wall Street: An Economy run on Smoke and Mirrors

Head of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service: No Loss of Intelligence Since We Stopped Waterboarding

Over $5 bln Arms Contracts with Venezuela in the Works - Putin

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: Can We Achieve a World Without Wars

Washington promotes Arms Race between Colombia and Venezuela

Glenn Greenwald: N.Y. Times, Weekly Standard join in a falsehood

Glenn Greenwald: Iraq slaughter not an aberration

Military Massacre of Pregnant Afghan Women Covered Up as ‘Honor Killings’

Mainstream media ignores Wikileaks video

Targeting Journalists in Iraq is Pentagon Policy

Flashback: Soldiers taunt crippled dog in Iraq

Flashback: US Soldier Throws Puppy Off Cliff

Flashback: British Soldiers Abuse Innocent Iraqi Children As Cameraman Channels Satan

WikiLeaks editor on Apache combat video: No excuse for US killing civilians

Alex Jones Covers the WikiLeaks Pentagon Snuff Video

Julian Assange on AlJazeera: Video of US attack in Iraq 'genuine'


YouTube - Alex Covers Wikileakd Video: A Culture of Psychopathic Abuse in Iraq on The Alex Jones Show 1/4

YouTube - Alex Covers Wikileakd Video: A Culture of Psychopathic Abuse in Iraq on The Alex Jones Show 2/4

YouTube - Alex Covers Wikileakd Video: A Culture of Psychopathic Abuse in Iraq on The Alex Jones Show 3/4

YouTube - Alex Covers Wikileakd Video: A Culture of Psychopathic Abuse in Iraq on The Alex Jones Show 4/4


US government official: JFK cover-up, film fabrication

ASSASSINATION RESEARCH / Vol. 6 No. 1 © Copyright 2009 James DiEugenio Review of Virtual JFK: Vietnam if Kennedy Had Lived Part I

ASSASSINATION RESEARCH / Vol. 6 No. 1 © Copyright 2009 James DiEugenio Review of Virtual JFK: Vietnam if Kennedy Had Lived Part II

Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman, and Bugliosi’s Bungle: A Comprehensive Review of Reclaiming History Part V–1:

ASSASSINATION RESEARCH / Vol. 6 No. 1 © Copyright 2009 James DiEugenio Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman, and Bugliosi’s Bungle: A Comprehensive Review of Reclaiming History Part V–2:

Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman, and Bugliosi’s Bungle: A Comprehensive Review of Reclaiming History Part VI:

ASSASSINATION RESEARCH / Vol. 6 No. 1 © Copyright 2009 James DiEugenio Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman, and Bugliosi’s Bungle: A Comprehensive Review of Reclaiming History Part VII:

Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman, and Bugliosi’s Bungle: A Comprehensive Review of Reclaiming History Part VIII:


JFK assassination film hoax

frame by frame:The New Zapruder Film

What Happened on Elm Street?

MURDER IN DEALEY PLAZA: A Critical Mass of Evidence


The Great Zapruder Film Hoax: Deceit and Deception in the Death of JFK

Debating Assassination Educator Ken Rahn

v5n2dieugenio1.pdf (application/pdf Object)

From Truth to Justice: A Road Less Traveled

The “Lone Nutter” Refutation


MRS. PAINE'S GARAGE: A Work of Deception From Beginning to End

GREGORY DOUGLAS and REGICIDE: Both Fascinating and Frustrating

REGICIDE: Are We Closing in on the Whole Truth about JFK?*

Editor's Preface / Ira David Wood III Editor's Preface

THE ZAPRUDER FILM: Recent Research and Legal Issues

Reclaiming History: A Closed Mind Perpetrating a Fraud on the Public

MORTAL ERROR: Did a Secret Service Agent Accidentally Shoot JFK in the Head?


Did Oswald Shoot Tippit?*

Did Attempts to Kill Castro Backfire on JFK?*


Altering the Zapruder Film


Case Closed: Stampede of the Apologists

Zapruder Film Civil Suit Filed

The Silence of the Historians*

The JFK Autopsy Materials: Twenty Conclusions after Nine Visits

Reclaiming History by Vincent Bugliosi: A Not-Entirely-Positive Review

JFK: Inside the Target Car (Discovery Channel): Another Attempted Re-enactment




The Zapruder Film: “No” to Copyright Protection

All the News that Wasn't "Fit to Print" in THE NEW YORK TIMES*

Introduction to the Ballistics Evidence

Critique of the Simmons Testimony

A Lawyer’s Notes on the Warren Commission Report*


A Prolegomenon to a General Theory of Assassination

Assassination Discourse and Political Power: The Death of Alexander Litvinenko

Personal Reflections Ira David Wood III


NOVEMBER 22, 1963 (Friday)

ZAPRUDER COPYRIGHT ISSUES / The Bernard Geis Lawsuit Time Inc. v. Bernard Geis

*Assassination Research - index*

Gus Russo Marches On or Rust Never Sleeps


YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses Wikileaks Video of Nazi-Like Atrocities in Iraq on The Alex Jones Show 1/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses Wikileaks Video of Nazi-Like Atrocities in Iraq on The Alex Jones Show 2/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses Wikileaks Video of Nazi-Like Atrocities in Iraq on The Alex Jones Show 3/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses Wikileaks Video of Nazi-Like Atrocities in Iraq on The Alex Jones Show 4/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses Wikileaks Video of Nazi-Like Atrocities in Iraq on The Alex Jones Show 5/5


Collateral Murder: Wikileaks releases classified video of US military killing Reuters journalists

A Price Control By Any Other Name Is Still A Price Control

Armenia’s stand: Justice at home, justice abroad


YouTube - REALITY REPORT #39 - DHS Super Fortress, UN Gun Grab, Biocards to Work, Obama's Home

YouTube - REALITY REPORT - UN Gun Grab Coming?

ObamaCare Could be Used to Ban Guns in Home Self-Defense « Dprogram.net

YouTube - The Cashless Society - Alex Jones on Economics 101

The Reece Committee: Social Science as a Tool for Control

National Polls Shatter Myth Of Tea Party As Right Wing Fringe Group

Advancing the Transatlantic Agenda

The Great College Hoax

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

video:IBM: The Internet of Things

Obama White House Just As Reluctant as Bush White House to Share Intelligence With Congress, Says Former CIA Director Who Served Under Both

‘Islamic Radicalism’ Phrase to Be Removed from Obama’s National Security Documents

HHS Secretary Says State AGs Are Challenging Health Care Law to Further Their Political Careers

White House Misses Deadline on GOP Inquiry About Sestak Scandal, Call for Special Prosecutor Likely

Obama Administration Won’t Say How it Will Pay for Federal Same-Sex Benefits

Missile Defense Issue Remains A Sticking Point in U.S.-Russia Arms-Reduction Pact

D.C. Leader Calls on Illegal Immigrants to Fill Out Census for Taxpayer-Funded Resources

Census Ads Seek to Boost Minority Participation

Obama Administration Okays Targeted Killing of U.S.-Born Radical Muslim Cleric

Indian Government Vows to Continue Offensive After Deadly Attack by Outlawed Communists

Gunmen Attack Mexican Army Barracks

Republicans Step Up Opposition to Liberal Nominee for Appeals Court

White House Takes Swipe at RNC’s Steele for ‘Silly Comment’ on Race and Obama

Justice Dept. Included Non-Terrorists on List Supporting Obama’s Claim That Hundreds of Terrorists Have Been Convicted in Civilian Court

O’Connor: Court Needs More Protestants, Women and Non-Judges

Obama-Backed Financial Reform Bill Would Create New Bureaucracy with Power to Subpoena ‘Any Data’ from ‘Any Financial Company’

Alabama Dental Spat May Foreshadow Effects of Democrats’ Health Care Law

Funerals and Grief in Baghdad, As Spate of Bombings Kills 54 People

Crewman Waited 66 Years for Heroism to Be Acknowledged

More Than 250 Criminals Convicted of Violent Crimes Freed From California Prisons -- Including Sex Offenders

Alan Greenspan Defends His Record Before Panel Probing the Financial Crisis

Voters in Small Colorado Town Tax Medical Marijuana Before It Arrives

European Satellite Will Monitor Ice for Signs of ‘Climate Change’

California Considers Repealing Law to Study, Cure Homosexuals

Court Denies Food Stamps to Man's Service Dog

Census Bureau Urges Same-Sex Couples to Be Counted, ‘Married’ or Not

Hannity’s Right: Obama Is a Socialist

The Media’s Vatican Coup

True Confessions from America’s Census Workers

Anti-Catholicism and the New York Times

How to Alienate Allies and Flatter Foes

Denali Projects Alaska Gas Pipeline Cost at $35B

Solar-Powered Plane Soars Above Switzerland

4 Children, 1 Adult Die in Ky. Mobile Home Fire

Brown Says Would Overhaul UK Political System

Earthquake Activity Lessens Below Alaska Volcano

Author Details How Rainbow Trout Conquered the World

Ex-Governor Launches Rematch Race for Md. Office

Colo. Judge Fired Over Teen Arrest for Overdue DVD

Center Aims to Revive Lost Yiddish Culture Online

Troops Fire on Kyrgyz Anti-Government Protests, Many Killed

Lady Gaga, Scouting for Girls Top UK Charts Midweek

Frenchman Who Helped Rescue Toddler in NYC Found

Scandal Spreads: Norway Bishop Admitted Abuse

No Signs of Life Heard in West Virginia Mine

Tip System Allows Somalis to Report Crime Online

16-Year-Old Boy Accuses Mother of Facebook Slander

Iran's President Attacks Obama on Nuclear "Threat"

American in Terror Case Expected in Pa. Court

Afghanistan Plays Down Karzai's Anti-West Remarks

Obama's Next-Door Neighbor in Chicago Sells House

Sister: Man in Murray Threat Wasn't an Intimidator

Alaska Man Who Fed Wild Bears Pleads Guilty

Biodynamic Farmers Connect to Earth's Rhythms

Party Over: Santa Barbara to Sink Floatopia

Nepal's "Living Goddess" Eyes Banking Career

Australian Man Mauled in Rare Attack by Wombat

U.S. Parents Worst Behaved at Kids' Sports

Ex-Newark Mayor James Leaves Prison, Back in NJ

AZ, NV to Join Suit Over Federal Health Care Bill

Report: English Language Learners Making Gains

Ohioan Sentenced for Striking Kids in Walmart

Gaffney: Obama Nuclear Plan Takes 'Dangerous' Risks With U.S. Security

Giuliani: Obama's Nuclear Plan 'Left-Wing Dream'

Gates: New Nuke Policy Focuses on Iran, NKorea

Troops Question Impact If Gay Ban Is Lifted

Obama Calls Nuke Terrorism the Top Threat to U.S.

Iran Ridicules Obama's Nuclear Strategy

Obama: No Nukes, Even in Self-Defense

Greenspan Denies He Caused Financial Crisis

Dick Morris: Immigration Reform Dead

O'Connor: More Justices May Skip State of Union

Holder Blasted for Stalling Voting Rights Probe

Scarborough Defends Kerik, Giuliani

Conservative Coburn Tweaks Fox, Praises Pelosi

Oprah to Interview John Edwards' Mistress

Angry Obama May Cancel Karzai Visit

Coburn Threatens to Block All Spending Bills

Va. Brings Back Confederate Month After 8 Years

Gomez Introduced As Next Leader of LA Archdiocese

GOP's Foley Leads Lamont in Connecticut

Sen. Specter Trails in Latest Poll

Chamber of Commerce Endorses McCain

Ahmadinejad Calls Obama 'Inexperienced Amateur'

Japanese Astronaut Gets Designer Space Suit

Putin Marks Polish World War II Massacre

Analyst Daryl Jones: Inflation Is Roaring Back

Roubini: Emerging Markets to Overtake U.S.

Eat Eggs at Breakfast to Cut Daily Calories

The line of doom

Market Skeptics: Gold Manipulation OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED


YouTube - Alex Detail Cops & CPS Seizing Barry & Candi Cooper's 7 year old Kid on Alex Jones Tv 1/3

YouTube - Alex Detail Cops & CPS Seizing Barry & Candi Cooper's 7 year old Kid on Alex Jones Tv 2/3

YouTube - Alex Detail Cops & CPS Seizing Barry & Candi Cooper's 7 year old Kid on Alex Jones Tv 3/3


What does it mean to be Middle Class in 2010? – No College Degree, Massive Amounts of Debt, One Health Crisis from Bankruptcy, and Beholden to the Banking Elite.

America’s Nuclear Nazis And The Radiation State « NWO Observer

Newsmax - Obamacare Financially Unsustainable

Newsmax - Newsmax.com - Blogs

Newsmax - Conservatives Must Flood Primaries

Newsmax - Obama's Nanny State Interfering With My Life

Newsmax - The IRS Has Lost Its Moral Sense

Gingrich and the nonexistent 16,000 new IRS agents: Republicans planning yet another attack based on a lie

John Boehner's War on Women

Fox Useful 'Democrats' Caddell And Schoen Attack Obama on New Nuclear Policy

GOP congressional candidate Allen West tells Tea Partiers: "make the fellow scared to come out of his house"

Ed Schultz Takes on Erick Erickson for His Hate Filled Rhetoric

Rachel Maddow: 'Maverick' McCain Victim of His Own Hype

Another day and another Catholic child abusing priest story

Um, has anyone noticed that Glenn Beck is getting even more paranoid than usual these days?

A 64-year-old man charged with threatening to kill Sen. Patty Murray

Star Petition Group: Mark Jacoby up to his old tricks in California

Glenn Beck Compares Himself to Civil Rights Leader Rosa Parks and Gandhi

Karzai sends love note to the Taliban. Galbraith mentions drugs.

Death, Lies and Videotape

Constance McMillen is an American Hero, but not her f*&king Town

Massey Energy & Don Blankenship: Million-dollar Tea Party sponsors

Karl Rove Tries to Make Up for Bachmann and Co.'s Fear Mongering by Appearing in Census PSA

On Hannity, WND editor says Obama's leading a "socialist coup," Bob Beckel calls him "worse than Joe McCarthy"

Dylan Ratigan Show Panel Discuss WikiLeaks' "Collateral Murder" Video and Implications for Rules of Engagement

TYT: Memphis Tea Partier Thinks Rep. Steve Cohen Calling Them Out for Hate Speech Equals Hate Speech

The RNC's Michael Steele plays the race card against the GOP

Countering right-wingers' historical revisionism: The Top 12 things the progressive movement has given America

John McCain rewrites himself: "I never considered myself a maverick"

flashback:A Word Or Two From John L. Lewis About Mine Safety In 1952 | Newstalgia

'Helped' to Death by William Norman Grigg

Summers to the US Economy: Bang, Zoom, Straight to the Moon! by Bill Bonner

Not Just a Bad Batch, But a Bad Idea by Ralph Cinque

Obama will now have his private army

How to shed middle-age spread | Mail Online

Sunday, Bloody Sunday by Jim Quinn

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Senior SEC Employee Warns of Potential Municipal Bond Market Collapse

Warning Signs: A Thousand Lies

Letter Re: G.O.O.D. Vehicle Preparation and Maintenance--Is Your Vehicle Up to the Task?, by Barry B. - SurvivalBlog.com

The four-phase transformation of America behind Obama’s wildly racing clock

Obama’s Incremental Surrender

The States Must Rise Again: The Only Way to Combat Obama’s Socialist Agenda

The Real Price of Change

Nuclear Statement Puts Politics before Security

Obama Raises White Flag Over America

President Obama’s plea for a world without nuclear weapons

To Defeat Obama Care We Will Need More Home Grown Talent - But It Is Out There

‘American Idol’ Recap: Casey James, The Beatles And A Didgeridoo » MTV Newsroom

Scrabbling for answers on game change :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mark Brown

Adam Lambert to Mentor "American Idol" Finalists - ABC News

Dancing With the Stars steps on Idol's toes - Idol Chatter: American Idol News, Rumors, & Information

J.K. Rowling Open To Writing More Harry Potter Books In 10 Years - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Bristol Palin Tries to Raise Awareness About Teenage Pregnancy - ABC News

General Election 2010: Gordon Brown promises fixed-term parliaments - Telegraph

India Says No Quick Results in Anti-Maoist Offensive | Asia | English

Channel NewsAsia - ASEAN to boost use of local currencies in trade - channelnewsasia.com

N. Korea: American sentenced to 8 years - CNN.com

BBC News - Airport worker: 'They were insisting he was asleep'

The Catholics Aren't the Jews, They're the Soviets | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

Virginia governor: Is it so wrong to love the Old South? / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Palin, Bachmann to headline at Minn. Republican Party rally

Former Cherokee Chief Dies - WSJ.com

FOXNews.com - NYC Tourist Who Vanished After Saving Toddler's Life Comes Forward

'Twitterstorm' of haikus hits Glenn Beck's Twitter account - USATODAY.com


***FOXNews.com - Freaky Physics Proves Parallel Universes Exist


The Rape of America

Laff It Up, Tax-Lovers

Obama's Nuclear Poser Review

Russia Moving Fast Before 'Arms Control' with U.S.

Change the Conversation on Education

Pelosi and Her Peeps

Obama's ball tossing a metaphor for his presidency

Dan Quayle's words of wisdom to the tea party movement

GOP prospects in the senate continue to brighten

Is Obama Making the MSM Obsolete?

A Sanction Against Iran That Might Work

Embrace the label - 'The Party of No'

Public favors energy production over environment for the first time

Obama to propose new Middle East peace plan

Obama and the Guerilla Billboards

An Islamofascist Reading List for President Obama

Obama's credibility crisis

Obama's List

Was the Arctic Ice Cap 'Adjusted'?

The Perfect Constitutional Storm

Does Anybody Really Understand ObamaCare?

Banking 'Reform'

Searching for Core Beliefs

Who Will Be Your Health Care Provider?

The Empty Vessel President

*Even Obama's Fans Notice He's a Phony In How He Writes, Talks, and Even Walks | NewsBusters.org

Gwen Ifill reviews David Remnick's biography of Barack Obama, 'The Bridge' - washingtonpost.com


*site:Conference Responce Fund

Statement of the Scientific Organizing Committee

*site:Planetary Skin


“Planetary Skin” Tool Aims to Improve Response to Climate Change

flashback:The Planetary Skin - The 50 Best Inventions of 2009 - TIME

*Our Global Neighborhood ; Report of the Commission on Global Governance

What else will it take to bear witness to the Truth?

Leaked Video Shows the True Horrors of a Brutal Occupation

On the edge: Clues to Steele's future

He packed his bags, pre-flight

Poll: Bush still blamed for economy

Dems mock Palin, Bachmann

Back to back-to-back conventions

Palin, Oprah: Politics and celebrity

Report criticizes archives on security

Dems' special-election scramble

Sebelius promises 'help desk'


#video:Caught on Video: Cops Arrest Two Women for Detroit Bus Fight

Scores Die as Police in Kyrgyzstan Fire on Protesters

‘Social Justice’ Fans Launch Haiku Twitterstorm Against Glenn Beck

‘Insulting!’: Head of Liberal ‘Conflict Resolution’ Group Goes Ballistic During Fox News Interview

Sen. Coburn’s Comments on Pelosi & Fox News Stun Olbermann

‘Engage’: Rush Praises Listener’s Call to Action

MSNBC’s Matthews: Obama & Left-Wing Bloggers Are Failing to Sell ‘Social State’

Krauthammer: Obama’s New Nuclear Policy Is ‘Either Insane or Ridiculous’

‘Super Star Avenue’: Chinese Boy Wows TV Show Judges With Uncanny Whitney Houston Cover

‘I’ll Donate the Lead’: WA Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill US Senator

The B-Cast: Is Michelle Obama ‘Kenya’ Clip a Trap for Conservatives?

Latin American ‘Fishing Trips’ May Really Be Child Sex Rings

‘The Obama Sphere’ Tracks Obama’s ‘Flip Flops, Lies and Videotape’

Bank Manager Fails to Notice Robber Has Locked Workers in Vault

Sebelius: ObamaCare Lawsuits Are About GOP Careers Not Constitution

‘He’s Very Effective’: Coulter Defends RNC Chairman Steele

Costly Rescue Reaches Dutch ‘Lord of the Rings’ Fan Stuck on ‘Mt. Doom’

Conservative GOP Senator Defends Pelosi & Knocks Fox News

Reid: ‘With Rare Exception’ Everybody Realizes ObamaCare Is ‘Terrific’

British Soccer Commentator Is Stunned to Learn He Missed Red Card Moment

Shirley Halperin on \'American Idol\'

Taste of Vail


Victoria Jackson’s Back and the Tea Party Express’s Got Her

‘Cominsky Park?’ Enough Is Enough: Let the Impeachment Process Begin!

Tracking ACORN’s Rebranding Process: A Handy Updated Guide

NewsBusted: How Low Are Obama’s Job Approval Numbers?

Overnight Thread: Does Comintern + Alinsky = ‘Cominsky?’

Obama Swings And Misses When Asked To Name Favorite White Sox: What Does That Tell You?

White House Jumps On the ‘Intimidate Erickson’ Bandwagon

Honoring the Military Aboard the ‘Tea Party Express’

Prez Throws Like Girl, Not Koufax, Media Cheers Anyway

Media Yawns, Ignores Worldwide Plight of Religious Persecution by Muslims

World’s Greatest Everything Winds Up, Misses Plate By a Mile

Muslim Students Declare Trinity University’s ‘Year Of Our Lord’ Must Go

Who Are Those Pesky Tea Partiers, Anyway — Oops, They Is Us

A Horse Is a Horse, Of Course — Unless, Of Course, He’s a Horse’s… Unless He’s the Famous Mr. Ed…

GOP Will Win House and Senate

Gasbag-in-Chief: Obama’s Long-Winded Answers Will Wilt Far More Opponents Than Nuclear Weapons Ever Will

Has the Republican National Committee Ever Fired its Chairman? You betcha!

Court to FCC: There are Limits to Your Power

Debt Crisis In Paradise

Erick Erickson: The Left’s Newest Target for Silencing

For First Time, Energy Trumps Hippies

Court Delivers Blow to FCC in Ruling

The Black Guy in Chief

Smear Campaigns: How We Can Fight Back

RNC National Committeeman Resigns

Coming Soon: ‘USPIGS’

Who Is That Masked Man?: Tea Party Bus Driver Positively IDs Egg Throwing Culprit

Jobless Numbers Show Minorities Crushed by Team Obama Policies

SUCKER PUNCH SQUAD: Unsubtle ‘Wall Street 2′ Features Bill Maher Cameo, Trashes Fox News

INTRODUCING: Big Hollywood Goes ‘Auntie Hollywood’

Daily Gut: A Country Full of Racists

REVIEW: Enviro-Thriller ‘Birdemic: Shock and Terror’ — So Bad It’s, Well, Bad

My Pitch For a Youth-Driven Reality Show: ‘The National Guard’

‘Hollywood Executive’ Responds to Sucker Punch Squad

Jon David’s ‘American Heart’


Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 1

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 2

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 3

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 4

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 5


David Freddoso: Five things we learned about Obamacare after it passed | Washington Examiner

IRS chief: Buy health insurance or lose your tax refund | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Muslim Congressman in Gaza, Tweets ‘Disaster Stories’ Back Home - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Jessica's Law means sex offenders roam streets

Drug lab scandal could undermine murder case

FOXNews.com - Republicans Slam Obama Judicial Nominee Over 117 Omissions From Record

Reid kicks off re-election campaign in Searchlight - News - ReviewJournal.com

Democrats' special-election scramble - Alex Isenstadt and Josh Kraushaar - POLITICO.com

Christian nurse who refused to remove crucifix loses tribunal - Telegraph

U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez appeals to N.J. Supreme Court to stop recall effort | - NJ.com

Issa aims to unmask health care deals - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

Maoists kill 75 police in central India attack | Reuters

Housing protest leads to takeover of duplex

Family of Long Island Holocaust survivor Riven Flamenbaum allowed to keep $10M Assyrian artifact - NYPOST.com

Local News | Math lessons in Mandarin? Local schools go global | Seattle Times Newspaper

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

FOXNews.com - Freaky Physics Proves Parallel Universes Exist

WikiLeaks video: Reuters journalists and civilians gunned down by US pilots | Mail Online

Eurocrats want to spend £1.1m on changing the English Channel's name to 'Le Pond' | Mail Online

Wealthy landowners make millions in the wind rush - Times Online


WH Adviser: US May Need to Consider European-Style Value-Added Tax

Gingrich: Obama’s ‘Fantasy’ Foreign Policy ‘Could Get an Awful Lot of People Killed’

Rep. Wasserman Schultz Faces Lively Town Hall Crowd

Afghan President Karzai’s Mental Stability Questioned

Dem: Public Support in Afghanistan ‘Very Weak and Shaky’

‘Le Whif’: Coffee Inhaler Offers Dry Caffeine Hit

Senegal’s Scantily Clad Mega-Statue Draws Knocks

‘Flip-Flop Five’: GOP Targets Lawmakers Who Switched Votes on ObamaCare

Florida Doctor: ‘If You Voted for Obama…Seek Care Elsewhere’

Update: Florida Doc Explains ObamaCare Warning to His Patients

WSJ’s Henninger: Would the Founders Love ObamaCare?

Rep. Hare (D-IL) on ObamaCare: ‘I Don’t Worry About the Constitution’

‘I Don’t Worry About the Constitution’: Illinois Democrat Explains What He Meant

What Parts of Health Reform Take Effect Before 2014?

Small Business Owners Fund Anti-Obama Billboards

Federal Government Seeking Maximum $16M Penalty Against Toyota

Writer: If Bullock Can Convince Me I’m Wrong on Sex Tapes, I’ll Retract

Shock Viral Hit: Singer Erykah Badu Strips Naked at JFK Assassination Site in New Music Video

Dallas Police Cite Singer With Disorderly Conduct for Naked Music Video

Erykah Badu Defends Her ‘Butt-Naked Truth’ at JFK Assassination Site

Harsh Words Erupt Over Catholic Church Crisis

Catholic League Head: ‘Most of the Molesters Have Been Gay’

The B-Cast B-Side: Conservative Senator Defends Pelosi

The B-Cast B-Side: Obama Give a Looooooong Answer

The B-Cast: Guam-Concerned Congressman Faces Fiesty Challenger


South Africa: police use barbed wire to separate whites and blacks - Telegraph

Barack Obama Has Awakened A Sleeping Nation

Washington's Blog:Proof that Regulators Knew of and Allowed Debt-Hiding Accounting Tricks Like Lehman's Repo 105

The Raw Story | US says Iran should 'look in mirror' on disarmament

Fiddling those smoking figures again - Telegraph

Climate Change Fraud - Senators Question Flawed NASA Climate Data

Climate Catastrophe: A Superstorm for Global Warming Research - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Reversing Israel’s faux legitimacy > Palestine > Redress Information & Analysis

Was Israel ever legitimate? > Palestine > Redress Information & Analysis

William F. Pepper Talk on "An Act of State", San Francisco, 2/4/03

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente on the Regular Guys Show Atlanta 1st April 2010

EclippTV :: Video :: CIA Whistleblower talks about Heart Attack gun

Tea Partiers: Obama’s a Muslim because he takes his shoes off | Raw Story

MSNBC to Run McVeigh Propaganda Myth on Anniversary of OK City Bombing « Dprogram.net

The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing


Transcripts:4/6:Obama's Remarks at the Easter Prayer Breakfast

*4/4:Interview with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

Roundtable on the Economy

Interviews with Sens. Rockefeller & Klobuchar


Politics Video:4/7:NV-Sen: Sue Lowden Goes "On The Record"

Rep. Cummings On Jobs And Fiscal Responsibility

Sen. Kaufman On Trouble With Afghanistan's Karzai

Gingrich: Obama "Potentially Most Dangerous" President Ever

Monica Crowley: Obama Is A Radical Progressive

GOP Senator Bashes FOX News, Praises Nancy Pelosi

MD-Gov: Ehrlich Hopes To Regain Governor's Office

Jake Tapper On Obama's Nuke Restrictions

CA-Gov: Meg Whitman (R) Donates $20 Million To Her Campaign

NV Gov. Gibbons Seeking Outside Help Over Health Care Lawsuit

Maddow: Right-Wing Threats Of Violence Intensify

Countdown: Obama's Nuclear Posture Puts Pressure On Iran, Israel

O'Reilly: Far Left "Nuttiness" On Display In Opposition To Drone Program

*4/6:Maddow: Obama Changes Conditions Of Nuclear Weapons Use

Krauthammer: Obama's Nuclear Defense Policy "Insane Or Ridiculous"

Maddow: Searching For Details In Mine Explosion

Countdown: Tiger Woods Takes Questions

Maddow: Civilian Deaths Hurt Afghan War Effort

Maddow: McCain Says He's No Maverick

Countdown: Steele Hides Behind Race

Brit Hume: Health Care Concerns Still Strong?

Giuliani Spars With Huffington Over His Record

Dem Congresswoman Called Liar, Booed At Town Hall

Krauthammer: Obama Needed To Raise Taxes To Ensure Political Victory

Obama Can't Name A White Sox Player

Countdown: "Party Of No" Hurting America

Sen. Reid: "We Changed America Forever" With Health Bill

Countdown: Inane Doctor Refusing Care To Obama Supporters

"You Betcha": Sen. Reid Mocks Sarah Palin At Campaign Rally

Maddow: GOP's Pre-emptive Outrage Over Supreme Court Nomination

Special Report Panel On Job Growth

Ken Blackwell On Michael Steele: "There Is A Pattern Of Missteps, Miscues and Misstatements"

Worst People In The World

Maddow: Mine Rescues Especially Perilous

Remnick On The Rise Of Obama

Krauthammer: Oil Prices Will Squeeze Economy

Maddow: Michael Steele's Troubles Mount

O'Reilly: The Tea Party And Media Corruption

Countdown: Will Republicans Filibuster Supreme Court Nominee?


RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - RNC Member Resigns In Protest

Will the health care reform law last after 2010 election? / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Roger's Rules » Obama, Kipling, and the Bomb

Bringing The Heat | The New Republic

Wealth for the Common Good

Is Frank Rich the Only Non-Racist Left in America? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Joe Biden: The administration's comprehensive nuclear strategy - latimes.com

The bad-nukes myth - NYPOST.com

How revolutionary is Obama's nuclear posture? - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine

Saving States from Themselves - Business - The Atlantic

The American Spectator : Out of Control

Van Hollen: 2010 Won't Be Like 1994 - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com

Economic Scene - To Cut Health Costs, U.S. Needs to Learn to Say No - NYTimes.com

The Purposes of Political Combat

RealClearPolitics - Obama Weighs New Peace Plan for Middle East

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Ganguly: India Is Annoyed With Obama - Newsweek.com

RealClearPolitics - Political Implications of the Moscow Terror Bombings

Op-Ed Columnist - Who’s Up for Building Bridges? - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

RealClearPolitics - What Am I?

Oil Reality Check: It's Going Higher - Forbes.com

Naivete can cost lives - BostonHerald.com

Editorial - Mr. Obama’s Nuclear Policy - NYTimes.com

Michael Steele's lame excuse - NYPOST.com

Health care overhaul spawns mass confusion for public | McClatchy

House liberals shift climate change tactics, will not draw 'lines in the sand' - The Hill's E2-Wire

Powell to challenge Rangel in primary - Jessica Taylor - POLITICO.com

Census Bureau sends extra forms to areas with low response rates from 2000

Why doesn't Obama deny he's a socialist?

Understand the nature of evil

Communist leader hails health care as 'historic victory'

EPA chief sees job as activist position?

Immigration radicals claim 'friend' in White House

Sixth state declares domestic guns free of federal regs

More than just tea partiers, a new generation strategizes

Injunction sought to halt Obamacare

Immigration group: Look at Census to round up illegals!

video:God's forgotten 'universal proclamation'

Ananova - Gran, 102, goes back to junior school

Aliens are attacking our sheep, UFO experts claim | The Sun |News


YouTube - Chris Pinto Talks About His New Documentary Film: A Lamp in The Dark on The Alex Jones Show 1/4

YouTube - Chris Pinto Talks About His New Documentary Film: A Lamp in The Dark on The Alex Jones Show 2/4

YouTube - Chris Pinto Talks About His New Documentary Film: A Lamp in The Dark on The Alex Jones Show 3/4

YouTube - Chris Pinto Talks About His New Documentary Film: A Lamp in The Dark on The Alex Jones Show 4/4


*American Minute for April 7th:William J Federer's American Minute


Why doesn't Obama deny he's a socialist?

Time for an amicable separation

Let the shoes fly!

Roberts Court condones censorship of religion

The Constitution is not remarkable

The consequences of admitting ABC link

What am I?

Madison was against a 'Con Con'

Guilty of Sedition? How the Right Is Undermining Our Government's Authority and Capability to Run the Country | News & Politics | AlterNet

Understand the nature of evil

Tom DeWeese -- Bill Clinton's Massive War Chest

Thanks for saving my life, now f*** off!! | Courier Mail

North Korea sentences U.S. man, Aijalon Mahli Gomes, to 8 years hard labor for illegal entry

'Inappropriate' Easter outfit blamed in death | The Columbus Dispatch

Lorain woman facing false alarm charges explains April fools day prank

N.J. McDonald’s assault suspect Rashon East faces 5 years in prison over a Filet-o-Fish sandwich | State | NewJerseyNewsroom.com -- Your State. Your News.

Bethlehem police intoxicated man: Bethlehem police said intoxicated man broke into home he thought was his - mcall.com

Man climbs onto roof, pours water on tenant | tenant, beach, walton - News - Northwest Florida Daily News

An American metropolis where eyes are everywhere - Yahoo! News

Bank manager walks in on robbery, doesn't notice | Weird | News | Toronto Sun

Houston man convicted in $1M adult diaper scam | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Suit: Cherry Hill teacher belittled student with sex nickname | Philadelphia Daily News | 04/03/2010

Rhodes View of Why People Listen to Rush: 'He's on Every Radio Station - They Have No Choice' | NewsBusters.org

MSNBC Suspends David Shuster ‘Indefinitely’ - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com

More Americans Sever U.S. Ties as IRS Gets Tougher - WSJ.com

Kicked out for breastfeeding? A St. Paul mother takes issue with the treatment she got at restaurant - TwinCities.com

Tea partiers vs. Reid supporters: 10,000 to 100

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama weakens 'arsenal of freedom' with nuke plan

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Conservatives smell victory in U.K

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'We trust people, they trust government'

Does your faith free you from forced Obamacare?

Injunction sought to halt Obamacare

Communist leader hails health care as 'historic victory'

Florida says challenge to healthcare reform widens | Reuters

Health care overhaul spawns mass confusion for public | McClatchy

Kupelian on Hannity: Obama staging 'socialist coup'

Illegals bilk taxpayers in $13 million fraud ring

FOXNews.com - Mexican 'Assassin Teams' May Target U.S. Law Enforcement, DHS Warns

Activist Farrow attacks US policy on Sudan

Volcker: Taxes likely to rise eventually to tame deficit | Reuters

More than just tea partiers, a new generation strategizes

Black conservative tea party backers take heat

U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez appeals to N.J. Supreme Court to stop recall effort | - NJ.com

Juneau County District Attorney Scott Southworth urges schools to drop sex ed, fearing criminal charges await teachers | sheboyganpress.com | Sheboygan Press

17-minute answer justified: 'There are complex issues'

Mississippi to vote on 'personhood' definition

Nebraska Abortion Bill Could be the Next Supreme Court Battle - ABC News

President Obama taking shots left and right on nuclear policy shift

Russia reserves opt-out of arms treaty with US - Yahoo! News

Christians, gun owners, seniors would pick this president

FOXNews.com - Republicans Slam Obama Judicial Nominee Over 117 Omissions From Record

Intel Briefs: China putting U.S. carriers in bull's-eye?

Rep. Bart Stupak not ruling out retirement - The Hill's Ballot Box

Democrats' special-election scramble - Alex Isenstadt and Josh Kraushaar - POLITICO.com

Threats of violence overblown, IRS says - Washington Times

Tom Coburn Knocks Fox News, Says Nancy Pelosi is a "Nice Person" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Did Michelle say Barack born in Kenya?

New strategy unveiled to force Obama on eligibility

Officer questioning eligibility faces new threats from Army

Obama critic hit with charges

Eligibility challenger: Don't touch my brain!

Army suggests brain scan for eligibility challenger

Obama critic hit with charges

Upping ante on eligibility


Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-06, Tuesday

April 6, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

04/06 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 04/06/2010