"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

28 April 2010

28 April



YouTube - Apr. 23, 2010 - Arizona SB1070: "Small Riot Breaks Out at Immigration Protest" - part 1\2

YouTube - Apr. 23, 2010 - Arizona SB1070: "Small Riot Breaks Out at Immigration Protest" -part 2\2


Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Schiff: Social Security, Gold Standard, taxes 4/27/10

YouTube - Gordon Brown's Bigoted Woman Gaffe(HQ)

Killer Cocktail: PTSD and Your Local Police by Kelley B. Vlahos -- Antiwar.com

Mexican President Slams New Arizona Immigration Law: 'Opens The Door To Intolerance, Hate'

‘Deep concerns’: Napolitano testifies Arizona immigration law will be reviewed | Raw Story

Now Ohio being pressured into AZ-style immigrant law | Raw Story

YouTube - Censoring The Decrease in Global Temperatures

On the auspicious origins of the modern Olympic Games – | Sophrosyne Radical

YouTube - Glenn Beck Exposes The Global Warming Money Scam

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente: “We Are Seeing a Collapse of an Old System”

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Agenda 21: UN Sustainable Development. Implementation Recently Exposed by Hackers


**Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA( Full Length)


YouTube - Bush at a loss for words on 9/11 foreknowledge question

Charges Filed Against Noah Stern - The Daily Californian

MuzzleWatch » AIPAC- We’ll take over the UC Berkeley student government

Barbara Hollingsworth: Fannie Mae owns patent on residential 'cap and trade' exchange | Washington Examiner


*12160 Topic Spotlight - Underwear Patsy - Staged airline security threat to usher in naked imaging scanners - 12160.org


Government and Banks Complicit in Fraud « Monty Pelerin's World

The Dishonesty of Obama's Keyensian Reform

Liberty 101: I’m With the Government and I am here to Help You (NOT)

FDA Warns Users about Faulty Components in 14 External Defibrillator Models

The Clamour Of The Times

no third solution » Why Did The Police Seize Jason Chen’s Computers?

no third solution » Is Barack Obama Suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Evangelists claim Noah's Ark found

Future Pope’s Role in Abuse Case Was Complex - NYTimes.com

Ancient artifacts revealed as northern ice patches melt

John Paul II Abetted Abuse & Rape of Children?

Possible Supreme Court pick had ties with Goldman Sachs - USATODAY.com

Russia says genetically modified foods are harmful: Voice of Russia

t r u t h o u t | Genetically Modified Crops Go to US High Court


**U.S. National Debt Clock **

**Canada's National Debt Clock**

**Internet Clocks, Counters, and Countdowns

GDC (global debt comparison)/http://buttonwood.economist.com/content/gdc




An illegal bank is the second-largest holder of U.S. treasury securities « Exposing Faux Capitalism

When Will Israel Attack the U.S. — Again?

Hidden toll of US wars: 18 veterans commit suicide daily

Goldman misled clients and nation — and made billions

CIA Director Says Cyber Attack Could Be Next “Pearl Harbor” | Before It's News

The Raw Story | US Supreme Court eyes bar on Monsanto GM alfalfa

t r u t h o u t | The Real War Reporters

BBC News - US considers setting fire to Gulf of Mexico oil leak

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » ALERT! FOOD PRICES SURGE MOST IN 27 YEARS!


*site:Energy Information Administration - EIA

NEWSRevolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Islamic Fascism In America: The Silencing Of South Park

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gold Stocks: Math Today, Magic Tomorrow

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » CNN and SPLC Attempt to Demonize, Blackball Patriots

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Murrah Federal Building Survivor Talks with Alex Jones

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Arizona Immigration Reform: Common Sense or Police State?

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Timothy McVeigh Tapes: A Response

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Southern Poverty Law Center Takes Aim at Camp FEMA & Others


EclippTV :: Video :: Aaron Russo on RFID Chips

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul vs. Stephen Baldwin : Marijuana Legalizing

**911 in Hollywood**

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 1

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 2

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 3

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 4

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 5

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 6

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 7

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 8

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 9

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 10

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 11

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 12

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 13

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 14

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 15

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 16

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 17

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 18

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 19

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 20

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 21

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 22

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 23

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 24

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 25

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 27

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 28

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 29

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 30

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 31


EclippTV • View topic - UFOs Best Evidence Government Cover-up.

EclippTV • View topic - Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians

EclippTV • View topic - Cyberwar, Internet and the Militarization of Civil Society

EclippTV • View topic - Chris Christie Speech Declaring Fiscal Crisis Emergency

EclippTV • View topic - Kissinger in 2008: There will be “Bipartisan” Push for a NWO

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » CNN and SPLC Attempt to Demonize, Blackball Patriots

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Murrah Federal Building Survivor Talks with Alex Jones

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Arizona Immigration Reform: Common Sense or Police State?

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Timothy McVeigh Tapes: A Response

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Southern Poverty Law Center Takes Aim at Camp FEMA & Others

AfricanCrisis:S.Africa: 2010 - Total SHOCKER: 42% of Black youths want to flee SA - only 33% of Whites & Indians want to...

Top secret 'space bomber' has America's enemies scared | News & Politics | News & Comment | The First Post

GM Pays Back TARP Loans With...TARP Loans! - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Stupidity Of Obama's Drill-Drill-Drill Offshore Oil Policy

Goldman on the Defensive Before Senate Panel - NYTimes.com

FOXNews.com - House Joins Senate in Voting to Reject Pay Raise

UPDATE:Whistleblower Helped US To Probe AstraZeneca,Eli Lilly - WSJ.com

Obscure Anti-Supplement Measure Passed By The House!

Natural Health News: House and Senate Ramming Through Secret Bill Add-Ons to Block Supplements

t r u t h o u t | Goldman "Shorted" Mortgages Because World Wouldn't Expect It

Tony Blair, Very Close to being Indicted for War Crimes

Is Obama A Congenital Liar & Sadistic Torturer?

GM Soy Linked To Sterility, Infant Mortality

Who Owns the World » Largest Landowner

savethemales.ca - Raelians Define Illuminati Agenda- Ex Cult Member

THE WASHINGTON TIMES | Stories | Washington Times

Utah lawmaker Stephen Sandstrom to draft immigration bill similar to Arizona's | Deseret News

EDITORIAL: Arizona to Obama: Do your job - Washington Times

Secret papers reveal Senate 'talks' between Obama and Blagojevich - NYPOST.com

The 5 Most Widely Believed WWII Facts (That Are Bullshit) | Cracked.com

KATYN 2. Polish opposition party demands international investigation into plane crash - Kavkazcenter.com

Max Kolonko: The Mystery of Poland's Presidential Plane Crash Deepens

CIA to spend millions on improving spying techniques - Telegraph

Manuel Noriega, ex-Panamanian dictator, sent from Miami to France | World news | The Guardian

Underwater 'safe' protects £5m shipwreck treasures - Telegraph

An unhealthy lifestyle makes you '12 years older' - Telegraph

ALIPAC - Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty Dead For 2010!

savethemales.ca - Is Raelian Cult Signaling Illuminati Intentions?

Crazy On Tap - GM Lies About Paying Back "Loan"!

NYT: Hollywood to actors: No surgery, please - The New York Times

China Opens Missile Plant In Iran

FBI investigates fatal shooting in Memphis by Bartlett police (Tennessee)

Shocking Video Exposes Real Hate Speech - What's Being Thrown at Tea Party

ABC and NBC Champion Growing National Backlash Against Laughing Stock Arizona

USA: Out Nazing Nazis By Beating Up Those Whom Dress Up Like Them?

Calderon: Immigration Law Opens the Door to Hate

Ship Attack Shows South Korean Quandary Over How to Respond to North

Obama Family: Barack Obama Sr Married Anna Toot in Hawaii Their union produced B. Obama Jr.

Donahue Wishes He'd Invented Olbermann's 'Worst Person,' FNC Primetime Never Positive on Obama

Despite Dismissive Media, Palin's 'Death Panels' Resurface in WH Rationing Schemes

What American President Richard Nixon knew about the ANC's plans for Whites in South Africa...

Unemployment Challenges Obama's Economic Narrative

USA: Sickening: Obama bans Christian prayer at the Pentagon - US Military - Christians not welcome - Spineless Billy Graham meets with Obama...

FNC Highlights Media Disinterest in Violence by Pro-Illegal Immigration Protesters

NYT Former Reporter Greenhouse Fires on Arizona's 'Police State,' Makes Nazi Comparison

Rick Sanchez Forwards CAIR's Implication That Opponents of Islam are Nazis

Race-Obsessed Professor Helps Media 'Prove' Tea Partiers Are Racist

US House to vote on Puerto Rico statehood this week

YouTube Video/USA: Alex Jones The Example Of A Modern Fascist The Way Benito Mussolini Was

In New Ft. Hood Report, Old Double Standard: Hypothetical Holy War Worse than Actual Holy War

CBS's Smith to McCain: 'How Are You Going to Dismantle' Financial Institutions?

USA: 'Stop Snitching' Code Helping Gangs Control St. Louis?

USA/Russia: While The West Sleeps: It Seems The KGB May Overtly Return To Power

Nigeria: The Nation's Economy And U.S. Oil Drilling Moves

Joe Scarborough Calls Arizona Immigration Law 'Un-American'

America: Deadly strain of airborne fungus is spreading across the USA...

CBS's Smith: Hispanics See Arizona Law as 'Purely Discriminatory'

Ex-FBI agent gets 30 years in robbery sting (Machine Gun, Silenced Weapons!)

Rep. Senator Grassley: GM Didn't Really Pay US Back

Obama Renews Vow Of New Beginning With Muslims

Cafferty Slams Obama and Dems For Their Response To Arizona Immigration Law

CBS Again Focuses on Victims in Arizona: Many Feel the Sting of Racism in New Law

USA: What A Surprise...Muslim Brotherhood Website Recycles LoonWatch.com's Smear On Sarah Palin

USA/Taiwan: Wonder Wonders Why The Taiwanese Will NEVER Be Independent From Communist China

Cesar Chavez: Longtime foe of illegal immigration [Walter Mondale and Ralph Abernathy too]

MSNBC News Flash: Arizona Law 'Makes it a Crime to be Illegal Immigrant'

Tina Brown Condescends: Sarah Palin 'Pretends' to Care About Politics, Sees Tea Partiers as Customers

Obama Apparently Was a NEW Party Member...

Sudan: Sudan Now Campaign Calls on Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Rice to Make Sudan a Priority and Personally Lead U.S. Policy for Africa?s Largest Country

Ed Schultz's Ongoing Reign of Error Serves up Frequent Unintentional Humor

ALERT! News Outlet to Smear Gun Owners, Militia Groups

YouTube Video/USA: Russia Today Cozies Up With Black Communist And Jailed Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal

USA/Poland/Russia: Anti-Semitic Website American Free Press Promoting Misinformation

Hitchens Boasts About Anti-Papal Stunt in Newsweek; Hints Vatican is Fascist

Matthews Urges James Cameron To Trash 'Dangerous' Global Warming Deniers in 'Right Wing Media'

The Almanac of Al Qaeda: and why its still deadly.

Father Pfleger threatens to murder, snuff out, gun shop owner.

AZ-Sen. 2010: Hate the Law, Not Arizonans (Meghan McCain attacks conservatives as wingnuts)

Chicago Lawmakers: Call In the National Guard

[YouTube] USA: President Obama is linked to Communist Odinga & supports radical Islam, black-on-black genocide, destruction of churches...

Obama seeks to reconnect...young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women for 2010

Fox News Watch Cites Media Research Center Study on Global Warming Coverage

Robert Hicks, Leader in Armed Rights Group, Dies at 81

USA: White people must die... the Left LOVE IT. A White Supremacist is murdered & deserved it, like Eugene Terreblanche did...

USA: Governments Will 'Bankrupt Us': Marc Faber - Cash will be a disaster: ACCUMULATE GOLD - Perhaps even: Civil war in America

AmericanCrisis:*images; Now this is what I call a train set...

Political Memo - Democrats Use Goldman to Push Bank Overhaul - NYTimes.com

Reform will hurt banks | NewsOK.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Olive Oil and Snake Oil - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - Did You Hear the Joke About Goldman Sachs?

Poll: 2010 Midterm Elections: Incumbent Support Lowest Since 1994 - ABC News

Should The Democrats Pursue Immigration Or Climate Change? | The New Republic

Noemie Emery: Media still clueless about Tea Parties | Washington Examiner

Steny Hoyer: Shared Sacrifices Will Solve the Debt Crisis - WSJ.com

The Government Needs to Regain the Public’s Trust - Rep. Mary Bono Mack - POLITICO.com

How Arizona's law will hurt America: Mayor Michael Bloomberg assails the new immigration statute

Opposing view: We're protecting our citizens - USATODAY.com

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Europe in Crisis - Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

RealClearPolitics - Everyone Prospers With Free Trade

Arlen Specter, New Democrat: How Do You Catch a Cloud and Pin It Down?

RealClearPolitics - Meddlers at the Gate

AZ Gov Poll: Illegal Immigrant Law Boosts Brewer - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Immigration Reform's Unclear Path

The Goldman hearings: Grilled squid | The Economist

Goldman and the blame game

EDITORIAL: Deficit panel - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Law is a plea for U.S. action

Senate Democrats to Kill Derivatives Provision Pushed By Berkshire - WSJ.com

Immigration push may help Dems in the West - TheHill.com

Would-be replacements raise for Harry Reid - Manu Raju and John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

Obama energy official has ties to firms that stand to benefit | McClatchy

The Unstoppable Rise of Nick Clegg: Liberal Democrats Could Destroy Britain's Two-Party System - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Ahmadinejad coming to America? | Turtle Bay

Who Speaks for the Palestinians? | The Weekly Standard

Vladimir Kara-Murza: Spotlight on Russia

U.S. image better even as China rises - The China Post

Why China has got it right on the renminbi | The Japan Times Online

A New Chance to Build Kyrgyz Democracy | Opinion | The Moscow Times

Britain Votes and Reality Waits - Project Syndicate

The left-leaning voter's paradox: for a radical change, go the same old way| Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free | The Guardian

WPR Article | Global Insights: NATO Decides to Keep Its Nukes

Greece's crisis, Europe's test | The Japan Times Online

Leading article: David Cameron's cynical moral panic - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

A challenge to Allawi and Iraq’s political process - The National Newspaper

Sudan's elections: No surprises | The Economist

First-Quarter GDP is History; Beware a 2011 Slowdown - Up and Down Wall Street Daily - R. Forsyth - Barrons.com

Is there a bond market bubble? - Apr. 28, 2010

The Danger Of 0% Interest Rates - Forbes.com

Steven Pearlstein - Two planets collide for three hearings on Goldman

No Time Like the Present to Overhaul Wall Street: David Pauly - Bloomberg.com

Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs

Economic Scene - Why Financial Reform Needs a Bank Tax - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - Public Perks Become a Laughing Matter

RealClearMarkets - Last Binge Of A Condemned Congress

Hedge-Fund Bust Will Bear Goldman’s Fingerprints: William Pesek - Bloomberg.com

New Details Emerge in Goldman Case | Emac's Stock Watch

Jim Jubak: Citigroup has survived, but can it compete? - MSN Money

5 Reasons Citibank Will Continue in the Uptrend -- Seeking Alpha

Reduce the Need for Derivatives | Contrarian Musings

Goldman's fall was part of the plan David Weidner's Writing on the Wall - MarketWatch

Cumberland Advisors - Market Commentary

Fed Futures | FX Solutions

Home improvement spending up as remodeling increases - latimes.com

5 key steps to buying your first home, tax credit or no - USATODAY.com

’Debt Like Cancer’ Addressed by Obama Commission on U.S. Debt


Raw Milk Crackdown

Germany, Australia back off of ‘binding’ carbon laws

Royal Dutch Shell profit surges 57%

Former Air Force Intelligence Specialist Claims to Have Bomb and Fake Passport Aboard Trans-Atlantic Flight

Banks Bet Against U.S. Cities, States

Pentagon: Boost Training With Computer-Troop Mind Meld

Military cancels nuclear attack test NLE

Ex-CIA official facing sex charge arrested in Va.

When Empires Join Hands: Japanese Military Joins U.S. And NATO In Horn Of Africa

Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

America Is Losing Its Imperial Status, And Global Institutions Such As The IMF, G20 And BIS Are Filling The Void

Chavez accuses US plane of `electronic warfare'

Remember that ash cloud? It didn't exist, says new evidence

GM Crops Go to US High Court, Environmental Laws on the Line

CIA Director Says Cyber Attack Could Be Next “Pearl Harbor”

Hyperfast Missile to Hit Anywhere in an Hour

Lawsuits Involving Local Police Working For DHS Highlighted By The Identity Project

The Instruments of Worldwide Domination: Obama Administration Spending Billions on New Global Strike Weapons

Cyberwar and Repression: Corporatist Synergy Made in Hell

Lucifer Instrument Helps Astronomers See Through Darkness to Most Distant Observable Objects

More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship

Is the Bank Tax a Major Step Toward World Government?

"Mafianomics": From “Trickle-down Economics” to outright Financial Fraud

Mega-Banks Which Received Bailouts Slashed Lending More, Gave Higher Bonuses, and Reduced Costs Less Than Banks Which Didn't Get Bailed Out

Insights Into America's Disneyland And Our "Neo-Feudalistic, Gulag Casino Economy" From Mike Krieger

Galbraith: Economists Should Move into Background, and “Criminologists to the Forefront”

“Lehman Was the Leading Purveyor of Liar’s Loans in the World” — Incidents of Fraud at 90% — “Lehman Sold This to the World”

Facebook Steps Up Lobbying, Deepens Ties with Intelligence Agencies, FTC

ACTA treaty aims to deputize ISPs on copyrights

The Goldman Probe Is a Smokescreen

NASA Announces Wednesday Media Teleconference About Search For Extraterrestrial Life

04-27-2010: Inside NASA's world-class supercomputer center

Newest Pleiades racks image - Inside NASA's world-class supercomputer center (photos) - CNET News

04-27-2010: NASA Claims They Have Located Lost Soviet Moon Rover

Corporate Media Again Ties Tea Partiers As Racists

04-27-2010: Pentagon to comply with only part of Fort Hood probe

04-27-2010: Al-Qa'ida struggling to find recruits in Iraq: US general Ralph Baker

US Gulf of Mexico oilspill spreads as well leaks

04-27-2010: Doctors sterilise Uzbek women by stealth

04-27-2010: NASA Claims Some Craters Of The Moon May Be Electrified

We Have Met The Enemy And He Is Powerpoint

04-27-2010: Child sex `no breach of virtue', some priests believe

Reid Committed To Both Climate And Immigration Bills

04-27-2010: Blackwater Trained Canadian Troops

FEMA Mismanaged $40 Million IT System Says IG

04-27-2010: Archives reveal belief in Loch Ness Monster

Dead Kaczynski's twin to run for Poland president

04-26-2010: Armed Man Named Joseph Sean McVey Held at Airport as Obama's Plane Departed

U.S. Treasury Taking Online Donations To Pay Down Debt (Ridiculous!)

04-26-2010: Sony Announces the Death of the Floppy Disk

Why Soldiers Get A Kick Out Of Killing

Manuel Noriega - From US Friend to Foe

IMF As Grim Reaper of Austerity?

The Shrinking Influence of the US Federal Reserve

Financial Reform: Empower the People


Death of Anti-NWO Polish President Raises Questions

Activists See ‘Non-Compliance’ as Challenge to Globalists

Killer of Malcom X Freed After 44 Years

Supreme Court to Decide if Businesses Can Judge Themselves

How a Judge Demolished US Al Qaeda Claims

CIA Chief Tells Spies There Will Be New Cover for Covert Ops

Video: AIPAC Is the Power in the U.S.

Has Obama Even READ The Financial Reform Bill?

H1N1 Vaccine Study Investigating Hints of Complications From Vaccine

Military Confrontation in The Andes? Venezuela, Ecuador Ratchet Up Rhetoric Versus Colombia’s Santos

Canadian Forces War Games in the High Arctic

Anger following Killings of Civilans by US NATO Occupation Forces: 16 Nato Oil Tankers Torched in Afghanistan

US Says No to Indigenous Rights

Japanese Island Set for Mass Rally Against US Bases

Gold is a Viable Alternative to Currencies, in Spite of all the Manipulation

VIDEO: The Politics of Fear: From the War on Terrorism to Tyranny

Derogation of Fundamental Civil Rights: Arizona Legalizes Racial Profiling

Western Civilization is Doomed

The American Military is Creating an Environmental Disaster in Afghanistan

Is the CIA behind Mexico's Bloody Drug War?

The Pope, Pedophilia and the Class Struggle

The Instruments of Worldwide Domination: Obama Administration Spending Billions on New Global Strike Weapons

Cyberwar, the Internet and the Militarization of Civil Society

Break up the Banks and Combat Financial Crime

US-NATO Occupation Forces in Afghanistan: Pullout or Chased Out?

More than 50% of US Government Spending Goes to the Military

Six Banks Control 60% of Gross National Product

An Act Of War: The US Congress is Actively Pushing for War on Iran

Collapse of the Standard of Living in the USA

The Swine Flu Panic of 2009: Reconstruction of a Mass Hysteria

America's Global War: Obama Revives Rumsfeld’s Missile Scheme, Risks Nuke War

The Story of the Financial Debacle: Goldman Plays, We Pay

Nuclear Weapons And Interceptor Missiles: Twin Pillars Of U.S.-NATO Military Strategy In Europe

Who Will Bail Out the U.S. Government?

The Story of Your Enslavement

If Abdulmutallab Trained With Al-Qaeda, Why Did The U.S. Government Let Him On A Plane?

Renouncing American Citizenship

Latest CBS News Polls Finds Majority Of Western Voters, Californians, Back Marijuana Legalization

Out for the count: Why levels of sperm in men are falling


S 510 is hissing in the grass

H.R. 2749: Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009 (GovTrack.us)


Peter Schiff: New financial regs will likely increase severity of next crisis

Obama Debt Czar Says Tax Hikes "On The Table"

REPORT: Fox News' Dick Morris problem | Media Matters for America

Media still distorting Kagan's record on military recruiting at Harvard | Media Matters for America

Do conservatives really think new AZ immigration law is just like federal law? | Media Matters for America

Beck claims NY Times "verifid" Palin's death panels myth: "it's not death camps, but it is rationing" | Media Matters for America

Beck: Financial reform bill is "the beginning of financial global regulation" which will lead to "global government" | Media Matters for America

Terrorist Attacks Spike in Pakistan, Afghanistan

Allawi Seeks International Iraq Caretaker Govt

How To: Risk World War III, and Blow Billions Doing It

DOD, Senate at Loggerheads on Fort Hood Case

New Video Shows Underwear Bomber in Target Practice

What did the Israeli-backed UAE say?

A computer glitch, and a bigger justice glitch

Chernobyl demands a REAL climate bill

NATO summit: ‘Not rational enough’

Did anyone think Blagojevich was going to ‘auction’ a senate seat before 8:30 A.M.?

Was the war on terrorism contrived?

The Big Six banks are shorting the American Dream

Goldman Sachs: What hath fraud wrought?

**Antioxidant Primer: Potential Health Benefits of Antioxidants and Pro-Oxidants by Bill Sardi

Plunder or Enterprise: The World's Choice by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Strike a Victory for Federalism: Eliminate the Public Schools by Paul Galvin

To Peg or Not to Peg? by Peter Schiff

How Should Ron Paul Handle Himself On Television With Hostile Interviewers? by Walter Block

American Conspiracies by Jesse Ventura – A Review

Raw Milk Crackdown | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Bernanke: savings from Obamacare are ‘uncertain’ | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Former Bush attorney general roils conservatives by backing Obama nominee with shocking past | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Summers defends WH economic record, attacks GOP on financial reform | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Why reporters are down on President Obama - Josh Gerstein and Patrick Gavin - POLITICO.com

Democrats taking a third run at banking rules | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Levin grills Goldman execs with pretty shi**y argument [video] | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Obama offers simple narrative of GOP obstruction, but key lawmakers tell another story | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Rove says he has ‘problems’ with AZ immigration law – Central Florida Political Pulse – Orlando Sentinel

Texas closely watching immigration law

San Francisco's Toxic Sludge - It's Good for You! | Center for Media and Democracy

Toxic Sludge & Organic Compost - OCA

San Francisco's toxic sludge is good for you!

Newspaper Circulation Falls Nearly 9% - NYTimes.com

YouTube - REALITY REPORT #42 - Immigration Anger Rises


YouTube - YouTube BANNED incredible Ron Paul Video

RR-24 - Ron Paul 2012, Verichip bridges Gap, FBI in your Face, Lawless Free State


YouTube - Oklahoma City Bombing: Government Cover-Up pt.1/2

YouTube - Oklahoma City Bombing: Government Cover-Up pt.2/2

YouTube - 9/11: Sounds of explosions near the WTC

YouTube - Multiple explosions at the Pentagon on 9/11

YouTube - news footage from Oklahoma bombing


Science Backs Heroes of 9/11 « Norcaltruth

Media Matters Wonders: Will Napolitano Bring Radical Conspiracies and Praise of 9-11 Truth Leaders to his New Fox Show? « Norcaltruth

CIA Admits: “..Al Qaeda Never Expected the Towers to Fall. “ « Norcaltruth

Staying Reasonable with 9/11 Truth – A Powerful Path to Success! An Interview with Ken Jenkins « Norcaltruth

The Truth is Not Enough: How to Overcome Emotional Barriers to 9/11 Truth - 911truth.org

audio:Staying Reasonable with 9/11 Truth - A Powerful Path to Success! An Interview with Ken Jenkins

Ken Wilber and the New World Order « Dprogram.net

audio:An Honest Skeptic's View of the Great American Conspiracies: Lincoln to 9/11 - Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Dr Stephen Juan

Visibility 9-11:An Honest Skeptic's View of the Great American Conspiracies: Lincoln to 9/11 - Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Dr Stephen Juan

Russian oligarchs 'preparing to flee Britain because of Labour's tax policies' | Mail Online

Oil Slick From Deepwater Horizon Rig Could Become Worst In US History, Coastguards Warn | World News | Sky News

Pakistani Immigrant Admits Trying to Help Al Qaeda - NYTimes.com


*site:AllGov - Everything Our Government Really Does


'Asbo' Swan: BBC's The One Show Crew Accused Of Animal Cruelty In Goading Swan | UK News | Sky News

Khadr's defence talking plea deal with prosecution: Lawyer

Napolitano, Holder Voice Concern About Arizona Immigration Law - BusinessWeek

Goldman Sachs top dogs squirm under Senate scrutiny | Business | guardian.co.uk

The Alien Menace! by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Commodity Surge:: Jim Rogers: Sovereign Debt Risk

Knowledge IS the Killer of Fear !: Crisis, Martial Law, and Black Market Operation


How to renounce your American citizenship. - By Brendan I. Koerner - Slate Magazine



TRANSCRIPTS:-Remarks by President Obama at the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship

TRANSCRIPTS:Closing Remarks at the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship


*27APR/Transcripts:Obama at the First Meeting of the Fiscal Commission

Bernanke on Achieving Fiscal Sustainability


*26APR/Panel on the Senate's Financial Reform Vote

Interviews with Sens. Durbin, Lieberman & DeMint

Interview with the Sponsor of the Ariz. Immigration Law

Analysts Debate Senate's Financial Reform

Interview with PA-12 Candidate Tim Burns

Obama's Remarks at the Summit on Entrepreneurship


Obama Won't Play Ball with Alexi

Specter (D), One Year Later

Hudson crash probe: Controller missed pilot error

Toyota to recall about 50,000 Sequoia SUVs

AP Interview: Whitman defends tenure at Goldman

Levin: GOP inconsistent on financial reform

Obama to link Wall Street to Main Street

Get Ready, It's Coming!: Bank Failures, False Recovery, And The Fight Of Your Life Dead Ahead

Police: Former colleague kills Yale doctor at home

The government has your baby's DNA - CNN.com

LockMart Supports National Security Agency's 2010 Cyber Defense Exercise

Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians

VIDEO:When False Flags Don't Fly

IMF’s Global Taxes Can Only Be Enforced Through Global Government

Parag Khanna: Global Governance

Future police: Meet the UK's armed robot drones

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

Government Report Says Global Warming May Cause Cancer, Mental Illness

FEMA Saving 'Millions' of Dollars by Turning Off Unused Cell Phones, Internet Lines

Hoyer Says Arizona Immigration Enforcement Law ‘Inconsistent’ with Civil Liberties

Supreme Court Says Mojave Cross Can Stay Where It Is

Ukraine’s Shift on Black Sea Fleet Is A Boost for Moscow

Chinese Naval Maneuvers Unsettle Its Neighbors

Court Will Decide If Hospital May Refuse Life Support Despite Patient's and Family's Wishes

Poll: Support for Repeal of Health-Care Reform Law Increases After One Month

Obama Blasts Republicans on His Latest Campaign Swing

Texas Lawmaker to Introduce Immigration Bill Like Arizona’s

Obama Launches His Fiscal Commission; Republicans Call It A Front for Tax Hikes

Republicans Block Financial Regulations Because of Concerns About ‘Consumer Protections’

Ohio Health Department Shut Down Due to Flea Infestation

Obama Pleads for Bipartisan Immigration Reform

Republicans Hope to Retake New England House Seats

Reid: Senate Will Act on Climate Bill First

House Joins Senate in Rejecting Pay Raise

California Bans Happy Meal Toys to Curb Childhood Obesity

Feds Seek Life Sentence in Slaughterhouse Case

Rights Group Says Torture Is Routine in Secret Iraqi Prison

China Lifts Travel Ban Against People With HIV

Nation’s First Offshore Wind Farm Approved for Massachusetts

Losing 25 Years of the Pro-Life Movement

DOJ Intel Report Downplays Terror Threat at Border

How Mexico Treats Illegal Aliens

Let's Make a Deal, Sr. Presidente Calderon

5 Charged in Ga. After Explosives Found in Car

Mass. Catholic Schools Welcome Haitian Refugees

California Officials Unveil New Seismic Map

Coast Guard Says to Set Leaking Oil Ablaze

Continental Flight Diverted Because of Threat: TSA

Univ. of Wyo. Heightens Security for Ayers Visit

BMW's Big Sedans Are Executive Rides

Report: Most Americans Still Live in Unclean Air

Attorneys File to Stop Utah Firing Squad Execution

New Aida Ditches Pyramids for Bloody Pagan Rituals

Murder Verdict Upheld in EMU Student Dorm Killing

Coast Guard Chief Sees Big Risk From Oil Spill

Man in NC Airport Arrest Once Ticketed Over Lights

Mother Fights Confinement of NY Man Who Spread HIV

Hopes Dashed: National Zoo's Panda Isn't Pregnant

Nearly 2 Feet of Snow Falls in NY, New England

Police Say Texan Decapitated Wife With Chainsaw

Fed Set to Renew Promise of Continued Low Rates

Group Says Wrongfully Convicted NY Man to Be Freed

Jury in Palin E-Mail Case Resumes Deliberations

Lincoln Gives Goldman Sachs Donations to Charity

Muslim-Inspired Fashion Flaunted in Russia's Chechnya

Book Talk: Putin-Khodorkovsky Battle a "Bar Room Brawl"

Man Guilty of Stabbing Woman Who Took in Family

Paul Lewis: Letting Music Speak for Itself

Sunni-Backed Vote Winner Seeks Caretaker Government

French Doctor Seeks to Unravel Mystery of the Yawn

Where Did Anne Frank Live? Take a Virtual Tour

NC Marines Set Drill Based on Fort Hood Shooting

Method for AP-Petside.com Poll on Pets

Fla. Girl Attacked at School Leaves Hospital

Egyptian Court Convicts 26 Men of Hezbollah Links

No Butts About It: Navy Subs to Ban Smoking

Goose Hit by Arrow Lands in Veterinarian's NJ Yard

Torture, Rape Was Norm at Illegal Iraq Prison: Report

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Video: Kissinger in 2008 – There will be “Bipartisan” Push for New World Order, Whoever Is Elected President « Dprogram.net


***Film Downloads « Dprogram.net***


Police: Vomiting dog causes man to crash into pole

Police say man wrapped in toilet paper robs store

Jeb Bush Opposes Arizona Immigration Law

Americans Losing Confidence in Healthcare

RNC Costs for Wooing Donors Disputed

Sen. Graham Quits Immigration Reform

Venezuela's Hugo Chavez Takes to Twitter

Laura Bush Defends Husband in New Book

DoD Widens Ban; Graham Says It’s Anti-Religion

Reid: Senate to Act On Climate Before Immigration

Texas Gov. Perry Shoots, Kills Coyote During Jog

Obama Pleads for GOP Support On Immigration

GOP Blocks White House-Backed Bank Bill Again

Holder May Challenge Arizona Immigration Law

Kerry: Action On Climate Bill Remains Likely

Texas Executes Man Who Murdered Illegal Immigrant

Kidnappings, Home Invasions Sparked Ariz. Law

Judge: Univ. of Wyo. Must Allow Ayers' Speech

Dannenfelser: Obama Undermining Constitution

Everything 'On Table' as Debt Panel Meets

Republicans Again Thwart Wall Street Overhaul

Senate Showdown Displays Goldman's Defense

Israel Warns Against Giving Iran Too Much Time

Former Air Force Vet Claims Explosives on Flight

Not Us: Goldman Execs Deny Wrongdoing in Crisis

Panama's Ex-Dictator Noriega Extradited to France

Israel Weighs Iran Military Strike

Dunkin' Donuts Back in Russia After Decade

Trump: Commercial Real Estate Won’t Crash

Krugman: Goldman Is Financial Reform's Poster Boy

Dreman: Buy Stocks, Land to Hedge Inflation

Sprott: Gold Looks Better Than It Ever Has

Faber: Governments Determined to Bankrupt Us

Dieting Stress Puts Health at Risk

Moderate Drinking Cuts Diabetes Threat

U.S. Defense Agency's Hypersonic Glider Test Fails

Website: Bullock Is Divorcing James, Adopting Baby

Shania Twain Brings out the Best in 'Idol' Singers

Rwanda President Takes Stage at Tribeca Film Fest

Republicans Trying to Water Down Financial Regulation

Everyone Prospers With Free Trade

Senate Finance Bill Shaped by Historical Amnesia

Dodd Wall Street Bailout Bill Creates Fannie Mae 2.0

Obama: Asking About My Tax Pledge Is a 'Washington Game'

Obama Breaks Promise on Middle Class Taxes

Islamic Organization Preached Jihad in Reading List

Muslim Brotherhood Helps Bankroll Minnesota Democrat

Obama Adviser Downplays Muslim Law

The Tax Bite Cometh

Arizona Immigration Law Is an Outrage

Obama Must Rebuild Trust on Israel

Ariz. Immigration Law Result of Govt Inaction at Border

Putin Roguery Mocks Obama, Endangers U.S.

Obama, Senate Should Heed Meese on Court

Spain downgraded, Europe debt crisis widens

World markets eye Berlin as debt crisis escalates

Russia posts Katyn massacre documents on Internet

No explosives found aboard jet diverted to Maine

Pa. college president switches places with student

Poll: A third say pets listen better than husbands

Obama takes heartland economic tour to Mo., Ill.

Fed likely to sound confident note on recovery

More investors suing over W.Va. mine disaster

3-D video gaming aspires to become spectacle

Facebook's expansion triggers political backlash

Italy says Ischia volcano, near Naples, could blow

Stay home ET. UK scientist: Aliens may pose risks

Air Force: winged robotic spacecraft launched

New study says oceans' chemistry changing rapidly

Jessica Seinfeld wins NY culinary copycat claim

Screenwriter of classic Italian comedies dies

Vatican to finance adult stem cell research

Brazil official urges more sex for better health


Debbie Schlussel:Al-Qaeda Boycotts Arizona Over Immigration Law

Debbie Schlussel:You Need a College Professor For This?: “Dancing w/ the Stars” & Why College Costs Too Much

Debbie Schlussel:Speak Loudly & Carry a Toothpick – Netanyahu Backs Down on Jerusalem Building

Debbie Schlussel:Bring Arizona Law to the Rest of the Union; Fire ICE, Napolitano

Debbie Schlussel:Your Tax $s @ Work: While Americans Struggle, Obama Host Muslim Entrepreneurship Summit!!!

Debbie Schlussel:With Women, Obama Turning U.S. Navy Into “Village People’s” Navy

Debbie Schlussel:She’s BAAACK: Hanoi Jane Hosts World Fitness Day, Has New Workout Video

Debbie Schlussel:GREAT VIDEO Analysis on Sean Hannity Freedom Alliance/Freedom Concert Scam


*WEBCommentary - The Prescience of Michael Savage


Watchdog Group Calls Out 3 Over Organic Labeling - wcbstv.com

Election 2010: Arizona Governor - Rasmussen Reports

Deport Children of Illegals: Hunter | NBC San Diego

RNC: Obama playing on 'class warfare and race' - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Senate Dems plan all-nighter to push GOP on Wall Street reform - TheHill.com

Harry Reid: Republican party's filibuster 'anti-American' - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Gordon Brown heard on mic calling a voter a 'bigot' | The Sun |News|Election 2010

Gordon Brown calls campaigner 'bigoted woman' - Telegraph

PM says sorry over bigot gaffe | The Sun |News|Election 2010

WRAPUP 3-UK's Brown calls voter bigoted, apologises | Reuters

Iranian president may attend NPT review conference | Reuters

Ahmadinejad has filed US visa application: US envoy

Gates satisfied with US planning to counter Iran threat | Reuters

Beginning Monday, Philly Cops Will No Longer Respond To 'Fender Benders' - cbs3.com

Argentine media-government conflict turns ugly | Reuters

Obama concerned about Greek debt, monitoring closely | Reuters

toledoblade.com -- The Blade ~ Toledo Ohio

Mexico Issues Travel Warning for Arizona Over Law (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

AZ governor dismisses threat of economic boycott - Yahoo! News

City Insider : City workers banned from official travel to Arizona

LA Could Pass Arizona Boycott | NBC Los Angeles

Top Calif. Lawmaker: Cut Ties With Arizona | NBC Bay Area

Reports Show BP Opposed New Safety Rules - WSJ.com

Baby boy survives for nearly two days after abortion - Telegraph

Steve Wheen plants flowers in potholes | Metro.co.uk

Americans losing confidence in healthcare - Yahoo! News

Controversy flares over ship named for Murtha - Navy News, news from Iraq - Navy Times

Why reporters are down on President Obama - Josh Gerstein and Patrick Gavin - POLITICO.com

Photos can be tricky - On Media - POLITICO.com

Vatican: Pope may apologize for abuse by priests

Game-changing gaffe? U.K. PM calls woman 'bigoted' - World Blog - msnbc.com

FOXNews.com - Judicial Nominee Who Fought Serial Killer's Execution Up for Tough Hearing

The Goldman Gaffe - Forbes.com

Blankfein supports financial reform bill - The Hill's On The Money

Spain’s Debt Rating Cut, Heightening Concerns Over Europe - NYTimes.com

CNSNews.com - Chinese Naval Maneuvers Unsettle Its Neighbors

Marines tell Idaho congressional candidate Vaughn Ward to pull campaign ad | Election 2010 | Idaho Statesman

Breitbart.tv » Obama’s Budget Director: Powerful Rationing Panel (Not Doctors) Will Control Health Care Levels

Underwear Bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab: New Video of Training, Martyrdom Statements - ABC News

Al Qaeda trained US major, Nigerian bomber - Yahoo! India News

The American Spectator : What Lies Beneath

Chinese accused of vast trade in organs - Washington Times

Removal of California memorial cross blocked by U.S. Supreme Court | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Opponents of immigration law call for boycott of Arizona Iced Tea - but it is brewed in New York!

American Thinker: Chris Matthews and the Jews


EDITORIAL: Angry, hateful, violent, extremist liberals - Washington Times

Clinton's niece living on food stamps | Washington Examiner

News - Bill Clinton's Niece Surviving on Food Stamps - InsideEdition.com







Regulation and Heart Strings effect energy policy

The face of the President of the United States may have changed for a very long time

The Truth on Church Sex Abuse

Immigration - A problem?

Dissatisfaction with Congress reflects anger towards warped political parties

Economic stimulus

Survive to Thrive in a Changing World

As Usual, Government Regulation as Political Payoff

The Federal Reserve and Income Tax: Working in Tandem or Seperate Institutions?

Rethinking Education

Justice Stevens on Distinguishing Protest from Incitement

Black Republican Rebukes Steele

Obama Is Enabling Nuclear Breakout

School Choice and the Limits of Liberal Jewish Compassion

South Park Matters

Ban the Income Tax

Obama's Tea Party Straw Man

The Arizona Uproar

Communist spies reported to be spilling their guts

Sharpton and his crew descend on Arizona

Dems putting regulatory cart before legislative horse on FinReg

Majority of AZ Latinos support immigration bill - Rasmussen

As usual, government knows best

Bart Simpson stands up for free speech

Hawkings sides with aliens over humans

What caused the offshore oil platform to explode?

64 government housing programs can't be wrong

Happy Anniversary Arlen Specter!

DC vs. America on taxes

'Sedition' Is Constitutional

The Left's Unbearable Darkness of Being

Comparing the Tea Party to al-Qaeda

Jihadi Echoes Obama

Obama's Greatest Deficit Is Wisdom

A Triumph of Civilization at Chapel Hill

'2nd face' on Shroud points to supernatural origin


1860s US Civil War source:life

1870s US source:life

1880s Wallace Levison source:life

1890s Queen Victoria source:life

1900s select source:life

1910s World War I source:life

1920s Charles Lindbergh source:life

1930s poverty source:life

1940s Hawaii source:life

1950s Walt Disney source:life

1960s Apollo space source:life

1970s boxer source:life


Top secret 'space bomber' has America's enemies scared | News & Politics | News & Comment | The First Post

Stupidity Of Obama's Drill-Drill-Drill Offshore Oil Policy

UPDATE:Whistleblower Helped US To Probe AstraZeneca,Eli Lilly - WSJ.com

Confidante: Fla. gov likely to run as independent

No fines now for Palestinian settlement workers

Democrats want border security before legalization

Google buys its first Israeli start-up

Colombia seeks to broaden Israel ties

China to hit US chicken with new tariffs

China to build reactors in Pakistan

Weak loan demand shows eurozone weakness

Egypt: Life in jail for Hizbullah men

Gil Scott-Heron's TA show in doubt

Former Iraqi PM urges interim government

They Just Don't Get Goldman!

Buffett and Derivatives: Firing Line

Joe and Al's immigration road show

Congress, Let's Play Make a Market

Palin: Obama pushing racial 'myth'

Who Cares? — Early ‘Iron Man 2′ Reviews Not So Hot

Ordinary Miracle IV: Sisyphus and His Communist Rock

The True Lessons of ‘Geico-Gate’

Race Is the Least of Our Problems

Daily Gut: Obama’s Race For Race

Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste: ABC’s ‘V’ Takes on Obama

KLAVAN: Hollywood Conservatives Have To Meet in Secret

GLOBAL WARMING: Is James Cameron a Genocidal Maniac?

WSJ: ‘Draw Mohammed Day’ Equals…Flag Burning?

Crist Insiders: FL Gov Will Run for Senate as Independent

Puerto Rico – 51st State? Congress Scrambling to Make it So

An American Tragedy, A Promise Unfulfilled

SEIU: Save Our State or Shut it Down?

One Year Later: Specter’s Switch All About Arlen

America’s Progressive-Anarchist Tea Party

Obama-Dodd Financial Reform Helps Wall Street, Hurts Everyone Else

It Is Not the Same GOP

Healthcare’s John Galt

Chicago Mayor Daley Wants US Gun Makers Sued in World Court

1990’s Clinton Redux: President Bill Clinton Smears the Tea Party Movement

Another ex-Googler in Obama Administration Buzz-ted by Google

How’s That Stimulus Working For You?

Why We Should Support Arizona

Hope and Change in Illinois: Vouchers for Chicago Kids

VIDEO: Exclusive Footage Reveals Truth Behind ‘Phantom N-Word’ Myth

GOV2.0: Napsterize Education

What the New York Times Won’t Tell You About the CIA — and What the Washington Times Will

When Reporters Cross the Line Into Disney Fantasy: Meet Linda Greenhouse Of the New York Times

Want Proof of Media Bias, Here It Is: A Tale of Two Cases

Let Us Now Praise Donny Deutsch, International Man of… Marketing?

Has The Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder Gone Mad?

Hey Contessa — What Part Of ‘Illegal’ Don’t You Understand?

‘South Park’: Drawing a Line in the Sand For Freedom of Speech

USA Today Invents Arizona ‘Backlash’ Story From Whole Cloth

VIDEO: Exclusive Footage Reveals Truth Behind ‘Phantom N-Word’ Myth

Don’t Look To MSM For Honest Coverage Of Arizona

A Tale of Two Parties: Would You Like Coffee or Tea With Your Liberal Bias?

Classless Hub Radio Host Slimes Tim Tebow; Will He Suffer Imus’s Fate?

Flood, Famine, Fear and Environmental Porn: Newsweek Devotes ‘Special Edition’ to Global Warming Hysteria

YouTube - Obama's Bra 54 Double "D"

YouTube - Keiser Report with very special Hollywood guest

Mike Whitney: The Interrogation of Lloyd Blankfein

Investigation into Whether America is Still a Constitutional Government

Is The Foolproof Law Degree Becoming An Endangered Species?

Seize and Liquidate Goldman Sachs « TARPLEY.net

Coincidence? Graham Withdraws Support For Dem Legislation A Week After Blackmail Charge

Most Likely to Secede - Issue 008 - GOOD

New ground truth: soil microbe negative feedback | Watts Up With That?

Obama Administration admits rationing panels exist in ObamaCare | Liberty Scout


*Markets Video:Ben Stein: Bankers Are Like Termites

Short Gold, Prices Will Hit $800

It's Crunch Time For The Euro

Greek Bond Yields Soar After Downgrade

Goldman Plays Defense

*World Video:Is Mrs. Gillian Duffy a Bigot?

SKorean Woman 1st to Top 14 Highest Peaks

US Student Admits Helping Al-Qaeda

Oil Spill to be Set Ablaze

Top Secret Katyn Files Released

EU Looks to Help Airlines After Volcano Crisis

China Car Maker Snaps Up Volvo

The Struggles of Refugees in Somalia

Discontentment in Greece


*Politics Video:28th-Dem Senator: AZ Is The "Show Me Your Papers State"

Flashback: Crist Says In Debate That He Will Run As Republican

Kerry: Wall Street Has A "Lack Of Patriotism"

CA-Gov: Poizner Ties Whitman To Schwarzenegger

UK's Gordon Brown Calls Woman Voter "Bigoted"

Reps. Gutierrez, Miller Debate Arizona Immigration Law

Michael J. Fox Ad

Sportswriter Calls For Boycott Of MLB's Arizona Diamondbacks

FOX News: Charlie Crist To Run For Senate As Independent

Arizona Sheriff Says He Won't Enforce "Racist" Immigration Law

Sen. Collins, Levin On Goldman Sachs Hearing, Financial Reform

DNC's Kaine: Democrats Are The "Results" Party

Sarah Palin On Immigration

Matthews: A Tribute To Lindsey Graham

McCain: Federal Government's Failure Led To Arizona Law

Michael Moore: Economic System "Rigged" To Benefit Rich

Krauthammer: Goldman Hearings Less Dignified Than An "Inca Execution"

*27th/Obama: Arizona Immigration Law Was "Poorly Conceived"

Napolitano: Justice Dept. Looking At Legal Challenge To Arizona Bill

Watch Live: Goldman Sachs Hearing On Capitol Hill

MSNBC's Matthews Compares "Shi**y" Language To Priests Watching Porn

Dem Sen. McCaskill Drops S-Bomb At Goldman Hearing

Obama At Iowa Town Hall: "I'm A Pro-Union Guy"

Senate Staffer Falls Asleep At Goldman Sachs Hearing

Unmanned Drones Monitor US-Mexico Border

Obama Town Hall Stacked With Supporters: Man Behind Him Wears Obama "Community Organizer" Shirt

Reid Forgets He Voted "Against" Reform Cloture; Blames GOP For Failure

Arlen Specter Uses Michael J. Fox In Campaign Commercial

AG Holder Considering "Possibility Of A Court Challenge" To Arizona Law

Napolitano On Border: "It Is Secure Now As It Has Ever Been"

Obama: Economy Is Growing, Markets Are Climbing & Jobs Are Being Created

Sen. McCaskill: Republicans "On The Side Of Wall Street"

Hardball: Democrats Rally For Midterm Elections

PA-12: Tim Burns (R) On "Hannity"

Jesse Jackson: Arizona Law Is "Terrorism For The Innocent"

Napolitano: Aerial Resources Monitor US-Mexico Border

Phoenix Mayor: Illegal Immigration Law Makes AZ "Less Safe"

Sen. Levin Uses The Word "Shitty" Several Times At Goldman Hearings

Sheriff And Sharpton Spar Over Illegal Immigration Law

Sen. Franken: Illegal Immigrants Trafficked To US Are "Victims"

Krauthammer: GOP "Going To Get Hit In November" On Financial Reform

McCain On Goldman, Immigration Law

Bernie Goldberg: Media Double Standard On Immigration Protests

KY-Sen: Rand Paul Touts Bunning Endorsement

Sen. Durbin: "Filibusters Have To End;" Supported It In 2006

MSNBC Flash: "Law Makes It A Crime To Be Illegal Immigrant"

Megyn Kelly wants to compare Tea Parters to Arizona immigration protesters

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Break Up the Big Banks

GM's phony loan repayment

Glenn Beck is outraged by comparisons to Nazi Germany. Who would do such a thing? Besides Glenn Beck, that is.

Greg Palast - Is the Arizona Immigration issue really Republican voter suppression tactics?

Sinead O'Connor: Accountability Would be for the Vatican to Admit Cover-up Orchestrated by Central Command

Book Review: The Ways Of The Village Artfully Deconstructed In Meg Greenfield's 'Washington'

Alex Castellanos: President Obama Has Been a 'Divisive President' but the 'Rehabilitation of George Bush is Well Underway'

Supreme Court clueless about pagers, texting and e-mails....

IndyStar.com | Marion County, Indiana, breaking news, photos, things to do | The Indianapolis Star

Ghost sightings highest in 25 years - Telegraph

Sen. Schumer Questions Facebook on Privacy - Advertising Age - Digital

Flaws Found in State Child-Abuse Registries - ABC News

Police: Carjack victims not put on hold but call was unintelligible | ajc.com

Attack on gay teen staged, lawyers say - Crime - Kentucky.com

Jacuzzi rape: Wildwood man accused of raping 10-year-old in Jacuzzi - OrlandoSentinel.com

Underage drinking at N. Andover party leads to parents’ arrest - The Boston Globe

Toilet Paper Bandit Sought - April 27, 2010

Two men charged after attack with ceramic frog » TCPalm.com

Debbie Miller of Appleton sentenced to jail, probation in extortion case involving planted rat at The Seasons restaurant in Grand Chute | postcrescent.com | Appleton Post-Crescent

Cops: Bradenton man keeps drinking after DUI crash - Crime & Courts - BradentonHerald.com

Concertgoers show the Reich stuff, are beaten by crowd | Philadelphia Daily News | 04/27/2010

Dallas radio host suspended for slur

Malcolm X assassin Thomas Hagan is freed on parole in New York City

Driver gives false name, can't spell it | driver, tail, improper - News - Northwest Florida Daily News

Police adjust to a world caught on tape - Washington Times

Revealed: The secret plot to protect the Loch Ness Monster | Mail Online

Green machine: Cheaper home power from sunlight - tech - 27 April 2010 - New Scientist

Orbs - it's all a load of erm orbs - and now there's proof. | CFI Blogs

Nimoy visit sends town out of its Vulcan mind - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

American Chronicle | Human-looking ETs secretly in U.S.?

How chimps mourn their dead - life - 26 April 2010 - New Scientist

Ancient Tools Revealed by Melting Arctic Ice | LiveScience

The Cryptid Factor: Comedy Festival Review | ENTERTAINMENT News

Animal pictures of the week: 23 April 2010 - Telegraph


Download : Dr. Jon Klimo on Channeling and Consciousness

Download : Guy Harrison, 50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God

DOWNLOAD : Atheism and the Comedy Jesus Show

DOWNLOAD :Craig Hogan, Your Mind Is Not Your Brain

DOWNLOAD :Is the Dalai Lama an Atheist? Dr. Alan Wallace


***Skeptiko Podcast -- Science at the Tipping Point


*site:Conscious Creation:(www.newworldview.com/conscious_creation.html)

*site:Wyatt Archaeological Research


flashback:Newstalgia Reference Room - Will H. Hays - 1920 | Newstalgia

Newsflash! Illegal aliens are criminals

Whose country is this?

Eugene Robinson - Arizona's new immigration law is an act of vengeance

The buzzard has landed

Unifying the tea party

35 years after fall of Saigon

End Times: How Christians lose

Are we prepared for a nuke attack?

Vaccines made with fetal cells causing autism?

Teachers union vs. black school-choice candidate

Here come the salt tyrants

Everyone prospers with free trade

Democrats try to lock up their base

Sandra Bullock Surprised She Kept Adopted Baby A Secret - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

'American Idol' Report Card: Who Nailed Shania Twain Week? - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Justin Bieber, ‘American Idol’ And Jake Pavelka: Three To See » MTV Newsroom

The ‘Iron Man 2′ Secret Scene: Fake Spoiler Alert!

Conan O'Brien Clocks In for 60 Minutes - E! Online

Can Lindsay Lohan be saved? « Entertainment

News - Jessica Simpson: Why I Don't Brush My Teeth Every Day - Movies, TV & Music - UsMagazine.com

Seinfeld’s Wife Wins in Cookbook Infringement Appeal (Update2) - BusinessWeek

Brand X Files: Sandra Bullock on Jesse's Nazi thing. Courtney Love and Gwen Stefani's hubby? Noah's Ark found. Supposedly. - Brand X

M.I.A.'s "Born Free" -- Are You? - On The Scene With Shira - CBS News

‘The Good Wife’ Also Addresses Muhammad Cartoon Controversy - ArtsBeat Blog - NYTimes.com

Supremes raise bar for non-Christians 'offended' by faith

Montana to feds: Hands off our rights

Muslims want Franklin Graham censored again

Official: Israel agrees to halt all Jewish construction

Islamic warning to 'South Park' still 'remains'

Unifying the tea party

Carbon-phobia? Not me

Why does tea party need infiltrating?

Court skeptical on keeping petitioner IDs private

Supreme Court Weighs Release Of Petition Signatures On Civil Union Law – Talk Radio News Service

Why 'tea party' defenders won't let N-word claims rest - CSMonitor.com

The Tea Party Movement Is Brewing A Mighty Authoritarian Cup Of Tea | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Univ. of Wyo. heightens security for Ayers visit

Man faces felony charges over diverted Delta flight - CNN.com

Cuomo Sues Espada, Son Over Training Program - WSJ.com

CQ Politics | RNC Fundraising Appeal Spurs House Action on Census Mailings Law

Dems file complaint on RNC mailer - Omaha.com

Flags lowered Thursday for Dorothy Height

Students Protest School Budget Cuts in New Jersey - NYTimes.com

Mesothelioma and Asbestos Exposure Highlighted by Workers’ Memorial Day - Asbestos.com

White House, press corps, locked in -- get this -- hostile relationship | KansasCity.com Prime Buzz

Why the White House Media is Fed Up with Obama - Mary Kate Cary (usnews.com)

Fox lends star power to Specter campaign | WHYY News and Information | WHYY

Year after switch, Specter calls for compromise - Lebanon Daily News

Perry and White likely to tread lightly on immigration | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

YouTube - Globe Today - Cape Wind project approved

YouTube - Oil Spill to be Set Ablaze

No sign that ‘Boobquake’ caused earthquakes - thestar.com

Is 2nd Coming of Jesus etched in night sky?

Video: The 10 best cat videos on YouTube - Telegraph

BBC News - Police believed Nessie existence was 'beyond doubt'

And you thought THIS eruption was nasty! When an Icelandic volcano erupted in 1783, many feared it was the end of the world... | Mail Online

Sperm Recognize "Brothers," Team Up for Speed

Orlando homeowners associations: Orlando area homeowners associations recoup losses by charging fees to new buyers - OrlandoSentinel.com

Unemployment challenges Obama's economic narrative - Yahoo! News

Salt taking a cut in groceries, restaurant menus

Video: 'Toxic sofa' customers to receive up to £20m - Telegraph

U.S. Envoy to Sudan Urges Focus on Political Future - NYTimes.com

World's 50 best restaurants list released - CNN.com

Hezbollah slams Gates' remarks over weapons

UPDATE 1-Venezuela takes over brewer's land, sugar mills | Reuters

Hugo, you've got to put the titter into Twitter | World news | The Guardian

Venezuela's Chavez Orders Seizure Of Land Owned By Polar - WSJ.com

Noah's Ark discovered. Again. - CSMonitor.com

Documents show Stalin signed Katyn death warrants - Telegraph

BBC News - Main parties in battle for Carlisle seat

Letter from Europe - No Excuses for E.U. on Nuclear Disarmament - NYTimes.com

Man Stabs 15 Students in China - WSJ.com

Shanghai readies for World Expo

A Frenzied Pace for the Lawyer Behind Vatican Lawsuits - NYTimes.com

allAfrica.com: Nigeria: They Write About Celibacy

Sacré bleu! French rue absence from world's top 10 restaurants | Life and style | The Guardian

Behind India's Bust of a Pakistan Spy - TIME

YouTube - Indian diplomat turns spy

Leaders of India, Pakistan to Meet on Bhutan Summit Sidelines | Asia | English

Israeli troops kill Gaza border protester, say medics

Al Jazeera English - Asia-Pacific - Sarkozy stresses Iran sanctions

Ukraine says Russian naval base deal will not affect EU ties | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Iraqi Bloc Considers Call for International Intervention in Election Dispute | Middle East | English

South Korean Woman Climbs All 14 Highest Peaks - NYTimes.com

YouTube - SKorean Woman 1st to Top 14 Highest Peaks

BBC News - Gordon Brown 'mortified' by his 'bigoted woman' slur

YouTube - Brown 'mortified' by 'bigot' gaffe

Thai forces, protesters clash in Bangkok - CNN.com

YouTube - More casualties as security forces open fire on Red Shirts

video:Holy cow! Christians pick up pagan worship


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Buyer's remorse in state that launched Obama?

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Arizona won't be any safer'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Democrats soaking taxpayers with bailout fund


Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports

The Dupnik rebellion: Pima's top cop says "no" to SB 1070 - KGUN 9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports

FOXNews.com - Climate Scientist, Heated Up Over Satirical Video, Threatens Lawsuit

Blankfein supports financial reform bill - The Hill's On The Money

Goldman hearing turns into daylong showdown - U.S. business- msnbc.com

NYT: Laura Bush breaks silence on fatal crash - The New York Times- msnbc.com

VP: 'Sleeping with a teacher' | POLITICO 44

Supremes raise bar for non-Christians 'offended' by faith

Muslims want Franklin Graham censored again

Tony Perkins: I see 'hostility' toward Christianity

Chaplains fight 'Don't Ask' repeal - Jen DiMascio - POLITICO.com

Evangelists claim Noah's Ark found

Did Obama hide damning health-care report?

Breitbart.tv » Obama’s Budget Director: Powerful Rationing Panel (Not Doctors) Will Control Health Care Levels

Inquiry Says Health Care Charges Were Proper - NYTimes.com

Constitution OK with 16,000 new IRS agents?

Montana to feds: Hands off our rights

Official: Israel agrees to halt all Jewish construction

Meet stunning Americans looking to dethrone Pelosi

Proposal to make voting mandatory riles Ridgway - The Denver Post

Marines tell Idaho congressional candidate Vaughn Ward to pull campaign ad | Election 2010 | Idaho Statesman

FOXNews.com - Wikipedia Distributing Child Porn, Co-Founder Tells FBI

Wikipedia debates kiddie porn action

Under financial overhaul, FTC could gain enforcement power over Internet

No 'Net for you!


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Eligibility sponsor fears GOP protecting Obama

Fox and the eligibility facts

Eligibility sponsor fears GOP protecting Obama

Why Lt. Col. Lakin is not mistaken ~ Alan Keyes is LOYAL TO LIBERTY

Is billboard campaign working?

What if ... ?

Army to 'inquire' into charges against Lakin

More seeds of confusion sown on eligibility

Obama's born-in-USA mandate

New strategy unveiled to force Obama on eligibility


*American Minute for April 28th:William J Federer's American Minute


GM Food... Feeding the Hungry or Population Control?

Fed holds rates steady; economic view brighter

UnitedHealth to stop dropping policies of sick

Oil steady as US gasoline stocks fall

Yahoo likes location services, mum on Foursquare

Special Report: Rapid growth of militias feeds off politics

China stripped of Sydney gymnastics bronze, U.S. gets medals

Palin Accidentally Slams Fox News as 'Lamestream Media'


#video:The B-Cast: Have They Really Found Noah’s Ark?

The B-Cast: Goldman Guys Get Grilled

Evangelical Researchers Claim Discovery of Noah’s Ark Atop Turkish Mountain

Boobquake 2010 Succeeds in Failing to Trigger Major Earth Tremors

John Edwards’ Mistress Opens Up on ‘Oprah’

Fox News Chief Roger Ailes: ‘I Don’t Do Politics, I Do the News’

MSNBC’s Olbermann Delights in Playing Unbleeped Version Sen. Levin’s ‘S*****’ Moment

Fox News Reporter Courtney Friel Has a Chandelier in Her Closet

‘Whoa…Writing?’: MSNBC’s Matthews Mocks Bush’s Book

Screenwriter Says Hollywood Conservatives ‘Have to Meet in Secret’

Janine Turner: Being a Conservative in Hollywood Can Jeopardize Career

Florida One: Video Documents Creation of New Southwest Jet

‘Delay, Delay, Delay’: Is Goldman Sachs Using a ‘Time-Wasting’ Strategy?

Goldman Sachs CEO on Dem Banking Bill: ‘I’m Generally Supportive’

McCaskill to Goldman Execs: ‘You’re the Bookie’

‘One S***** Deal’: Sen. Levin Uses ‘S-Word’ Eleven Times in Grilling of Ex-Goldman Exec

Dem: GOP Counting on Voters Blaming Dems for Banking Bill’s Failure

Dems Target Romney: ‘Wall Street’s Best Friend’

NY Jobseekers Set Up Three-Day Tent City in Hopes of Landing Work

The B-Cast Interview: ‘Climategate’ Author Charges Gore With Profiteering

Seeing Is Believing: How Do Plants React to 42 Days of Elevated CO2?

N.Y. Lawmaker Proposes Presumed Consent for Organ Donation

California County Bans Toys in Meals to Cut Fat

Update: Medicare Actuary Denies Report About Delayed Health Care Analysis

Boehner: Dems’ Financial Reform ‘Creates a Politburo-Style’ Council

New Zealand Biker Shrugs Off Freak Accident That Impaled Handle in His Hand

Spanish Doctors Perform World’s First Full-Face Transplant

Crist Insiders: FL Gov Will Run for Senate as Independent

Mexico Issues Travel Alert Over New Arizona Law

‘Risky Business’: Dems Launch New TV Ad Attacking Senate GOP on Wall Street

Levin’s ‘Sh*tty Deal’ Questioning of Goldman Exec Remixed

UK’s Brown Caught on Mic Describing ‘Bigoted Woman’

Obama: AZ Immigration Bill a ‘Poorly Conceived Law’

Norquist Responds to ‘Goofy Warrior’ Jab

Satire: Crayola CEO Thanks Tea Partiers for ‘Banner Year’

Sharpton on AZ Immigration Law: ‘Not a Fight for Illegal Immigrants’

GOP’s Graham: Immigration Reform ‘By 2012 If We’re Smart’

Smoke Bombs, Eggs Fly in Ukraine Parliament

Is the Taliban Using Poison Gas to Sicken Afghan Schoolgirls?

Video: Parent's Rights Bill In The Works

Video: Former INS Agent Offers Immigration Enforcement Training

Video: Counterfeit Goods Found At Tax Service

Video: Police: Man Tries To Abduct 4-Year-Old Girl At Mall

The YouTube battle for Number 10

Doctor Does Not Change Death Certificate

Concrete Park Erected To Solve Homeless Problem

Man Loses Furniture When Business Closes

Santa Fe Lawyer Part Of Walmart Lawsuit


YouTube - William Gheen Discusses Illegal Aliens & The Homosexual Guild in D.C. on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - William Gheen Discusses Illegal Aliens & The Homosexual Guild in D.C. on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - William Gheen Discusses Illegal Aliens & The Homosexual Guild in D.C. on Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - William Gheen Discusses Illegal Aliens & The Homosexual Guild in D.C. on Alex Jones Tv 4/4


Downtown Toronto To Be Transformed Into Locked-Down Police State This Summer

Coincidence? Graham Withdraws Support For Dem Legislation A Week After Blackmail Charge

After torture claims, Iraqi PM says prisoners ‘burned themselves’ with matches to fake abuse

Goldman Sachs CEO on Dem Banking Bill: ‘I’m Generally Supportive’

The Interrogation of Lloyd Blankfein

Docs show Goldman willing to bet against own clients

Goldman Sachs and Federal Fraud

Banks Bailed Out By American Taxpayers Are Paying Us Back By Shorting Our States and Cities

The Economic Recovery Is Moving Along Quite Well – For The Boys Down On Wall Street

North Carolina Neocon Frank Roche “Inflation Is How We Become Wealthier”

‘Delay, Delay, Delay’: Is Goldman Sachs Using a ‘Time-Wasting’ Strategy?

Reid rejects energy bill compromise - Jeanne Cummings and Kasie Hunt and Meredith Shiner - POLITICO.com

Obama: AZ Immigration Bill a ‘Poorly Conceived Law’

Nationally, 60% Favor Letting Local Police Stop and Verify Immigration Status - Rasmussen Reports™

ADL Wants Tea Parties Gagged

Police State Toronto – Terror Drill Caught On Tape

Another Russian Scientist: Arctic Is Cooling

SDO Observes Massive Eruption, Scorching Rain

Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians

Time For Another Mass Viral Wake Up Call For Humanity

If Abdulmutallab Trained With Al-Qaeda, Why Did The U.S. Government Let Him On A Plane?

Goldman “Sideshow” Hyped To Push Through Obama Banking Reform

IPCC's River Of Lies - IBD - Investors.com

FOX 40 WICZ TV - D.M.V. Might Automatically Enroll New Yorkers for Organ Donation [4/27/2010] - News, Sports, Weather, Contests and More - Binghamton, NY

Aerial drone will fly on Texas border soon, Napolitano says | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Texas Regional News

Greece debt crisis: FTSE dives after government bonds reduced to 'junk' status | Mail Online

Pope Catholic; Obama energy official profits from AGW – Telegraph Blogs

Taiwan's military simulates Chinese air attack

North adopts new war invasion strategy: source - INSIDE JoongAng Daily

Obama administration defies congressional subpoena on Fort Hood documents

Barofsky Says Criminal Charges Possible in Alleged AIG Coverup - Bloomberg.com

The Raw Story | Pentagon and Congress at odds over Fort Hood probe

GOP's Graham: No immigration bill until 2012 - Washington Times

Police Let Terrorist Zazi Slip Through - WSJ.com

Good Samaritan Hugo Tale-Yax dies in New York street ignored by 25 pedestrians | Mail Online

Physics professor tells U.S. government PUT UP OR SHUT UP on Global Warming Claims

Socialism vs. Corporatism

Fury as 'up to 300 urns containing human remains from Dignitas suicide clinic are found at bottom of Lake Zurich' | Mail Online

Northcom Backs Out of National Level Exercise 2010

Megabanks: The Banking Oligarchy That Controls Assets Equivalent To 60 Percent Of America’s GNP

IMF As Grim Reaper of Austerity?

Goldman “Sideshow” Hyped To Push Through Obama Banking Reform

Public Employee Unions Work Against The Public | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Pro-Illegal Demonstrator Says Illegals Will Kill Americans with Pickaxes

Feds Try to Link Gun Dealer to Hutaree

Seize and Liquidate Goldman Sachs

Is The CIA Behind Mexico’s Bloody Drug War?

’Debt Like Cancer’ Addressed by Obama Commission on U.S. Debt - Bloomberg.com

Former FBI Agent Vo Duang Tran Gets 30 Years for Planning Home Invasion - AOL News

BBC News - MI5 files on 7/7 attacks 'impossible' to access

FBI Can’t Recall Details on Hutaree

Jesse Ventura Hammered Over 9/11 Statements

Illinois to Declare “Disarm Lawful Citizens Week”

Mass H1N1 immunisation 'inappropriate' - Pharmacy News

Remember that ash cloud? It didn't exist, says new evidence | Mail Online

Al-Qa'ida struggling to find recruits in Iraq: US general Ralph Baker | The Australian

Waxman Slips Obscure Anti-Supplement Measure into Wall St. “Reform” Bill Passed by the House

Obama’s “incredible journey of change” hits the road for mid-terms

Pro-Illegal Alien Demonstrators Attack Cops

Video Compilation: The Media Crashing the Tea Party

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 27th With William Gheen

MPs urge government to prepare for geo-engineering option | Sovereign Independent

US prepares to push for global capital rules

Death of Anti-NWO Polish President Raises Questions

Bilderberg’s 2010 meeting in Spain will follow that of its brother group, the Trilateral Commission Dublin

Jeb Bush speaks out against Ariz. law - POLITICO.com Print View

POTUS attacks immigration bill | POLITICO 44

Arizona police officer training to start gearing up


Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-27, Tuesday

April 27, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Tue April 27, 2010.

04/27 The Mark Levin Show


*The History Place - American Revolution

*The History Place - U.S. Civil War 1861-1865

*The History Place - Presidential Portraits

*The History Place - Timeline of Pacific War

*The History Place - U.S. Troops in Action

*The History Place - Pearl Harbor

*The History Place - World War Two in Europe Timeline

*The History Place - The Rise of Adolf Hitler: Chapter Index

*The History Place - Triumph of Hitler: Chapter Index

*The History Place - Defeat of Hitler: Chapter Index

*The History Place - Vietnam War