"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

03 March 2010


A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.


YouTube - The Amazing Transparent Man (1960) - Full Movie

YouTube - The Ghost Train (1941) - Full Movie

YouTube - Night Of The Living Dead (1968) - Full Movie

YouTube - The Little Shop Of Horrors (1960) - Full Movie

YouTube - Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde (1920) - Full Movie


Webster Tarpley: Bankers in Slump Plot Against Euro to Save Dollar

YouTube - Not a democracy? Israel 'showed its real face' in Dubai-Mossad scandal

YouTube - Architects for 9/11 inquiry: Fire couldn't demolish WTC in 11 seconds


YouTube - Brad Martin on Alex Jones Tv 1/3: ATF's "Illegal" Seizure of Airsoft Outlet NW's BB Guns Merchandise

YouTube - Brad Martin on Alex Jones Tv 2/3: ATF's "Illegal" Seizure of Airsoft Outlet NW's BB Guns Merchandise

YouTube - Brad Martin on Alex Jones Tv 3/3: ATF's "Illegal" Seizure of Airsoft Outlet NW's BB Guns Merchandise


YouTube - Climate Panel Pile-Up: UN to double-check fuzzy research

SPLC Report: Heavy On Smear, Thin On Facts

The Black Hole of Guantanamo

100 Percent of Fish in U.S. Streams Found Contaminated with Mercury

MSNBC Continues Propaganda Campaign Against Patriot Groups

Raise Taxes and Cut Services? Why Not Stop Unneccesary Bailouts, Unnecesary Wars and Unnecessary Interest Costs Instead?

Ratigan Goes Nuts: Accuses Tea Party Organizer of Including People who Want to ‘Kill Blacks and Jews’

You Could Now Be Arrested, In America, Just For Mentioning Europe’s Problems Over Dinner

European Court Set to Give Public Figures Chance to Gag Press on Damaging Stories

2001-2010 was the Snowiest Decade on Record

Two years to answering the question “why we exist”

Bill Gates: Use Vaccines To Lower Population

Leaked UN Documents Reveal Plan For “Green World Order” By 2012

Muslim women barred from flight for refusing 'naked' full-body scan | Mail Online

Iraq suicide bomber targets hospital in triple attack - CNN.com

Despite 935 documented lies, Rove book insists Iraq war was justified | Raw Story

RPT-In Texas governor showdown, nice doesn't cut it | Reuters

YouTube - The Drawing Board :: Independent Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve Explains… The Federal Reserve In One Easy, Retard-Accessible Video


Muslims Are Their Own Worst Enemy

Globalist Perry Wins Texas Primary

Raise Taxes and Cut Services? Why Not Stop Unneccesary Bailouts, Unnecesary Wars and Unnecessary Interest Costs Instead?

Bring Back Glass-Steagall Curbs for Banks: Bogle

Gold Counterfeiting: German TV discovers 500g Tungsten bar from bank

Finally, a Fire Fighter for 911 Truth

Germany Intorduces Biometric ID Card at Tech Show

Ralph Nader’s Letter to Obama in Opposition to Naked Body Scanners

Colorado Congressman Fights Back Against DEA’s Medical Marijuana Raids

Dubai asks FBI to investigate terror ties to US

Justices signal they're ready to make gun ownership a national right - latimes.com

Gold rises 1.7% to six-week high as dollar slides Metals Stocks - MarketWatch

Mosley case on privacy laws 'is being fast-tracked' - Europe, World - The Independent

Brown tells police: Get your bobbies back on the beat... and don't blame red tape | Mail Online

As Ground Zero cases go to trial, respirator rule is revealed

rat-out-a-tax-cheat-collect-a-reward: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

'Rigi planned to meet Holbrooke in Kyrgyzstan'

Gun case presents quandary for Supreme Court justices - washingtonpost.com

Morgan Park man takes City of Chicago to Supreme Court over handgun ban - 2/25/10 - Chicago News - abc7chicago.com

Did Hyping H1N1 Create A Dangerous Flu Fatigue? - AOL News

CNSNews.com - Mexican Drug Cartels Active Nationwide, Obama Administration Officials Say

CNSNews.com - Napolitano Says People From Countries Tied to Terrorism Could ‘Potentially’ Enter USA, But DHS Reports Says Thousands Already Have

Travel | No curbs on border searches of cellphones, laptops | Seattle Times Newspaper

NM lawmakers to consider sales tax increase - BusinessWeek

Abuse of language threatens American freedoms | Jordan Times

Abuse of Power - WSJ.com

Chris Hedges: Ralph Nader Was Right About Barack Obama - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

Orlando Sentinel – The TV Guy

A gas tax to cure global warming? Compromise looks to revive stalled plan | Washington Examiner

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - Tensions rise over Indonesia bank rescue probe

Indonesia Riots Over Treasury Secretary's Bailout


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 2nd With Ray McGovern

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – February 26th With Nigel Farage

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – March 1st With Shooter Jennings


YouTube - LSD Human Experimentation / Research Documentary Film


Roy Tov – 1264 New Testimonies

Facial recognition phone application described as 'stalker's dream' | Mail Online

The Orwellian Agenda Of 9/11 Truth's Enemies?


YouTube - CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up

YouTube - Congressman J.D. Hayworth For President 2012

YouTube - The Plan, The Purge, The Restoration

YouTube - Frustration Revolution


REVISIONISTS.com -- Ernst Zundel

Israeli Terror at Rights Activists House

Ibrahimi Mosque Stolen by the Jews

YouTube - Iran and The International Bureau of Double Standards

savethemales.ca - Finding a Wholesome Refuge in China

That was a war council in Damascus - The National Newspaper

Page not found | NewsBusters.org

Voting For God In Texas

The Zionist Bullshit Filter « Mantiq al-Tayr

Olbermann To Be Axed?

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Why it takes so many Mossad agents to kill a Palestinian with a Pillow? by Gilad Atzmon

Nasa radar finds ice on moon's north pole - Telegraph

Most detailed pictures of Earth revealed by Nasa - Telegraph

The seven wonders of the solar system - Telegraph

Climategate professor Phil Jones admits sending 'pretty awful emails' | Mail Online

Funding Israeli Militarism, Belligerence And Occupation

Officials puzzle over millions of dollars leaving Afghanistan by plane for Dubai

Chilean Quake Likely Shifted Earth’s Axis, NASA Scientist Says - Bloomberg.com

Dead Man Musings: Florida, Old Nuclear Plants and "Bloom Boxes"

View from the Lab: Who is a Jew? DNA can hold the key - Telegraph

Nail from Christ's crucifixion found? - Telegraph

Boy develops fish scales at 14 months old - Telegraph

BBC News - Etched ostrich eggs illustrate human sophistication

Chile Earthquake: Is Mother Nature Out of Control? | LiveScience

Were the 1997 Arizona Lights a psychological warfare experiment? Part One

Bright Lights that Hypnotize: Mysterious Aerial Illuminations | Mysterious Universe

How optical illusion triggered plane panic - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Snake Caught Attacking Dinosaur—First Fossil Proof

Biblical fragments reunited after centuries - Science- msnbc.com

8-Limbed Boy Needs Surgery to Remove Parasitic Twin - Incredible Health - FOXNews.com

Top 10 spooky sleep disorders - Behavior- msnbc.com

Cryptomundo » Fish Fall At Lajamanu

Haunted hotels' ghost stories can be good for business - USATODAY.com

SPACE.com -- Veil Lifts Slightly on Secretive Blue Origin Rocket Project

Did Saddam Hussein model himself on Darth Vader? - CultureLab - New Scientist

UFO reports to be destroyed in future by MoD - Telegraph

Unexplained Mysteries - Learning to see and sense ghosts

No Lie! Your Facebook Profile Is the Real You | Wired Science | Wired.com

Access : A CoGeNT result in the hunt for dark matter : Nature News

Canadian Researcher Snaps Sasquatch in Vancouver - Pravda.Ru

Scientist eyes 39-day voyage to Mars - Yahoo! News

4 reasons we get ripped off

Audio indicates child directed air traffic at JFK Airport | courierpostonline.com | Courier-Post

Start a Rothbardian Bankrun by Joseph T. Salerno

TV election debates: Party leaders agree on clapping ban | Mail Online

'Please leave your confession after the beep': Fury of French bishops over 30p-a-minute phone line for sinning Catholics

YouTube - What Our Children Are Dying For In Afghanistan

YouTube - Nazi Germany Then And Zionist Israel Today


**Dual Citizenship -- Should we be worried?



flashback:Israel President Humiliates America!


Who really runs Hollywood and the media?


Ralph Nader Was Right About Barack Obama

YouTube - The Video The USA Army Doesn't Want You To See

YouTube - Talmud Teaching

Op-Ed Columnist - The N.Y.P.D. Is Watching Certain People - NYTimes.com

Obama is a Liar: Illegal Wars, Fraudulent Bailouts, Egregious Assault on Civil Liberties

Hoax of the Century by Patrick J. Buchanan

“Investing in Our People.” Is That Another Layoff Euphemism, IBM?


kenny's sideshow: FireFighter Eric Lawyer Slams NIST And The 9/11 "Investigation"

kenny's sideshow: Inside Story - Who killed Mabhouh?

9/11 truth movement keeps moving along


*site:Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth



“Manufacturing Depression: The Secret History of a Modern Disease” - 12160.org


video:Environmental Deception – The Difference between Contrail and Chemtrail - 12160.org


EclippTV :: Video :: IRS Tax Is Illegal - No Tax Law Exists!!


Cyberwar Hype Intended to Destroy the Open Internet | Threat Level | Wired.com

IMF "Economic Medicine" Comes to America

Ellen Brown: IMF-Style Austerity Comes to America

U.S. Economy Grinds To Halt As Nation Realizes Money Just A Symbolic, Mutually Shared Illusion | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

American's Journey: Thom Hartmann on local Charlottesville, VA radio misrepresents Cass Sunstein's attacks on Freedom of Speech

EclippTV :: Video :: Gold Silver Mania is HERE! How to Make Spare Money Recycling Scrap Gold

EclippTV :: Video :: Daniel Hannan on the British Tea Party movement

EclippTV :: Video :: Cops & Judges Caught Using Secret Codes On Tickets



EclippTV :: Video :: Bill Gates: Establishment Should Use Vaccines To Lower Population! (1/2)

EclippTV :: Video :: Bill Gates: Establishment Should Use Vaccines To Lower Population! (2/2)


Ajaxian » Extension wars – NoScript vs. AdBlockPlus

New ghost towns: Industrial communities teeter on the edge - USATODAY.com

Is The Yellowstone Caldera Calling? by Ernie Fitzpatrick

The Vatic Project: British people told by opposition politician to start arming themselves for a class war

Jerusalem mayor to retroactively legalize East Jerusalem buildings - Haaretz - Israel News

America's Permanent War Agenda

U.S. Postal Service might end Saturday delivery to help close $238 billion gap - washingtonpost.com

Friedmanism at the Fed

Weaponizing Mozart: How Britain is using classical music as a form of social control -- Signs of the Times News

Lack Of Deep Sleep May Increase Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

The Road to Dictatorship by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

YouTube - tungstengold.flv


YouTube - Cryptome's John Young on Alex Jones TV 1/3: The Internet is a Police State Surveillance Grid

YouTube - Cryptome's John Young on Alex Jones TV 2/3: The Internet is a Police State Surveillance Grid

YouTube - Cryptome's John Young on Alex Jones TV 3/3: The Internet is a Police State Surveillance Grid


YouTube - Criminal State - Part 1 of 3: A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism

YouTube - Criminal State - Part 2 of 3: A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism

YouTube - Criminal State - Part 3 of 3: A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism


flashback/video:The Truth Behind the Media-Lobbying Complex


*60 pgs/Control or Economic Law


Money and the Individual - Murray N. Rothbard - Mises Institute

Because We Want to Fly - Christopher Westley - Mises Institute


archive:Op-Ed Columnist - Spirit Quest - NYTimes.com

The Perennial Philosophy | SharedWisdom

The Many Windows to the Unseen World

The Therapeutic Sound of Peace and Healing

Simple Tools for Feeling Better

Words and Their Importance


video:HAARP Nature Modification Weapon! Project Blue Beam

video:Did Edgar Cayce speak about 2012?

video:Frequency + Intent = Healing

video: Life Beyond Earth - Origin And Evolution Of Life In The Universe

video:Internet Censorship

video:The Quantum Apocalypse

video:The Corporate World of the Mind

video:David Icke on the Global Agenda

video:The Future is Fusion

video:Conspiracy Theory or Fact? The US Economy & Federal Reserve Bank

video:Top 6 Ways to Identify & Avoid Genetically Modified Foods

video:Angelic Human Race

video:Peter Joseph - The Zeitgeist Lectures


newsletter/;winter edition/Village Acupuncture ~ Center for Optimum Health

Dr. Orloff’s Tips for A Positive Attitude

Sneak preview of Dr. Orloff's Dec PBS Special "Emotional Freedom Now!”

YouTube - Shinning our light & Experiencing our soul! Sandra Ingerman


**ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service: Organic Seed Suppliers Search


Dairy lobbyists shape policy

Doctors Struggle to Treat Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections - NYTimes.com

More US weeds found resisting Monsanto Roundup | Reuters

Food as America’s newest religion | Grist


*video page index:Cookus Interruptus - How to Cook Fresh Local Organic Whole Foods Despite Life's Interruptions


*Video page index: Judith Orloff MD


Free articles ,quizzes / Judith Orloff MD


Shaman Portal - How Do We Get Ready For 2012?

Shaman Portal - The World Tree

Shamanism: Honoring the Aliveness in All - ShamansCircle.com


*Master Publication List: ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service


*Organic Seed Resource Guide: Introduction and Table of Contents


*Organic Seed Alliance - Seed Companies Selling Organic Seed


*Spotlights Archive : News : Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

*Shamanic Videos


*Shamanic Circles: Recordings



promo:Coffee and Teas


*YouTube - Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows



*Free Movies in the Public Domain(/publicdomainmovies.info)


Fineman: What the Debate Should Be About - Howard Fineman - Newsweek.com

Ezra Klein - Paul Ryan and the true cost of health-care reform

UPDATED: Obama Embraces GOP Ideas, Urges Dems To Move Forward | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Dem Only Health Bill Push Would Be Reckless

Jim Bunning: The GOP’s gift to the Dems - chicagotribune.com

Gore still hot on his doomsday rhetoric - The Boston Globe

Jerry Brown Seeking Third Term as California Governor, 27 Years Later -- Politics Daily

RealClearPolitics - In Praise of the Tea Party Movement

The Incredible Shrinking Europe - TIME

George F. Will: Immature Men Won't Grow Up - George F. Will - Newsweek.com

The second opinion is right: Obama should heed Buffett on health care cost

Republicans cast doubts on Senate parliamentarian - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Justices lean to extending gun owners' rights - USATODAY.com

Landrieu praises new climate plan - The Hill's E2-Wire

RealClearPolitics - Why Americans Hate Washington

The real reasons for Charlie Crist's collapse - Charlie Crist - Salon.com

Michael Tomasky: The Rahm bomb | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

RealClearMarkets - Healthcare Is a Good, Not a Natural Right

Why Is Soros Buying Gold if It’s in a Bubble? -- Seeking Alpha

China overreacting to U.S. arms sales - The China Post


*Transcripts:3-2/Obama's Remarks on Energy Efficiency

Clinton's Remarks with the President of Chile


*3-1/Panel on the Democrats & Health Care

Obama's Remarks at the America's Promise Event

Clinton's Remarks with President Kirchner


*Politics Video:3-3/Rep. Rangel Steps Down From Ways & Means Chairmanship

AR-Sen: DSCC's Menendez Supports Blanche Lincoln In Primary

Ziegler On Palin In The Media, 2012

Rep. Clyburn: Rangel A "Consummate Legislator"

Tapper on Obama's Health Care Push

Mitt Romney On The "Late Show" With David Letterman

Sarah Palin On The "Tonight Show"

MSNBC's Ratigan Accuses Tea Party Of Wanting To "Kill Blacks And Jews"

Maddow: Senators Abandon Honor To Block Health Reform

O'Reilly: Is Our Freedom In Danger?

Countdown: Democrats To GOP: "Don't Stop Democracy"

Krauthammer: Holder Hired Lawyers Because He "Wants People With An Ideological Affinity To Him"


*3-2/Reid: A Filibuster Is The Practice of Obstruction

TX-Governor: Rick Perry Wins Republican Primary

Rep. Anthony Weiner On Health Care At All Costs

Arne Duncan On Obama And Teacher's Unions

Harold Ford Jr.: Democrats Are "Scared"

Romney: No "Passing Grade" For Obama

Obama Talks Jobs In Georgia

Jake Tapper On Obama's Checkup

Sen. Coburn: "Smaller" Health Plan More Of The Same

Krauthammer: GOP Should Attack Health Bill On Merits

Sen. Kyl On Health Summit And Reconciliation

Olbermann: "Life Panels" Invaluable For Americans

TX-Gov: Texas GOP Political Showdown

O'Reilly: Barney Frank, President Obama And Your Money

Rep. Wasserman-Schultz On Using Reconciliation To Pass Health Bill

Maddow: Health Reform Opponents Reprise Smear Role


Greenhouse Gax Taxes Could Push Gas To $7 Gallon

03-03-2010: 'Revolution' warning over bailout

03-02-2010: Suspected Colorado School Gunman Participated In Strange NASA Funded Medical Study In 2005

Study: Baby Einstein DVDs Don't Help Tots Learn Words

03-02-2010: US cyber defense strategy details hit the Internet

03-02-2010: Number of US extremist groups "exploded" in 2009: report

03-02-2010: President Obama to Say Democrats Will Use Reconciliation to Pass Senate Health Care Reform Fix, If Not Given Up or Down Vote

03-02-2010: US to train Iraq's Kurdish Peshmerga forces

03-02-2010: Cyberwar Hype Intended to Destroy the Open Internet

03-02-2010: NASA's Project M: One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Robotkind

Nine congressmembers who voted against health reform could flip


Germany Shows Off New High-Tech Biometric ID Cards

Russian oil, gas company's top manager found shot dead in Moscow office

Golden-i: Now You Can Wear Your Windows

Corporate Lobbyists and Public Relations Firms behind Cable News Outlets

Military Monitored Planned Parenthood, Supremacists

George Soros tells CNN: I’m not satisfied with Barack Obama, but he saved country from recession

Open Wi-Fi ‘Outlawed’ by Digital Economy Bill

Blair Warned in 2000 Iraq War was Illegal

America's 30 Year War On Afghanistan

GOP Sen. Kyl: Unemployment Benefits Make People Not Want To Get A Job

This Is Getting Good

Covering up the US-NATO Defeat: Afghan Government Bans Media Coverage of Taliban Attacks

UFO Sightings Revealed in UK Archive Files From 1990s

Consumer Protection: GMO Contamination of Organic Food

U.S. Trying to Make European Missile Defense Process Irreversible

20 Missile Interceptors Deployed in Romania Threaten Russia

VIDEO: Criminalization of the State: Assassinations and Torture Ordered by the US Government

Stalemate in China-US Relations

Obama and the Steady Drift to the Right

Strained Relations Between USA and China

The Spectre of Military Conflict. Georgia versus Russia: Fanning the Flames


VIDEO: The Infinite War - The Truth About Kosovo


*VIDEO: Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses


Corporate Lobbyists and Public Relations Firms behind Cable News Outlets

How Obama’s Health Care “Reform” Kills Health Care

Peter Schiff explains how to save America

The GOP Debate: McMahon, Simmons, Schiff Tangle In First Televised Match

Peter Schiff Dominates Post-Debate Poll

Big Pharma researcher admits to faking dozens of research studies for Pfizer, Merck

Genuine American exceptionalism on due process

Free To Leave?

How Does the 1 percent Control the 99 percent?

Lew Rockwell speaks to Mises Institute: "Never miss an opportunity to tell the truth"

President Obama to Say Democrats Will Use Reconciliation to Pass Senate Health Care Reform Fix, If Not Given Up or Down Vote

Rep. Ron Paul, R-Tex., gives $100,000 back to taxpayers

Frank Rich, Ron Paul and the Battle for the Soul of America

MSNBC Continues Propaganda Campaign Against Patriot Groups

Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney were Right About Barack Obama

Sen. Bunning's one-man filibuster is over


**article links:Foia request: Barry Jennings and Michael Hess (refused by NIST) | 911Blogger.com




Climategate: This Time It's NASA

A gas tax to cure global warming? Compromise looks to revive stalled plan

Fuel Taxes Must Rise, Harvard Researchers Say

Mystery of Australian nuclear scientist's 'bizarre' disappearance

Don’t Tread on Pipe Tobacco or Anything Else

National Archives Wants Investigation into Destruction of John Yoo Torture Emails

Al Gore taunted at shareholders' meeting, called 'laughingstock'

Total Internet Takeover: Open Wi-Fi 'outlawed' by Digital Economy Bill

Debt Dynamite Dominoes: The Coming Financial Catastrophe

Government Stimulus, One Year Later

"Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem


Ron Paul Speaks to Mises Institute: Prepare for the Worst

Ron Paul vs. Big-Government Conservatives

Ron Paul: The US Government's Debt Can Never Be Repaid


American reliance on government at all-time high

Bill Gates: "If we do a really great job on new vaccines... we could lower [the population] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent"

Head of ‘Climategate’ research unit admits he hid data – because it was ’standard practice’

One in four Germans wants microchip under skin: poll

Flashback: Carbon trading can be used to establish a new world order, become world reserve currency - Rothschild Vice Chairman

Unplug the Signal: The Truth Will Not Be Televised

You are a slave to the Government

Is Obama a Trojan horse?

The truth about tort reform


video:Judge Orders Kids To Wear GPS Tracking Devices At School


Obama and the Patriot Act: “Yes We Can” Kill the Bill of Rights

‘Covert’ surveillance cameras coming to Chicago

The Digital Dictatorship

U.S. NEWS: The Alex Jones Chronicles - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

It's Not Saturday Delivery That's Hurting the Post Office

Postmaster: Five-Day Delivery Critical to Survival

How Did the Postal Service Get in This Fix?

Facts and Figures About the Post Office

Obama: Post Office Has Problems, FedEx Fine

Identity Thieves Target Your Mailbox

Rep. Broun: House Dems Fear Pelosi Wrath

N.C. Congressman Wants Ronald Reagan on $50 Bill

Rangel Stepping Down From Tax-Writing Chair

Tea Party Uses Survey to Strike Back at Critics

Senate Umpire Faces Tough Calls on Healthcare

GOP Dismisses DoD Study On Gays As Biased

Kaine: Not Worried About Politics of Healthcare

Unwelcome Spotlight Falls On Obama Chief of Staff

Palin Cracks Jokes with Jay Leno

Sen. Bunning Relents, OKs Action On Jobless Bill

Rove Admits to Error On Iraq As Bush Strategist

Gates Says Study On Gays Should Include Troops

McConnell Says Budget Impasse to End Soon

EU Concerned About Iran's Nuclear Activities

Top Dems Look to Obama for Healthcare Revival

Mitt Romney's Blueprint for a Strong Defense

Pelosi: Smaller Health Bill on the Way

Starbucks Asks Not to Be Center of Gun Debate

'Miracle On the Hudson' Pilot Retiring

U.S. Teachers More Interested in Reform Than Money

Tea Party Group Argues for Recall of N.J. Senator

Senators Seek to Block Stimulus Money for Overseas

NKorea's Kim Reportedly Battlng Depression

Insomnia Shrinks Your Brain

Study: Calcium, Vitamin D Don't Help Heart

7 Key Reasons You're Still Fat

Burial Chamber of Ancient Egyptian Queen Unearthed

Amtrak Launches Wireless Access On Acela Trains

Romney Jokes That Airplane Spat 'Broke My Hair'

No Charges for Naomi Campbell in NYC Driver Flap

Child Services Probes Stun Gun at Jackson Home

Exclusive: Are We Financing Our Own Demise? / Family Security Matters

Mar 1, 2010: The system/ Richard Russell 321gold ...inc ...s


*Citizens For Legitimate Government:1997 DoD Briefing: 'Others' can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using electromagnetic waves --By Lori Price


*HAARP: The Military's Pandora's Box


*Charts the GAO Doesn’t Want you to See | Shenandoah


Stupak Rejects Hoyer’s New Claim that Senate Health Bill Bars Funding of Abortion

Justice Department Won’t Name Its Attorneys Who Previously Worked in Private Sector Representing or Advocating for Terrorist Detainees

Sebelius Accuses GOP of Using ‘Politics of Obstruction’ on Health Care

Arab Countries Okay Indirect Israeli-Palestinian Talks

British Police Arrest British Airways Employee in Terror Probe

Cancer Society Stops Urging Doctors to Offer PSA Test

Postal Service Considers Rate Hike, Ending Saturday Delivery to Address $7 Billion Loss

Rep. Charles Rangel, Under Ethics Cloud, Steps Down From Tax-Writing Chairmanship

Couple Who Removed Lawn to Save Water Goes to Court

Coroner Probes Whether Drugs, Alcohol Played Role in Death of Marie Osmond’s Son

Sen. Jim Bunning’s Historic and Heroic Stand

You Have No Right to my Property

Andy Stern and Barack Obama: Fiscal Responsibility Fraudsters

Obama Offers to Use Some G.O.P. Health Proposals - NYTimes.com

U.S. to Reveal Rules on Internet Security - NYTimes.com

PublicEye.org - The Website of Political Research Associates

Empire, Oligarchy and Democracy | CommonDreams.org

U.S. Mint Short on Savvy, not Supply

American Thinker Blog: Obama seeking unilateral nuclear disarmament

Political Correctness is Jihad against our military

MSNBC Continues Propaganda Campaign Against Patriot Groups

Blood of the innocents sent to military labs: US Government on a quest to find the end times seed?

Homeward Bound: Three Men in A Wheat Field

US government rescinds 'leave internet alone' policy • The Register

America's hidden debt problem - Mar. 1, 2010

The Sovereigns And The Serfs - Forbes.com

Exclusive: Islamic Extremism Linked Across the Atlantic » Publications » Family Security Matters

SPLC's annual report sees explosive 244% growth in 'Patriot' extremism -- thanks to Tea Parties

D.C.'s Catholic Charities Dumps Family Insurance So They Don't Have To Cover Same-Sex Partners

ABC should let Jon Stewart host "THIS WEEK"

Outrageous revisionism: Breitbart's Big Government compares ACORN to Ku Klux Klan

Rush Limbaugh Compares Nancy Pelosi to a Terrorist

I Want To Thank Senator Bunning For His Courage & Clarity! Senator DeMint

Bunning Accepts Deal, The Filibuster's Over

Rachel Maddow Hits Republicans and Fox for Conflating the Reconciliation Process With the Nuclear Option

Dylan Ratigan kicks teabagger off of his show: "Can We Please Cut Off This Man's Microphone?"

72 Hours For Clean American Power

Glenn Beck claims progressivism leads to Nazism. Oh really?

Jerry Brown Declares His Candidacy For Governorship Of California Again

Sen. Kyl: Unemployment Benefits A 'Job Disencentive'

Utah legislator who wants to criminalize miscarriages is a Glenn Beck '912er' and Tea Party fan

Dana Bash: It Could Take a Couple of Weeks for Democrats to Work Around Bunning's Obstruction

America's Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You With Name Change by Joseph Mercola

How Long Can You Survive Without Water?

Cavemen who walk among us - Arts & Culture, Books, Health - Macleans.ca

Censorship and Show Trials on Vaccines and AIDS by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD

The Audacity of Being Hopelessly Bad at Economics? by Wilton D. Alston

Meddling Where We Oughtn't by Fred Reed

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread, With Added Bran, Please by Bill Sardi

Bernanke on a Bailout of the Treasury by Gary North

It’s Not About Political Parties. It’s About Liberty by Michael Boldin

The Mises Review: Victor's Justice: From Nuremberg to Baghdad by Danilo Zolo

Marc Faber, George Soros agree gold prices set to rise - Business Intelligence Middle East - bi-me.com - News, analysis, reports

Lid blows off Obama's forgotten scandal


*e book:Mises on Money


WND RADIO Guns and the states

WND RADIO Congress MIA in D.C. 'gay'-marriage battle

WND RADIO 'Our values are under assault'

WND RADIO 'Nobody wants a spoonful of toxic stew'


Scathing report: Tea partiers just like Timothy McVeigh

Ratigan Goes Nuts: Accuses Tea Party Organizer of Including People who Want to 'Kill Blacks and Jews' | NewsBusters.org

Mideast war in 'very' near future?

Praying in park called 'disorderly conduct'

Judge urges counseling for parents of teen convert

Intelligence briefs: Did terrorists hit airliner?

Attack on 'biology-based' restrooms sparks backlash

'Muslim Mafia' hosts banned Islamist

Bill to criminalize presence of illegal immigrants in Arizona

FOXNews.com - Perry Wins Texas Republican Gov. Primary Race

It's Jay Leno's new 'Tonight Show' starring Sarah Palin | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Coffee Party, With a Taste for Civic Participation, Is Added to the Political Menu - NYTimes.com

How government corrupts science

Lawmakers cry 'jobs' to push through bills - Washington Times

Did it come from outer space?

Bombings kill more than 30 in Iraq - Conflict in Iraq- msnbc.com

Dems: Emanuel’s ‘gut instincts’ trump Obama’s - Washington Post- msnbc.com

President Obama to Say Democrats Will Use Reconciliation to Pass Senate Health Care Reform Fix, If Not Given Up or Down Vote - Political Punch

FOXNews.com - Tea Partiers on 'Alert' as Democrats Lay Groundwork for Health Care Passage

Northwest at risk of megaquake like one in Chile


AUDIO: Child Directs Air Traffic at JFK!


Breitbart.tv » Obama ‘American Agenda’ Flashback: Dems Should Not Pass Healthcare With a 50-Plus-1 Strategy

President Obama to Say Democrats Will Use Reconciliation to Pass Senate Health Care Reform Fix, If Not Given Up or Down Vote - Political Punch

Dinner tabs: Restaurants add employee charge to dinner tabs - chicagotribune.com

Fuel Taxes Must Rise, Harvard Researchers Say - Dot Earth Blog - NYTimes.com

Lawmakers cry 'jobs' to push through bills - Washington Times

44 - Senate approves extension of jobless benefits after Bunning ends blockade

Economists Warn Another Financial on Way to U.S. Economy - ABC News

Few details in White House summary of cyber plan - Yahoo! News

Huge waves kills 2 on cruise ship in Mediterranean

Reuters AlertNet - Brazil's Lula: don't push Iran into corner on nukes

Brazil rebuffs US, says it will go own way on Iran

My Way News - First lady hails value of reading, Dr. Seuss

Murdoch doubts N.Y. Times Slim sale speculation - Yahoo! News

Nude Snow Woman

Argentina celebrates diplomatic coup as Hillary Clinton calls for talks over Falklands - Times Online

Billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov loses £36m deposit on world's most expensive home | Mail Online

Biden defends bailouts before labor leaders - Yahoo! Finance

My Way News - Microsoft CEO: Google merits regulatory scrutiny

Apple sues rival HTC as phone competition rises - Yahoo! Finance

Reuters AlertNet - Israeli army nixes raid after Facebook leak -radio

Updated: Leno (With Palin) Beats Letterman Badly Again On Night Two - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings | TVbytheNumbers.com

The Associated Press: Maine panel weighs cell phone cancer warning

DEMINT: White House land grab - Washington Times

Justices may extend gun owner rights nationwide - Yahoo! News

Giga-Biter In Obstruction Charge - March 2, 2010

The Associated Press: Dutch anti-immigrants set to make gains in vote

Nasa reveals most-detailed images of Earth | Mail Online

The Flu Season That Fizzled - WSJ.com

Debbie Schlussel: More Islamic “Feminism” On Display Worldwide; Where is NOW?

Debbie Schlussel:Who is Harold Hurtt? Meet the Immigration Enforcement Foe . . . Who Wants to be ICE’s Public Face

Debbie Schlussel:Caterpillar Does the Right Thing on Iran (Finally); When Will Shell?

Debbie Schlussel:Epic Fail: E-Verify Employer Immigration Check Doesn’t Work

Debbie Schlussel:Religion of (Rest In) Peace . . . And Murdering Cyclists

Opposing Views: Worries About Direction of Tea Party Movement

Was ‘Idol’ schedule switch fair to male singers? - American Idol- msnbc.com

Adam Lambert, Sarah Palin Don't Cross Paths On 'The Tonight Show' - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Jessica Simpson on 'Oprah:' I'm 'Angry' About John Mayer's Sex Gossip - ABC News

The Associated Press: Tapes indicate child directed planes at NY airport

Are Michael Jackson's Children Safe? Questions Raised After Stun Gun Incident - ABC News

The Associated Press: With the Oscars days away, Hollywood gets busy

Megan Fox Reveals: "I've Only Been With Two Men" - E! Online

Burt Reynolds recovers from heart surgery - USATODAY.com

‘Secret of Kells’ Takes On Animation Big Boys in Oscar Races - NYTimes.com

Gov. Rick Perry Wins Texas Gubernatorial Primary - WSJ.com

YouTube - KXAN-Governor Rick Perry Speaks

FOXNews.com - Rep. Stark to Step in as Interim Ways and Means Chairman

YouTube - Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) temporarily steps down from Chairmans seat

Obama to Push 'Up or Down' Vote on Health - WSJ.com

Are Obama's New 'GOP Health Ideas' Any Good? - Business - The Atlantic

Paterson Is Accused of Violating Ethics Laws - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Scandal forces NY's top cop to resign

Bunning's Blockade Ends - Politics - The Atlantic

YouTube - Bunning Plays Hardball in Senate amid Jobless Benefit Stalemate

The Associated Press: Sex offender to be charged in Chelsea King case

Cable Exclusive With Mitt Romney on Explosive New Book - Hannity - FOXNews.com

Hotheaded Emanuel may be White House voice of reason - washingtonpost.com

It's Apparently Very Hard Being Rahm Emanuel

The McDonald Gun Case: Here to Serve You - National - The Atlantic

YouTube - Supreme Court Weighs Scope of Right to Bear Arms

High Court Leans to Gun-Rights Side - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: Homemade device leaks fumes in Detroit school

The Blago Beat: In The Hot Seat « Liveshots

The Associated Press: Feds probe NM refinery explosion that killed 2

YouTube - Refinery fire in Artesia critically injures 2

Did they know? Israel-U.S. startup linked to Dubai hit - Haaretz - Israel News

YouTube - Inside Story - Who killed Mabhouh?

BBC News - Chile 'not facing food shortages' after earthquake

Bombings Rock Baquba Ahead of Iraq Elections | Middle East | English

Muslim scholar's fatwa condemns terrorism - CNN.com

BBC News - Nigeria ruling party wants Muslim leader for 2011 poll

Hyderabad Air Show Crash Kills 2 India Navy Pilots | Asia | English

YouTube - Two dead in naval aircraft crash in Hyderabad

BBC World Service - News - Afghan government bans live coverage of militant attacks

The Associated Press: Arab nations pave way for indirect Mideast talks

Brussels Approves Inedible GMO Potato - BusinessWeek

Palestinians attack Israeli soldiers on reopened road | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

BBC News - Reaction and tributes after Michael Foot's death

Nic Robertson: Same old Karadzic - CNN.com

James Bulger: Jack Straw refuses to say why killer was returned to jail - Telegraph

BBC News - German court orders stored telecoms data deletion


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Eligibility lawyer: I'll demand proof

Who are the real conspiracy theorists?

Another new twist in birth certificate story

MSNBC’s David Shuster Smears: ‘Most Republicans’ Are Birthers | NewsBusters.org

YouTube - Is The State Of Arizona A Birther?


Mideast war in 'very' near future?

Czar: Education to make students 'revolutionaries'

Soros swoops in, takes another bank

White House to push ACORN pet project

Scathing report: Tea partiers just like Timothy McVeigh

Babies' DNA given to military database

Fear-mongering demagogue Al Gore


**Congress.org :Congressional Directory


*The Media, Extremists and Conspiracies, Part One

The Media, Extremists and Conspiracies, Part Two


Conservatives target their own fringe - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

*Site:Oath Keepers : Guardians of the Republic


*32 PGS/Who Was Frank Marshall Davis


Fear-mongering demagogue Al Gore

Persuasion, not prohibition

What would Muhammad do?

Special treatment for 'honor killing'

Who's the greater threat – the rich or politicians?

The Finns' lesson for Mexico

'The last thing I want to do is kill kids'

Patent reform is a patent giveaway

Jim Bunning is a hero

Sen. Jim Bunning Wreaks Havoc on the Unemployed -- And His Own Republican Party | News & Politics | AlterNet

How to break the curse we're under

Investors.com - Why Obama Can't Give Up On Reform


*SATIRE:WND RADIO 'We Arrrgh the World'

SATIRE:Obama Caught Lip-Syncing Speech | The Onion - America's Finest News Source


*AUDIO:Good News interview with Shocked by the Bible author Joe Kovacs.

Shocked by the Bible > The Good News: March/April 2010

VIDEO:Christianity: 'Spiritual journey' or destination?

VIDEO:Christians duped by 'another Jesus'


Nail from Christ's crucifixion found? - Telegraph

Breitbart.tv » ‘The Daily Show’ Mocks CNN Anchor for Hyper Tsunami Coverage

'Manhattan Madam' Kristin Davis, who supplied hookers to Eliot Spitzer, jumps into governor's race

Irish radio host blasted for calling Susan Boyle a 'freak' and 'not right in the head' | Entertainment in Ireland and Around the World | IrishCentral

Amazing leaf art by Leaf Carving Art in California - Telegraph


Matthew Albanese's incredible landscape art made from household objects | Metro.co.uk

Boy develops fish scales at 14 months old - Telegraph

Big Brother casts shadow over Internet

'Brady Bunch' Reunion Nixed Over Feud | PopEater.com

Raps, positive vibes flow in inmate talent contest - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com

Pizzeria worker sees Jesus in sauce bucket on first Friday of Lent - News - The Times-Tribune

YouTube - Image of Jesus in Sauce Bucket Scranton PA

The fiancee formula: Academics work out the best time to propose | Mail Online


*American Minute for March 3rd:William J Federer's American Minute


Murdoch challenging NY Times, launching NY edition of WSJ

Car salesman shot during test drive | MailTribune.com

Mourning begins for SoCal teen after body is found

Prostitution suspect a longtime Chappaqua resident, mother of 4 | LoHud.com | The Journal News

Larry Deffenbaugh Arrested After Faking His Own Death

3 teens caught for stealing Alvin, chipmunks statues: police :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Judge orders out mentally disabled residents of adult homes, if they want to live on their own

Babysitter, 74, battles thug who sexually assaulted girl, 10 | Philadelphia Daily News | 03/02/2010

Student apologizes for noose in UC San Diego library - latimes.com

Catholic diocese seeks cash to pay Irish victims

Woman becomes first prosecuted for failing to report treasure - Telegraph

Smithsonian rejects offer to take 'lucky suit' O.J. Simpson wore on day he was cleared of murder

Tap water contaminant 'castrates' frogs - USATODAY.com

Psychiatrists mull new sex disorders - Washington Times

Hillary Clinton slaps Britain in the face over the Falklands – Telegraph Blogs

Man 'killed by urinating on power line in ditch' - Telegraph

Ananova - Man lives for two years on leaves and grass

Theology student gets mad at bush and burns it - General News - Croatian Times Online News - English Newspaper

Malaysian Law Allows Women To Be Whipped

Lonewolf Diaries: Sean Penn Sort of Cares About Haiti, Just Not That Much

Palin Knocks ‘Em Dead on ‘Tonight Show’

The Impossible Blindsiding of Hollywood

Speech Police: ‘Blazing Saddles’ Would Never Get Made Today

Open Thread: Victoria Jackson’s ‘There’s a Communist Living in the White House!!’

Press Release: ‘The Hurt Locker’ Allegedly Steals War Hero’s Identity

Extra Daily Gut: Why Progressives Prattle On

REVIEW: ‘Survivor’ More than Surviving In Its 20th Season

Daily Gut: Who’s Laughing Now?

Jay Leno’s Un-Ironic Patriotism: The Most Controversial Man on TV Returns

Breitbart: Roger Ebert’s ‘Raw Contempt For Middle America’

Reason.tv: Billionaires vs. Brooklyn’s Best Bar – Eminent Domain Abuse in the Boro of Churches and Gin Mills

GITMO North Is the Worst Option on the Table

Unions: Forever War

The Bob Corker Bailout Sellout

Stopping the Runaway Congress

Batter Up!

Jerry Brown Proves He Has Nothing Relevant To Say

Study of Tea Party Activists Reveals Motivations of Political Movement

Ricochet Podcast: Mark Steyn, Rob Long, Andrew Breitbart and Peter Robinson

New Government Programs Always Cost More Than Predicted

Obama’s Labor Department Is Serious About Ethics…Except When It Isn’t

Scott Rasmussen: Americans Against Unpopular Health Care Reform

Obama’s Continued War on the Market

Upward Bound Is Down… Radical Sexual Indoctrination of Kids Is In

Carpe Diem, Larry Kudlow

ACORN and the Ku Klux Klan

Chicago Gun Case: Enforce the Constitution–All of It

The Handout President

Enough is Enough: MSM, This Is the Last Time You Call us Nazis

Who Are The ‘Al Qaeda 7?’ Don’t Expect Eric Holder Or the MSM To Tell You

New York Times plumps GM, trashes Toyota, Never Mentions Elephant in Room

Uncommon Knowledge: Rupert Murdoch Calls Media Bailout ‘Rubbish’

Debunking Some Emerging ACORN Liberal Myths

Hey, Kids, Wake Up — It’s Time for Young Americans to Fight

Are You Packing Heat? Your Local Newspaper May be Planning to Out You

When Liberal ‘Journalists’ Attack, Real Americans Suffer

‘The Acceleration of Disbelief,’ Starring ‘Floor Mat’ Al Gore

Does the New York State Democrat Establishment Hate Black Politicians? Ask Harold Ford, Jr.

As ABC News Announces Cutbacks, Is Diane Sawyer a Salary Hypocrite?

Unexamined Premises, Hidden Agendas: the New York Times and Planned Parenthood

The New York Times — Defending Murderous Dictators Since Walter Duranty

Time to act on health care, Obama declares

Obama says time for debating health care is over

Obama rejects GOP calls to start over on health care, says delay could last a decade or more.

Obama says Congress owes the American people a final vote on health care overhaul.

Triple bombing kill 32 ahead of Iraqi vote

NY's Paterson faces ethics charge over Yankees tix

Obama: Congress must 'finish its work' on health overhaul

» Will Bishopgate Finally End Congressman Delahunt’s Career? - Big Government

Body Believed to Be Missing California Teen Found - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

American Thinker Blog: Legalizing Chinese espionage?

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

US District Court Judge Nicholas Garaufis orders state to move mentally ill out of group homes and into apartments or small houses - NYPOST.com

Student apologizes for noose in UC San Diego library - latimes.com

Republicans vs. Republicans? Meghan McCain Rails at the Tea Party - The Note

Investors.com - A Blizzard Of Lies From Al Gore

Iranian Spiritual Leader: Nukes are a Religious Obligation - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Swede swindler convicted of attempted armed robbery - NYPOST.com

New Nets owner lost $54M on deposit for French Riviera mansion - NYPOST.com

3 ACORN workers cleared of wrongdoing - More politics- msnbc.com

Priceless watches stolen from Israeli museum 27 years ago land L.A. woman in court | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Carly Simon dispels rumors that love interest in "You're So Vain" is not David Geffen - NYPOST.com


#Video: Students Bent On Banning The 'R' Word

Video: Changing Tables, Beds Of Bacteria?

Video: After Delay, Vets Finally On Way To Iwo Jima

Video: New Clues In Missing Baby Gabriel Case

Video: Accurate Pricing At Valley Grocery Stores?

Video: Allison Dubois Gives Insight About Baby Gabriel Case

Video: Helping Classmates Deal with Murder of Young Child

Video: Woman strips down for animal rights

Father Arrested After 3 Kids Die in Crash

Medical Marijuana in OK

Augusta's Howell talks with Tiger

Shooting Suspect Jailed

Video: Bracelet Benefits Big Brother/Big Sister

Video: Parenting Tools for Kids' Cell Phones

Michael Moore’s Dream Response to Glenn Beck: ‘F*** Off’

Caught on Video: Navy Plane Crash at India Air Show Kills Two

SNL ‘Presidents’ Reunite to Push Wall Street Reform

Rangel Steps Down as Ways and Means Chair

Obama ‘American Agenda’ Flashback: Dems Should Not Pass Healthcare With a 50-Plus-1 Strategy

SHOCK AUDIO: Air-Traffic Controller Lets Kid Take Over at JFK

Notorious Performance Artist Leads Fans on Bizarre 72-Hour Silent Odyssey

‘Green Eggs and Bam’ Takes Seussical Tour of Health Care Plan

‘Be There or Else’: Palin Turns Stand-Up on Leno’s ‘Tonight Show’

Letterman Staffers Describe Cult-Like Office Atmosphere

‘He Broke My Hair’: Romney Recounts Plane Altercation to Letterman

CA Mural Madness: Authorities Threaten Jail Time Over Painting on Private Property

MSNBC Meltdown: Host Blisters Tea Party Express Organizer

‘Keep America Safe’ Hits Holder for Silence on ‘The Al Qaeda Seven’

‘Atheist Agenda’: Texas College Group Offers Porn-for-Bibles Swap

Bunning vs. Reid: Senators Trade Cross Words Over Bill Block

Hidden-Camera Investigation Catches Retailers Selling Used Lingerie

The B-Cast B-Side: Are Network Newscasts Really Dinosaurs?

The B-Cast: ‘Hero’ Bunning Is Blasted for Blocking Bill

Can Drinking Holy Cow Urine Cure Ailments?

Farrakhan: Obama Visited the ‘Testicular Shelf’ at Wal-Mart & ‘Picked Up a Few’

The New York Crimes: ‘Daily Show’ Skewers Paterson, Rangel

Detroit School Evacuated After Device Detonated in Building

New Zealand Police Defend Respons to Possible McCann Sighting

Van Jones Loved Signing Copy of Glenn Beck’s Book

Van Jones: ‘I’m Called the Green Jack Kemp’

House Majority Whip: Dems in ‘Good Shape’ on Getting Votes for Health Bill

Pelosi: New Health Care Bill to Be ‘Much Smaller’

Victoria Jackson: ‘There’s a Communist Living in the White House!!’

Ziegler: Palin’s Heading in the Wrong Direction for a 2012 Bid

Harold Ford: Democrats Are ‘Scared’

Did Bob Beckel Just Say ‘S***’ on National TV?

Gibbs on Obama’s Diet: ‘You Guys Think He Eats Carrots and Celery’

Racy, Controversial NJ Billboard Comes Down

LaHood: NHTSA to Review Toyota Electronics

High-tech Chopin museum brings composer's career to life

Reality TV Star's Child Killed by His Dog

White House Proposes Homeowner Energy Rebates

Toyota's Pain Is Rivals' Sales Gain in February

High Court Considers Extending Gun Rights

Togo to pick new leader in key democracy test vote

Obama Open to 4 GOP Health Care Proposals

Postal Woes May End Saturday Mail Delivery

Body of Missing Calif. Girl Believed Found

Afghan police and army a mixed class for US officers

Senate Approves Jobless Aid As Bunning Relents

AP Source: Woods Back From Family Counseling

N.Y. State Police Chief Retires Amid Scandal

Raw Video: Nursing Supervisor Shot at Hospital

Colo. School Shooting Suspect Faces 15 Counts

Raw Video: Chile Quake Footage Shot by Clubgoer

Grandparents 'missing out'

Red carpet style

Man Convicted in Iowa Coach Killing

Stun gun 'never used on Jacko kids'

China's migrants in focus as parliament set to open

Iraq to sew up loophole tailor-made for Qaeda

French students strike over poor accommodation

Bocelli - Hollywood Star for a Tenor

Pot Found in 5th Grader's Fruity Pebble Treats

Moment quake hits chile

Security a Concern in Quake-ravaged Chile

ShowBiz Minute: Campbell, 'Hurt Locker,' Jackson

US Vets Mark Iwo Jima 65th Anniversary

Bulger killer 'where he belongs'

Rangel Asks for Chairmanship Leave of Absence

Tories 'have no credibility'

French farmers slam EU move on GM potatoes

Shock over unseen Madeleine files

Russian art guest of honour at the Louvre

Audio Indicates Kid Directed Planes at JFK

Search for Americans Continues Following Quake

Why is Bulger killer back in prison?

'The Secret of Kells' Not a Secret Anymore

'Modern Family': A Modern Sitcom

Deadly Baqouba Blasts Ahead of Iraqi Elections

Food cheaper than a year ago

ASDA starts IVF price war

Party leader in TV debates

Patients and Docs Say Fix Health Care

Gays line up for marriage licences in US capital

My father is a hostage: Bonding in Colombia

Tech Test: Motorola's Devour Disappoints

After glum 2009, carmakers think green at Geneva Motor Show

Storm is the final blow for French oyster farms

Togo to pick new leader in key democracy test vote

As election looms, French politicians head to farm fair

Rochas back on Paris catwalk


Alex Jones - 2010-Mar-02, Tuesday

March 2, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

03/02 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 02/02/2010