"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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08 February 2010

Sat/Sun:weekend review

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 02/04/2010 (FULL)


*Streaming Radio Guide*


YouTube - Alex Jones wants Michael Savage on His Show Now!!!! -- (Aired on Sunday, January 31, 2010)


February 2, 2010 The Dana Show

February 1, 2010 The Dana Show


Vaccines and Autism: Debate Over?

Rupert Murdoch Is Mad as Hell

CNSNews.com - Anti-Islam Dutch Lawmaker Says He’s Being Denied a Fair Trial; Court Rejects Most of His Witness List

Soaked by pols' Katrina charity - NYPOST.com

Palin: 'America is ready for another revolution'

New errors in IPCC climate change report - Telegraph

Lawyers' fees could drain half of $4 billion 9/11 Ground Zero worker compensation funds - NYPOST.com

AFP: Is US bullying Toyota on recall?

Lancaster mayor comes under fire from Muslim organization | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Madoffs' gravy drain - NYPOST.com

Video shows abducted American in Iraq - Washington Times

Chilling account of Hayward killings

Actor known for his military roles lobbies for bill on naming of Marine department - TheHill.com

Socialism Viewed Positively by 36% of Americans

CNSNews.com - Yale Gets $3.9-Million Federal Grant to Develop ‘Avatar’ Video Game to Teach ‘Sex, Drug and Alcohol Negotiation and Refusal Skills’ to 9-to-14 Year Olds

Obama Statue to Leave Indonesia Park - NYTimes.com

Exiled Queens teacher on payroll despite knocking up student - NYPOST.com

FOXNews.com - Penn State Probe into Mann's Wrongdoing a 'Total Whitewash'

Baby gorilla pictured 'relaxing' in human-like pose - Telegraph

TIME:What is Robert Gates Really Fighting For?

War Room - Limbaugh wades into Emanuel-Palin battle

War Room - The first glimpse of President Palin?

Government Intervention Will Leave a Lasting Hangover | The Weekly Standard

Obama tries to rally Democrats, defends healthcare overhaul - latimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Charting Our Way to Solvency

RealClearPolitics - Populist Constitutionalism & the Tea Parties

RealClearPolitics - Holder's Premature Mirandization of Suspect

Obama Outsmarts the Terrorists - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

Credibility is what’s really melting - Mark Steyn, Opinion - Macleans.ca

Daniel Gross reviews Henry Paulson's book 'On the Brink' - washingtonpost.com

Obama budget continues long era of irresponsibility | Viewpoints, Outlook | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Political correctness gone mad - NYPOST.com

Despite the sceptics, climate change must remain a priority | Editorial | Comment is free | The Observer

Editorial - The Truth About the Deficit - NYTimes.com

A president, not a king - BostonHerald.com

House likely to end health insurers' antitrust exemption | McClatchy

Napolitano offers regular meetings with critical House GOPs; Rep. King receptive - TheHill.com

Republicans Recruit Political Newcomers - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Congress Needs to Change Direction on Health Care Reform

RealClearPolitics - Tea Party with Palin and My 7th Grade Girlfriend

Chavez, exposed: Malevolent Marxist - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

RealClearPolitics - The Electorate vs. Obama's Agenda

RealClearPolitics - It's Boom-Time for Public Employees

RealClearPolitics - Really? Are We That Thin-Skinned?

Holder must go: Mike Hayden's case - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Blame the childish, ignorant American public—not politicians—for our political and economic crisis. - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine

Politicizing Intelligence | The Weekly Standard

The Limits of Blaming Bush — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

The great global warming collapse - The Globe and Mail

FT.com / Columnists / Christopher Caldwell - One step back for mankind

American jobs figures: Falling flat | The Economist

Fort Hood report offers some useful ideas on averting similar tragedies - washingtonpost.com

Vaccination vindication - latimes.com

PostPartisan - Obama dismisses Blanche Lincoln's plea to be more centrist

Opinion: Intelligence community must be part of terror decisions - CNN.com

James Cameron - The right way forward on space exploration - washingtonpost.com

Terrorizing terrorists - NYPOST.com

Federal Security Bureaucrats Terrorize Capitol Hill - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Team in place for GOP - The Boston Globe

National Journal Magazine - A Course Correction On Terrorism

Why Climate Science Is On Trial - Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

Freedom Agenda | The New Republic

America's budget: Clueless in Washington | The Economist

Sen. Landrieu defends ‘Louisiana Purchase,' says Jindal asked for it - TheHill.com

Energy Chief Chu Vexed by Spending Backlog - WSJ.com

Democrats Question Comcast-NBC Universal Deal - NYTimes.com

Alabama Republicans stay skeptical of Parker Griffith - David Catanese - POLITICO.com


*Transcripts:2-5/Obama's Remarks on Jobs & Small Business

Shields & Brooks on the Week in Congress

Press Conference with Secretary Gates

Secretary Clinton's Remarks on Northern Ireland


Politics Video:2-7/Palin Won't "Close The Door" On Presidency

Sarah Palin On "FOX News Sunday"

"This Week" Roundtable On The Uncertain Economy

Brennan "Tiring" Of "Political Football" Over Terror

Gillespie, Myers On Tea Party Activists, 2010 Races

Geithner: Brown Wrong About Stimulus

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Sarah Palin & Tea Party

Clinton Defends Obama's Engagement Strategy On Iran

Paulson, Greenspan On Housing, Budget

Shrum: Palin Sounded Like A "Merchant Of Hate"

Rahm Emanuel "Apologizes" On SNL


2-6/Obama Weekly Address: Opening Doors for Small Business

Palin: "We Need A Commander-In-Chief, Not A Professor Of Law"

Obama: "I Am Not Going To Walk Away" From Health Reform

Hensarling Gives Weekly GOP Address On Obama's Budget

Sen. Landrieu Says GOP Should "Keep Their Mouth's Shut"

Steve Moore On Joblessness Dip

Maddow: Senator Shelby Holds Obama Appointees Hostage

O'Reilly: O'Reilly: All Hell Breaking Loose Over KSM

Olbermann: Tancredo Reveals Tea Party Racism

Fmr. Sen. Tom Daschle Stuck in D.C. Snowstorm

"Special Report" Panel On Under-Reported Budget Tidbits

Schultz To Dems: Toughen Up!


2-5/Ben Stein On The Economy

Rep. Cummings "Cautiously Hopeful" On Bipartisan Jobs Bill

Rep. Weiner: Joe Lieberman Is A "Dick"

FL-Sen: Rubio Would Not Hug Obama

Maddow: Republicans Bet On Banks

O'Reilly: Country Reacts To Jon Stewart Interview

Olbermann: McConnell Should Resign

"Special Report" On Tea Party Convention

The propaganda and failure of all inquires and tribunals

Dead Man Musings: Maitreya, The Japanese and WWIII

British Quietly Fear Falling Behind In Technology

What Is The Chupacabras? - Ten Year Study Results

Whittaker Chambers Library to Open

Cliff Kincaid -- Whittaker Chambers’ Farm in Jeopardy

savethemales.ca - Defending Yourself Against "Legal Fiction"

Zionism Is Judaism

Obama, The New NeoCon - Military Confrontation Rising

Why Has the FDA Allowed a Drug Marked 'Not Safe for Use in Humans' to Be Fed to Livestock Right Before Slaughter? | | AlterNet

If It’s 729 You Must Decline « Mantiq al-Tayr

SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: The men who made a killing out of swine flue while we wasted £1bn and were exposed to harmful drugs | Mail Online

Vitamin Lawyer Health Freedom Blog: McCain Bill Poses Threat to DSHEA and Health Freedom

McCain Anti-DSHEA Bill Is Death To Your Health Freedom

McCain's Fascist, Globalist Attacks Supplements

Anthrax-laced heroin batch emerges in London | World news | guardian.co.uk


BAE admits guilt over corrupt arms deals | World news | The Guardian

What BAE sells | News | guardian.co.uk

BAE and the Saudis: How secret cash payments oiled £43bn arms deal | World news | guardian.co.uk

BAE fined $400m over Saudi payments - Telegraph

Dubai to issue arrest warrant for Netanyahu if Mossad behind Hamas killing - Telegraph

Thousands of civilians flee Afghan region as Nato plans onslaught | World news | The Guardian

Pakistan rocked by twin explosions in Karachi | World news | guardian.co.uk

Singing the Blues – deeper and deeper - Telegraph

Blunders that cost lives of eight US troops in camp Keating revealed - Times Online

Baptist Laura Silsby who set off to 'rescue' orphans left behind debts and bad wages - Times Online

Tea and no sympathy for the 'devil' Obama - Americas, World - The Independent

The end of the battery: British invent material that looks like plastic but can store electricity | Mail Online

China threatens world health by unleashing waves of superbugs - Telegraph

Wii Fit players have suffered breaks and dislocations, report doctors - Telegraph

The US Government Has Lost Its Reason For Being

Lawyers are a burden on the state – Telegraph Blogs

Accused MPs argue they are above the law - Times Online

Few remain as 1962 Pa. coal town fire still burns - Yahoo! News

Ancient dialect extinct after last speaker dies - Yahoo! News

Space UFO baffles boffins | The Sun |News

YouTube - UFO, Never Doubt Again

Paterson Sex Scandal In The Works? Media Abuzz About Possible 'Bombshell' Story

next-in-line-for-a-bailout-social-security: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

savethemales.ca - American Gulag -- Feminist Laws Persecute Men

Bush to The Hague > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

Shadow Elite: How the World's New Power Brokers Are Upending Our Democracy | Books | AlterNet

Many Questions, Many Viewpoints

The Planning of War Behind Closed Doors

Safer Roads - Snotr

YouTube - hijackednation's Channel

Freethought Nation • View topic - Were the 12 Tribes of Israel Based on the Zodiac?

Online game lets 5-year-old girls play prostitute

Dakota Fanning in steamy, lesbian sex flick

Google links up with US spy-master to thwart threats to cyberspace - Times Online

Dalai Lama to meet Barack Obama as US relations with China worsen | World news | guardian.co.uk

Hubble sees Pluto changing color, ice sheet cover | World news | guardian.co.uk

Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' to be republished in Germany - Telegraph

Do we want brain scanners to read our minds? - Telegraph

YouTube - Male Police Stripping Woman Completely Naked(Police State)

FBI wants records kept of Web sites visited | Politics and Law - CNET News

Dead Man Musings: Taking America Back: Part 1

02-07-2010: Americans advised to get H1N1 vaccine

02-07-2010: School bombing exposes Obama's secret war inside Pakistan

02-07-2010: Priest checks fingerprints for mass attendance

02-06-2010: No joke: South Carolina now requires "subversives" to register

02-06-2010: Putin scolds party after rally exposes discontent

02-06-2010: Veiled Threats Directed against Russia: U.S. Expands Missile Shield Into Black Sea

02-06-2010: Bayer to pay $1.5 mln in 2nd lawsuit over GM rice

02-06-2010: China to levy anti-dumping duties on US chicken

02-06-2010: Obama hails CIA 'patriots' at memorial service

02-06-2010: NASA's New Plug And Play Spacesuit

02-06-2010: US food stamps set ever-higher record-32.8 million

02-06-2010: The Bankruptcy of the United States is Now Certain

02-05-2010: Senate passes AIPAC sponsored Iran Sanctions Act

02-05-2010: Airport Body Scanning Raises Radiation Exposure, Committee Says

02-05-2010: Pentagon Looks to Breed Immortal "Synthetic Organisms"

02-05-2010: Secret Summit Of Bankers

02-05-2010: The government has your baby's DNA

Obama's foreign policy in gridlock: former national security adviser

States Storing Newborns’ DNA Without Parental Consent

Digging Through Obama’s Closet

On the Claimed "War Exception" to the Constitution

The Truth About US Justice

America's Dark Side

Markets Fail When Humans Are Unregulated

Exclusive: How Corporations Secretly Move Millions to Fund Political Ads

The Planning of War Behind Closed Doors

Omar Khadr: Repatriation to Canada is the only option!

Media Disinformation in America

WHO Plays Dubious Role in Swine Flu Pandemic

Media Disinformation regarding Emergency Relief in Haiti

Sovereign Debt Fears Signal New Stage of Global Crisis

AIG-Gate: The World's Greatest Insurance Heist

Dangerous Crossroads in US Military Strategy: From Deterrence" to "Nuclear Compelence"

The Rising Tide of Internet Censorship

Top 10 Problems With America Assassinating Americans

How Corporations Secretly Move Millions to Fund Political Ads

The Great Global Arms Bazaar

Priceless: Palin Reads Cheat Notes Off Her Hand During Scripted Tea Party Questioning

Neo-Conned: Ron Paul Explains How the Conservative Movement Has Been Co-Opted by Trotskyites

Michael Badnarik Constitution Class

To Shoot an Elephant

Intelligence Chief: U.S. Can Kill American Citizens Deemed 'Threat'

Homegrown Jihadists Will Mount Attacks Against U.S. Each Year, Intel Director Says

Global Military Spending 'Recession-Proof'

When the Military Serves as Police

Patriot Act - Eight Years Later

Mark Dice Live in Los Angeles: Boycott the Super Bowl and Read a Book Instead

Red Alert: Intelligence Chiefs "Certain" Their Bosses Will Stage Terror Attack Soon

Fake Terror - The Road to Dictatorship

The Terror Card: Fear is the Key to Obedience

Time Magazine Pushes Draconian Internet Licensing Plan

CIA Tells Congress al-Qaeda to Attack in Three to Six Months

Judge Andrew Napolitano on The Alex Jones Show: False Flag Event To Save Obama’s Presidency

Police want backdoor to Web users' private data

Driver’s licenses for the Internet: A rebuttal

Journalist calls for euthanasia of disabled newborns

Obama seeking to assassinate "US citizens" he labels as terrorist

Obama makes a mockery of his own lobbyist ban

Congress must impeach Siegelman’s judge, Mark Fuller

The defense industry is pleased with Obama

Capitalist tool

NSA Teams With Google Over Cybersecurity

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg on Alex Jones TV: WHO’s 2009 Swine Flu Threat Now Exposed as A Hoax

Police sent on hypnosis courses

Nano-sized silicone implant could power cellphone, pacemaker

The age of the killer robot is no longer a sci-fi fantasy

Food industry 'too secretive' over nanotechnology

Ahmadinejad Orders Uranium Enrichment in New Challenge to Obama

Palin: Obama's Agenda Will Be Short-Lived

Bond: Obama Should Apologize for Intel Leak

Clinton: Al-Qaida Greater Danger Than Iran

Holbrooke: U.S. Not in Direct Contract with Taliban

Axelrod: We're Open to Payroll Tax Holiday

Palin Eagerly Awaited at Tea Party Convention

Tea Party Activists 'Fed Up' with Obama Agenda

Justice Alito Objected to Obama's History Claim

Nano-scientists take few precautions

Darpa’s New Plans: Crowdsource Intel, Edit DNA | Danger Room | Wired.com

Is Colonizing Mars an Imperative? Obama's New Space Strategy Says "Yes"

Global Insolvency, How will the U.S. Service its Debt? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

James Jones: Iran's Nukes 'Top Global Security Threat'

Militant Video Shows Abducted American in Iraq

Federal Law Barring Lying About Medals Tested

Nixon Grandson in GOP Bid for NY House Seat

Ill. Gov Might Want to Run From His Running Mate

Embattled Dem Ill. Candidate Won't Step Down

Senate Likely to Be Less Diverse After Elections

Soros: There Is No Attractive Alternative to Dollar

Wells Fargo Bets $1 Billion That Rates Will Rise

Roubini: U.S. Is a Ticking Fiscal Time Bomb

Palin Should Aim for TV, Not Politics

It's Time for Democrats to Regroup

Heads Up for Scott Brown: Watch Your Back

Geithner's Backdoor Bailout for AIG

IRS Takes an Exemption for Itself

Obama Spends Wildly Instead of Closing Deficit

Healthcare Demographics and Spiraling Deficit

The President Is Not Delivering Peace

Boehner Says We Can't Have 'Anti-Catholic Bigot' in White House, Calls for Obama Adviser to Resign

Gibbs Says He'll Check 'Timeline' to Find Out if Obama Knew in Advance That Underwear Bomber Would Be Mirandized

Michael Moore Seeks Million-Dollar Refundable Tax Credit (from Program He Trashed) to Cover Costs of His Anti-Capitalist Movie

Democrats Pushing Back Against Carbon Regulations From the EPA

Republicans Oppose Nomination of Pro-Labor Union Activist to Join National Labor Relations Board

Vietnam’s Clampdown on Dissent Draws U.S. Objections, but No Consequences

First Openly Gay Episcopal Bishop Says St. Paul Was Condemning Homosexual Acts by Heterosexuals

Obama Skips E.U. Summit, Partly Because of Its Confusing Structure

Chavez’s Socialist Worker Militias Swell to 150,000 in Venezuela

World Stocks Tumble Amid Global Recovery Doubts

Republicans Rebuff Obama Administration’s Plan to Spur Lending to Small Businesses

Abdulmutallab Turns Against Radical Cleric, Law Enforcement Official Says

Christmas Day Bombing Attempt Should Have Been Wake-Up Call for Obama Administration, But It Wasn’t, McConnell Says

Obama Adviser Stands by Assertion That Pope Benedict XVI Is 'Hurting People in the Name of Jesus'

Woman Charged with Killing Baby Might Be Mother of Two Other Babies Found Dead in Trunk

GOP Wants Obama to Prove He’s Serious about Cutting Budget

Obama’s Christmas Day Cover-Up

SEIU Fat Cats Are Behind First Lady’s Anti-Obesity Campaign

Obama’s Philosophically Fascist State of the Union Address

Will Obama Play the War Card?

The Super-Sized Census Boondoggle

YouTube - Alex Jones on US cyber mega-agency

Hillary to China: Vote for Iran Sanctions, or Face Gulf Conflagration and Oil Cutoff « TARPLEY.net

Glenn Greenwald - The lynch-mob mentality - Salon.com

Bush, Cheney and the Great Escape

www.REVISIONISTS.com/ Ernst Zundel: Holocaust Revisionist Movement


*MONEY LAW;The Coinage Act of April 2, 1792

**Constitution Society : (www.constitution.org/)


Wars sending U.S. into ruin | Eric Margolis | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

Yemen and The Militarization of Strategic Waterways

Obama, The New NeoCon - Military Confrontation Rising

Pentagon draws plans for immortal ’synthetic organisms’ | Raw Story

Egypt Restores Oldest Monastery In The World

Explosion Rocks Power Plant, Casualties Reported - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston

OpEdNews - Article: "Al-Qaeda Lady' Dr. Aafia not charged with links to Al Qaeda but convicted of trying to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan

OpEdNews - Article: The Silence of the Sheep

YouTube - SNL Mocks The Hell Out Of Fox News - Glenn Beck crys likes a kid again

Questions for Fundamentalists « Heidi-Lore’s Musings

Andrew Wakefield, Scientific Censorship, and Fourteen Monkeys

American's Journey: Shall We Start Building Ovens?

Sexual abuse in German Church deeper than expected

Refreshing News: Biochemists find key to riddle of life

CIA enlists Google's help for spy work - Times Online

Newsalert: Mark Kirk Ties Alexi Giannoulias' Broadway Bank to Chicago Mob

EclippTV :: Video :: Rand Paul "Tea Party Movement Is About Constitutional Government!"

YouTube - USA Has A History Of Attacking Themselves To Go To War!

Goon Squad: It wasn't Muslims who trained their cameras on the WTC prior to the first aircraft impact

EclippTV :: Video :: Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser-02-05-2010(Part1)

EclippTV :: Video :: Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser-02-05-2010(Part2)

EclippTV :: Video :: Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser-02-05-2010(Part3)

EclippTV :: Video :: Hyperinflation The Shocking Video Barack H Obama Doesn't want you to see

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on Fox Business 02/05/10


EclippTV :: Video :: USA vs. USA: Killing Americans abroad

Movie Gallery files Chapter 11 bankruptcy

YouTube - Ellen Brown - Cali Bank Video Presentation_Part 1.00.avi

The US Government has Lost its Reason for Being | This Can't Be Happening!

Refreshing News: Curry spice saffron 'could stop you going blind'

Refreshing News: Barack Obama: stumbling towards isolationism

Cannabis and the Federal Reserve System | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Regular Sex Improves Health and Doubles Life Expectancy

Subverted Tea Party Movement Told to Embrace Republican Platform

BARC scientist commits suicide in Trombay - Mumbai - City - The Times of India

2009-2010 Bill 4501: Silver and gold coins - South Carolina Legislature Online

EclippTV :: Video :: Alex Jones on US cyber mega-agency

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on The Takeaway 02/05/10 - The Tea Party Movement

YouTube - MIC and Mass Media

EclippTV :: Video :: Financial Collapse 2010 - Repetition of the 29 Depression

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente - More debt, please!

Obama Could Dump Biden for Clinton as VP in 2012 - US News and World Report

EclippTV :: Video :: Feb 4 2010 Gerald Celente State of Economy pt 1

EclippTV :: Video :: Feb 4 2010 Gerald Celente State of economy pt 2

EclippTV :: Video :: Is the US government targeting its own people?

“If You Were in Secret Prisons…”:The Trial of Aafia Siddiqui

EclippTV :: Video :: Marc Faber : US government will go bankrupt

Porn star Veronica Daniels: I don't want my face on Tiger Woods balls - World news, News - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

70 Irish priests accused of sex crimes in US - World news, News - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk


10 reasons why we don’t need GM foods

The Stupid Propaganda of Umar Fizzlepants Just Dropped a Couple More IQ Points « American Everyman

America, Inc. Is Here. Get With The Program! : Information Clearing House - ICH

McCain's Fascist, Globalist Attacks Supplements

The Real World: Tehran « Revolt of the Plebs


*“Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World,” You Can Finally View FREE Online

(1:29:54)Aspartame: Sweet Misery A Poisoned World


*The Next Leg Of The Housing Crisis In Five Simple Charts | zero hedge

High Caliber Antioxidant Ammo:Natural Health from A to Z - Mason County News - Mason, Texas

More Government Equals Fewer Jobs by Peter Schiff

11 Little-Known Grammatical Errors That Will Shock and Horrify You - 11Points.com

Fame & Fortune: Ron Paul/Q&A with Ron Paul

Don’t Worry! Be Happy! Deficits Are Good! Really! by William L. Anderson

Mark Faber: social obligations will lead Western states to default - RT

Karen De Coster » Primal Life: A Journey of Diet and Health

Retirement Armageddon by Gary North

Refreshing News: Acupuncture 'lessens pain in brain not body', scientists discover

Refreshing News: Your mouth can tell a lot about your health

Refreshing News: Top 10: Timeless Exercises

David Gregory Thinks We Should Be Taking Advice From Paulson and Greenspan on the Economy

Is This How Sarah Palin Got Through College? She Uses Cheat Notes For Tea Party Speech

Sarah Palin stakes out the Tea Party's right-wing populism: 'This movement is about the people'

Ed Schultz Asks Peter DeFazio and John Nichols if The White House and the Democrats Are Blowing it on Health Care

Oliver North says Obama treats the military: "like lab rats in a radical social experiment."

Take a drink every time you hear Sarah Palin say "Common Sense"

The Daily Show: The Blogs Must Be Crazy

HCAN Winds Up For One Last Push On Health-Care Reform

Bill Moyers: "Let's Face It, Two Political Parties; Equal Opportunity Hypocrites"

Rolling Stone: Obama's Re-election Organization Is Already In Place

More Than A Supportive Spouse, NBC Investigation Of Todd Palin's E-Mails Show Deep Involvement In Gubernatorial Decisions

His inner Tea Partier: Buchanan backs Birther Hayworth, says liberals like Walsh condescend in calling out nutcases

Big Surprise, Huh? Tea Party Candidates Must Support RNC Platform

Tea Bagging for Jesus

What Bill O'Reilly edited out of his interviews with Jon Stewart: Total evisceration!

The Daily Show: Anthony Weiner

Republican Sen. Richard Shelby puts a blanket hold on all of President Obama's nominees for profit

Jon Stewart on The O'Reilly Factor Round Two

CIA Agents Allowed To Moonlight For Wall St. What Could Go Wrong?

Dick Armey Distances Himself From Tea Party Convention Controversies

White House Faces Assault From Student Loan Lending Lobby

Rick Scarborough Defends Palin Profiting From Her Tea Party Conference Appearance

Tom Tancredo to the Tea Partiers: Lack of 'civics literacy test' meant illiterates put 'a committed socialist' in White House

James O'Keefe and the white supremacists: As Breitbart runs screaming for cover, bigger questions loom

Paul Ryan's sick privatization scheme masked as a budget proposal

Obama Says We Should 'Take Our Time' on Health Care; Al Franken Rips White House for Lack of Leadership

GOP Budget Proposes to Ration Medicare, Privatize Social Security

Clarence Thomas upset because of criticisms on the Citizens United case comes from the left

10 Americans Charged With Child Kidnapping in Haiti - Religious Zealotry At Its Worst

Ed Schultz rails against lack of Health Care, Lieberman

The Scott Brown Media Fetish


YouTube - The Byrds-"Jesus Is Just Alright"-9/23/70

YouTube - The Byrds-"So You Want To Be A Rock N' Roll Star"-2/2/73

YouTube - The Byrds-"You Ain't Goin' Nowhere"-6/2069

YouTube - The Byrds-"Mr. Tambourine Man"-2/2/73

YouTube - The Byrds-"I'll Feel A Whole Lot Better"-5/11/65

YouTube - The Byrds-"Mr. Spaceman"-10/22/67

YouTube - The Byrds-"So You Want To Be A Rock N' Roll Star"-2/2/73

YouTube - The Byrds-"Turn! Turn! Turn!"-10/16/65

YouTube - Roger McGuinn-"Eight Miles High"-1986


No We Can't : Rolling Stone


Download :Illinois Politics, the Media, and LOST. (36:02)


Obama urges civility: 'Surely, you can question my policies without questioning my faith -- or for that matter, my citizenship' | Crooks and Liars

flashback:The Reagan Years - Covert (gasp!) Activities - 1982 | Newstalgia

How to undermine a movement: turn its values on its head

Palin speech marginalizes Tea Party movement

Aficionados of Ostentation

Chemtrails over the Ozarks--why ask “why”?--“Why” ask I!!!...

Three Reasons Gays Should Not Serve “Openly” in the Military

Less Than Human

Middletown Power Plant Explosion Injures More Than 100, Kills At Least 2 - Courant.com

Warnings for District of Columbia, District of Columbia : Weather Underground

Olympic Organisers desperate for climate change

Hitchens attacks Gore Vidal for being a 'crackpot' - News, People - The Independent

Sarah Palin: 'Tea party' activists gather to hail their champion at first national gathering | Mail Online

Obama vows to beat 'blizzard' of opposition

Dupont Circle Snowball Fight - washingtonpost.com

Putin scolds party after rally exposes discontent | Reuters

Rape on the rise in Haiti's camps - Americas, World - The Independent

You really can be bored to death, scientists discover | Mail Online

Kerry disguised support for radical Code Pink?

Ayers seeking to create 'peace movement'

Will Rockefeller build 3rd Temple?

Obama adviser: Amnesty to ensure 'progressive' rule

U.N. gun ban faces pre-emptive attack

Are Christians groups allowed to be Christian?

Did EPA check global-warming claims?

Even colleagues want 'warming' scientist investigated

Is WND schizophrenic?

What I'll say today at 1st Tea Party Convention

Too-much-news syndrome

Give Al Gore his due

**Angela McGlowan and Joseph Farah at National Tea Party Convention - C-SPAN Video Library

*Newsmakers with David Axelrod - C-SPAN Video Library

*Sarah Palin Remarks to Tea Party Convention - C-SPAN Video Library

*Presidential Remarks to Democratic National Committee - C-SPAN Video Library


WND RADIO / BBC: Tea party more popular than mainstream political parties

WND RADIO / How 'cap-and-trade' hurts ecosystem

WND RADIO /Obama ideology trumps proven education policy?

WND RADIO / 36 states vs. health mandates


Sarah Palin Remarks to Tea Party Convention - C-SPAN Video Library

Sarah Palin: 'Tea party' activists gather to hail their champion at first national gathering | Mail Online

Farah: 'Government wants to be your 1 and only god'

New 'bill of particulars' cites Obama failings

Tea partier shares 'single greatest threat to America'

Middletown Power Plant Explosion Caused By Gas Leak, Officials Say - Courant.com

Fatalities Reported After Massive Explosion at Connecticut Power Plant - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Gun owners hit the road to arm America

How Met Office blocked questions on its own man's role in 'hockey stick' climate row | Mail Online

Climate change research bungle - Telegraph

Climate makes money move in mysterious ways - Telegraph

Did EPA check global-warming claims?

How our belief in climate change is draining away as number of doubters rises by 10% in three months | Mail Online

Special forces assassins infiltrate Taliban stronghold in Afghanistan - Times Online

Taliban makes children plant IEDs to thwart Army snipers | Mail Online

Military hospitals ordered to carry 'morning-after' pill

Kerry disguised support for radical Code Pink?

'Anti-Israel' group praises 'our rabbi Alinsky'

Hamas backtracks on missile apology - Israel News, Ynetnews

Report: Assassins of Hamas official used Irish passports - Haaretz - Israel News

Samaritans mourn their high priest

Get a Jewish reading of ancient prophecies

Arab media: 2 Israeli Navy ships passed through Suez Canal - Israel News, Ynetnews

Forum 'chatter' hyping imminent attack on U.S.

Religious affiliation on ID cards rejected

Party at library honors Reagan on 99th birthday anniversary » Ventura County Star

Plans underway for Reagan's centennial in 2011 - latimes.com

Girl buried alive in honour killing in Turkey: Report

Socialism bankrupted Air America, too

Church of England is 'living in the past', says BBC's head of religion - Telegraph

Gibbs: Public Broadcasting 'not on radio'

Patient dies in hospital after 'do not resuscitate' form is mistakenly put in his files | Mail Online

Obama admits health care overhaul may die on Hill - Yahoo! News

FedEx relents on mandatory 'leave' over cross


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama's prayer: 'Don't question my citizenship'

'I don't know whether Obama's a U.S. citizen'

Birther in Hot Water at Tea Party Meet - Coop's Corner - CBS News

‘Birther’ Movement Rears Head in Nashville « Liveshots

Joseph Farah, to cheers at Tea Party Convention, again questions location of Obama's birth | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Some people are never satisfied

Chrysler bankruptcy lawyers raise eligibility question


*American Minute for February 7th:William J Federer's American Minute


Muslim fundamentalists should 'drink wine to learn tolerance' - Telegraph

Orthodontist refuses to treat teen named 'Jihad' - The Local

Cork Airplanes Could Prop Up Bottle-Shocked Industry | Autopia | Wired.com

Treo the dog awarded animal VC - Telegraph

Pheasant terrorising North Yorkshire village 'attacks people in street' - Telegraph

Zoo feeds live cows to tigers as tourist attraction | The Sun |News

Cat owners 'more educated than dog owners' - Telegraph

BBC News - Iran cuts ties with British Museum over Cyrus Cylinder

Draw! The neuroscience behind Hollywood shoot-outs - life - 03 February 2010 - New Scientist

Digital doomsday: the end of knowledge - tech - 02 February 2010 - New Scientist

Federal law barring lies about medals is tested - Yahoo! News

Spain promotes bestiality to school children | Spero News

South African president Jacob Zuma apologises over 20th child - Times Online

Jail for town mayor Ian Stafford found guilty of breaking into homes to steal women's underwear | Mail Online

Young mother jailed for biting midwife during childbirth | Mail Online

Deputies: Teacher forced student to touch her breasts | Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Sarasota | WTSP.com 10 Connects

The big list: Female teachers with students

Tiger, Elin reunite after sex scandal - NYPOST.com

Baptists to flood Texas with Bible CDs by Easter - washingtonpost.com

Baptist Press - Xbox 360 gains a Bible app - News with a Christian Perspective

Bishop Robinson: Same-Sex Acts Unnatural for Heterosexuals | Christianpost.com

Toyota Boosts Lobbying by Hiring Clinton-Linked Firm - Bloomberg.com

Reports: Toyota decides to recall Prius in Japan - Yahoo! Finance

AFP: Is US bullying Toyota on recall?

In praise of mammoth deficits - latimes.com

Madoffs' gravy drain - NYPOST.com

What Obama's budget doesn't have

**The location-based future of the web - tech - 05 February 2010 - New Scientist

religious video:How Christianity was almost drowned out

Choice of 7-year-old as samba queen causes uproar in Brazil | World news | The Observer

Close the gates – save our military

'Temporary refugees' never go home

Is WND schizophrenic?

Where the jobs are

Rewarding failure – only in Washington

Angry young men

Black conservatism on the march?

'Conservative' PM embraces global governance

No. 1 economic problem: Not enough babies

Luck – or providence?

Mark Tapscott: Third party is the wrong party for Tea Partiers | Washington Examiner

Obama's Secret Police | Mother Jones

You can't legislate love

Diana West : Fox's Fairly Imbalanced Pro-Muslim Influence - Townhall.com

U.N. gun ban faces pre-emptive attack

Bankruptcy of U.S. now certain

The inflation hedge that returned 7,000%

Avengers Movie: Captain America Ashamed to Wear the American Flag? Not Exactly…

Daily Gut Video: Shuster Responds to Red Eye, Robot Responds to Shuster!

Stand Up Notes From Flyover Country: Stewart Vs. O’Reilly

Top 5: Once Great Directors Who Lost Their Mojo

National Tea Party Convention to Present a Special Screening: ‘Generation Zero’ — The Truth About the Financial Meltdown

Obama’s Eleven

Palin says 'absurd' not to ponder presidential bid

Obama adviser: Stop criticizing anti-terror effort

Palin: Obama could win votes by playing 'war card'

Obama tries to rally Democrats, defends healthcare overhaul

Gun owners hit the road to arm America

Palin: 'America is readyfor another revolution'

Ex-Moderate Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) Embraces Communist Van Jones

Funnies: Big Spending Edition

My Name Is Legion: The Secretary Of State Project(s)

National Tea Party: Media Calls for a Showdown But Only 4 People Show

Discussing Citizens United, Free Speech, Congressional Corruption, and More With Bill Moyers and Larry Lessig

Tea Party Convention: Can You Hear Me Now?

Andrew Breitbart at National Tea Party Convention to Media: “It’s Not Your Business Model That Sucks, It’s You That Sucks”

Erick Erickson Has a Change of Heart at National Tea Party Convention

Why Was Ronald Reagan the Greatest President of the 20th Century?

The Continuing Deflation of Little Green Footballs

Federal Court: No, the Government May Not Prevent Further Discovery of the Takeover of AIG

That Didn’t Take Long… ABC Reporter Attacks National Tea Party Convention Leaders During Press Conference

Transformational Leadership or Constitutional Statesmanship?

Your Neighbor Hearts Socialism

An Honest IPCC Scientist Warns His Colleagues: Don’t Dismiss ‘ClimateGate’

Sex, Drugs and Violence: All in One Illinois Politicians Divorce File

How to Get Our Democracy Back: If You Want Change, You Have to Change Congress

The Tangled Web of Green: Manufacturing a Public Scare

Another Look at Obama's Origins

Populist Constitutionalism and the Tea Party

Fracking the Academic Left

A Trail of Broken Promises to Nowhere

Obama, Freud, and the American Progressives' Guilt Trip

War for Islamic Sharia Law

White House playing 'gotcha'

Robert Kennedy's fantastically stupid weather predictions

Serious security breach at US nuclear weapons site in Belgium

Sign of the times; 'Phantom Taxes'

Steyn on 'unsustainable'

Amnesty International and their association with former Gitmo inmate

Palin slams Obama in tea party convention speech

Top Ten Keys To Black Liberation & Success In America.

Anything but a 'centrist'

Standing up to the Klan in 1920's Texas

Obama's biggest and latest whopper

Beyond Hope and Change

Our National Blind Spot

Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations

Justice Alito Dissents

Liberal Hate Speech

Americans Reject Keynesian Economics - Rasmussen

Republicans in rear guard action against new financial industry legislation

Climate skepticism growing in Great Britain

White House website attacks the filibuster

'Why are Liberals So Condescending?'

An Illinois Democrat with ethical problems? Perish the thought

Buried wearing an Obama T-Shirt? It's all about him

Very Fine Commentary on 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Not all Euro-elites are anti-Israel

President Obama honors Navy 'Corpse-Man'


#Video: Raw Video: 'Fatalities' in Conn. Plant Explosion

Video: Raw Video: Endeavour Delayed, Next Try Monday

Blast in Kandahar

Video: La. Lt. Gov. Replaces Nagin As New Orleans Mayor

Palin Doesn't Want to Be the Leader of the Tea Party Movement

Palin: Obama Could Help Up Chance of Re-election If He Plays the 'War Card'

Palin Would Be Willing to Take on Obama in 2012

140 dogs rescued from Central Arkansas breeder

Boozman announces senate run

Mohawk Community Evicts Non-Natives Over Concerns About Too Many ‘White Residents’

‘Grow the F*** Up’: SNL Skit Unleashes Rahm’s Favorite Phrases

Krauthammer Pounces on Juan Williams’ Comparison of Reaganomics to Obamanomics

‘Demon Sheep’ Campaign Ad Is Remixed to Pink Floyd

Left Blogs Accuse Palin of Writing Answers to Questions on Her Hand

SNL Skewers Fox News on Sundry Fronts

MSNBC Analyst: Palin Speech a ‘Masterful Exercise…in Paranoid Politics’

‘Revolution’: Palin Blisters Obama at Tea Party Convention

Tom Tancredo Calls For ‘Literacy Test’ for Voters

Ohio Strip Club Donates Lap Dance Tips to Haitian Relief

Mid-Air Collision Kills at Least Three in Colorado

Decapitated Dogs Found Dumped in Indiana Creek

News Crew Happens Upon Former Sen. Tom Daschle Stuck in D.C. Snowstorm

Video Shows Taliban Flogging Pakistani Teen for Not Growing a Beard

Preteen Carnival Queen Stirs Rio Controversy

Virginia GOP Uses Big Snowfalls to Attack Democrats

Ollie North Blasts Obama Decision to Overturn ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’

Alabama Middle School Student Murders Classmate During Class

Scott Brown Sworn in As U.S. Senator

Vick shows rebuilt life on BET docu-series

An Unlikely Duo Raises Privacy Concerns

Townshend Defends Himself

Zapatero: all doors open to Obama in Europe

Students May Face Charges in "sexting" Incident

Four-year-old Boy Abducted From Home Found Safe

Criminal Minds new series

Italian art damaged in quake regains past glory

Sweat Lodge Guru Enters Not Guilty Plea

Car Slams Into Okla. Flower Shop, Everyone Okay

Somalia piracy sparks windfall for Kenyan fishermen

Raw Video: Demolition Starts at Giants Stadium

Muslim model faces caning over beer

Thousands still out of homes ten months after Italy quake

Owner Charged After Performing Surgery on Dog

Costume makers get ready for Venice Carnival

First Person: Chickens in the Shadow of L.A.

Witnesses: Toyota Driver Blames Pedal for Crash

Lack of training, drug use hit Afghan police training

First Person: Last Days in a Burning Town

Japan hugs top end of jeans market

Raw Video: U.S. Born Pandas Arrive in China

Mandela fetes anniversary of liberation with former jail guard

ShowBiz Minute: Murray, Townshend, Murphy

Hariri tribunal: "complicated case"

U.K. Introduces 'Unbreakable' Pint Glasses

Four facing charges over expenses

Toyota woes deepen as Prius recall looms

Toyota Chief Apologizes for Global Recalls

Turkey's big fashion industry ambitions

Businessman guilty of wife murder

US missionaries face long jail time over Haiti abductions

This Guy's Words Can Cut!

Man's body found after double murder

Pakistan Carnage: Bus Bomb Then Hospital Blast

Rivals Trade Insults Ahead of Ukraine Poll

Strahovski Stars in 'Mass Effect 2'

Raw Audio: 911 Call From Illinois Store Shooting

A Flying Start for Santa Barbara Film Festival

Scorsese and DiCaprio together again for gothic thriller

Hopeful reactions in Gaza to rare Fatah visit

Sex attacker jailed

Sights and Sounds: Running of the Brides

First Person: "It's the End of the World"

White House: Jobless Rate Still Terrible Number

Man guilty of 'no body' murder

Hundreds pay tribute to fallen heroes

Former Pres. Clinton Makes 2nd Visit to Haiti

Camel's milk chocoate turns heads in Dubai

This Year's Super Bowl Ads Go Goofy

Ex-Edwards Aide in Contempt in Tape Case

January Unemployment Rate Drops to 9.7 Percent

Decapitated Dogs Dumped in Creek

Caveman cuisine, the latest fad diet

Raw Video: Deer Crashes Into Hotel Lobby

Boy Dead, Mom Near Death in Luxury NYC Hotel

Preteen As Sexy Samba Queen Stirs Controversy

Two Baby Skeletons Found in Car Trunk

14-year-old Shot at Alabama Middle School Dies

Jackson Doctor Cancels Planned 'Surrender'

Dog Homeless After Riding Shotgun in Cop Chase

U.S. Missionary Freed by North Korea

Election countdown

Jackson doctor 'to be charged'

Obama Wants New Small Business Loan Program

Ukraine poll rivals make final push

Raw Video: Military Vehicle Gets Stuck in Snow

GOP Asks Obama: 'Where Are the Jobs?'

Obama: 'Now Is the Time to Do What's Right'

Barenboim throws Beethoven and Schoenberg together

Militant Video Shows Abducted American in Iraq

Raw Video: Avalanches Kills 8 in Iran

Raw Video: Activists' Vessel, Whaler Collide

Man Arrested After Stripping at Phoenix Airport

Raw Video: Church Collapses Under Weight of Snow

Opening of 2010 Venice Carnival

Raw Video: Hundreds Gather for Snowball Fight

Mudslides Assault Homes Near L.A.

Colorado Plane Collision Leaves at Least 3 Dead

Palin Says Obama Policies to Be Short-lived

Raw Video: Captive Missionary Returns to U.S.

Armagnac marks 700th birthday

Cyclone Oli tears across Polynesia

Costa Rica set for first female head of state

Giant snowball fight

Ukraine votes in tense presidential showdown

Canada mounts colossal security operation for Winter Olympics

La. Lt. Gov. Replaces Nagin As New Orleans Mayor

X Factor Joe helps Haiti

Raw Video: Endeavour Delayed, Next Try Monday

Raw Video: 'Fatalities' in Conn. Plant Explosion

Fire Official Describes Conn. Explosion Scene

Video: Man Wanted In Maine Faces Felony Charges In NH

Palin Would Be Willing to Take on Obama in 2012

Thousand Celebrate DC Snowfall With Epic Snowball Fight

Jenny Sanford: Husband Removed Promise to Be Faithful From Wedding Vows

Anti-Pope Obama Appointee Sparks Religious Outrage

Fox & Friends Queries Wallace Over His ‘Hope’ That Palin Would Sit on His Lap

CBS News Exclusive: Baptist Leader Speaks Out From Haitian Jail Cell

Socialite Mother Murders 8-Year-Old Son in Luxury NYC Hotel

Obama Highlights Story of Breast Cancer Victim Who Requested Burial in Obama T-Shirt

Landrieu Tells Louisiana Purchase Critics to ‘Keep Their Mouth Shut’

Sleeping Beauty: Illness Causes Teen to Sleep for Days

Interview: Daily Caller Says Feds Refuse to Explain How Agent Injured Blogger

The B-Cast Interviews AFP’s Kerpen on Obama’s Secret Slush Fund

The B-Cast: Apology Day for the Obama Administration

Obama Leaves Out Islam in List of Religions Helping in Haiti

Obama Is Encouraged by Conservative Pastors Supporting Progressive Issues

NBC News: Scientologist Demonstrates Power of Touching Quake Victim

‘Rush Limbaugh! The Musical’ Opens at Second City

CNN Airs Video of Non-Representative Images During Discussion of Tea Party Movement

Jon Stewart Destroys, Disembowels, Mauls, Hammers, Rips, Slams & B***** Slaps Bloggers

‘Save Dave’: Campaign Aims to Help Banker Caught Ogling Nude Model

Bad Timing: Couric Does Glitzy Photo Shoot as CBS News Cuts Staff

MSNBC’S Ed Schultz Marvels at White House Photo ‘Shrine’ to Obama

Brothers of Reality TV Hit ‘19 Kids and Counting’ Save Girl’s Life

Planned Parenthood Responds to Tebow Pro-Life Super Bowl Ad

CNN Asks: Is Trouble Brewing in the Tea Party Movement?

Jon Stewart to O’Reilly: Fox News ‘Most Passionate,’ ‘Sells the Clearest Narrative’

O’Reilly: ‘I Think These [Daily] Kos People Are Insane’

Aussie Judge Says Men at Work’s ‘Down Under’ Violates Kookaburra Copyright

Mel Gibson’s Potty Mouth Caught on Open Mic

Aircruise Airships Promise Leisurely Luxury for Long-Distance Flights

Garry Wills: How the Bomb Changed the Presidency

Augmented Reality System Lets You ‘See’ Through Walls

Scientists Create Revolutionary ‘Liquid Glass’ to Protect Surfaces From Dirt & Bacteria

GOP Asks Obama: ‘Where Are the Jobs?’

Obama Wants New Small Business Loan Program

‘I Don’t Trust These Promises’: Franken Bullies Comcast, NBC on Merger

Dodge Sues Florida School Over Logo

Tiger Woods ‘Mistress’ Golf Balls Trigger Law Suit

Kiteboard Surfer Killed by Sharks in Florida

‘Go to Hell’: CBS rejects ‘Dante’s Inferno’ Super Bowl Ad

Bull Gores 12-Year-Old ‘Torero’ – Twice

Caught on Tape: Prince Harry Falls Head-First From Horse in Polo Match

Michelle Obama Criticized for Talking About Daughters’ Weight Struggles

Steele Defends GOPers Who Voice Concerns About Socialism & Dem Health Bill

Baby Born Without Eyes Due to Rare Disorder

‘I Love Boobies’: Teen’s Breast Cancer Awareness Bracelet Causes Controversy

Palin Doesn’t Want to Be the Leader of the Tea Party Movement

Palin: Obama Could Help Up Chance of Re-election If He Plays the ‘War Card’

Cell Phone Video Shows Deadly Pakistan Bombing

Can One Sculpture Really Be Worth $104.3 Million?

Lech Walesa’s Warning for America

Toyota to Announce Action Soon for Prius Hybrids

Rihanna Still Excited Over Grammy Win


Debbie Schlussel: Best Commentary on Tim Tebow Supe Ad

Debbie Schlussel:Supe Sunday: Once a Sapp, Always a Sapp

Debbie Schlussel:Separated at Birth?

Debbie Schlussel:Meet Your New Nanny, People Magazine: Attacks Duggars, Right to Life (& Tebow Ad)

Debbie Schlussel:On Howard Stern & “American Idol”

Debbie Schlussel:No More Sympathy for Jenny Sanford (Symbol of U.S. Foreign Policy)

Debbie Schlussel:The Real Scoop on Lady Qaeda, Aafia Siddiqi: Her Circle of Boston Friends & How We Blew It

'Lady Al Qaeda' Aafia Siddiqui convicted of attempted murder


*The Satanic Rothschild Dynasty

*72 pgs. /TheSatanicRothschildDynasty

**The 13 Illuminati Satanic Bloodlines


IndyTruth - Council on Foreign Relations

International Advisory Board - Council on Foreign Relations

Wiley; InterScience /Journal: Neurolaw

American Era Of “Techno-Slavery” Warned Has Begun

US Federal Reserve “Shock” 2012 Move Dooms America

Obama Ordered By Bush Sr. To Back CIA-Mossad Iran War Or “Pay Consequences”

Obama Orders Assassination Of Top Mossad Agent In US

China’s hawks demand cold war on the US - Times Online

Ahmadinejad orders higher enrichment of uranium - Middle East, World - The Independent

UN to discuss Air Traffic Control for outer space - Telegraph

Iran says starts production of two new missiles - Middle East, World - The Independent

Google leaps language barrier with translator phone - Times Online

Anne Karpf: Anti-Semitism is at the limits of irony - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

500,000 EU computers can access private British data | Technology | The Observer

Clinton brokers deal over Haiti orphan abductions - Times Online

You, Britain, are the breeding ground for Muslim terrorists | Sian Griffiths - Times Online

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Vaccines kill two children every year

BAE chiefs 'linked to bribes conspiracy' | World news | The Observer

POLITICS: New Doubt Cast on U.S. Claim Qom Plant is Illicit - IPS ipsnews.net

Paris: Armed robbers disguised in burkhas raid bank | Mail Online

Soldier father accused of 'waterboarding' daughter, 4, because she can't recite alphabet | Mail Online

Obama's shameful touting of misleading unemployment numbers will come back to haunt him (Wizbang)

Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness

Not Your Father’s Army

Alex Jones Talks with Russia Today About U.S. Plan to Build a Cyber Security Army

Colts’ Daniel Muir on Ben Bernanke: “He Looks Like a Crook”

Internet Censorship: Major Truth-Providing Websites Blocked By Asia Netcom To New Zealand Users

Actor Hal Sparks Speaks Out In Support of 9/11 Truth

David Aaronovitch tells Salon.com “9/11 conspiracy theory” is “the most baroque,” slams David Ray Griffin

Ron Paul on Freedom Watch w/ Judge Napolitano 2/3/10

Nearly 17,000 chemicals remain corporate secrets – even the EPA doesn’t know what they are

Obama Proposes to Cut 180 Border Patrol Agents

Emile de Antonio on the Bush Family & Skull and Bones

Beginning Of The End: Sarah Palin Hijacks The Tea Party Movement : Post Politics: Political News and Views in Tennessee

Banking and Housing Payments Devoured the Middle Class Income – 1 out of 10 Americans on Food Stamps and how the Fed Slowly Devalued the Dollars in your Wallet.

I thought of killing myself, says climate scandal professor Phil Jones - Times Online

Secret summit of top bankers | News.com.au

You Can Get A DUI Without Driving Your Car

The Raw Story | Obama hails CIA 'patriots' at memorial service

Suspicious subjects beware, citizens are on patrol

Government's switched on energy move | News.com.au

US says it may kill Americans abroad | Raw Story

Constitutionally illiterate - baltimoresun.com

Xcel smart grid costs blow up, PUC orders more transparency - Boulder Daily Camera

President proposes cutting border patrol

GOP gubernatorial campaigns spar on border issues | kvue.com | Austin News, Local News, Breaking News, Weather | News

Ken Lewis: If I’m Going Down, Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke Are Coming Down With Me -- Daily Intel

Lawmaker: Climate change just ruse to control population - Salt Lake Tribune

House Passes Cybersecurity Bill - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

monopoly-gets-a-makeover-but-will-die-hard-fans-buy-it: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

YouTube - 01 Governor Sarah Palin - Salina, KS Speech (Feat. Congressman Jerry Moran).flv

YouTube - 02 Governor Sarah Palin - Salina, KS Speech (Feat. Congressman Jerry Moran).flv

YouTube - 03 Governor Sarah Palin - Salina, KS Speech (Feat. Congressman Jerry Moran).flv

YouTube - 04 Governor Sarah Palin - Salina, KS Speech (Feat. Congressman Jerry Moran).flv

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – February 5th With Damon Vickers

Internet Censorship: Major Truth-Providing Websites Blocked By Asia Netcom To New Zealand Users

Break the Matrix: Cancel the Super Bowl or America Dies

Tea Party Sarah is a Neocon

U.S. Counterterrorism Officials Insisted that Crotch Bomber Be Let Into Country

More Government Equals Fewer Jobs

Ron Paul on Fox Business’ America’s Nightly Scoreboard w/ David Asman

Pentagon draws plans for immortal ’synthetic organisms’

US Steps Up Its Anti-Iran Propaganda To Sell Missile Shield

Alex Jones & Webster Tarpley On The Draconian Internet Takeover

Freeway Ricky Ross on Alex Jones Tv: How The CIA Supply, Control, Operate The Drug Business

Tea Party? Wealth redistribution Re: Homeland Security Police State- Port Angeles

Law professor: Assassinating US citizens raises ‘troubling’ issues

CNN Airs Video of Non-Representative Images During Discussion of Tea Party Movement

Top 10 Problems With America Assassinating Americans

Why Has the FDA Allowed a Drug Marked ‘Not Safe for Use in Humans’ to Be Fed to Livestock Right Before Slaughter?

San Diego Reader | Mysterious Danish group builds exotic compound on Baja Coast

Quiet Conflict With Goldman Helped Push A.I.G. to Precipice - NYTimes.com

Secret summit of top bankers | News.com.au

Dollar Rallies, Stocks Fall. Is the Flight to Safety Back On? - DailyFinance

Eye scanner technology going to Colorado police - KDVR

US Tea Party 'revolution' threatened by discord - Times Online

The Canadian Press: Wet summer, more demand could create seed shortage

2 dead in Conn. power plant explosion - U.S. news- msnbc.com

YouTube - Relative of worker talks

Palin Responds to ‘Run, Sarah, Run’ - NYTimes.com

YouTube - In Full: Palin's Tea Party Speech

Counterterror Chief Takes Critics to Task - WSJ.com

Enthusiastic Republicans crowding many primary races - latimes.com

Obama's 2010 strategy taking shape | Reuters

Daley won't ask Scott Lee Cohen to bow out: Mayor says he was elected by voters - chicagotribune.com

Illinois Democrats Pressure Nominee - WSJ.com

Cohen's ex-girlfriend: 'He's not fit to hold office' - 2/06/10 - Chicago News - abc7chicago.com

FOXNews.com - Palin Urges Obama to Take a 'Do-Over' on Emanuel, Holder

Steve Marmel: The Good News About Sarah Palin's Hypocritically Bad Math

Baby, four other people killed in Warwick, R.I., house fire - The Boston Globe

YouTube - Neighbors react to Warwick Fire

Study finds abstinence program success | NewsOK.com

Brown highly sought after by national GOP - The Boston Globe

Sarah Palin Is Vocal and Ready, but for What? - NYTimes.com

Gays in military shift controversial | fdlreporter.com | Fond du Lac Reporter

'Syria to back Lebanon in case of Israeli attack'

Karzai wants Afghanistan security handover to begin this year - CNN.com

AFP: Egypt steps up security on Gaza sea border

NATO should be global security forum: Rasmussen - washingtonpost.com

Lebanon recovers crashed Ethiopian jet's black box | Reuters

Pakistanis doubt Taliban chiefs in Baluchistan - washingtonpost.com

Taliban, NATO prepare for big Helmand offensive | Reuters

Iraqi Parliament Debate on Candidates Postponed | Middle East | English

Britain to tighten student visa requirements - washingtonpost.com

Nigerian Governor Re-Elected as Pressure on President Grows | Africa | English

CBS marks its 50TH year covering the NFL - Super Bowl - MiamiHerald.com

YouTube - Fans Create Super Bowl Ads

Boys Scouts of America Celebrate Centennial - ABC News

Who's the 'Boss' - NYPOST.com

Carrie Underwood: 'Biggest fear' is forgetting anthem - USATODAY.com

Deputy killed escorting Mardi Gras float | HoumaToday.com

YouTube - 2010 Krewe of Aquarius Mardi Gras Parade

All eyes on Ellen in American Idol judge debut | Reuters

Report: Howard Stern tapped to replace Simon Cowell on 'American Idol' | Ministry of Gossip | Los Angeles Times

Turns out, Jon Stewart DID take down Bill O'Reilly | EW.com

Jazz saxophonist Dankworth dead at 82 - UPI.com


Feb. 5, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Feb. 4, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Feb-05, Friday

Alex Jones - 2010-Feb-04, Thursday

02/05 The Mark Levin Show

02/04 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 02/04/2010


CT Power Plant Under Construction Explodes; 'Bodies Everywhere'

Awkward!!! Chris Wallace When Asked If Palin Would Be Sitting On His Lap During Interview: "One Can Only Hope"

Europeans say Jews exploit past to extort money

No joke: South Carolina now requires ’subversives’ to register | Raw Story

American Thinker: Another Look at Obama's Origins

Canadian Jews condemn acquittal of U.S. neo-Nazi

FACTBOX-Endeavour to carry final space station hub, cupola | Reuters

Weather Mod And Barky's Jokes About 'Snowmageddon'

The Girl Who Will Shoe-In Obama In 2012

FOXNews.com - Palin 'Would Be Willing' to Take On Obama in 2012

Hitchens Has No Clothes: A response to ‘Vidal Loco’ - Features, Books - The Independent


18:34/The Underlying Politics of 9/11

YouTube - Theory of Ghostplane

9/11 Summary:Highly-Credible People Question 9/11

Zero: An Investigation Into 9-11 (11 parts)

9/11 > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

*America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

YouTube - Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo {Full Film}

Anatomy of the 911 Coverup - All 8 segments

Ring of Power - 911 Terror: Background videos

9/11: Pentagon Aircraft Hijack Impossible - Pilots For 9/11 Truth Forum

America: An Evil Empire Ruled by Corporations and Powerful Interest Groups

50 Top U.S. War Criminals | AfterDowningStreet.org

The Official Story: The Twin Towers

The Hidden History of 9-11 : Information Clearing House - ICH

9/11: CCW On-Target

No Planes on 9/11

Morgan Reynolds - No More Games • Net

SeptemberClues.info | The Central Role of the News Media on 9/11

OpEdNews - Article: New Proof of Video Fakery on 9/11

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura Explains 9/11 To Larry King

Money As Debt

The Truth Seeker - The Origins of Modern Banking

Bankers Made War

The Silver Bear Cafe:The Federal Reserve Monopoly over Money

9/11 Documentaries & Videos - William Rodriguez: 9/11 Hero

Seismic Proof – 9/11 Was An Inside Job (Updated Version II)

The Existentialist Cowboy: The 'Conspiracy of Rich Men' Who Pulled Off 911 and Other GOP Atrocities

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » BBC now admits Al Qaeda never existed

Howard Zinn on The Uses of History and the War on Terrorism

The Power of Nightmares

The Federal Reserve (what it is really about) -- Videos


Avalon Project - Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776