"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

09 February 2010

9 Feb '10:(click) Mises on Money by Gary North


Palin at Tea Party Convention


Does Chris Wallace Expose Sarah Palin the Neocon?


Sarah Sells Out -- Palin Is an Open Borders Neocon


YouTube - Alex Jones Tv 1/2: Sarah Palin is Not Going to Save You!!!

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv 2/2: Sarah Palin is Not Going to Save You!!!


* Bill: H.R. 4061 - Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2009/GovTrack.us


*(ARTICLE LINKS)Internet Censorship Alert! Alex Jones exposes agenda to ‘blacklist’ dissenting sites and license users


Be Afraid. Vewy Afraid.

Darpa’s ‘Transparent Earth’ Plan Will Find You Underground | Danger Room | Wired.com

McCain’s Daughter: Tea Party Movement is Racist

Troops Randomly Patrol Streets In Pittsburgh, Respond To “Domestic Disputes”

Hillary to China: Vote for Iran Sanctions, or Face Gulf Conflagration and Oil Cutoff

9/11 Hero Remembers WTC7

The Census and Despotism

Whoops: Palin advocates war with Iran, apparently misreading column

Internet Censorship Alert! Alex Jones exposes agenda to ‘blacklist’ dissenting sites and license users

Moscow says U.S. missile shield aimed at Russia

What NOAA Isn’t Saying About Snow and Ice

Talk about the big picture Glenn, then watch how fast the “red phone” rings

Israel urges “crippling” sanctions now against Iran

More Spending Is Always the Answer

Treat for elite as Reserve Bank celebrates

Geithner Says U.S. Will ‘Never’ Lose Aaa Debt Rating (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

BBC News - India puts on hold first GM food crop on safety grounds

China’s hawks demand cold war on the US - Times Online

American Chronicle | A devastating war between Israel & Hezbollah is on the horizon

BlackBerry has spyware risk too, researcher says | InSecurity Complex - CNET News

Dissident Voice : Flight 253: Intelligence Agencies Nixed State Department Move to Revoke Bomber’s Visa

Stop selling unlicensed natural health remedies: pharmacy regulators

Lawyers' fees could drain half of $4 billion 9/11 Ground Zero worker compensation funds - NYPOST.com

NRA, onetime ally feud over next big guns case to go before Supreme Court - washingtonpost.com

Constitutionally illiterate - baltimoresun.com

US Faces Serious Threats in Cyberspace says John Brennan | The New New Internet

Rash of retirements pushes Social Security to brink - USATODAY.com

AFP: US government plans new climate service

In a Message to Democrats, Wall St. Sends Cash to G.O.P. - NYTimes.com

Iran asks UN atomic body to oversee fuel production

Why the "Green Police" Is So San Francisco | NBC Bay Area

75% Are Angry At Government’s Current Policies - Rasmussen Reports™

Australia to introduce body scanners after failed US attack - Rest of World - World - The Times of India

Yet Another War On Terror Myth Bites The Dust

Man nearly dies after one spray of Lynx deodorant

IPCC faces another desertion – its own past chair!

Saturn's icy moon Enceladus may contain life | Mail Online

Exposed: Naked Body Scanner Images Of Film Star Printed, Circulated By Airport Staff

Freeway Ricky Ross on Alex Jones Tv: How The CIA Supply, Control, Operate The Drug Business

Medicaid: False Solutions vs. American Solutions

Footage From The Original 1997 Tea Party Protests

Archive:The Freedom Report - Steve Lane, Rusty Fields, & Alex Jones July 6th 1998

YouTube - Alex Jones on US cyber mega-agency

YouTube - NSA and Google are partnering up


LIBERTY FOREST:(www.ronpaulforums.com)


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – February 8th With Michael Springmann


YouTube - Audi 2010 Green Car Super Bowl Commercial

Rachel Maddow: Tea Party movement a new political breed

Countdown: Palin fails to bring ideas

MicShots: Sarah Palin - "Attack Iran"

ARCHIVE:Chief neo-conservative Bill Kristol urged McCain to pick Palin | Republican Liberty Caucus

YouTube - Kristol: Republicans More Open to Strong Women

ARCHIVE:The Israel Lobby and Sarah Palin

ARCHIVE:Evangelical faith drives Palin's pro-Israel view - Washington Times

ARCHIVE:Palin visits AIPAC, promises to strengthen U.S.-Israel ties | The God Blog | Jewish Journal

ARCHIVE:How a Top U.S. Zionist Picked Sarah Palin for Vice President

ARCHIVEMatthews Suggests AIPAC Scripted Palin’s Rote Answer on Israel

Rep. Mike Pence: Israel should dictate U.S. policy - The Majlis


Citizens For Legitimate Government:How to Maintain a Democratic "Activist" Base

savethemales.ca - A Young Man's Escape from America

Dr R.K. Pachauri: Indian climate chief endures attacks at home - Telegraph

Israel and the US preparing for Iran Part 1 - The Military Perspective

Christmas Day Crotch Bomber Tied to Israel, FBI | Criminal State

Time for an American Intifada? | Criminal State

Solomonia: Scott Brown Speaks to Boston's Jewish Advocate

Criminal State Documentary | Criminal State

Cuban hire in Venezuela raises concern - CNN.com

FT.com / Comment / Analysis - America: A fearsome foursome

New sanctions on Iran are only path left: Gates | Reuters

Roy Tov – Defeating Israel

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Britain, You Better Wake Up by Gilad Atzmon

Aafia Siddiqui - Victimized By American Injustice

Iran to make 'advanced' attack drones - Telegraph

Saudi Arabia opens to outsiders as it looks to the future - Telegraph

Falklands oil prospects stir Anglo-Argentinian tensions | UK news | The Guardian

China closes training website for hackers | World news | guardian.co.uk

Iran severs cultural ties with British Museum over Persian treasure - Telegraph

Africa's illicit money sent to Western banks - Africa, World - The Independent

‘Stop and search can create a fear for the terrorists’ - Times Online

savethemales.ca - Zionists Determine Good and Evil

Sacrificed For WHAT?


*A STAND FOR JUSTICE:Israel's invasion of Lebanon is a prelude to a US attack on Iran

YouTube - Holocaust Survivor Redefines AntiSemitism by David Duke

What Was Your First Laugh...At Yourself?

Dead Man Musings: Alex Jones and 911 Truth: Part 1


YouTube - Purpose of the 9/11 Attacks

YouTube - Facts "9/11 Skeptics" don't want you to see: REAL 911 Truth

Howard Zinn Dies & 9/11 Media Criticism

YouTube - What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't

ARCHIVE:U.S. policy on Israel key motive for effort

ARCHIVE:Representative Press Blog: Reviews of "Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission" in the NYT and the Independent Institute.

ARCHIVE:Representative Press Blog: why declare jihad against the US government?

ARCHIVE Representative Press Blog:No Other Motivation, No Other Issue

ARCHIVE Representative Press Blog: Dishonesty about 9/11 motives robs Americans

ARCHIVE Representative Press Blog: MSM's continuing game serving Israel

ARCHIVE Representative Press Blog: CNN continues to downplay and omit motives for attacks

ARCHIVE Representative Press Blog:9/11 Motives and the 9/11 Commission Report


*SITE:Love All People

Alphabestical List Of Files / LoveAllPeople.org


*SITE:Washington Report on Middle East Affairs


(1:19:10)Iran is not the Problem








YouTube - 9/11 Truth In 9 Minutes


Italy says Iranian militia attacked its embassy | Reuters

The Transfer of Risk from Wall Street to Main Street – How the Bailouts Shifted 3 Gigantic Risks from Wall Street in Housing, Banks, and Jobs to Average Americans.

Think Progress » Bolton: Either Iran Gets Nukes Or ‘Israel Or Somebody Else Uses Military Force To Stop It’

YouTube - PSU Professor John Hall Outs Jewish Agent Provocateur, Gets Banned

The Myth of the Good War: America in World War II

British Government Promises Israeli Official He Won't Be Arrested During Visit - International Middle East Media Center

YouTube - Iran's Nuclear Facilities: The Facts

Descent Into Barbarism: The US and NATO Wage War on the World

Iraq to Allow Kurds to Resume Oil Exports; DNO Surges (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Fannie and Freddie Stagger On as Troubled Wards of the State - WSJ.com

The global warming guerrillas

Sun Tzu and America’s Way of War by Jon Basil Utley -- Antiwar.com

Al-ManarTV:: Saudi Gov't Urges International Response to Israeli Threats 09/02/2010

Trenton commander faces murder charges - thestar.com

Islam Times - 'Iranian weapon ends Apache copters' air supremacy'

Arctic G7 meeting ends with a whimper

EclippTV :: Video :: Ted Nugent On Gun Control

Courthouse News Service

Disinformation Tactics: The Methods Used To Keep You In The Dark « Pak Alert Press

The Ostroy Report: The Wasilla Wonder Wows Tea Baggers with Lies and Deception

US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation : How Much Military Aid to Israel?

Companies paying more in unemployment taxes - Feb. 9, 2010


Georgetown Students Protest Gen. Petraeus During Speech

12 Arrested For Disrupting Israeli Ambassador At UC Irvine

Federation of American Scientists :: Nuclear Weapon Effects Calculator

Shredding the Anti-Iran Propaganda

whatreallyhappened.com: Iran vs Israel: What The Media Wants You To Forget

Iran Reportedly Making A Deal For Raw Uranium : NPR

AP NewsBreak: Nuke Agency Says Iran Can Make Bomb - ABC News

YouTube - CBC: Harper's ME Policy driven by religious beliefs says B'nai Brith

EclippTV :: Video :: I Want My Country Back! Prof Russ Roberts Testifies Before House Committee

Prof. Francis Boyle: Israel Is Committing Genocide

Iraq War Facts, Statistics As Of January 6,2010:Casualties,Spending,Iraqi Quality of Life

BBC News - Galapagos fur seals head for Peru waters

Iraq War Inquiry: Tony Blair attacks 'conspiracy theories' | Mail Online

Israel Threatening To Use Nuclear Weapons On Iran!

EclippTV :: Video :: Faber Says U.S. Would Be Rated Junk if It Were a Company

EclippTV :: Video :: Sarah Palin Running For A President in 2012 - God Help Us All

Martin Luther King's plan for peace compared with Bush, Obama hypocrisy for endless wars

China seizes more tainted milk powder - 12160.org

Obama admin sees virtually no legal foundation for holding terrorism suspects arrested on U.S. soil in preventive detention - 12160.org

Mozilla Firefox hit by malware add-ons | Zero Day | ZDNet.com

Liberals Get a War President of Their Very Own : Information Clearing House - ICH

Chris Hedges: The Terror-Industrial Complex - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig


News Analysis - A Decade of Enormous Deficits May Alter American Politics and Power - NYTimes.com

Obama Job-Performance Rating Drops Among Independents (Update2) - BusinessWeek

Poll: More people disapprove of Obama job performance than approve | poughkeepsiejournal.com | Poughkeepsie Journal

The US Economic Crisis: Jobs Continue to Vanish While the Media Applauds “Recovery”

Trinitite - What the Heck is this Stuff?

Save DSHEA! « Citizens For Health

Is The Tea Party Movement Trying To Get Rid Of Ron Paul?

02-08-2010: Stop selling unlicensed natural health remedies: pharmacy regulators

Residents Fumed Over Weekend Alcohol, Firearm Ban

More Al-Qaeda Propaganda Courtesy of the Zionist Run SITE Intelligence

02-08-2010: US military vows to stay course in Haiti

*02-08-2010: Iran anniversary 'punch' will stun West: Khamenei

02-08-2010: Biggest Bubble in History Is Growing Every Day

02-08-2010: Mass vaccination planned in Haiti, death toll continues way up

License to Kill? Intelligence Chief Says U.S. Can Take Out American Terrorists

Yemen and The Militarization of Strategic Waterways

Americans Helped Corrupt African Leaders Spend Their Money in the U.S.

Canada: Sales Halt Ordered for Thousands of Natural Health Products

The Terror-Industrial Complex

War, Budgets and Blind Ambition

Obama's Republican Class War Presidency

The "Shock Doctrine" for Haiti


Pentagon Looks to Breed Immortal ‘Synthetic Organisms,’



Vaccination Liberation :Vaccines - Injections Of Death! By Alan R. Yurko





ARTICLE:Kensington Rune Stone Decoded: Vikings, Templars & Goths in America in 1362?


20 Years Ago This Week: The Story Behind Nelson Mandela’s Release In South Africa


U.S. may be Interested in “Blitzkrieg” in Nagorno-Karabakh

What Do Rising Sovereign Credit Default Swaps Mean?

We Need Government Funded Media

Think Government Is Corrupt? You May Face 10 Years In Jail

Will the US Meet Its Waterloo in Afghanistan and Iraq?

AUDIO: Obama's Republican Class War Presidency

When the "War on Terror" Becomes Genocide

The US Economic Crisis: Jobs Continue to Vanish While the Media Applauds “Recovery”

The US Military: A Mindset of Barbarism

War, Budgets and Blind Ambition

CFR: When the Fed Stops Monetizing US Sovereign Debt...

Militarization of the Indian Ocean: China Spurs Navy Fortification in Andaman

Attempted bombing of Flight 253: Terror Suspect Kept Visa to Avoid Tipping off Larger Investigation

1,000 Architects & Engineers Call for a Real 9/11 Investigation

The lynch-mob mentality

Video: FEMA Training Police "Founding Fathers Were Terrorists"

Frightening Taste Of Internet Censorship As Major Free Speech Websites Blocked

ObamaNet: The coming online censorship

Newborns’ DNA Routinely Harvested For Government Bio Banks

House Overwhelmingly Passes "Cyber Security" Bill

Andrew Wakefield, Scientific Censorship, and Fourteen Monkeys

Christmas Day Crotch Bomber tied to Israel, FBI

Oil, gas, gold, copper, etc., in Haiti equals US occupation

The source of the economic crisis: A Chicago state of mind

Lobbyists retreat but never surrender

VIDEO:Government takes and keeps your baby's DNA, even without your consent

Neo-Conned: Ron Paul Explains How the Conservative Movement Has Been Co-Opted by Trotskyites

Some Critics 'Serving the Goals of al Qaeda'

The Dark Brotherhood of the Takers

Police sent on hypnosis courses

Nano-sized silicone implant could power cellphone, pacemaker

The age of the killer robot is no longer a sci-fi fantasy

Food industry 'too secretive' over nanotechnology


*Iran Begins Enriching Uranium as Khamenei Vows to Stun West on Thursday


Gates Wants Iran Sanctions in 'Weeks, Not Months'

Iran's Khamenei: World Will Feel 'Punch' on Feb 11

ADL's Foxman Gives Obama 'F' for Accomplishment

Army Warned about Jihadist Threat in '08

Marines Wait in the Cold for Afghan Offensive

Planned Parenthood Pushes Sex Ed for Kids

Bush Billboard: 'Miss Me Yet'

*State Farm Warned Gov't On Toyota in 2007

First Lady: President Had 'Phenomenal Year'

Cuba Travel Bill Buried in Political Agenda

GOP Wary of Pitfalls in Healthcare Summit

Congressman: Surgical Mishap Killed Murtha

Ben Nelson Joins GOP to Oppose Labor Nominee

Murtha’s Seat a Tossup

UK's Iraq Inquiry Turns Focus to Bush Officials

Obama: Murtha 'Tough-As-Nails' Leader

Obama's Health Care Summit: Just for Show?

Murtha's Attacks on Haditha Marines Enraged Many

The Mufti's Role in the Holocaust

The Pros and Cons of Sarah Palin

Political Correctness Warps History, Aids Terrorism

Michael Jackson Doctor Case Gets Under Way

New Means Needed to Engage Terrorism

Where Will Gitmo 2 Be Located?

How Republicans Will Win the Senate

For Democrats, Lashing Out Beats Accountability

Chinese Ascendancy Could Whack U.S. Economy

Crist: I’m a True Blue Reagan Conservative

Iran to Stop Enrichment If Given Nuclear Fuel

Toyota Recalls Prius, Halts Hybrid Shipments

U.S. to Continue Investigation into Toyota Prius

Chinese Spy Gets More Than 15 Years in Prison

U.S. Baptists' Attorney in Haiti: Clients Innocent

'Choose Life' License Plate Trend Gaining

NLRB Nominee First Test of GOP's Power

Illinois Looking for Lt. Governor Hopefuls

Chavez Hosts Folksy Radio Show

Kim Makes Denuclearization Pledge to China

Antarctica Whiskey Stash Better Than Expected

India Argues Over Genetically-Modified Eggplants

Roubini: Dollar Will Drop 15 to 20 Percent

Cramer: Media, Housing, Drugs Lead New Bulls

Ryding: Unemployment Rate to Stay Above 9 Percent

Try Pine Bark for Hemorrhoid Relief

Myspace Music Experiments With Audio Ads

Drivers, Cars Are Ill-Equipped When Panic Sets in

Ringo Starr Honored With Walk of Fame Star

Third Party’s Platform Must Include Repeal of 16th Amendment


Obama May Censor ’Net In Effort to Shut Down ‘Conspiracy Theorists’

The Planning of War Behind Closed Doors

Secession Is In the Air by Kirkpatrick Sale

Why Does Sarah Palin Want More War? by Karen Kwiatkowski

Mark Faber: Social Obligations Will Lead Western States to Default

The Census Scam by Eric Garris

Mark Halperin Lists Reasons Why Sarah Palin Will Never Be President

For Republicans, No Means No

Deficit Hawks love them some jingoism

Stupid Or Venal? Blue Dogs Want More Spending Cuts

Andrea Mitchell Mocks Sarah Palin's Crib Notes

Krugman: A Vote For A Republican, No Matter What You Think Of Him As A Person, is A Vote For Paralysis

Inside Look At A White House Geared Toward Campaigning, Not Governing

Democrats Still Running Scared on National Security

More bipartisanship? Axelrod and Emanuel please say it ain't so

Good News! G7 Nations Announce They Will Cancel Haiti's Debt

Did CBS lie to us about the Tim Tebow ads to draw national attention to them?

House Democratic power broker Rep. John Murtha, D-PA, dies at 77

Mara Liasson reminds conservatives that Richard Reid was Mirandized without a "hue and cry"

Noonan and Will Make Excuses for the Republicans' Extreme Partisanship

Palin owns the teabaggers now in an attempt to meld them with the GOP

The Spider and the Fly? Obama Extends Yet Another Olive Branch to Republicans

Howard Kurtz uses false equivalency when comparing Glenn Beck's rhetoric to Rahm Emanuel's private conversations

Democracy Now: Robert McChesney and John Nichols on The Death and Life of American Journalism

Specter Gets PA Dems' State Party Endorsement in Senate Primary

SNL goofs on FOX News coverage of DADT

House Democrats Push Back On Social Security Privatization Plan

Palin: 'It Would Be Wise of Us To Start Seeking Some Divine Intervention in This Country Again'

Geithner: We're 'Deeply Serious' About Medicare, Social Security Reform

Awkward!!! Chris Wallace When Asked If Palin Would Be Sitting On His Lap During Interview: "One Can Only Hope"

Administration Again Cuts Funding for Scholarship Program That Helps Low-Income D.C. Kids

Rep. Issa: Was Obama ‘Just Lying to Congress’ on Tort Reform Pledge?

GOP Wary of Pitfalls in Obama's Health Care Summit

Vote on Obama’s Labor Nominee Seen As First Test of GOP's New Political Power

‘Stop Sending Your Spies Here,’ Judge Tells China

Iranian Unity on Anniversary Will Deliver ‘Punch’ to Enemies, Says Supreme Leader

Rep. John Murtha's Intestine Damaged in Surgery at Military Hospital

Homeland Security Collected Information on Wisconsin Abortion, Pro-Life Activists

China Releases Its First National Pollution Census

As Sensitive Anniversary Nears, Iran Needles the West on Uranium Enrichment

U.S. Gives Yale Researcher $3.9-Million in Tax Dollars to Develop ‘Avatar’ Sex-Ed Video Game for Kids

FDA Aims to Curb Radiation-Based Medical Scans

Is the U.S. Swine Flu Epidemic Over?

GOP Wants Obama to Start from Scratch on Health Care Reform

Michael Jackson’s Doctor Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter

Obama’s Christmas Day Cover-Up

SEIU Fat Cats Are Behind First Lady’s Anti-Obesity Campaign

Obama’s Philosophically Fascist State of the Union Address

The Bankrupt PIGS of Europe

Obama v Palin … Palin?

Boehner: We Can't Have Anti-Catholic Bigot in White Hou...

Global market turmoil hints that U.S. recovery may founder | McClatchy

Ellen Brown: AIG-Gate: The World's Greatest Insurance Heist

In a Message to Democrats, Wall St. Sends Cash to G.O.P. - NYTimes.com

U.S Vows To Bury Goldstone Report At UN - International Middle East Media Center

The lessons of Iraq have been ignored. The target is now Iran | Seumas Milne | Comment is free | The Guardian

VDARE.com: 02/03/10 - Markets Fail When Humans Are Unregulated

David Swanson: Top 10 Problems with America Assassinating Americans

Sen. Schumer calls out Napolitano over elimination of anti-terrorist Coast Guard unit

Disinformation Tactics: The Methods Used To Keep You In The Dark « Dprogram.net

YouTube - Gerald Celente on Wall Street (31/1/10) (NWO ECONOMICS SERIES/ Economic Collapse/ USA)

Unprecedented Challenges In Financial History : Welcome To Jim Sinclair’s MineSet

Steve Quayle News Alerts

Greg Evensen -- Citizens, Occupy the Republic: Meet the Enemy Head On

Christians claim hate crimes law an effort to ‘eradicate’ their beliefs | Raw Story

U.N. gun ban faces pre-emptive attack

Germanium Laser Breakthrough Brings Optical Computing Closer | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

Slicing Brains DIY | h+ Magazine

The BRAD BLOG : Exclusive: New York Times Editor 'Stands Behind' Contested 'Pimp' Reporting on James O'Keefe

The BRAD BLOG : 'Sibel Edmonds: The Traitors Among Us' in March Issue of Hustler (Now on Newsstands)

The BRAD BLOG : Tea Bagger Tancredo Yearns for Return of Jim Crow-Era 'Literacy Tests' at Polling Place

The BRAD BLOG : Unaired Exchanges Between Stewart & O'Reilly Demonstrate How Fox 'News' Censored the Interview

The BRAD BLOG : Barney Frank Details How Lies from GOP Fraudsters Like John Fund Actually Work

The BRAD BLOG : The Disturbing Racism of James O'Keefe & the Hilarious Twitter Tantrum of Andrew Breitbart

The BRAD BLOG : Obama's Continuing 'Terror War' Policies, Failure to Deal with Torturers Raise Growing Concerns

The BRAD BLOG : Self-Identified Republicans: ACORN Stole the Election, Palin More Qualified than Obama

The BRAD BLOG : Questions for GOP Propagandist/Con-Man Andrew Breitbart as AP Investigates & NYTimes Fawns...

The BRAD BLOG : O'Keefe/Breitbart: Felony Arrest, Manipulation of U.S. Senator's Phone Not What It Seems

Beer Boosts Bones and Fends Off Osteoporosis

Nullification, Secession, and the Human Scale of Political Order | Tenth Amendment Center Blog

Constitutionally illiterate - baltimoresun.com

The global warming guerrillas

'Conspirata' by Robert Harris - latimes.com

Beer boosts bones and fends off osteoporosis - Telegraph

WH: Some Critics 'Serving the Goals of al Qaeda'* - Political Punch

Daniel Rubin: Another TSA complaint close to home | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/08/2010

The unheralded significance of the Audi ‘green police’ ad | Grist

Top Canadian military official charged with murder

Bobcats Seen Roaming Beach City - Most Popular News Story - WKMG Orlando

Coyotes spotted in Manhattan - NYPOST.com

Google warns Chinese knock-off to stop using logo - Yahoo! News

FT.com / Media - Google prepares Facebook assault

Obama's health care summit: Just for show? - Yahoo! News

President Obama's Antiterror Policies - WSJ.com

Europe could face years-long debt grind

Veteran congressman's death adds to Barack Obama's woes | World news | The Guardian

China PLA officers urge economic punch against U.S. | Reuters

It's Only Temporary | NBC Los Angeles

Michelle Obama Responds to Sarah Palin's Pokes at President Obama - ABC News

Congressional Democrats point finger of blame at Rahm Emanuel - TheHill.com

Russia wants to charge more for rides to space: report

Health care department breaches privacy - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Will Baby Boomers Bankrupt Social Security? - CNBC

Passengers Must Pay for Blankets on American - In Transit Blog - NYTimes.com

CNSNews.com - Administration Again Cuts Funding for Scholarship Program That Helps Low-Income D.C. Kids

CNSNews.com - Rep. Issa: Was Obama ‘Just Lying to Congress’ on Tort Reform Pledge?

CNSNews.com - Vote on Obama’s Labor Nominee Seen As First Test of GOP's New Political Power

CNSNews.com - ‘Stop Sending Your Spies Here,’ Judge Tells China

CNSNews.com - Iranian Unity on Anniversary Will Deliver ‘Punch’ to Enemies, Says Supreme Leader

FLASHBACK:Pitching A Plan Big Time - James Roosevelt Selling The Supreme Court - 1937 | Newstalgia

Hospitals Suffer as Health Care Legislation Stalls - NYTimes.com

Holder's method: The U.S. is getting results by following due process

Debate on war on terror — Our view: National security team fails to inspire confidence - Opinion - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - Murtha: the Virtue and Vice of Congress

Zakaria: China and the U.S. Still Need Each Other - Fareed Zakaria - Newsweek.com

RealClearPolitics - A Rand Revival

The Clinton Voters Jump Ship | The Weekly Standard

The case for climate action must be remade from the ground upwards | Ian Katz | Comment is free | The Guardian

PostPartisan - Why is Obama killing off D.C.'s voucher program?

RealClearPolitics - Education & the Fallacy of "Fairness"

Opposing view: 'We need no lectures' - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Miranda wrongs - NYPOST.com

Recall U.S. Interests In Auto Industry - Forbes.com

Akio Toyoda - Toyota's plan to repair its public image - washingtonpost.com

Republican Party - Salon.com

President Obama Day 386: What's happened to him? | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Back to the Drawing Board - Reason Magazine

Jared Bernstein: Where We Are and Where We Were

RealClearPolitics - Will the D.C. Establishment Wake Up?

Sarah Palin's palm cheat-sheet steals her show

Tea-Party Convention: Lessons on Palin and the Movement - TIME

The perils of economic populism : The New Yorker

Public-sector unions bleed taxpayers | Washington Examiner


*Transcripts:2-7/Guests: John Brennan, Hank Paulson, Alan Greenspan

Interview with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner

Interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

John Yoo on the Treatment of Detainees

Interview with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell (PDF)


*Politics Video:2-9/Andrew Breitbart Gives Keynote At Tea Party Convention

Flashback: Obama: "I Will Never Question The Patriotism Of Others"

First Lady: President Obama Has Had A "Phenomenal First Year"

Democrat Blames Media For Halting Health Care

Rep. Price On Health Care: "Start From Ground Zero"

NBC's Todd: Fox News Trying To "Undermine" MSM

PA-12: Murtha's Death Puts District In Jeopardy

Gov. Rendell Remembers Rep. John Murtha

Bush "Miss Me Yet" Billboard Pops Up In MN

Brit Hume On MSM Reaction To Tea Party

NY-Gov: Paterson Fights Against Accusations

Jon Stewart Mocks Palin's Hand Notes, Tea Party Convention

Maddow: What If Health Reform Doesn't Pass?

O'Reilly: A War Breaks Out Over The Tea Party

Olbermann On Palin's Hand Controversy

Krauthammer: Dems "Need Hearing Aids" Over Rejection Of Health Care


*2-8/Dem Rep. Uses Murtha's Death To Push For Health Care Reform

Sen. Kaufman: Palin Supporters "Don't Follow What's Really Happening" In US

MI-Gov: GOP Candidates Launches Campaign With Super Bowl Ad

"Green Police": Audi Super Bowl Ad Mocks Environmentalists

IL-Lt. Gov: Cohen Tearfully Drops Out Of Race

Scarborough: Conservatives Say Palin Was "Embarrassing"

MSNBC's Mitchell Mocks Palin By Writing Notes On Hand

Obama Does Not Rule Out KSM Trial In New York

Rep. John Murtha Dead At 77

TX-Gov: Palin Campaigns For Rick Perry

Forbes On Obama's Economic Policy, Jobs

Jenny Sanford On Husband's Infidelity


*2-7/Huffington, Hewitt Debate Glenn Beck

Sarah Palin On "FOX News Sunday"

CBS Runs Tebow Ad During Super Bowl

Palin Uses Hand Notes During Q&A At Tea Party Convention

Obama Wants To Move Health Care "Forward"

PA-Sen: Arlen Specter Accepts PA Democratic Party Endorsement

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Sarah Palin & Tea Party

Palin Won't "Close The Door" On Presidency

Brennan "Tiring" Of "Political Football" Over Terror

"This Week" Roundtable On The Uncertain Economy

Clinton Defends Obama's Engagement Strategy On Iran

Gillespie, Myers On Tea Party Activists, 2010 Races

Geithner: Brown Wrong About Stimulus

Rahm Emanuel "Apologizes" On SNL

Shrum: Palin Sounded Like A "Merchant Of Hate"

Paulson, Greenspan On Housing, Budget


Steering Clear of Obama’s Bermuda Triangulation

Are We a Center-Right Nation?

The Right of Recall

Breitbart’s Keynote Address To The First National Tea Party Convention

Drillgate: Internal Emails Shows Obama Team Lying to Public

Frances Fox Piven: Thomas Jefferson Would Be ‘Stunned’ at America Today (But Not For the Reason You Think)

Podcast: Mark Steyn and John Yoo and Rob Long and Andrew Breitbart, Oh My

New Federal Climate Change Agency Forming

Political Alchemy, Part I: Turning Spending Increases into Tax Cuts

Congressman John Murtha Dead at 77

‘Access to Guns,’ Not Jihad, to Blame for Ft. Hood, Says Noted Islamic Scholar

Show ACORN the Money

A Formula for Real Economic Growth: Cut Public Employee Pay by 20%

California’s Costly High-Speed Rail Hoax: Using Borrowed Money to Build a Flawed Train

Breitbart’s Keynote Address To The First National Tea Party Convention

Colbert the Palace Guard: ‘Sarah Palin Is a F–King Retard’

Super Bowl Halftime Show: Time For Baby Boomers to Release Their Cultural Death Grip

Daily Gut: Obama’s Coffin/T-Shirt ‘Moment’

Super and Not So Super Ads: Will.i.am? Green Police?

Michael Jackson: Death By Dependence on Drugs and Sycophants?

Presenting: The Best of ‘The Stage Right Show’

Best of ‘The Stage Right Show’: Feb 1 – Feb 5

Outsourcing The USEPA: An Open Letter To Congress

Breitbart’s Keynote Address To The First National Tea Party Convention

Teachers Unions: The Child Molester’s Best Friend

Morning Thread: Why Don’t Liberals Take Conservatives Seriously?

Evening Thread: What Was All the Fuss About That Tebow Ad, Again?

Who Speaks for Gao Zhisheng and the ‘Desaparecidos’ of China?

‘ABSCAM Jack’ Murtha, RIP

Talk to the Hand, not to the TelePrompter

Max Blumenthal, Equal-Opportunity Hater

Which is the Real ‘Racist’ Party: Fifteen Questions for Democrats

Under Investigation, ACORN Chief Bertha Lewis Quits Working Families Party

Post-Super Bowl Thread: Is The Problem with Democracy Too Much Democracy?

Come On, NARAL, Be Proud of Your Work on Super Sunday

The Mufti of Jerusalem: Architect of the Holocaust

Countdown to ‘Dawn’ — What Will Happen in Iran on Feb. 11?


#Video: Do Speed Cameras Make Valley Roads Safer?

Video: Police: Man Imprisoned Teen Runaway Girl

Video: Sri Lankan Opposition Leader Arrested

Czechs sell time -- in a can

Toyota recall spreads to Prius and beyond

CFB Trenton colonel's charges prompt look at cold cases

Video: Rise & Shine Credit Card

Video: Magic Tricks & Circus Style Feats

Toyota Recalls More than 400,000 Hybrids

Video: Yoga for Couples Feb. 9, 2010

Japan Airlines Says it Will Stick with American

Gulp! Saints Fan Accidentally Swallows Lucky Fleur-de-Lis Earring

O’Reilly Defends Fox News VP Who Slammed MSM Reporting on Tea Party Movment

Stephen Colbert: ‘Sarah Palin Is a F****** Retard’

First Lady: Change ‘Certainly Doesn’t Happen in a Year’

NBC’s Chuck Todd: Fox News Is Trying to ‘Undermine’ Serious Journalists

Leno on Letterman Promo: ‘A Good Joke Is a Good Joke’

Rush to Obama: ‘Come on the Program and Debate Health Care Reform With Me’

Chris Matthews Attacks Palin: ‘Can a Palm Reader Be President?’

27 Days Later: Haitian Man May Have Survived Four Weeks in Rubble

‘Miss Me Yet?’: Mystery Surrounds Who Paid for George Bush Billboard

Passenger High on Pot ‘Messed With Wrong Flight Attendant’

Embattled Illinois Lt. Governor Candidate Makes Tearful Exit From Race

Raw: Russian Men Jump From Five-Story Roof Into Snow Drifts

Rush to Republicans on Health Care: ‘Be Very, Very Careful Here’

Rep. John Murtha Dies at 77

‘We Weren’t Told’: Hoekstra Fires Back at Claim GOP Knew Christmas Bomber Was Mirandized

Dem: Most Palin Backers ‘Don’t Follow What’s Really Happening’

CNN Political Editor Equates Palin’s ‘Handgate’ Notes to Obama’s Teleprompter

Does Chris Wallace Roll His Eyes at End of Palin Interview?

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Writes on Hand to Mock Palin

Raw Video: Fla. Police Cruiser Crashes Into Gate

5 Dead, All Accounted for in Conn. Plant Blast

Israeli Police Battle Palestinians in Jerusalem

Scientists Invent Rice That Doesn't Need Cooking

New Module Will Give 360-degree View to ISS

Raw Video: Biggest-ever 747 Takes Flight

Bullock: 'Meryl's White Trash'

Gary Coleman Pleads Guilty to Criminal Mischief

Stella supports Food, Inc.

Raw: Saints Arrive in New Orleans

Michael Jackson Doctor Pleads Not Guilty

Judge Says Charlie Sheen Can See Wife

Barzee Pleads Guilty to Charge in Smart Case

Balloon Boy Dad Transferred to Work-Release

Criminal Probe Is Launched in Conn. Plant Blast

Raw Video: Jolie Visits Dominican Republic

Jackson doctor denies manslaughter charge

Baby animals arrive

Jacko Doc denies manslaughter

Toyota Recalls 400,000+ Prius

Man Survives 3 Days in Snow on Mountain Dew

Toyota recalls 500,000 cars

Bruce sees "green shoots"

Prosecutors Want Gag Order in Sweat Lodge Case

Czechs retain title as world's keenest beer drinkers

Wife of Minn. Bridge Victim Adopts Haitian Twins

Afghan death toll surpasses Falklands

ShowBiz Minute: Murray, Brangelina, Starr

Pakistan: Gang "Plotted To Bomb Americans"

Plane crash caused by ice

Fans Welcome Saints Back to Big Easy

A Star for a Starr

Student freed after conviction quashed

Alternative vote proposals

Defiant Iran steps up its uranium enrichment

EU parliament backs new European Commission team

S.Africans remember Mandela's monumental release

Widow warns of drink-fuelled violence

Sri Lankan Opposition Leader Arrested

Death tax denied

Police: Man Imprisoned Teen Runaway Girl

Police: Man Imprisoned Teen Runaway Girl

Is Katie Price pregnant?

Travelocity’s ‘Roaming Gnome’ Visits the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Anti-Pope Obama Appointee Sparks Religious Outrage

Blogger Blasts Ron Reagan: ‘Do You Think You’re Making Your Father Proud?’

La Toya Jackson: ‘They Murdered My Brother’

Prius Recall Weighs Over Toyota

Rep. Tom Price: We Should Start Over on Health Care

WFTV: New Opponent Taking on Rep. Grayson Has Money

CBS Cameo: Up Front & on Field for Saints Celebration — James Carville!

Changing His Tune: Super Majority-Less Obama Wants to Televise Health Talks

Palin’s Hand Features ‘Hi Mom’ Message During Texas Speech

NY Governor’s Office Denies Imminent Resignation Due to ‘Scandal’

YouTube - Mark Levin Challenging Caller on Kissinger's New World Order mention.


YouTube - Mark Levin Interview on C-SPAN (Part 1)

YouTube - Mark Levin Interview on C-SPAN (Part 2)

YouTube - Mark Levin Interview on C-SPAN (Part 4)

YouTube - Mark Levin Interview on C-SPAN (Part 3)

YouTube - Mark Levin Interview on C-SPAN (Part 5)

YouTube - Mark Levin Interview on C-SPAN (Part 6)


YouTube - Joe the Plumber interview on Huckabee - Part 1

YouTube - Joe the Plumber interview on Huckabee - Part 2


YouTube - Michelle Malkin on the Mark Levin Show (Part 1)

YouTube - Michelle Malkin on the Mark Levin Show (Part 2)


YouTube - Ann Coulter at CPAC 2009 (Part 1)

YouTube - Ann Coulter at CPAC 2009 (Part 2)

YouTube - Ann Coulter at CPAC 2009 (Part 3)


Debbie Schlussel: More on Yesterday’s DTW Airport Security Breach: What Kaylan Policherla Learned

Debbie Schlussel:Victory: Schlussel Court Win-Loss Record Intact – Defending Hard-Working Americans (Who Escaped Muslim Persecution) Against Nuisance Suits

Debbie Schlussel:Let’s Hear it for Islamic “Tolerance”: This is Our Future–& Already Our Present, America

Debbie Schlussel:Boneheaded: J-No, Obama Shrink Border Patrol, Dump Elite Maritime Security

Debbie Schlussel:Yes, It Was the Best Supe Ad, But . . .

Debbie Schlussel:And AGAIN #57: “Arabic” Man Refuses to Stop @ Airport Screening in Detroit, Causes Security Breach


Lil Wayne Says Goodbye To Fans In Online Video Before He Goes To Jail - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Leno to Letterman: Thanks for Super Bowl ad invite - USATODAY.com

Judge Ellen DeGeneres: "There's been a lot of fun on that panel" - Idol Chatter: American Idol News, Rumors, & Information

Michael Jackson's Family Reacts To Conrad Murray's Manslaughter Charge - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Bonnaroo 2010 lineup leaking out all over the Internet | Brand X | Los Angeles Times

Advertising - Consumer-Created Super Bowl Ads Get Great Reviews - NYTimes.com

YouTube - USA Today's Super Bowl Ad Meter

Sheen charged in alleged Christmas Day assault on wife in Aspen - latimes.com

Howard Stern Blasts FOX40's Paul Robins Over "Idol" Comments - latimes.com

Howard Stern confirms 'American Idol' Simon Cowell replacement talk - Reality TV World - News, information, episode summaries, message boards, chat and games for unscripted television programs

Howard Stern on 'American Idol': Believe it when you see it - Idol Chatter: American Idol News, Rumors, & Information

Focus on the Family got Super Bowl buzz it wanted - USATODAY.com

Perez Hilton -- Charity Case | TMZ.com

President Obama makes bipartisan push for jobs legislation

First lady calls for united effort to fight childhood obesity - CNN.com

Tea Party Activists Craft 'Contract from America' - ABC News

YouTube - Paying Big For Palin

Death of Kerrigan's father is ruled a homicide | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Autopsy: Death of Nancy Kerrigan's father ruled a homicide - ESPN Boston

FOXNews.com - 'Miss Me Yet?' Bush Billboard Leaves Minnesotans Puzzled

FOXNews.com - Murtha's Death Turns Seat Into Likely Battleground

Murtha's death sets stage for competitive race - washingtonpost.com

White House's civil rights concert moved up - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Joan Baez Added To White House Civil Rights Concert Lineup

FOXNews.com - Paterson Shoots Down 'Outrageous' Rumors, Vows to Stay in Office

YouTube - Gov. Paterson says he will not resign

FOXNews.com - Senate Expected to Reject Obama's Labor Board Nominee

Obama calls on Senate to stop blocking nominees | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Scott Lee Cohen fallout: Democrats prepare to pick new lieutenant governor - chicagotribune.com

LAPD: Anti-gang worker killed by graffiti suspect - washingtonpost.com

Gov. Rick Perry calls for tighter border security measures | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Texas Politics | The Dallas Morning News

Political Notes: Perry wants Predator drones patrolling border

Some Queens Locals Question Whether Monserrate Should Remain A Senator - NY1.com

Nuke fears rise as Iran ramps up uranium enrichment - CNN.com

YouTube - Iran's uranium enrichment push draws fresh sanctions calls

Tymoshenko to Challenge Ukraine Election - WSJ.com

BBC News - Leaderless Sri Lankan opposition faces uphill task

New European Leadership Takes on Economic Hurdles - NYTimes.com

BBC News - IED expert dies in Operation Moshtarak

AFP: US envoy highlights 'uncertainty' in Nigeria

Afghan Officials Fear 64 Killed in Avalanches | Asia | English

North Korea nuclear envoy visits China, talks closer | Reuters

Americans Jailed in Haiti Plead for Help From U.S. - NYTimes.com

9 arrested in Jerusalem refugee camp for hurling stones at cops - Haaretz - Israel News

Bismarck Tribune Online - World and National News

Russian patience runs out with Iran - Telegraph

YouTube - Lavrov: Security in Europe in decline

Ampatuan Patriarch Charged in Philippine Killings - NYTimes.com

BBC News - Darfur: Where celebrities love to tread

'Impose crippling sanctions on Iran now'

BBC News - Ballot for Gordon Brown's Iraq inquiry appearance

Yemen getting tougher with Somalis on Qaeda fears - washingtonpost.com

Advice for Sarah Palin and America

Privatize Booze

Haitian Occupation

The Nitze Doctrine: How to ruin a country and possibly the whole damned world.

How to undermine a movement: turn its values on their heads

Palin speech marginalizes Tea Party movement

Jake Towne - John Callahan Clueless on Job Recovery


**Un-frickin-believable: U.S. Military Serving as Chauffeurs, Babysitters for the Pelosi Kids: Receipts That Will Blow Your Mind


Cooling The Kennedy Mystique

Viet Nam, Holder, Obama, and the Christmas Day Terrorist

Populist Constitutionalism and the Tea Party

Obama, Freud, and the American Progressives' Guilt Trip

War for Islamic Sharia Law

Obama's Antidisestablishmentarianism and the Tea Partiers

Who'll Call the Blue Dogs Out?

India walks away from IPCC and its report

Soros influence on Obama politics and policy

When 'denial' is a 'pragmatic' option

NBC in future shock

A Dem political ad conservatives could learn from

Toyota response to crisis an object lesson for business

Blue dogs running for cover over NLRB nominee

Electricity emergency in oil rich Venezuela

Bad news for Dems: Here comes another special election

Another bogus prosecution of our soldiers nixed

They were warned

Liberal Conceit

Federal Overreach and the New States' Rights Movement

No More Rock Stars!

Barack Obama and Corpse Man

Party of 'No'...and Proud

Democrats, Meet Your Biggest Nightmare

I Was a Teenage President

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Top Canadian military official charged with murder

Congressman: Murtha's intestine damaged in surgery

Why the classic New York accent is fading away - NYPOST.com

CNSNews.com - Chavez’s Socialist Worker Militias Swell to 150,000 in Venezuela

Trial begins for man accused of killing two women and boy in ice cream shop - The Denver Post

'Evil' cop killer is sentenced to death

S.F. schools consider costly gay support program

In a Message to Democrats, Wall St. Sends Cash to G.O.P. - NYTimes.com

Lancaster mayor comes under fire from Muslim organization | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Savage outranks O'Reilly among 'top conservatives'

'9/11 bombers are heroes': What Muslim children told Christian teacher 'forced from his job for not tolerating racism' | Mail Online

Living In | Belmont, the Bronx - Living in Belmont, the Bronx - NYTimes.com

Van Jones was honored by Jimmy Carter, RFK daughter

Kerry disguised support for radical Code Pink?

What is missing from 'Game Change'

Hidden document clears hounded Kansas AG

Matthews, Olbermann now openly fighting over Obama


WND Radio / Hear interview that almost got Aaron Klein arrested

WND RADIO Huckabee: Obama should support Israeli strike on Iran

WND RADIO 'Buy, Buy An American Pie'

WND RADIO More Obama showmanship or health-care solutions?

WND RADIO Obama's 'stunning concessions' at health-care summit


Angela McGlowan and Joseph Farah at National Tea Party Convention - C-SPAN Video Library


*Super Bowl XLIV spots

*Top 20 Super Bowl ads ever


BBC News - Iran cuts ties with British Museum over Cyrus Cylinder

PajamaJeans - The Next Snuggie? - StyleList


How Christianity was almost drowned out


*AUDIO /Download:TRUTH2U - Joe Kovacs - The Ten Commandments, bio-energy, and what it means to be made in the image of God - 070210


*American Minute for February 9th:William J Federer's American Minute


YouTube - Dante's Inferno - Super Bowl Commercial

'Satan's video game' makes Super Bowl appearance


Christian speech targeted as 'hate'

ACLU: Instructor Improperly Teaching Religion, Abortion Views as Fact - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Senate votes to add sexual orientation to anti-bias policies | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Van Jones was honored by Jimmy Carter, RFK daughter

Personhood battle moves into courtroom

Pro-Abortion Group Claims Tim Tebow Super Bowl Ad Promotes Domestic Violence

Planned Parenthood Pushes Intensive Sex Education for Kids as Young as 10 - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Obama's new pick: Gov. of state that linked Christians, violence

Obama Hits Lowest Approval Mark - Hotline On Call

Michelle Obama Responds to Sarah Palin's Pokes at President Obama - Good Morning America Exclusive - ABC News

Mystery KC Billboard

Toyota Prius global recall fears spread to luxury Lexus brand - Times Online

NYT: Obama, GOP set for TV health showdown - The New York Times- msnbc.com

Hot Air » Blog Archive » House GOP to Obama: We’ll meet with you about ObamaCare — if you agree to start over

FOXNews.com - Feds Admit They Wrongly Tracked Wisconsin Abortion Groups

Army warned about jihadist threat in '08 - Washington Times

Clinton: Islamist terror is No. 1 threat - Washington Times

NYT: McCain takes on GOP foe by tilting right - The New York Times- msnbc.com

Tea Partier Set For House Bid - Hotline On Call

Former commander of USS Cole considers run against Reid - Breaking News - ReviewJournal.com

Christian churches fed 'Islam lite'

wbur.org » News » Tea Party Activists Unite In Nashville To Protest Obama Leadership

Farah: 'Government wants to be your 1 and only god'

Social networks tread on Google's turf

Electric Planes Could Transform How We Fly | LiveScience


Pentagon Looks to Breed Immortal ‘Synthetic Organisms,’ Molecular Kill-Switch Included | Danger Room | Wired.com

How Botox May Really Keep Us From Feeling Sad - Sharon Begley - Newsweek.com

Thousands of dinosaur footprints uncovered in China - Yahoo! News

Snowpocalypse Seen from Space | LiveScience

Tale of a Would-Be Spy, Buried Treasure, and Uncrackable Code | Magazine

Mystery "X" Stands For "X-traterrestrial" to Some Believers : Discovery News

Doctors Stunned When 3-Year-Old Girl's Brain Tumor 'Disappears' - Incredible Health - FOXNews.com

Passer-by saves man from burning Clare home - The Morning Sun News: Serving Clare, Gratiot and Isabella counties

Trial begins for man accused of killing two women and boy in ice cream shop - The Denver Post

Danny Westneat | 'Mystery worshippers' go online | Seattle Times Newspaper

Daniel Ignacio, suspect in fatal Brooklyn blaze, admits he caused fire, says devil 'possessed' him

Son-slay mom once held in Wyoming - NYPOST.com

Immigrant fears losing citizenship - chicagotribune.com

Swiss cops: man survived 17 hours under avalanche

Italy to jail people who set off avalanches - Telegraph

'9/11 bombers are heroes': What Muslim children told Christian teacher 'forced from his job for not tolerating racism' | Mail Online

Dead man found in landing gear | News.com.au

Beer May Mean Better Bones, Study Hints - ABC News

Nicolas Sarkozy's father paints Carla Bruni - Telegraph

Coroner: No investigation into sleep study patient's death | ajc.com

Train traps Callahan woman in her yard | Jacksonville.com

Right to access to ancient Martha’s Vineyard pathway settled in court - The Boston Globe


*VIDEO:Are you, too, Obama's 10th cousin?


1-2 punch: Bernanke and the debt ceiling

The fallacy of 'fairness'

A different kind of pro-life battle

Lashing out beats accountability

Frank Rich and the state of liberal commentary

Didn't Katie Couric ever learn to share?

Entrepreneurship: What it takes

More threatened by hordes of polar bears

The Art of the Lie | Personal Liberty Digest


Download:Sunday 2/07/10 Aaron Klein interviews George Galloway

Download :Sunday 2/07/10 Aaron Klein interviews Governor Huckabee

Download :Aaron Klein interviews the spokesman for Hamas


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

» Get Over It: ‘Birtherism’ Is Not Journalism - Big Journalism

Is Constitution important or not?

American Thinker: Another Look at Obama's Origins

Obama acknowledges his problem

'I don't know whether Obama's a U.S. citizen'

GOP Whines About Health-Care Summit, NY Times Says 'There, There!'

"When the 'War on Terror' Becomes Genocide"


*Goldman Sachs Wants You to Pay-by-the-Mile to Drive on U.S. Roadways


Obama Administration: Critics Are Aiding Al Qaeda

Ping - Hiring Tweeters and Bloggers to Send Ads - NYTimes.com

AP Article Fuels Iran War Hysteria -- News from Antiwar.com

CANOE -- Technology: P.E.I. teen banned from Internet

China PLA officers urge economic punch against U.S. | Reuters

AP Pulls Iran Nukes Story After Antiwar.com Exposé « Antiwar.com Blog

U.S. missile defence plans aimed at Russia, top military official says - thestar.com

Tel Aviv’s hydra-headed monster « Aletho News

Tea Party movement takes aim at Ron Paul | Raw Story

Obama effectively ends U.S.-manned space flight | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Millionaire gives away fortune which made him miserable - Telegraph

OpEdNews - Article: Globalization Is Killing The Globe: Return to Local Economies

Think Progress » Bolton: Either Iran Gets Nukes Or ‘Israel Or Somebody Else Uses Military Force To Stop It’

YouTube - PSU Professor John Hall Outs Jewish Agent Provocateur, Gets Banned

The Myth of the Good War: America in World War II


Feb. 8, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Feb-08, Monday

Alex Jones - 2010-Feb-07, Sunday

02/08 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 02/08/2010





*DICK ACT of 1902 . . . CAN'T BE REPEALED (GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN) The Trump Card Enacted by the Congress Further Asserting the Second Amendment as Untouchable >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com



*Senate Bill: H.R.3590


H.R.3962-hH.R.3590/Comparison Chart:Health System Reform Legislative Summary Chart of Major Provisions
