"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

05 September 2009

Saturday(click for music page)


BBC NEWS | Technology | Google books deal battle heats up

BBC NEWS | Technology | Turning the page on Google books

BBC NEWS | UK | Calls to tighten data abuse laws

BBC NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | Libya leader's green-tinted spectacle

BBC NEWS | UK | England | North Yorkshire | Man held over fatal arson attack

BBC NEWS | Americas | Top Bush-era lawyer 'can be sued'

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | US 'concern' over N Korea uranium

BBC NEWS | Americas | Life for US soldier's Iraq crimes

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Funeral held for India politician

BBC NEWS | Business | WTO rules on huge plane dispute

BBC NEWS | Health | Antibodies 'may aid HIV jab hunt'

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Google trick tracks extinctions

BBC NEWS | Business | G20 proposes curb on bank bonuses

BBC NEWS | Europe | Macedonia boat sinking 'kills 19'

BBC NEWS | Americas | Thousands stage anti-Chavez demos

BBC NEWS | South Asia | New Afghan 'poll frauds' emerge

BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Straw admits Lockerbie trade link

BBC NEWS | Health | Contraception myths 'widespread'

34 Million People Have Been Harvested

The Associated Press: Chavez tells Israelis to disobey 'genocidal' govt

Iowa Contemplates 'Forced Confinement' In A 'Quarantine Facility'

Washington Times - WH withdraws call for students to 'help' Obama

MSNBC removes Buchanan column defending Hitler | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Did Hitler Want War? « Patrick J. Buchanan – Official Website

Lubbock woman sues President Obama - KFDA - NewsChannel 10 / Amarillo, TX: newschannel10.com

Frosty Wooldridge -- Multiculturalisn: Snake-Bitten America's Ultimate Dilema

Richard C. Cook » Blog Archive » American Monetary Institute 2009 Conference: “We Shall Prevail”

BP lobbied Jack Straw before he changed mind over Lockerbie bomber - Times Online

Fragment from world's oldest Bible found hidden in Egyptian monastery - Africa, World - The Independent

Tough new controls for everyday painkillers that can become addictive after THREE days

Predicting Worse Ahead From The US Economic Crisis

Obama's speech to kids causes uproar in schools | Detroit Free Press | Freep.com

Pastor fatally shot by police in drug sting - CNN.com

Obama’s Mind-Control Speech To America’s Students | Real Zionist News

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | We're all mutants, say scientists

savethemales.ca - Divide and Conquer - The Rothschilds' Gypsy Strategy

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Herbs 'can be natural pesticides'

**All In One Chunk - 9/11 Basic Questions-WRH 9/11 Index-Questions for Michael Moore


Attorney Representing Amerivet Securities Makes Claim FINRA Insider Confirms Investment in Madoff | Sense on Cents

Candidate for New Jersey governor calls for second 9/11 Commission - pressofAtlanticCity.com : Latest News

Job market unlikely to recover until 2014 - Stocks & economy- msnbc.com

Panel Rules Against Ashcroft in Detention Case - NYTimes.com

Parents Get Out of the Way -- We Want Your Children

Rise of Reason » The inherent problem with socialized health care

no third solution » Blog Archive » “No One Should Die Because They Can’t Afford Health Care”

My Passive Aggressive Response to YouTube Yanking My Cybersecurity Video | bytestyle.tv

- 42% of Parents Don't Want their Children Watching Obama Speech

Proposed Power Corridor Raises Eminent Domain Concerns in Six States | bytestyle.tv

cryptogon.com » Archives » Pot Pirates

Lockerbie: Megrahi Was Framed by John Pilger -- Antiwar.com

Why 'GQ' Doesn't Want Russians To Read Its Story : NPR

Maliki Points Finger at Syrian Government for Baghdad Bombings -- News from Antiwar.com

Dissident Voice : Power, Illusion, and America’s Last Taboo

Wal-Mart Goes Paperless for Payments - FOXBusiness.com

The Praxeology* of the Drug War: Who Knew? by Wilton D. Alston

How the Feds Got Into the Pot Prohibition Business by Paul Armentano

Refreshing News: Computers Decipher Ancient Texts for a Google-Like Database

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Forget Van Jones, The Majority Of Americans Question 9/11

YouTube - September 11th First Responders Testimony

Goon Squad: Pentagon plans for drugging 'agitated' citizens

09-05-2009: US Homeland Security begins hoarding personal data

09-05-2009: Forced Catheterization Used In DUI Case

09-05-2009: Augmented Reality Soon to Change Our View of the World

09-05-2009: Japan Wants To Power 300,000 Homes With Wireless Electricity From Space

09-05-2009: Fort Lee Troops And Police Take On Protesters in "Anti-Terrorism" Drill

09-05-2009: MSNBC Hosts: Inhofe's Obama Criticism Raises Risk Of Crazy Person Taking Out The President

09-05-2009: Obama Regulation Czar Advocated Removing People's Organs Without Explicit Consent

09-05-2009: Is the Taliban on the U.S. Gov. Payroll?

09-05-2009: Geithner Wants Global Bank Deal Before 2010

09-05-2009: Canada to stage mock Afghan attack in Washington

09-05-2009: WHO Admits to Releasing Pandemic Virus into Population via Mock-Up Vaccines

09-03-2009: Monsanto? Sustainable? Water bully, I'd say

Proposed formula for health care would raise over-65 poverty to 18.6%

Mind The Gap- The Widening, Worsening Pay Gap Between the CEO and the American Worker

Trucks Carrying Nuclear Weapons Around The Country Revealed (PHOTOS)

We Have met The Nazis, And They Are Us

The War on (Blank)

WH, Dept of Education Revise Language on Students Outlining How they Can "Help the President"

History Lesson

On Facebook, MySpace? Obama's got your e-mail

Pastor Anderson on Alex Jones Tv

As 9/11’s 8th anniversary approaches

CIA used Blackwater-linked mercenaries as journalists

The Afghanistan-Pakistan War: Obama’s Vietnam?

Scientific Technique and the Concentration of Power

The Great "Global Crisis of Maturity" and the New World Order

Google 'evangelist' sees web, brain implant link

Where tech and philosophy collide

Sen. Mark Warner: ‘No Place In Constitution That Says Health Care’

Obama Regulation Czar Advocated Removing People’s Organs Without Explicit Consent

Majority of Americans Would Qualify for Federally Subsidized Health Insurance Under Health-Care Bill

Health Bill Will Hike Medicare Drug Coverage Premiums 20 Percent, Says CBO

Obama’s Speech on Health Care ‘A Sharp Test of Leadership, AP Says

Populist Says Healthcare Debate A Ruse to Cover Corporate Welfare

Here’s What Israel Is Really Costing American Taxpayers

Globalists Will Not Give Up on Takeover of US Roads

Mainstream Media Didn’t Tell You Bob Novak Opposed Israeli Power


Who Is Behind Barack Obama’s Rise to Stardom?

CIA doctors face human experimentation claims | World news | guardian.co.uk

Mineweb - GOLD ANALYSIS - China pushes silver and gold investment to the masses

Benjamin Powell, Sell the Streets | Library of Economics and Liberty

The Legacy of Progressivism | Foundation for Economic Education

Health-Care "Reformers" Duck the Hard Questions

Let Us Awake Now

It's Time to Get Passionate About Not Voting

Law and Ethics: Unrelated

Crop Seeding in America

Obama Urged to Rally Support for War - WSJ.com

Silent No More? Conservative Books and Blogs on the Rise - Political News - FOXNews.com


SFGate: Politics Blog : White House lukewarm on Van Jones after his "9/11 Truth" petition signature surfaces -- but Newsom "stands by him

White House stands by 'truther' Van Jones - TheHill.com

Al Qaeda-Linked American Terrorist Unveiled, as Charges Await Him in U.S. - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

The Associated Press: Texas DNA exonerees find prosperity after prison

Police: Mom leaves injured daughter after causing crash | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/04/2009

Latin American Herald Tribune - Mexico Denounces Growing Intolerance Toward Mexicans in U.S.

Harris County sheriff under fire for Al Jazeera access to jail | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Is there a right to opinion?

Obama's Orders Requireth Haste

Remember the Golden Oldies, Dr. Emanuel

By the Book: How Democracies Perish

The Big 'Green' Picture

ObamaCare: Establishing God's Kingdom on Earth

Visas for Cubans but not Hondurans

Imagine Van Jones in a GOP White House

Obama may try to create crisis atmosphere to pass health care

Van Jones story finally goes mainstream

'Which part of the Constitution says you get to take over health care?'

Yale Law School and Why Van Jones went There

Time to End the Hyphenated American Thing

Obama Should Release His Transcripts

Camelot and Obamalot

ObamaCare -- Or Else!

Lies about Bush's record on science

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama Website Calls Opponents “Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists”

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Kucinich renews call for Afghan withdrawal after botched airstrike

*Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Which Flation Will Get Us?

Iran dismisses bomb studies intelligence as forged | U.S. | Reuters

CDC Warns Neurologists To Watch For Nerve Disease Following Swine Flu Shots

*Psychology Today Hit Piece Labels Conspiracy Thinking A Psychotic Illness

Sheehan: Wars Barely Register in U.S. National Psyche

Greenpeace Leader: There is urgent need for the suppression of economic growth in U.S...'Lifestyle of the rich in the world is not a sustainable model'

Former High-Ranking Intelligence Officer: Cheney Responsible for 9/11

Will National ID Protect Us From Identity Theft?

Obama May Need Sense of Crisis to Revive Health-Care Overhaul - Bloomberg.com

Charles Krauthammer - Obama's Magic Evaporates in the Heat of the Health-Reform Debate

Liberals push Obama to make gov't-run health care

Website says to carry bin Laden present to Muslims | International | Reuters

Gibbs: Furor over school speech is 'silly season'

Critics march against Chavez across Latin America - Yahoo! News

Ahmadinejad, Chavez back 'revolutionary' nations

White House tight-lipped about Obama adviser - Yahoo! News

Pence calls on Van Jones to resign - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Breitbart.tv » Van Jones: Only ‘Suburban White Kids’ Shoot Up Schools

Breitbart.tv » Van Jones Uses ‘Ebonics’ to Do Lively Imitation of George Bush on Crack

FT.com / Technology - Google’s head of China resigns

Barack Obama, Explainer-in-Chief | The American Prospect

Peggy Noonan: Coruscating on Thin Ice - WSJ.com

Republicans’ shameless senior moment - The Boston Globe

RealClearPolitics - Presidents Walk Fine Line When Talking to Schools

Dana Milbank - If Death Panels Were Real, This Measure Might Need One

National Journal Magazine - The Other Health Care Story

RealClearPolitics - Obama Has Failed to Answer the Difficult Questions

RealClearPolitics - The Jobless Recovery

Obama Green Jobs Adviser Under Fire for 9/11 Petition - Political Hotsheet - CBS News


RealClearPolitics - ObamaCare Would Increase Costs, Wait Times

Congressmen John Shadegg and Pete Hoekstra: How to Insure Every American - WSJ.com

Healthcare didn't have to go this way | Salon

Controversial Obama Administration Official Denies Being Part of 9/11 "Truther" Movement, Apologizes for Past Comments* - Political Punch

Parents' outrage preview of Obama TV Sept. 8?

Flashback 1991: Gephardt Called Bush's Speech to Students 'Paid Political Advertising' | NewsBusters.org

Et tu, Barack?: Czar 'continues to work for administration'

Van Jones: 'Resist' against police

'Political realignment' through social networking

Obama czar: U.S. was 'apartheid regime'

Obama czar: Bush may be behind 9/11

U.S. website for U.N. restores flag

White House to fly Red Chinese flag

Democrats' 9/11 plan: Blast 'right-wing' terror

Parents dub Sept. 8 'Keep Your Kids at Home Day'

CNN Political Ticker: Sources: White House considers drafting health care bill « - Blogs from CNN.com

Democrats consider setting 'trigger' for government healthcare -- latimes.com

Rangel Plays Race Card, Says Obamacare The Victim - wcbstv.com

Lawsuit challenges state ban on Bible

EXCLUSIVE: CIA asks Justice to probe leaks of secrets - Washington Times

Teabaggers' town-hall target describes the growing 'verbal violence'

Fun with Rep. Paul Ryan

Now It's the Prime Borrowers Who Are In Deep Trouble From The Recession.

CNN's Roberts and Martin Confront Jim Greer Over His Fear Mongering on Obama's Speech to Students

Joe Scarborough on GOP Fear Mongering of Obama's Speech: Get Your Ratings But You're Screwing Your Political Party

Talking to Schoolchildren? Okay When Uncle Ronnie Explained Why Low Taxes Were Key to Freedom!

Anthony Weiner: We Already Have a Ten Year Trigger in the Existing Bill

Chuck Todd Can't Figure Out Why Hissy Fits Succeed

216,000 Jobs Lost in August, Unemployment up .3% to 9.7%

Ed Schultz: GOP Hypocrisy on Health Care- Using Bethesda Naval Hospital for Their Own Surgeries

The "Insurance Companies Support Health Care Reform" Gambit

Glenn Beck: Art Critic

Gold Is Speaking by J. Mike Oliver

One Man in a Million by George F. Smith

Tire Protectionism: We All Must Pay by Gary D. Barnett

James Quinn: It Started With Ron Paul - GoldSeek.com

The looming political war over Afghanistan - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

An Iranian Kurd Hearts Paul Craig Roberts by Kirk W. Tofte

Sentenced to death on the NHS - Telegraph

Unexplained phenomenon: Why we are captivated by UFOs | World news | guardian.co.uk

Spacecraft Could Save Earth from Asteroids

Britain's most celebrated UFO sighting was a 'lorry full of fertiliser' - Telegraph

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Quantum computer slips onto chips

Man gains normal eyesight after stroke at 70 - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Pain-free animals could take suffering out of farming - science-in-society - 02 September 2009 - New Scientist

Bulgarian Archaeologists Find Relics of Medieval Saint at Perperikon

*Lab-grown meat - CopperWiki

Van Jones: 'Resist' against police

'Political realignment' through social networking

Obama czar: Bush may be behind 9/11

Barbecue, Bible and Abe chase racism from Mississippi rib joint - CNN.com

Enemies of freedom declare war on airwaves

Hired! One laid off worker found a job on Twitter - Sep. 4, 2009

How readers save $$$ every month - Getting rewarded (1) - Money Magazine

Slam the brakes on gov't hijacking

Preserving abundance

Highway to Hell

Beware of agents provocateur

Democrats' despicable duplicity

Needed: Men who are true to their families

N. Korea, Russia have SDI, but America can't?

Get out the tar and feathers

The benefits of settin'

Go ahead – be heavenly minded

By Any Means Necessary

Obama's 'controlled burn'

This is no time for trust – except in God

USA Today rejoices in man-cession, hails rise of gender equality

Swedish government funds porn film - Telegraph


*American Minute for September 5th:William J Federer's American Minute*


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Official Obama nativity story continues to unravel


**World ;Video/Gates on Afghanistan

Brown on Afghanistan: "We Cannot Walk Away"

Tensions Still High in Xinjiang

Argentine Anger over Iran Cabinet Picks

Markets ;Video/The Smart Money is Preparing for a Market Downturn

Taxing Rich No Way To Reduce Deficit

5 Reasons the Economy is Going to Boom

JetBlue's Growth Challenge

Leveling the Playing Field: Equal Speed Trading

Politics; Video/Obama Weekly Address: Labor Day and Fair Rewards for Hard Work

Weekly Republican Address On Affordable Health Reform

Sen. Bond Calls For Investigation Into Van Jones

James Carville To Obama: Stop Giving Consideration To Right Wing Nutjobs

Rep. Price On Health Care: Need For Speech Shows How Opposed People Are

Gibbs: Van Jones Continues To Work In Administration

Rep. Weiner: Obama Hasn't Led On Health Care

Gregory: Obama Must "Drive" The Process

Gibbs: Obama Hasn't Pitched A "No Hit" Game On Health Care

Obama Green Czar Van Jones: U.S. Was "Apartheid Regime"

Rachel Maddow: Gay Marriage Is A "Defense Of Marriage Act" In Mass.

Obama's Education Address Gets Angry Backlash

Karl Rove: Van Jones Is A "Foul-Mouthed Lunatic"

Keith Olbermann: Obama Could Have Primary Challenge If Public Option Is Dropped

Reid Attack Ad Asks "Who Is Looking Out For Nevada?"


**Transcripts:200 Days of the American Recovery Act

Panel on House Liberals & the Public Option

Interview with Tom Ridge

Senator Jon Kyl on Tort Reform

Obama's Remarks on H1N1 Preparedness

Roundtable Debates Afghan Strategy

Tom Ridge Talks About His New Book

Analysts Discuss Afghanistan Strategy

Panel on Cheney and the CIA Debate

Mass. Lawmakers Discuss Kennedy Succession

Interview with Liz Cheney

Bloomberg's Interview with Secretary Gates


Site:MyRecipes.com - Find the Best Recipes, Dinner Ideas, and Menus

Site:101 Cookbooks - Healthy Recipe Journal


*One Reed Publications: Articles

*One Reed Publications: 2012

Site:The Maya Astronomy Page

Site:Mesoamerican Archaeoastronomy by James Q. Jacobs

Site:Alignment 2012 - John Major Jenkins

Site: Obsidian Butterfly

Site:NCGR - National Council for Geocosmic Research - Astrology, Education, Research

Site:Mountain Astrologer ;(magazine)




The Arrivals pt.1 (intro)

The Arrivals pt.1 (Proof from the Holy Quran)

The Arrivals pt 2 ( mind control feat George Carlin )

The Arrivals pt.3 (children's mind control)

The Arrivals pt. 4 (Proof of the Antichrist's arrival)

YouTube - The Arrivals pt . 5 (architecture & energy)

The Arrivals pt. 6 ( The Battle of Human Energy)

The Arrivals pt. 7 (Pharaohs of Today)

The Arrivals pt. 8 (Shocking Evidence of the Pharaohs)

The Arrivals pt 9 (Hashemsfilms)

The Arrivals pt. 10 (The New Worldly Order)

The Arrivals pt 11 (Musical Sorcery)

The Arrivals pt.12 ("Light up the darkness")

The Arrivals pt.13 (Lady in Red)

The Arrivals Pt 14 Hollywood Malay

The Arrivals pt.15 (Hollywood & The Promised Land)

The Arrivals pt.16 (The Media & Islam)

The Arrivals pt.17 (War on Terror)

The Arrivals pt. 18 (The Hypocrisy of Democracy)

The Arrivals pt.19 (The UFO Phenomena)

The Arrivals pt.20 (The Ufo Phenomena)

The Arrivals pt.21 (What Is Yet To Come)

The Arrivals pt.22 (Our Satanic Pop Culture)

The Arrivals pt.23 (Materialism & The Battle Within)

The Arrivals pt.24 (Freedom Unplugged)

The Arrivals pt.25 (The Antichrist/Dajj al Is Here)

The Arrivals pt.26 (The Antichrist/ Dajjal is Here)

The Arrivals pt.27 (Why Satanism is Practiced by Our Leaders)

The Arrivals pt28 (Why Satanism is Practiced By Our Leaders)

The Arrivals pt.29 (The Truth About The Gods)

The Arrivals pt.30

The Arrivals pt.31 (The Great Deception)

The Arrivals pt.32 (The Most Valuable Truth)

The Arrivals pt.33 (The Choice is Yours)

The Arrivals pt.34 (The Infiltration of Religion)

The Arrivals pt.35 (The Temple of Solomon)

The Arrivals pt. 36 ( The Story of Jesus)

The Arrivals pt.37 (The Sun God)

The Arrivals pt.38 (The Story of Islam)

The Arrivals pt.39 (the prophets lineage)

The Arrivals pt 40 (The Common Ground)

The Arrivals pt.41 (The Bloodlines)

The Arrivals pt.42 (The Gatekeepers)

The Arrivals pt.43 (The Symbolism of 9-11)

The Arrivals pt.44 (The Significance of The Kaaba)

The Arrivals pt.45 (The Kaaba & the 9-11 Ritual)

The Arrivals pt.46 (The Complete Human)

The Arrivals pt.47 (The Free Human)

The Arrivals pt.48 (The Arrival of the Mahdi)

The Arrivals pt.49 (The Arrival of the Dajjal)

The Arrivals pt.50 (The Arrival of Jesus The Messiah)

The Arrivals pt.51 (Outro)


Michael Savage 09/04/09 H1

Michael Savage 09/04/09 H2

Michael Savage 09/04/09 H3

09/04 The Mark Levin Show

09/03 The Mark Levin Show

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 31st With William Lewis

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 1st With Mike Rivero

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 2nd With Rep. Jim Guest

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 3rd With Mancow Muller

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – September 4th With Joe Berlinger


*World Net Daily Player:Democrats' secret weapon: Michael Dukakis?

*World Net Daily Player:Stimulus-created jobs 'drop in the bucket'


65pgs./Everyday Anarchy

73pgs./The Tyranny of Illusion

134pgs/Universally Preferable Behaviour; A Rational Proof of Secular Ethics

378pgs/Real-Time Relationships ;The Logic of Love

143pgs./Practical Anarchy